IN EASTERN NORTH ninni ina ' CHURCH ? Rer. pa.tor. ol. 9:4? >. m? Mr. 8. Mv: 1 a. m., sermon Threshold of An worahlp, 7:$o p. m? ?or * Gauntlet riun* afternoon at 4 Tuesday ?f. v* ?yormeet ? Wtdwwuj evening. there will be a welcome wrric, to the new paator of the Flrat , hur< h Iter R. H. Broom. - 1 HT. PSTBR'S CHfR?-H?Her. S There will be no midnight service at this church tonight as la the us ual custom. Morning prayer will he aald on Sunday at 11 o'clock and at night . ' >i Therc will be a mid-day eelebra i tlon of the Holy Communion. The * Rev. John R. Harding, D- D.t of Itlca New York, will pi^ach at both the morning and evening service. Good music. All Invited td attend any and all services. Sunday 8choo! meets at 3 o'clock, E. K- WlUls. J\, superintendent . 1' " wf - . I FIRST MCTHOD1ST CHITRTR. ~ Regular services in this - hurch Sunday morning and evening at th* usual hours. Preaching by the pas tor. Sunday school meets at 3 o'clock! E. R. Mixon, superintendent; H. C Carter, Jr., assistant superintendent. All Invited to attend any and all services. Good music. >' -jM . ? ?? ? PRKSBYTBRIAX CHURCH ?- Rev! H. B. 8earight, pastor. Morning service and celebration of Sacrement of Lord's Sapper at 11:00. Sermon by the pastor, ?ab ject: "Glorying In th? Cross of ChrtaL" Evening service at usual hour. A New Ymr sermon oa "Lost Oppor tunity." ;.;.v . v ? , I Special music. : -- i CHRISTIAN CHURCH?Rer. Robt V. Hope, paator Preach I a* at II a. m. and 7:t? p. S Bible ochoo). 1 p. m . A. F. Our aanue. .uperlatendent. I Prayermeetlni Wadnaaday rrealn* at the anal hour. / I Speetal HMk Sunday moraine and I e Tenia*. All inelted to any and all ?m-hom. awjS npii, mm -SS? r*e Pro?ram at the Flrat Baptlat Irch laat nl?ht waa well nander ^ and much enjoyed Hrery on. took the part aaalgned to them la a splendid manner. Especially ]?!? Ia? ?l. the part aoUtled "utile <%"??'> Candlee." ^ I Erery member of, the Sunday ? j-hool. Homo Department, end Cra "?? Roll waa remember*! T?l f , M*? la full of up. and down.. but .unfortunately most of ua are down ^Ume than up. )N PKSIK81 ? ? W. C. T. V. Held ? M ! im.r M<-.tlng Thl. ?Wk-TV fcaw They 1W.IK t.. !?? 1 ?? ? U> Kor W-.shln*. At the ractat meeting of tho Wo man'. Christian Temperan. Union one of th? f*ature? of the meetlnc waa the talk of Rar. Natbanli-I Hani inn. rector of the E^lacopal afcnrcb. thla dty. Thli organisation, among other thla*. la making an 'Sort to bar. th. curfaw law eatabll.hed In Waahlngton and It thla la don* a mat wrk will bave been acco Tha following letter over the .1* nature of Rev Nathaniel Harding, baa bean addreeaed to lira. H. W. Carter, th? president of the Union liare, tbat will prove of Interest to. all oar reader*. , It follow*: lira. H. W. Carter. Preatdent W. C. ?*.?; ir. My Dear Madam: Allow me flrat of all. to expreas tc^ou my high ap preciation of tbe good work which the w. C. T. U. haa accomplished and my sincere sympathy with the laudable object* they atill hf^e In view. It muat be to you and to ?vary member of yotir organisation satisfaction to feel that ?a have been able to do, bn* been affected not.through any selflsh mo tives but for the help, reformation and uplift of that unfortunate clasn that have fallen under thc domino tlon of strong drink and Who arc to b? pitied rather than censured. Tour organisation aa Its name de no tea seeks to eradicate and to ov ercome the eyils and lqtemoerance by *** r JatflA*tJao of Cb?sfltfn ffrlnrlpT?s anajc^ feel that should have the open artcated leader of thla city, and the dlrectora or the mother church in Boeton. Th, opponent, of lira. Stetion admitted todty that the chnrch la mow confronted by a grave crlala. i. Mra. Stetaoa'a declaration that ahe expecta the reeurrectlon of .Wr?. Ed dy la the fleeh la expected to wla over to her many of thoee who hate bee* watering alnce the death of the iwl a fooider. . , ' .- w 7.i 4 Mr*. Stetson has the complete support of her whole following to New York City and they are unani mous In their claim that the In the logical successor ?f .Mrs. Eddy. They accepted the declaration of Mrs. Stetson that Mrs. Eddy, like Jeans Christ, arise from her grave and assume the corporeal habtta ments of etery day life and again become the guiding control. of ! die chqrch. ?>!??"? ?. . r- -, xJ The material heads of the moth er church .in Boston?the board of directors and comptrollers of the af fairs of the first church, deny Mrs. Stetson's Interpretation of the prin ciples of the new faith. Here are the main point* In Mrs. Stats6n's official pronunciamento, which Is the first big gun fired by her ; In her campaign..' , ^.idWfcs illleelem ^V it "pluT. TGf? ia the end ofnhe gospel sge. Mrs. Eddy, who was the female Christ will return to earth. I am watching and waiting for tho manifestation of Mrs. Eddy In the semblancc of a, hu man form, it may come today, it may come next week, it may not come for ten years, but it will sure ly come, and its. coming wil lbe hast ened if an attempt is made to change the rule of Christian Science as it appears in. the , manual of the church." This open declaration of belief in the immortality of Mrs. Eddy has (Aused the greatest religious sensa i?cn of a decade. Her opponents are already rallying to depute hor claim of leadership by repudiating the doc trine of the resurrection as she has set It forth. To do this they present the writ ings of Mrs. Eddy herself. In an Interview given out by Alfred Far low, head of the publication commit tee of the Christian Science Chnrch, ke ?ky?: : * "> "In her own writings Mrs. 'Eddy expressed herself as , inexplicably ?hocked at the suggestion of any comparison between herself and Je sus Christ. Many years ago she caus ed to be published tkls sUtapdab " *A dispatch Is given to me call ing for an Interview to answer for myself, am H second Christ? Even the question shocks me. What I am Is for /Ood to declare fri his Infinite mercy. As It is I claim nothing move than what I ate. the discoverer and founder of Christian Science p.nd the blessing It haa been to man kind which eternity unfolds."' - The foliqwers of Mrs, Stetiian pro fess that when Mm. Eddy again comes to life, she wMl aHy herself jrltb their forces and that the pres ent antUStetson division of the church will b? dissolved. :X$' Mrs. Stetson herself declares that ovsry day she'Is receiving communi cations and reports of demoralisa tion In tke field of Christian Scleuco. Her message to tk* world declar ing that theee to the church who resurrection of the late like dlfclplos who doubt* of the Savior, forerunner of Llcatlon for t >'V The Re* me nan ofi They WUI Take 4fee Honduraa regular I defeated In a shari revolutionary arfnj Chrlatmaa. the fortune. and General president of Honduras' i ela are now mortal l Tegulcalpa, the capital Inf to a private cable bare today from r_3 No o racial advtcea* 1 received confirming the r battle or giving < | ' .Tfter, In the rank* of tka i it la believed lhat the capMM^Ttll fall befor* a week baa elapsed. Prwi dnt Davllla baa taken pretavU6ns to guard the capital against Msault by throwing up Ing cannon, but theae (tuna are old and of the smoothbore type, while the revolutionists are equippttt with machine guns and plenty of ammu nittaa. The Guatemalan government foam it will be drawn into the conflict in Konduraa and la now maaalng t*oops at Laa Quebrades on tke frontier. I The Hondnran gunboat Tatumbla. which haa been oat seeking 1 flllibuater Hornet, retailed , today wltllbut getting any t the myaterloua ahip. | The Tatumbla waa anchl the harbor front today 4 i [people such a feeling of security I that many refugees who feared that 1 ? the Hornet would attack Pureto Cor-1 I tez from ? the harbor, returned to | I their homes. | Stetson in the following words: "Yon cannot hold the Christian ? Science church responsible for any I thing Mrs. Btetscn says and the pub I lie chould not hold it up againat the Ichunfti. "Mrs. Stetson is excommunicated I?outside the church, dhe has noth I lng at all to do with its affairs." THE PLOTTERS IDE DISCOVERED London, Dec. SO.?The Daily Chronicle states that on* of the the ories that is being considered by the police regarding the discovery of a bomb factory in the Bast End oi? Tuesday is that It is connected "with a plot Intended to develop at the [time of King George's coronation 1 Th* polic6 authorities attach the greatest Importance to their latest discoveries In connection w!> Houndsditch crime, In which three policemen were killed .burglars found trying to break into a Jewell* In addition to, a fully equipped 'bomb factory agd all \hf latest ap pliances of expert cracksmen, tbe> also claim to hare found documents proving that tbe assassins belong to a desperate, highly organised inter national gang of world-wide ramifi cations. - ' V^ l Among those documents are said to be letters revealing a sensational plot a ad containing a great msfci of information concerning the plans of the ararchlsts in London and in the Continental capital*. ( V ? ^ The gang is known to have had a meeting place In Paris from which its operations probably were direct #f53l i Meeting To h, HrW U AM?, /JM ?r, Farm?r?' Institutes will be held at Aurora, Friday January It; Wash la?to?. SftuoUj. January 14 (from j 10 o'clock a. m. to 3 p." m.); Pante go, Monday. January1 16. beginning at 10:30 o'clock ' ?. ? At the samp place* and dates there | will alio be held Institute* tor ?en conducted by Mm. W. N. Hutt. | The object! ?( these laatitutee ? to brln? together the women frt the farm homes, that they may be-| com* better aqcualnted and talk ov er among themaelves subjects tend ing to the betterment of conditions In rural bomee, such ah better ana more economical foods and belter methods of preparing them, boC l sanitation, home fruit and vegeta-| bles gardening, Mrm dairying, poul try raising, the beautifying of the | home and home surroundings, +[ Let the wives and daughters come I out to theee' meeting? in large nun.- ] bers. IB Moat interesting and profitable programs have been prepared for these meetings. A premium of $1 will be given fdv the best loaf of bread baked and exhibited by a girl or woman living on the farm. A premium of $1 will be glvon for the best five ears of pure-bred corn. CZ I Tho following well-known lectur- fl era will be present: \ZZ W. X. Hutt, Hortlcultrist, state] Of Jtrtwltttr*! .0. w. KvarVen ana t. Frank Parker, asplBt ant agronomists, state department of] agriculture. Ail farmers and their wives, sons j and daughters and all others inter-1 Rated in the great subject of farm-l ing and the betterment of farm lands I are urged to attend these meeting* and Join freely in the discussions. I All who attend are requested to bring a pencil and tablet so as to be in a position to take notes. The boys are especially invited to attend and learn something about the boy^s corn clubs. The Daily News hopes there will I be a l^rge attendance at every moot log In this county. MORE ROOM IS GREATLY NEEDED! Raleigh, N. C-, Dec. 30.?The an nual report of the state board of charities recommends to the gener al assembly that the appropriation for the maintenance of the three state hospitals for the lnsane be in creased from 9MM00 to |?86,000 and insists that there should be ad ditional room provided at the Ral eigh hospital and at th? Ooldsboro I hospital for negroes. The board al- j so wants a $50,000 receiving build ing provided, where special cases j can be received and treated special ly by experta. The board recommends a parole j board to relieve the governor of the ? , pardon burden. To Be Repeated Part of the music rendered Friday night at the First Baptist church | will be repeated at th? Sunday even ing service. At this service a very pteaalng to ken of New Year wishes will be pre sented to every one attending the scrvice. '.411 And Jt sometimes happens that a man ItkM to have his wife get* sc mad she won't speak to him?then she will not aak him for money. JIT- HAVT Washington's ? IV. nU I 1 ) Greatest Store COAT SUITS REDUCED Extra Good Values at 12.50^1111 $15.00 Tfc? Oystfc.***??* Ends Its Task at'fc ^ J BWHIIET Ml EUMWE ME II I. rittuwd to KM Uie OTrtn- Ia ?mmrj Ou?,of Polltlo, In Uw I HummH T*k' Oh.r?e of thr Qontkm U.I I BlUafctth CUT. N. O.. Doc. ??. rhe oyster contention, the first m?et Ing of the kind ever held In this city oaime to so ?*4 lut night when the banquetter* adjourned in the Mason ic hall, after having spent an en joyable evening partaking of the hospitality of the Retail Merchants Association. Kx-Judg* J. B. Leigh was the toastmsater and he presid ed in his own inimitable style. The banQuet was an elaborate one In which Chairman Sellg sustained his reputation as a master at plan ning and preparing such functions. Dtirlng the Muttuet resolutions drafted by the convention's commit^ tee were read snd discussed. The nain theme dealt #lth In the reso lutions was the plans to get the oys ter Industry dut of politics and res olutions recommended that a com mission composed of four members, with Dr. Joseph Hyde Pratt as chief, shall be created to take charge of the'oyster Industry in the state. The other members of the commission are to be appointed by the govern With some men the desire to be president Is a ruling passion. December is the slowest month in the year?for the little folks. fflf WEEK OUTER In accordance with the recom mendation of the Christian Alliance of America and the cuBtom in many places, the~Ministers' Union of our city has arranged the following se ries of services for next week: Monday evening at M. E. church, Rev. H. B. Searight, leader; subject, ? The World's Approach to God." Tuesday evening at Disciples Church, Rev. J. A. Sullivan, leader; subject, "The larger Vision." Wednesday evening at Baptist ^ church. Rev. R. H. Broom, subject, "Christian Unity." I Thursday and Friday evenings at Presbyterian church, subject, "Mis sions, Mr. Cameron Johnson, leader. These will be Illustrated talks on mis slons. All of these services are inter-de nominational, meant to promote chirstian harmony and unity, and to doepen the spiritual life of the church. The se??rVe on Wednesday night will be a welcome service for the new Methodist minister. Rev. R. V. Mope will preside and make the ad dreaa of welcome. The entire public is qgrdlally in vited to theae meetlnga, and it Is to be hoped that they will be largely sttended, to the end that we may enter upon New Tear In a apirit of prayer and consecration to our Msster's service. Bank Wrecker is Charged, With ?W,MO Theft FACES $25,880 BAIL OB JUL Hla Play si InaavlCj Kerv* HUs la The Hudi of His Kiunlljr. Pood Irk a Phjilrtaa'i lUport m HI* Coo?llUoa?Another flank PaOs in Kew York. New York. Dec. 39.?It took tha ' grand Jury just an boar today to ls dirt Joseph Robin on a chars* of the larceny of $90,000 from the North ern Bank of New York, now In the handa of- the vtata banking depart ment. He was Immediately placed under arreat at the home of hla atatar. Dr. Loalee Roblnorltch, but Ml arraign ment waa postponed until tewnarraw when he moat (Ire hail la fU.MI or go to jail, pending; either a trial or determination of hla canity. Technically Robin la Insane now. The order of commitment signed by Juatice Amend at the requeat of Dr. Roblnovltcb and on the certliksaflon of three other physicians, flttll stands, although the private sanlta rlum to which Robin waa* taken re fused to reoelve him. An agreement waa reached be twee to District Attorney Whitman and William Travera Jerome, coun sel for Robin, whereby" phyolclana should mak? a physical examination of Robin. The Washington Savings bank went into the hands of the atate | banking department today to keep company with the Northern Bank of New York, and further lndlctmenta arc expected to foMow this now de velopment. YOUNG CHILD HUN OVER Hilda, the 4-year-old daughter of Mr. an J Mrs. E. A. Armstrong waa run over late Thursday afternoon by a colored boy riding a bicy?le. The boy had no llgln on his wheel and in consequence the little girl failed ' to see him in time to escape. Dr. Jno. C. Rodman was called and ran i deted the necessary medical aid. She | was painfully though not seriously . hurt, receiving quite a gash on her face. TRAVELERANDLECTURER Mr. Cameron Johnson of Rich mond, Va., and for twelve years a missionary in China and Japan, la oxpected here next week, January b and 6. Mr. Johnson has traveled alt around the world, studying mission ary life and problema. and taking pictures of plaoea and objecta of In terest, Thead pictures were devel oped by the flneat Japaneee artiata, and Mr. Johnaon haa a splendid ap paratua for exhibiting them. Re Is coming under th* auspices of the I Presbyterian church sad Is Is hop ed that all who are Interested in i missions and travel will avail thsm | selves of the rare opportunity of {hearing Mr. Johnson sad seeing his exquisite pictures. Specials From Now to Jan. 1st Ladies Suits at Actual Cost All Furs at Actual Cost If you appreciate a bargain, now is your time. Oar Furs and Coat Suits must go between now and the above date. BOWERS-LEWIS CO., Watch Tomorrow*! A6.Higgest, tort.