JS&sfcaSF" r 1. Til? ni*tm highway commission to lost* ssd designate ths road., thus s voiding 1?*1 contentions and friction; ad sec* county through whl*h the Voad puim to be authoris ed by legtslstlve pctlon. to sppropri ate not exceeding fifty thou wind dol lars per mile of rood In Mid county tovm t?i taWM ooeatTfc^ I. ' Tbe road fotcee Mw controlled by each county, whether convict or hired, may be used by the county constructing the portion In that coun ty. 3. Voluntary contributions will be received from public-spirited citizen* owners of automobiles, garages, ets. 4. By volunteer work, to be done on one particular day. to be feereaf-j ter named by all persons who live within live miles of the 'road and who "Tare willing to contribute to the pub lic iRod. Qovernor Kltckln has rec ommended -the legislative program to the Geaeral Assembly: and It Is be lleved no trouble need be anticipated In procurtng legtealtive action of the scheme. ' : ] For the purpose of reaching a com mon agreement and the appointment of suitable persons to have charge of the work is each county, a convention 1a hereby called to meet In the court house in Raleigh on Tuesday, 14 th day of February, lftil, at noon; andi each coynty, city and town along (Continued on Fourth Page.) LOOK OUT FOR No. 1 \9vcr lose sight of $b? fact that you have your own way to make In the world ud that no one feels dis posed to help a man who does not help himself. ft Is very pleasant to be a "good fellow" and spend money freely, but you will find many more people will ing to accept your generosity than willing to help you when yon need money. Don't forget your own Interests. Own your home. -I bare, four- reai den<*eafoj> sale at very reasonable Trices, which will yield a good rata ?of Interest on the tnveatment. utoo rapidly etihance in raiue. K. R. ROBINSON, ' 24SS 14th 8t. Waablagioa. D. C. A hunting, b.lnc ?u ?k ?. ,<*?? obtained ??? Ambassador WUeos ladlcate that the kllllnc waa dona laat November b y Amello ^anglot, ?tOMM>per of the mining company by which Farrell waa etaployed., with a pistol belong ing to rtrnlL paagtot waa Imme diately arraatad and he told the au thoritles that the shooting iu Acmi In self-defense and that the miner, a discharged emptoye, he?>e*o?*ttr made threats against the llree of him self and Parrel I. Two day a later Far rail was arreetedaad for tea days kept In solitary coaflnement la a dark' and vile cell. He 1 more sanitary ^nartors, but has! Parroll alleges that ho permitted the storekeeper to take his pistol on ly after the storekeeper had repeat edly complained that the discharged man had ahnaod and theatened him. P'arrel came to Mlxlco from Mis souri Ray's hill to prohibit the sale of ?ear-beer in^Ucon came bjck frost] the senate^.|mh an amendment per mitting the sale of sqft drinks and: thla was concurred In, the bill belag passed Anally. Senate resolution endorsing New I ? i r r-irsa'afisr r~ ? ?* Eipoeltkw ratified. ? THE LUCKY Nl'MIIKIJ . No. 131 is Entitled to the Salt of Clothe* at Hoyt'n Store The contest for the suit of clothe* or the coat suit ended at Hoyt'* store last Saturday, night. The No. 1S1 a* drawn out proved to be the lucky number. So far no one holding this number has called at the store. Anyone holding this number be tween now and next Saturday can call at the Hoyt store and receive the $15 suit. of clothe* as advertised in the Dall? News or a coat suit if the lucky number Is held~by a lady. If this number Is not returned be fore Saturday night next another drawing will take place on next Sat urday night at 10 o'clock. Mr. R. A. Q. Barnes waff charge of the draw ing. Mr* Hoyt is to donato either the suit of clothes for men or a coat suit for women to the one holding the .luck? number regardless % whether they trade at his place of business during the week of contest or not. Every one calling at his store was presented with a coupon. Moderation Is the silken -string running through t?? pearl chain of all virtues -Bishop Hall. arteaies Against NWwtlslos."? . Cry Reporter, i Magastne." ? . editor 8onthern There will also to general discus sion on the following subjects among others: "How to Maln^in a Profitable Ad vertising Rate.'V^ "The Cash Bfcsls for* Subscrip tions." "*1^ "Do Voting Contests Pay?" ! The above program is simply ten tative, and Is subject to change and Additions. ? % The meeting In Wlnston-8alem Will be followed by an excursion over the Southbound , sad Atlantic Coast Line to Charleston, where the mem ber^faoSHS^flSatdty 8ever 1 al short stops will also be made on the trip at other places. Indisposed at Hospital The many friends of Mr. Thomas i Bland, superintendent of the Wash ington Light and Water Company, will regret to know that he is con fined to the Fovle Memorial Hospital suffering with his eyes. \*TJille his condition is precarious, it is the hepe of his physicians that he will soon be on the road towards re covery. , for the Kline ordeal she had steeled herself. . Miss Kline is a slight fragile look ing person fn her early thirties. Her voice Is as soft as a child's and it was easy to see from her manner how she might have won the confi dence of Mrs. Schenk. She told of her installation as a nurw by Dr. Hupp acting under the instructions of the ..prosecutor and how she had set about gaining the confidence of the suspected woman. 8he began by refretenting that Al bert Schenk had to sign some papers. It was then that Mrs. Schetfk said to her: "Now Miss Kline, if Albert comes with what you' think is a will, tele phone me at once. Theft on some pretez get him out of the ropm and keep him out until I arrive. And if i John ? should die, go to his trousers and get a bunch of keys you will I find there. They open his safety de-| poeit vaults, and If Albert gets them he will go, grab John's stocks and bonds and dovote them to hla own I J IT" |-| \r rP Washington's ? ? * " ^ J A ) Greatest Store Ol'S SALE SALE WILI, CONTINI K ALT. THIS WEKK ? EXTRA SPK CIALLS WILL. BE OFFERED Greatest SHOE Bargain Ever Offered Ladies $3.60, $3.50 and $4.00 Dorothy Dodd * | QQ Shoes. Sale Price - - ? ? v-l ?70 EVERYTHING REDUCED that Jobn Schenk Is dead. And there are time* Mlaa Kline, when I feel like killing him myaal */ " 'T, laid to her then: 'Well, why [don't yon; you have every chance.' She looked at me a moment and aa[d *Wotfld yon?' I replied: 1 don't ifnow But I can understand how yon fael in the matter. ' " "What would you take to giro him him a pill?" the aaked. "1 hesitated and said: 'Well. I uaed money badly enough, Mre. Schenk. I'm in debt and I've got -a mother and a little chlid to aupport. tt looks good to me. but ? I don\ know ? you might glre me away.' " " 'Oh, God,' exclaimed Mrs. Shenk. 'I'd give anything in the world to be rid of him T-11 ? - *'?? ? Af>VHRTIBK IN THK KltVI him some " 'I'd bar# her. " "Oh, oot got $5,000 000." ?? Ml Ha Kline ?aid abfc would her a written later. Mr*, any promise In would Re the 'atuff.' |The Electric IronXasts a Life Time and can bo used in the house or on the porch ? Tuesday or any other j or every day ? for any kind of household ironing or pressing j-fcprtc. Alwayi ready. Heat Quickly and stay hot even on heavy wet Ironing. The heat can be regulated to suit the work ? from incca to table cloths. The air ' jacket beat Insulation of the cover prevents the heating of the hisnd, amHhevlutndle Is always cool. The Electric Iron saves time, fuel, energy ? the most' economical' Iron to use ? the leading labor-saving device for home workers. Is perfectly clean ? "floats" over the work and gives the smooth 'or | glossy finish that pleases. And It lasts a lifetime. ?* - " We are offering this iron on a free trial basis. Tell the manager - J of the Electric Light plant today that you wish to try the Electric' j Flatiron. (Hundreds of thousands have been bought this way) sad ! recieve our handsome, nickel-plateed six-pound electric flatiron with a "pull off'attaching plug, 8 feet of approved asbestos conductor ? cord and socket attaching plug. A non-heating three-deck stand Is j sent free with each iron. . ,1 ; . "j 1 >J| Washington! (Electric Plant. r H ? GEM T H EAT R E The bwt place 1 1 f I" X.OOKIXG KOlt AMI SKM^NT? ? spend the oild hour In the evening is at this E?-TO-DATK MOVlG PICTVIIK SHOW ?lr^%5Tv' i We put on the best selection of-, you'll find eyery moment spent here one of pleasure and enjoyment. Enjoy yourself ? Call tonight, you will flnd the best bill ever offered Is running at this PICTURE THEATRK GOOD HKTURE8 AT THK GEM THKATRK tokioht COME OUT GOING ON NOW k Reducing Sale ^ FREE! FREE! 'FREE! v^,ti?hr.ach^ce to(r$ottedf| WHMIMIII