r==* MkHbm proved Itself to be the cheapest light No J dirt no trouble. We can wire your house at a price S v S thai will astonish you. Phone our representative, he < ? i C ^ui call on ybu and explain the merits of electric light 1 k 1 WASHINGTON MUNtGiFAL ELECTRIC MOT. j> Our New Year's Greeting O fig**- Ing jrtMi uliy be the beta one of J|^ /*Y tirM yon b>v bevo our cu&iumers' j> Br 1 .iWl /^. \| V (41 in the-Mst, wo know ffcrt you ^ II %yl ( ?r? satisfied one*, and lake this | " II - I SSIOImb! U?*I? ?M!K5 ^5 H \ ^lUjry a??llve^w I ] UKrt'foSa?&e" I "BEU & STALLINGS t *f -~y *~y .... , c E. PETERSON CO., " Wholesale Grocers, ' Washington, - - North Carolina t I We Expect this week 2000 sacks , Ground Alum Salt, sejid us your orders, Prompt service * '* C 1. LENN WOOP Mini in Nor Y?V OHM llll^? KMTS W. COLE. > S J. LEON WOOD & CO. \ 1 BANKERS and BROKERS. S / ^bwd.. M^gn^Oi^Md PrvfMoM, H Plame St., S 1 MiM Mot to Saw T#vk Stock Bzchanicc, New York Co* ? \ ot fiihiiji, Cfcta^p Iliaril- oC Tradr jad oikcr I?rtol-cot- \ ? 1orrtopua*Mnii Rccpcctfalljr Solicited. Investment ud Mar- ? \ gtoal Accoobu OtTei Oarafal AtOTtka \ i i if ' i _ i i . i Wi ' > * ' S IF YOU ARE GOING NORTH TRAVEL VIA } > THE CHESAPEAKE LINE ] ' DAILY SERVICE INCLUDING SUNDAY . S - ( The m JM placed .te ante, the "CITY OF MOB. J ) J rout" end "OITY OF BdCT1MORB," ere the meet elesentVC \ mil np-liwUlo eloamiae betareee Norfolk eed Baltimore. ) / XjjSqalpped with wlrelaaa telephone In each note. Delicioae 1 S Jkle oa board. Bverjrttdnc foe comfort and convenience. > / f Boece leave Norfolk (ImKhb St.), flilO p. m. \ \ Ooate leave Old Polet Comfort, TUB p. m. f Arrive Bakfum, 7:00 a. m. ( Ooeaeotlao at Baltimore for- aU folate north, .northneat and ? i ~ Ai Reeemthme made and aal Information conrteonelf fnmlehed ( ( k? j W. H. Py?BU,, T. 1*. n., ) " "00 Or.nlf St., Norfolk. Vn. < 1A Business Man Is Judged ' """^"i ? j By the stationery he uses. 6ry?poor business. Good ?t; business. Which land are ; Business Man? We are print< kind of stationery?The kindlars into the pockets of thos ' 1 ?/>fo T Af f seasons they sometimes dive tor * it They wear a special dress^vhlte unSerwear and the hatr twisted up Into k hard knot. The eyes are protected .1 by glasses to prevent the entrance of ? water. Tube are suspended from the ? waist A boat in command' of a man la assigned to every five or ten women _ fixers to carry them to and from the ' Ashing grounds. Whan the divers arrlVo on tba V grounds they leap Into the water at once and begin to gather oysters at the bottom. The oyters are dropped Into tubs suspended from their waists When the vesyjs are filled the divers '' are raised to toe surface and Jump Into the boats. Tbey dive to a depth of ? from five to thirty fathoms without any special apparatus and retain their breath from one to three minutes Their ages vary from thirteen to forty years and between twenty-five ua luirij-iiyo tney are at tneir prime. ?Oriental Review. * I. H. ECKLIN Handles Nothing But ' HOG Meat Phone 44 City Market - Stall No.8 ; ?? A Poor station ^ # ationery?good J you using Mr. 2 jrs of the better # that brings dol- J e who use our Z! i you on your # Our representa- J b know we can 2 tion and price, m sive prompt a^. 3 mews ; " " "Vwj EMEDY FOR LIVER TROUBLE morally Caused by Indigestion Brought on by Irregular and Inv j proper Foxing of Fowl*. ^ Generally speaking, liver - troubles How acuta Indigestion.. This lndlstlon may be brought about by IFgular feeding or being* fed on one ad of grain too Ian* dirt and sour ed, with a poor supply of grain. To Ithhold tye feed a long time an& en allow It In over amount Is od the moat fruitful sources of dlge\ re disorders. Drinking .water which has been ntamlnated with filth, or which baa ood In a warm place or In the subline until it has become putrid; ex?sure to draughts, cold gains, or imp roosting quarters, particularly irtng the molting seaihon. ore all courdve to Indigestion. If any one of these conditions surunds your fowls, change them, putig them In light, dry houses and ving them wholesome, nutritious od. In very bad cases gtva dally re grains of rhubarb and every iy one grain of calomel. Give them enty of grit and charcoal. Chartal_ Id one of the best purifiers for e system of either fowl, animal or an . The liver Is one of the most itnirtant organs of the body, furnishing le. one of*the principal digestive ilds. It also assists in some of the ost necessary chemical changes hlch occur In the blood. It Is therere an en^y matter for It to become pranged from tfco enures that ir> Tunomination of the livlr is quic kly jilomcd by death unless lipmediate fl.'ef caq^be given. The ?vciplona e a yellow appearance of the skin id yellow or slightly bloody evacuaDBS. ?One of the chief Indications of this border Is lameness, especially of the ght leg, and when this shows ltsell )u may be pretty sure that tnflamraaon of the liver is going on. The eatment of birds bo affected is nol rofltable unless they are very valu ale for breeding or exhibition pur ases.- The remedy is one-half ta one fain of calomel to begin witwfol iwed by 20 grains of Epsom salts and grains of bicarbonate of soda aftei I hours.. Napthtbol or benzo-^hptbo! tay be given twice a week to disln >ct the intestinal canal. When the sick bird is considerably nproved, give green food, tonics ol iw beef, and allow the bird free ex rcise in the open air. The dlseaB< t not contagious, but the cause thai roduced it iu one bird may affect th< hole flock. OUNTAIN IS SELF-FEEDINC Vater Tank for Large Fowls Easilj Can Be Made Out of Gallon Vegetable Tin Can. I made a drinking fountain foi u-ge fowls out of a gallon vegetabh In can. One end was melted off, nn< hole, b, punched in the side withli im 1 L V*. J 8?lf-Feedlntf* Drinking Fountain. wo lnchds of the top. It waa the llled with water and a milk pan ii rerted over It and turned upslh lown. Water will flow In pan till I cachea the bole In the can, says rriter In the Farm and Home. Ualn i deep, pan prevents getting It full c Urt. \ ^ Nationality of Eggs, la It possible to tell the natlonalit if an egg by Inspection? The quei Ion la raised In acute form by the ov lence given by the prosecutlort of Lancashire, England. Ann for sellin Hubs la n eggs as Irish, which re suite n acquittal. The experts vartcp. a iven experts will. One confident) pronounced the egps In question Rui liana nearly'flvo weeks anothc laid they wersj second class Russians i third specified the south pf Russii S On th% other hand, .experts forth fefense were equally pbsftlvd'tlint n< pody could tell the birthplace of a egg from external examination. On witness said that when eggs were bs their nationality was Indeterminable. On the whole, one is bound to cob to the conclusion that the average pu chaser of eggs must take their natloi tflty upon trust. Science of Feeding. tw locoing 01 iowii tins oecorae i much a science as bae the feeding < lalry or beef. cattle. pouljrynien hai tbelr balanced rationa for their fowl They. feed ea pool ally for egg prpdti Lion, growth: and fattening purpose The farmer too often feeds Tor co venience and rollrg^eorn to prodm ia the aploo of life" In tho poulti yard aa wall as with hunraua. Al'VlACAptOS VOtt PARDON v'~"' . PRANK 8NKIJ<. Annllrstlnn will be tparto to tl Governor of North Carolina for t pardon of Prank flne^? oonvfoted the Docember Term of the Seperl Court of Beaufort County of t crime dt fornlflcatlon and aduly> and sentenced to tbo roada of Bes fort County for a term ?f fo jfnwrtical Fashions] LAOVE CORBET COVER. This corset cover la especially de tlrable for stout women, as It baa a fitted front lining over which the outer fronts are attached. The there ! a email peplum to hold the garment down. Longcloth, cambric, batiste and even twilled Jean are used for these garments. The pattern (5610) Is cut In sites 26 to 46 Inches bust measure. Medium site requires 1* yards of 36 Inch material. To pTocure this pattern send 10 cents to "Pattern Department.'* of this paper. Write name end nddfesa plainly, and be ! sure to give site sr. J eirmser of pattern. NO,5610. ' SIZE . NAME ? TOWN " STREET AND NO..r STATE ' [Practical Fashions CHILD'S BOX COAT. 'j. The simple box coat offers a dipleu did utility garment (or little girls In winter. Our model la cut on straight sacque lines, the neck trimmed with a handsome collar and with small straight re vers. There Is also a standing collar and an Inner shield to protect the chest. Tweed, velvet, cheviot, reverslb.e cloth, etc., are used for I these coats. ? t The pattern (5618) Is cut In sites 2, 4, 6 and -8 years. Medium else requires 2% yards of 44 Inch material, with % yard of 24 Inch satin and 8^4 yarded! braid to trim. 0 ' To procure this pattern aend 10 cents to "Pattern Department." Qf this- paper. 1 Write name and address platnfcy, and be e sura to jive also and number of pattarn. It ' . I * NO. 5618. BIZE \ If NAME..^ TOWN ! STREET AND NO ? ?tate: I. 1 a g Bulls In Parliament, d The Irish bull has crossed the St s George's channel and Is at large in y Britain. Major Archer-8hca, who Is a 5- Unionist and represents an English ir < onatltuency. Is somewhat Irish. In 1; discussing the Insurance bill he set th< x. "houso of commons In a roar by declar ,e trig: "Not even the 8tyglan eloquence o- of the chancellor of the exchequer will i) enable him to whltettash a bill whlct ie la noU a white clepbant to him." Mr ,d Blrrell Is credited with a fine Htberni an bullock, thoroughly English as h< ie is. Re was being questioned about t- some newspaper Interview In whicl 0 he claimed to have been "misrepre tented" and solemnly assured th< houat? that "the newspaper reporti wire highly garbled accounts of whs ^ never toOk place." There Is. after all a ftnC touch In this that our atstesmei .G never attain, and la much fetter thai A t?o ugly* vulgar little word of thre< ty letters. m. ' "" n- > Self-Evident. ?o "There Is one bit of deeorgUtSp^ ry "What was Itr A , "'A- flnevfriese."'' ; ' L ^ vited to forward their protest to' tb governor without delay. This the tenth dgy of January He *?>? he T- SWBLL u 1-ltf 2wk?" 1 ' ?" ' 1 ty NOTICE STOCKHOLDERS ME El uri The annuel meeting of tho soc) j w HOODWINKED SOLE IS SAFE Leather Device Can Be Put Over Eyti . of Ugly Animal* Giving Good . Ventilation and Light. ? The following description of a hood ? J for a bull that haa become breaoby ta written b{ a contributor to Hoard's Dairyman: 1 got a flank of leather for about 1 fl.25, took a good five-ring halter that fit (you can yary the alse), cut the front, IS Inches at top by 8 Inches at bottom and 12 inches long; two old* pieces 8 inches wide at top by Bull Hoodwinked. , Inrhc* bottom. IS Inohes long; cut Irani of side placed square, back ou a * miter. Put lnsido of leather together, black side down cf front and up of aide, rivet about three-fourths, of an Inch from edge with copper belt rivets and burs long enohgh to rivet well, and lk 1 ncbee apart center to center (as. he will try It severely). The hood will stand open like a box -at corners over his eyes, giving good ventilation ird some light. Rivet back of side pieces to side strap of halter between the linfe, make a loop around back of upper ring and rivet; rivet a strap to lower corner of side piece; rivet bottom of front to nose piece of halter. The drawing shows how It is used. Those who have tried It recommend it. KICKING COW IS ELIMINATED _ Rods Arranged In Manner Shown Ir i- Illustration That Will Do Away I With Vicious Animal. * Draw the rods out. lead the cow It from behind, place the rods In position again, lie the cow to manger post and go to milking. The cow can't kick, aays a writer In the Farm Stops Kicking Cow. and Fireside.^! am using one> of these devices and find It a pleasure to i jnilk now, when I was always In fear afore. p The Kerry Cow. The Kerry cow Is a light framed cow of varying slse. but generally smaller than the Ayrshire. She Is black In hair. The Dexter, although derlfal from the same stock. Is quite different, being thick and blocky,.and In colcr may be either black or Both of these oattle are particularly good dairy cows, doing well In moderate feeding and giving surprisingly large quantities of milk, very rich. . Many Kerrles give quite as rich milk as Is produced by the Jersey. The Kerry does not fatten kindly until she has reached full age, hut* the Dexter may be fattened younfcer. Does Silage Affect the Flavor? Have you noticed anything differ- I ent in t&> flavor of the milk since you began fe^glngjilaget If there la any change at aJfthe flavor will be a little more pleasant, says O. E. Reed, head of the dairy department at the I Kansas State Agricultural college. Bat < if the silage la allowed to ferment too i long and then fed. the milk will have : a taint much like that noticed when weeds are eaten In the summer. t N Ground Grain Beet. I W a farmer Who Is really trying to , learn how to conduct his .business most economically will make a 'common-sense test during a isuon of, say, alx months, feeding a portion of * his cows ground grain, and the same 1 number whole grain, noting the difference In milk flow, be will then tome pretty near knowing the trnth> I * Profits From a CuptWary. The total profit* flpi a 'creamery i will depend largely upoa the amount , i of cream* that ean be bought- U the ? factory oan be rim at tta capacity, it will be much mora profitable Chan if only half the amount of in iaai dealred le secured. -fa , i 2 ' ' w'xmth ^ > i Warmth ta aa .nocaaaary la a dairy to the wlnu, as cold la la. the ramm?r. . ' e. Banking Ho nee of the Baring A Trust ,Co., of Washington, N. C., on r' Thursday, January tlth. at 4:S0 All the Cheerfulness of a Log Fire When the thermometer gets down around the zero mark, with, the wind howling and shrieking, sending shivers and creeps up and down your . /spinal column it's a real pleasure to pull your chair up to an open fireplace and sit there, watching the red hot coals or the blazing logs. * forgetting all about the biting cold outside- The very sight of this brings comfort to the body. The open fireplace effect Is approached very closely In- the Vulcan Odorless Gas Heater fir, EmifL The iron cone i* heated to fl a red beat. rhe gloving jj metal very closely resembles I the open grate. The Incandes- I cent cone pleases the eye. and I its gloving warmth brings I comfort to the body. J POSITIVELY ODORLESS Washington | ,ight and Water Co. Have" Arrived I Wholo | Wheat ^ Flour 4 i ~ -* . | i ui 11 mo nnrnic o nn ' mien untuLL a uu. * |* Phone 80 I Bicycles! Bicycles! JnM refdred shipment of the WESTMINSTER BICYCLE, with New Departure Hubs und la assorted fancy colors. Price $18. We also hare several other makes of Wheels, with doable bar, coaster brake, fancy beads in assorted colon. These are all standard makes and are folly guaranteed. . Price $22.50. D. R. CUTLER Market Street , Cash or Time. ( J Jj DISSOLUTION NOTICE , This Is to give notice that the copartnership heretofore existing unler the firm name "Bragsw ? Stewirt." was dissolved on January 1, L912. Edward L. Stewart will continue he practice of la^c in the offices hereofore occupied by the said Arm in :he Hoyt building on Main street. In he City of Washington, N. C. Stephen C. Bragfew retiree from he practice, having been appointed ludge of the First Judicial District *: v8 >f North Carolina. ' j STEPHEN C. BRAGAW * j EDWARD L. STEWART A 1-100 DAILY NEWS WANT ADDS ARH SURE TO BRING RESULTS. Just Received J Victor. Victrolas and Ediion Talking Machine*. New Edison -\ri and Victor Records for fl January. " Call and hear the lot- "vl est song hits RUS3. BROS. Jj