I ___________________________ OutoTlownSders^ nicelyj bagged ant tbssilied Advertisements. gt WANTED OUT or TOWN OORRRSpondanta In arery totrn and Til B laca In BonnEort and Hyda County. For particulars wilto the Daily ]? ttfawa. Waahlaston. N. C. >' MUM OLIVET PALMISTRY SHIt Rt\ . / talla roufpaat, praaent and futura. ' eonanlt her if you wlah to be Informed. Located tnd floor Redman balMlnf. Corner Main and m MarfcaC Streeta. ? *-* T. ?. MKDIum also safe. Address X Dally News. 4-8 r-M-W. o M WUOOMB RUM (TOMPHNB) Me. Setting- Mr*. F. H. Parker **t^ wTteSlM''HauTln^tho new Spe tn Black, White. Tea ead Llaea ahadee. Aleo In MMeee mad fe'\ . ....t. : chlldrea'a ahapoe. 1.1. Hon. I __ t? W of thwlr Mcowy. '"" ^teU^5Te<5wwdmil?l ^mmodUte with tfao undersigned sd" Thta 8th W of April, ltll. BDWARD L. STEWART. ^^ r MttttMor of.Danlel BmU, Dafc? *-* . MitMLE SLED tS NOVELlS Be^ Ordinary Sled May a one aide to the other, thereby checking the peed ot the eled. the aled here shown ban flexible runners. which may oe curved to one aide or the other by a steering bar, causing the runners to follow smoothly In the carving tracks. The lied should be built lav and narrow, and the run"f 1 1 ' ' ? ' , Do You Know > That we carry one of the Freshest lines of I w fc l".osanaa?n?wa MAKING IMPROVED NEST-BOX 1 s Weight of Hwi Cium Platform u Tilt, Thereby closing Doer? dice Should Vory. ? The alto at tko Hot oho aid Tory ucordtag to tho brood. wrttss Fred L. Bailor In the Farm and Fireside. For tho Asiatic breads It should bo not leas than >% fast loos. It laehso wide and 00 hobos dues Tho horn antaro ttoustbi walking In on the plattorno Bar waloht causas tho platform to. tut. Which, by moans of the looor attached, closes tho doA. Whan tho | BOX hen learae the nest she gbae tor the llsht which comas hi at tho slat door. Bar waloht on tha frost and of tho platform causes the door to opes, and It stays open until she lads food sod water and Is ready to so hook on the aesL Tho box la best with no dour, so tha neat oaa he made directly on the fcplanntloo: A. pUtform. 114 (art low bp whlcb hen eaten neet- -B.1 board eoroaa baok and of pUtform. on wbloh aha pate toll walsht when enterlac neat, canslos pUtform total O, lerer attached to platform end door, obowtn* door open. D, point where lerer It attached to door. K. point iVlil when lerer la attached to pUtform. T, board attached to under aide or front end of platform, ohutlnf pUttorm to atop oa a lerel when door opaaa, aad helping to balaaoe platform. O. elaata with notohee la upper en da tor anlet of pUtform 'to net In. Notohee are ? Inohea from the hottem at the boa. H. partition board between neat aad pUltorm. I. Beet THOUGHTS OF SPRING FEEDS Blrde Should Hade Variety. EepeeUlly Greet Deal Reaaoaablp Rloh la pfe- . tela Lima la Needed. . dpnploaj' anions towU U ceneraltr oooflned to the orartat birds add penarallp the heartar breeds am aabjeot belt. It U. therefore, aeoeesarj that the hiepar does not Med anr sreat quantity of fntrormin* feeda to Ma bhdt, especially to the baarler breed., la the Ndai of/the pear man then] sap other time of the pear the birds should hare d rarletp of fee^ sad mpailillf a treat deal ot feed roaooaahlp rloh la pmteto should he hdoh ed M the rstlas, . , Boftehened esse are asaaltp pro-s -a h, ^u.,11 ..VI. * a AS.S ? i I ! IB UJ1B tl?a at tk* ymr. TtommhrOla ganaraiir fla* la th* tact tkat th* Mr*I mnt M. r^d]UA vtsMucra between ' Sags Whelps TAXES DEUGHT IN GARDENS Mm. Frances Hodgson Burnett, On# of There Who Seemingly Charm the Flowers to Brow. There are few authors who follow their pet hobby so assiduously as does Frances Hodgson Burnett; and her frobby Is gardening Her present homo at plantdome. near Man basest. Li L. is a marrel of experimentation In gardening. She munis to hare the ability to coax the moat reluctant flower oat of the ground. When a new seaman's catalogue arrives. other household affairs quit? oease?such, sordid Batters as sleeping, writing books, eating and talking shop?till the catalogue has been crlaecroeaed with approving ! marks. And labia conversation ts likely to center about the gardens, as a yachtman'a centers about storms and rigging. But bar pre a an t garden la nothing aa compared with the remold gardens Mrs. Burnett once had at her beautiful old manor house; Maythsm Hall. In Faglsnd She made the most beautiful garden la all Kent?a county noted for gardens. 5 Back of the mansion stretched old brick walls, showing traces of masonry dating ae far beck as 1000 A. D. Some of the walla ware so old that great cedars grew atop of them. Borne Its tracery of Uob^^ Among theee quite old walls stretched many garThe moat Interesting ted oooe been an apple orchard. The trees had rotted away and the plot become a tangled. wild back o' the beyond. Here, decided Mm. Burnett, she would hare a rose garden In which to write. She planted roses, not merely In a tear formal beds, bat In maseea. climbing rosea and low shrubs^ making am great btaaa of Mtorr /V v . . ; WIDTH OF COUNTRY ROADS Lop Aw galea Times Shews How Imperative Some System of Uniformity i . Some uniform width oi country roads should be established sad strtoL It adhered to on each road running trad the city to sea, or to the outer boundaries of the county. It appears that aome roads on our present good roads system vary from 40 to 100 feet The first figure Is as much toe small as the latter la too large. It ts Indeed unfortunate that 70 of 80 feet la not the official width and the overhanging portion nold and the prooeeds used 80 buy lend to bring the minimum up to the* standard. Now that we have a Oounty Board of Fuses Uy thsy should -he planting IMP chief highways, but where shall trees be placed on a roadway varying in width from 40 to 100 feetf If long, graceful curves marked the transition from the width to another the peobleni would easily be aotved^bot -Jogs." never I?Ins An GOOD IN SCHOOL PARPENS AaUa From Kvorythlaa IM TWy Bring TmcWi ndJ>VMU la Whan school ilMMla* bar* bM gtiaa m?^^u4 to taka bocu 07 tha'tjlrk Pinlln aa am ul ?n?l tar UK brum ta soma. to? ?? km* that halnam to U* tmallr taanh ar* and pnpO* it) Ml I* chHtial un trUfxCj mlattaaa Ik* mo*t ealls *t U* schooL Nov tatateidiHhm t**W dm a* ?i?*i*?i roaulta. with talk aa mrtaalag. ilmpta hat mil Wjt IVilHai *i* Una for gardaa mfc'aM all ?*nM ta*l batter. Th? Water** and th? Baait. f I* tk* optoloB at mar axparta ml* u* tk* pradoot at l*e*r. Th* ft** p**rl* fouad la tk* eouoa poarVbaartag moOoak'aaw (mi* tomb* sorrouadtng tk* bodlaa of tk* marta* vqno known aa dlatotaaa. la th* month of Angost oartata mottnaka ar* fonnd that hara nam* irons small roddlah-rallow points ta th* spot Whora paarls naoallr form. Than begins th* tatpriaonmaot of th* croatnr* la th* Brat stem* th* nnrfaca of th* diatoms I* aprtnklad with Uay aralaa of oarhonat* of Urn*; Tbaa* granulations grow and taka th* form of errata ta which and by term In* a calcareous deposit around the creature's body. -! JPoolf>r"~, 41 tf Hr* Hopjoj #*' tb? I ordered yesterday?" Thomas?"I b'Jeeve apic'W. I all the buna* down this mornv;! IORTH TRAVEL Y|A j& >EAKE LINE < v-rvtre. tltc " '('n <>! Will. ) "RK." IU? ?)>? moA T*te^W -*1-" Norfolk >arlH>UN|) (ttrsM^i / . *. AFP8UBCIATED. . . . .Tkn society editor would ap predate any Itema of a social na tore of othhbrlse for this col uq?n. Don't kesltate to call lit pad glr* this department any Is formation of a news nature. People raiting at your home or * members of Jout family leaving the city?please notify this office of the fact. It Is the desire of the management to make this * department of the paper attract Ire and tntp^Mtlng and the so- * clety editor again asks your aid * and support. ? PBB80NALH. Mr. W. B.^BpfC.her, of Belheren. Is In the city. Mr. W. C^ApMln. of Tarboro, Is a business rial tor. ?jy Her. (J. of Chocowlnlty, f spent Easter inXhe city. Mr. N. H. Shepherd, of Richmond. Is s Washington Visitor. Mr. R. L. sjyder, of Raleigh Is registered at Hotel Louise. Mr. J. C. Stout, of Rock Mount. Is a bualneaarlittor to the city. ' ' ' *'' Mr. H E! Hodges, of Old Ford. via a^wiuigw nsuor aaiuraay. '^r~ Mr. MArrtn tttictor, of Newport News. Via., was in the city yesterday. Mr. and Mm . Samuel Laughinghouse, of Vandemer. spent Easter In "?e city. Mr. N. W, Williams, of R. F. D. No. 1.. waa a Washington yisitor Saturday. v Miss Mary Rubs, of Klneton. N. C.. Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Pippin on Bast Second Street. Mr. O. A.~Wofable left this mornIns on the Atlantic Coast Line fot Florence, S. C? op a business trip. rrMr. T. W. Ronse of the Dally News News, returned -title morning from Farmrille, spent Blaster Mr. J. R. Cartjrflght, of Pantego, arrived In the city yesterday to spend BasUr with Mr^a^d Mrs. S. C. Peg v. Messrs B. H. and W. A. Thompson, of Aurora, were passengers on the Washington and Vandemere train tki. moraine. . tv Mra. J. Richmond Pltm.D, of Oren?a, N. J.. U the (uaat of Mr. and Mr. John O. Brania Jr.. on Baat ' Main Street: .'.-We tj- fr* Etopntr Sheriff CInud Roberson, of hororn. nrttrni clky thin mornlnd b?4?sU< > prUoner ID W? on 0>? oonnty ffl ?. ... . | .. , Dr. JnnkNIeboMoo. county eoronir went to Rornl thM aotifiw U hold nta lsqoMt drer th? to?7 61 Robert Stereoeon. colored^ /, Mr. Cbeanoer Pemn rotnrned to kin bone 1* Rocky Mount.thin moraIn*. mfur npondlu Dontor wlth hi, brothnr Mr. S.'CT Peirom. Mr. end Mr* J. W. Rewle. end femlly retarded t the city thle moTOIM fton rteltisB releUyeo end frlende ut Booth Creek. ; jV" - j iAr^ -.- r Mr. Edward Carrowan, of M&xton, N. C., arrived In the city Saturday night to vialt hia parenta Mr. and Mrp. Tv C. Carrowan on East Second Street. Mr. frank H. Bryan who 1b attending the Trinity College Law School, Darhkm, N. C., spent Easter with hla mother Mrs. Elisabeth Bryan on East Water Street. ? ROT. R. H. Broom, pastor of the First Methodist Church left this morning on the Atlantfo Const Line train for Monroe, "ft." C., to visit his aged father. He is expected to return to the city tho latter part of the week. MOTOR IUR.VBP OCT RATCR.IMY AI'TKRVrfOV JT9T I1KPORR FHltSS nofflf AVD AH PROOF? WmiE AIKH7T TO *b CORKBCrKP TUB. KT.ItOTHIC motor tOocr nwmrr. ma. (.titnb BtmNKD oct. ? m oowHEQbBNCK RATI I.DAY'S PAPER HAP TO GO TO ITH RHA HIT'S WITHOUT COHKI'iUnNS. -TDK ACC1PHWT WAH CN'AYTOD 1 'II.R-! AN? n HOPK11 HIM, NOTJJCCl> . ?Ire r" ; AUIPUrOTCD'C 11H 1 (I Lniuiuic.n o rdw 23k mlSSr RACK (NO LOADING DEVICE] mM for Hmitla. Coruo, H??i or Mnap MilgOt ontf Lonpth ' ^ Co Bo VvW. J A* followlac to atna to rwpooM to rocoot tn?di7 tor pUn or a Moot rook, wrttr. r. L. Monk la tho lira. now of a rack aaltabt. for haadHin coctla. ken or abooo. Tte tonotk oad kcAoht eon bo rartod tor apodal n> ann knO io aKnnt ' ml a a aid fnr goal aral t'H? mav wov ovtiva mm ?MM)nu UM. The bottom win Mm for wood rack, by uslag stronger timber A 4x4 fir at each aide and a 2x4 In the middle Is strong enough for stock. Tbo bottom Is boarded crosswise, The aides are aafled or bolted to hardwood stakes, fitting late median sited rack Irons. Thus each aide li remorable. The end gates are held by cleati sad rods, as In a common wagon box The rear end gate Is shown la Fig. t A similar gate la placed back of tk? low part. Tho front gate should b? tight. A seat may be placed on the low part, rsstlsg on aide trows. Th? front compartment can be used foi calres. sr to case of a full load th? middle gate can be remored. , | Fix. t shows a loading chute, placed to ooaaect with rear end of rack. Tto Croat end may be mounted on a pali of old wheels. The height and pitch should be suited to the height of tto wagon used. The bottom of chut* should be oleated. so^ stock wOl^ not up, huu un cauie saoum do wioei at rear end. Fig. 4 shows a paddock which can ha ?ct where most convenient, and after the stock are driven Into It can be mowed to the rear end of chute. r """fS'Sf-i I ~ j I M A Stock Rack and Loading Devices. Then angle Is opened to width ol chute, and hooked to It The chats need not flare. If need with the pad dock. The latter should be about U feet on each side. At the other cor nere are strong hinges on 2x4's. A1 angles B and O the hinges axe on the outside, st D ea the Inside. Thai the pes may lis folded up. &n* B. L. SUSMAN. Pres. Ml quirjon i?iU t? juVtd jtn ?!r :. s n^-coMnrNnD. a coti*& ^.XSB K^nMil* Bookk?^ej*'?ll K? urtino^mwitatlw System <4 "".' ^ rnn*JTj'^TI ~ orlM r f?r?ssneeeMftd pi^? to started la the fail. although lot a Mi Mr he planted. ' Keep all the tools that are wl around the harm la nnofl?I and safe places. little paint goes a loos ways toward wishing a hone oat of a group of buildings. How much does It cost to haoo that machinery standing out In the weather? Shedding Is cheap! v While planting toot garden giro due attention to the color of the Aowers so that thej mag harmoo- _ Inn ? Many a now and valuable 1 tuple- ? xnent la left out all winter more . tbrongh c&releeanees than aaythlag [ else. Tobacco dust worked la to the anrfaoe of the eofl fast before setting the lettuce will help to keep the aphis I E awav C TL^zs days can be pot to good use tI In getting the grindstone Into oarv- f< loe and sharpening up things generally. * Ashes are beet applied In the a spring, separately or In connection 1 with phosphate fertilisers as n top | ' di easing. " _ Cabbage is on* or the easiest r<(? I , tables to start from seed and to I I transplant, and to be made to grow In I , the garden or field. ? '< Live Stock tzz9z3 notes Breed tor merit as well as pedigree. It Is very desirable that the ewe lambs exercise dally. Rock Salt tor the cattle Is preferable to the ordinary ldnd. Wire ami cot worms are numerous In old meadows and pastures. Never loosen or throw out any more silage than yon want to feed immediately. Jnst now the heavy steer la a much sought after article In the lire stock markets. The colts and unused horses should spend most of each pleasant day In the paddock. The prosperous and most successful farmer Is comfortable only when his stock Is comfortable. Those who do Hot hare a supply of alfalfa on band will find red clover to be a satisfactory substitute. pleasant, cheerful, fearless disposition Is a valuable quality In a roadster or m general-purpose horse. Oat straw that la tree from mold t mimw an oxceuent winter Lorage for , mules, young cattle and boarding I . horses. I Small breeders of limited means I . should aim to raise animals thai com* I t bine aise. beauty and style with speed P L ability, courage and endurance. ? The meadows look good for pasture B [ in the fall and early spring, but the , man who keeps his oattle off of them ? > always gets better crops of hay. horse or a colt.will thrive better 1 upon a two-thirds ration of hay and one-third of straw than, upon full raf tlon of hay slnas. > Buying Supplementary Feeds. The farmer who has aa abundaaot of oar* and no other grain will Sad > it greatly to his profit V ha win asB > a part of his eora and bay other Bee* . to furnish a variety of rations far the r animals, as thstr systems thas would ha supplied with all the essentials necessary to proper gioaith end d? thin-meal. sad yet not reqatre aa r much feed. \ r KUm^ n?? lor Many. 1 la fiuoa'tlM paraaos who are aab' ployed In the cultivatioa of the rina asp bar 7 s J Ml I IfttttftiiM afel Safe! Old. cocaine, morphine or J eadache success. Pliennt ] a too. VLGINEi /< pi 10c, He and 80c Bottles. ( i FLOE'S DRUG STORE J | If IMfiMttS a carload of the famou J J BUGGIES | can sell them cheaper thjui ever | Ifcat longer and look letter than ^ lies, Wftgons, HarneuM and Carta * 4 t orse Exchange : ?< Washington, N. C J [ ;? JOB? sin IS-State.*. Ir.torr.atlcnil reputation. I | Hmm Sjrdj, '/Vwrfrrff irf 1j NBWSEEP m Garden Seed J Any Variety Onion Sets ?THE? . -4 ' "! quality otodkar 1 una aau t a. I cycles! Bicycles! 1 W? -r IflM iTji^ oaal u4 nil? Moaka Ma s. lfc ' cxjriTLi& 1 114 Market St 9 WASHINGTON. ML C FARMERS an cattle* to the hest and when they have the onpatnaMr of aflw tlnn they call Pamlico Brands The best farmers hi this section use PAMLICO BRANDS. DO YOU? Aak your Sealer lor our goods If you wasSl ai better quality for your g money. S J When your rsoPS uel our goods they won* keM satisfies with any other.! Aak Then Ai they'll? | answer you next Ulfl with an Increase! yUtl Pamlico flptf Co.. I It's the gain J per] acre. yon want Hydrated Lime. ; | "The useof UMpb* I at lime per acra it the spring 1M increased 1 the yield of cabbage Mi per cent as compared with an additional plat I similarly (alHiml bat not limed. The weight of the individual beads | was increased 3D per cent" uirrm fc,TCome ie md WmttM more about this faliw. Harris Hfirflwari* i Your house wired now I and be rawly for hot wwHwi. Electric lights; ( ^9 areawj^Atn. ooove wrtlu ' 'I duccd- ? jSv& v ,fl