| RIM MM NEWS ?uaj.isnED EV.:RV -mauiooN EXCEPT SUNDAT. Na. 10# But Water 8traft. tnurott u BaooaA-claaa mattar Ausaat t. 1101. at tka Ooatofflc. at Walhtaatoa. N. C.. under the act of March 3. 1870. BtV ' ' ' 1 1 f JT*^ " " " 1 One Month ... . 7. t .* j \Four Months >1.00 81* Months 1.00. | One Year ...... *.00 Subscribers desiring the paper dls^ continued will please notify this of- v era on date of exp)raUoa. otherwise it. will he. continued at regular %auh? rcrlptlon 'rates until notice to4 stop Is received. If you do not get Ute Dally News promptly telephone or write the manacer and the complaint will receive immediate attentton. It In ~ our desire to please you. ' Ail articles sent to the Dally News for publication must be signed by the writer, otherwise they %lll not re published. ' f Tl'KMDAY. APRIL O.v^Ol*! Three candidates are tn the field for the Democratic nomination for governor of Georgia this year. Max S. Hayes, editor of a ^Cleveland paper, may be the Socialist candidate for President of the Unit od Siatfce. Many politicians predict that Representative William Sulzer will be the next Democratic nominee for Governor of New York. Gen. Willie Jones of Columbia has decided to retire from' the chairmanship of the Democratic State committee of South Carolina, a poadl which he has held for 20 years. The delegates at large from Vir- ginia to the Democratic national convention at Baltimore will be selected by a State convention to be held in Norfolk on May 23. Joseph T. Robinson, who has received, the Democratic nomination Tor Rovernoiy, of Arkansas, has represented the Sixth Arkansas district ' in congress for ten years. Thomas B. Caton. one of the new senators from New Mexico, served in the Confederate army as a captain and in his earljr days in New Mexico was a lav* partner of the late Senator Stephen B. Elkins. Many close followers of the Democratic presidential race, are of the opinion that the real strength of Governor Harmon ib not likely to be disclosed until after the first ballot In . the Baltimore convention. Colonel Theodore Roosevelt is now reputed to be a wealthy man. He has never had extravagant tastes. He Is said to be worth over 91,000,- ' ono, which represents his savings from the offlres he has held and the royalties on his books. ? . . It will be a long time before) the < senate membership Is increased, for all territory in the United States proper is now included wlthia* state lines. The possibilities for additions to the number of States are Alaska, Hawaii, Potto Rico and the PhiHp-. pines, but it is predicted that It will , be a long time before any one ofi * them will be admitted to Statehood. The Republican and Democratic national conventions are each to have 1,071 delegates. A Republican candidate is nominated by a majority of the delegates, therefore the nominee will need only 638 votes. The Democratic national convention nominates a President by a two-third vote, therefore the winner in the Baltimore convention next June must secure 716 votes. William HenTy w, the oldest President at inaugeration? 68 years; Roosevelt was the jonngest?4 2 years. Grant, Cleveland. Pierce and Polk passed their fiftieth birthday in office. Jackson retired within 11 days and Buchanan within 50 days of *70 years. John Adams who died in his ninety-first year, was the oldest ex-president. TO TRY SONS FOR V KHXING FATflKH Bloomfield, lnd., April 9.?The case of Ray Stibbens and Slater Ed Your P? st. Present a III ' .MADAM ( LAIRVOY ANT, P She stand* alone in groat Ik'' ' Ore. YOl It OOMPI.gTK t> interpreted witb iiufaiRiig ara your hand i.an index bl your , Your talon:?, hopes, joya, slice She Loo Its into the Fatam. She does not deal in doimfidi to benefit all those who need i Located on the 2nd floor \nJSm ?v Ml i 0 V * ? , -V-L^Lj^S Washington Park : suburb of Washing alder good health a Infected, health d< Addition and do ft 117 la loat. ' j ,1 If you'll come j friends. Thoae wl Won't you com <&J|L\ Tis really so de |V~i Twill give you ' Wfc? That's vastly m The breeze SO bracing buoy Where dust they bite, and s Here scenery bright and bol "Come brother, sister, cousi > .. (Then come?ct The breeze it w 'Tis pleasant, gi To tell one-ten) So you today come choose I Then live the life of pleasur You'll sleep so Sound, to bri While drowsy town folks si The air here makes one JfeeJ AnH then urhof imr fho oKilr Of course your cheeks will i 5o come where health and ( ' " Waafciagt comfort than Ws ?V !? ?? r?* * card Stihben. charged with the m?rler of their father, George W; 8Ub>ens, a Knox county farmer, was :alled for trial here today before Fudge Char lee K. Henderson. The taae waa brought here on a change >f venue from Knox county. The Iral will consume the reat of the reek , will be conducted by Jamea J. Hudson, prosecuting attorney for his county and the defense will be epresented by Eph Inman, of Indanoaplla. George W. Stibbens, who was one >f the largest landowners of Knox bounty, was found dead In bis harvard shortly afteCdark, on the night >f November 17, 1911, with a bnlet hole through his kead. Certain ircumstancea led to the arrest df Sdward, and three days later his j rother Ray was arrested, and 4p>th 1 vere charged with the murdef'of' heir father. It Is alleged, that1 the] oung men had been on ^nfrlendly erms with their father for some ime. Mlaa Nell Stl6bens. thelr?cl? or, has faithfully stootf by them ince their arrest. md Future Revealed'' 3LIVETT ALM1ST, MEDIUM power of foretelling 'tfe ESTINY is soon *hy hrr aji il . airaey. To her the lines of - life from infancy to old age. eu and failure. f ^yftk'V ' 'sal Her Power is Birthright i Fortune Telling, bof is hem i Clairvoyant . . . Dr. Rodman's Building xket Streets ? I . on Park a bo^nd to be the choMsst. mo8t sough ton and In justice to themselves and fam hould surmount imaginary obstacles. ge straying dust and come and build in 1 before your health or that of some men n )' ? ? ou'U be as much enthused as myself. 10 you want to see pleasantly, dclightfu . . ' ie and live near us down by t lightful, enchanting, yes and rest and comfort and much ii ore important than a little of j It ' s one up when they come froj tifling hot no comfort there is Id; so grand, it weds you so y n, aunt, come live here in the >me now and live near us; her jll come sweeping through, n< ly and sparkling, here by the :h about it, would take ten me the lot to build your cottage g - ' "ii f e, keep cool by night and day ghtly wake, as day light striki gh and say, "I didn't sleep, 'tw 1 so blessed, so cherry full of { Iren have, twould do you got rosy grow, here by the Pamlii ileasure bounds, come let all i "V . on Umm exlau no man *<W1 nwdfclm ioold secure one <4 tb? cboice homoattes AC K . Doctors Use Tb JOU.gjt.jB~W* uWwm , reSSsMffiCSi i Wa>.u. pruaotlpuw la aa rauen a apMtto . (^. ^p^SS^tfiVTS-SS * for yeara. . We, ouraaWaa vouch for tho D.DJ3. ? i i "" Special Offer Absolutely Pure 1 G ALLON FOR $2.00 vI This is not a blend, imitatloi gallon absolutely guarantt 2 Gallons Cooper's Specis 2 Gallons Wooley's Best I 2 Gallons Laurel Valley R Add 25c to above prices ed. Express Prepaid to any press Company, for offices 1; for each packtffipi Address J. C. C< An Advertisement Brings th< \*r '7' r"^"- *'r"' vl 1 t i t after real dental * . ^ < llj thoM ,vho con , t out of',he germ Vaablngton Par*' *? -/s ... iberof jour fam>. -.-r'-V- ' To your cloaoat lly located fon'li *" J y H I lie river shore? , more. nprovfc your health? i your wealth. Il town, p?? i found. ou'll talk, ^ e open broad the blinds, 1 ? dust you here will find. river shore; n like Thomas Moore. **. ? your cot, 'as hot. * ' !te?, id to see. By, "tefe go." /riW^| w ' \ 1 y ? fOr and Met to yonneU IniAWAirf' k tor Ibmb .M&JSEt^RB sss-7 lUXMTTTW PHARMACY ? ? ' < B" ! " _., I ! ?> ' [For SO Day! T7T7i II TT uiaiveyr 2 GALLONS FOR $3.75 1 or coin pound, but every ;ed or your money back. I Com $4.00 ?ew$om $4.50 yc $6.00 if only one gallon is wantoffice of the Southern Exit other coqtpanles add 50c I all orders to \ )0PER, 7 ria. V* " ' ' ' fccfi SwUrior Court. MAT Term??i912.{ Luke Phillip? n. Matftje Phillips. luperior Court of Beaufort County to I Joum/to bo held on the l?th Mo" lay after the first Monday*In March, t oeing May IS. \9ll, at tb? court louae of said county, fa Washington, t. C., and answer or demur to the x>in plaint In Bald action, or the plainiff will apply to Us court for the relef asked. rhls March 16. 191S. GEO. A. PA.PJL. 1-1? 4w-c v v c. 8. c. ^ 1 notice. By virtue of Power of Bale confined in a Dead of Trust executed by 3eo. B. White 'and wife. Lucy White io the undersigned trustee, dated ISnd day of December, 1^10 and re-, corded in the Register's Office of EJeaihfort County fa Book 164, page 10, I' will offer for sals, for CASH' to &e highest bidder on ApAl lfitfa, 1912, at 11 o'clock, Noon, at the 3ourt House Door la Beaufort Conn7, ike following deecribed land: la t? town of Aurora, being loU Mna. S3. IS unH <S >a ,m mw1.1I* tui'jltna oo a map or laid town, which map U recorded la the Kecorda >r Beaufort County In Book m, W?e 307. 1 Default baring been mad* In the payment of the debt aecured by eel4 Deed of TruM, eale le made at the remeet 1 of the owner -'of the debt to latlafy earn a. W. A. THOMPSON. v Truetee. J. HAVF.NS, Owner of Debt. Stewart ft Thompeon, Attoraeya. Thla March 14th, 1SU. 3-16 1-awk 4wka SOTIOB OP SALE. , By ftraoa of the sower1 of halo, contained In a Deed of Trust dated the 6th day of May, 1163 from Samuel a. Carrow at ala to Cbaa F. Warren. Truatee. recorded In the oft!or of tie Register of Deeda of Baauf-rt County la Book M, pace 341: and by Ttrtue of the power (Iron td the undersigned In ah order of the Superior Court In a proceeding entitled "J. L. Hhaaell re Samuel R. Carrow et ala." to which reference la hereby made, the undarelgheC will an aubetltute Trustee on Monday the 33ad day of April, 1?U. d*er for aale at publle auction at Noon at tie.Court Houae door of Beaufort County, all that certata tract of land ooareyed by aatdDead of'Tram and described aa fcrilowa. to-wlt: attoota lying and being In State of North Carolina, County of Beaufort, and Teen of Washington. ud ta that part ot Mid Town known a* BonaoCaOM Pat*, and bain a 4 pit of Lou N unbare 1 and I. and which part h konadad and daatillitt aa fbUowa: On Uu Sooth hp Main Street, on tha Maathp t?e lot of Wa. z Morton Sr.. am tha North bp tha !? * ****** ? and-wtta. now owaad bp C. ft. Wahah. siwl ths of tte Ikto ffitfri Mudrda. aad oa tha MM hp fh. lot of O. V, Warren, and bated tha earn. plana ar parcel upon whMk ataaada tha Capa Par Bank Balldmc. ' ' ' . TKRMS OP SdlM CSSH Thla ldth dap of March. UU. Sj V; a?i ;e. ' A'J ?Sho Will Change Then. .-*>3 Mra. crawlaad?aithooca my Op nan. tar ta aoab a Uf aln. tea. actll alreia of tha dark. Mra Cimhaaaw?uoat worrp about that, bp dear. Shall aooa be to lore.?Judsa 1 o 1 WThl^ >410 East Main St jlilir P The i Hot yr-v. * the Hutaiphre^ S ter Heater ey< g room requir 5 This iron serv? 6 back, takes a 1, " UKALH1RT OOCHOCU Ha. Ml. w'-raSra ?*< .? %?J2g ? ~b ^Dih: TAV THIHB, No. M. <* 1. O. &. M. . MrtU in Tayloe'u Hall ov.r* Mm day'* SIocp 8tb Run. . 4 PHtkUlI IXMK3B. No. 1?. L (). O. K. ? JMWla awry Tkuruday orenlng li . fuyloo'a Hull ut 8 o'clock. . NAOMI HBBKKAH LOI>CB. No. W * JL. O. O. P. M?U IB Tsyloe's Hall Moond anc fourth Friday each month at 8 p. m PAMLICO LODGE, No. TS. V&*3E5P of ** Meets in their hall, upstairs, cor , ner Union alley and Mela street , every Thursday evening at 0 o'clock . ORB LODGR, No. 11*1 I - . y- L_ - and Third itreeta. first and*~thLrr Tuesday* e*efc month At I p. n. MOTS CHA1TKR, No. Royal Arch Muona. . Meets In Maeonio Hall second sac tourth Tuesdays each mouth at t *> ? \ WAMH1NOTON LODGE No. EBB. 8.P.Q.E building, erery r et IT'" K 1 o'clock notick. ?. . ... ~ By virtue of Power ot Sole <>?tallied la a Deed ofTrust executed by John P. Booker to tke undersigned trustee, dated tfnd day of December, lAe. and recorded in the Roclstar's Office of Beaufort County In Book IK. pa?e t. l will offer for sale, for CASH to the hlffheot bidder on April 16th. 161*. ot It o'eloek. Noon, at the Court Houee Dour lu Beaufort County, the tollewtnx described land. ' ' In the town ot Aurora beta* lots et and 41. as are esp.molly deocrlbed on o map of odd town, which map to recorded la the Records ot Beaufort County in Book 1?1. pace 107. Default hariaff bees made 10 the payment ot the debt secured by said Deed of Trust, sale la made at the recusal of the owner ot the debt to satisfy earns : $ ' W. A. THOMPSON, i !' Trnatae V '^.fDrnt M Stewart * Thompson. Attorneys This March 14th, lttt. t. d.?.' l-ll lawk 4wka IfOTlCK OP *?*?*?, MORT. 1 ' "V. y - Under u< by dnu at a povar at Ola contained la a mortceso from < Samuel Leaner dated Oetoher 10th. ISM to r. P. lathe m and recorded , la Book 111 pose 111 ot the Recta try of Beoofoct County, which eald I morteaee waa to eecnte the hood . fflssbb&ja; net bidder at the Court Uooae Boor ' la Beaufort Cheats at Wnehlndton M. < C. on^fte fourth day of May It IS at . f^^yf-hSwwt Jip*?ti^of "?1t ' tate*aa "plotted by'laa p'uttalh * ilcaated' eo'piei'eatot n" l^lweme : wjljbgtt!! t-l lawk 4wk c. >yi.V* . Loot lor Bene. Redd?'Did yea beer eboat my aetehbar leotec eootrol ot Me meter eerf Greene?"Bo. I didn't' Hedd Well, he did. Tbe eherUTe eel B ""'if'? <f y':: ih, ? Iht ihi fh i ih eh lLbert, i : - Norfolk Vo \ WSSSSi THE KOMEfi er Service of ? j 1 Automatic wa-? inds to every I g Hot Wafer/' [ it never talks <! liday; or grows J 2 .uta necessity. | i <t r nviTviTi ha 3 I Tfc '* 1 i i " V - J t w*- ' LLINER 1 fllfl 890 W. second St. /V flfl V M J.' fl * * r. * * ^ tfc OlflC* Op^tT?i" Bou.. - CT WaahUwton. N O. ? ? ' Uj WUey C. Rodman, t: . tri 1 Wm. B. Rodman. Jr RODMAN * RODMAN .sgy, Washington, North Carolina ?, V a. 8. Ward Junlua D. Ortmas ' \ WAKI) A OKIMNB \ Wnahinctoa. N. c. *> II We pracllcd In tha Court at Iha raw Judicial District sad tks ^ U Fedsrsl Courts. ' / ??-' m u|IW| H. W. CASTER. U. n Practice limits* to dlaaaatl s< tha In, Ear. Now and Throat. r.^oura: l-la a. m.; W ?, ax. v Except Monfeya. ? ^ Corner Mat* u4 Market Ita. \ Orer Brown'a Drue Btpre. * ' ? ?- j JUKI) H. BONHEH _J* Attorasy ?? U? V ? AMHINtlTUR, It. ?. M >* ? > ? . .. V a,d.PULUn?MU. nu WSUBAJtCK. WASHWUTOM, tk O. a. .t ? - 1 - ? " ' i ! w. a ojumm > - : Practice* 1a ail the Courts A m 4' e ,e w John H. Small a.. D. MacLeea Harry MeMullaa * > ft " yjarl^s.. as-as m ? 1 ; : J? M2iw SOwl"* ? tt 1 ' ' ? ^ ..... . . , 1 1 '* * ? * V 'v '?- ? . . ' a ' ?< u. : "-yr-.^ : J : > : ** m :om*H*^7??rZ. * I L ' *"? i, * -; WuktagtM. if. c ' M % fTTTT- ^ ; KOKWOOD I_ IIHMor : \ p,: * I ' WffclMton. N. 0 ' t . 1 . - . To the Fanners ^ I We have a few more bag* J >f Maine grown, Irish Cobilers Seed Potatoes, which tve can sava you. money yn. Also, a hill supply o( v :holc^onion sets and gar- I ien seeds. Give ua your business and we will prove ' o youdt Is toyotlrinterest 0 buy from the' jjw '^llCO TOGAf yr Q?_ I i l i * rr? 5 \ 10 be done, , My work 1 guarantee'-?. > I To please he or she ; * * ' . : 1 woty frcpri sun to " ?&* My^yeara of e^eriencel v ^n^eCpressfnfl| gasolm^T I T 1 THwi j

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