LA1E YES BODY FOUND LAST NIGHT AT 10 O'CLOCK g WKXT IN 1IATHINO AEONE OFF W WAmrtNOTON PARK PIER 0 ABOUT THREE (TCIXK K ^ BBV NOT IKED ?t IWTIL SEVEN OtlOffl 8TK1CKKN I-AKKX1W. WAS POPtXAR "WITH HIS H&'' fL < oomiudes j.yj-.; ; i Arthur Qfiprse, the 1 l^yiMpAiU . soft of Ht. end Mrs. Chrletlan Gear* i wu drowned *t Waehtngton P*H h yeeterday ifternoon wHll? betWni off the pier at Wmihlngton Park. ail bedy eu found* last nl*h >,. ahjitat ten i'clock and the - remain carried to bis home on .Third Street Yesterday afternoon Arthur gain F ed the permission of his mother t . > so bath ins and l?'t his home'atoou j. two o'clock. Lata In the afteraooi his nrothbr become apprnW|rtldi be I j Sab So make'lnqulrles. site receive* no satisfactory juiawer. she conno&l rated tier fears to her IxnmsBtat family and efforts were at once mad , to lootfte her son. From som?4small boys* It was leal \ -ed that Arthur was soon totes ?tc \ wands the pier at Washington Pool I te .^e. afterjspoe alone. Tha oootet ,F* te* ptsrty thee went xo the ptar>*b h found tome clothing whtdlf was Wet tided as belonging to,the hoy. Th parte (returned to the City and 01 ganlsed an^ additional searchln party. The%body was located lai I night hbout ten o'clock by> means c Y \ boat hooka. When found It was teg on tha bottom In eight feet < water .and In a rigid condition shoe , teg that he bad been dead seven \ # borne. '' The "body ?as brought to the tit 111 tun nam uvai ui v itjjteim nuiwi SatterThwak?. It la stated that th boy could not swim and why be vr?i > , to tb? pHr alone la a mystery. , That the boy was missing was at discovered until alpint seven o'ctoc laafMiWht. The body traa found 1 ? Messrs Damon O'Neal, Robert Smal t Capt. Ssrttefthwftite and Chief o! P. kce George N. Howard. r '* The sympathy of the rommunfi goes vpnt .to the grief stricken pa - ents. ArCJrtir wag a bright*mnd pron istng boy/and^ad many friends, a . V, TJia. funeral services will* be Vel v fnorfl the residence on Tbjrd Stre< " V . tomorrow iTtaursday) morning , j J 10:to o'clock, conducted by J?ev. I ? P. Dalton, pastor of the First Ban ; ttot Chtjrch. The %lj^t?rm?nt'will 1 1n Oakdald ?e'metery. -v. KQriTABLE -FIRE AT . LYRIC TONIGH , "* It was Impossible for all of ns I ) visit New Toils after the great ? ; ?'f/- that destroyed the handsome Eqnl H able Building and now jjfcti very n necessary for olio go. , & - Tonight tbe manager of. tile Lyr has secured this grvai picture aft? several requests, and same sill 1 ,'v . " exhibited together wltji jhjW? othe: 1 makl%fe a four reel program for tl *v!J!ng \ This one rqel -pt blctures la tnl worth the price of admission aloi but there are others that are ful (p? "? aa interesting to take one and ha ' hours time to mee them. . t V ,r t. " The admission price trfpight vri ( # be 10 and 14 ^ento and by glanch over their program that app&J^I els inhere it will pqptince job that tb exhibition is fntly woSrth -doable tl . The msoiy friend? 'o> ,?h%^ ? Mr*. Wiley C. Rodman^ -will regr ' to Mh M Mte ft - J Ijtfant sou. It is to be hoped th ; J s V i f " fW TODAVt ?nCWB ll \ The Hub. . Rj; Lee Btewert. |.k'* I * Jff - * *.. ' Poitam Cereal Company. ?L,-. Ij-A ^ASHI - ,;i ij j'r1 =s=n up] IBB IFItilM HKI ID Bit ' an ii onuu. ? , The Board of City Aldermen met M . in regular monthly session, at the C1 City Hall Monda^evenlng laat and s transacted thq^jfTowiag business for )] the preceding modlh: c< ? ? On motion the sum of $ao was do- j* nated to the Washington Light la- b .' ? * Mr. Lindsay C. Warren attorney ' In )ehalf of Mr! L. .A- Squires presented a claim oft f 1,000 damages for ei Injury to hfe son, jiged three years, c\ which occurred on Hay. 4. Mr. Squir- m es claims that by reason of the fact ti that the city left Its sewer open on w West Second Street which was neg- M llgence, th*t:his son fell- head first in- m to apd by season of- same was brula. ci ed. cut anP frightened thereby. The t ? claim upon motion was referred to M the City Attorney for ^action. t< Messrs N. C\.NewbOfd and John B. W Sparrow a sheared before the board t< i In behalf .uf the City Public Library ^ asking a donation for ean^e. Upon ? ^ motion a committee consisting of Al- JJ A MiW- Morris And Buckman e gentlpmen and make a report at the next meeting of the board* * Chief of the Fire Department. Dr. E. M. drown, appeared before the u r board anal requested that the Are 10 >f district be extended along Market n -Street 10ft East and W.est, of Mar. 8 ket Street to the South Side or ThlriJ c Stred. On motion the Are commit7 tee was delegated to meet with the 8 n chief of t&? Ore department and add 0 e any new jurt to the Ore district c n which tkey -deemed necessary and n this committee will also be empower- 8 ed to'purchase all hose for* the dry. 1 k - 1 y On raotlaa the matter of install- * I ing a light on the weit end of Sec- * ^ ond Street, and also Water and Mc r Ngjr Streets, was referred to H. B. Charles, superintendent of the city ^ Electric Light Plant. ; >' " - | The report and recommendations 1 .. of the finance committee were accept, u e?; ; ... \ ^ Mayor Qollla rf Harding was i^m" ed as a comiittoe pf one to use all endeavor Xo .collect' all bills now In arrears fof the ofcetrlc lights now . due the city- ' ? ' n ? - < ^ On motion Mr. Ay O. Spencer was ' I appointed. Sanitary Inspector for the to ensuing three moaths arti salary of r? $30%Jhr aurath. L *t ill ! Upon taction* the salary of Mr. H. ( Bi Charles, superintendent of the . tc City KJectrie Light Plant waa raised . v from fl#i> to $US per month. 3e 1 n There being no other business the 1 je board adjourned subject to the fcall , of the mayor. ? ; ' ^ PRAYKR.M^KTIX<;. ly ]f There will M prayermeetlng service# In all the different churches ' |fc , of-the city 4h1s evening at the osnal ' ^ hour. "All cordially Invited. ' ^ WEDDING Tills EVENING ' " Mtaa Ooldft Rick. ana Mr. Jamaa ' McCluer will be marrl^l ,?t the Flfet ' PreebyterlanChureh thla eveJlng at ' ^ I. o'clock The ceremony will be ?t R u^F^yLt Tkrt .-1 min will b ha It' ^ ' at followed by a public reception at the' boons" pf the. bride* parent* Sheriff and lire. Oeortfe E.'Rlckr en, ^aat e Seoond Street. #P - WewtSH^ } BlUI.AhK e l The member, el the briyade of the II. E. Church Sunday School are a picnic at WaahlncUn Park NGT 1r.1miistfru.vr south ww.?-~yy KKNKK.1IJ-V K.lUt ? "upiK Ol'KU MEN GIVl^SAIL AND MBS. I- T. THOJU-SON ENTER. T.iiNs.iiE mm: ci.vb A-moat (h'llsbtful mOonllgfat s41 as given last Friday evening by the lung-men o<. Aurora. From the me the launch left the dock until a return It was a scene of gatet) id pleasure. .Among those who en yed the sail wer^: Misses Annie. Katie and Mildred efebee. Mints. Mary. Garnet and Innle Bonner, Hannah and Eleanoi (jthrell. Clara Litchfield. Annie cvlndell, Nannie Graff, of Fredrick d., Olive Miller and Emma Cu'tfcill. . Messrs John and Archie Bonsr. Will Bryan. David Ferebee, Jot Hi. Leroy Epps, Charlie and Georg* Ixon. Henry Chapln. Hiram Jonei ad Sam Litchfield ?. Mrs. W. O. M< 'illiams. Chaperoned.' 4 i Mr*. L.X Thompaon delightfully ilhrtained the Le Lhrre Club Frjda] *01 nr After the regular businesi leetlng there was a contest of Au tors In which Mrs. Annie Oulifort on first prize, and Mrs. Dough ant tr. It. T. Bonner cut for-the booby [rs. Dough winning. Dellcloui ream and cake wan then served he gueata departed at 10:30 votlni rra. Thompson a moat charming-hoe sa. Julte a party of our people wen > Bath and spent the day Sunday IISS JENNIE COX Miss Jennie Cox charmingly enter lined the gradtiatelng class*of 191< f the Washington High School las Ight at. her home on West Mail treet from 8:30 to 11:30. Thj^nr asion was a reunion of the class am be evening proved one of plea ure and enjoyment. The member f the class present were: Russel ' ox. Misa Margaret Cordbn. Benja lin Morgan. Archie P. Farmer, o ipartanburg. S. C*; M. F. McKeel Ji 'he Invited gueBta were: Miss Bessl Mlver, of .Selma, N. C.! Misa Katfc ren Kugler. of Philadelphia and Mia lelen Shaw. Delicious, refreal lants were f served. The hoetea r a* ..given a vote of (hanks for tost enjoyable evening. ^ CE FACTORY INSTALL ICE CREAM FLAN jjlr' The Crystal Ice Company of th ity has just installed, an ce cream frfctory. The first batch < :ream was manufactured on yeste lay and was pronounced first cla >y all who tested it and are comp ent to Judge. The factory will 1 iperated for the wholesale trade e ilusVvely and means quite an adva age to the consrimcrsin this sectk ?f the state. The capacity of tl ce cream plant Is three hrfhdred pa ona per day. They can freese ai >ack ten gallons at a time. Aft he cream is frozen It is ihep carrit o the cold storage room wtjere s kept nntll ordered out. The wan rf, the cream will be "Crystal I ma." The entire force of the Daily Nev was treated to a anmqlA of this e :ellent cfeani late yesrerday af'.e toon and judging by the vfay ft w :dbsuraed It jraa more than satl 'actory. Thaitj^at was much appr dated. ' The Crystal Ice. Company o be congratulated upon ttieir ne renture and it^ to be hoped that arm prove c auCtess and it Id dsaer ,d' V . fr ABfOTHKB OmflRACT The Harris Hardware Company < resterday closed, a contract with 1 *' 'jL *.#* f." 1 . -t--tl. W.1 i.. - 'ii.^~ 1 CXROU5A, WKDXE8DA\ AF1WNN -4 1 ENEMY OF Tt|E I w John Burroughs. ib? r&ooiu natural fakers." pa>?e /f f [ MW!LL MARK > JUL! I Washington, Juno G.?Tha city of Washington i^omg to put up n series of,splendid pageants for thethousanda who, I tls,epected will flock hero this weCk \6 witness the . unveiling otethu* Government's me mortal of cfhrMopher Columbus. a The Columbus statue, one of the j most beautiful in the country, stands | on the Union Station -Phona.The programme .in outline of the celebration itf bb follows: T~| June 7, A. M.?Knights of Colozn- t bus pilgrimage to Washington's tomb at Mount Verncn. 7 P. M.? cred concert at Conventloh Hall. K_ Ma J. Richard Slyvester, chief of r_ the Police Department and hea&wof lB the Public Order Committee for the celebration, " has arranged to have 500 extra policemen on duty, and in addition clever sleuths. Dr. Dt Peyw cy Hicklfng heads a committee of lt fifty physicians that will be on duty during the parade. The medicine men. together with nurses and ambulances. will be distributed tbrowgh nut the entire line of march. A temporary hospital will be set up on the ** mum moot of the Whf i?' HtJeafc *3 A public comfort bureau will be s zr^i^be v^r^rrTS that wnw dow? to A ii y ok, jr?Ko, ?oia. VRIABl.K TOXOB. _'f ? UTURE FIXER I, BttfcterI ^ * '1 ^v-Ja " V ' \ , , , i a' ! '? - , $ ; A | 1 g35ggg3g3?-N list aud uuitior. and enemy of "nature ' r recently, hut is iu vigorous as many : iMItr MOTOR COMPANY RECEIVE THREE CARS The Dalley Motor Company have |QBt received throe up-to-date and modern R. C. ft. motor cars of twenty Ore horse power each. One is a touring car : one a touring roadster and one a runabout. Almost immediately upon the arrival df the cars two of them were sold. Dr. S. W. Staley. of Aurora. N. C.. was the purchaser of the Touring roadster and the runabout was aold to Mr. J. M. Peoljjles a traveling salesman who will utilize the machine in his business. The Touring car is tor sale. The Dally News congratulates this enterprising loral Arm and the purchasers afrp to be congratulated for their though!fulness in patronizing, home industry. DEADLY FOLDING BED CRUSHES A COUPLEj I New York, Jutte 5.?A new folding bed early yesterday suddenly Bhm up In a flat at No. 680 Metropolitan avenue, Brooklyn. with the fol. towing Tcsnrta: Alfred Eber'uardt, a machinist she.feet ha height and a giant in strength, was stood on "his head, his ekafl was clamped between the "Jaws*' of -the bed and he suffered concussion of the brain. His wife, Mary, a large woman, was caught eldewiue, with her head and shoulders hanging out, and was sqoeased into unconsciousness. ^ The baby, Josephine, one year was almost spiothered, heels upward, between her parents, but summoned rescuers by her muffled screams. The Eberhardts bought the bed last Thursday from a dealer who as. sured them, the thingXpas peaceably inclined. The family slept tn It Friday night and the mechanism worked to a charm. When Mrs. Eberhardts let down the bed Saturday night she complained that thgf lever worked with cllfflcwlty. Karly- yesterday the baby. WhetMpt'ta m crib Began to sry. and the matter leaned out and lifted her Ibto the. bed4T, Mrs. Eberhardt then >ea(%s|d for tho nursing bottto irv the I , 1 wlfnout a warning crekk the bed uSftsffifrs-nss SISSC^^SSB ^1 - \ Z&MWSlfr?-' 'Wy " NEVS r , ? mm l gives hi's far Wives fOBIII.K KK1KTKI) WOMAN A\l) X HI'lilt Y WITH PATCHKD TKOI SEHS POOR PAIK HE SAYS Cleveland. June S.?"Put these up *?] 11 your wife's mirror where she can ai iee them every morning." said the [lev. W. W. Bustard, Rockefeller's tj jastor of the Euclid Avenue Baptist w Church In introducing "Ten Don'ta tl 'or Wlvei." His don'ts are: n< "Don't marry a man for a living, pi jut for love. Jlanhood without aou. p ?y Is belter than money without man tl lood. * li "Don't overdress or underdrese; tl tommoD sense Is sometimes better I n han style. I b, "A wife with a hobble skirt and ?: i husband with patched trousers hi nake a nuor uair. A woman can hi throw more out of a kitchen window j n with a spoon than a man can put in-,n to the cellar with a shovel. jti "Don't think that the way to run It] i house is to run away from it. It is J b wrong to go around lecturing other F women on how to bring up children, L while you are neglecting your own. a "Don't tell your troubles to your n: neighbors. They * have enough of their own. Fight it out with your F liusband if it takes all summer. h "Don't nag. The 6aloon.keeper ia|? always glad to welcome your hus-ja band with a smile. ^ "Don't try to get mere out of alt looking glass than you put into it. (a Nature's sunshine is better for wo- 1j man's beauty than man's powder and F paints. B "Don't make gamblers and drunk- c ards out of your children by running h whist parties for prizes and serving } punch with a stick in It. "Don't forget to tell the truth. e6-j p pecially about the age of your child, j j Hdnesty is worth more to you and t him than a nickel. A boy who Isjn eight years at home and si$ on the*. \ cars will soon learn other things I that are not so. j "Don't forget that home :s a wo-1L man's kingdom where she r^jgns asjj queen. To be a mother of ; Lincoln |1 a Garfield, or a McKir.ley is to be \ the mother of a prince." I? RECORDER GRIMES TRIES SEVERAL CASES The following cases wer*? of before* Recorder W. D. Grimes In [ his court yesterday: W. C\ Howard. George TTcv.arc! ' and Floyd Tanka. d. ^11 colored we?e ., dndicted for an ari'ray. W. t\ How- " ard Gc-orge oHward w?re - n h -"ajd! SI and one third of cost. Tankard . was ordered to pay one thiri of ecsr. j George Howard * ;-s 'barge! vi-'i a violation of the City ordlnar.r.e. He was found guilty but judgment wasi suspended upon the payment of ccst.lj i;cvs HABF WHICH I* ON t*>l.\T OK IMMOLATION I San Francisco, June 5.?Saved! from sacrifice on an altar of fire during a famine in the northern part of I the iRlnnd of Luzon, in the Phillippines. ten years ago. 3-ttie Felieida l tJ a child of a member of ope of the almost extinct aboriginal tribes, who was bought foi 3 0 pesos by Mrs. Abreu, a Filipino ^oman. Just as the fire was cracking under the pvre upon which the then two-year-ol I little girl had been placed. was the imost popular passenger on the liner China- in from the Orient. 1 GiVfen possession of little Fellrldad, the aged Filipino woman. days of weary trudging through the ; jthickets and swamps made h..* way to Manila. For six year? C:* kept rtlie little girl In her hut * r:o city luntll two years ago. when *h? good iold woman was striciim vl:h fever 1 and died. p'-Oh *her deathbed she bequeathed 1 jher moat valuable aarthy possesion W^Fettfdad?tojja$. J. J,. Dunham a kupertltoliis 'MfcS't W -?he public! pfefitfoft of Manila^ who has come to ^3an Francisco; after-an absence 'of pevtn. Tears In t*? The baby, owin g to the bigness of T? w k ? DEFEAT miii 1 IN NQVBIR8GR ? OT *? PER TENT OF REPl'BMt'AX VOTE HAS HKKX POLLED IN MANY STATES IX jft J PRIMARY pecial to the Daily News. ^Washington, 1). C.. June 4.?An ualysls of the Tote in all the Kgublican primaries in every ?tate ^ lat has held a primary election here Itoosewit has. won. show to le observant cltiren that there has ot been So per cent of that vote oiled In any out". That absolutely roves that the greatest port.' -n of ie voters of the country who have itherto been Republicans are lorougltly disgusted with the mailer of campaign that is being made y these two doughty warriors 3:i the Ic-ru'oHran ranks for the Pres'denal nomination, and that they have UJdiousiy stayed a: home. mat leans that they want neither Taft or Roosevelt. They are sick and red of this sort of polities not only tie weak-back-bone policies ?: Taft ut the strenuously rar over every contesting Roosevelt It-legation that tomes before them.. Phat means that 'he Taft people will ontrol the temporary organization /. that convention and that tempo ary organization will appoint the -oiumlttet* on Credentials and that \ onimlttce will follow the National csimit tee's recommendation a:ul \ ?iv ng Taft the nomination nn the r.rst ballot. That means further, Roosevelt's people will cry fraud, withdraw from the convention, hold > convention of their own. nominate :;:' a patriotic Democratic than Jiutcess with Roosevelt under the name of the Republican parly which does not mean th? Republican partyis vhey ahve been taught and believed all their lives because the Republican r~rry they believe in is the RetriMIrj.n party of public plunder ' ih-r :c.h ;? tariff. Jfl The tall: of a third man or a dark l_:se wluni.vr. nomination is suhK'dlag materially. The reason is :T'?re !e no able or self respecting Ropuhliian willing to take the nompatfon with the conditions facing 'hem after this campaign o? vituperation between Taft and Roosevelt. They know they would be defeated and they are not hankering to be- .otH pone a vicarious saerfflce simply to pull the chestnuts of a few standpat Republicans out of the Are. So it dees not make any difference to the Democrats of this country who Is nominated on the Republican ticket, t^ey will beat that candidate to a fratrle. * >w \{ TO ATTEND CONVKNTMMf J $ 'fl < Quite a number of dsl?atn+ ana ? ."J others expect to leave this afternoon | and tonight for Raleigh whsre they y Convention tomorrow. l m