m PUBLISHED WViIRT AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY. 5 No. 1?* East Wuar Mzwt. A f *i J~ ' i^torod m ?cioni ?1? rooOf P**1 'r# ASSOK *. 1HI. X Iko po^SRo ?t f &V> N, f "0" of f, ; i afa*X?" I' -~, **r """ o Bilmllin desiring tlM papsr 1^ antlnued will plans* noUf*t& *- d *cs os data of esplrmtlon. ptherviss fl * will bo continued at reiuUr sub-wrlptlos ntM until sottea to atop la received. * a . * Zi you do not tot tbo Daily News promptly telephone or write the man- ^ aaer and the complaint will receive fc Immediate attention. It Us ow devro to please you. c , 0 Ail <01110100 seat to the Dally News t for publication must be signed by t the writer, otherwise they will not bo published. \ - ? WKDXESPAV. JUXE 5. 1912 MOTH EltS AXD THE1K t< DAl't.HTEItS tl ? n As a result of a discussion among the members of the Ho me-Economics Association of Cincinnati, some sixty I "socially prominent women" have U started a movement for promoting C simplWlty of uress. We are told "the > need was urged most strongly on the S ground that ail cxauinlc must be set C to schoolgirls who paiut and powder and wear to school not only flowers, but low-necked waists and cobwebbed stockings" If this were an illustration of a condition peculiar to Cincinnati.* it could be passed over with sarcasm. If it were but an example of the fol- s ly of schoolgirls, it could be passed with a jest. But It shows a concH* ^ tlou prevalent throughout the ^ Uuited States, and the folly is not . that of school-girls, but that ot their mothers. One of the duties a mother owes to her daughter is to teach fcesv how tc? dress with modesty becoming youth and to see to it that she dresses thai way. There is no ! need o: setting an example. 1 All sort? clubs and societies are 1 now called in to help manage girls. I Home training by the mother appears to be parsing away, and with it i< passing the old obedience of the daughter. Club resolutions can-1 no: help the matter. Girls" reform. schools are equally helpless. The' or.:* thing needed is the old-fashioncu t..-:htrko"*d that not only bore children out ruled them with firmness and reared them in reverence. (ilUIH.\Tl\(i AT KlKTY.THREKj From I-iiuoln. Neb., ccmes a story, that should inspire many a man and I woman who have compromised with t'.ie:r ideals or given them up as un-l Attainable. It is a story of Mrs. Ella I .May Hursfy. fifty-three years of age who or. June- 12 will graduate from There are rases of women cotuplet-j inn a college course at even more i advanced age. but In fact that Mrs. Hursey graduates in the same class as her youngest aim her example is uniqu*. .Many women of today are complaining that marriage is lncotnpat. 1ble with intellectual achievement. Yet this Nebraska mother has shown that the unconquerable soul Is not a plaything of destiny. She has gain, eii * summit toward which she has ; looked during perhaps two score years. A woman or a man whom the , years at fifty have not robbed of their dreams is at\. inspiration to thousand of others. So much at least Mrs. Hursery has accomplished. SAINT JBHrsir AT OXFORD ORPHANOGE This tim.e honored celebration will be held this year at Oxford Orphanage. Oxford. X. on Saturday. June 22nd instead of Monday 24th. This has cone to be one of ttic m'ost representative gatherings which occurs in our state. Each year, for a great many, it has been the custom for the Grand Lodge of Masons to hold a Special Communication at the Orphanage. In this way this occasion has been the means cf bringy ing together large crowds, and friends froni all over the state have begun to look forward to It with great pleasure. Bach year the crowds seem to get K? larger. Last year It was estimated J that 10?000 people attended. Preparations are now begun looking to ' *he entertainment of even larger num Place of sale i Kr 1 K ^ There dust the ajh Here scenery b H "Come brother ' era than usual. The railroads ha^f isde arrangements to pat on sale educed rate tickets end to run speotl excursion trains on all the roads n that day coming Into Oxford. The address of welcome will he lellvered "by Mr. T. G. Stem, of Oxord, N? C.. and the oration by Rev. p. H. T. Horaefleld, Rector of St. Stephen's Episcopal Chiicb, Oxford f. C. The Inspiration of t^ese occasion! ias reached and tendered manj learts as thejr behold the great wdrl ielng done for the Orphan children f our state. The location is one ol he most attractive In the state and he Institution Is the oldest and on< if the lirgest. NO RECORDER'S COURT On account of the absence of Reorder W. D. Grimes, whs has gone o Raleigh, there was no session ol he Recorder's Court this morning t the City Hall. . Visa Louise McCluer. Mrs. Bessie laydun. Miss Emma Boyd. Mlsfc Louie Boyd and Miss Sudie Boyd, ol Ireenville are the guests or Mr. and Irs. Joh F. McCluer on Eaat Second itreet. They will attend the Mc'luer-Ricks wedding this evening. WEEK' END AND SUNDAY RATES X> MOHEHEAD CITY AND BEAUFORT. N. C. Sunday Excursion Tickets now 01 ale, and Week End Fares will be oaie effective Saturday, June 1st. For specific rates and complete In ormatlon apply to any Agent of tin sorfoik Southern Railroad. -21 to 6-1. COLLECTING SPECIFIC TAX This is to notify all persons owln] ipecific taxes in the City of V."ashing on that 1 will be at the City Hal from June 1 to June 13 for the pui pose of collecting same. The following are liable: Ol Brokers.. Architects. Auctioneer! Bicycle Dealers. Bottling Establish nients, Bakers. Barbers, Barbt Shops. Blacksmiths. Horse shocrs. b liard and Pool Tables. Bed Revenvi ters. Box. harre: or Roiier Factorie Brickyards. Brick Dealers. Boardin Houses. Bill Posters. Carriage Mam lactliters. Carriage and Buggy Dea ers. Pistol Dealers. Music Dealer Firework Dealers. General Merchan Express Companies. Rental Agent Drays and Transfers. Fish Dealer Soft Drink Stands, Tinners and Roo ers. Job Printing. Heal estate agent Livery Stables. Laundrymen. Lin Kilus. Fruit Stands, marine railwa; Marble t"ards and Ageuts. Milk Dea ers. Tailors, Machine Shops, Mil and Factories. Newspapers. Opei 1 l.,i,ao Paun Rrn'.-arc ParlHla, Preslng CIqbc. Plumbers. Reata rants. Shoe Makers. Y.'oodworke and Dog Tax. The ordinance covering the abo' urday. Mr. LaFraze has been tl firm or corporation commencing bu inesp or doing husinesA without pr curing license shall upon convictk be fined $25.00. GEORGE N. HOWARD. Specifics Tax Collectc 6-3 6-15 c. SUMMER EXCURSION FARES NOW IX EFFECT TO BEAUPOF AND MOREHFAD CITT The seashore season is now op and summer excursion tickets are sale at all stations to Morehead Cll X. C., and Beaufort. K. C., good return until October 31st. Get complete. Information fix any ticket agent. W. W. CROXTON. G. P. A. Norfolk, \ 5-21 to 6-11 SEASIDE EXCURSION FARES via ! ATLANTIC COAST LINF. RA1 ! ROAD i The Btandard Railroad of the Sot Week-end Rates For Saturday and Sunday fo noon trains, June 1st to Sept 8th elusive, limited to midnight of folk ing Monday. Wilmington. N. C.. and return ! For farther Information, call I local Ticket Agent, or address * T. C. White. Gen. Pass. Age i Wilmington, fl. C. Household _ text door to Brov y bite, and stifling hot no co right and bold; so grand, it v , sister, cousin, aunt, come lit - > , _ = 1 kuicctobs xcyrtom ~ Harlng this day qu HI fled before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Beaufort County aa Bxecutor to the I?sJr ,r OKU LODGE. No. 104. A. F. ?R?1 A. M. 11 Meets In their hall, corner.Bonne and Third streota. first and thin s. Tuesdays each month at S'p. m. lg MOVE CHAPTER. No. Royal Arch Ibwos*. Meets In Masonic Hall caoond an 1_ fourth Tuesdays each r.onth at ! s. D. m. v tB WASHINGTON LODGE No. 822. n. p. o. e. 01 building, every V ffej evtt:r* ?4 ?. 'O'clock / S. 7 ie RuIvMj.TIhb will cure you. DISSOIXTION NOTICE 8 Notice is hereby given that th partnership heretofore existing b< *8' tween W. R. Boyd and W. H. But u" under the firm name of Russ an Boyd. Do thia the 27th day of Ma dissolve by mutual consent. W. I ve Boyd assumes all the obligations an liabilities of said firm and Is entlt lS" ed to collect all bills due said firm. Witness oar hand and seal this tb 'n 27th day of May 1*12. W. R. BOYD. (Seal) W. H. RUSS. (Seal) ^ SVVrlW. 6F Ai>\llM8T'RATl6V Having this day qualified as Ai mlnistrator of the estate of Richai Bragavr, deceased, n\>ttce Is heret iHvpti that all claims ncninat th? aal tT estate must b? filed with me with twelve months from this date, othe wise thia notice will be pleaded : bar of their recovery. All i>ersoi Bn Indebted to said estate arefequee on ed to make immediate payment ty, "?? t This the 6th day of May, 1912. JNO. G. BRAGAW, JR. Administrate >m 6-9 6wkec. ATLANT1 The Greatest Seashc Seas [L- ) Extensive Impr ith Every variety of sea and fresh wa which runs east a nd west, affordin re- breeie throughou t the summer. H in- lantic coast?Sailing upon the >w- lng. Incomparable Sound and D Ing, TennU, Pool* 8111! 96. BOT FISHING IN on While the fishing is good durtng made the- best catches during May s ALLEN A. Dubois, Mum ucti and Kitchen 1 THURSD vns Drug Store. ' nrybo^Jnvited | Cure for Snoring. mfort there is found. " I y ?fiL""**"*latkj ?Ws you so you'll talk, 'e lierfe in the Park.. *?! ,11 i1 ' 1 * ' '1 1 . := P^uTli^&adrWMte { Enameled Lined ! REFRIGERATORS Sale at Cost. Closing Out Line. ( ( HARMS HARDWARE > f COMPANY. | i * 4 VV^orrsari'a Work Is Never Done UNLESS "ITS THE 1 " - u. > '? Hptpolnt VVay COOK, IRON, HEAT. ELECTRICALLY. ! ; WASHINGTON MWAL ELECTRIC PLANT i.. ? - , 4 - *;(W' 1 1 ~ !l DRS. CREESE n Ghiropractic Physicians. ===== Phone 325. Savings & Tmt BW'g. 1 tV ALL DISEASES TREATED SUCCESSFULLY. , plunifcaa Con?ull?BonFrcc. - " ?? : w J J. L?NN WOOD New Yerh CoiUm Fnh?u IAMES W. COi_. J ; l J. LEON WOOD & CO. I I > : - BANKERS and BROKERS^ ? \ l S Aiockm Doadr Oottow. Onli nd Prorldou, 78 Him St, ) d J Oarpeetor ftofldM* Norfolk, Vm. J 1- [ nil? Mm MPS? T?rk StMk SiduufB, New York 0>t- ? V ? Fffh>T. fTitro#o Board of Trade nd other faimiRl cep- \ } jorreepondeatce Respectfully BoUdtod. - lore? t ppd Mar- I \ glaal AecoMU G1t?i Carefal AttMdon. \ 1- ' i ?^^vTirAmRTr^^ to m > ! A Mnin C# .aL' _ NI/\rf/\Ilr V C L(Ol iTiaiii off: . HUIIUBt r. /n TTrvri 'lt'T MOREHE A0A3TY ^ ?v| A r.l l . NORTH CAROLINA . i |> | . , i i I | [| || | ji i ' re Hpt'el in the Snlh Accommodationsfor 1,600 Guests, ion Open? June 12,1912. (vement*. New SbMgeneiit. Finest Fishing in America. ler fish abound in great abundance. The Atlantic Hotel fronts the ocean beach, Z the much southwestern water front, and Its guest* enjoy anAfevigorating ocean ere you have morp unique and excfuslvc advantages than can htPfonnd on tfie * Albeauliful and placid Bogoe Sound or the Atlantic. Still water and Surf |Bath> cep Sba FISHING. Many nearby points of traditional and historic Interest. DuneAUGUST. OPF.fflNG BALL SATURDAY NFG8T, JUNE Ulk. the entire spring and suaaaaery aadi'Variety of fish has its "run," aad anglers have nd August. For reservations write. tm, - MOREHEAD CrtT, N. C. \ 'I, 1 . . , 'T , ' = io^ ^OTng ott&n come cul? ffQ vVAJvD JB( i V BBACFOR^ OOUMTY OBtetn M ?er?. thej p#opIe at all tlmu to boot of my ' ability. The rapport of entry democrat la ouMatly tollclted. t." *' * Tory reopectlully. WILBUR Hi RQ8B. Aurora, N. p. ; [ I hereby Announce myaelf * candidate befor* the Democratic Primaries for the Office of Sheriff of Beaufort County. I will appreciate any eupport that n?r friends may five me. r wTw. BOOKER. A :2 1 i. .'vA NOTICE OP SALE As/ Under and by vlrtae of the poorer or aale contained In a certalq mortgage Deed dated August 13th. 1907, executed by I, W. Aakisa. to W. L* Prlrott, which slid mortgage Deed la duly recorded In the office of the Reglater of Deed* for Beaufort county in,Book 143. Pago 3tC the uoderalgfied will, oa Monday, the S4th day of Jane, 1912^ Noon, offer fbr aale, at the court house door In Beaufort County,, to the highest bidder for me iuuowing oescniwa rau estate. to wit: Lying and being in the State of North Carolina, In the County, of Beaufort in Pan to go Township. Beginning it a stake In 1B* J. Toppings Line on the South. Side of Main Street, in the town of Belharan thence running souYh 67 8-4 E. with said South line to Main Street, a distance of 75 feet to ? stake; running thence 8outh SO, W. a distance of S6l feet to Pungo River; running thence with the meandering of said Pungo Hirer in a weetwardly course toifl. ,J. Topping's line; running thPoce North 20.E. with saM 8. J. Topping's line to the place of beginning. containing Two-fifths of an acres more or lean: For farther de^j acriptfon see Deed frem W. B. Tolly l and wife, Sidney Tobly. r*orded In book 141. Page Sir* Beaufort county Records. This Stnd day of May. 1911. W. L. Prirott, Mortgagee. By O. Fred Johnson Owner of dqbt By Edward L. Stewart Aubroey a NOTICE North Carolina, Beaufort County Superior jCourt. Before the Clerk. * Norwood L. Simmons. Admr. of Lawrence Oorham, dee'd. VS. Lula Oorham .Jenkins, Nellie Oorham Mixon and husband Giles Mixon, .Annie Gorham Rows and hueband John Rowe and Lawrence Gorham, a minor hefr-at-law of Lawrence Gorham, dee'd; The defendants above named will take notice that an lttion entitled as above, has been commenced1 in the Superior Court of Beaufort Cosaty, . N. C., before the Clerk, for the pur' pose of selling t? real estate ot Intestate to make assets, in which eald real estate the defendants own an Interest. And the said defendants will further take notice that they pre required to appear before the Clerk of tbe Superior Court of Beaufort County, N. C.. at his office in the Court House Washington. N. C.V'on June 10th ltlt and answer, or demur.to the 'Petition t% said ietion, or'the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said Petition. This Mar Stfc, 1012. < GEO. A. Knowledge Must Bo Put te bus. The mere possession of knowledge la nothing?it is totally useless raises It Is need?Herbert ir?e?? - , ^ Iioipe Kndorseniuel Hundreds of Washington Cltlaeai Can Ml You All About It Home ebdoraemeqt, the public ex . pression of .Washington people should he evlBence beyond dlsput; m for evejV Washington reader.- Sarelj the experience of - friends anAplgb bors, cheerfully given bf them, wil carry more weight thaiv the utter ancea of strangers residing in far sway places Read the following: R. 8. Butler, 219 Harvey at Washington, N. C.. says: "I auf (ered from dull pains in my back am finally I procured. Doan's Kidne pills from the Hoyt Drug Co. The; certainly gate great relief and atte taking them my condition was mnc! better In every way. 1 publicly en dorsed Doaa's Kidney Pills at ths time and now 1 am leased *rt?u the benefit 1 roeelveffbas been pei manent." For sale by all dealers. Price 6 Cents. Foetop-Mllburn Col, Buffai* New Yprk. sale agents for the Ualte States." Rememtfer thiT name? Dokn's and take no other. Hf;. - *x a-j -a 1 vs ' * * ? to . . . . - . . .-? a *: c^Jt"R-1M-" ; aK the Kr?. Bar. Noto and Throat Hour.: ?-U a. to; ?-# ?. m. ?,/' Kxc.pt Handera. ? Corner Main and-Mark* ton. m Orer Brown'a One dtoen. . : . . ffif?'.*.'?. . : 7 7 e ? o I ? a. A. DuM dr. , Uadwr C. Wanna | ' DANIEL * WAam Attornera at law Waahlnjcton. North Carolina W. practice In all the eonrta. - ' k * Wller H. 8. Ward 4 Judoa D. Qrimw WARD ft QKIMH Amumrnt alt aw Waehtnfton. H. C. We pracilbe im Ue Court ot Firat'fffillcid District end the ^ Federal Courts. ^ ************ ^ * - * JOHN BL BONNER ' AtlotegftLew : wWxoko.II. a V i ;;;;;;;;;;;; 1 a. a. rmum * no. * KlXf MWIilOL Vj ' WASHJXOTOX, X. 6. e e - e>.' " - ' " ? 1 ? # I ? I I ? ? 4 ? ^ A ' U vr ii. GBiirss . : * ..yg-**'-'' .. ; ' FrtctlcM In *11 tk* Cotxrtn 'ni- I John H. Saudi A. D. MeeLuuu Harry MoM alien r Smell, Maclean A McJI alien '? AifawKiiS ? Wa*hhi*tbn Noi 1^ Caroline^ Edward L. Stewart, ^ Wenhlarton. N. C. . W. A. Thompson. Aurora. *. C*. STEWART A THOMPSON ' Attorney* at Lew. ) ? 1 Washington and Aurora, N^C. Tw, +T 9 . e e e "> u 4 . 9 9 9 9, 9 9' e* e- -* ? ,S COLLIN H. HARDING 5 Attomer-d-Lew ? ? Office Serines A Xfcue* Oft. BM|. * : w^3E^ri4a . -k w % , * # -* s ee e^ ,1- i* t ' NORWOOD l aoDion : % "fl : wukiMtcar N. a * I- , . 4 , * . * /OM9 UFWpOKTRANOE ? * ? Ab?bttl| the ml itOM- . , * Hi. poUW**tte.. /i I Let me eypUIn It. Ptum - m A. COOPER. Agent. Security IJfe * Ann ally Co. % [ - ' ! =? 1 ? * * '? \ jl ' KRANK H. IIRYAN % ' Attorney et I^w |T # * h Office in Barings and Trust i- building- Sacond floor. Prac tice in all the courts. ,t . * - * d rfffisk ?f < -Ve. ft T~ miftfj I V _ _ _ TJ V