OmrfKlor Information / I 6-llUc WANTRD: MLBUUII TO SKLL lubricating Oils. Paint* and 8peclal ties. Good ltva wire can aara big m'oneyf Champion Refining Co., FOR MKT: STORE BLILDIJtG ip Suttnan block on Wit.r utmt opposite Aaiir Nova OflU?. For luforaintlon callv Nova OOco. ?"T " ' * A NEW ASSORTMENT OF W*Ddlnf preoenta at Hpll tho Woler. - ? I H FOW K*!'T: thk FART OF MY houao recently. vacated by Mr. C. \ O. Morris, consisting of ?~ noma " "J ' and bate. Located on Wool ln?. . - Btrast. 'Mrs. P. G. Berrr, Phono If*4. U?" * 5-27 lwc. * ' f " L 1 r* i NOW is TUB TIME TO (JET TOUR wadding ifooonu. Try Boll tbo I. c v**t . 1 - i 6-0 itc. I: Vl-;i ? fOR RENT: TWO VERY DKMR. able rooiok.Either furnished or * unfurnished. Soo Mr. or Mrs. 1. E. Bonner. *"! ?vc , - ^ ' , ?? ' i wian ur TU|? U.UU ItowaTc^ Jitay 17th deliver at News Oftee aad Ncclva 5 ceati oer copy. I 7" V : W1R1 RENT STABLES 6* RESP4BS street. Neeeaaary repair* will be ...5t ' made. Mra. Lucy Myera. HELD THE AKW1.ER CAS SELL - you wedding "preaenta at - right < price, "" 5M ^ / - , f :?< is', ?r3fe : ?$?*, ilOOD TONKH>()1.DJO|77TAR FOR ale. Address Xewg/XIlce. 8*5 ft*. $' ""'j' ^' V ' t or C doawa 586 wilt; break any . -Oaae of Chllla A Fever;.-; it acta on 'the liver battel thai Calomel, and doea not Kt3p* or mlckeo 55 nets*. <- n >1 'a ? 1 > . To Lay Llaeleowi. Whan laying ltnplantn 5ra? Jay pa. pat* ratbar thick to thb part t* ba eo? i arad with the ltonlanm Tow win ftai that U le much wail and at tha aamo time &Tee year nnoiaum 1 Dally Thought. Y e Ur* to an aagagdtog acale when WW ura happily, oaf thing landing to [ .another & an eodJaaa aarlea?Robert t ouln irii mam f lRFOLI m. RAILROAD - , Chang* of Schedule Effective June ftUle 1919a Beginning with change of schedule .next 8unday; June 2nd; trains Nob. ' >r 1 ahd 2 wiy discontinue to stop at | T Kn*ft>. Burmi, Frederick, Hiker Road, Walla WatU. Hall 8waofl - Slatestpne end Hobtehtown. >v Beginning same date Train No. 15 ? jtlljH %H1 discontinue making stops at * ^ Frederick. Bragaw. Brnul, Askln Mid Bridgetan. Effective s?^ne date Train No. 16 will discontinue making stops at ^Frederick and Bragair. -; v'-* v Trains 53 and 54 will continue to .. eerre stations located between Pinetown and Washington and Traifc IS end 14 will continue to aerte stations between Washington and New 4 s Bern. " " K\ 'v \ W. W. CROXTON' General Patten nor Agent B. L. BUBO, Traffic Manager. M1 *? ? u . ; = Hicaw.oaFcwRg era ate* > Atoo Narcoaa Headache, Trarellen ' Headache and aehae from Ortp. Btomaeh Treat)la. oa rental* tronldee. Tn /3apodlae?It's wEd?effete" *-> i madlatalT. Mdkf?mM~< ' Steamer Blanche * 8.-water Depot 7 A. M n-. IJandayk and Thnradaye of 'each ,(? whafc for Bajalde. Booth' Crook, Makaimito. Biadeerllle and Belhr ran. Reforming teaveo Belhaven al M. 8:30-A.M. To red ay and FYtdal touching abore mentioned polata. ?he wtu lay at Waehlngton off WedM:t needay ?ad Satorday and Sunday to reoelre freight, tbeee dan are open for oxcurate*-pertlee. ' m Tor ,pt^710 R. B BURRtIS, -JLC, _ ' Vv'JHBsS"*!. V "* " "-4 *i mmm?> - mmmtm ? , * - ,rSt ;4r"f-' - JUST RECEIVED. Small Lot of Pickled Beef \ j; ??y 4' ^ j Honey Comb. ?THE? 0UA1/TY GROCERY WALTER CREOLE & CB. Ptmu 00 tf 92. . * >' !* Bicycles! Bicycles! New Bicycle. (IS Ud *p. We' (r. U.IU for thUUrrcle. Boedlcfi, Standard, Irar Jobneoc, Columbia. Rambler, ImMsm National and Dartaa Bicycle.. Beld , for cub of on tlma. W. alao carry a full 11a# of repair* at an Mm?, I D. R. CUTLER 114 WASHINGTON, N. C . Phone US , iii,i t i \ _ ii GAgPLN Nearly Every Element of Its Food Is Mad# Up of Insects Which Are Pest* In^ths Fields. The common toed has been the subJsot of ridicule, contempt and superstltlon for oenturies pasL Nature has derifcd beauty and attractiveness to thlsNHttle creature. To many people lt*ls more repulsive than its relatives* the reptiles. We should learn to pro rwfiz* TVm Garden Toad. tect the toad and reaped him for the good be doea to oa glL Some obeervIng gardener* bare aaid that a toad la easily worth f 10 In a garden. The point of the matter ia that pfactically aU of thd toad's diet ia of animal origin. Nearly every element of Its food- Ut made op 'of insects which are pelts in fields and gardens.. We hate;heard njtjcfi "of the value of .birds and of the necessity of protecting them. It is time we began to care for the toed, as well, for their capacity for Insect meat Is truly astonishing. writes P. B. Swingle in the ! Northwestern Agriculturist. Examination of 149 toads' stomachs proved s that 08 per cent, of their food waa^ of the sort Indicated above. Cutworms, ants, bugs and beetle*, spiders, potato bugs, thousand-legged worms, weevils, tent caterpillars and- grasshoppers were saten-by thousands: Wire worms and army worms, crickets and cucumber bugs, rofebugs and P'urn curculio were relished Jest as well/ The gypsy moth, the ^cabbage mofh and grape caterpillars -constitute his favorite food In certain localities. And It la remarkable what storage capacity 1 la exhibited by the toad. In one atom, ach 77 thousand-legged worms were , found; in another PJ/tent caterpillars; ; in one 85 gypsy moth, and in another r K army worms. Of course It would be difficult to determine tbe nutober of insect* that a toad at liberty would consume In an entire season. It is < sufficient to know .that they are wen the?rains wtfiwaahit Into th?soU . ready for the plants meat spring. S*^i\ Jfr UT JV&. j " -Ssljw- *y , . '-ijjfil: ^ * i y. ' ,\\l /"l ?** T 17 rp ^ || ^ (? 1 1 PBBHOMllftf ^ A "^^32 Mr. C. F. Bland at the Itofrta Urdwira Company returned home aat night from a haalnaaa trip to iaganii., k. c. t^,, tttt Mr. P. Stilly, of Edward. N. C.. urirad In tha citr thla morning. tttt Calaaal P O. Jamea a prominent namhaf ot tha Qreenvllle bar. If oatatared at Hotel Louise. r v tttt Mr. M. Makely Jr., or Balharaa, le ta the city. " tttt Mr|H. W. Nlchole. of Norfolk, ia a huelnaaak.rlalfor today. ' tttt Mr. M. J. Pate, of Wlleon. M. 0., arrived In the city last night. ' fttt : Dr.' 8. W. Staler, bf Aurora, wu bare yesterday ' tttt ? Mr. L. E. Elk*, of Ortmealand. wa* oft pur streets yesterday afternoon. . ttvtt ' Mr. W. M. Bo*!. of Edenton, N. C., la here attending court. I p+.ft t Mr. C. WV Davis, of EnglehardJ BocreJaHfabd treaaurer'of the Mattamuskeet 'Railroad Ib the guest of Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Carter. Mr. Davis 1b enronte to Raleigh to attend the IState bemocrattt-Convention. tttt \ .' Mr. I. W. Abiss, of Bolhaven, 1b a Washingt oiv? r. * tttt Mr*. D. C. McCotter and Miss NeL lie Fentress,-of ^Vaijdeme're were guestaat Hotel Lotise yesterday. > v + f Mr. John B. Satterthwalte. of Gatesville, formerly of .^eechvilie, was here today on business.' tttt Mr. A. Thompson, hf Greensboro,' is a business visitor. tttt Mr. J. T. Hollister, of New Bern is in the city. w + ft t Mr. R. L. Smith a prominent business man of Greenville is here today, tttt Mr. *A. O. Gaylogl a member of the Plymouth bar is ' here, attending court. t t tt Mr. H. C. Bowen. of New Bern Is here on business. tttt Miss P. A. Ellison levasc tomorrow for Rocky^ Mounf-, where she expects to spend several moriths visiting Mrs. Msry Mathevtfp. tt't W Misses Maud Duke, Bottle Judklns and Lotta Bishop, of Pantego, are in the city the guest of Sheriff and Mrs. George E. Ricks tp attend the McCluer.Ricka wedding this evening, tttt Mr. O. F. Cowell son of Mr.-J. F. Cowell, who has Just graduated from the University of North Carolina, at Chapel._Hill, N. C., la expected to arrive home this evening. Mr. Cowell graduated with honor and is being congratulated by his many friends, .r tttt ... Mr. W. H. Whitley, of. Bonnerton, N., C., was a business visitor to the city this morning. ^filSSOMTTION NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that the partnership here tofore existing between A. C. Hoyt and W. F. Rhyne trad in* nnd?r iKo flrm ? ??? ??' ? ??Ui ui, wuuiv auu style Hoyt Drug Company- do this day April 13th, 1912 dissolved BY mutnal concent. W. P. Rhyne withdraws from the firm and . C. Hoyt will continue the business under the same namo. A. C. Hoyt assumes all. the liabilities of the partnership and is entitled tu collect'all the assets of thig day April tSth. *tu. - ^ Signed: W. P. RHYXE. A. C. HOYT. tf, VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALS Eighty-eight (81T) acres of farm land fronting directly o*i the naviagable waters of South Creek located In one of the most, prolific trucking one-half acre of*-ground and has a About Thirty-five acres under cultlvatlon. Will rsise Tip Top Irish Potatoea, and other truck. The remainder set in a growth of pitch pine ana under growth. Good substantial tenent*.house with ngoessary barna and outhouses already located on tfremiMs. Also dTltouge and lot in the Town of Aurora, suitably for white or colored tenents. Lot contains about one-half acre rot grounds and has a two-story, five room dwelling house located thereon, with {pliable barn and..other out-houMB. For particulars as to title and terms of sale, call on or write to either Geo. W. Speller, Windsor. N. C., Real Estate Agent, or Edward L. Stewart, .Attorney, Washington, N. C. v SS58 PHOW u_j^u|LU$ fW* BY 't?fc? MM w '*? H*T|,||"^-^!Wwx??? U"** tL""^'!. ? u?r I K?? ?? 6m mm Mm tot ttTZ.? t.u M j*?^S2Sri u? Tfc. Ml" wtfg&jgr? fc^lWhUm BOW ? Mi* o ?***na'A?.?f? ? I h?* 6 b**6 . Mqt m> mid. .? " but b. kM* ht*.*r^.,. mM: ;^CW%E-;S 1 humor cbora in w* rftocU. ?h? " .? ?b )okfc uulrt. UJ* ,, f^i, <* K? o* \ -select from not be tx> book n storr. ? to ^ *> vol f^SSss'^I r^SHEF^J I f'Jlk. ToaT. '?*.. - *M| anaying lea ?* bdoui unui .ya know all of. its family history, aaaum tbo air of a funeral director tellln the relatives from which aide of tti casket tkey are te view the late h mented, and then give utteranoe t rour Iodo. Is C V V The a^ tains abou tlie drug t] Coffee < ache? neryo heart irritat health-due coffee. The cs stood uh , shows up One ca by coffee b using pC A pure age that ta Java but i Caffeine o If the 1( perhaps yot to be well ^ th? ttorr ?-11 Hi mind and then pot 11! i*?7 entirely until yon neet It Notb-1 ao latereferee with the mem of I ? Joke u to here the polat ha aflat I I unit la plain alfht before the etorr le weH eUrted. -boweaborolxrre on rhle?o that the feee ekould he nlwi. eed the relee t n "Leant to panto < the right plana a?4 If TOO are In doabt at elf, the beet place to pa nee le Jent before yoa ttlrt"Thle hoe been known to Bare a . man many friend. that he o there lee might here loet"?New Tort Morale* Telegraph. ; . ! VALUABLE FARM BY-PRODUCT . Many Farmer* Neglect to Car* for Manure and Spend Their Money I - for Commercial Pertntsar. , w (By W. KKLSBT.)^ f la spite of ail that has been written telling of the walue of stable h manure there are many farmers who till neglect to care for this valuable by-product of tho farm and epend * their money for commercial fertilizer I do not wlafc fb discourage the uae of commercial fertiliser, but It should ? never bo a-exf until the stable manure If M taken care of and applied to . the noil, tt there la not sufficient >ymnr^ fo went the demands of the * jure? ^*ops the deficiency should be 8 supplied by tt?tag commercial fertu 8 Upr. - n . , se w* It la rather difficult to estimate th?? value of stable manure In dollars and Itantl rnrnmnrrlal fnrf lllroru >-/. j* Valued, aince the manure adds * much valuable humus to the soil as * well aa direct plant food and the comh mere Lai fertilizer is valued for the direct plant' food alone. L ' Dr. Alkman says that the humps ot ft the stable manure Is worth quite as ? much to the soli as the' direct plant ? food. Valuing tbo phosphoric acid it e five cents per pound, the potash at * live cents per pound-and the nitrogen l" at 15 Cents per pound a fair average ? voluo of the stable manure may be estimated as follows: offee 'V " TV Read this rerage cup of c it 21 grains of" hat you read a irinkers often suffer usness, indigestion, ion and other symi to "caffeine," the di tuse is often i til expert m< thp Ksld farfc 1VULXVL AULV n get relief from the y quitting it for 1( )STI -v' ? i, palatable fo stesftiuchlike ] Is v absolutely r any other di ) days'trial shows yc l may conclude it's1 than to drink coffe Je. * fe $ $ ! ..M + (a Reason for ^r.'jrv-V'Ji v j;- ;r,' >', v .>> TUM CERfeAL COMfAl^r, T" ? 10 pound, nUfoc* at U aia nla 1 10 mm mm m **-ar:.. i? f | ?Hi pkoafkada acM at I ^ Than Uniitlla nm 1 tk* 'EirHuBSBjrEw manure and count a ton of w?Ucured fjr stable manure worth HH f to the farm. Its value to not appreciated limy I it to a by-prodact and berapae Hum- n ere have fallen Into Uo babk of neglecting to properly care for the manure and apply it Judlciouaiy. u The manure when allowed Co ac cumulate about the stab lea to In the ' and distributed over the soil by means of spreaders it to oet of the way and * la a Lao preparing the soil be grow c. large crop. ?y PRACTICAL HOME-MADE MM. * Handy Farm implement Can Bm Case fe structeo Out of 4-Foot Piece of e Old Railroad Iron?"*****. This anril con be constructed from y, a four-foot piece of railroad Iron cc Ki a trestle, as ahown in the Illustration. 'A=M: jSr^= Z*^ l Home Made Anvil. says the Practical Farmer. This will *c stand heavy pounding, and cornea In *1 handy. The rail is just the right rtape to moke an anvil. Take oak oj any hasd wood for the legs. At fe Cows permuted to continue their natural lactation periods, nine to ten months, will usually cease milking ** with very little trouble. a Poi; raise c PMbdi \ rr CO :offee con- F , Every > caffeine"? suits i bout here membe the H f here. from headsquad biliousness, ptoms of ill stant a rug in their ZZ The mann < ly. It 1 and of Dr. of the lot under- ""S, ;dical test manitv be to t live St in / \j wer memtM ii '" ' f a. Item i ills caused F?r ) days and ^ / ants m ing th the mi lag no condltl the l&i mm >qu Mk Jl iment M' Li m meat i ed The od beverdents ( ligh-grade =? free from His . ' i brain. ug. _r: agalnsl against luSotne facts ???worth more e?it s up to - th. do, kat tk. ' te?tkl | | -1 Oww nil ' - ^^ ' f Da* M tao^^cWM.Mvtk.MKrf "'I ?o4 far ^orktaMi. ' ^8 PtaBtj of mratoi Mr M taiaM m viator ttoM to Ivjntoii. Fteelr broken ctoro?I yijatowto About n VVM ?f ImI m tor to NMbritorvtoltfMMM ? -y to flttins horaMitartoi vvfc to At present prion at mm mAArnm. ok feeders ere jest aWsst teeMteK J>o not h*T? the tress ess MWv so are reedy to pet thss Me Is Bbeep should not We fee*t sB orsee or swine, for they sse Mh Is at killed. Sheep do beet oa high, aoMag round; low ground prod noes fastest ad paraatlea^ . ijrVrf, yj HUM wni rleld dm vac tone of hay per acre aster la? Ikle conditions. Fruit trees are alow-growtag giaste ad therefore do not need qSdactis: srtlllxers as a rule. A herd of good dairy essa fls fho rat Insurance against hard tl? m slump In prosperity. \ son?ID SQUAD MEMBEB DLLAPSES "IIOER 1ST 'Iphii Student in Serinw Condition for a Time, Bat Has Recovered. MP ANIONS ARE SICK. lembcr of Hand Suffers Naeaeaa* .suit of CafU-im- kx peri meats idelphia, May 11.?Serious re- +% lave followed the f^pdiag mt ?, a drug lurking in chnnelaW as coffee, to the eight rtadaad rs of the "poiaon sqa*d~ ed ahnemann Medical CeMa^ All have been subject to ?eadai hes and serious SttwShS sea. while one member of Che was in such a serioua omdifter taking the caffeine I Mrs for the first twenty days tint to be placed in a special wain hospital. He received osottention, has recovered mad aft liege i& said to have rejoined nad. "poison squad" at the Hshnncollege was formed verjr faidcame into existence on March Is under the direct feupenrisiau. Edmund T. Nesblt. director Hering laboratory of the celNesbit called for . volnatters imong the students? He nU ited men who were willing la .tething'for the benefit of ha at large, even though it infect heir own discomfiture. Twenty udents volunteered. Of tbsee ;n of the most perfect phyaicale chOBen, eleven aa regular ire of the squad and three an ttes. thirty days the momberi of , uad were given doses of -enM- i hile Dr. Nesbit and his asshftjade personal observation, take pulses and temperature of jmbers of the squad and xaak-- , tes on their general physical Ion. It was not until within it few days that one me inbeu ad weakened under the experto such an extent that it waa ?ry to send him to the hoa^iftkL shit refuses to reveal the nsr student who collapsed, hot ?s that through proper treatlmmediately he noon rocovear . caffeine was administered la ' tion and was mixed with the the squad drank. The da3id not know when they weee ; the caffeine. There were wo times for giving It la eadsr j the mind of the student drae r-oiTy In order that the phjsi idltion might not be chaagpsd ally through the action of tho ire joining the "poison agent" tudent had to aigu a rdam fcs' ahy action for danuqpn ; the college. O ^ laboratory was ergaaAssd fifteen months ago with Mfc. as director, and alsaoUt ksely an exhaustive atwiy won i to ascertain the daatrwdftos , J ? or caffeine as used la dead o students continued ta Han at - i i mull ? 97 were required to take Mr at the training tahls bsSM hnsyltal near the diet Win eack^ meal the t 11 p n I