Yotran 1 of rmflta.. . - ' " Kor A~orlato iMk? of Sopromc * Coart?W. A. Boko, of Liocota: flco. " H. Brow*, of Beaufort.*'-'" Jmlfo Plrrt Judicial District? (BUS Corrwrpoodont.) ^ a Pg orafcla u> too of Oot, t Woodrou WHaon lor too praatdoocy a but they so to Baltimore nnfattcrad a ,r-o ' to an, ttrfmtto,:; u . b. tba t>. ulimaut of Oi. con volition h :Y ' man ?"' S ' | mV&'M Tba trat ttbt of too coo, cation b . was oror tba Liotuonant Oovrrnor^ ablp Xbt mwHrasa.arre John 0. J Btiii ,, Sbir, of Curaborlftadt vtf. D. Bou- fi .hall, of Whkc; Wdto WrSuM. a of Halifax; . ?. McKay, of Roboraon; K. L- Daoahtrldso of Naak . .sfef following r?ult: KounbtfipWI and 7S-100; DUXI >11 and Tg-100. I *. ' Oaughtridge III and 7I-1001 McKay t ISO ut lt.100; Shaw SIT and J . : 1M*, ? ?- 4 - , ?jjg Th?r* were TjLjjjgjj V . con.id^abie chanan in tTOf 1 Daniel, 0la rote brine M4 and , ?S_l0O. The neat hi (best candidate 1 araa Shaw with a rota of SIS and a n-roo. T8?frw*? ?eifi?-itT?tri Tlaoahtrldia. -jrhln i ballot showed n atni greater lncrbaae i in th. rote for Daniel. Afttrwthla . ? ballot a motion won made to adjonrn r K, , for one *ndr for aoopbfc.- The Dan- , lei delegate, oppoeed thla more and i is ?A jS-. tuton^Wlcall- it. wan overwbolmlnp- j .#t 1y. defeated and th* fourth ballot r My. proeeedod wftb Denfe 1 ?Ithta 31 , S - r * >ote* of the pool. Bat on tthe b?l? . k* there waa a ttdghty flump. Dan' i?1 lost to, reducing hia vote to 393 and 47-100 while Daufbterldge'a waa . kWaa' rvff nn rh'ic hattnt warn and f aniBg on oi. tan oypm. wwe frw tlrally ont of the conning Open the hoada. they'had'Jlalled to Uhe the ' ?? to tham*6 Vbe "firth" ballot begin nam Mr : talfll ?M o. th* #oor *nri w?tcbed?heVilif..l sxocm I flO'v. rlBOgbtor. nr. of .YidM.I that Kt.-rirlSa ?M galninr am'. that ?? i(l?aKI?? the third, Tie nomlaoe In hie remarks'said: I an a termer aa baa bran raid and am noi supporting tar wire and iren children from its products, Applause). J shall know 06 clase i mr representation on We state cket. 1 am proud of being a far'mr and pfoud to be on Abe ticket with, tat great democrat Aoeke Craig." Thd next and > moat bitter fight i.?> ^ ime up wwn tne piairorm wt| Hid by Cameron Morrison which la I follow*: .' o'vt'-'ii" The Majprtt? Platform. The platform aa autnrUled bythe lajorlty of the platform committee th^^pt^ettatW?W*of the \ emocrmtlc party, la cooreaUou ??- . ombled, reaffirm oof deroUon to to time honored ariaclplee of ooa- ' tltutlonal goverameaf. aa eetablfahd by the rather* of the republic, and ' > the mill greater principle* of bu- ' tan aouality, ar proclaimed by Jeff. ' raon. with etjaat rigbta to all and peetal prleilegea to none, and here- < We fkvor the election of aanator. I y a direct rote of the people. ' We oppoae anbildiee In any "form. ' We taror publication of campaign nnde both before and after prllarlea, coareatloas and elaetton. ne flwe n* imtMMRPiitWo condemn the corrupt oae of nooey, or other corrupt means to nfluence rotere In primarlea, eon. cation* *nd elections. favor he enactment of such criminal !avr? a will effectually prevent s\ich pracMUt R?ViilK>t?n( t??nre. iwgjhnd , ? .-u^-^Vrg^.-.c-;:: w? favor th. improvement of out public roads and hijhwan. wise mad -eaeonable dralnale laws, and the 'onsdrratlsm of all oar natural remnrcea WrK".. tt+wfatryo:- - tea ri* IWw and Fntdtc InaUtatUme. '-W, ^:r r. K loa of the Confederals veter?nm at the State and pladae ournelven to a - on ttn nation" of such jpoHcjv- i wtW? plod a* ouraelaaa tta continued development of the Internnl affaire of the state, to the maintenance ot and domb and blind, mod ^all other the fotdamfint&t and ehtof of all povf?rliinont. Wo bt<113 ve IcBK* In' reut_ rl^ht .f child to an t?iU4l chance to develop |tl rouf^H ?ducation, every power n|thin him for citiaetiahip and ahrilce, and in the duty of the at??e to place adOQuato oppoT'?jally fbraoch development within tho reach of *,T?*J, chflil. public liool In every din11 let of the ?t.-i. spo.. the bulletin- of more adc qtin t tu hool ; in " e a h trie tr, of thy at ite, and vpoa the oda ntional |>rogr< i " '' ornv. ruoim;i k MiowERH W3 j H JJi JfTr^- ~'" 7**"' H. W. A. Page le the Now Yorgbuu 1T calling certain member* ?t congreea lurr to Washington ami mwoW In ttinlatratlon of. the Democratic pgr- < it. We ideor the continued support ind IlWhaeed effletenw of the public ichool irttem in the state. anil the inlargement of the opportunities of the children of the ttate: to obtain la education, and we favor po Intreaee length of pnblle school* M irUl foe tar nnJalereet In country life nd furnish batter preparaUeo for moffl nrofltablu ftriuinx anti n. u rv omforlnwe llrlngjn.the 00^07. , ' Control of Pnbllc Service CorporaThe supervielon and.' control of t public aervlce corporatlone la a wttj , recognised right of theatate and BO- , Uooal goveromente, and wNI?HT AM) IN KAHflNWtTK)^ ?A iSMEN CROOKS I ? , I * :* ' % \\ . ^ flETv i.. * * * **v I I Kb"*? I 1 g . ,-i^r}' I n ^ 1'IC lie fmrl _ i * ti fr * si BfLfb ^ r WBS 1 loan. man .Wrfuro lh, ilirelfchl crooks, It* was IndlctaH Oy a Iran# New York, on a chtxree of tlbal ? W^Wngton. n r . June ?.-A I > umber of special tralMl tntched ] *> catital today witb ?ieJefaUoTU? to J tKo irnwoilltit' nf tkn vrunt Pn. umbua memorial recently erectgd on he plaza la front of the unloa it**. :tpn. The unveiling will take place .omarrovr end the event premises to ->e on* o^rtM^raoit n^e^f jU ^ raj from .every 'section of the Unitod ' States and Canada, the most of Mb are members of the Knights of ^ ; expected to equal In nnmorjcaj^Iip- j tfqn psgesots.. In addition to tbo ' Knlfht, Of Col ambus and representatives other civic bodies ihemarcherg will Include thousands bf soldiers sailors and marines. R.'K. Evans chief of t^9 miljtla division | of the War Department, will act as I grand marshal. jMS? 4 '"7,77^ ?' will pro.1 Oilc UntToroItr 01 Amcrtns. Tito inttW sddropa win bo-?lI?orlB|' *> c#l?f Justice Victor J. Dowllni! of the - in ?ii t nio innmrn TTRPAV. MOPMIiA^H NOBTH At H< MBBM TiswjL ladof Cit. us mil Burn i Refuses Flattering Offer Els Material Increase In Su His Intention to Ren Gratifying to th 5 Superintendent N. C. Newbold. of the Wsahlngton Public Schools is to remain in Washington. This decis* * ton was reached by him yesterday f afternoon and so stated to the meet- | log of the board of school* trustee* i; held at the school building. f Borne week* ago Mr. Newbold re- s celved a flattering offer to go Mtowherc and after looking over the field * decided to accept the offer. In con. t sequence of his determination to a leave here and at a meeting of the f school trustees on May 31 he tend- c ered his resignation aa superintendent of schools. t The board prevailed upon Mr. New- i bold to reconsider his determination t and proposed to him a material in- r crease in salary to remain. They further suggested that he take the s matter under advisement for sever- 1 al days and then render his final de- t cision. Mr. Newbold on yesterday, c as already stated, made his answer t and It was that he had decided total remain in Washington. > * May on pn aaat serosa fctreet. y'jfFfc- uBS^f v Mar "* !??'1 onal statement through the newstaper*. Itttt In order tq give definite ?^8 nformation to my friend* In Waab- ' tigton. I have thought it wise to hake the. frank and open statement rtaich follows: "I hasten to state It is not given- "^?3 nth the idea of any special tmporanc4 attaching to the matter so far is I. am concerned hut simply to in- 'g orm my friends definitely and at ." i mce about the situation. . "I was offered a position last Sepember and asked by.the party makng the offer, to request the board ier? to release me. For satisfactory H\:i easons I declined the ofTer. "0^ April 16. 1612, another portion was offered me which pays 12,260.60 salary a year. After a '& rip to New Work and Virginia, etin- / erning the work offered, I decided o accept the offer but reserved my leciaion until after a conference with ur local school board. The board net on May 31. I stated the facts f the new position- to them, and hen tendered my resignation.as suprintendent of schools here. Rather han accept the resignation and oake a change in superintendents at his time, the board offered me a ery material increase In salary to H eraain in "Washington. Having,. : . , nade up my mind to leave 1 could iflt glvea~ definite weeaptame. to tlw ? >oard suggested that I r-onslder the natter p day or two. I agreed to . w.-\3t8 his proposition. , y . After consulting the. parties in- crested in the offer on April 16, who >,4 hought perhaps Kought to respond o the local.call gnd continue as sup. ":*i trintendent here although the salary a not bo large. Yesterday P. M.. ' after considerable discussion the board renewed ~ rk V? :hclr offer statins that they thought V/tel it wise to etick to the proposition nade on May 31. ;T~\ " . Their offer was accepted ami I :? shall remain in Washington. Under these new conditions I shall hope > r. for renewed co-operation on the part of our citizens. SOMMER SIHOOL M OPEK NEXT MONDAY ' 1 Misses Lillian Campbell and Ella. nbeth Warren will begin their turnmcr school at the Public School! c building next Monday. The hours for instruction will be from nlhe to twelve dally. This is an excellent opportunity f6r those unable to at- $J?5 tend school during the winter to se- vj carp first class training. There is the promise of a large class thla year. Both Misses Campbell and Warren' are teacheTs of ability and those who take a course trader them are to he M congratulated. CHILD SICK 1 f Master Ottfa M. W.tnfleld. the 14mcnthc-old eon of Mr. and < Mrs. 1. M. Win Held, la reported to be m? 1 ?TM laick at hla home comer of Third ahff" '[ J Pea roe Street. Be te a bright - 3 i??L. . i. i- ?- - n? will aoow ntawn. Mm. R. A. O. BwrMW t. In Scotland Naek.H. c.. TMtnw W.t.r -1 *13 Mr. Ch.rlM l^wnw, > uttlB . , ;*!? ?' nlti'mi?1? -TJwAO'w'mM ' - ' (V k&j?! ?>? *?HpS . , ? ?NW NEWS w' - .1 If, owi I*, tkwittswr.; , "TrM tU Hub .? DMtaa V l.' Mi' ; * ^ "'fi J*1 * :;;3