FBSUBHKD EVUXT AJTXBNOO.N P>- ~ SlCBIT SUNDAY. Ho. Ill Ext Water Miw. 6 JtacaaTf? 1?0?. at tha poatoSoa a u r ..a.. tk? mtk ai fte aaaua ... . .? * aai a Mi >HUa ................ it On* Yaar % ? ? ,* ? *W on date or ?0lrmtum, other** * w?U be continued ?t rafuUr Mb ^rrlytlon ntM- aaUl aatfcm to eto IB receired. yon do aol |K U? Doily Now promptly telephone or writsthe mBi agar and the complaint will reoelr immediate attention. It la oo* d? t re to pleaee job. 4il arffciee sent to the Daily New for publication must be signed b the writer, otherwise they will no he published. MONDAY. JUNE 10,1111 WITH UH'KBD CHAINS TIED XKWLV-WKD Took Mechanic an Hoar to fteleas N Them In Train Atfer They'd Hidden on Hay Wagon Seaford. Del.. June 10.?Haule l about the town in a hay wagon an| showered confettio upon them. Mi and Mrs. Edwin H. Clark Jr., wh were married at high noon in th Bridgevilie Methodist Episcopal Church, were carried to the depo only to meet the climax of pranks. &__ Just as the train was coming il I the crowd sang "Bleat be the tie tha binds" and bound the couple tightl; together with heavy timber chains These were secured with a larg padlock and the key thrown away Unable to tree themselves from th predicament, the newly weds wer carried Into the Pullman and wer obliged to occupy one chair. Hundreds of friends who had com from all parts of Deleware. Marylan* and Pennsylvania to witness the at fair were in it to the last and the a*r enade was one of the most strenuou imaginable, the bride being nearly a the point of collapsing when carrie ou the train. A despatch received from Wilminn ton states tha^ the tie. was stron and the honeymoon was delayed fo over an hour in that city In order t have the "hinds broken by a tut chanic. STATE DELEGATES KTO IIALT1MOK Delegates at Large?W-. C. Dow< 1 Charlotte: A. W. McLean. Luxnbe: , ton: R. B. Glenn. Winston-Salem J. 3. Carr. Durham: W. C. Newlani Lenoir: E. J. Justice. Greensborc W. C. Hammer. Asheboro; E. J. Hal Fayetteville; W. T DortcU. Gold; boro. First District?W. G. Lamb, Wi liatr.ston: L. L. Smith. G&tesvilli E. F. Aydtett. Elizabeth City: F. t Harding. Greenville. Second District?W. A. Flnel Wilson. A. S. Rascoe, Windsor: V G. Clark. Tarbcro; M. VV. Rar.aot Third District?Nathan O'Berr Goldsboro: E. J. Hill. Warsaw; 4 F. Howard. Clinton: L. G. Daniel New Bern. Fourth District?E. S. Abel Smlthfleld: R. B. White. Frankll: ton: Albert L. Cox. Raleigh. J. 1 Ramsey. Rocky Mount. Fifth District?A. W. Graham, O ford: G. H. Hastings. Winston-S lem; V. S. Bryant. Durham: C. 1 Haynes. Mt. Airy. Sixth District?O. L. Clark. C'lar ton: Jos. B. Underwpod. Fayett villa: H. C. McQueen^ Wilmlngtoi A. J. McKinnon, MazljM. Seventh District?T. B. Baile Mocksvllle; D. E. Mclver. Sanfori J. R. Blair, Troy: L. D. Roblnso Wadesboro. I Eight District?R. A. Doughto Sparta; Hayden Clement. Sallsbur Dr R. S. Young. Concord; R. Smith. Albemarle. I Ninth District?Chase Berniz< Charlotte; Guy V. Robertv Ms . shall; W. A. Self. Hickory; W. Erwln, Morganton. , Tenth District?John C. Mil Rntherfordton; H. B. Weaver, Asli ville; Hugh Lorill, Wayneevllle; H Dlllard. Murphy. v ANNUAL CATALOG The annual catalgne of the tfor Carolina College of Agriculture ai | Mechanic Arts, at Raleigh, has be I received. It shows an*- enrolltne for the year of 41* students, dlrld as follows: Agricultural 293. M MLchantcal Engineering 102. Electric Engineering 90. Cfvll Engtneerii 77. Cheateal 17. irt Tortile 1 PrrMU interested Id technical M I cntloa will do well Co- reed the c, P. eloiee of thin growing twwtttntkm h Addreoe, The Hegletter ~ ' mm k ? ~ BA8KBALL NOTCH ' Shortstop Oven Bush. Of the Tlg ers, more ground than ever this Tear ( r and hitting In gtand form. I ? l The game in the Cotton States 1 - League scheduled for New Orleans j * have transferred for the present to ' J Yasoo City, Mies. Third Baseman. Arthur Bues, who ( was secured from the' Giants by \ . Manager Stalling*. has msde a great I hit with Buffalo fans. t ? - - 1 The Boston Red Sox gardeners, r Lewis, Speaker and Hooper, are playup to their repudiation as the star ( floutelders of the country. , a Christy Mathewson was set back j five shiners by the umpire in a re- I . cent game, ifor discoloring the ball. < jj They say It was "Matty's" Brst fine. 1 e j That "$22,500 pitching" is fine ( t gravy, but it will have to hare some , Melp before the Pirates are able to i a split worlds serle's money. * 1 y The University of Vermont base, t>all team has a crackerjack pitcher j e In Jake Malcolm. The chances are that Connie1 Mack Ijas a scout trallB iug the collegian right now. 1 e ' ? e It.!? said that Pitcher "Wild Bill" ? Donovan, of the Detroit Tigers, will e give up active baBebali after this j season and become a manager of j r-oir.e minor league club. 8 "Kid" Gleason is given a great . t share of the credit for the work ' j of the White Sox. The ancient Quak- t er has been a big success as coach j and foreman of the ginger works. j 8 ? | r J-rsey,.City team is the sensa o tlono^k^JInterngtional League, and ' the I. L. team's will have to start I pretty soon if they expect to hold the | sUeeters back with the bunch. , H Almeida, the Cuban player releas- , *?d by the Reds to the Birmingham 1, Souther League team, says he would P. rather be a regular with the minors 1 t; than warm the .bench in the big show. I 1. ? >; The circuit of the recently organe. ized New York-Connecticut League 5- will be composed of Danbury. Conn., and Middletown. Newburgh, Kingston. Peekskill and Port Jervis, New 1- York. C. Nothing to that story to the effect that Manager Johnny Kling, of the Boston Braves, is to get the gate, h. It would cost the Boston Braves a 7. bunch of money to dag John as he n. has a three-year contract. In a recent game in Washington y. both Ed Walsh, of the White Sox. V. and Walter Johnson, of the Nations. als, were knocked out of the box. It isn't often that the batters are able to anvR two stars to^ tne sned. II. WITH THE ROXKR8 B. Ad Wolgaat wants $12,000 to box Leach Cross, or $15,000 for a go x* with Packey McFarl&nd. a ' Jitn Corbett has taken Bobby Waugh under his wing and will act as niatiager for the Texas Light. k" weight. e 1*? Jack Johnson and his party left Chicago May 20, for Las Vegas where his championship battle with 5"* Jim Flynn is billed for July 4. I; Woman That Need Rest. It Is not the women who wot* wto n. Mad rest cures, but those who axw y ; worn rat doing nothing, and doing II L. badly. Very Emotions', 'r- "Ever see one of thene/lMurefMt ir- dancers? Their steps are symbolic; C. every step means something." *T saw ona of 'em land on a tack one night Her steps were, fall of aetata* for \he next few minutes." ' ? ip? ^ te. The reindeer of Alaska are lacked j. to as s s future meat supply for tide country?If they can bo overtake*:1 A hundred and fifty fine diamonds were found In an ash barm In Ph(la? ^ del phis the other dag. Bake peer ?d ? * an An effort la being made to eetsMlilh nt a neW alphabet. Vvefi at that. It's no ,4 good a way to km Tttfeo as ptayteg ' Th old tMMnn.l ii.i mliiliU < ? ,"mM moth lo W |>H|H| ; v t*\ Vkv Prml a ?kv. a. vloar to OdKMIn. Badaad. abo drasead as carataaaly that ha alcht have baaa alatakaa foe a tramp, tad Tbo wma auppoaad to bar* dlad MaaUaaa, wma fooad ta haya dan a Maa of man tbouaanda at poaada aaaatad la London tdoparty. Cultivate Seir-flellince. To be self-reliant.la la look to oaoV palf wr help la all tba alalia of Ufa; tot to bo forever leanlag apoa tboao bout von. Tbera la neat aatlaf action a terUna that you have tbe ability to la far 70 ureetf?Clare K- Bay Una. A Delaware poultry rklaer any* that !a ring 1811 hit 881 hens laid 16,600 sni. What la he ever going to do rlth all the money? It does not speak well tor Wllkeejarre that the man who had a fistful it money to spend had to go away 'rom home to apend It. Now another dash Is to be made to he south pole. It certainly requires murage, not to say daring, (o plan inch a trip just about now. , , .. Physicians tell us that orifice pie la a cure for insomnia, but we learned It an early age that It was an effective nd pleasing -cure for hanger. In splte'of the weather man we refuse to believe thft winter really ?as come until we have read about the chump who skated on thfn Ice. . . i It may be observed of the man who rell six Inches with fatal results that he secured one of the features of an aeroplane ride without the ride. . IIbuggjeTsur wagons, HARP A NEW LOT JO Washington Ho 5. L. SUSMAN. Pres. Mr. Car-Skadei For Publi On the Farm, known three Stallions, Standi _ ? l a M ii a ea, urea irom uie most in the purple. OLIVE RED, buNhpoleoi he by George Wuhes, the 1 lion in North Carolina, I tl Fee} CHARLES RAYNE, by Cha by George Wilkes, He ge horses of any Stallion livn Fee HILLSIDE PRIDE, by Gil Wilkes, he by George Will as yet Fee : Terms, insured in foa 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th weel return privileges. Address or call on W. CarRoute 2. \ YM>f? by river shore? mprove your health? your wealth. A. C HATOAWAY Chicago lawyer U raagooeiMa for the atarlllng tiMnwt that a man Um taa ^nMnto'au^othJr0^ , The quMo ot Slam breeka into print f with tha story that aha baa haen robbed at bar Jewels- Wa aarar khaw tharo waa a TandarUIa circuit In I ^. ' "' ' ' ' S 9 One Of the maa "who broke the Mooter Oarlo bank" baa been arraated the Irbeel whan the ctoiuner wannl A Now Yorker waa arraated tor throwing money away on the atreeta." Don't be deceived; undoubtedly h? was merely trying to entloe auckera from the provinces. OoMtnmeot lores ttntore are trylog to Hud oat what huh to, bat a respectable family iwwiptpar would not dare to print what the average boarder thinks of ItNew York, we are told, has a murder every thirty six hours. And yet certain persons would have us believe that baseball to ' the most popular pastime In that city. -.. The Turkish fleet has been-destroyed again. Either the war correspondents are afflicted with trended Imagination or the Turkish fleet has a tooulty of unscrambling itself. One of Austria's archduchesses was hurt the other day when a sled on which sl^e tons coasting struck a tree. The offending sapUng will doubtless be cut down for fete majesty. CAPU1HKH for -THAT HHAOACBV Out last ufgbt? Headache ar j nerToc- thto morning? Hicks Cap*dins Jua. the thing to fit you hr business. Try it. At. drug stores. RIES; CARTS 3 BICYCLES JESS - J ST RECEIVED rse Excbasge Washington, N. C J ISIitilWW n Has Standing c Service ( as the Bowen Farm, ir4 bred and register popular families, and 1 Red, he by Red Wilkes, largest standard bred Stalling 835. rles L., be by Onward, he ts the best general purpose e$23. fillian, he by Gambetta tea. He is an untried horse 125. 1. Mares to be tried the ; after breeding, wjth full r 'ifi >Y - *' ' Skadcn Washington. N. C. ml. lL^ERTT^ | - - Norfolk, Va J BEAUFORT COCNCII^ - No. 168L I bo/ai ammml Meets in Tayloe'a Hftll first uJ I ^srirjssr^j NAOMI REBBKAH^ 1AMXJE, No. M. t(Mta In Tajloo'. Hall MCOD4 U win an rom. . DISSOLUTION NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between W. R. Boyd and W. H. Ross, under the finn name of Ross and Boyd. Do this the 27th day of May dissolve by mutual consent. WL JL Boyd assumes all the obligations and liabilities of said firm and Is entitled to collect sll bills due said firm. Witness our hand and seel this the 27th day of May 1212. W. R. BOYD, (Seal) W. H. RUSS. (Seal) NOTICE OP ADMINISTRATION Having this day qualified as Administrator of the estate of Richard Bragaw, deceased, notice is hereby gives that alt claims against the said estate most be filed with me within twelve months from this date, otherwise this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate are qequaated 10 make immediate payment to This the 9th day of May. 1911. V JNO. O. BRAG AW. JR. Administrator. 6-9 dwkso. COLLECTING SPECIFIC TAX This Is to notify all persona owing specific taxes in the City or'Washington that I will be at the Ci|y Hall from /una 1 to June 19 for the purpose of collecting same. The following are liable: Oil Brokers.. Architects, Anctloneers. Bicycle Dealers, Bottling Establishments, Bakers, Barbers, Barber Shops, Blacksmiths, Horse shoers, bll linrd and Pool Tables. Bed Revenvar tors. Box. barret or Roller Factories, Brickyards, Brick Dealers, Boarding Houses. Bill Posters. Carriage Manufacturers, Carriage and Baggy Dealers, Pistol Dealers, Music Dealers, Firework Dealers, General Merchants Fspsies Companies, Rental Apssta, Drays aad Transfers, Ptsb Dealers, Soft Drink Stands, Tinners and Roofers, Job Printing, Real estate agents, I,ivery Stables. Laundrymen. Dims Kilo. Fruit Stands, marina raDwayg Marble Tarda and AxentS.Mllk Dealera. Tailors. Machine Shops, Mills add Factories. Keirapapere; Opera Roaae, Pawn Brokers, Peddlers, Prestos Cloba. Plumbers. Restaurants, Shoe Makers, Woodworkers and Dos Tax. The ordinance eorertng the shore urdajr. Mr.^LaFrase has been the firm or corporation commencing business or dolns business wltbont procuring license shall upon conrleticn be lined ?20.00. OEORGE N. HOWARD. Specifics Tax Collector. ? ?-? e? ? ? Do Yon Know of i pjQ^j fljid Feed RUMflllMPPMPMTC1 ? BEAUFORT tXR'N'TT i r^SKWS"'; -V 1 \ jBC ' i'jF* J'*%w9Ek ' . ( J^I lior.br enhance mmlf a candidal bofora the Demematlc Primarlea [tor th. Office of Sheriff of Br^rt County. I will appreciate any aupport that my frienda may .IT. me WB0OKBR. I " XOTICB OF SALE Coder and by rtrtn. of th. power ot eale contained In ."certain mortnc* Deed dated Anfhat 13th. 1?07, executed by L W. Aaktm. to W. l! later of Deed, lor Beaufort county I tm Book 143. Pan pf? th. under- Igned will, on Monday, the 14th day! of Juae, lttr, Noon, offer tor sale. at the court house door In Benufort County. to the hlsheet bidder for . cuh. the following described rani . estate, to vtt: . . Lying and being In the State of , North Carolina, In the County of . Beaufort In Pantago Township. . Beginning at a stake In 8. J. Top- . plngn Line on the South Side of . Main Street. In the town of BelhaTen . : tanoe of 7? feet to a dike; running e thence South >0 W a distance of . * 1 feet to Pungo Blear; running . thanes with the meandering of said Pungo Riser In a weatwurdly course to 0. J. Topping's line; running " thence North >0 B. with said 8. J. ; : acr* mon or lap. For. farther , scriptlon m? Deed from W- B, Tolly , and wife, Sidney Tooly, recorded In , book ill. Page 11?, Beaufort conn- < ty Record*. , This 12nd day of May. lilt. W. L. Prirott. i- i Mortxaaee. 'I By O. Fred Johnson * Owner of debt * .;.r : By Edward L. Stewart Attorney. ' I; v. ? - '. i i 'v " . x wa - ????? ?ram?aa^?a?a? a ** w j North Carolina. Beantort County ~i 8 a perl or Court. Before the Clerk. i Norwood L. Simmons. Admr. of ? Lawrence Oorbam. dee'd. . i Lnla Gorh&m Jenkins. Nellie Gor- J ham Mlxon and husband Giles MU- , on, Annie Gorham ?o*e and bus- , band John Howe and Lawrence Gor- la ham. a minor heir-at-law of^Law- ^ ^SSSS?W named win : take nottaJi that an action entitled , as abore. has been commenced In the , Superior Court of Beeufnrt County. 3 N. C., before the Clerk, tor the pur- J poae Of selling the reel estate of Intestate to make assets. In which said * I reel klall the defendants own an In- 1 tenet. Sal the said defendants will 1 further take notice that they are re quired to appear before the Clark of < the Superior Conn ol Reaurort Conn- J ty. N. C.. at hta office In the Court House Washington. N. C.. on June ' 10th till and answer or demur to 1 the Petition In said action, or. the plaintiff will apply to the court for J the relief demanded fa said Petition. This May oth, 1811. -1 OBO. A. PAUL. J . C-&. C. < ./ . SaDctrroRH \oncaii.- ; -? j Baring thla day quallffad before , the Clerk of the Superior Court o< , Useufort County aa Executor to the J lest ?m of Claudia Spencer, deceaaed. thla U to notify all persons haying si.'? ajiltal the en Id aatatr EyssSmtig&feg: thla date, or this notice will he plead- . ad In bar of their raooTaty. All per- . anna Indebted to aeld estate era neM- < I ': Executor of Claull* Bps?r. 4-24 Ivp eeraauBmmmBeeaaamBHegMwmaraemnameerakgBeae , r A3f ORDINANCE "V* . Be It enacted by the Board of Aldermen of the City of Washington; that, en every Carnival Company, or combination of traveling circuses and efcpwa of Uke character, Museum andlfenagertes, Merry go rouhdfe and Ferris Wheels and other liga amueementa enterprlsee, conducted (or front, under tbe soma mml managements and (111 In* week-etnnd engagements or. tn gtvlrnc weekstand exhibitions, whether under aanrsa or not, within tile corporate limits o( ths Cltr o( Washlnston or, within one mile thereot. tie (allowing taxes shell be paid (or saeb wssk or part of week, to wit: (1) On all such Carnival Companies and combinations. cotuHetlag 01 not more than six <6) distinct attractions, conducted (or profit. one hundred dollars (*100) and, when consisting o( mors than six ( ) distinct attractions copidncted tor prt! , P * I P * ? I 24sage Wuhi^toe, North CaroUae. Rracucaa hlllttt Oouta . . . .. . P^* f , , ' John H. Small A. D. HacUaf i Harry MeMallaa'zW* > ' Satan. Marl... * H MnN i ? ' _ Attorney allaa > ?" Waahtnston. NotJk Care*mt- _ ? Edward U Stawart. ' Waehlaston. N. C. - >... ? W. A. Thomyoo. K . AnWfst If- 0. I ' Attorn*7* at Lew. . ? Washington ud Aurora. X. a '* v.* > * ? ^ i'SjSi .. t 2T v. l .^S^vianalH " ' "" . ; >? > a e ?-e * tXHJJK H. HAKDCIO ? Waahlncton. N O. : : NORWOOD L.-snoioira * I Attom.y-.t-Ih, . Waablnatca, R O. ? *? m m m ? >; ; ? I >' JOINT Lin INSURANCE * P - > Aheolntely the moet attrao V* > Hcmrity Idle * Annuity Co. -A#, . ? ?..?? ... ...... : *SSr.TSr : OAca lu EtaTlno ui Trmet building. Soeond door. Proe tide la all the rourU. . ....... i -?MMOLITTION NOTICE . Notice U hereby (Wen thet the ISTrfeW'Si ?T*uS. | tfc. ^LUtU^wni ConU?e^tbeb^.?. fr" U? ' Wh?th?r from Colds. Hot, Bty