?1 WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS V PUBLISHED EVURY AFTERNOON P ' EXCEPT 8UNDAY. No. 109 East Water Strust. Entered as aecond-elsas matter P August I, 1909, at the postoAc# at , * M r? ih? act of [ - March i. 1?7?; *" Kluar moras Vw ?U Months 1.60 One Tear 1.00 E Subscribers desiring the paper dieasntlnued will please notify this offp nee on date of expiration, otherwise P* wui be continued at regular snb"wriptlon rates until notice to stop . Is received. . Ii >ou do not get the Dally News ?; promptly telephone or write the manager and the complaint will receive * Immediate attention. It is our deE ' \re to please you. All articles sent to the Daily News l lor publication must be signed by t the writer, otherwise they will not 5. he published. MONDAY, JULY 8, 1912. I SAND-CLAY ROADS Continued from Page 1. h Jj been used is a very plastic clay, there V is going to be considerable tendency for it to ball and cake so that a plow m can very often bo used to advantage in breaking up the lumps. If. however. the mixing is made when everyR. thing Is perfectly dry. a pretty comL plete mixture is made when everym thing is perfectly dry. a pretty complete mixture can be obtained by harrowing unless the clay has been dug when it was wet. As stated above, it is Impossible to K determine exactly the proportions of P sand and clay to use either lu makP lng the sand-clay road on a clay subsoli or on a sand subsoil; and therein fore, us the road dries out and sets rt It should hn^e careful attention after It Is completed to determine wheth er it is necessary to add any more sand or clay. If there is too much -.511 K? - ,l.~l surface of the road to get sticky or muddy In wet weather and for the clay to ball up and cake, and If this is the case a thia layer of sand should be spread over the surface. On the other hand, if the surface of the road loosens in dry weather, it is an in1 dication that the clay has been used is not a good quality of day and does rot have sufficient binding power. Morein "clfcy should be added and jT^/fJorleDifiihto the road. J?*" "tiDftfc'fettftie is one of the most easorttifcdfctfMtures In road construction v? "trite very true In connection with ? tlie sand-clay | JF^eJfwra thjk"*it shall have good drainT'^a^e. ^ AjVUfcrd the subsoil is a sandy i <&e It utfhally affords a pretty good t natural drainage; and where there JlJls conslderablef-depth1 to the Hand, ussally the croviffl of the road Is all the . drainage that- WAS to be done. It is necessary, hov/dref, in all cases that r lithe water oe* tak#n out of the side Adftches Just lie rhpfdly as possible. -Where the subsoil is a clay, very careful attention rttust be given to ta> ttae question bf getting rid of the f t-MMrfar-e water. '4ilsd in clearing the I I?irt0ht-of-way for rhb road. all stumps. t. Ivlegs anil other*'vegetable matter anfcotrtd be taken wAf bf the roadbed t la* If Hot. after the* band clay mlxtve has been madbtVherever vege\ tattle-1 matter oxists'lts will be as it decomposes make :we*e?ure and loos*; the sambclay constructfOlST" proper drainIA la. therefore ^ ver^osaohtial :u the ^instruction of Hj. all timVB.? K R. (Quantity of Sarnl or Clay The following figui?s regarding the-unantlty of clay nece^ary to add to fe-sand subsoil to makV the sand* Hf clny road, and the amduUt of sand - necessary to add to a ohiy subsoil -will abo of Interest. Iftfcfee roadbed is nine feet wide on a sadly subsoil and the claV Is addK ed to?tf depth of six inches.* it w ould Hi requlitoaSHO cubic yards of clay to cover-Whnlle of road. For & sixteen foot road it would require 1.37 4 rubKV* lc yardeeM clay. If the clay is a first Hi class ula^ie clay free from sand and only ftjoahi^h^s of clay were needed, this wr the plaintUl will apply r to the cq^rtjtof the release demand. ed In said POtjtyflfa ? a f > Tblt/uljljs|. IJlfe.M. U%4t>* " " VI' I , 1 'Wlwc^j ' .S M ? ???" . ? War HKADACHK?Hlrtcjr OAPUDHfJ 1 Whether from Colds, Hoot, Stor* C a 'h or Nervous Troubles, Capudln will relieve you. It's liquid?pie* . ant to take?sets immediately. Trs F It lla. t Be. sad too at ?n? H V ?uld you give for a Hume where NICE BREEZE WITHOUT DUS hrougb. Grand to think about isn't 1 e homcfolks find in Washington Park, where there is comfort, bringing Heal) w. * VA. C. ttil Classified Advertisements, WANTED ACTIVE MAN TO SELL books. Apply at once to C. Archbell. Bath. N. C. 7-5 to 8-5. c ? WANTED: ACTIVE MAX TO WORK ] Veterinary Science. Apply to C. Archbell, Bath, N. C. 7-5 to 8-5. c THE LATHAM HOUSE COR. LYNN- ( haven Ave., and B. St. Nearest cottage to Station, Post Offlc^, and ] amusements. Ocean Pta**, Va., an . Ideal summer homm ^ieasonable i rates. Mrs. J. B. Latham, Proprie tress. 6-21) lmoc. ' 5 or 6 doses &6tr win ureak any case of Chills & Fever; It acts on the liver better than Calomel, and ' does not gripe or sicken. 25 cents. WANTED: TO SELL MAKTKL : Blow-out Protector. Apply to C. Archbell, Bath, N. C . 7?5 to 8-5. c FOR SALE: LOG FLOATS IRON gear complete. Apply to C. Archbell. Bath. N. C. 7-5 to 8-5. c CAPUDINE for "THAT HEAD ACHE1 Out last night? Headache an.i nervoo this morning? Hicks Capadine Juw, the thing to fit you for business. Try it. At drug stores. LOST A GOLD BUCKLE AND LOCK- : et with monogram W. B. A. engraved on locket. Finder please , return to 409 East Main Street and I receive rewsfcLr Dr. We B. Armstrong. 1 7-8 ltp. FOR RENT IN CHAPEL HILL Ddfr. ing July and August. Furnished house, with lights and water. Large yard and fine garden. Address K. G. Henry, Chapel Hill, N.' C. 7-8 mon. wed. Fri. c Ask Your Neighbor Hundreds of Washington Citizens Can Tell You All Aboat It, Home endorsement the public expression of Washington people, should be evidence beyond dispute for every Washington reader, of the merit of Doan's Kidney Pills. Surely the experience of friends and nelghj bora, cheerfully given by them, will j carry more weight than the utterances of strangers residing in faraway places. Reat^ the following W. J. Hardison, lit X. fieventn St.. Washington, N. Q.?sa>-g;. 71 an glad to confirm the ptblir statement a member of my family ghve in January 1908, telling of my experience with Doan'a Kidney PillB. My back troubled me for months and my kidneys were disordered. The kidney secretions gave me a great deal of annoyance, especially at night. After I Had used two boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills, procured from the Hoyt, Drug Store, I was entirely relieved. I have not had to take a kidney medicine since." Por sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name?Doan's? aad take no other. ATLANTK The Greatest Seashore ; 1 N. For Ham ALLEN A. Dubois, Manger ate "Crystal Ice" Shipped Quick. ^ ' "Crystal Ice Cream" Ask for it at the Fountains it is ' wholesome, delicious ind{ fresh. I Crystal Ice Co. 136 WATER STREET WMblactoo, N. C. Phone S3 i_ |? |-i j- it. r i it. 1 DRINK ;T 1 LIPTQN-S t? Well that's rpij A Make aa effort JL JCilY Lh and pleasure. 'HAWAT.? V * The Taate Linger* ?THE? CHICHESTER S PILLS OUality grocery dklSffimi: WALTER CREOLE t CO. R ?f OlaVoV?>A | K\ Vli' rtULMf)! Photic 90 V 92. A* ? mniPo^.i.pot.saBtAiwjsiidnhii ^? r yjnrvnpt^r.icrcr-.t^wrr1 ~_n _ i<^_ri. _ jr. 1 TT?? North Carolina i nn vrtfTf iveaw rniiFCF of inmniiimiBF Lf\J 1 \JKJ IVIXXF TT O"'""-- Tt\at we carry one of MIO MECHANIC ARTS i the freshest lines of ? uk~?.i ui? /?* * Four-year [course in Agriculture; in LjTOCei*l0S, Civil* Electrical and Mechanical Engirra -j ip -j neering; in ChemUtiy; in . r lOlir and rCCd Cotton Manufacturing and ?Dyeing. # Two-year course in Mechanic Arts land III Washington. It is a . inTcxrile Art. One-year and^Two-year fact and we can easily co 410 East Main St - - Norfolk, Va j tirvTPT MontHEAt) cna^,,..^ - -NORTH' OCEtttriti , Hofel in the South. Xccootmodatioos lor 1,000 Guests. *** NOVV OPBNi^' .buii^%yw ?>?? Attaint- Hon* hpnti tfciooMa buck 1013 Conventions C B?r Jnly i-*HL NT1 C. Praia. Jtilr U-tMh dsome lllattrated booklet and reservation i atierees - MOREHEAD CITY, N. C. a W. t ARTRR, M. M ' Practice limited to disease# ol ' lh? Eye, Bar. Nom Mid Throat Honrs: 9-12 a. m.; 1-6 p. m. Except Mondays. Corner Main and Mirk* Bta. Otst Brown's Drug Btore. ' Washington, X. O. ^ BL A. Daniel Jr. Lindsay C. Warn* DANIEL A WARREN ' % ? I"] Attorneys at Law ' r Washington, North Carolina * w Ws practice In all the oourts. c a Wiley C. Rodman, Wm. B. Rodman, Jr. RODMAN * RODMAN Attorneys* as Law. Washington, North OaretfcML ?' ....... m m m m i i a H. 8. Ward Junius D. Crimes WARD A ^TTHTfr? m Attorneys al law Washington. N. 0. We practice in the Court" of the First Judicial District and the * Federal Courts. - didatc for Boctatsr of DewU. If nominate and elected, will aerre the people at all ttmea to Peat of my ability. The anpport of every democrat la earnaatly aoUclted. ?f>. "? Very raapectfnlly. 2 WILBUR H. BOSS. Aurora. It. C.' ' I 4-4 tfc. I hereby announce myaelf a candidate before the Democratic Primaries tor the Office of Sheriff of Beaufort County. I will appreciate any support that my friends may aire me. W. W. HOOKER. FOR SHERIFF. To the Democrats of Beaufort County I wish to expreee to you my sinoere thanks for your loyal support in the past, and. If I have made an efficient officer and a faithful servant of the people, to aak your continued support In the County Primaries which will be announced later: and if 1 am nominated and elected, (and I see no reaaom why I shall not be), I can only promise to do as 1 hava In the past, all In my power to give you good service. Now I wish to thank you in advance and ask all good Democrats to attend the primaries and give me their hearty aupport.tor Sheriff of Beaufort County. Faithfully. Your Servant. GEO. E. RICKS. 6-11 tfc. I-VR I|tlKttlFF. ~ To the Democratic voters of Beaufort County: I announce myself as a candidate tor the office of Sheriff of Beaufort County in accordance'with the resolution adopted by the County Convention tTjro years ago limiting the tlgae which any person should hold office to two terms only and my candidacy , Is subject to this resolution. 8. B WINDLEY, 3-38 tfc. ANNOUNCEMENT I take this method of Informing' my friends that I am a candidate for re-nominaotin for the Office of Register of Deeds, and ask them all to attend the Democratic Primaries, and assist me in obtaining the nomination. Thanking each and every one kind ly for the hearty support they have given me In the past and asking a continuance of the same, I remain. Yours very truly, * GILBERT RXJMLEY. FOR CLERK RECORDER'S COURT To the Democratic voters of Washington and Washington Township, Long Acre Township, and ChocowinIty Township, I hereby announce myself a candidate for Cl?rk of the Recorder's Court, subject to Democratic primaries and I will appreciate what my friends may do for me. I am yours respectfully, WM. SWANNER. 7-4 tfc. ^ FOR RECORDER J hereby announce to the Democratic voters of the City of Washington, Washington Township, Chpcowinity Township and Long Acre town ship that I am a candidate to succeed myself as Recorder of the Crimr Inal Court of said above described district, subject to the action qf the Democratic PpIm?H?i trt hai/t in ' a jy ~~~T- r- 4 tK m .. ,. j It nomfaated and elected.'I shall en , deavor In the' future as 1 have In the ? past to administer the Ia*r fairly and Impartial to. all persons. J I salt tb'esupport of all Democratic t Voters. / *c ^ '* ' W. D. GRIMES. ' I {$*1 j FOR recorder , I wish to announce to my friends ? that I am a candidate (or the office J of Recorder of the Criminal i Court < of the City of Washington. Washing- < ton Townahlp, Longacre Township and "aocowlni*-/ Township, of Beaufort County, subject to the Democratic primaries,, and solicit the sopport and vote"of Sll Democratic < voters. j M. J. FOWLER. i t -H fcc. , AJiNOLNtKHHOT , , , I he^ehy reepectfullr announce my , cudUtqi tor re-ooBlwUm to the offlc. of Treuurtr of Benutort Coon, ] \f, subject to the will of the people V> ."f'-ei ?t the Democratic , Putmerr. .11 ra-nnmU?U? Pte.truet repooert s? \ > e , e , * . e e sc % ? > FRANK H. BRYAN Attorney At U? ' . J *? Office in Savings Arid Tfist f.y building. Second floor. Prao- * > tfce In all the courts/ . ' " V, COST OP INRpR^ACR ' i * torn Mve M.B2 par ?1,000 by * baying a 20 pay life at age Ml * 1 with a 4 per cent ree-err? orer a . *-?? * I ' 8 per cent reeerve. Thta U a '; ' participating policy wMUe* Mu ' The Security life A Anjwlty Co. * H. A. COOPER, Agent. . e FOR COM?rfS8IONER Tbla it* to announce, that I am a candidate for County ConrnMpataner Vom RlchlAntf Tpwnahlp. I hive lillgently worked for tbf Democratic >arty for thirty yeara and now In reurn the support of all Democrats is .** ? ?arn?Btly dealredand will be yerr ; ? much appreciated. "V,>rw < > W. ^ JONES. Edward, N. J. ^ y.tA " rHE NQBTH CAROLINA ; ( rfakrtaW^J *r^" ^ iept.mber II, 1111. For catalog* wd other Information, ?ld??