I hooka. iMlf at an tab Arch , tokWU, Bath, K^o. v; *-? u ?-?. c y . THE LATHAM BOOM COR. LYNN oottape to StaUea. Foot Office, an If Eggjsiry.s J ANTED: M SELL MARTK] Blow-out Protector. Apply to C Archbell, Mk, N. C . *?-*, ???.? _ SDB UUl LOO FLOATS OtO> llHt ootaplete. Apply to 0. Archhell, Bath. N. C. , K. C ISAOngVOR SALE?DKLIVHR ad. Phone 1H, Era. i. L PhiUlpi 7-1 tfe. BENT IN OHATBL ttLLDtlB~tns July and Asiuat. Purniahed Lftonae, with llphU and water Large yard and the garden. Ad dreea ?. O. Henry. Chapel HU1. N a-, mo,. .Mmei a a HAMANS. YAM POTATO SLIPS 71 oentA Per tlwaadfed. Fred Parker Washington, Phone 1051. S-101** ^bnri DBLICIOUS ICS GOLD CANT A loupee any price. Delivered youi door. Pure read Grocery. Pro J. B. Bonner. Phone 261. i ADDING DAYS TO HIS LIFE -Paradoxical Problem la Solved Through Obvious Point In Clr N oomnavlgatlon. A oorreepondent sends to the HerAid a paradoxical problem which, he believes, originally appeared In Pleeae'e ~Cbymlcal, NaturMamd Physfc ml Made.** published aome m yean CO. Two pereoaa were born at the maw place, at the aame moment of time. Fifty years after they both died. Alao at the same spot and at the aame instant; yet one had lived 100 daya mare than the other. ? The possible solution turn# on a suriora but very obvioua point in circumnavigation. A person folnc round the vorld toward the west loeee a lay; coins toward the east be (mine - one. Suppose, then, two persons bora tocether at the Cape of Oood Hope, wherce a voyace round the world may be performed la a year; If one per* tones this constantly toward the west, ta SO years he will be SO days behind \ the stationary inhabitants; and if the I other Si.ll equally toward the east, ha f will be 60 daya la advance of them. Dne. therefore, will have seen ~10? ??/ more man ine otner.?(Jlaasow Herald. . J \ 8?afaring Radl. V The portraits of Captain Amundeet Show a certain likeness to Dr. Nansen [ ' Both hare In a marked decree the loni narrow skull of the VtkiacB. It Is ? cartons ctrcxrmetanee that the eeafar in* races, whether on the Baltic or 01 the Mediterranean, hare this tjp of head, while the Inlanders of Em-opare predominantly of the broad heade< Alpine sort. Bat it will hardly do -to make Ion) headedness the cause of seamanship as some enthusing*, hare done, fo the Japanese, who are round headed take readily to the tea. Rob-My-Tism will cure you. > ~ , Bicycles! Bicycles! ffOW Blcyclea $16 and Lr We ore scents for the Barrels, Readln*. Standard. Irer Johnson. Columbia, Rsmhler, Emblem National and Dnyten Bicycles Beld for cash of on time. Wo also carry n full lino of repairs at all times. D. R. CUTLER 114 Market St r' WASHINGTON, N. C Phone SU _ . . = p . DRINK I 81 ^ 1 OfiAUTY (SROCXRV ft a ww*smSJan^>^w?amma a - komlac teattaot of the eaiaie c * rSTet'ea' "ttwJnolT* ulrto? ' p?at two ?uijn?Mj Uipnur ssarjsersw . mtttee. and tte naolta d U ? ?!*? :?8?33&u iBSmmwwb - and naw oooa war# than la pro? r of Maniac. , a Rawarda wcra paid to BOnm J thTi J the labeled craetacean Pad baas I. captured and toll data tabulated. Witt retard to the Nortollt en lttaratad la taa place, from ww . they wyo fijldlnallr obtained, nr . two wen recaptured within oaa m 1 of tbatr Oret borne, bat one trowel - aa far aa namboroudb Head, a d taooe of attetw-atdbt atatato all Nearly three hundred bad travel . only three or lour mjlea fraaa wba . tbay were ortetaaiiy tabem.?Una. ' ? ; is your m For the next 90 di light* on eaiy terms phone 898. WASHINGTON !' titii MlSZ ; I AFTER SAT! We will offi goods which we No one should need these artic while the price i DOMESTICS. 24KT.. ,.\Vh 9-cent West End jj Bleaching ?* 10-cent Crescent o Cambric Z ? GINGHAM i 8c Apron Gingham fast colors...... ? COUNTERPANES. 1 $1.25 Spreads % 150 " 1 3.00 " 2 : 350 " 2 , 450 " 3 . 5.110 " i BOLSTER-CASES. t Size 45x72 qa i. price.. ^ PILLOW-CASES. Full size 4 /? ? Price m 0-T3 = DAMASK. 72-in All Linen Table Dc ask; worth $1.25 yd BO Sale V9 59c Mercerized jm yi Damask :S| ; v1 = lATLANT The Greatest Seashi I : . < wwiwiteSSl wMch^?, i?l ml, ?ffordii Hp? Clubwiwiiii to M#nwfy oi Woman Wh? Oav^Ufa U Hal* ? a, I"* EUTT?Sr^rawTui1 wi fra MM U happens* ?* i??ntea. -?.-?.**.?.* T1 ^?^SSiSSS! 1* from Oeahlmaor. Iomx the tara(Olk luOr Hull op conn toto- ' TaitlWt It'UMthattta* bra boas shell. fa iltnii la* cinJel. Jud dira Kite M It It * taw p?tmt4 to crcct aancaict is the piooo of tka aM (lar beodatoae , which mark# tar store. . .. ~*. ' ? > .o * . .. . It: .. Iltctftly In AOwWnp. lng he lliiosolp t? *4nttMnc m a pomp m0 oa as well To moral o.nmitp woo tkc >rl IP- thorn# of OS sddreeo Sottroroil to tat ' Up Bprlnpflold All Moa t club bp Andrew pr0 #4 N. rot of Chkaao. -Then u onlp ** Is- oao bottor wop to laeor a man's #? tloi 31 mltp thaa bp oelllap Mm s fool.- Mr. Isle fhx COM. 'end that Is bp troaanc Mm lira Who a loot on tho surmise that bo po? m fcnri rocaaulto tho trobtmooL Too J oast fool tho pooplo la adworttslss.MUSE WIRED? 11 rys we will wire house* for A homes on the Installment un ortunity to have Electric . For further Information a bar ELECTRIC PLANT | BHHJ Pol =====:::: L SUPPER JRDAY NIGHT JUL er this time a varied Yrr are sure will please al let this opportunity slif les now, but it is good j\ at low ebb. PORTIERS. g. Special lot of red and green Qp Portiere, were $5 O OO ? >? Sale price U ? 39c q TURKISH TOWELS. 5?c ? Large size, worth -? v ? 25c; special ? *? 25c C HUCK TOWELS. 39c ? Extra large, white -m -m 50c and colored border..." TOWELING. , -lq 5c grade ....3 l-2c Spc .69 1* : -8c ? 00 13C lie - S1 50c Gowns 44c ? I-. 75c " 64c ~ $U5 " 98c i VESTS. ^ 15c Gauze Vests :..9c ? CURTAIN NETS. This line consists of white ^ im- Ecrue and bordered effects, g |?> 12 1-2c Grade 9c 4' 18c " ...14c ? ?c " 20c 85c " 29c & S. Cffil DEPARTMENT i . , I , ' ' ' = [C HOTEL MO] ire Hotel in die Sooth. Accommodatio |?WOPEN, iter fi AM^d is greet abondanoe. The . Allan si SS8* :.h |I*socutioii wflWhitfd ?WI 'CrfiMlce" SUw*i.<*tek. "Crystal Ioe CrW k for it ?t the Fountains it is , loletome, dblirkwit md m , JJ .. ..r . r : . . < rystal Ice Co. * ? U* WATER STREET < U?M,N. d TU?U 1 citing, Fiery, Raw Eczema B.HMU R fctwA. 1| % tm I . I r Fee, an itching, burning, raw lrrl?d skin relieved the moment Zemo ? ch?? it. Zemo la a clean, eooth- ? , healing wash, composed of ThyI, Glycerine, Witch Hasel, Boracic d and other medicinal healing f parties. Zemo relieves and cores t ry form of akin and stalfe erupi, and If you are not entirely matMi with reeulta from the Very first ( cent bottle, druggists will refund a r money. Large else bottle $1. lorsed and sold In Washington by rdy Drag 8tore. r >mo la prepared by S. W. Rose Heine Co., St. Louis, Mo., their ran tee la as good ea gold. s Worthy and Etherldge. Rexall re. V Recovers Ring 18 Years Lost. . class ring loet.lt years ago by ?. J. H. Reese, when abe waaapu- I of the Lancaster high school, wea j tared to the owner Ira. Reese, then Mies Leila L Urt lost the ring, which was engrav* with her sum, while walking on ' lawn of her home. It was recovA by men resetting n fence.?Lantsr _ Correspondent Philadelphia o mo Ledger. SALE |: Y 13. r ii ie of household d 1 housekeepers. i. You may not udgment to buy . n LADIES' DRAWERS. J EN OR CLOSED STYLE kind 18c " . 29c J to 59c kind 39c CORSET COVERS. kind 19c 1 " 33 1-3C ? " 42c UMBRELLAS. 1.25 Umbrellas Qffc _ c SHIRTS. s LtSO Arrow s grus PANTS. broken lot Men's Pants U be sold at great reduc) ft STRAW HATS. ! .80 Grade J $1.16 ' 00 " 1.49 00 " 8.28 00 2.98 Clothing, 1-4 Off STORE i -// MHEADOTY NORTH CAROLINA .fertNtete , Jk >1 Mwni )*->-- ! i iac ia Ateteka, j tic Hotel front. the ocean bench ^@iBgSBBE3$94t ?ite4tete-teite.^o-?o- r tAtftWteHdWiriy 23-16. | MOREMEAD CITY, N. C. I s1 J 11 ^ ^ ^ ^ teeeeeee^i Mr. Wilbur H. Roes. of Bdward, N. 1. *u a Washington visitor today. Mtt V , Him OoofE- Boyd. J. B. Bow. m. Both Swindell and Abbto Harris. * Hnotown, If. C.. ware Washington rUltora ^oduyx > ft ft Captain R. B. Cowell of the Waehngton Light Infantry returned from forehead City laat night via the Norfolk Bouthorn. . tttt i Mr. J. F. Cowell president of the Pamlico Chemical Company wont to Moulort yeetorder on buolnooa. t t f t Mr. W. W. Chad wick loft thl* aftirnoon on the WorfdS* font hern train or Morohead City and Bedttfett. IS fttt Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Rowe. if Small A f. C., were Washington visitors yeoordny. ttt t Mr. L. H. Roddltt. of Edward. N. J., returned to hie home yeetorday iftornoon. tttt Mr. J. C. Cooper, of Baltimore le egistered at Hotel Louise. tttt # Mr. R. 8. Neal la homo from a hort buslnooo trip. tttt Mr. J. D. Barnes, of Wilson, N. C.. ras on our streets today. tttt Mr. George Hackney Sr.. Is tho uest of his son Mr. George Hackney r., on West Second Street. tttt Mr. Ned Laughlnghouee, of Oreen111m. lo In tho city on buslnesa. tttt Mr. Whiter Caratarphen, of Plymuth, Is a guest at Hotel Louise. * 1 A lilt Mr. Claude Rick* went to Jamesllle this morning on business. tt t t Mr. J. D. Eborn, or Baysldo. was Washington visitor yesterday afteroon. # , t t t t ^ Mr. W. A. Williams, of Raleigh, ? t a business visitor today. tt tt. Mr. V. H. Weill, a prominent busieas man of Ooldsboro, is here to- ' ay. t t t t Mr. R. M. Brown, Of Tarboro, was n our streets today. t t t t Mr. H. W. Clark, of New Berne, rrlved in the city yesterday afteroon. t t t t Mr. R. Krause, of Belharen, N. C., i in the city shaking hands with his lany friends. t ft t Mr. Fred Latham, of Belhaven, N. arrived here this morning via the torfolk Southern. tt tt Rev. Nathaniel Harding, chaplain f the Second North Carolina Infanry, National Guard, returned from he encampment at Morehead City his morning. t t t t Mr. H. G. Sparrow returned from short business trip yesterday, t t t t Quite a number expect to leave for teracoke tomorrow night on the Iteamer Blanche. IEVERAL DEATHS FROM HEAT deny Prostration* in Rig Citieci Mercury at 97 in Boston. NEW YORK. July 12.?Pour Jeaths and a dozen prostrations from heat occurred here yesterday. The temperature was ninety. At Boston ane death and ten prostrations occurred, and the thermometer was 97. At Philadelphia there were three deaths, also three suicides .attributed to the heat; temperature ? A Cruel Retort. *Tm afraid of woman suffrage," said Little Blnks. "My wife Is a mill- I tant suffragette, but up to date I am I Julius Caesar in my house." | "I guess you are, Binks, I guess you I are," said Wiggles. "There alnt I many deader ones than Julias Caesar I In this world."?Harper's Weekly. v I j 8he Talked Toe Mueh. Mrs. Benham?Money talks. ' Benham?Keep the change, pleas*. 11 FRECKLES^ Wafer Drug . That Quickly Removes f # ThMe Homely ft pots. ) here's no longer the slightest I tt?l of fettling ashamed of your J trluaee, aa a new drug, othlae? \ dvbftt strength has been discovered J tfaK^mttttlrely removes these home- C Imply get sm onnce of othtne? h l*ls strength., from any first class I kldkt, *&a rtdroli* AVVm i Akat a?n tka arorat fraeklaa hare > keni W 4la??n?ar, Jrtlla MM lt?t- I rba hkn TukkM aatlraly. It 1 toatldom that mora than in ounca / lid nn to tak for tko doakla I at ran gt ft othls* u this la aold nodar 1 fsaraotaa of Btrnf back If II M, I lilMwftiiiiiM 1 "*g?fis?S8* | TW gmdemen DIRMCT ih* affair* of Aim I Wlwrs D? TOO I(?T TOW Ami?n a Is"" sco I W? 1 1 \i mSlBM l^^pflRESHSasEEGEfflK^SB SA STRAIOHT CORN WHISKEY Order SODISCO BRAND PILOT MOUNTAIN 9 and get 100 proof, straight, pare, good old corn whis- M key. White or yellow. It's the favorite?you'll like it jR Wo Also Offer PILOT MOUNTAIN BLEND, 9 4 Full Quarts *2.45. Express Paid. Sons prefer a blend rather than atralght whiskey. H We guarantee eatisfaction. Orders shipped same day S received. Complete price list of all brands on request Bfl Remit post office or express money order, registered n letter or certified check. XN DISTILLING COMPANY, be. B 1QUSE NORFOLK, VIRGINIA^ lid* pin.I "in : THE CHESAPEAKE* LINE J , DAILY SERVICE INCLUDING SUNDAYV^ j I ?S5..1ir?S7 o? I : J