I White Corduroy and White I MJmenunthBlackPht-stripe Su l^*-1 ' -'til- V? . j I a. K. HOYT Agt. Pictorial Review Patterns. Try a Daily News Want Ad. IN TIME OF PEACE t Prepare foe War?and white your building is hniof hove it insured. Don't mit until the Fire-Bell rings and then WBH YOU HAD. Phone: 59 or 266. WM. BRAGAW & CO., Vast bnnam A teats ii Wiskiattoa, N. C. \ EMttrn Carolina / S Teachers Training School / M A State acfcool to train teacher* for the public schools of North \ ^ OuE I Kwjj qergy is directed lo this ooc purpose. Tuition free C ^ to * who sc^ee to teach. f M mi i tm M(U atpKmDcr knal^ We are aoie agenta tor Walter BaMiHAVbnu; Boggleaan4 Harneaa oI MMHektlbahnyioahaai'* MtgR km beta* Cam WHOM ^S6SrMes|? Tt~* mo nun, w*. ml (.olb.1i. MM la TuWi MB ton MM- J ter*a Mm* ?th In. ruiux lyooob, M. Ml l a a IT. MmU mry Thindtf cwlac k 1 Taytoo'a Hall at ? o'clock. NAOMI K?WAW LODGB, No. Mb , LO.O.9. Mm(i In Tayioo'a Hall aooond ul fourth Friday oach month at p. m. PAMLICO LODGB, Mo. TS. K. o( P. Mom In tholr hall, apotalrs. copnor Union alloy and Main otroot, Tory Thnroday ovonlag at o'clock. ORB LODGB, Mo. 1M. A. ?. nod A. M. Mood in tholr hall, corner Bonnor and Third atroota, flrat and third Tuaodaya each month at I p. sl MOTB CHAITKR, Mo. Bb. Royal Arch Maaena. Moota In Haaonic Hall aooond and fourth Tueadaya oach month at 8 p. m. WASHINGTON LODOB Mo. m B. P. O. B. building, orory FWtay onMlfl Mt o'clock. WOODMRN OF AMBRICA Pamlico Camp No. 15818 M. W. of A., meet a fourth Wedneaday evening each month la l^yloe'kilall at 8:80. F r?rVld/1 Airla a vvuavu vat a *4 It is an absolute fact, that one 60oem Jar of WILSON'S FRECKLE CREAM will either remove toot f reck lea o? cam them to fado and that two jara will evet In the most severe cases completely cart them. We are willing to personal)] guarantee this and to return your raoan rttbout argument if your complexion fc not fully restored to its natural beauty, WILSON'S FRECKLE CREAM is fine, fragrant and absolutely harmless. Wul not make hair grow wit will positively remove TAN. PIMPLES and FRECKLES. Come in today and try it. Tbejara are lane end results absolutely certain. Sent by mail if devired. Price GOe. Mammoth jaratl.OO. WILSON'S FAIR SKIN SOAP 2fte. For aale by HARDY DRUG STORE r $40,000 Continm WER Biggest, B OFFICEHOLDERS SHY AT NEW PARTY Want to Let Well Enough Alone? Standp?t Congressmen Appeal to Taft. WASHINGTON, D. C.. July 12.? The Roosevelt third party movement . is striking snags all along the line. .; Republican officeholders, from con' stable to United States Smiator, are afraid of the Colonel's proposition. They want to let well enough alone. While progressive Congressmen - are appealing to Colonel Rooae^lt r and to look after his interest without the interference of a third party, - alleged fractionary Congressmen are i appealing to Mr, Taft to do what he ? can to prevent the nomination of two I electoral tickets in their States. f - NOTED ALIENISTS* OPINIONS f HARRY K. THAW Dr. Austin Flint?Thaw is a true - paranoiac and might commit another homicide if given i h**"Ub?rty. _ t Dr. Carlos F. Ma^Donald^Vfeaw ii t a true paranoial v^th homicldalVjndencles, and would he a public menace if liberated. Dr. John W. Russell?Thaw is con_ stltutionally Inferior, and under hli ~ former conditions of life might commit another murder. Dr. William White?Thaw is no1 Insane and would do no harm if libZ ?rated. Dr. Adolph Meyer?Thaw is not insane and ne'ver has been. He is s plain murderer, He should be given bis liberty. ^ I * The height of a girl's ambition H seldom less than 6 feet . The average man dies befon reaching the age of dJseretioa. Any way, tbo man who parts hii hair ha the middle is ssldost profane All men are equal?as loag as thei ass keep trass aader a wsman'i hesh ' m? asm viq ML / If mill to Cfca Dalit Hon .-^-l ;] OKLAHOMA OBT. q*la., Jail 1*. ? -Tba friwda ulnt^lW. at Call- ? * Statu Senator Own. la kM ??ht ? Joreraor Ckarlaa N.*Haakell. are of " Ae opiakn that the Senator", m ibanoaa haa been material I r itreaath- to uwd by the aomlnatioa of Woodrow ?' WtsainiSKyts; three ?Mka hence, when a general u primary of all parties will be held ti tor the lndoraement of candidates for ft Doited States Senator, members of the Judiciary, representatives in Con- ' press and?members of the legislature. 01 Barly In raUara the Undacapa, ul It wimi ily a quMtloo ot tima vbaa Um Mora > AlaaoawUIfea a aaaumr. VarkMa ra the caiw uOfut tor UK ?? irtloo?the dralalaa of the marakao. le multiplication ot teUpkoae an* lecraph wtree and the aaA Croat dory chimneys. la Qermany for the better stody of orka there 1mm boon cheated a aort f MTTtOO la OOSBOCtlOB Willi tfcO Stfuition Department which tpnda to ad ? aa -eUt oWT for each bird. at. i other words, to refleter thaaa after i Prance. Each bird la oaptared wham pons* la and a metallic disk a nixed to tta ?. and German officials, wbereeer 10 hlrda are bailered to migrate, hart utructlons to aaad to the department a7 Information they can father ooa irnlng etorka who are German aub>cU. (Poaalbly this labeling amy aye something lo do with the acaroy.) By this ayatem of registration le authorities hare learned someUna of the mlgntosry ha bite of the M; lor instance, one was found dead t the Capo of Good Hope whose plaoe r origin was aaalam Prussia. point of Interest relative to the caroky of the stork has been bronchi nder the notice of the German aa* tori ties by a doctor at Port Visa* eth. who anggaata that they hare een poisoned through aatlag pauoppera er loeoeta which hara been Bled by arsenic. A correspondent, ?werer, of an Atohco-JLorralne Jonrai hints that the oanae to to he found earer at boms Home Life In the Windy City. Guslar H. De Kolkey at Chicago ad his wife arrested an the charge f robbing htm In his own house. "My wife, her brother and a heard* fa" ha declared, "sneaked up behind m and bare me down to the floor. hen, while the two men held me own. your honor, mr wife w?at hrougk mj pockets and robbed a* of. U." "IMd yon rob your husband?" aoer* ike court. 1 cannot tell a Us - replied Mrs. Be Colkey, ilmply. 'There was no other ' y to set money out of him. He ain't given me a cent for a year, and trst I tried to chloroform him. hot he 1 wayi sleeps on ble face. So I called ny brother and we held him and I*get rhat was in his pockets." "Perfectly Justifiable," announced he court SALE E turday, Ji *VIS C slest Store ews Want Ad" ~ ii b " a ^ 9 O nitiire summer 'm" the season It id to look at It on niiturr shook! hare that he weather. That's the t joot takes into atoek a of leoachac afl laqeaae The arieaa are aodarate et-bcre. IFURN.CO. If GoodRtfytkirti || jloa. NZT [ ' ' '.V ^ ^ H H I I M / my W 1^9 July Shoe Stock Reduc- I tag Sale Will Start I Every pair of low cut shoes will ie greatly reduced at this Sale. Below you will find only a small part of the shoe values J that are going to be put on display for your inspection. OMlotloiiGKiMwlulht OmIoioI DotkWklltCnra rat Oxford* Out were 12, | in Foapa, were tt rad AM | fWr tt.M, alaee 1 to S1-2, now._X.19 with leather heel and toe l.td. SPm",.lirto ?J,^hUe "1? "? ol Freneh low 1.24 One Io6 ot Men'. Or lords that Onr 8 "Hab'r Special" n were veined up ao M and IS . IQ Goodrear Weh at J., fc.43 willfoin thisShoe Sale l.? For gi.gt yMirUI fiod tome One lo4 ot Misses low heel 13 to of the saapelett sll-leather shoe* 1 t, 99c.: t to n at tic.; 8 to ?*e_ cver shown bj any fine la the city 1 11 1-2 iU. rt..?..a ...a a.tvC : I ol Weahlndoa. , , I- I This Shoe Sale will only last a few days and the first comer . will be the first to get the cream of the bargains. So think it over and come and see for yourselt THE HUB THE HOME o* COOD CLOTHES 5 NOW ON ;|J] lly 20th. ||| ZO. ===== Washington, North Carolina ^ I ounded 1888 Chartered 1888 Trinity College ts strength lies in a large,.well-trained {acuity; excellent uildlngs and equipment; full, well-arranged courses; ear list, high-minded students; a large and loyal body of alumni nd friends; noble Ideals and traditions; an inspiring history >f achievement and service. , Ncit Seuisa U*iu Seel. II. ltlZ. F.? BANKERS and BROKERS./ ( $ ) Blocks. Boadr Oottoa, Orals aad Prorlalo?, 71 Plume SC, S p Oarpoater Budding, Norfolk, Va. # ( Pill?i wli? to Sow York Stock Exchange, New York OoO- / V ? Bxchui*. Chicago Board of Trade aad other fatactol oca- V "^j ff ^orreepoodeoce RegpectTnilr Solicited. IniioUamt aad Mar- f V giaol Accounts Given Careful Atfatlow \ LYRIC THEATRE TONIGHT j MOTION PICTURES THE ENGAGEMENT RING, A Biograph Comedy. THE TIDE Or BATTLE, A War Picture. j' A SPANISH DILEMA, A Biograph Comedy. MADAME ROWLAND, A Drama