i ? ?a .? * ? ; ' ? ' permaSnt | EXHIBITION IN WASHINGTON 4 vtifQA Already Some of Dlaplayi : Have Been Installed. All Southern Governments Interested. ' N?p?clal lo tb. Dally Nm. wASHINOTOK, D. 0.. July It.? Central and South American Ropuh- , Ilea are taktai steps to InaUll tor- , ernment exhibits in the permanent expoattlon of the Southern Commercial ConfrcM, la the Bon thorn Buildlif, in this city. This was announced today by Senator Qjincan TJ. Fletcher President, and Dr. C. A Owens. Managing Director, et the Congreee. The Concrete baa printed tor State ?hltrita in the fxpeeitloa from the ; nix teen Southern Statue and some of Chene displays hare been lnatalled. The plan et the Congreee to obtain exbfblU from th Mb -"Mill 1 Loe^^ mm Golfers Now at Denver for Tournament ? ? * ? WE8THIN JOOLV AMO CIATIOM CHAMPIONS ? _ m law D. H. Forgan, Onsanlslii 10OOl]lliMifM?,Ot?Wii* ? lOOl FM|I B. Hoyt, Gfaariew * lOOS H. Chandler Egae. Bxmoor 1008 IT alter K. Igu, Kmnnt 1004H. (Mir Ico, Exmoor 1000 D. K. Sawyer, Wheatnn. 1007 1L Chandler Hn, Know 10M Mam PMpa, MMMMv f 1000 Chick Kwm Hcwaicr 1011 Albert Serkal, Riverside. 1018 7 T B pec Ail to the Daily News. DENVER, Colo., July 1ft.?Lead* ^ In# amateur golfers representing nerly all sections of the eoomtry- are fathered In Dearer for the fourteenth annual tournament for the amateur . championship of the Western Qolf ( Association. The tournament was opened on the links of the Dearer Country Club thia morning with the elimination round, eighteen holes medal play, sixty-four to continue. round will be played, thirty-two to qualify. In the afternoon the 11 ret round of match play will be contented. The eecond and third rounds of match play will continue on Wednesday and Thursday, and the eaaU-fim- e Us wllj Mia on FTldaj. Ths taste will bs playad os Saturday. All " match** r? (or *l?hta*m botes. The 11 costs* Is l,ill yards Is losgtA sad * tbs por scors (s 71?which la also ssutssr racers to date. Ths an trios la ths tosrnsasat this rear ass ms?tarosa aad of a" class that aasarss haas naaif llllna.MTED SINGER IS COMING TO LYRIC The unusually strong features in motion pictures daily exhibited at the Lyric Theater appears to be furnishing the best refined amusement for the after supper amusement seekers of the season. I Seldom Is there a day that the management falls to receive a large portion of praise from the dally pro- | gram and It Is unquestionably one of || the beet amusement houses that can be found any where. You have no fear of being uncomfortable these hot nights for a constant breese of pore fresh air is being pumped through the house rend- " erlng a comfortable sensation and a ? class of pictures that are very elevat- 1 ting. < The management of the Lyric an- c nounces that be has secured for a 1 four vMka snpiiPflmmit thn aarvl^s of one of the world's known singers. 2 Mr. Robert Buzzell, of New York, for which his opening date will be Mon- 1 day, July'22nd. 1 Mr. Buzzell brings with him the 1 very highest reputation of a baritone 1 singer, and his services are dally In 1 demand being booked by Spencer's Lyceum, New York. 1 MRS. CALLOWAY BURIED 1 ON UST SATURDAY I The funerai of the late Mrs. Elizabeth Galloway one of the city's oldest and highly esteemed citizens, was ? held at her old home In Chocowlnity Saturday. The deceased resided with her granddaughter. Mrs. W. O. Ellis of this city. Mrs. Galloway> was born in 1861. After a lingering Illness , caused from paralysis she passed . peacfully away. Her long life was one of upeffTlnem. The Dally News , extends sympathy to the be raved. Mir SEEK BREEZES HI WUHKCTOIt MRU Notwithstanding that yestarday w*? hot one and ettimn* were complaining of the Ugh temperature Washington Park shram hat s I re me sad it always pleases those who soak it as a retreat from the cloaoneaa of the towa. Largs slathers war* thera Sunday. zesTff _i_ ? , # T v 'V pUMBRCiOK, pomm m?inr M - I b Tonight and To i - - ? AWAIT Dcracoke Pleasure Experience Jfe Preservers end Life Be Looked for Wa A thankful crowd of ploaanro s*?k-11) ib ioa?7 on wrre nrmt anu u u' be word of Mr. Samuel Etheredge la al at bo opinion of the entire party that rent to Ocrmooke Saturday night u id returned Sunday might, then the ally News will fail to publish many sore seeking pleasure and comfort f< m the Ufand this season. The trig q own warn all that\co?l,d be desired, n leasure- and merriment reigned sa- ai rem? from start^fo finish. On the a eturn the placid waters of the Pam- b. Ico turned Into wrath and If the re- r< orts are true the entire party call- w d pleadingly and seriously for New ai ork every hour of the way. Life T reservers were In evidence on ill a Idee. Mr. Etheredge was seen with li wo apon his person and his faithful * olored valet waa donned with at e! east one half dozen. To quote Mr. fl Etheredge: "When the water reached P RISS MARY TANKARD If AT HOME SATURDAY One of the most delightful midlummer functions was enjoyed en 4 Saturday morning last when MIbb p dary Tankard threw open the doors >f her hospitable home and entertain- 8 >d in honor of her house giiesf. Miss 0 rheo Welsh, of Jacksonville, Fla. 1 Six-hand Euchre was played with 11 .est and enthusiasm. The guest prize was presentee! to ^ diss Welsh. Miss Mattie Laughing- 1 louse won tne seventy Hand prize, i VIrs. B. Malliaon received the first 1 jrize while the consolation went to *1 Kiss Olive Gallagher. A delicate two course luncheon li was served. About sixty guests were nvited. All present voted MIbs Tank | ird a charming hostess. increasedIndowSent : for trinity college Special to the Daily News. 1 DURHAM. N. C.. July 18 ?An ef- 1 fort. is now being made to add one 1 million dollars to the endowment of rrinlty College. This movement took definate shape when about a year ' and a half ago, the General Kduca- ' tlon Board of New York offered to j contribute one hundred and fifty l thousand dollars of this amount if i the College would raise the balance. i Bight hundred Aid fifty thousand j dollars have already been pledged on ] condition that College obtain by De- < eember 81, of this year subscriptions ] for the remaining hundred and fifty < thousand dollars. These subecrip- i Hons may be paid in tee equal annual installments, the first to be i made on or before Jnnnnry 81, 1118, i and the Inst not Inter than January I 81 1817. The subscription may go i to the general endowment fund of the College or they may bo designed) < I .11 'I I. MONDAY tffWIOOX, JOLT U | | morrow. LIal?? | "; | | u | Seekers I; Rough Weather | I >ats Are Reedy and All . | I tery Grave. ! I $ 1 lie upper decks the time had come to \ 10 away with apperflelal thought I lad turn attention to those more < I irious. This Intention was carried < itq effect qniokly. A short exhor- I mwn wm guen wo IW Ol uifl flinj I -the main thought being, this wm 0 time to Joke ud think lightly | >r the time had arrived when the | aeetloB wm land weuld he sacked In safely or not. Serloncneea t once took the place of merriment ad after the turbulent waves had eon panted and the dock in this city Mched, it in said, that not n smile j m seen to play upon the counten- j nee of any one member of the party. J hey exeprlenced a strenuous night nd their experience will long linger 1 1 and around their trip. Mr. Ether- * dge is a land-lover and today he Is loquent in his argument why terra rma Is perferable to the waters of 'amlico sound especially. VANGELIST BRIDGERS AT ASBURY CHURCH Rev. Luther Brldgera, who coniucted a scries o (meetings In the 'irst Methodist Church, this city, everal weeks ago is to begin a series f meeting at Asbury M. E. Church, lunyan, N. C. Mr. Brldgera will reach his first sermon at Asbury on lunday next and all the cltlzeno?of Vaahlngton and throughout this secion of the country are cordially in1ted to be present. It is needless o state that Mr. Brldgers Is a speakr of force. Much good is looked for n that community as an outcome of ne lormcoming meeting. I.Al)IKS AID SOCIETY The Ladles Aid Society of the First >f. E. Church met this afternoon with kfrs. Robert L. Jones on Fifth Street. NO SERVICE. On account of the absence of tho pastor, Rev. H. U. Seartaht, there was no service at jhe FiflR Presbyterian Church Sunday nlRt. The many friends of Mr. Jarvls 3ugg. of Hertford, N. C., are glad to iee him in the city. for special uses like the establishment of scholarships, special collections In the library, or the maintenance of the College in any" of Its departments. Whenever desired the lonation will be kepts as a separate funds, thus preserving the Irdentlty of the gifts as well as perpetuating the names of the givers. District Committees are being organised in the chief eenters of population and thf campaign is on throughout the 8tate. It means so nuch for the cense of Southern Bdaction thot K ma,t of Mono ho . . *1. ?- ! ~y.. 7 f ; AILY k 1M& ' 1 to Moderate Sou i - J UI OVAL W THOMAS GREEN DELIGHTS CONGREGATION Rev. Thomas OrMD, of Pant ego, >ccupiod the polpit at the Christian Church Sunday morning and evening In the abeenoe of the paator, Rev. R. V. Hope. Both aermona were heard irlth pleasure by the large congregations. Mr. Green is always heard ?7 Biwniiio ana spyrecmuve auai>qcm whenever he tlslts the city and >n yesterday there waa no exception: Sunday at the Christian Church will ? lone remembered. POLITICAL LEADERS ARE ASfEB TO TESTIFY WASHINGTON, D. C., July 16.? hugust Belmont and William F. 3hoehan hare been Invited to testlfy next week before the Senate eommlt:ee Investigating political campaign :ontributions In 1904 and 1908. An Invitation also was sent to Thomas Fortune Ryan, but he Is out of the country. Postmaster-General Hitchcock. who directed Mr. Taft's campaign, and Representative Lloyd, chairman of the Democratic roDsreeklonal committee, also have been asked to testify. Senator Clapp, chairman of the committee, today emphatically denied that the committee had yet considered calling Colonel Roosevelt, President Taft, William J. Bryan or Alton B. Parker. Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Charles R. Hall, assistant treasurer of the Democratic national committee during the Parker campaign of 1904 would Bave the committee a lot of trouble by notifying it. Chairman Clapp said today his committee had been unable to locate him. George FoBter Peabody, treasurer of the Democratic national committee in 1904, testified he was only a figurehead in the campaign and the contribution books were kept entirely by Hall. Thomas Taggart, chairman of the committee that year, testified that he burned the books in 1908. Inquiry was made of Mr. Peabody as to Hall's whereabout, but he informed the chairman he was unable to locate Hall. An attempt was made to locate the assistant treasurer, through William F. Sheehan, chairman of the Parker executive committee, but that likewise failed. JURY UNABLE TO REACH AN AGREEMENT Claude Allen to be Retried at Once? New Venire to Assemble Wednesday WYTHEVILLE, Va., July 16.? After being out since 6:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon the Jury engaged In the trial of Claude Allen for participation In the HUUrllle court house tragedy, at 11:40 o'clock this morning reported to the court that they were unable to reach an agreement and were discharged. The jury stood four for acquittal and eight for murder In the first degree. Tfcs eourt entered aa order summoning a mw OMtr. to WKiO Oar whoa tlw cm* will be ntfM. 'f /.? .. . V/*t NE\\ g jhtdkBifM ift f> | Iheasl Winds. BODIES OF DROWN] LOCATED EARLY ffftl | OOSTuO BY fP Secured His Election by Corrupt Methods and Practices. WASHINGTON. D. C? Julj It.? Overturning tbe majority ot lta own ] committee, and reversing its vote of March 1, 1911, tbe Senate Saturday took away from William Lorimer bis eat as a Junior Senator from Illinois by a vote of 56 to A member of tbe Senate sip ^ 18, 1909, ? Mr. Lorimer tc: . * .. declared to have been th ,i* cnt of votes se- * cured by methods and prac- 1 tlces" w jWr election was held to < hara^-^^ valid. 1 ^ .y;.ily, Mr. Lorimer will pass , out h^F-de records of tbe Senate as a a member of that body, notwlthstand- ( ing his more than three years' occupancy of bis seat. Facing his asso dates with the declaration: "I am ready," lfr. Lorimer sat In the cham- o ber and beard his fate decreed as t the roll call showed the adoption of fa '"o ?c?-y..iivu vi oeuior lime Lody. When Mr. Proctor ha