""" V vol. % f roFH IPllMI IV WILEY CARD!1 BY GEO. L. W f WILLI Gardner Brought to Where He Died Ye forated in Several 1 News reaches this city of a fata shooting affair at Willlamston. Mar tin county, which occurred on Bat ?*'- urday night about eight o'clock. Wiley Qardner. the man wounded was brought to the Washington Hoe |L pltal, this city, yesterday, whsr every efTert was made by the em geons to save his life but he died yea r terday afternoon and the remain ^ were carried to * Willlamston thl doming lor Interment. The facts leading no to the dlffl culty as ascertained by the Dail News are as follows: WJlley Gardner, a white man repul ed to be about forty-flve years o age. and a was ol famity, was a ten ant on the farm of George L. Whit ley. who resided about one mile froc Wllliamston on the Hamilton road Whitley met Gardner during th week and told him that he woul* not need him as a tenant the comln year. This announcement seemed t anger Gardner and he swore reveng on Whitley. . Saturday while Mr. Whitley was 1: Wllliamston attending to his busl uses duties, he was accosted by Gard ner, Who under the influence of whii * key. began to abuse Whitley for hi action In dismissing him from hi i empl&y. Mr. Whitley left the tow: h for his home. Later on Oardne a w.nt to tfco Whitley home had tot MUSE IH BIIIB 1 FOR FSIMT AUGUST II i f More Interesting horse racing ha " been announced for Friday afternoo at the Car-Skadan track. This race was announced for lai Friday, however, due to the fact tha there were aome horses that coul ft, not be entered It was postponed ut pi til Friday, August 16th. ' " * It Is understood that this rac will be the most interesting one c I the season, and the management ha I i slated some very fast horses, amon I*. them being "Llmbertwig," owned b Dr. Warren, of Wllliamaton, an | announcement will appear later i L these columns. I POPULIST LEADERS GATHER. Special to the Dally NewB. a| ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Aug.-12?The *< 1, vance workers for the national coi f ventlon of the People's Party, whlc f ? meets here tomorftw, arrived toda: i # James H. Ferries, of Peoria, 111 it chairman of the national committer has had headquarters at the S J^, James Hotel for several days in ai ranging for the convention. He we ' ^ joined by a number of others toda; f It la expected that between 100 an u 150 delegates will be on hand whe i?_ the convention is called to order. * Opinions expressed by the deb gates already on the field show strong sentiment In favor of the pn t posal to indorse the Roosevelt m * tlonaj ticket. This sentiment, hov , ever, is not shared by the Nebrask Populists, who have given notice tht i they will vigorously oppose the movi ment for fusion with the Progre sires. Tho State convention of tt Nebraska Populists has aire id v ij dorsed the Democratic national Hcl ] et. DELTA DELTA DELTA SORORIT ??? Special to the Daily News. COLUMBU8. O.. Aug. It.?Tout women delegates representing cc leges in almost every Bute of tl Union are in Columbus to attex v tie tenth annual convention of tl I Delta DelU Delta Sqrorlty. Buslne CHyg' . Will he held dally throughout tl 1 .y week and will be interspersed wi 1 ' numerous features of entertai I I on jnnuiK IER SHOT HITLEY NEAR AMSTON, N. C. Washington Hospital sterday. Intestines Per- ; different Places. ( J Mrs. Whitley what her husband had u done, again abused him and told her his intention was to kill Whitley. Within a short while Gardner saw t Whitley and again began to curfle and 1 '? abuse him and then invited Whitley t h out to the barn tp discuss the differ- r e ence further. Whitley refused to go [ - and then Gardner made a break to- v h wards him with the result Whitley s pulled his gun and shot Gardner, t s The stomach of Gardner was enter- t ed in two different places and.the i: I- intestines perforated in five different y places hy the ball. V Gardner was brought to the Wash- s ington Hospital here for surgical f .attention where he died as already e i- stated. Whitley immediately sur- li rendered himself to a Justice of the t a Piece. He was placet! under a bond h L of $1 000. e Mr. Whitley is one of Martin coun- I d ty's prominent farmers and citisens; I g he Is over seventy years of age and o held in the very highest esteem by e nis ueignoors ana rrienas. Mre. Whitley is a daughter of the late Mr. Jno. a W. 8 mall wood, of thla city, being bei fore marriage Mlas Portia Small- 3 I- wood. It la aald that the reputation v i- of Gardner Is not of the best. The 9 a sympathy of the entire community 8 la In and around Wllliamston Is with * n Mr. Whitley and the concensus of r opinion there la that the ^hooting a d was a justifiable one. * ' t ~ NOTED ENGINEER TO _' S SPEAK All GOOD ROADS t ( a The Farmers' Meeting scheduled t n to he?held In thla city next Friday , promises to be a conpplcuoua sucit ceaa. These meetingsbeing held t it throughout the First Congressional d district under the direction ?.nd j l- guidance of Congressman John H. Small should and are helng greatly e ? appreciated by the farmers and citlif zena generally. This paper trusts ( m that every farmer in Beaufort coun g ty will be present here next Friday. , y In the afternoon at three o'clock En- g d glneer W. H. St&cey of the United t t States Department of Agriculture, is n to address the farmers and citizens f upon the vital subject of GOOD ROADS. Arrangements have been t made whereby the Belhaven train and the Vandemere train will be * held here Friday afternoon until Ave I I- o'clock in order to allow people rej, siding in those sections o?-the counh ty to hear Mr. Stacey. A groat meeting is looked for and there Is no subject today more im}.? portant to the farmers than that of 3, Good Roads. Everybody should be t. present. r 18 WISCONSIN RETAIL f. GROCERS MEET. d n FOND DU LAC. Wis., Aug. 12.? Fond du Lac is entertaining during s- the first half of this week the 12th a annual convention of the Wisconsin >- Retail Grocers and Genernl Merit chants' Association. Representative r- merchants from all parts of the State ;a were present today when the gatherit lng was opened with an address by a- President^ E. J. Ferry, of the local s- business men's association. Numeris ous questions of importance to the a- retail trade are slated for discussion. t HAVE MOVED. if. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Cooper have moved to the Batchwell residence on West Main street, where they will in if the future reside. Mrs. Cooper re1 turned Saturday evening from Gulf, is N. C., where she has been the guest id of her parents for some months. te U MR. BWINDBLL HERE. ie Mr. George L. Swindell, fit Belth haven, N. C., is In the city today. He is one of that town's prominsnt cltlsens. WASHINGTON, NORTH CARO Generally F imcis i m HFFitnm NO POLLUTION. The State Board of Health, according to the laat analysis of the City Water, states that 1ft Is not seat the state board on August 0 and 1ft was analysed on August lO. Supt- Thomas Bland received the report of the analysis today. The water, according to the report of the State Board Is now pure and wholesome. ;00D PICTURES PROMISED AT THEMHC TONIGHT More interesting photographs are be main feature attraction at the .?7rlc this evening. The public is beginning to realize the fact that the notion picturea exhibited at this ilace of amusement are drawing lew facea dally. i The past reputation of this picure house is "Only the best" and hat la what the manager la now glvng hia patrons. ? For real amusement In high class ticturea there is not a house in the tate that can surpass the Lyric. This evening's program which apiears daily on fourth page has all ndlcatlona to please, and for an afer anpper tonic the Lyric has been Jghly endorsed. Sp MCE CONGREGATIONS S. HEAR PRESIDING ELDER ? in m< Large congregations greeted Rev. pr, . T. Oibbs, presiding eld$r of the Washington District, at the First thi fethodist Church Sunday morning re] nd evening. The sermons delivered ini ly Dr. Oibba sustained his well- w. srnod reputation in Washington as q4 l pulpit ti?a?ea Nothing hut the ilghest praise is his today by all j. hose who were fortunate enough to wi ear him Sunday. frc HVDE COUNTY CONVENTION. m< nl| The Cougty Convention of the tal >emocratic party met in 8wan tei Juarter the 7th and was a very en- by hnsiastic convention. The nominees i0] were: For Representative?Jno. M. Clay- ? on. Englehard. Ul Sheriff?George E. Davis. Engle- I? tard. Register of Deeds?Hecton Watson, Scranton. Treasurer?Charles Brinn. Swan Quarter. County Commissioners?G. 51. Sil'erthorn, Mlddleton; Ale* Springs, Ml Icranton; Tim Berry, Swan Quar- 0,1 er. Their nomination means their 18 dectlon. Please tell the weather man we 801 leed Borne rain down here. to tli lOLORED MAN SHOT AT ? PLYMOUTH SATURDAY ? A colored man by the name >of 3orham died at the Washington hospital yesterday as a result of re >elng shot accidentally at Ply- mi nouth, N. C., Saturday by Mr. Ca- CI loon, a white man. The intestines in vere perforated in several different ini daces na'd when the patient arrived it the hospital and. an examination th vaa made by the Burgeons they pro- th lounced his case hopeless. On ac- its ount of the phojie being out of or- ea ler between thfifdty ^and Plymouth thhe Dally News was unable to as:ertaln the facts. Gorham's body ac vas carried back to Plymoi^f this mi norning. Th >Rhy, the Tammany Hall leader, was an aunohed here today at a conference ah >f a number of representative lead- ml ?rs of the party. Including several nembers of the State committee, rhe especial object of the movement Is to prevent the Tammany Hall eader from dictating the actions of the coming State convention. It Is co toped to accomplish this by making the flsht in every county to send lelegates to the convention who are pa >ppoeed to Murphy. ro UNA, MONDAY AJT?NOON, AOOV8 "air Tonight and 1 GUfcss* u-i_l .-<< / \ 3* tjiv A (SOt^eOSAULT^ [Copyri*Ut.> ociaJ Function at B Other Ite eclal to the Dally New#. I beat Belhavon, N. C., Aug. 12.?Mr. J. Was Smith, manager of the Hotel Caro- Bt ,a, gave a sail down Pungo river club uday afternoon In a g^s The at. No , social function gi^en Belh this town this season was was >re thoroughly enjoyed by all lasu< esent. Merriment and pleas- stat< e reigned supreme throughout and C< B hoBt sustained his well-earned Stac putatlon as an entertainer. Those pass tited were: Messrs. J. B. Gllmore, rout . Gllmore, Toledo, Ohio; A. L, era inks, Blisabetk.CUU fm iw Bern; William Cecil Smith and M T. Smith, Belhaven; Jesse Mayo. Am? ashlngton; O. C. Speight. have The Odd Fellows orphan class M im Goldsboro gave an entertain- Will ?nt in this city on last Saturday M ?ht and the proceeds of the enter- has inment amounted to |130. The en- Ban rtainment was thoroughly enjoyed R all present. The occasion will be here lg remembered. The proceeds larg ASHINCTON BOY LEAVES AH FOR TURKEY SEPTEMBER Another Washington boy is mak- M 5 good in his adopted home. ^ ( P. J. E. Archbell. formerly of this . , . twei v, now connected with the Amerm Tobacco Company at New York, Tho visiting his mother. *ro1 He expects to remain here for to e veral days more. Mr. ArchboU is con leave for Cavala, Turkey, some- b0n ne next month where he is to be ibacco Company. He has ?ccn In ca e employ of the company for the wer at ten years and hia promotion is coul meritorious one. Tho mor IX MEMOKIAM. *er> spei A loving tribute of affectionate a g, memberance ia tendered to the emory of Mrs. Julia Swindell lapin whose gentle spirit passed jB a to the Paradise of God on the even- tQ(j. g of the 6th of August. For a number of years she was ^ oroughly identified with Chapel of j e Cross Pariah of Aurora one of thjs i moat zealoua members and her meat co-operation as a member of e Auxiliary was unflagging. U Hers was a loving Christian char- goo tor, refined and gentle, the embodi- be ant of every womanly virtue, terefore be It resolved, A 1st. That we tender to her family loving sympathy. 2nd. That the Church and Auxilry have lost a well beloved memr. 3rd. That a copy of these resolu- N >ns b esent to the Mission Herald, bids d to the family of the deceased. Con so that a copy be spread upon the to I Inutes of the Sec. book. Sepi Mrs. C. G. Midyette, ere< Mrs. C. S. Dlxon? Cre< Mrs. L. T. Thompson, spec Committee. flee Washington Progress will please resc py. all 1 B Mr. T. R. Crawford, of Edward, Con seed through the city to day en ute to New Bern. Sepi \r:: M,' i;; IT It, 1912. 'uesday. FOOLISH SEASON JT, ^ ' NOV* fOR Bl???1 Ttie DOUBLE 1 FLIP- FLOPl (IX?-^= . -- a <- " The Aeroplane Fool. elhaven and ms of Interest s that received by the class In hlngton by $10. slhaven and Elizabeth City ball s crossed bats one day last week, score was 9 to 3 in favor of aven. The^feature of the game a home run by Curtis. They ? a challenge to any team in the ). mgressman John H. Small, W. H. ey, T. D. McLean. A. D. Smith, ed through here Saturday en e to Hyde county where a FarmInstitute wtfl be held at Swan rter. v " re. E. Allen Jones and daughter ilia, and Mtss Ethel Swindell, t returned from Ocean View, rs. W. E. StubbB is visiting In lamaton. r. William Guerkin, of Pantego. accepted a position with the It of Belhaven. ev. Percy Pemberton preached i Sunday morning and evening to e and appreciative congregations. [ENDED CONFEDERATE REUNION AT C0LDSB0R0 r. B. H. Thompson^ of Aurora, was a Washington visitor ber? trains Saturday last. Mr. mpBon was en route to his home n Goldsboro, N. C.. where he wenti ittend the annual reunion of the federate soldiers held near Golds-1 > on last Thursday. Eighty-four soldiers answered to the roll' . At lea6t five thousand 'people e present from all sections ^Tthei nty and Eastern Carolina. Mr. mpBon says he never attended a ed and several distinguished! ikers addresed the crowd. It was reat day. lies Frances Tuten. of Edward, (tending the Teachers' Institute ?y. Ir. T. E. Sanderson, of Lake ding. N. C., was on our stree(3 morning. : la difficult for some men to bo d when they have a good chance to otherwise. fresh egg of the season cornea light from a fresh chamber of the I storage warehouse. NOTICE. otice is hereby given that sealed! i will be received by the Board of lmlssioners of Beaufort County te opened on the first Monday in tember, at 12 o'clock m., for the :tion of a bridge over Tranters Bk, at Clark's Ferry. Plana and ilflcatlons can be seen at the of* of the undersigned. The Board irvea the right to reject any and Dtds. iy order of the Board of County imiaalonera. O. RUMLEY, fc.'1-c Clerk to Board. ' NEV OOCS5 ill] acw^ FAHCV MtOtLfc out* IISS HOOKER OF IDALIA AT HOI In Honor of Her Guest, Miss Peltetler, of Stella, North Carolina. Miss Rena Hooker eaertained last Friday in honor of her guests, Miss Clara Belle Pelletier, of Stella, N. CThe guests arrived at 8:30 and were ushered into the drawing room by the hostess, Miss Hooker, where they were served to punch. Mrs. W. W. Hooker and Mrs. H. D. Bell presided at the punch bowl. Afterwards music was beautifully rendered by Miss Hannah Cuthrell and highly appreciated by all. Next cards and pencils were distributed by the hostesB of an exciting advertising contest to the couples aB fol-1 lows: Miss Clara Belle Pelletier. Mr. Hardy Thompson; Miss Bessie Male Gowcr, Mr. John Hooker; Miss I Lola Thompson, Mr. Hector Bland; '.Miss Hannah Cuthrell, Mr. Willie Selby; Miss Mary Rives. Mr. Bonnie jstevens; Miss Emily Berry. Mr. Grady Stevens; Miss Nancy Cuthrell. RodIney Sawyer; Miss Alice Stevens. Mr. !Taylor Whitehurst; Miss Renn Hooker. Bessie Gower and John Hooker were recipients of the best prize, while Miss Nancy Cuthrell and Rodney Sawyer received the booby. As the clock was striking eleven :tney were ushered into the dining| room by little Ueile Hooker and served to cream and cake by Mrs. Bell and Mrs. Hooker. Alas!?too soon twelve o'clock came the hour of depar:ure every one left thanking Miss Hooker for a j most enjoyable evening and toting I her a very charming hostess. VISITOR TO CITY. Professor C. M. Farmer, of the chair of mathematics, Carolina Christian College. Wilson. N. 0.. Is in the city today In the interest of that wellknown church institution. This college is doing a wonderful work in North Carolina. FROM VIKCilM.% BEACH. Mrs. Mary P. Baugham, accompanied by her son. William and daughters. Mary and Christine, have returned from an extended trip to Virginia Beach. They report a most pleasant outing. ?**###*# MODERATELY WARM THIS WEEK. _____ Moderately warm weather I * over the great central valley, , the lake region and the eastern and southern states is promised ; by the weather bureau^during ! the coming week. There are no * j* signs at present of conditions a Indicating a disturbance in West Indian waters. j? ? ??* no. am * - ^ ' I ELECTRIC CHAIR AWAITS 51IEH6ERS0FBA1I Italian Highwaymen Who Ter rorlzed People to End Careers at Sing Sing. f Special to the Daily News. NEW YORK, Aug. 12?Fi\ e members of the band of Italian highwaymen and members who terrorized the Croton 1-uke district in Westchester County a year ago, are to end their careers in thef electric chair In Sing Sing prison this week. Two of the baud are still in their teens, while the oldest is but little more than twenty-one. The crime for which they are to pay the death penalty was the murder of Mrs. Henry Hall, the young wife of a superintendent of the aqueduct near Croton Lake. On November 9 of last year Mrs. Hall was attacked and robbed by half a dozen Italians who entered her cottage while her husband was at work a mile away. She was stabbed twice, one wound being near the heart. The young woman, a bride cf a few months, was in delicate health and was in care of a young woman nurse, wbo was also beaten and kicked. but who recovered sufficiently to run to the construction camp aad spread the alarm. A posse of sheriffs, farmers and laborers took up the chase and succeeded in capturing five of the Italians who had participated in the diabolical crime. A sixth member, Lorenzo Colli, said to have been the leader of the gang, was arrested In Brooklyn a few days later. Colli confessed to having been the actual murderer of Mrs. Hall. He was given a separate trial and was convicted and executed several weeks ago. ^ Miss Lucie Peterson left today for a visit to friends at Edenton and | Elizabeth City. Messrs. A. S. Cratch. C. C. Cratch and W. M. Evett, of Biounts Creek, were passengers on the Washington and Vandemere train this morning. I Mr. Wilbur H. Hobs, of Edward, N\ C., is a business visitor today. Miss Margaret Ross arrived here today from Edward on her way to Kinston to visit friends. She was accompanied as far as this city by her brother, Mr. Clyde Ross. Mr. J. T. Klllmgsworth arrived in the city yesterday from Morebead City and is the guest of his family on East Main stret. PROMINENT ELK HERE FROM BALTIMORE Mr. W. I?. McCaddin. Exalted Ru'.er of Baltimore Lodge No. 7^ B. P. O. Elks, arrived in the city Saturday [last ar.d Is a guest at Hotel Louise Mr. McCadden expects to remain in the city until sometime tomorrow. While here he paid at) informal vigit to the local lodge where many courties were shown him. He is an enthusiastic Elk and during his visit to Washington has formed the friendship of a large number, not only of that growing order, hut the citizens generally. -It Is to be hoped that Mr. McCadden will visit this section again in the near future. He can be assured that the latchstrlng will always remain upon the outside. CiOXK TO HYDE COUNTY. Mrs. John T. Pedrick has gone to Lake Comfort. N. C., where she will visit relatives and fftends for the next several weeks. HOME FROM PLYMOUTH. Miss Claude Knight, one of tbe capable nurses at the Washington Hospital, has returned from Plymouth. where she has been on a case for some time. ?*?**"*?? NEW ADVERTISEMENTS IN TODAY'S NBWH Washington Horse Exchange. Lyric. Trinity College. Postum Cereal Co. J. P. Jackson. m Doans. ] ' *** ?#