>i 1 ?iiiL VOL. S I . HIT TO COUNTY OF UNMII Voter and Tax Pi Doctrine as Set Ago . Will be "< Coming Primaric HAS GREAT FA / Washington, N. C.. Aug. ft. MIS. Mr. Editor: Please allow me sufficient space In your paper to disease the political situation In the county aa 1 too it. 1 hare been In and around a greater part ot the county and hare tAlked with many of the voters and'Judging from the replies which I have received to the Inquiries made, there is an almost unanimous sentiment for a change in county officers and In favor of the enforcement of the two term resolution which was adopted by the last County Convention. The putting Into force of thla policy will add greater strength to the Democratic party hi Beaufort county than the average men realise, It would be an inducement and encourage our younfc men to be Democrats they would know that all men would atluuiil nn on uinal fnntlnir anH o van could aspire to public office with fenme hope of success. There are men to the Democratic ranlui who hare siren more of their time, talents and money to the t cause than hare either Messrs. Rum^ ley or Rtnka.. They hare received no reward *nd can hope for none so ions indefinitely. These two men hare eafd bp. their action that we care moth ins for Che welfare, of' the Democratic party eo Ions aa its welfare interferes with our own personal gain. Had they cared for its ftftnre Success they would hare announced their wlllinsnees to be bound by the resolution adopted, but instead of dolus this they said no, ye will not be bonnd by it aad you can not defeat i us either. The time has come when the people should speak and show to Mr. Rnmley and Mr. Ricks that they, nor any other two men. are stronser or sreater than ia the people and the Democratic party, who put them where they are. Have they no sense of falrnees or duty to the party? than 950,000.00 In fee* and salaries from the office to which the Demo crfctic party elected him, and It would be interesting to know how much ol that he has returned to the people Ir tax en and contributions to carapaigr fund*, etc. Sheriff Rick* has been in office aoout 7 years and he has received in fees and salaries' about 940,000.00 and during his administration there * hare been more Jail escapes than evei before -In the history of the county and all of them because of gross neg lect and inefficient deputies, ant i, what has been tha character of ebm< of the deputies he has kept: are the) men of good morals and ofhtgh character; are they men who have the confidence and esteem of their neigh bors? iNTEfiEStllK IEETIKC PROMISED TOU The Nl^boljaoiivtlle player meet in i which has been doing so p^uch goo< religiously In the city Is to m6et to night at piq residence of' Hr. J.. A Alt (good. The meeting Is to be con ducted by 1IF. C. O. Morris. The* * prayermeetings are golha forward ii Interest all the while and the eerv Kj&JL" *XP*CTHD TOMOBNOW. Mr.. N. B. Julford, of Hartford N. C., I? Mnactad to WTt.a la Ik , ?1ty loraorrpw to ylalt Hn. C. H r Rlcbardaon, at bar homo on Was Main atraat. b^, . ' y - ^ ? # kTirfrrfrrmft 71 Gill fi i ?w*r>^3$ i ' iwi. f % ?> !'iia R CHANGE THE FIGERS IS i MODS. / jyer Believes The Forth Two Years /indicated at The is. . ITH IN PEOPLE Time are questions which the people should answer at the prtm'arlee. It yon are satisfied,then rote for the old order ot thine*; it not, rote for a change. Bach time when there has been a prisoner to escape from the Jail the county has been called upon to defray all the expense and p^y for their recapture. Should not the Sheriff hare paid these costs, when he alone was directly responsible for the escapes. Is it sfbt time that the county had a reckoning with Ita officials. "Twp years ago the agitation began for a change and for the adoption of the two term policy, ons of the old officers was defeated then. Is It just or fair to oast one of them and keep the others In. Did not 8herlff Ricks pledge himself then not to be a candidate again if the people would give him another term? 1 can secure s number of affidavits from ap reliable and responsible men as there are in ueauiort county, mat sneriir kicks himself promised If they would support him then he wonld not uk for the nomination again. If thla statement Is not true, let the 8kertff deny it in an article through the press. If it is true, then Is he worthy or should he receive the support of the people? ? word afc to the star candid dates. I am personally acquainted with the candidates for Sheriff, Messrs. W. W. Hooker, of Idalia, and Sam Windley, of Teatesvllle, both of them are men of good standing in their communities and men of high per. sonal character, well qualified to fill, the position and they are only ffkklng for two terms. This is la accordance with the Democratic resolution. Either of these men will make an efficient Sheriff. I am also acquainted with the gentlemen who are candidates for Register of Deeds. Mr. Wilbur H. Ross, of Edward, is a young'man of the highest personal character, and is well qualified to fill the position. To elect him .to the ofllce of Register would be an encouragement and i greater incentive to the young dem, ocracy of the county to become more active in county affairs. The reins 1 of government will some day fall in the hands of the young men. Let's encourage and assist them while they , are young. ? 1 have greht faith in the people and believe they will at the primari les vindicate the doctrine adopted , two. years ago. I should like to see , other men throughout the county express their opinion through the , press, by an open discussion. We can . gain new ideas and thereby be benef flted. , t A change is coming, so let's all ' work together for the good of the - people and the party. Thanking you for the space, * I am yours very respectfully, ? A VOTER AND TAXPAYER. yl , l , MftNY CITIZENS PRESENT I AT PIW YESTERDAY , Quite a number of Washington I cltsens attended the picnic at Yankee Hall, Pitt County, yesterday and the , day was thoroughly enjoyed. A large number'were present from all sect tlona of Pi$t and Beaufort county. . Those present from here ware: Mr. I W.^P, Clark, .Mm E^zabeth Wind, ley, Mm . F. Kohn, Miss Clara Willis, Miss Eula O'Neal, Miss Kathleen Wooiard, Miss Mary Louise Archbell, , Miss Mamie Baam, of Elisabeth City; i Mr. Thomas Blount. M*: Jesse "Bar. rington, Mr. Charles Moore. Mr. t Wells. Norfolk; Mr. Wlllam Bangham and Mr> WIlMam Manning. t; /.-r'r W_ ' *$/,? { ; ' *4 4 * . v'jk, v-'w , ! ! WAillttSQTOK, NORTH CAI Generally Fal ^ |1 (Copyr1?hU Newsy News o To the New flf ?v ? 1 jakkville atoms. ti ?* *** nc If there Is any joy in living the country jake surely gets his share of w it these days. 8ix apple dumplings in the pot, a 01 watermilllon in the well; old boy, I nl know, you like to bear the ding.dong of the dinner bell. " j Some line old cat fish are swimming in onr waters and sweet potatoes for the digging, which makes us ' feel that Prosperity has not for- A saken us. Jake Handy is performing a publie service that is about to get the Cl best of him. It will be remembered that the Betterment Association rented Jake's chicken coop to lock up pestiferous office seekers in. They H got to coming in so faat Jake soon nl had to build an L to his coop and last week he had to build a shed room this. Enlarginging his estab- ci llahment and seeing to the comfort of the prisoners keeps Jake on the d' run. These hot days he is busy bringing water and ice to keep them cool. At night some of them are hi sleepless and restless and kjcklng up so much ado Jake can't sleep. Often he has to go out and promise them hi something good in the morning to get bi them to quiet down. Often half a w dozen or more of them will strike a difference over a roosting place, resulting in a wrangle whiclf they keep fli up till someone crows tor day. Ag/iin p] some of them will have bad dreams and tumble off their roost and Jake will have to rush out in hia nocturn- al als at the hour of midnight to see what's the matter. ? t? A city jake passed through on his SI gas wagon yesterday. He was sitting n very erect with bead thrown back. He had a Julius Caesar angle on hlB lower Jaw and was cutting through k the wind like he felt like he was "the ir man on the job." An old lady who Jumped a ditch In the interest oflier pergonal safety, said he was trying to w "show off." . 1: . It One of the JakevlMe hoys came down on his own automobile the g other day. This makes JakevlUe feel v like she la going some. Feela like p going through the twentieth A century like a rushing mighty wind. % J A cat Ash hanging to your hook, * A broad smile playing round your e chin? There's Joy whan sweet taters ad cat Ash come a rolling in. r 8 *. a e e a e ' e "e a ZION e + m. ' Wa are having some warm weath- ? PWgffi" ; Hr. John Bfagaw bald service at this puce Sunday. iMsffiifdisy *(s Jl. ^ JL^A tOI.INA, F1UDAY AFTKRNC r Tonight and T Tha Whala ^annad" Family. is Toh&k s Readers r ' - L T / <> (?? /.) i -*-i ^ iK.oujy *-uiina *?> Some of the Juaamt sports were siting at this place Sunday afterx>n. Mr. Rr-.ire Cutler apent the day 1th Mr. '.tenner Harvey Sunday. Messrs. Willie and Archie Eborn. ' Dunyon, were In our midst one Ight last week. \ Miss Elsie Reapeas, of Pantego, N. " ^Margaret Harvey. Quite a number of our people ive been attending the revival at thenB Chapel this week. Miss Nannie Cutler, of Jessama. H-nt Saturday night with Miss Olive utlar. . Miss "Dink" Cutler, of Jessama, as the guest of Misses Margaret arvey and Elsie Respess Saturday ight and Sunday. The Ladies' Auxiliary and Paroal Society of Zion Parish met at le home of Mrs. R. B. Cutler Saturay afternoon. Think the boys arc enjoying the ird-cider now days. Sorry to say Mr. Arthur Cutler ad the misfortune to eet his huscrv i poke up very badly one day last eek. A crowd of young people went nhing Wednesday last. All report a leasant trip. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Tankard are 11 smiles. "It's a girl." Mr. M. H. Cutler and family at>nded an ice cream supper at the heppard's School House Saturday Ight. Mr. K. J. Respess and son, Wind\j4, from Broad Creek, were In our lidst Sunday morning. Miss Olive Cutler, of this place, 'as the guest of Miss Ray Cutler t Jessama Sunday. Misses Helen and Margaret Haruest, Misses Elsie and .Sarah Resey gave a party in the honor of their ess, of Pantego, on Tuesday night. J1 report a fine time. PUNOO " The Rev. David Tyndali filled his egular appointment at this place iaturday nighty Sunday and Sunday ight. ? Miss Addle Duke, who has been pending a few days with, relatives Ad friends at thla ptaoe returned tfc ier home up Pantego Swamp- Frtlay. f ' ?' Quite a Urge crowd of young >AILY ON, AUGUST 21, HIS. Wednesday night and seemed to en- . Joy themselves well.* Mr. David Carter, who haa been spending a few days at home, left Mondaj for the southern part of , North Carolina, where he has been at work for some time. Mr. C. C. Harris and don, Howard, , who have ben speuding a few days with relatives and friends at this I place, returned to their hcfme near I Pinetown Monday. Meaars. Redding Allen, Ira Rose. Walter Harris. N. W. and J. E. Paul attended the farmers' meeting in Washington Friday. Miss Laura Jones, of Gum Neck, is visiting Miss Ina Dunbar for a few days. r "The Pungo and Belhaven basoball teams played a match game at Pungo last Friday. It was a very interesting game, the scores were 5 to 4 in favor of Pungo. Misses Pearle Davis and Carrie Smithwick and Mr. Cleveland Smithwick, of Mt. Olive (Hyde county), all spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. J. W. Paul and family. Their company was enjoyed very much by all. * . We hear that Mr. F. A. Davis has recently purchased an organ. Mr. Albert Mason, of Hyde county, was in our midst a few days ago, visiting relatives and friends. The protracted meeting is expected to begin at the Christian church Wednesday night. We hope to have many visitors up to attend the meeting. K1VER ROAD STATION We have In our nearby forest the largest quantity and the finest quality of huckleberries that we have ever seen. That is in favor of the Stock Law, especially for the children, as they ca^i have the first picking and do not have to take what -the hogs leave, and they need not be afraid of meeting with vicious cattle. Last week we saw In Mr. L. M. Sheppard's field a large number of full-blown cotton bolls. - *? .. ' Misses Cassle Woolard and Minnie Black and Mr. Mode Sheppard have been visiting friends at Aurora for several dayB. In the early part of Monday night we had a terrific electrical storm, which continued for one hour, lightning flashed, thunder crashed and reverberated, the wind blew and the rain came down in torrents. At 12 o'clock that night we had another storm, but not a? severe as the rest, and Tuesday night we had another with very hard wind, but not much rain. Mr. V. M. Sheppard has shipped a i Urge Jot of tobacco from this station and he has gone to-Greenville to dispoM of It. - Ml* 1.111 le Alllgood ( atlaood 6a Pa(* S. lr/T.v.f:. * '*v* i jfki.iix..- r . - v1.,. i _ ' - -?L Horse Ra Free Bi ridi Gala Day Promis Race Track. C Results, Great ] There is to be a big barbecue and borse racing at the well-known Carskaden race track on Friday, September 6. Not only are the men folk going to be present in large numbers, but a special invitation is extended to the ladies and children. A day's outing on the river shore where the breezes blow, boat riding and other enjoyable pastimes surely ought to make the occasion a gala one and no doubt will if the weather is favorable. Barbecue is to be served on the grounds from ten o'clock until twelve.thirty. The races for the day will be called promptly at one o'clock and will continue during the afternoon. Boats for the purpose of carrying visitors to the races will leave this city every few minutes. The following races are scheduled to take place: Class A?1 mile heats, 2 in 3?$25 added. Entrance fee, $10. Class B?1-2 mile heats, 3 in 5? $20 added. Entrance fee. $10. Class C?3 minute trot or pace? $20 added?mile heats, 2 in 3. Entrance fee, $5. HISS A. O'BRIEN AT HOME IN HONORJF GUESTS On last evening at the residence of aer sister, Mrs. C. G. Morris, on West Second street, Miss Addeil O'Brien charmingly entertained in hnnnr of h#?r ciipiI. Minn Nallla 1 mi. strong, of New Bern, N. C. Nnmer. jujs games were indulged in and the sntlre evening was one of pleasure ind the hostess proved to be most charming and winesome. The fea;ure of the occasion was a "Crhcker Race." The first prize was won by the hostess. Miss Addell O'Brien, who with grace presented it to the guest of honor, M iss Armstrong. The gift was a beautiful picture. Mies Ellen Lewis was awarded the booby. Delicious and tempting refreshments in ! the way of cake and cream were serv-1 ed those present by Misses Bonner Archbell, Isabelle Broom. Maud Swindell and Neta O'Brien. The en-1 tire function was a conspicuous sue-1 cess and all left greatly indebted to| the popular hostess for an enjoyable1 evening. YOUNG SET ENJOYED PICNIC ON YESTERDAY Quite a number of boys and girls enjoyed themselves immensely at Washington Park on yesterday at a nionl/i Vfrc A W = ,.K,rv_ eroned the party of pleasure seekers. The entire day was one full of enjoyment and pleasure. Bathing and all kinds of gam?*s were the order of the day. N'o social function of the season carried with it more pleasure so far as the Juvenile set is concerned. SLIGHTLY RETTEIL The condition of Mr. A. M. Edwards, who was reported in yesterday's News a* being critically 111 at his home in Edward. N. C., is thotifftf to be some better today. Mrs. Z. N. Leggett. of this city, his sister-in-law. is now at his bedside. HAVING GREAT TIME. The members of th^Sixth Division North Carolina Naval Militia, now on their annual cruise on the C. S. Steamer Klfrida, from all reports, are having a great time. The boys are enthusiastic and entering into their outing with a spirit worthy of commendation. GETTING ALONG NICELY The many friends of Miss Ava Bell, who was operated upon at the Washington Hospital Wednesday for ap| pendicles Is getting along nicely. Her ! physicians have every hope for her irecovery. This news will be welcome to her numerous friends throughout the city. -- -9 | icing I irbecue 1 xy Sept. 6 1 ed at Car-Skaden | ireat Time, Great Pleasure. Buggy Race?1-2 mile heats, 2 In 3?$10 added. Entrance fee, $2.60. Mile Race?1-2 mile dash, to trot?$5 added. Entrance fee, $1. J| Pony Race?1-2 mile dash, running?$5 added. Entrance fee, Two-year-old Colt Race?$5 added?1-2 mile heata, 2 in 3. En? T?j| trance fee, $2. Association rules to govern. All entrance fees enter the purses. All moneys divided 50. 30 and 20 per cent. Free barbecue closes at 12:45 o'clock. Entrance to the grounds and free barbecue will cost adults 35c.; children, 20c. After 12:45 o'clock the prices wil be adults, 25c; children, 10c. All entries for the races must be in Tuesday before the races on the following Friday except, ing the mule and pony race. The feature of the day will be the speaking. Hon. H. S. Ward and others are to make addresses. This within itself should be a drawing card. A great day is anticipated and no doubt a large number from here and elsewhere will grace the occasion. A. H. DUMAY LED IN YESTERDAY'S SHOOT The Washington Gun Club gave another Interesting shoot yesterday afternoon at their grounds on Bonner street. The leading shooter of the afternoon was Mr. A.M. Dumay, cashier of the First National Bank, with a score of 84 per cent. The following scores were made by the coni testants: Target Dead P.C. Dumay 50 42 .84 Maxwell 75 62 .83 Bland, T. J 75 55 .77 Sterling. C. B . . 50 38 .76 Squires 50 39 .78 Bland. J. M 50 36 .72 Cowell 25 18 .72 Buckman 25 17 .68 Hedges 25 ? 16 .64 Car-Skaden .... 25 14 .56 Knight 25 8 .32 Sparrow. J. B.. . 25 10 .40 Neal 75 35 .4 7 Avery Thursday afternoon at four o'clock the club gives a shoot and anyone can participate whether a member or not. All are invited to come out and try their luck. SALAMANDERS RECEIVE c THEIR RACING REEL The Salamander Fire Company received their handsome and up-to! date racing reel yesterday, which I was recently ordered by the Clfy Al. J dermen. The machine is a beauty and no doubt the members of the reel team will give a good account of themselves when the next State j race comes off. FROM CAMPING PARTV. Miss Mah^ Cow ell, daughter of Mr. J. F. Co well, president of the Pami lico Chemical Company, has returnIcd from Western Carolina, where she has been one of a camping party. lM'.ss Cowell while away visited friends at Shelby and other towns In Western Carolina. She enjoyed her outing Immensely. ? ?* * * * * * * ? NEW ADVERTISEMENTS IN TODAY'S NEWS * M J. K. Hoyt. -7 L#rlc. \ I>o*n#- . . ? i Othine. James B. Clark. f > Trinity College. Washington Iforsfe Exchange. Southera Furniture Company * 1 Zemo ? ' '"M A. C. Hathasyiy. ^ Poetum Cereal Ce.* ' 0 i W. Car-Skaden. f Pare Foe* Oreeer. e e ?