w rf VOL. 4. rami ( hiubb Program of Sunday J worth League Ins Beginning Sunds ) Divines to Attenc " On next Tuesday night Washing- t \ ton is to bo rial ted by one of Amer\ Ism's noted pulpit divines in the per- 1 / son of Bishop Theodore 8. Hender- c i son. D. D., LL. D., of Chattanooga, Tenn., Of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Bishop Hennerson has been invited to preach in the First Meth- E odist church, this city, in connection with the Sunday school and Epwbrth League Institute to be held bore on I September 22, 24 amd 24. Thie program for the institute on Tuesday S evening calls for a ro'oeting in the in- C jjfa , terest of the Epworth League work, I i D.. LL. n. Chattanooga, Tenn. . but inasmuch that Bishop Henderson 1 is to bs. In Washington at that time looking,over the field in interest of the college that has been granted hererfor Eastern Carolina, the pas* tor of the First M. B. church and the official body have extended to Bishop Henderson an thvttatton to hccnpy the pulpit on Tuesday night. Bishop Henderson is a member of 1 the epleoopacy of one of the greatest ' religious organisation* in the world ' and has the reputation of being one of the most attractive and* thoughtful pslplteere In this country. No doubt he will be beard by a large and appreciative audience. The choir of the First *: B. church Is qow prepar pv . N lag special mudlc for the occasion. The following is the .program for the Sunday School and Bpworth InIstltute which is to begin on Stnday next: |fc * ' the Sunday i School. Rer. M. Bredshsw. [A / 11:20. Round Table Dhrcuasion: rM]*-.' * Teacher's Knowledge of IB v Church Laws and Doctrine. Rer. kBl) H' Brootn; *'' ' :' Ml, 4. The Teachers' Meeting: Mr. ft. I N A. Hsrrelson. I yj 4:00. Reclining the Absentee, " MISS F. WILSON ACCEPTS POSITIONWITH BANK Miss Farads Wilson, of Caswell Connty, N. C., arrived In the city ypsterday for the purpose of accepting the position as stenographer at the Bank of Washington. Sho has already entered upon her duties. Miss Wilson Is a graduate of the State I',- Norma; and ladustrtal School and cemes to Washington bearing with her the highest endorsement. She la MgfE'fc gladly welcomed to osr city. Miss Wilson Is boarding at tbo residence ! \feV-'. od Mr. and Mrs. Moms J. Fowler, on B Rest Second street. She has the beet wfMies of the Dally News. The Improvements now In progress at the I Bank ef Washington are progresslni rapidly. When completed no bankB . ing house in this section of North Osrollna will ssrpsss It for attrno ? tlveaess spr oonvenlenee both to the tv i- employes and patroni. % . ' x. N>/-, - " v'"'! W s / 'V- ' '? T A fl f 'WTf - HBm Lj I IE. CHURCH I BJDESMY NIGHT r School and Eptitute. lyieetsHere ly Next. Noted t. low! Mr. O. D. Beat. 4:15. Personal Work by the "eacher. ReV. E. M. Hoyle. 4:30. The Teacher Training lass. M. W. Brabham. 5:00. Adjourn. Monday Night. 8:00. Services in the Interest of Ipworth League work. Third Day: TucMaj Morning. 9:30. 8ervice of Bong and Prayer. *d by Her. R. R. Grant. 9:60. Is the Modern Sunday chool Worth What It Costa? By Mr. J. P. Bland. 10:10. The Paator end the Sunlay School. By Dr, J. T. Glbbe. 10:30. The Superintendent (ten alnutea each>t ' 1: Hl? Spiritual Qualifications. By lay. Jir B. Jones. 2. Selecting and Plaelng His reachera. By Mr. S. T. Carson. 3. His Knowledge, Training and Native Ability. By Rev. H. E. Tripp. LI:00. 4The Sunday School Teacher: Methods of Preparing the Lesson. Jy Rev. H. E. Lance. Methods of Presenting the Lesson. 3y M. W. Brabham. < 11:80. Round Table Discussion: the Teacher in tne sunaay scnooi. , Led by M. W. Brabham. j IS: 10. Adjourn. , Tuesday Afternoon. , 3:00. Prayer. Led by J. W. Autry. , 8:10. The Cradle Roll Depart- , meat. By Mr. Q. M. Guthrie. 8:10. The Home Department. By Ifr. W. O. Doaler. 8:40. The Organisation of Wealey Adult Bible ?l*?es. By M. W. Brabham. 4:00. The Graded Leeaona. By Mr. E R. Mlxon. \ J6. Bub4w im tb. Comtry. By Rev. W: F. Craven. . 4:25. Some ReaaonB Why all Church Members Should be Members of the Sunday School. By Rev. J. B. Thompson. 4:85. The Sunday School Exhibit. 1 M. W. Brabham. 4:65. KMIumu BuainMa. , Adjourn. 1 Tuesday Night. 8:00. .Sermon. Bishop Theo. 8. Henderson, D. D.. LL. D. Plrat Day: Sunday, September 22. Sunday School at regular hour. Preaching at 11 o'clock, by the pastor. ? Sunday afternoon, Sunday School Rally. 8unday evening address, by Mr. M. W. Brabham. ^ Second Day: Monday Morning. ** 10:00. Religious aerviaee, conducted by*Rev. J. J. Lewis. 10:20. General Topic: Sunday School Management and Organization Methods and Plana of Work. Led by If. W. Brabham. 12:00. Adjourn. Monday Afternoon. '2:00. Praysz; and Praiee. Led by Rev. W. T. Phippu. ' j 8:20. General Topic: The Sunday School Teacher (ten minutes each).> 1. The Teachers' Life, What Must it Bef Rev. L. P. Howard. 2. The Teacher's Knowledge of the Bible. Mr. W. J. Davis. WtSllim OIK CUIB TO BUTE SHOOT THURSDAY The Washington Gun Club is to give another Interesting and exciting shoots at their grounds on North ^onner street tomorrow afternoon at four o'clock. The last shoot ftven by the club was one of the most successful of the season and was thoroughly enjoyed not only by the participants, but the visitors as welt Everybody is oordially invited to oome out tomorrow afternoon andf take part no matter whether they are members of the club or not. MR. K. r. SPARROW OL Tlw many frlaada of Mr. B. P. ! Sparrow, wko haa km arltloally U1 I at hM homo on SMI Mala akraat, war* (1*4 to M? him oat roatardar- w H* i haa baan ladtapaaad far th* pad k* ' ",n. * / >. M- i'S.. NGT WASHINGTON, NORTH W- Probably ! ' \ [ . . (Copyright.) Washington Hig of 1913 E On yesterday afternoon at 2: :>'clock the claes of 1913 of t tvubuiu?iuu ruynw stuuvia wei :heir rooms in No. 9 in the Pub 3chool building. The purpose of tl meeting wss to organise the class 1 Lhe present year and also towlect i Beers. The following officers wc named for t^ie year: President?Bruce Hedges. Vice-President?-Ella Lee Wrigh Secretary and Treasurer?Vlo A. Stllley. Poet?-Helen Shaw. mmm service at PAYNE MEMORIAL CHURCI Another delightful serrice %\ conducted at the Payne Memor church, Nicholson vi lie. on labt ev< ing and a most thoughtful and tructive sermon was delivered the pastor, Rev. ^Percy PemberU There will be services again t evening at the usual hour. Mi good has been accomplished sii the meeting started and no dot several vjrlll be added tp the differs churches of ?he city as a result the series of meetings. Everybody cordially invited to attend the se ices this evening. HELEN HODGES TRENHOU BIEDTH1S Mil This morning between four j five o'clock sweet little Helen Hod Trenholm, the 16-months-old dau ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Trenho of Wilmington, N. C., fell sweetly sleep at the home of her grandmc er. Mrs. Walter E. Jones, on.Fou street. This litjle casket of Jev had only been ill for a few days wl on last evening a turn was taken the worse. All that the skill of physician or loving hearts could -was performed, but all to no avail Qod wanted her to brighten the 1 tlements of heaven and she wit smile left for that home not m with hands eternal in the heavi Sweet little fcelea gave pgpmise a life of usefulness not only others, but for father aad mot The fragrance of her young-life ever linger and although the crib day site quteMy la the corner, memory, of this dear little girl ever abide. MJJet sow but In the c ing years ali of us will underst why death la only a dream." Funeral 10 A. It Tomorri The fa serai will take pkoe from residence o< Mm Welter R Joaes Fourth street tomorrow arornlag at o'clock. The iptenoeet will be le Dele cemeteryDAKCB FRIDAY KVBNIKU The Co an try Club wfll gii dance et the Pavilion at Che Con Clab la Washington Park o? Fr eveaing next. The tun?te* la b looked forward to wHb pleasen evew member. f ' ON I CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY AF1 f a I r Tonight and ' fjynr cousin ~ ~ ~~ i Back to Town." h School Class ' 'led Their Officers . ?. V 40 Prophet?Sallie Carrow. he Statistician?Olivia Jordan, in Testator?Josie McCuller*. lie Adviser?Mr. M. A. Hugging lis The class of 1913 of tile Washingfor ton High School consists of twelve of- girls and two boys, vll: Louise re Bright, Sallie Carrow, Mab+1 Dailey, Rena Harding, Brucs Hodges, Garland Hodges, Olivia Jordan. {Josie Me t. Callers, Helen Shaw, Margie Spain, let Bettie Spencer. Violet A.j Btllley, Elizabeth Tayloe and EUa Lee Wright. T\ - '"* t- f i ? W. L-VNWWNr-' I \\ IISJW1E IN Cm rfta The entire city will regret to leari of the critical illness of Mr. W. B Walling. His condition today is sucl inthat very little hope la entertained jn. by his physician and friends for re his covery. He is Buffering from ich Brlght'a disease. Mr. Walling foi ice yoara has been one of Washington': >bt leading citizens. He has been active ant iy engaged in the nianufacturini of business and from a small beginning is has acquired considerable prooerty rv- The news of h|p critical illness carriei with it universal regret throughou the city and when known in Beaufor I County will be received with sorrow The sympathy of all go out to th< Ilia grief-stricken family. IK TO MEET IN TORONTO. ind Toronto, Ont., Sept. 18.?Every ge? thing is In readiness for the Canad ian convention of the Brotherhoo of St. Andrew, which will meet i ' to this city tomorrow for a three dayi >th- session. Many men of promlnenc irth are scheduled an speakers, amon . them Premier Borden, Sir Jam* fe Whitney. A. B. Wiswell of Halt fa: hen ? . .. . uisuup rariuuiK 01 Montreal an ^ Right Rev. Dr. Talbot. Ix>rd Blaho the of Winchester. England. do for LIST OP UNCLAIMED LETTERS, bat- . h a List of letters remaining uncallc *'s will regret to learn of his lndlsp ir- sltlen. He Is now confined to fa ef home on East Main street, rw ????-??? r- PRAYER MEETING. llr n. There will be prayer meeting eer as Ices is all the different churches si the city this evening at the see ' s hour te which the general public oorMly Invited. Ki:i k\ \. v'V:; ' V , ' v NEV Ml IUE?nU BSflDEHSlff Lester Simmons Makes a Fine Record on Tearn Mr. Leater Simmons, of the Petersburg Baseball Club, has arrived In the city and la the gueet of his brother, Mr. Daniel Simmons, at the corner of Second and Vanorden streets. No player in the Virginia League during the past season made a more enviable record. In every game in which he participated he made good both in fielding, base running and batting. Ho was one of the stars in the Virginia League and his many friends in Washington are glad to know that he delivered the goods. CAR MANAGER HOWE SHOWS IN CITY TODAY Bert Rutherford, car manager for ( the Howe Great Railroad Shows 13 in the city. This la Mr. Rutherford's third visit to Washington nnd his many friends are glad to shake his I band again, lie states that the i Howe shows whkh is billed for Washington on Wednesday, October 2, is better th'? season than ever before and that all who witness it will agree ? with him. The show requires twenty r cars for the purpose of transportss tion on the railroad. Mr. Rutherford . knows the show business from A to Z. I He is an "old timer" and says there ; is no place like Eastern Carolina and 1 especially Washington. f 8 PERSONALS. ' Mrs. J. A. Tucker and daughter, , Ida, have arrived in the city from Virginia. Mrs. Tucker Is the wife of the ne* manager of Hotel Louise and this paper takes pleasure In welcoming her as a resident of Wnshlngs ton. t t t t 5 Rev. R .H. Broom, pastor of the 8 First Methodist Church, is in Monroe. ' N. C., at the bedside of his aged father. He is expected to return home on next Saturday. tttt Mr. F. J. Forbes, of Greenville, is a Washington visitor today. tttt Mr. W. Cowell, of Boston, Mass., is registered at Hotel Louise, tttt a Mr. S. E. Weeks, of Raleigh. N. C., is in the city on business. tttt Mr. H. G. Parks, of Elizabeth City, is in the city today. r tttt Mr. C. M. Obb. a prominent busi'* ness man of Tarboro, N. C., is a ? Washington visitor. tttt '*1. Captain John W. Keyes, one of the i I Norfolk Southern clever conductors. of Raleigh, waa here last night shaking hands with his many friends, t t t t Mr. John Walton, of Rocky Mount, I- is a guest at Hotel Louise. d +111 ,n Captain J. H. Howertn, of Lova" lands, N. C., l? a Washington visiter. 1111 Mr. Frank H. Short left this morning for Lynchburg. Ya. t t 1 t ^ Mr. I^ester Simmons, a member of r- the Petersburg baseball team for the us past season, is home, the gu?st ot id relatives and friends. b- t t t t il- Mr. W. S. T). Bborn. of Bunyan. N. g- C.. Is a Washington visitor today. id nNow if some woman would only *e leave a man a hundred thousand o? two for giving up a seat in a street I*, car It might really promote chivalry, n, Courtesy reserved for Pullmans la too rare Prof. Jenks of Minnesota would cure the divorce evil by letting wives control the family purse strings. This, Q? add'ed to the countless other sure cures and panaceas, makes one won ile der why divorce ahould stick around at alL Women who attend the First Methodist Episcopal church la Ithaca, N. Y., Kave agreed to remove their hats during services eo that the men will of no looger have an excuse for remainal lng away. All will be well If the new la plan doesn't serve to keep the mtmm away from churoh. ^ ?JM " -r* J ^ -w* St it |? 1 "support m 1 BUFFALO TIMES IS ANXIOUS FOR WILSON TO WIN San Francisco Call Is Weary of Dissension In Republican Party and Urges the Eection of Wilson. New York, Sept. 18.?The Buffalo Evening Times says: "The San Francisco Call, one of the leading Republican newspapers of the Pacific Coast, as well as oae of the most Influential papers in the country. Is weary of the dissention, bickering and open rupture within the Republican party, and editorially is urging !its readers to vote for Wood row Wilson. "The Call has not been the only paper to switch since the nomination of the Democratic candidate, but It is probably the most significant change of policy of any of them. "More and more to the beet-think- ' , Jjl ing people iii the country is the candidacy of Woodrow Wilson assuming ' ~ that of the ideal. Each day it becomes more evident that In the New Jersey executive Democracy has .\?? Tiiede no mictake. From every side come reports of the espousal of the Democratic cause on the pert of those hitherto antagonistic. His achieve- . meats in public office, his personality, hiB policies and his' plans are compelling admiration and attracting allegiance. Election day will find a strong percentage of th^ Republican vote rauged on the Democratic aide. The Call la cue of many great newspapers that are patriotically giving their support to the man who they know will conduct the affairs of the nation along lines that will tend O the greater happiness and comfort at the people and the honor and glory of the country." '1 MEMBERS Id. E CHURCH CHOIR TO PRACTICE . 1 On account of the Sunday School and Epworth League Institute, which is to begin in the First Methodist Church on next Sunday and lasting through Tuesday nigh* at which time Bishop Henderson.' of the M. E. church. Is to preach. The .members of the M. E. church clr'oT? are requested to meet at the chureh this evening promptly at 8 o'clock for purpose of practice. An members are requested to be present. WILBUR H. ROSH THANKS HK FRIENDS FOR THEIR SUPPORT. ! feel that 1 am due my friends a [word of thanks for the support given me before the primaries held September 7. I Whole I was an abortive candidate for the office of Register of Deedo. still 1 feel that the candidate nominated must be the rightful one, since he is the preference of the people, and I want to assure Mr. Rumley that he will have my solid support in helping to elect him Register for the In aspiring to that office I did it in accordance with the two-term -rs policy resolution, not because 1 believed that I (or any other roan in the county) could fill the offloe more \. efficiently or more willingly tbnn does Mr. Rumley, but because I hoped to maintain the resolution passed; thereby establishing rotation in office holding. Again I wish to thank my friends for the suppert given me and sbosld 1 come before them agate, and ask for that, or any other office within . ./^Ja the gift of the people, I now assuae them that their support will be as earnestly solicited ae in the past. WILBUR H. ROBS. The many friends of Mr. ?. T. TUgbman, <5f Wilson, N. C., weas glad to see him la the city on last evening. He was a former resident. ? ?* H TODA11 nwA JL' . HatWnr. Walter Ciedle * Co. * Daaaa. Waablactoa Bona Soothera Furoltaro Compaar M aaaaaaa iWJ - . -