u117 SSJz "r'^o" ""irr JTor ult at Hardr'. Dm* 8tor*. ?BKN TOU WANT PURE MILK that la damn to drink. trj It Mm th* Star Dnirjr. Rln* J. B. Paad'a phona. J-U-tfc ? ' . Try Kalo tar Dull >? ? tlan and OonaUpation. Ooaraataad. -For aale at Hardy*. Drue 8tor*. ?' tr *KDt OARHi BAUD WHEN YOU want tham. Mr* Lillian Arcfaball, East Socond atraat. ?-ll-lwc ?U?T KBCETW A NEW LOT OR Maaona Emit Jar* and aztra Jar Topa. B. K. WILLIS. *-?0-ttc a/WT?OOC.D WATCH. HCYTDtG Case. my a+me engraved on inside. $10.?0 reward paid (or Its return. .No questions asked. A. M. Dumay. ? f-trtt* /I * ?v> HAIR iWBUUB AMD BRAIDS made Jroea your combines. 8eo I -Mm. Oeo. W. Morgan. West Third wisest. ?-16-kfdh Try Kale for Dyspepsia* Indigestion and Constipation. Guaranteed, ifbr sale at Hardy's Drag Store. 141-la kjj \ - -r iff TOUR MOOS BBGIN TO COUGH ft v wd are not doing well, a few doees S s Of McOowan's Has Medlclno will \ lmpreve them. It cures and stops timber neck In Chickens; also cholera. Try M. Write L. T. McOownn* R. F. D. t. Washington. N. ?C. Tour erdere tiled by mail for ? 7Be. end ftl.BO. 9-ft-ffc MMBMrn BUY AT HOME? P?t ine ud crab grass hay a| ( cheioe aa aar western hay. $11 per ton, baled and delivered. Money refunded if not aatlfsae*4 tory. A. C. Hathaway. Phone tl-J. 8-14-tfc ' 9 ?EC OR HORT CARPENTERS wanted at onoe. Apply to M. M. Jones, IT s seel Supply Building. jUf - City. MMtp \ ZHAT PRESS?ONE DBTRICK, TWO 'M Hone Perpetual Hay Praia, la A perfect order, tor Mb cheap. J. Yy Havana. 9-l?-4tc NOTICE OF SAUL North Caroline?Beaufort County. If Under and by virtue of a power of J male contained In a deed of trnat I ] dated March 3rd. 'ltlO. from Julia W B. Dunbar and huaband. W. H. Dun. ft bar. to J. |E. Hudnell, trustee, which ft . aaid deed la duly recorded In the Ik Register's Offloe of Beaufort CounIJy' ty In Book 18 f, page 897; the undor| tailed will on Monday. October 11. 1?1?. at IT o'oiMk. noon, at lha I. "Court House door in the Town of Ita Washington. seU to tba highest cash ftfta bidder all ef the fallowing described (H | ipf opei tyt > j f t ^ I -That certain tract or parcel of BlV land lying and being in Beaufort ftj// County, N. C.. and Richland Town* If ' whip and deecrlbed aa follows, to-wit: "Basialnc at * dltdh ul n Ita Bast aid* Of Mkin Kmt. than M. 14 I X. 4-11-190 thalaa wHh the aaat -adfa of Main otroot to the S. "W tea ner of Mala ntroat and Btoant ntroot, the* with Wi #; <d>> or Blonat a treat 7-10-lgl Chalma. than 8. 47 1-4 X- 1-96-109 ejatoj to(th* am mentioned dta&' than wit haald ditch N. ? S-4 W. I1MH Chain, to the t? nlnnlna. control**. (-41-100 acre. . moan or Mat- - X?ac?Ha? a dralnwaj thro nth eald. land "In the dmiawai that now nine through a branch " Demand havlnc been made upon MF^ me tor the sale of said land In acW t -eordance with the terms of said lnm wtrument, by D. U. Martin, the en dorsee of the notes recited la the sale -deed of trust. This 17th day of Sept. 1*11. j. a. hudnbll, M r Tntetee. r**' 0-1S-4WC x MKIOB. There will be a meeting ef ?fc< .Democratic Htaeeutire Committer o "Beaufort County, in the office of th< -chairman, on Friday September 17th -at 10:30 a. m. " v > $?;' LINDSAY 0. WARREN. 9-11-2 tc Chairman. , Bicycles! Bicycles! Maw Blorciaa 111 and an We are ncaat* tor the Barrel* Colombia. Rambler. Emblem Ha (tonal and Dojtaa BkrreUe. Bold * lor anflk of am time We aloe earrr ' > n (all Una of rapaira at all Umaa i D. R. OUTLIER WASHINGTON, N. C We take great pleasure in anno I Washington and adjacent section Ginger Ala, not only oonveinei When we aay that the Meckle ; Physicians and Chemists say. 1 St. Louia and Jamestown Expo composed of not only^the most ei countries?numbering from, seve ened age. Thus, you see we hi have no superior. Mecklenburg Water* are pra. favorably, permitting the analys the analysis of the MeckWpbui? waters have the analysis on the b< it is just as we say that the anal analysis have been approved by 1 everybody else knows that the M< other waters only benefit tempoi If you are suffering from Khe and Uric Acatj Trouble^ nothing Scrofulous troubles and other o albumiuuria of pregnancy o? so best remedy. To prove our asa some of our most eminent physi It is needless to speak of the ap pltcabllity of these waters. Theii analysis will make their uses plali to every physician. They are al ready widely known to docton throughout the country, and the'j virtues will be recognised. Many wonderful cares have beet wrought by them?a fact well knows to me personally and through othei physicians. Yours very sincerely. (Signed) GEO. BEN JOHNSON. Dr. J. O. yrevillan, Richmond Vs.: I have need the Chloride Calcium Water from your springe In my prae tlee with very great satisfaction, ea peel ally In skin diseases and chron lc venereal ' (Syphilis) troubles Many cases have come under mj care which soon readily yielded U the beneficial effects ot the watei that were not affected at all by othei treatment. Dr. Hugh M. Taylor, Profeeeo; Surgery, University Medical College Richmond, Va., writes: This water le the moat valuabh in Virginia. Tor gastroenteric trou blee It Is especially valuable. Wlah Ing you suooess, I remain, Cordially, HUGH M. TAYLOR, M. D. Blood and Skin Disorders Crl Add Dlafhesla Dr. J. Allison Hodgee. Preelden of the University College of, Medl cine, Richmond, Va., under date o Tebruary . 1903, writes: My experience with the 'Chlorid df Calcium Water In several case of Skin Diseases has been especial 1 gratifying. I believe It to be a water of su perlor and unusual properties, am a specific In many blood and skli disorders. The Mecklenburg Mineral Wate Is well known and of recognise virtue as an acid solvent In cases c Uric Add Diathesis I am' glad of this opportunity t commend to the profession these wi ten. j . Norfolk, Vs., May 30. 1909. I have used the Mecklenbhr Mineral Springs Waters quite exter slvely for past five years, with get eral good results. Especially hav 1 been pleased with the "Chlorlnal eu wiier io aiuuminuria 01 prog nant women; in the treatment o ench caeoe it stands trst with me. (Signed) LIVIU8 LANKFORD, M. I President Norfolk Medical Society Tetaimonial from the Audita State North Carolina: Raleigh, N. C.. October 7. 1904. It affords me a great deal of plea: ure to testify to the excellent mod cinal properties of the Chloride Ca cium Waters of Chase City, Vs. was a guest of The Mecklenburg H< tel ten days last July, at which tin I waa suffering very (greatly wit Vesicular Eczema of the hands, an > I was greatly benefited by the wate and if I could have remained a fe days longer I am sure a perfect cui would have been effected. Very respectfully. (8igned) B. F. DIXON. Audlto Fayetteville. N. C.. May 7, 1?0?. Mecklenburg Mineral Springs Co r Chase City, Va. t Gentlemen: I cheerfully give n testimony as to the great virtues < the Mecklenburg Waters of Chai City, Va. For diabetic trouble I i not know their eguals. Thsy mat a new man of me. " r Yours very sincerely, \ (Signed) J. J. HALL. M. D. Five gallon carboys. 11.75 eaot ' cim, $3.60, ll.oo/ntd (or omptl. Tbo Moeklenl.org Bxtn Drr Q || ters an dare the best?none-exec || Mecklenburg Goods for sale at i |l Worthy it Ethridge, Brown's D IECKLENBUR ' jnburg1 AfSST .y-.'S-.-t J. 'V", iinning that we have made arrange i can now get the famous Meoklenbu ltl but most reasonably. gSI nburg Waers are the beat we only heae waters received the highest awa sitions. We have the Medals. The I minont Physicians and Chemists of inty-five to one hundred, the most li ive the right to say ' that the Heckli otlcally tho only waters the Nations is to stand as shown on each bottle. [ Waters with those of other waters, jttlee any more. Look and see for y lysis have been left off the labels. Th too National Pure Food Board, wh scklenburg Waters are the best. Tho rarily. uidotism. Gout, Indigestion, Liver 1 is so effective as the Meoklenbu r load and skin diseases, bolls and earb ro oy> s, Mecklenburg Chloride of Cs srtiou we will give yon a few teetin cisns whom we all know either perw ' H. 8. Davis, President of Louts> burg Female College: Loulsburg, N. C., April 10. 1000. Mecklenburg Mineral Springs Co., ' Chasa Cltr. Va. , Gentlemen: I feel it la due to the 1 cause of suffering humanity to make * the following statement of facta, ' with a hope that others similarly afflicted may profit by may experience: About two years ago I was taken with Ecsema in a most aggravated form. The disease first api peered on my face, neck and arms. and gradually extended to other f parte of my body. The skin on my * face and neck became thick and * rough, attended by an itching senaa tlon that was at times almost In sufferable. I nought the best medir cal aid to be found, but found only > temporary relief. My suffering ber came eb Intense that I was, forced to r give up all business. At length I resolved to try the efficacy of the Chloride Calcium Water of Chase r City. I arrived at the Mecklenburg > Hotel, March 10. 1906, and remained four weeks. During that time I J drank a glass of hot Calcium Water - every morning before breakfast and - took six or eight more (cold) during the day. Before the end of the four weeks, every vestige of the Eczema had disappeared, my skin was perfectly smooth and natural and c my general health was never better. I take pleasure in recommending t the Mecklenburg Chloride Calcium i- Water to all who may be afflicted t with skin diseases. Tonrs very truly, 0 (Signed) M. S. DAVIS. 8 * Testimonial from Mrs. Josephus Daniels, wife of the Editor of the . News and Observer, Raleigh, N. C.: March 24. 1906. Mecklenburg Mineral Springs Co., Chase City, Va. d It gives me pleasure to tell you, f and I am sure will Interest you fb know of the permanent benefit the 0 use of the Mecklenburg Mineral Waters have been to my children. My little two-year-old son, who has been troubled for months with torpid liver, has been perfectly well since we returned from Chase City. I conK alder the cure of the eruption on the ~ face of my older son by the use of the water for only one week as very re, markable. My children and I remem" her with much pleasure our visit to 1 The MecklAnhurnr. <t . , Tour* rery truly. > MRS. J08EPHUS DANIELS, r. Testimonial from Oen. B. 8. Roysir ter, Adjutant General for State of North Carolina for eight years: Oxford. N. C., February 25. 1905. i- It gives me pleasure to testify to I- the splendid results which I recelv1. ed from the use of the Mecklenburg I Calcium Chloride Water. >- For more than a year I suffered ie with terrible carbuncles, and receivh ed little or no benefit from medlid cines. but after using one case of r, the water I was greatly Improved, w and three cases of it completely re* re lleved me. As a specific, for trouble like the one above referred to I know of no better remedy than your r. Calcium Chloride Water. Yours very truly, (Signed) B. 8. ROYSTER, Attorney-at-Law. >y Chase City, Vs.. May 1. 1909. of I have for twenty years used the ie Mecklenburg Mineral Water in uric lo acid diathesis, gout, rheumatism, klle bumlnurla of pregnancy, cystitis and also In many stomach troubles, with the happles results. t (Signed) H. L. BUR WELL. M. D. I, 75c. paid for the empty carboy, cases inger Ale and Mecklenburg Speckling V) ipted. Better than Imported, ill the best plaees. Fresh supply Just rug Store, Blount Drug Co., Hoyt Drug . Bead for Booklet. G MINERAL SPR CHASE CITY, VA. ? "fW v. * i it .. , ?'?' III I. Waters \ * meuts by which the people of i* Waters, and Extra Dry repeat what the most eminent rds at the World's Fair, Chicago, Joarda making the awards were this country, but from foreign sarned scientists of this enlightsnburg Waters are the best and 1 Pure Food Board passed on We would ask you to compare but so few, if any of the other ourselves and you will find that e Mecklenburg .Labels with the y, because this Board as well as se waters cure permanently, while 'rouble, Bright'a Disease, "Kidney Mineral Water. For Eczema, uncles, catarrh of the stomach, ledum Water is nature's owd and lonials including those from :>nally or from reputation. Dr. James McKee, Superintendent of the N. C. Central "Hospital, Surgeon Southern Railway, etc., etc., writes: Raleigh, N. C.. December 3. 1904. Mecklenburg Mineral Springs Co., Chase City, Va. Gentlemen: One year ago today I left the Mecklenburg after spending a very pleasant month, and one that was exceedingly valuable to me, as having restored me to health after. having been confined with an attack of rheumatic gout. Vary truly, JAME8 McKEE. Superintendent. Testimonial from one of the leading Dentists In tforth Carolina: Raleigh, N. C., January *?? 1904. Mecklenburg Mineral Springs Co., Chase City, Va. Gentlemen: In Jnly last I was very much run; down in ^fajth from a very severe attack of Intestinal in digestion. l couia not digest anything. After trying a .number of remedies without any beneficial effect, I went to The Mecklenburg at Chaae City, Va., and drank the Calcium Chloride Water lor tlx weeks, returning home completely cured, my blood thoroughly purified. Can now eat anything without hurting me, and weigh more than I ever did in my life. Toura very truly, D. E. EVERITT. Sncerer From Kidney troeble Feels - - Like a New Man. ^ Tonngavllle, N. C., May 9< 1905. Col. W. T. Hughes, President, Mecklenburg Mineral Springs Co., Chase City, Vg. My Dear Sir: I take great pleasure in adding my testimonial with thousands of others to thp wonderful curative powers of your fine Mineral Waters. I I spent four weeks at The Mecklenburg last spring, having gone |there a great sufferer from Kidney Trouble. In less than a month I gained twenty-two pound3 and felt like a new man. Too much cannot be said In behalf af these wonderful waters. F. A. CHEATHAM. Albuminuria and Gastric Troubles. Dr. Paulus A. Irving, President of the State Board of Health, Secretary and Treasurer of the University College of Medicine, and Professor of Diseases of Children, under date of October 10. 1901. writes: Through vour courtesy In sunnlv lag me with a cue of your Calcium Chloride Water I have tested Ita efflclency In Alfumlnuria of Pregnancy. The urine was tested prior to the use of the water, and showed about tweuty-flve per cent, of albumin; after the use of the water for ten days there was uo trace of albumin present. I. cheerfully recommend this water, not only for gastric troubles, but also for this condition so common in the pregnant woman. Dr. B. C. Laird, Resident Physician Battery Park Hotel, Ashevllle; formerly Resident Physician Buffalo Llthia Spring#, Va., and Hot Springs, N. a Hot Springs. N. C? Feb. 38. 1901. Mecklenburg Mineral Springs Co., Gentlemen: 1 take pleasure In stating that I am using your Chlor'de of Calcium and. Mecklenburg Mineral Waters dally in my practice, and am delighted with results obtained in that wide range of diseases dependent on scrofulous and llthacine conditions of the system. Yours most sincerely, Ac., E. C. LAIRD, M. . D twelve one-half galon bottles to the ater are made from these famous Warseelved by the following firms: r Co., Joseph Yayloe INGS COMPANY ? uTt*.*^. D^Wo^L' n'< iflU I? Um rrp n>M>M titj drt W mid BOtkSac. mudalpkla-l n.w popatu- m M .mdtlad -Biodln* Or?r l?lirt Bwdwi" It la not popular, - how war, ta Now York. Lutber Burbank hu turwd out a thornlsw bhuttu bwh. The eonapletion at tha square pea la |h# uillMy that to eagerly awaited. A ooblast between a ant and rep table dlat a how* tha repslarlan to hare gained fifteen pound*. Why ha worried by tha market pace? \ As aoon aa the Chinese emperor gets old enough to read. If be erer does, he will And that he has written a somber of extraordinary edicts. RndolptTSse, a Chinaman, has been elected president of the Pennsylvania Class dab. This may be regarded as another slap at the lfanchna. An eastern boy has attained major Ity without baring drank, smoked at kissed any woman not one of his fam- ? lly circle. The re wand, a gold watch, seems trlflldg. \ A world trotting goat with an fa-j satiable appetite for cigarettes la rto Itlng Boston- We do not know at any better use for.olgarettee than to toed them to that goat. A cloee calculation shows that SO,000,000 apple eaters In this country hare 30,000,000 bar sets of apples ts eat this year, and erery man la expected to do his duty. A prisoner begged a magistrate not to fine him, saying It would be tha beginning of seren years of bad lack. It had been his good luck that had kept him out of trouble. The bridegroom who had his wedding trousers filched on hie way to the nuptials ean console himself with the thought that the wife Is now prerented from wearing them. Boston women want the marriage service amended. The changes that they are In faror of are not mentioned. bat It Is safe to presume that they I want to amend It In their favor. An eastern suffragette, defending trousers for women. rag|?ata two salts of clothes a year as sensible. The old man probably would like to see a proportionate reduction In hats. . Try Kalo for Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Constipation. Guaranteed. For sale at Hardy's Drug Store. 8-19-lm Opportunity to Order. The man with a innsigi to fee people or a man with an invitation for the people, needn't care mnoh about this thing oailed "Opportunity." It's only a mmtlc term used by the member of the ^Do-Little Club." Resign fmni the "Do-Littles" and get Into mental, moral and spiritual action ?bat resign right now, today. 1 i! Headed the Wrong Way. The reason some men meet hard lock eo often is beoanse they meet hard work eo ssldom. L A M, Magp stno. Cure for Snoring. The Invention of a light stest bss Is he held against the upper tps by stamps to prevent persons from snor tag is announced in the patent office, but many persons are convinced that * crowbar drtvon deftly UuV. jgh tbi araalmn fti the wlr psmuut ears RuK-My-TUm will core yon. "Crystal Ice" FROM Pl'RK DISTILLED WATER Shipped Quick. "CryUal Ice Cream" Ask for it at the Fountains it is wholesome, delicious and fresh. Ice Cream Cones For Sale Crystal Ice Co. 126 WATER STREET Washington, N. C. Phone 63 What We Never Forget according to science,' are the things associated with our early home life, anch aa Bucklen'a Arnica 8alvo, that mother or grandmother used to cure our burns, boils, scalds, sores skin eFuptionfe, cuts, sprains or bruises. Forty years of cures prove Its merit. Unrivaled for piles, corns or oold sores. Only 25 cents at The Hardy's SBCOND PRIMARY. A second primary ig hereby er? dered to be held between W. B. Wtndley and W. D. Grimes for the office of Recorder for Washington, LOng Acre and Chocowinlty Townships on Friday, September 20th, 1012. This primary will be governed by the legalized primary law of Beanfort County In all respects. A. M. DCMAY, Chairman Board of Klsctioais. 9-11-19c SCHEDUT-R Gaaboat Ellen C. leaves Booth ' Greek Monday, Wednesday, and * Friday at S . M. Leaves Wash lngtoa Monday, Wednesday and * Friday at 1:19 P. M. T. U. TAYLOR, Owner. . .'4 jV. i mi ?. i*w< m mum im ? < ? mt*? i THE HARVEST SEASON b an iE^ftnt tint of (he year for farmers, h?b. professional mee, bankers and everybody else. Bat if the seed are not hown bow much do you expect to reap? Some of these days the autumn of Me will overtake you. Are you proparim to reap a comfortable old ace? . The beat way to do is to plant small amounts now in this bank, let them work for yen day and night, get year credit established, and have on hand or.be prepared to obtain funds for some attractive investment. WE PAY 4 PER CENT ON SAVINGS. - . 35? Bank of Washington Jiulku Haras, Pres. J. K. DaaShtea. Cashier IS YOUR HOUSE WIRED" For the next SO days we will wire houses for people who own their homes on the installment plan. Here's an opportunity to have Electric Lights on easy terms. For further Information phone 398. WASHINGTON ELECTRIC PLANT (f- =N While Borax Soap** is the best Laundry Soep 00 the market today, softening the hardest water and bleaching the coarsest washable fabrics. Grandma's Borax Washing Powder is as good as any washing; po wder on the assrket. Pearl Soap, is the some and identical as Irory and the cakes are twice as large as Ivory. To introduce these two aoepa we will give the first fifty customers who come into our store three pfky* vi i uc pvuvc (uuua iur ifvia. PURE FOOD GROCERY, J EI. BONNER, Prop. Phone 261 ? S IF YOUJARE GOING NORTH TRAVEL VIA * ' > \ THE CHESAPEAKE LINE ) I DAILY SERVICE INCLUDING SUNDAY! ) C Tft? MW MMMn Jut placed la service, tbe "GUI OF IOKI rOLK" and "CITY OF BALTDIOBB," ate the Boa ilijisl , < , ad up-to-date steamers between Norfolk aad Baltimore. ) Equipped with wireless telophase In each room. PiHitiM I 1 , aeale oa board. Everything fee comfort aad rnaraateaca. . I Boats leave Norfolk (Jackson St.), 0:18 p. m. \ . 1 . Boats leave Old Polat Comfort, 7:15 p. a. 1 . ' Arrive Baltimore. 7:00 a. a. I Connecting at Baltimore for all points north, northwest sad ' r Reservations made aad as J information rnsrf naalj faisl^rl | 1 f b* ^ | W. H. PARNELL, *. P. su, I ' ^ t * *? Qnk*b7 8C, Norfolk, 7a. 1 ( buy your Horses, Mules, fiujgles, .. Wagons and T' i" . Mafmfctffik from a concern that has stood the test of time. ' WastiiHgton Horse Exdnip h, ' B. L. SUSMAN, Pres. Try the Daily News And Get Results W yx /, m A V T? V. JUS. *. TAYLUL Phones 123 & 124. 120 Market St. Carries the Most Complete Line of Family Groceries. ALWAYS FRESH AND RELIABLE Polite Clerics and Quick Delivery. C J.[L?ON|WOOD?Ikakn Nra Y?i Cmm Eitfcmff?JAMIS^W, OOU 1 V J. LEON WOOD & CO. I I BANKERS and BROKERS. ( f ?9iocfc?. Boadr Cotton, Grain and (VoiWom, 78 PHaao Be, J ) Oarf?tar Bull din*, Norfolk, Va. \ an fflihVa?rs S A ~^>rY/V~yVY/V^H/V~WVfV y/H/WX/V i

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