Classifeil Mutitaenttll FOR SALE ? POTATOES A WD Oaions Good stock. H. B. Mayo t-tt-tio . Try KjOo (or O/spcp^ Indigo itloa sad Constipation. Guaranteed, for sots at Hardy's Drug store. ouo-lea, vWHEK TOD WANT PVBK MILK that to clean to drink, try It from the 8tar Dairy. Ring J. B. Peed'. At .phone. ' 8-15-tfo ?p Try Kalo for I>yi?pet?i?, Indigo u" ' ttlon and Conatlpatlon. Guaranteed. ap -For sale' Hardy's Drag Store, fig axwT?(k)U) watohT*HMTING ? Case, idy name engrared oa Inside. m, 910.00 reward paid Tea Its. return, re No quest to as asked. A. it. Du may. po 0-9-tfo as g- ' ue ' > CHAIR SWITCHES AND BRAIDS wl Jgads (row roar 00mblugs Sea ?s re. dies. W. Morgan, West Third to' street. 9-19-gfdh Wl w ; ?* Ht *r *?? '<* Dyspepsia, Iadlgea- thi Mob and Odsistlpatloa. Guaranteed. t%i Tbr sals at Hardy's Drag Store. . UO-lm iiUB'iHITi? *" ?? ? as . -SIX OR BKWT CARPENTERS tat wanted at ease. Apply to M. M- ap -Jaaee. Hsgaet Supply BuUdlng, pk I city. t-lt-?tp an I "a ' " '?? tki " V .IHAT PRESS?ORB DETRICK, TWO oil , Hsaaa Pas?ataal Hay Preas. In tq perfect order, for Sale cheap. J. ?i I Rsnaa 9-lf-ttc ap WAKTBD?A (Bar FOR WORK M Tic New. offlee; one who i. will- m] ing to letrn end not afraid of work dl can secure a position which >rlli a ibrlng promotion. Apply at New* wl Offlce. IM North Caroline?Rmtart County. Under end by elrtne of bower at JJ eale contained le-e deed'of trait dated Marehtrd. 1U0. from Julia th L htanbmr nod h?ghand, W K. Dun- <*. h?r. to J. E. Hudnell. traetee. which W Mid deed le doty jeeyrded In the jV Regleter'o Office ot Bee utort C^uv- ^ ? rty In Book"MT; page ?97; the nndor- be ;algma* will on Monday October SI. p> P Waehlngton. eell to the hlgheet eaeh , ' j" ?' g J "Tlmt oertnln tract or parcel of mi rjr; -o" r?"jr: I >ohlp ofcd dcecrlbod u follow., to-wlt: bt "BeilniBd et a ateh nod on the 1 . Beet dbe ot Main dlreet, then N. It w) X fv-ltl * *? with the eeet r(, -edfe at lleln etreet to the X W. corner of /llela etreet end Blonnt etreet. then with the 8. W. ed?e ot Blount etreet T-60-100 chelne. then X 47 1-4 ~~ t. X-h 1-100 chelae to the dret mentinned ditch, then wit heaM ditch It. td* 1-4 W. 4-10-104 chelne to the he teniae, containing 4-11-100 ncreo more or lean. Bxceptlng a Imlnwey -through eeld land la' the drn'cwejr ? that now rnns throegh e branch." " Demand bavin* boon -made npoh woo tor the cole of oald land In no, -oordencc with the ten* of eeld la- " wtrement. p7 D. V. Martin, the en- " -donee of the notee netted In the eeld . j -deed ot irnet. u Thlo 17th dey ot Baft. 1*11. * / J. B. HUDNELL, " Tn"t~Jf? * o , < ?Cag j -yj -*9? M Tn iSTl Hardy'a Drug Store. U ^ A NOTP"i DAmJ"IiADY'8 AWKAI, |: - ? T*> oil knowing nuffrtrs of raonm*- H +irnm. whether muaenltr or of tfco tc Sotnta. acattca. lumbagoa. backache. I JtlM lb -the kidaara or neuralgia ,, I pehaa. to write to kar for a homa treatment which baa repeatedly cured Oil of theee tortoroo. She laaU It t> L her doty to Bead H to all aoBarara at I VREE. You can cure youraalf at it ] home aa thouaanda will teatlfy?no i change of climate being neceaaair. > Thla almple dlecoaery banlahee uric *> W add from the Mood, looaena the atlfl- ri M weed Jolnta, purlOea the blood, and tt W . brlgfctana the area, firing elaatlctkp ? and tone to the whole ayetem If the abore lntereata yon, for proof addrcaa *1 Mre. M. Snmmera, Box R, Notre a< .Dame, Ind. e l I WHO IS W V i I Jk I We dean and p* SJewsy News . To the Net Of 1 JAKKVILI K ATOMS. I (Being a candidate the Jakeville j omlser baa got to make aoiue \ eee^ee. Like the other candidates 1 can't make a speech but can make < noise. For obvious ^reasons his > eech la very short). -i ^ I Feller Citizens: 1 am running | r office. Am,- -mnMng because I j n't get there by walking. Men i ed to walk Into offloe?on their t jrlts?but that day la past- ?u- i kg! v My object is neither to parity < Utlcs 'nor to Introduce new and { dad legislation. I shill attempt | lther of these things, because I ] int to be both popular and proa- < rous. My object Is this: I want i be honored bj my countrymen; 1 t mt to He In thoahade of the po- t leal eoooKaut tree; I wapt some of x s oily nuts that the n^onkeys are c rowing down. Pro bond publico Of my qualification I am not lamed. I can use a atubpen, *ut fcif-ltub scythe, with that sweep- i I whole arm. movement which In- C Ires confidence and carries a susdon of ability; I can mix hot air a d borrowed phrases so cleverly 1 at one passes for oratory and the xer for statesmanship; X know how v stand In a group of prominent I in with my feet thirty-six Inches i art. with head thrown back, and i domen protruded until It is the 1 >st conspicuous part of me. Of f abdominal sufficiency I am espe- 1 illy proud, fpr I have observed that I big bay window has mora to do kh success In politics than a big I sd. Excelsior! - 4"'J 1 My 'record 1> above * reproach hen aa a boy I need to so flihlng Sundaya. 1 alwaya carried home blueet at ring ofHah; when there ' la. a' barrel or hard cider In my ele'a celler 1 knew how to get all I bore In the neighborhood down 1 re and back without getting Kir.srsr,ar:: Immense., Since I hare become a 1 us of affairs I am surpassingly ver. Onee upon a time two neigh- < rs had adjoins watermelon tchea Qjne neighbor "had an excep- i inaliy large aid ^ Juicy melon , kich grew wttl kin ten feet of the ie. The other neighbor told me If | would help him nppre. the Jlae 1 tew feet oyer en the other teltoWe le he would give me half of the ' Ion. 1 pulled the Job off beauU- i Uy. and then we pulled the melon. course somebody raised s bowl, < it It dldaat disturb me; for 1 look- 1 upon It ss a legislative' set against itch an humble cltlsen had no i Iht to prevail. Prosperity. y ] NEWS FROM BMAIAm 1 Cotton picking Is on now In full 1 est. but IhU' crop Is not ss large < last year. Mr. Bryan Scott and. Miss Bet tie < ixon have been visiting in Pamlico uaty they were accompanied by lasaa Amonda and Orace Scott and r. BenJ. Dixon. Mr. Ray men Gaskins and Miss Mw noiM, were on our irw? ailing at each other Sunday p. m. id the other sporting couples were 0 numerous to mention. Mr. H. A. Oaskins, ot Pamlico, is siting at the home of his cousin, r. B. D. Rowe. He Is an ex-ConKlerate and highly respected cltlm. Mr. W. J. Harris la preparing to lild a residence at this place. Let ie good work go on. Messrs. B. D. Rowe and T. L. ardy made a business trip to Beliven last week; I think oar candidates have dedd1 to go to work as we don't see them i out streets much lately. Ton Just ought to see Mr. B. B. bomason selling goods for Mr. E. Capton at fcmall. I tell you he Is hustling cterk. Mr. J. A. Hardy and Mr. J. K. aladta have both been renominated succeed themselves so you see me of our candidates can wear nllM.. I Uncle Bill Dowty is still wearing tat broad grin we wrote about me time ago he is having his cot n picked. Now jre wish to thank Jakevllle the for the very kind and flattering imarks he made about Small and > assure him that he Is on the right -ack and If he can't make a public peecii he oan write some very good ivtee which ought to be taken by rerjr section oC4>ur county, as onr HO IN WA * y-v'-s-' ' fc i ' -ij; es both IVf en and I have secured the t atrial and you trill ,VT H as Told us Readers Veqwy Points futifre depend# on how we educate the rising: generation. Yea, we. need ible speaken who can shake our jraople as the flry bones In the valley tart shaken and I believe if they |ould once be shown the necessity ol m education they would rally to its iupport with the seal of a crusader, jod If Small has been a pioneer In {be work'wo atw proud of the fact tnd we are going to push on; but (re would love to know that every lection in our county was working Ude by side with us and not draging ?n behind. We want to live to see fee time when every white boy and flri will be In some good school at Qast six months In the year. lake, tome to see us and if you can't make i speech we will fix you a ?ood place o sit down and will give you a good ime anyhow. Write some more, naybe yon will get the indifference Hit of somebody.^ FROM R. F. D. HO. 4. Mr. George Holltwell. of Red Hill oad, was a guest of Mr. Leonard Gotten Saturday night. Quite a number of our young folks ittended the party at Mr. George dixon's Saturday night. ^ Misses Dora and Annie Congleton rere guest of their cousin, Miss >arcy Woolard. of Hawkinsville. 8atirday night. They attended the party it Hawkin's School House and reK>rt a plea sent time. Mr. B. W. A. Woolard and Miae jucj ouniT&n were guests or Alias Jtella Congleton Saturday night. Our Sunday school Is still on the loom. Erery one seems to take an nterest in It we are glad to say. Mr. Leonard Cotton went out to tee his beat girl 8unday. Qee! Leonard, you looked good 'strolling down the shady lane." Miss x Stella Congleton visited Usees Millie, Mlrtle and Bertie Pinklam Sunday. Mr. David Hodges and sister. Miss tnnie, of Martin county, spent Satirday-night and Sunday at Mr. Jesse Bodges. , Chills and parties seem to be the >rder of the day now. Clara Hodges is spending liferal days with her brother, Mr, rifegse Hodges. Mr. and Mrs. W1U Bennetts were meats of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dt H. Bennetts, 8unday p. m. Messrs. David Willis and Charlie HToolard were in-our npidst Sunday light. ^ Miss Dora Congleton was a guest >f. Mrs. Mamie Mlxon one morning ast week. *Mr%. Alex Alllgood Is spending several weeks with her daughter, Ufa. Spry, in Portsmouth, Va. Mrs. J. M. Cotten was a Washington visitor last week. Mr.. James Ashy was the guest ol tier mother, Mrs. Fannie Woolard une day last week. They have recently added a new Drgan to the Christian chunhi a1 uvami uaui, wuii'D 51 cmij auug [I the alnglng. Mr. J. M. All (good and Miss Stolli Congleton were guest? of the Mlssa Sulllvans Sunday p. m. Will the correspondent from R. F D. No. 4 please send her name to th< News' editor for his office file. ( FAIRFIELD !>(OTE8. Mr. J. M. Chadwick and daughter Miss Janie, returned from Beaufort N. C., and other points this week. Messrs. Roland Jones. Ben Cart right and Preston Burnes left las Sunday for college (except Ben), wh is at "Trinity Park," Durham. N. C Dr. Eugene Wlndley, Carroll Spec cer and others came over from Swai Quarter in Dr. Windley's automobil today. _ Messrs. Thos. Davis and Charli Mann, of Middletown. were visitor here today. Ailo Mr. Gray Neal, o Englehard. N. C. Not much sickness (except hoi cholera) at this place. On account the extreme and con tinned dry' weather all crops wll be very much below last year, espe dally cotton. Our road authorities are doini some very nice road work with theii new road machine. Mr. P. G. Simmons will open prt vats school here next Monday ldth at the Academy. Mr. B. A. Williams is rapidly fiav ing h!? nice new home complete* and rumor has it that he will put i nice little biril therein about Octo ber 9 th. Mr. D. F. Mooney Is painting.hti -a. h SHINGTOb THE IDEAL 1 1 Women's Cloth ervices of an up-to-date Tt be our regular customer. E IDEA.I "Crystal Ice" KHM rou DWIU1H) WATEK Shipped Quick. "Crystal Ice Cream" ' Ask for it at the Fountains it is wholesome, delicious and fresh. ' Ice Cream Cone? For Sale Crystal - Ice Co. US WATgll STREET Washington, N. C. - Phone U SKCOJSD PRIMARY. A second primary la hereby ordered to be heftdT between W. B. Windley and W. D. Grime* for the office of Recorder for Warbtngton, L?ng Acre and Cbocofrlaity Township. oa Friday, Qeptrmber ?Oth. 1018. Thin primary will be governed by the Legalised primary law of Beaafort County in all teapecta. A. M. DUMAY, Chairman Board of Ktectlon*. 9-12-190 SCHDNJIJ Q as boat Ellen C. leara* Boath Creek Monday. Wednesday, and Friday at S A. if. Laaraa Whah lngton Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 1:2? P. M. * /- T. U. TAYLOR, Owner. WE WILL HAIL YOU <1 for mch Ml ot old PsIm Tsrtli ml Us. Kirk HONit SBCT BY utvA< mail PUfaL Smeidag k In Ci?-j established ? ykau, 843 Chests* Si PllUlifclli. Pa * Bicycles! Bicycles! Hew Bkyeka f If tai ??. W? art o?ta tor tfca RgyycW. Reading. Standard. Ivor Johnssm, Columbia. RambUr, Bnilm National and Dayton Blcyslae. Bald tor cash of on tisa*. Wo alee carry a foil lino Of repairs at nil tlms*. D. R. CUTLER 114 Market St lV WASHINGTON. N. C Phone US ! ; V home op Canal avenue. The Methodist of this place have , spent about $806 on painting and repairs to church, repairing fences and , parsonage. ' j. Palrleld M. E. church is said by [ many to tto the handsomest country , church probably in the State. It is a beauty with its new coat of paint. t RIVER ROAD ^STATION. Mrs. J. W. Alligood continues to i be seriously ill. 1 Mr. ?. M. Sheppard has been at Royal several days attending to business. He returned home^last Sat1 urday. Messrs. R. L. Woolard and M. F. Pippin each have ahlped a lot of tobacco and went to Greenville last . Mr. Harold Jones, of Norfolk, Va., , was a guest of Mr. L. M. Sheppard** family one day last week. Mr. Mode Alllgood and family, of t Plnetown, have been visiting his pa0 rents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Alllgood, !. on Bath road. I- We are indebted to Miss Llllle Aliia good and Miss Katie Alllgood, each e for a box of. delicious grapes which we appreciated very much. b Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Andrews, of 8 Wilson, N. C., hare been visiting her f mother, Mrs. Willis., at Willis' vineyard, and her sister, Mrs. Pippin, at S Magnolia. Mr..George Howard, of Hyde counr ty, who Is blind, was in our >111 lege one day last week. Mr. Harold Jones made us a pleasant call last Friday for the last time 5 before returnthg-to his home in Norr folk, Va. Miss Sac Respess, of Pinetown, - visited Mrs. J. W. Alllgood, who is , seriously ill, last Tuesday. Mrfc. Hugh Lancaster and nephew, - Master Hugh Cherry, of Bridgetoif, 1 are Visiting her parents, Mr., and Mrs. 6 W. F. Pippin, at Bnnyon. Mr. M. F. Pippin went to Oreenvlll# last Mpnd&y to attend to bust* s nesa for his father, who is sick. - ' 1 -j " J IN FIRST C PRESSING CLUB 01 es. We do Dry C: ailor who con do anything So don't forget the name. - PRESS 7 Jlfc * b"i cf | Society ( Tbe DAILY NHW8 wUl b? ! * pleased^to receive items, such as * engagements, waddings, parties, * teas and other news of parsonal * Interest, with the names of those present, for the "Society News" so I umn. The Items should be * * Indorsed with the name and ad- * dress of the sender?not for * publication, but as a matter of * good faith. ee eeeeees PERSONALS. eeee eeees Mr. T. M. Bmithwlck, of Royal. N. C., Is a Washington visitor today. ttt t Mr. C. E. Hanberry, of Raleigh, N. C., arrived In the city last evening. ..ft ft Mr. O. B. Lipscomb, of Tarboro, N. C., Is a business visitor to the | city today. ft ft Mr. A. D. Johnston, of Winterville, N. C.. is here today on bust- t t t t Mr. A. \j; Jones, of Norfolk, was one our streets today. ttt t Mrs. Covington, of Winston. N. C ; 8. A. Wind ley. of Lake Landing; W. C. Oreen, of Rocky Mount, and H. L. Olbbs, of Oriental, N. C., are guests at the Weston House, on East Main street. Try I?lo for Dyspepsia, lBdi|?> tlon and Constipation. Guaranteed. For sale at Hardy's Drug Store. Captain LeRoy Pedrlck, of Lake : Landing, N. C., today on bualt t t t Captain Caswell Williams, of Ocracoke, N. C., la a Washington visitor* t t t t Mr. L. T. Thompson, of Aurora, N. C., la here today on business. t t t t ? Mr. W. L. Godley, of South Creek, ia a Washington visitor today, t t t t Mr. O. D. Palmer, of Gulf, N., C.. who has been visiting hia daughter, Mrs. H. A. Copper, returned to hia home this morning. .vt 11 Mr. D. O. Latham, of R. F. D. No. 1,