MMOA DAILY NEWS TOBLISHRD BYURT AFTERNOON K . EKCBPT BONDAT. f. Wo. 10* But Water Stmt Bntirtd u anmnil class mttir UlCMt S. 1909, at the poetoflce at F\ Washington, N. C.. under the act of **arca 1, 19T0. One Month $ .IS t"' Four Month* 1.00 ?t Month* .....". 1.60 One Tear 3 00 f Subscribers d eel ring the paper dlssaatlnued will pleeee notify thla of ce on date of expiration, other* toe *? w>U be continued at regular lub^tiptlon ratee until notice to atop la reoelved. Zx you do not get the Dally New* "nptiy telephone or write the man* and the complaint will receive edtate attention. It la our d?to pleaae you. il articles sent to the Dally New* ui pnbllcation must be signed by the writer, otherwise they will not ?e published. THURSDAY, OCT. 3, 1912. _ The annual ruination of the crops Is upou us. Blinder* on horses and auto horn* are marked to go. The Sunday joy ride continues to claim Its toll of sorrow. A northwest tornado can always knock out General Humidity. A Kansas man Is using a vacuum cleaner to catch grasshoppers. Do you remember how you used to hunt the sunny side of the street? The automobile tires sold In thla country this year will total f110,000,000. It's only a few Inches from the bobble skirt to the new style of bath Ins ?ult. Life Insurance companies do not as a rule care to take a risk on baseball umpire*. To the slogan. "Socks for women!" we defiantly shout back, "Shirt waists for men!" Best buyers are those who wait for the "best seller^" to get Into the 60oent editions. A vacation wisely chosen and sanely spent Is an Investment sure to bring handsome returns. Strang? as It may seem at first thought, no grape seed was ever found In a vermiform appendix. Missouri reports a bumper apple crop. Atlantic City wires that the boardwalk Is thronged with peaches gome men will do anything for money. Among them is the Texai man who raises rattlesnakes for a Uv In* A Chicago young woman la suing foi $10 for a broken heart, and yet sh< was no doubt taught In school to alix high. Aviation may be a dangerous pas time, but It has nothing on running i passenger train sixty miles an houi In a fog. There la always danger for the lnno cent bystander, especially In the vl dnlty of a youngstor with a hose wa Ibertng the grata. What haa a bathing girl picture 01 the cover of a magazine to do wit] literature? What has the magazin< for that matter? Cleveland's latest project la a 3-cen dance hall. Someone In that town at pears to have overlooked the poaal billtiea of a S cent store. Weather experts say that rain ca not be produced artificially. But th delusion la as tough a stayer aa lonj range almanac predictions. The Russian explorer who threaten to reach the north pole has one grea advantage. When he feels cold be ca. nse his whiskers as a muffler. Whoever devised the soft collar an soft cuff for summer wear missed hi guess by about six months. They ar hotter than the armor plate kind. An Ohio woman, ninety-one year old, boasts that she has never bee kissed. Still at ninety-one a woman1 memory isn't apt to be of the best Mascsgnl, the composer, says th pnbllc does not know what it is tall lng about when It says chorus girl ar? old enough to be grandmothers. Women should at least refrain froi! wearing the hoopsklrt and the bobbh st the same time. Blessed be the man who tinker w!th an obstinate furnace and bias not. While the boy emperor of China ii Inay learning history his subjects an tuite as busy making It. Daylight wireless records hare beeT broken. Can the wireless find Its waj home better In the dark? "Never fear water In any form,' ays a beauty writer Still men havt been killed by a falling Icicle. Thus far we have been unable t< determine whether the Chinese repub lie is a reality or a pipe dream. "The very latest Is the *lntnltlv< Ids?.' " Nothing new; it's the old kln< that often gets a fellow into tronbieKU I Then a Stroll Jskr t ing spirits. Coul tion? You will h Why not spell It "areoplaner* 1 would be easier to pronounce. Vacationers regret that the game ? coming back was erer Invented. Almost any small boy's ambition a this season Is to be a pearl direr. In hot weather, put off all the thing you don't hare to do to another day. This is good weather for a rerirs of the Greek costume of toga and son dais. Confiscation of their automobile would deter reckless motorists fron scorching. The summer season la trying V make good the deficit of beat piled u] last winter. Tale has given up basket ball, thui heading off a challenge from tb WeUeoley girts. It takes as much time for a water melon as for a man to become thoi oughly "cooled off." NOTICE. North Carolina?Beaufort County. Superior Court. Geo. L. Swindell, administrator of F R. Swindell vs. Chaa. Leroy Adams Donald Adams, et ale. The defendants above named wll take notice that an action entitled aj above baa been commenced in th? Superior Court of Beaufort Count] to sell certain real estate belongini to the estate of F. R. Swindell t< make assets to pay certain claimi which have been adjudged agains said estate for judgments li the Superior Court of Beaufor County, and the said defendant will further TAKE NOTICE tha 't they are required to appear be . fore the Clerk of the Superior Cour of said County at hla office in Wash ington, N. C., on Tuesday. No rem be 'the 12th, 1912, and answer or demu to petition in said action or the plain 'tiff will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded In said petition. | This 3rd day of October. 1912. OHO. A. PAUL. Clerk Superior Court. 10-3-4 wc P r I The Run Heater ai Just imagine unlimitec tained as freely and \ lack of attention and : , your present cold wal you have some idea water comfort At the turn of a feu in the basement respt stantly, any time ? time?a cupful or a b fill, heating only the amount of water draw moment the faucet is the gas is automatical off in the heater and y pense for fuel ceases. The Gas Range, like th L w i liliMltini wn to the waters edge. Such a restful view of s rippling waves, dotted wltn white sails, giving ; \J ic to the tired feeling and strength to the droopd anything be more conducive for a resident sec.ave better health living in Washington Park. A. C. HATHAWAY, Tfneaay Ilea the head that has 90 t^zsLrzsr -? DO YOU KNOW 4 The Philadelphia Inquirer calls the , j theft of an umbrella a "white steal." lnftt WG CEliy OI16 Of Th*t feller he* e eullt? coneclence. ,he fj^sheSt lines Of t ' ' \ ' The millionaire who paid $48J)00 for _ a pair of ancient aadlrona la plainly CiT*f|f,PT*i PS f started In a way to hawe a hot old ULC1 tim* Flour and Feed Now the wsrslns h*a iom otu e*ainet eo*o * * carrier of pn* In Washington. It is a Sip""* "*k" * fact and we can easily oH?a.oMMM.ha.w.fa prove it if you will but 3 the antl-klsalnc crusade Is that moat glVG US a trial Order girla would rather he eoa-klaaed than > "n~: J. P. JACKSON, ' The man who threatens to 1st his whiskers crow If his fayorlte oandl West Main Street date la not elected now has tha osntei 1 of the a (ace. Lost for (teed. If. aa a faahlon expert says, the ?sdd?"Did you hear about ar aklrta will be tishter next fall, there Mfefctor loslag control of his motor " will he a greet Increase In the use of ",r* Orwsns "Wo. I didn't." Redd? L the ahoe horn. "Wed, he did. The sheriff* got U According to s Boston doctor the \ American nation Is becoming flat- ~~ footed. And aome are being caught TRY A NEWS WANT AD red-handed, too. \ I " ' perfection ini Kentocky'a dmiceet product. I trhertrer used. fBg| WE PREPAY EXPRESS mm Adam, ami IH ^ ^4F!noIrti^. $4.90 SPanQwta, - - $ A50 r I 6 Fail Quarts . . $6.50 12 Fall Qaarta, $12.00 r I Remit Poetal or Express Money Order, Registered Latter or |^r kJ I Certified Check. Guaranteed to please or money retaniad. Coco- MLaffil I piete price liit mailed upon request " KeUtyr^U I R CLARKE ARSONS, ln^, Richmond, V^! ????0 ' 4 *' I**4"" B$^| ua m. M jStSSi/ "jf - afct> H I fTr Real Home Comfort Makers id Automatic Gas Water ad the Modern Gas Range I hot water ob- uses fuel only while it is serving vith the same you. forethought as er supply, and The time' tabor mone>r "aTod * of Ruud hot big interest 00 J,our investment. You have, further, better cooking, a cet, the Ruud clean sanitary kitchen and a dozen in- JBH. other ideal conditions. ' all the The best way to appreciate athtub- Soft the merits of these two comactual fort makers is to see them In m. The actual operation at our show'y'" A postal will bring you com"ur rx plete descriptive literature, or a representative to tell you e Ruud? r " ? personally the whole story. liBjtoii Light t Water Co. J j; WOIILTE or HAUL North Caroline?Beaufort County. Under end by virtue of n power o ml* contained In a d**d of trua datad Mnrch Srd. 1910. from Julli B. Dunbar and husband. W. H. Dun bar. to J. E. Hudnell, trustee, whlcl aid dead is duly recorded in th Register's Office of Beaufort Coun ty In Book 157. page 407; the uodoi signed will on Monday. October SI 1911. at IS o'clock, noon, at "if. I Court House door la the Town o Washington, sell to th* highest cas bidder all of the following describe property: "That certain tract or parcel o land lying and being In Bsgufbr Cotfaiy, N. a. and Richland Tow* ship and described as follows, te-wlt " Begin In g at a ditch and on Ihl Bast side of Main street, then N. S & 4-11-100 chains wit* the eaa edge of Main street te the B. W. cot ner of Main street and Blount street then with the 8. W. edge of Bloun street 7-60-100 chains, then B. 47 1B. S-95-100 chains to th* first men tloned ditch, then wit haaid ditch h 10 5-4 W. -10-100 chains to the b? ginning, containing 5-4 S-100 acre more or lean. Excepting a tralnwa through said land In the dm'nwa that now runs through a branch." Demand having been made upOi me for the sale of said land In ac cord ance with the terma of anld in atrument. by "D. U. Martin, the en dorsee of the note* recited in the sal deed of trust. This 17th day of Sept. 191S. J. E. HUDNELL, Trustee. MM?c One advantage of being a pitcher ra the Detroit team I* that you doo have to pitch t* Ty Oobb. Father's pochetbook agrees wit the tactile men la the belief that thcr In ruin in the bobble aklrt. Laborers on bathtubs in a Pith burgh factory have struck bosses there are no tubs to use (hemeelvp after a bet day's voik This is variation of the famous plaint o "Water, water all around and not Irop to drink." It is to be hoped thl itrtke will have e clean finlah. | COMING! EAS CAROLI NEW B1 Oct 29, 30, 31 56,000 In Premium* j ture, stock, poultx Monoplane FTig Racing. Mol Great Midway. SPECIAL RATES < For Premium Book t J. LEON i Try the Da And < / J. LEON WOOD?Mcakm New T? \ J. LEON W ). BANKERS? / Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, firsii S OaryeeUr Balldlac, Norfolk, 1 | Priwte wires to New York I ) m Etduai*, Chi coco Board < f era. I Wrespoodeoce ItospeclfoDy ft S clool IwsWfa Olwi i I McG. Mowers and R Use in Taking^ We have the better made. HARRIS HA 1 I : NAOMI RKBEKAH LOIMR. No. M [ Mmu Im TwtoiS'Ball aaooad ui ' fourth Friday each month it I p. m PAMLICO LODGE, No. 7N. K. at P. t MOM la tlmlr hall, upatalra, aorI oar Union allay and Mala atraat. adary Tnuraday oraotnc at ( o'aloakORB IX)DOR, No. 1M. A. F. aad A. M. Moata In thalr kail, eoraar Doaaar ' and Third atraata. drat and tatrd I Taaodaya oaek month it ty. a. mots chapter, mi , Maata la Maaaalr Han aaoood aad ~ fourth Tnaadaya aoeh null at I a. m. WAAHINOTOR LODOR No. tm. B. P. O. B. bnlldlaa. arary It May lMill m o'aloek. WOODMRH OP AMRBIOA I Pamltoo Camp Mo. 11(11 M. W. of A., maata fourth Wadaaaday droning k aaeh month la Tayloa'a Rail at (:1(. . Uon^tad ConatlpaOoo.'' 'ouaraataad. i For aula at Haady'a Drug Store. > l-ll-lu SUB8CR1BR POM THN NBWB THE GREAT TERN NA FAIR BRN, N. C. and Nov. 1,1912. t'ven away tir agrlcul- I y and other exhibits. bts Daily. Horse torcycle Racing. Free Attractions 3N ALL RAILROADS, aid Information, address [ WILLIAMS, Sec'y, New Bern, N. C. fly News 3ret Reuslts t Cetloe tirUmt* lAJOSjW. COLE \ 00D & CO. | id BROKERS., J % And Provision*, 7S Ma me St., S fm. 5k Mock Kxchuge, New York Cot- / if Trade end other laairial oee* \ a. fcg?l n?d Mer. I ormick .akes are Best to Hare of Your Hay m on sate. None RDWARE CO. U> "<1H IMIP Cornor Mala u4 Markot Ma ? Or or Brovo'o Drag Mora. -jj Woohtogtino, If. C. . :'13 E. A. DuM It. ' : Attomya olM ' . > Waahloctoa. North Carallaa " Wo practio# In oil tho ooorta. ? ? ? ! #& ^ ? ? WUoy 0. RoAmaa. wo a holoa Jr. RODMAN A RODMAN _ Attoraoro-nt-Lajr. ? ? W - J- .. >?A c B. 8. Ward JuIm 0. (MM " AutMmmjm >1 Urn < Wa*lvln*ton. N. 0. We practice la tkm Court' ?*Ch? Pint Judicial XKrtrtot m4 lh? Federal Courts. e eee e e m m m' 0 m He eeeeeeeee e* H * H? ion & Boim tmian ii wAAmnaTov, v. a e A |" ft' : a a. rmuirt m hkk, ? H? PERI lH8VBiKOR * a ' m r-. Praotleaa la all tka Oaam. ,H I? ? J oka H. w?fH A. D. MmUm u Harry ~ t teall, MMLM -i? I AttorwaVUf ~ ? Waaklnitoa. N01.A Carolla* ' .* ? , , , , # ^ Award L. Mmrt, ? WMilMTtoa. M. 0. a " ' 'J' W. A. Tbomaaoa. ? Aarera, m. a ? DiawUtT * noKNM .> Attoraan at Lav. Waaklactaa u< aurora. K. ?l * ,y? v -* OOLLDr H. HARDrao - '! Attoraay-at-Law . a QWaa (HkR A TraM Oa. *a a Room t aad ?. a waahlncton, K. C. a ? ? m NORWOOD L. SIMMONS Attornoy-at-Law Waaklactea. K. ? a WAW H. BRTAR AWnaaj at lanr a ORaa la Barlaaa and Traat building. Bosoad door. Prso tlM in all tha oourts. f GHKATK8T COMPANY IN TN SOUTH RBCKNTLY OR- . , GANIZKD. ANeta ... .. .$ 3,750,#00 Imuim in foresV 40,000,000 Wh j not piMM # * ponies when 7 on can get a low- ?. er'premim rate and M ltf|? ft dividend. 'Phone, 357-J. Jefferson Standard Co. H. A. OOOPKH, AfMk 0 . P a ^ NOTICE OP ADMINISTRATION I have tbt. day qualified u admiilatratrik of the eetate of A M. Mward., dceeaaed, before the 01 ark at the Superior Court of Beaufort Oeaaty. All penona Indebted to hla eatate are requited to* make Immediate lettl.m.nt with ma and thaao holding claim, ngalnet hi. eatatw are hereby notified to file the name, duly itemlied and verified. within on. year a. preacribed by law, elan tbla notice will bo pleaded la bar of thal^ recovery, ? Thl. the 5th day of 8eW4aMr,~ ' 1U1. *. - , EUGENIA EDWARDS. . fl-6-fiw* Admlnletratrla. TRY A DAILY -NEWS WANT AD Try Kale for Dyiyn-I, Indlgee. Hon and Conatlpatlon. Guaranteed, for solo It Hardr's Drug Store.