w 11 VOL. 4. _ Su MM I Rev. Dr. Thomas 1 on the Man fo^ 1 fore Appreciative "The last two inches of a man la ti what is needed tor the successfur tl man ef the twentieth century." Thus a poke Rev. Dr. Thomas Nicholson at d the Public School Auditorium last h night. h The greatest intellectual feast of Y year* was *ho lecture by Rev. Dr. o Thomas Nicholson, secretary of the r General Board of Education of the t M. E. Church, at the Public School Auditorium '?.rt evening. The sub- Jj Ject of th'j d.atirguished visitor was a The Mau for the Twentieth Cen- c tury." q Of course, the inclemency of the t weather kept quite a number away, i but those- who were absent were the 1 "losers'', according to the statement i ct v:-incres?man John H. Smat> who 1 *. is tho Jtset of Dr. Nicholeoi while s he was hern. It was a ft./ tha: a wVUry school hoy and girl and over*- a I.o rent in Washington coul 1 uot have been present and heard the great a troths presented by thin jglfted edu- i cntor. 1 Dr. Nicholson Is the secretary of 1 the GenpraJ Board of Education of I -the Methodist Episcopal Church. He arrived here yesterday to make the < final arrangements looking .towards t the cfeettaf of the college to be es-v < m ' *' nut F. t simis 10 |i SPEAUIBELHAVEN Hob. v. ii. dlmmoas 1b to speak at Belfcavaa. N. C.. on Wednesday, October 3d. There will be a special tnOgjrla the Norfolk Southern, leaving here at 6 a. m. the morning of tM 30th Cer Belhaven, returning after the speech. No doubt there will be a large, number of the citizens here to take advantage of the opportunity to hear-the senior 8enator of North Carolina, who is a candidate for re. election. I ' S T. R. ARKIVKM AT OYSTRR KAY PRKLINd FINE. Oyster Bay, Oct. 33.?A week of absolute rest Is all that is required, in the opinion of his physicians, to put Colonel in the bejt of condition. At the end of that time. If he follows the strict regime which has been planned for him, it is expected that he will be able to take up the campaign in Its closing days. The colonel reached Sagamore #Hill from Chicago shortly after 10 o'clock today ?** walk.d un.wl.tml up the stairs aad? wentto bed, expecting to the automobile carrying Colonel Rooeevelt reached the house, the colone! stepped out. declining assistance. "It's ! mighty god to be home again." he said. <-> -While a "week was set as the period or abeohkUPeet it was explained that rqr a considerably longer time Colonel Roosevelt must avoid hard work and* will be impossible for him ^o atI teinpt to make many speeches. Several weeks, .will be required for thojcomplcte healing of the jwound and. the knitting of the fractured rib. Only a handful of. persons were on hand when Jhe Colonel stepped from his car and walked unassisted t<* a waiting automobile. He wpa driven immediately to Sagamore Hill. I TAITB VACATION WAL 1 END SUNDAY. .Beverly,.Mass.. Oct. 23?President Taft will return to Washington for the winter next Sunday. Mirs. Taft I; and Miss Helen Taft will remain in Beverly until November the fourth. The Presfdent will go back to the capital by way of Cambridge Springs. ? Pa-, where, on Saturday, he has a rpeaking engagement. He will visit Newark, N. J.. November 2, and may go from there direct to Clneianatt, where he will cast his vote. Although plans are indefinite tt Is expand the . President will go back to Washingi ton after election and spend,the t'ine remaining before Congress ionvenes . writing hit sbAnal messsge. > I ???' ?:? & Mm. W. W. Campbell and'son, '/< 7 Warren, of Hunter's Bridge. N, C., ^ are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. ?J PWl, on Bonner street. P. i ? f ':7'.V ,. rASHl nan RUSIEYEK sficholson Speaks JOth Century Be Audience. ibltthed ftt Washington, for which lie city gave $6,000 cash and 20 ores of land. Nearly all the entire ay yesterday wai occupied by Dr. licholson in viewing the elte. etc., d making the final arrangements, etterday aftemobn he. was a guest f the Chamber of Commerce and ras met by quite a number of citl ?* ' Although the notice we* short that ie would apeak at the Public 8cbool uditorlum last night add too, the In. lemency of the weather debarred ulte ^a number from hearing him, hose who were present heard an adIress that will Hvo long in memory. The distinguished speaker was orlately presented by Hon. J. H .Small. lecture, deep in thought,! ran simple in presentation and the imallest child, and there were quite l number, could easily understand. Dr. Nicholson has traveled extenilvely; he knows the world and its wquirements. No such treat has >een afforded the Washington people n years. The Dally News suggests nat ur. mcnoison oe persuaded to wpeat this lecture when he has ooiatlon to visit Washington again. shich.1t is to be hoped, la not far llstant. * ViiiMEn The Womans' Christian Temperance Union will meet at the home of Mrs. O. B. Carmalt tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock o.. Respcss street All the members are cordially invited and ?11 others who are in'erested in this great work. Business of impo: t. ftiue is to be transacted. NORTH DAKOTA EDUCATORS. Grand Forks, N. D? Oct. 13?The annual convention of the North Dakota Educational Association was opened in this city today with an attendance of visiting teachers the largest in the history of the association's yearly meetings. General sossions and conferences of the numerous departments will carry tho convention through the remainder of the week. The aasociation this year ha? been fortunate in securing a numbe* of noted educators from outside tbo State to address the meetings. Among them are J. Adams Puffer, of Boston; Dr. Woods Hutchinson, of New York, ft* Dr. Henry 8. Curtiss, of Olivet. Mich. NOTABLE WEDDING IN OTTAWA. Ottawa, Oot., Oct. S3.?Many persons of nromlnence attended- the redding here today of Miss Germalne Nan tel. daughter of the Hon. W. R. Nan tel. "the Dominion minister of Inland revenue, and Mr. C. A. Seguin, a prominent lawyer of thia city. SCHOONER HERE. The schooner Nelson, Captain T. E. Rice, in command from Bay River, N. C., is in part today laden with cotton. MRS. BROOKS BETTER. The condition of tiro. B. L. Brooks la still reported to be more favorable today. ORDER OF EASTERN STAR. There will be a meeting of Tallcott Chapter, Order of Eastern 8tar. at the Masonic Hall, corner of Third and Bonner streets, at 7:80 on Friday evening, October 86th. AH members are earnestly requested to be present. Business of importance. VERMONT SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Barre, Vt.', Oct. 88.?A large attendance marked the opening here today of the annual convention of i the Vermont Sonday School Asocla tion. The meeting will last three days and will have as peakers W. C i Pearce of Chicago, H. 8. Conant o\ , Boston and several other 8unda] , school worker# of national sepnta t!0?. BMP1 NGT WA8H1MDTOt?. Rain 1 EUROPI i j (Copyright.) A COM] (By Jot. V. Rowe.) At we behold the political sltuatloi of oar own beloved country, w? cai not help associating the present wit] tfee almost forgotten past. Thougl we are Inclined to keep It secret li our minds we cannot help seeing i striking comparitth betwen onr ow political sitnatlOB end that of Rom daring the consulships of Caesar an Bipnlns. At this time Rome was In a crii leal condition. The consul and set ate were at variance; the nobles an the common people were at strlf< The noble* were afraid that the were afraid that they were gcdng t lose some of their power, and tha the people might become too powei fnl. The common people, on the otfc er hand were just waking up to th conscieniousness of their conditlor They saw that the nobles had to much power. They wished to remed this evil; therefore they began t clamor for social and political Jui tice. This same condition exists in th United States at the present tlnn though probably not to such an ej treme. For some time past Preslder Taft and the Senate have been ( variance; the privileged classes.that is, the wealthy, the big capita ists. the great co-operations, and pi lltical bosses,?and the common pei pie are now at strife, contesting f< supreme power. The first name classes are becoming very uneai about the safety of their posltlol The common people, on the oth< rnNMiiATr MFADFC AT unuuivmij inumiiju m COURTHOUSE TONIGH Hon. Iredell Meares is to speak i the Court House this evening at o'clock. Notice of this speaking hi been published in the Daily News f< the past several days. No doubt tl candidate for governor on the itepu Ilcan ticket wl'.l be heard by \ lurj audience. TO HKAR P1PK LINK CAHR. Washington, D. C., Oct. 38.?T! so-called "pipe line caso" will I aired before the Commerce Court t morrow, when counsel representii the government and tho leading < pipe line companies v ill present ar uments on the constitutionality < the order of the Interstate Comraer Commission requiring, tho ccmpani to file* schedules of tholr rates f transporting oil. - WANT RASTERN STAR HOMK. Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Oct. 23.?T thirty-fifth annual mooting of t Iowa grand chapter of the Order . the Eastern Star, which settled dot to business here today, la featured i a spirited contest of rival cities to i ' cure the Eastern Star Masonic Hou . The home was formerly located i Boone, but it was destroyed by t , last "spring. Boone is making I strong efTort to have It rebuilt the r While Marshall town and Cedar Pi - Ida are offering strong Inducemei to secure the Institution. >r. /, ' ?,?.< ""s.'l ON D NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY ATI ; f f onlght and Tome E'S LATEST CREATIONS P ?ARISQy I hand are juat bogl?llnA to realize a how unjustly they hare Seen treated a In the past by theee'money kings or t 0 nobles and by uneefttpuloua govern ti ment officials. They are therefore a putting forth every effort to do away a with Money rule and dejpsagogucry. u In the Roman 8efcgtar*t the time I have mentioned, there were great d disputes and controversies. Senators often resorted to extfttie violence, t- We have a very striking comparison i. to this state of affairs our great d Lorluer case. s. It would be very fflhoult for us y this early In our . lilgfchri to make o any accurate comparison between lnLt dividuals. We might' compare one - of our great leaders to the strong and l- powerful Caesar or Pompey; we e might compare another of our great i. leaders to the weak and doubtful o Piso; we might compare still any other of our great leaders to the enO ergetic ^nd popular young Cladlua. 4. These comparisons might prove to be more or leas accurate, or they might ,e prove to be absolutely false. I pre. e, fer not to indulge In any personal ^ comparisons. it But as I have said, the common it people of America, as did the com? mon people of Rome, are now waking 1- up to the consciousness of their > condition. They see that they have >- been ruled by money kings and dem_ >r agogucn. They have now determined ?d to overthrow these usurpers of the 17 people's rights, and with Woodrow n. Wilson as their standard-bearer, they srjwlll succeed. I MOTHER IX JAIL; CHILDREN' DIE IN FLAMES. I Buhl, Minn., Oct. 23.?While their mother was being taken to Jail yesit terday on a charge of drunkenness. 8 two children, a boy three years old, and a girl 11 months old, were burned to death. *e The policeman who arrested Mrs. ?" Nicholas Matt son. stopped with his ;e prisoner at the public school and told Mrs. Mattson's son, fifteen years old. to go home and care for the little children. The boy found the little ones sufle faring from the cold and started a be Are In the kitchen stove. He left e. the house for a few momenta, lockig Ing the door. >11 When he returned the building g. was in flames. The charred bodies ?r were found later beside the atove. h mrtforbes dead Just as we go to press the "Dally News learns of the death of Mm. Snmucl Forbes at the residence of her son-in-law Mr. Z. M. Potts bo Bonner street. A more extended notice will appear in this paper tomorrow. by ? ie- . / . IK IXDISPONRD. is at Mr. E. R. Mbcon, County TreasurIre er, haa been confined to hta home for a i few days with sickness. His many re, friends wish him a speedy recovery. at* Major Wiley C. Rodman went to I Edward, N. C., last night. i-a .. vs ' . : * * / :-Vv ' < . . v.; rfSv AILY 'ERNOON. OCTOBER 88. 111! ppow--Cooler mvt- 11 -ft* / ILL COMPLETED FOR THE rnciT DUCTPnu cum bncm tHditnn rmn Everything has been completed for , he Great Eastern Carolina Fair, , irhlch will take place October 29th, ( 10th, 31st and November 1st. 1912. , Tuesday, October 28th, will be i 'Military Day." Every Naval Re. ] ,erve and MUttla Company in East- i >rn North Carollno have been invited I o participate In the military exerises that will take place this day. , ron companies have all ready signi- , led that they will be here. The parade will start down town ind the following will be the narchiug order: Policemen, Rand. Marshals. Officers of the Association. Militia and Naval Reserves. Fire Detriment, Floats, Automobiles and Carriages. There will be four bands n the parade. On arrival at the Fair Srounds the fair will be formally jpened with a speech by Governor Francis D. Winston. Immediately after the speech there will take place it Military Contest in front of the grand stand. The compauy making the best showing will be awarded a magnificent silk flag. Immediately after the silk flag is awarded, there will take place a sham battle iu the center of the race track. Wednesday. October 30th, will be "Educational Day." Tickets, allowing free admission for this day have been Issued to each school child in Eastern North Carolina. If there is a teacher who ha6 not received these tickets, please notify J. I,eon Williams, Secretary of Fair, New Bern. N. C.. at once, and tickets will be mailed to them. There will be all 1# Irttfla nf *?_ ,h. .I.IU i ? front of the grand stand, such as one hundred yard dash, potatoe race, sack race, shoe and barrel race, and others. All the schools r Rt state officials y- y/l^^elected. ini Maine. Verma^^HPHmsan and Georgia have hefd^wir state elections, su but the two latter states will, on No- cu rember 5, elect representatives in iai Congress. Maine and Vermont have Mi already chosen their Congressmen Hi as well as state officers. Isl The states that will elect gover- T? nors are Colorado, Connecticut. Del- au aware, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas. Massachusetts, inj Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri. Mon- So tan-. Nebraska, New Hampshire, ye New York, North Carolina, North tic Dakota, Ohio, Rhode Island. South co Carolina. South Dakota, Tennessee, un Texas, Utau, Washington, West Vir-cri ginia. and Wisconsin. eh The electoral disputes arising be- De tween the regular Republicans and the Progressives have been settled 08 In practically all of the states. Confusion still exists, however, in re- co gards to some of the state tickets. J( =========:::==== li will do the same. tc Roman Chariot races, with four G1 horses to each Chariot daily. There will he Roman stnndln? races daily. ? There will be cowboy end cowgirl w races furnished by the Miller Wild West Show. There will be horse g, races and motor cycle races and three Sj other free attractiona. Music on all occasions will be furnished by Pae-nl serl's Italian Band of twenty pieces <| from Philadelphia. Automobsiies, carriages and wagons will allowed to enter the fair c ground, bnt must be placed at a spot reserved by the manager for this pur- ? pose. A! lvehlcles refusing 'to be parted as above will be ejeoted from the fair grounds. The-Qreat Eastern Carolina Fair Is no fake. We positvely will have everything as advertised above, so you cau't atrord to miss this oppor- * tunlty to se the greatest fair ever * pulled off In Eastern North Carolina. * , J. LEON WILLIAMS. Secretary. a * j . '.& . --- V. > -. v. -V* ? N?" 49 ?l K ''iij 'S L STATES I NEXT WEEK | Republicans who are believed to favorable to tbeir cause. The Progressives hove named com?te tickets for governor and other ite officers in Colorado, Connectl. t. Delaware, Florida, Idaho, Illiis, Indiana, Iowa. Massachusetts, ghlgan. Minnesota. Missouri, Monti, New Hampshire. New York, >rth Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, lode Island Texas, Utah and Wash fton. The Socialist party has complete rte tickets In Colorado, Connectit, Delaware. Idaho, Illinois, Indian, Iowa. Kansas, Massachusetts, ichigan, Minnesota. Missouri. New impshire. New York, Ohio, Rhode land. South Dakota. Nebraska. t'M >xas. Washington, West Virginia d Wisconsin. The Socialists this year have r?cmated a candidate for governor of uth Carolina where for inany ars there has beeu but one state ket?the Democratic. Iu Wisnsin the Socialist ticket appears ider the name of the Social Demo* itic party, to conform with the ctlon laws of that state. In Minsota, for a similar reason, the cialist party appears on the ballot the Public Ownership Party. In many of the states proposed nstitutional amendments, laws, [estions. or propositions will be led upon. Oregon. Kansas. Arlna, Wisconsin and Michigan wiil te on a proposed amendment to ve the franchise to women. Colo, do has a long list of proposed new srs to be passed upon by the voters d Oklahoma will decide the troubioidp question as to whether the ate . capital shall be Guthrie or ilahonia City. Many of the states will elect legis[ures that will have the naming cf ilted States senators. A total of irty-three seats In the United ates senate will be at stake in the etion. Of these eighteen are now cupied by Kepublicans and tbir?n by Democrats. Two vacancies, used by the death of Charles J. ughes of Colorado, and the enrced retirement of William Lorier of lllinois.l brins tbe total up tt> irty-three. ^YEAR-OLD GIRL FALLS AND BREAKS HER ARM The niece of Captain James H. arris and wife unfortunately fell oru the front porch yesterday atrnoon and the consequence was at her right arm was broken Just 'low tbe elbow. Dr. Jack Nicholson as called and rendered the neccs,ry medical attention. The llttio rl is only five years of age and nee her visit here from her home Norfolk has made many friends bo wish her a speedy and rapid vovery. "" ????? ? UNKKAL TODAY. The last sad rites to the memory f Mr. \Y>att Laughinghouse w-ere lid this morning at 11 o'clock at le St. Peter's Episcopal church and uxuuie remeiery. i no norai triples were profuse, testing to the high Meetn in which the deceased was eld by his host of friends. The funral was one of the largest he!?1 in fashington in a number of years. IHK.Wk is KOKltY HK SHOT ROOSEVELT. Milwaukee. Wis., Oct. 23.?John -hrank has arrived at the stage of ?ing sorry for his attempt upon the fe of Colonel Roosevelt, according i the statemest yesterday of a prls^er on trial in Municipal Court. John Prey, on trial for murder, as lodged In the same tier of cells ith Sehrank. lie has played checkrs with Srbrauk. and during one ante Sehrank, according to Prey, tid: "1 considered it ray duty at the .'L>S me 1 fired, to rid the country of a Itlrd termer. But I am sorry now." Mr. W. C. White, of Hertford, N. .. is here today on business. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS IN TODAY'S NEWS Southern Furniture Company .Jjjja Hansel Supply Co. Washington Horse Exchange ,?j