I MSWI DAILY REUS' WB'-ttHID EVilBT AFTERNOON 1 EXCEPT SUNDAY. No. 109 Cut Water Stroat. Entered as aecond-claaa matter ' August 5. 1909, at the poetoSlce at Washington, N. C., under the act of . March 3. 1S79. j, One Month $ .15 Four Mouths 1.00 Subscribers desiring the paper dlasentlpued will please notify this oface 'u date of expiration, otherwise t wii be continued at regular sub" urlptlon rates until notice to stop le received. "U you do not get the Dally News ??nptly telephone or write the man' and the complaint will receive edlate attention. It Is our doto please you. il articles sent to the Dally Neva mm publication must be signed by the writer, otherwise they will not se published. WEDNESDAY. OCT. 23. 1912. - ; WHAT HAS THE GOVERNOR ' DONE? * Governor Kitchln and his managers have used many columns of news- ' paper space and spent several thou sand dollars In telling the people of the things which Senator Simmons has done, while the space used in telling what the Governor has done Is so < small that it has not yet been found, j 1 THE FARMER'S PLOW HORSE IS < TAXED FROM HIS EARS < TO HIS TAIL. Payne Bill. Articles. Per Cent. Bridle 35 Harness 35 Backhand 35 Haines 35 Iron plow 15 Wooden plow 15 Bolts 17 to 50 Trace chains 4 5 Clips 45 Clevis . 4 5 -i? 4 r> Washers 5 to 10 Rivets 45 Rings 45 Buckles 45 Bits 35 Grass rod 4 5 Heel pin 4 5 Plow line hemp 19 to 25 Plow line flax 22 to 80 Plow lines cotton 45 Plow lines leather 35 Horse shoes 6 to 23 Horse shoe nails 11 to 38 THE DRIVER OF THE PLOW IN TAXED FROM HAT TO NOX. Payne Bill. Articles. Per Cent. Hat Of fur 47 to 3 86 Hat of straw ;>S Hat of wool 35 to 100 Leather gloves 60 Sheep glovea 39 to 81 Kid gloves 39 to 81 Drawers, cotton 50 to 64 Shirt, cotton 50 to 64 I Stockings, cotton 30 Stockings, selvedged .... 50 to 65 Coat 4ct 24. Hunter's Bridge at 10 a. in. Pinetoura at 3 p. m. Friday, Oct. 2.V Old Ford at 3 p. m. Pineville at i.30 rn. Monday, Oct. 28. South Creek ;Springer's Hall) at 7 p. ra. Tuc-?l?y. Oct. 29. l<*ai a at lu a. m. Small at 3 i. in. Aurora at 7:lu p. rn. Wednesday, Oct. 30. Honnerton at 10 a. in. Core Point at 3 p. m. | Edwards at ?*3o p. ?n. , TbonJitT. Oct 31. ; Bloant's Creek at 10 a. m. j Ckocowtnity at 3 p. m. (Mill.) Friday. Nor. 1. !1 Tranter's Creek at 7:30 p. m. '* Saturday, Nor. 4. Bearer Dam at 7 p. m. LINDSAY C. WARREN. 1 Chairman Dem. Exec. Com. I Beaufort County. "Saj When yo freight prepg & ZERWEC It is the "bett the best malt, brewing methcx $2. 24-Bottle C PIL Freight preps \ not satisfacl ;v One tast i|%,his' *v wv^X''iS, j Special Rates Account Foot Ball Game ACCOUNT FOOT BALL GAME IN Raleigh, October 23rd The Norfolk Southern Railroad will sell Round trip Tickets for $3.95 Limited to October 26th. Try the Daily News And Get Reuslts A Good Catch - CLARKE'S Drop c LINE to CLARKE'S and you'll make R.ICH HAUL every trip?you can't go WRONG where here are goods that are RIGHT. If you're* particular and demand QUALITY, the TONE and INDIVIDJALITY of CLARKE'S Winee, Whiskies, Brandies and Cordial* will etrike a esponsWc chord. Wo Prepay Eipr? Charge* oo the following to all point* oa Adam* and Somthere Express lines: \ 1 ttnL 1S*L 4M 1XFM Je| Quirt. Quarts CUrtn't Hapcr V*n?r Car* . |U0 $4.90 $2.75 $7.7$ Clarka's Old T*r H**i Cora US LOO 3.25 $.00 CUik.'a 5a Wet Old Cm US LOO 4.00 10.00 Clark a'. Private Stock Core ,V.. 4.7$ 1LOO Qadia'i Sear Sooth 3.3$ LOO 3.7$ 1000 CUrko'i OU Stand-by Ry* US TjOO 4.00 11.00 CUrha'a M.a.in* Rr. 4.7$ MO $.00 14.00 CWfca'a Royal Wraath (Bottled ?q bond)- .... 4.80 IX. OO Clnih.'. Pore Ry* ' Bottlod in Hood) $.00 IX.OO CUrk.'i Malt WbL4*7 3-80 LXS 4.00 10.00 0*rk*'i Core-Malt Whiakay 3.2$ LOO 3 75 $.$0 ClaA.'i Prival. Stock Appla Brandy 4 0O 7.00 4.10 IX.OO Chika'a SaUct P**eh Brand 4.7$ $.00 LOO 14.00 Scappmoai Win* (OU Vi*t*e*> 2.50 US 3.00 7M Shacry Win* (OU Vtalaen) 2.?0 441 3.00 7.00 Sharry Wtai (Royal) 3.0O L90 3.80 10.00 Part Wine (OU Vint*,.) A. UB LXS - L00 ISM Import ad Sharry Win. (Rnhi*) 3.80 L0$ 3.80 10 00 Imported Sh?rrr Wu?? J.7B MQ 11 AW Imported Port Wta* (OU T.wmay) 4.00 7JOO 4.50 12.00 Ordtrt mij b? uiortwl, if de(ir?l, at quantity prices. Shipments made tame day order i t received. All oor products guaranteed to cooform to the pure food laws Remit postal or express money order, registered letter or certified check. Money back if not satisfied. Complete Price List mailed upen request. Order To-Dsy From W . (*1 Uail 'sails TmB Mlltasiiii' ??gg?iaww / When"? u will let us ship you, lid. a trial case of WELZ Pilsner Beer. er than the best imported beer"-the best imported hops, the clean Is make it so. .40 brings You a 'ase of Welz & Zerweck SNER BEER dd?returnable at our expense if :ory. e and you will waht a supply of Beer on hand always. It is good for you?gives you stren gth as well as enjoyment. ^ 0rdefYourTria,CaseNow DEMOCRATIC SPEAKING. I The following gentlemen will meet jJPI| m with the county candidates In the ^La,_3S different precclncte and address the George h Studdert?Oct. 28rd, J Yeateevllle, at 10 a. m.; Oct. S8rd, North Creek, at S p. m.; Oct. 23rd, JtS Jfe-Aj! Bath, at 7: SO p. m.; Oct. SSth. Old Ford, at S p. xa. V *. H. C. Carter,. Jr. and N. L. 81m- r moua?Oct. 25th, PlneTllle, at 7:30 p. m.; Nqy, let. Tranter's Creek, at ykSft _j_ 7:80 p. m.; Not. 2nd, Bearer Dam, at e John H. ?mal)?Oct. 8 let, Choco- Hilly wlnlty, at 3 p. m. (Mill.) Cool Nldhtft W. A. Thompeon and J. O. Tooley. v*wa tii^uia Oct. >8*. south creek, at 7:so p. m.; Rather difficult to keep : ?" the house at the proper lindsay c. warren, temperature. Can t light Crail-man Dem. Co. Exec. Com, the fill il3C6 yet as It 13 io-i7-tfc too .warm during the middle of the day, but notice. some heat ts needed In At a meeting of the Board of Eiec- the morning and after lions of Beaufort County on Oct. 10, Sundown. 1812, the following changes of poll- _ . .. . tng places were ordered, and estab- |JS6 A V llahed aa the permanent polling /"\ 1 f p places of the respectlre precincts in- UdOflCSS vJiAS The Central Meat Market In the Heater Haasell Supply Co. building on Mar. ket street is hereby designated aa the A permanent polling place of the First Ward. City of Washington. The West End Fire Company ata- 48 Bp Hon on Third street is hereby designated as the permanent polling plaos of the Third Ward, CiV of Washington. |Hqq9|V Upon a petition signed by a majority of the rotors of Lcechrllle precinct, the polling place In said precinct now in the store of W. J. Harrls, is hereby ordered to be removed to the office of Captain J .D. Bullock, CP and the office of the aald Bollock is Makes a room com, hereby established as the permanent . , . , > polling place of Leechrille precinct fortabto in tlT? By order of the Board of Elections minute* of Beaufort County. . _ *- M. DGHAT. Ckalrmaa. I "J L. H. REDDITT. Secretary. I Abaohltety Sanitary I STOP THAT HEADACHE ~ a.-^- |iaU . u,f . BEFORE IT STOPS YOU WUMpI Upi 6 *8181 10. Ooftttauad headache will nt yea If you doe't get "" ft. Headache Is natare'edlrtv*aeaIcBal--?fcowa 1 1 ' there's something wrong with joa. / HICKS' CAPUDINE TRY NEW 8 WANT AD cures headache ? gete at the canee. whether heat, THY A NEWS WANT AD Try a Daily News Want Ad. CITY TAXES City Taxes for 1912 are now due and pa vakle at the office of the City Clerk or to W. H. McDevett, /assistant Tax Collector. W. C AYERS, City Cle COMING! THE GREAT EASTERN CAROLINA FAIR NEW BERN, N. C. Oct 29, 30, 31 and Nov. 1, 1912. $6,000 In Premiums (t*ven away for agriculture, stock, poultry and other exhibits. Monoplane Flights Daily. Horse Racing. Motorcycle Racing. Great Midway. Free Attractions SPECIAL RATES ON ALL RAILROADS. T/vv n -I' I m. wi ? i vmmm wuwn auu 1U1UI UtlUUIl. aUdTt'SS J. LEON WILLIAMS, Sec'y, New Bern, N. C. I Do Not Wait for Frost But purchase your Stoves and Heaters uow and avoid the rush and delay in having them put up. I ? \ , Large Stock and Assortment to Select From. HARRIS HARDWARE CO. _ j^jj . . ....... H. W . IARTKR. M. D Practlaa limited to dlaaaaaa at l? Iki EJ?. Bar, Noaa lad Throe. Roan: ?-U a. m.; i-i a. m. Bnapt Moadara. \ Coraar Mala aad MarM Ma. Orar Brown's Drad Mora " jj Waahinctea. B. C. # ^ ? B. A. Daalal ft. r InflaaT C. Varna DAX1JEL * WARJUH a Attorneys at'Law Waahlnstoa. North Carallaa * Wa practice In all tha oonrta " aa aaaaaaa a Wtlay 0. Rodman. fa B. Rodman, ft. RODMAN * RODMAN WsaMMha NdMfc OaaaRna. ^ ' J? 0 ??... *^00*0 a H. ft. Wwd Jnnlm D. Grimm WARD A-GRIMM AUmumrrmkUm W?hirsttm. N. C. We fTMttM CQ the Court of the Flret Jodlckjil Dtetrlot a&4 tkt * Federal Coortp. e -o e o 0 o 00 ee - m m JOSH H. ROHHRB itwy M Imm ? '? 7 WAAHDfOTOH, H. a m 0 e o e 0 e_^ r-r-.P P -** - O. A. PmLLdDPB A HKXb ? nBl lHSURAlfOR. WAMUHQTOR, V. 0. . -1 e ' ?? a ?t#a?a?o?aaa wd. tarn. Price Sic.