" r IDullnlull I**" fS GREETED W Senior Senator Spej dience. Belhave Generous Recept By a True Patrio "iMk Mt here begfim* for J lj TOtes. I M^i want vote* tf I a Iwi to Mean thfn by the dp- E He -ad any 1 don't 1 near roar voten It I turn to to- , rare them by dragging down the t ; ' chnraHae of my competitor or ? Thoe proclaimed Senator 9. M. h Slmmoae Ik a Mfnltcnt and ft)to- 1 getting campaign speech before one thousand poople at Bolharsn laat b night. Slawaa i* clonar to ih# t hoaru ot Beaufort county today t than over batore. tor not only did ha siplatn hla poaltlon ot national mattern, In' wMeh ha van a participant, but be nine ahowad hla haarara the c ahalloeneae ot tha" chargoa being 0 made againat him la North Carolina c la order to onat him tram the Senate. ' No aeoeauelpo?tnatng amaaai or more talking presentation of political affairs was ever heard from any platform or by a more attractive speaker, for over two hours Senator Simmotas held his large audience, and It ease magnificent one, aa If by # magic aa be told how be had been abused, slandered and misrepresented all over the State during the campaign. The senior senator stands upon bis record aa a representative of tba people end upon this record he psopoeea to stand or fall on Tuesday int. A una D?r. Y eaterd.T wu init d?7 (or Beaufort and Hyde counties and the conntry surrounding tbe progressive town of Belhaven, where" Senator P. M. Simmons was billed to apeah last night. Belhaven gave the distinguished guest an old-time Beaufort county reception. The liener 'arrived at Belhaven on the afternoon train from Elisabeth City, where he spoke tbe night before. -He. was mat at tbe station by the Belhaven Concert Band, the pupils of the town public schools, about two hundred men on horse back gpd amid tbe cheers and shouts of-his many admirers, he wan escorted through the streets of the town to the hotel, where he remain ed until Inst ?renin*, meeting old friends and discussing the political J conditions, both nationally and lUte. A tpHiy trija from pi* ettr, carrytng quite a number which waa add- ed to at every station en route; ape- ' cial beats $rom^ Hyde pjqnty bring- j ins Demerits and people from all sections fcWured into Belhavsn all yesterda ,io hear the apoetle ot whlte%vj^>emacy and best; him site e sn account of his stewardship. They ' were there; they left convinced that J Simmons tea dons his duty by his state and people and Judging by the a faces in the large audtetoCe Simmons " will be returned to the senate accordins to*t*?r#<tBtlon. by a bigger majority than> either one of his opponents in theoeaawgst rates. x** ' e The Speech, t'o ^ The commodious town hall at Bel- > haven, which eerily seats one thou- * sand people had* esery "seat occupied 1 and the aislea were erowded. * Upon the rostrum with the speaker * of the evening were quite a number * of cltisens throughout the county of 1 Hyde bad Beaufort and the food la- I dies of Belharen had earefnlly and pi. tastily'decoratedthe platform with t choice rioweve, evergreen*, etc. 1 Senator Slmmops was charmingly < and attrScttrely presented hy Mr. 1 John B. Tooley, a promising young l member of the bar. His presentation 1 was eoached In words of beauty, t Spoke of the senator's great work in 1 the State, tfcgt the people owed him 1 . a debt of gratitude for what hg had > done and oa nest Tuesday they will show their appreciation by returning 1 him to the senate by a handsome ma- i Jorlty. 1 iks to Large Au' h Gives Him a ion. Great Speech t Ft ' ag but simply stand in front of his udtence and bow M* achnowledseVhen be was enabled to speak itNvas ** eadliy seen, that he was somewhat loarsd, due to the strenuous * *iKn in which hi Has been cnsaged ^ lowerer, within a very short while is Voice cleared and he soak*. be { asily heard ln .all parts of the T. Senator said that he felt at | one in Belhaven for not far from ? here be found hia.food wife ever la V lyde county. m "While 1 shall refer to my record 11 anight, 1 shall discuss It only ln [* onnection with the pest principles 1 t the Democratic party." "I do not ~ akdnYn my public career, who oTuj|^ lav^not. but 1 e^anA upon my gaoj * 2cr.3Ksn?rrJ'> rd. I am running upon that r resj ** rd." 'I wait to aay right here and iow," aald the Senator, "My record. ^ f properly undaratood. needa no d?un at my hauls. 1 told the aura- r a par boys some months ago that inder no circumstances would I J save my post of duty In Waahtngon even to oome bacq to North Caro- 5< ina for the purpose of answering ^ he slanders of my adversaries. I D ha* d^ty^T^Mwed my party. Threeourths of the members of the Dam- " eratic Executive Committee are my * rlends and supporters. Jnst as I be- * leve that three-foUTtha of the Demo- JL rata Of the 8tate are my friends and lupporters. I told my manager when ha, executive committee met that T *' ranted him to tell them to forget oy Int.rut In thin tooi. raforrtng to " >hnt wu the meaning of n DemoTntte voter, end do only thnt which n ru for tho bent lotorwK of U^Dm*- *jj icr.tlc party. (ChMrt'l My counrymon I will not ny anything thnt " rill ?tt.ck my p*rty org.nlx.tion f ufauku mr WMntt- ? ack that great convention which * loes should kick 'me off the stage. dy dekhdcarcy has been Attacked, yet " ny friends, 1 don't bellmM a tfTnliMHtn In NnrlK .!? n Did * ou k?2 UM la* U? rleiles ihl. * Mr u Craig wu four TUB Mo ?nd " ? "M Wk.J!>wiA?wfr?? S* *- 2 Kk og ^rtlj then i? making lha attSmasywrss * omes from two men. The trouble Is. aid' speaker. he* wants the job tlmaelft*' TheV aajA Ufai I am not a 1 'rogrefidve Democrat. (Here the 1 ipeaker gave the deflnlUon of several f itanoaflEj ofr progmsSlTea.)" The Q (Sbn8|lat? eonwn warn andaaa>ring t^iseehre seats and the Senator u oiterecfofc his remarks and In a J >leaaa,? wayV'nald^ 'T !^ Chat " he dlpfifctfttlled brother of ray op- p xmeat Spoke In Washington today jj o aboattie hundred and fifty people u Lut'WhBksr"|>haw> been over the Itate Itft^ with difficulty that the >eople : dim V find seats. This was n treated with long cheering ) "I wdkl toy challenge my competl- s orn to ffotnt one single Item In the u 3alHmo& platform; one single Item tl ipon which \ do not stand and not ? ought for. I am not here to make l jromtoes?thle la not my Intag suit. [ don't promise things and then fall h o keep them like aome I knop. 1 h lave already voted in the senate for m .he progressive measures the Battl- G wore platform contains." ' a The speaker discussed the tariff tslue at length and stated that he was b iccused of not being sound on 1t Bx- n plained his votes on the Payne-A Id- h rich measure. "I stand with Vance u ind Ay cock on the tariff and I believe that I stand with the Democrat- t! '?. , Fair ' f 1 ? ? " 1 ! 4 r? -? * .V tkM 1 j . '| ' ~ "It yo*9*t me behind the bars for y rote on lumber, be fair and put te rest.of the boya up in W%*Mn?>n there too. John Small voted M did and the other North Carolina engweesaren, except one (who waa tat aaked one In lb* audience); the Miator hesitated before replying, ut as the request waa made the secid time, he live the name aa laude Hitch in. Nearly every South n senator voted as 1 did. Referred ? mub oonitor Marun toon, Here a loyal eon of Virginia scream1 hurrah for Virginia.) This waa eartlly seconded by Senator 81mloha and the audience brought fort* ell after yell. "My speeches on he tariff and trust are othodox. yet >me folk are trying to get the peota disturbed as to my position on le tariff. For months before fh'c ssssrssMafca ie state attacking me, while I was i Washington attending to my polit. ial duties. It was not I that brought its issue of abuse and vituperation, be great Democratic convention eld in Raleigh endorsed my record ad used the words In so doing: "Wo eartlly endorse." This endorselent was by a majority or 253. My lends I predict greater victory sxt Tuesday. They accuse me of a ting against reciprocity, and I tank Ood that I did. Canada was ke myself, against reciprocity. Here enator Simmons paid a high and tat tribute to the farmers. "I nevp. Intend," said he, "to vote for any iMibn that pot, all tha jrodueta T tn? farmers on the free list and hat ha has to buy under a high protftl.ve tariff.. I etand. before the farlers to receive my judgment fpr my Met., iff you knew sty petit hfe you rould readily understand my Inter it In Uie farmers. My picture whlol ppeared on %? lumber journal my pponent has been ahowlnr in his imp?lxn se?ra8 to have become danBrous of late. I hear that up in roy he showed my picture and it roke ap the sheeting. Spoke of the bod. roads question and that he was road of the fact , that he waa the rat man to introduce a bill to enble the farmer to maintain and keep p ffood roads. Spoke of/the wor* tat he and Congressman Small was olng in the lntprqst of the people. **l have two Democratic competi* tMs year, according to the last imus. Yon know we have had a ard. time to keep them oat of the opulist party. I alao have a Repubcan competitor too?Marlon But>r. Butler waa heard to pay that fe waa down here thl? year to help efeet that d? little sawed-ofT Simions for the senate." K ' In closing his graat speech Senator itnmons paid a high and Just tribte to Congressman Small Sad said *at no district was more ably repressed He alao paid tributes to ocke Craig and Woodrow Wilson. "In closing I wish to say that 1 ave harried the flag of my party lfher In the United States senate a far as oommlttee assignment it oncerned than any other Senator, nd I am proud of that record." Airftd words ' of ornateneaa and eauty the great effort from a great ?an came to an end. No such speech as been heard since the days of th< a mortal Vance.'. a, '1' ' Senator Simmons passed through lie city ^kal evening en rodte tc lew Bern. ' V' < *.?<?) ^ rV* f f ' ;iy ; , > >' ^' '?* . ' i. , , lapsed sine# thai* girls were stedents there, but had jou dropped In . among them ro? week have thought i they had Just recently returned (or a . short vacation at home, i y All were so Inter sated In the same i dear old memorise fpnnected with ; the chapel. The QldiHock buildings , and the teachero j faithful, as . they were IB the past years " Miss Anna Root, of Raleigh, ceiled 1 the meeting for fljfhpS^l?"iin of "iTffH ' Uing~an Alumnae Chapter In Walh* . i ington. Her talk was most helpful and Instructive and etlmulated the Interest of all who were fortunate in being present. Ill THE CITY. Mr. B. H. Thompson was In the city today from Bath, N. C., where he spoke last night in the Interest of his candidacy for the legislature. He left for his home this afternoon. WASH, m SCHOOL TO PLAY ELIZABETH CITY i & 4 The Washington High p School football team leaves tomorrow morn |ia| for Elisabeth City, where in the Miernoon uiey win clash on the gridiron with the eleven represent- 1 i lug the High School of that city. ' 1 T|ls is the first contest between i these two teams this season and also the first game away from home for the locals. It will probably be a very ; hard fought battle, but the Washi Ington players expect to come out i with the victory. Having the expei rtence received In their first game aipd with a couple changes in the i line-up, our team will be tn"1>etter tt ing order than they were last J Next week the game will be with New Bern and will probably be played on our home grounds. The squad going to Elisabeth City > tomorrow will consist of the following : Sanford, Tayloe. Howard, Jones, ' ; J. Harris, Meoklns, F. Moore, E. 1 i Weston, J. Weston, S. Fowl? (eapt.), c J. FOwle, H. Moore, Wilkinson, Mr. 1 Hoggins (manager), and Harry 1 Kear (coach). 1 lo Democracy of It to highly Important that Locke Craig geta every Dsmot ocrattc vote for Governor on i election day. Vptm the vote for cralf u Kill TO?r precinct rot* la the coaaty (HiwUm, ?J thy i U Mb la * Mate coannUoa for ||? acct foar ftmrm Km, co.atj la (ha Mate k ?orlda? to lacrMM thole vote, i To turn teo laMcaco that propI mif talmi to Beaalor* caaatj In the Mate coavvetloa. rate. c - t (AILY TERKOON, OCTOBER _ arrowJ' ! rj rl ' k>2 Alumnae 2 Organize Clul j CITY WATER POLLUTED. . j Dr. B. M. Brown, superintendent of health, received today an analysis from the State Chemist at Raleigh, a report showing that consequence of this report Dr. Brown advises all those using ?ltf water to boil same. Dr. Brown will keep the public advised as to the conditions existing. LYRIC THEATER TOM An excellent feature attraction and i classical program in motion picurea is the offering at the Lyric tolay, especially featuring the clever b-audeville artist, "The Billie Laceles" In a high-class singing and talking act that excels all others, and >ne that has a national reputation by jeing one of the quickest composers >f today. Previous bookings at the Lyric for ,he last half of this week was "The Shrlstia Metropolitan Lady Minitrels," but through some misunderstanding, the manager announces That the act was cancelled, replaced srlth the above mentioned artist. The motion pictures exhibited lailv at th? Lvrle nro uMim nt th*> most Interesting available, together fvlth the vaudeville program no loubt but what these artist wil Iplay o capacity bou .ses VICE-PRESIDENT DEAD. Vice-President James 8. Sherman died last night at his hoove in Utlca, New York, at 0:42 o'clock. He had been sinking since early morning. The Republican National Committee will meet in Chicago to select ? nominee for the ticket in consequence of his death. COMPLETES HER COURSE. Mlsa Nellie Whitley, who recently eeeived her diploma of graduation Jas just completed her three year course at this well known hospital tnd has returned to her home. At present ahe is at Ayden, N. C., nursng a case. , . Beaufort County are necessary. By hard work on BISECTION DAY by MEN who nee Interested in the welfare of the Democratic party, Beaufort County can hecome the BANNER Democratic CBaaty In the Pint District. DOBS THE PARTY OP THE PROPLE APPEAL TO YOU? Won't yon give a part of yonr time on November 3th to its ' LINDSAY C. WARREN, Chairman Den. Kmc. Gem. "?NEV f Newsy News To the Nei Of JAKHVILXJi ATOMS. "As the old cock rrows, the young cock learns." Bragaw, your position on making the school term longer is undoubtedly Indorse^ by qoite a number of peoplel When Jakeville threw out those little suggestions he anticipated just such responses from roanjf quarters, though not from you. He expected yob to jump up and say, "Don't stop at one month, let's have two." You base your opinion on those little x's found so numerously in the school record. We must admit these little x> are significant, very significant. Tbsy tell "bad tales" on patrons and teachers. They emphasize the necessity of longer terms. In a district near us, a few years ago there was a shabby little school house, unconfutable, unpointed. Now they have a roomy, comfortable, and attractive building. They have by private subscription raised their teacher's salary from $35 to $45. and are now agitating an extra month They have captured the teacher that an adjoining district ban been de pending on the past two or three years. This latter district believes in 4 month terms, $35 teachers, and lots of little x's. * That progressive district didn't . wait (or the little x's to disappear from Its record before it started to move forward. Had it waited for this it would be doing business at the same old stand. One thing calls for another. Lengthen the term, this will be a progressive movement, and other thing* will begin to move with it. ' Ask Small If It waited for the 1Htl* x's to get out of its way before it made an effort to move on. If we allow tUe x'a to govern us *e shall go backward instead of forward. Folowlng up your idea, Bragaw. some folks might come to the "logical conclusion" that to eliminate or reduce the little x's we must off i? irwtb tfftd tntre-w M fciuuO schooL In Algebra, x's represent unknown Quantities. So do they in school records. Unknown is It how much obscure talent, how much ungratltied ambition, how many brlUlai.r Tangibilities they represent. Longer terms tre known quantities. Give us these and they will determine those other quantities. Teachers do not teach entirely for fun. Our beet teachers do not teach entirely for money, hut schools that have lung terms and pay good salaries have the best teachers. Shall Beaufort County, shall the State of North Carolina withhold opportunity from those who want toj go forward because some folks love, to decorate tbe school record with, litfilg x's? NEWS FROM R. F. D. Xo. 4. Bev. J. B. Bridgets conducted serv-j icea at A6bury church Sunday a. m. He preached another one of his fine sermons. Jack Frost has made his appearance in earnest now. It feels like real winter time. Mr. W. H. Congleton. of your city, pent Sunday with his parents. .Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Congleton. Misses Dora and Stella Congleton spent part of last week with relatives in your city Mr. Caleb Cutler and children. I r.da. Earl and Cecil, were guests! of Mrs. Frances Cutler Sunday. | The school at Piny G'oto opened Monday morning with Miss Allco Victoria Braddy as teacher. Misses Josephine and Liliie Alllgood and Katie Pailne.it were gu>'st.i of Misses Dora. Stc!Ll and :\ni?le Congleton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ellas Bright were guests of Mrs. C. A. Cutler Sunday a. m. Mr. Charlie Woolard and Miss Fannie Wlllli spent Sunday with Mrs. J. G. Mlxon. Mrs. Ellas Shepperd was a guest of her father, Mr. James Ashy, Saturday night and Sunday. Misses Millie and Blrtle Pinkham were in your city Wednesday. Mrs. Pearl Shepperd and Mra. Bertha Asbuy were guests of Mrs. William A. Congleton for awhile Saturday night.. Jakevllle. I think that your plan for a fire months school la a fine one. At our school. Piny Grove, we are thinking to have a tlx months school Hare had * Are moaths school for the last three yeare. Thanks to oar j^V 1 ', vs . 1 'ajff.yM as Told s los Readers Neswy Points ' ul teacher. ' NKW8 PROM KMALJ. The guessing contest was pulled off last Wednesday night and they sjfl guessed right, Just as 1 expected tber would and we had to shell out. Our only regret Is that the membership i was so small that we only had to pay . one dollar and thirty cents. But wrr are going to pnt patent desks la our ?J school building Just the same, aad_ a that right away. Mr. R. C. Holadla and Mr. C. ? ' 1 Tuten made a business trip to yout" 1 ' city last week. .. .^ Mr. P. L. Holadia, of Auorra. was on our streets Sunday shaking hands * with his many friends. Glad to see you Frank. Elder Je?s* Bennett is still con- jflj fined to his room on account of the hurt he received in the past summer. Mrs. Nancy Lee continues very ill at home of ber son, Mr. G. W. Lec Miss Jane Dowty says we better let her alone about making bed quilts. Messrs. Kler Price and wife and Seth Gaakins and wife and Mr. Fulcher and wife, of Cravan county, have been visiting relatives and friends in Small (or some time. Mr. W. J. Harris is cutting timber now to build his new residence. He is shaved clean, had his hair cut and looks like a young man. We are glad to see Uncle Bill Dowty out again. He Is wearing his broadest smile now. He has got a new watch case. *9 Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Harris were out driving Sunday and spent the I day with Mr. Lee Uudcell, of Royal. Mr. W. C. Row? killed a hop last week. It weighed 366 pounds. So now he's got "Sop and later." Mr. E. B. White, of Clay Hill, spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. B. D. Rowe. I' Messrs. W. M. Barnes and C. L. jGaehins attended the Free Will conference at Core Creek last west*. . ^j| h?nmr Will -R. Hhrdy. who- has been working at Tarboro for some time, {returned horo^ Saturday. | Mr. Caravan Wklker and Miss Viola Gaskins were out driving Sun- j day afternoon. Mr. W. C. Bowen, who has been suffering with a severe cold, was out again Sunday afternoon. Mr. George Barnes was sporting Miss Lillian Rowe and Miss Sjbil Spruill Sunday afternoou. Miss Ruth Rowe is very anxious to see the mall. Wonder what she is-expecting? .Miss Rena Rowe is still staying at Aurora. How about it Kena. like ft much? Mr. Gurgat^us took "Poodle" to the Betterment Society Wednesday night. We were all glad to have a new member any time. Mr. E, C. Cayton, not wishing to be left, desired his "Poodle" to join also. We enjoyed reading the article written by our Joe. V. Rowe. whkh . .s<S occurred in this paper Wednesday of last week. He is one of our boys from Small who Is attending the I State University, and we are prond 'of him. Write some more Joe. Upon the invitation of the teacher. Miss Mary Watson, Mr. B. D. Rowe made an educational address to the school in district No. 16, Frl day afternoon. RltAUAW UIKY<;UA\IS. Many of our good citizens will be glad to learn that one more "kittle" has been put out of "working order" near here a few days ago. The revenue officer walked right up to wbeTe Needham Barrow, the "boss nigger" was putting some wood on the fire that was burning low. "Cooking it are you?" aaid the officer, as he laid his hand on the moon- /o shiner's shoulder. The 'siller, looking up and realizing that he was caught, answered: "Yasair." After all doesn't it seem a little - y strange that some people are so slow i in learning what Is meant by the law" of prohibition? Yet they are learn- .jj| ing. be It ever so slowly. ^3 The etUI owners and operators sem to enjoy the "joke" as they call it) of xrtaklng whiskey and violating the State's laws. It la real ftmnr to them to make whiskey and get the .-j money for It (ever so easily) and ; keep the law fooled and blinded?all ;<j (Continued on page four.) us vkiai. in h1ctu hats a* * j by j. k. Hon. ,M^ ~ ?vj|

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