? LADIES KNIT MUFF LERS |j Colors Black, Navey, White, light Blue and Grey 29c to $1.50 'LADILS KID GLOVES, ALL LENGTHS Ladies Dress Gloves SI.00 and $t.50 Ladies Cape Gloves 51-26 and $1.80 Ladies 12 Button Gloves $8.00 Ladles 16 Button Gloves $3.50 Call at the Glove Counter and Get the Kind That Fit. Aft. Pictorial ? 1/ VTOYT Prompt Atlenjy". Review *? *AV_/ A I lion Given to PATTERNS. _ v, ? Mailorders. R asniuftton, IS. t. L-_ , - ~ i A DORP TOO MUCH. Tlvj mm who drops his insurance is guilty of a serious i!viisc;etion--'.K' has taken a "drop too much." Keep up your Insurance, and it' you have none, get some?the L5RAGAW kind. Wm. BRAGAW & CO., first insurance Agents In Washington, N. C. | SOTICL OF ELEC'T'liX. 1 The picture of the king of Spnln piicLlrg up uTid going home because he i hnJ a rcw wttn his mother-in-law i? All of the lanil owners within cw whlffb Irlr.gs borne the rympa I Brand Creek Drum.*- D,rr:ct. r.n.l! ih'? ?"*0"ch iuuke? ihe whole world kin ar:J all parties to IV proceeding entitled { i.ivr '? ceTrmr.ncr In the common uri "J. A. Wilkinson a;i?| others vs. W. 15.1 tngani'ia to mothers-in-law. Rodman and others, whoso In nils are' classified and assessed therein are J hereby notified thn: on election will: NoUilns Is more unfortunate, nothbe held a. Acre Station on the 29th ,B? '" "IT aaw*r,*?t* ?ta? er- mFtj,. UD cf interests In competition -sodh to b" appointed i;s the ileard j with one another and in hot opposltioa of Drainage Cor.1mls5ior.er3 of said I to one another.?Woodrow Wilson. District, pursuant to the derroc this day mad* i:i sai.l proceeding. Said! . .. . , 4 , , . Only a 1* ire Hero election will be conducted under the j supervision of Rev. Thos. Green aud j the three persons receiving the high lbnt the crowd chercd, as. with burner vote will bo entitled to-*p?int-|cd hands, he held up a small round ment as such commislsoucrsjfThe ] box FCi|0wa!M ho shouted, "this voting box will open at 9 a^A/T and , Buekeln's Arnica Salvo I hold, has close at 4 p. m. on the da)'<9f elcc-i eyf,rything beat for burns." Right! *ion- '.also for boils, ulcers, sores, pimples. inis ucioucr . tn. 1J1-. eczema, cuts, sprains, bruises. Surest GEO. A. PAl L, pile euro. It subdues Inflammation. Clerk Superior Court. .K-j.a paln 0n|y 05 cents at The "oWr Hardy's Drug Store. W I ? MR. P. ORLEANS Of the BAZAAR on Market Street has just returned from New York where he successfully bought In the latest styles of Ladles and Children's Millinery and Coats at 50 per cent, on the dollir. a .'so a fine lot of | Taiior Made Suits and Overcoats 9 At very low prices. A Big line of Men's Sample 3 Hats. Come at or.ee and get your pick. | THE BAZAAR jd .Market St. - Washington. N. C. | ER1VX!u?S^jT: .T. uZ?V?n>. JvTT7Tvlf*ZT.- ' -* *** AJTn fiTBBWMKi ^rx-Btro=3rTOr=raritr-. *^rnK>j.w tu~.~ n i i u i i mi m?i ii bi i imi ma i P PtiZU/V'li.W tr-TJr XiT. I.t*. VSZ. .OL man I III llll IM III ??I ! ! ! ! I jpicn jlj Wednesday, Thu | We Will Ha | Three Hundred Pictures in ail sizt Black and Gilt. A splendid lc I Smith, Christie, and N. Hoke, these pictures first prominence want them. Be sure and see ! Jeil The weather is nc to suggest some bring comfort ai ly think of FU We have a varied an< would be pleased to hav have the largest stock of Blankets a Ever carried. To see th come and take a look. JjwmtS i THE DEFtAFrrt W, j. BRYAN'S VOTERS OF ( By JcM'phus Daniels.) | New York. Nov. 4.?The following <1 Is W. J. Bryan's appeal to the people of the United States: c "To the People of the United States: a "On the eve of anther preslden- 1 I tial election with the day for choos- 1 lr?g a successor to President Taft but 1 a few days distant, 1 And the outlook * for Democratic success bright indeed. * i In no states that I have visited have i I found any indication that the elec- * toral vote will be given to either Taft | or Roosevelt. Democratic success I seems absolutely certain as anything j human can be. Everywhere hope is t I ascending and the very air seems sur-|j charged with (he spirit of approach- t 1 ing victory. t I "Of all presidential years within i j the past score, this seems essentially i to be Democracy's year and the only 1 ' danger of falling sort in this respect I lies in over confidence. During the < remaining days of tho campaign < every Democrat should be on his met- 1 tie and should work with renewed 1 energy and enthusiasm for the sue- 1 cess of the ticket?national, state and congressional. i "While we have a great deal to ' j overcome, our cause seems to have.' made such amazing progress as to ' furnish substantial ground upon!1 which to build a logical hope of tri-j' umph all along the line. Prom ex- ' haustive inquiries and personal ob- ' servation 1 am absolutely convinced P that the voters arc weary of Repub-1 llcan misrule and party strife and j are only awaiting the chance to instl-| tute a new and better order of things politically. Why Taft is Condemned. "It Is not strange that the voters' of the country should turn from j President Taft and rondemn his fail-1 lure to lead the peoples' fight for re-1* form*. But it is strange that any one!' one who opposes Taft should turn < \ to Roosevelt for relief. Colonel < Roosevelt had twice as long in which i to secure reforms as Taft had and t new he aaks a third term (and fce do s not know how many more he wants) ' In which to do what he com!I have ' done when he was Prcs'dent. After t giving us Mr. Tafi and then falling I o help liir.i to make good, he asks us t to accept him as his substitute for t rt jr.' rsday am Lye on Bis ^k^Jrom small tabk it in cold carbon el Splendid line of C i for these days. 1 them whether you * " ? ? lit, >w cool enough ,** thing that will L id we natural- ? ^,V \. !$V? j Us 5 th RS 1 i' T. ' ' ; . '# ^attractive stock and * e you see tham. We ^ Ol nd Quilts em m:j33 to buy, so #&* r STOfft Jx A V? =J.p, APPEAL TO P THE COUNTY* ci ' 03 Haft. Sould anything bo mora aulac lows? "Governor Wilson 19 tho only hope jy if tho nation if we would free our- Q, elves from the burden of taxes and he- menaces of monopoly. He is a e( >lg, brainy statesman and Datriot- 1 caliy a man who has the courage of q ?ls convictions and who, if elected, e] vil make this country one of the ^ >est and safest Presidents it has ever N Is \o Sham Battle. Jt "People of the United States, this ai s no sham battle. We are not drawn ipon dress parade. Wo arc a flghtng band that has been fighting for .ixteen years, and we hope to make his the last battle of a war for hunan rights and progress. The breastvorks of the enemy are crumbling q| >efore the onslaughts of a united and ? riumpbant Democracy and ere an>ther week has passed I confidently ^ ixpect to see the glorious banner of * Democracy floating from the shat- ^ ered ramparts of the daiorganiied Republican array. (] "I firmly believe in fair play and ^ in being charitable to a disabled op- p l>onept, ^ut when they tell me I aui .g striking a man when he is down, because I criticise the policies of Ropse- T velt asd his past and present atti- ^ udc !n the campaign 1 reply that _ brave men when the ygo into battle lo not put their wounded in front. ^ It is as Roosevelt says: s A campaign of issues/ not J men, and I-further say that it is a matter that must be decided ti by good, hard comon sense, not a ill sentiment; a question that S must be settled by the sane peo- s< pie of the country and not by a d maniac. fi "We arc at tho close of one of the e< rreatest campaigns the country has S iver known. I have not found it a t< .t? i> feu ui yuioc nuu uiuiifr, imiii. >n the whole, one of sober attention j ii and an apparent desire on the part of !ci hp voters to carefully weigh the is-: ii aues an dto exercise their Qod given tc ntelligence and prerdgaTIVg-tn-jwt? lir.g the great questions of moment tl hat now confront the people of these JnitPd States. In this attitude of | ho people I can see but one thing, j im! that i>; the elction of Wilson jp i J bS E n I Friday, jplay The i size to the larges tellings and erayom Comics and dining i Come early and ge buy or not. 'Jr.' \\ ^jsIrVafakd flghUnt r a principle. o'ufd tie Jn?t as sweet as if It *p? on the eve of victory. "Yours for a trlmphant Democ-} icy; ' ** I "WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN.'* DCIAL mm AT AURORA UST THURSDAY EVENING Thursday evening proved to he a lyous one for the yopng people of urora, when the young men of the lace gave an old-time oyster roast the Thompson Ginning Company's I ant. * " At 9:30 the purring of the ma- V lilnery was soon drowned by the Latter of the Jolly crowd as they lime trooping up. I The large bon-llre, at which the E later* were roasted added much to lie cheer of the fun-makers. I Theer were many burned Angers ? h well as Hps and tongues which ^ I ily made things merrier. I This high-spirited crowd consist- * II of Misses Cora Tames, Helen T lark, Julia von Eberstein, Hannah ^ Iuthrell, Emma looker; Bessie Gow 1-8, Garnet Bonner, Rebecca Bonner. I ary Bonner and Mlnta Bonner; I easrs. Hardy Thompson, Archie * lonner, Ralph Thompson, Hlriam ' lines, Henry Chapln. John Hooker ? I id Willie Selby. ? u port" Kico's New Womkr, ^ From far away Porto Rico come ports of a wonderful new dlacovry that i? believed will vastly bene- G t tbe people. Ramon T. Marchan, [ Barceloneta. writes: "Dr. King's ew Discovery is doing splendid ork here. It cured mo about five mes of terrible coughs and colds. Leo my brother of a severe cold in c la chest and moret ban 20 others. E 'ho used it on my advice. We hope j( lis great medicine will yet bo sold 0 1 every drug store in-Porto Rico." c 'or throat and lung troubles there t nothing better. A trial will conince you of Its merit. 50c and 11. rial bottle free. Guaranteed by he Hardy's Drug Store. | NOTICE, orth Carolina1?Beaufort County, uperior Court.?Nov. Term, 1912. ennle Edwards vs. Lewis Edwards. Tho defendant above named will ike notice that an action entitled as hove has been commenced in the uperior Court of Beaufort Cour.ty to ?cur? an absolute divorce from the efendant. The said defendant will jrther take notice that he is requir1 to appear at the next term of the c' uperior Court of Beaofurt County * ? be held on the 12th Monday after 1 ic first Monday in September, it be- ? ig November 2oth, 1912. ut tho C aurt house of said ennfv In W?oh. I lgton, X. C.. and answer or demur ) the complaint !u said action, or the lahitllT will apply to the court for io relief asked. This Octoh-jr 10th. 31*11. OKO. A. PAUL, C. S. C. 1 J-l 1-4 wc m ispi '! i Novemb se Three t wall size, in most s by such artists a room pictures. \ t your selection. .V 'O biers, ranging Th.e rainy seasc sity, not a luxury, the risk of contract Buy One Before THIE 1 The Home Of C fASHlKOTON PBODCCU UJUBI t SATpRDAY, NOV! 3. Ul8. JjJ 8K? 24 Cts. flic Chickens, grown, 40 cents. but Chickens, young, 25 cents to 40c. * c Wd* J 7c. tra1 tmb skins, each lOctoIOc ? hearlltiga 5c to 10c henp skins, each 30c to 00c allow .. . 4o. | ' ry nidea. d gwd. per 1*>.... ?c to Or " rcen Hides 12c. *er sain hint S6c feer skin Salt 1?< serein flint ..'? * eed Cotton 3 1-4 o4c. lb i? . Peas 31 -S bus. Jhsged lie. a. ii bus. **??*? .... Mr. J. P. Tajloe. returned from DEMOCRATIC SPEAKING. Th The Democratic nominees for onnty offices will address the cltiens of eBaufort County at the fol>wlns times and places. Other Demera tic speakers will meet with the Eindldates In the various precincts. Thursday, Oct. 31. Blount's Creek at it a. m. Chocowinlty at 3 p. m. (Mill.) TH Friday, Nov. 1. Tranter's Cr?#ek at 7:30 p. m. Saturday, Nov. 4. Beaver Dam at 7 p. m. LINDSAY C. WARREN, T|f Chairman Dom. Exec. Oom. Beaufort County. TRY A DAILY NEWS WANT AD L 1 5 or 6 doeses 88G will break any ase of Chills & Fever; and if taken hen as a tonic the Fever will not raurn. Price 25c. ^ WE WILL MAIL YOU fl >\ ilffe. Broken Jfwrfn. Precious Sioim. MONEY SENT IT RETt'RN MAIL PfcHs Svetrhw A RsAalns Com?.. ESTABLISHED 29 YEARL 863 Chtuamt St FMisdslpMa. F? Wf will hiy your Oold"Ki1inc?. Gold Sonip, " irni riitbbm. Hichm prion paid. ^ ' er 6, 7, a Days Onl modern frames of s Fisher, Bordeau, Ve will spare no s\ Have them put asi tUUP^ i I , f 1 \ I Ot?S2r I >n is now on :oat is a necesDo not take ing pneumonia. ^ It's Too Late 'laBj'' - -TP1 HUB PB ioocl Clothes & mMoH s ========= ,}r Cure for Snoring. >1gH tie Invention of a Uaht afeel bar t>? held against tive'upper ipa by npt to prevent person t frotx mor* Is nnnouticrd In the patent office. ' j many pereoa* are convinced that v ntwbar driven drftly lb*. j?h tbe I ftiwu U the oat7 mrrohnitfit run* ? ratiHiiE Coming. VAUDEVILLE ? lursday, Friday and Saturday UCDINV inVPC" rnruin juiiixj ie World Famous Peg Leg Dancer and Black Face Comedian. v ( .... 1 Motion Pictures t K WOOlS'O OF WHITE FAW3tr Puttie. THK NARROW ROAD, A lUograph. K SKETCH WITH THE THUMB PRINT, f Edison. MATINEE SATURDAY 3 te 5 P. M. MURSES FREF . - - v>. (mission - - - Sc. 4k. iO? ^ OPEN FROM 7:36 to lltW P. M. This Ad is Changed Da.'!." U'HSCRIBB TO DAILY NEWS. I & ) ; nd 8th ' y _ Oak, Brown, Hollar, Gene )ace to give . r i . + . P| II