II ft rAVrwws. *x?3KSit mmmmrnH L ; 1 ' ?1 U 1 ' " ,l==P=S=y I J IV j-i ' 1< : ''>. j| A Fire Tonight | might ruin you. Then it would be too late for faaur{ nee. Take it TODAY-WEDNESDAY. I Phone for it No. 59. ' I - WM. BRAGAW fc CO.. First Insurance Agents In Wsshingtoeu N. C. Rimtvr TO LIGHT' CON'ttt'M. lu toll. torrther witk a ctars? at tl Kits. tor i eccnncctlen. MtW . . W. CUTM8, Ordered by the Board of City Aid- Clerk, met, that payment of *11 light and H*3I Ime } gamer bills must be made and the " ssoaey deposited In the offlce of the tRY a DAILY NEWS WANT AD. ltaaleipal Electric Light Plant by 5 'dock P. M. st ISth of each an* Fon- m ***** 7-ttrr When a shameful plot exists be-all fail to pay hit. her. or Ks bins, tween livsr and bosrela to cause diathea the Superintendent Is hereby au- tress by refusing to act, take Dr. tiartsed and Instructed to dlwonUn- King's New IJfe Pills, sad end such mm tbe light or mover of such ens. *bUBe ?* 3ro?r ?7?l?in- T*** g?ntly 7 "7?? " ^ compel right action of etomsch. liver Mawr am-the morning of the 18th. ^ bowels, and restore four health uuttl rock b'lls shall have been paid and all good feelings, lie. at The Hardy Drug Store. I r _ _ _. ka Our Mahogany Bed Room Suits ====== ' . Are now complete again J after several I weeks of being broken up by the' many buyers. Why not exchange or sell some of your i olfOak Beds and Dressers and fUl the place wHh most modern and common sensed made T- ** bCOB'.WC > J f Mahogany - Pieces. 9; '' 1 o IBuy genuine mahogany and avoid Its getting old or out of date. We also have in a good assortment of old pieces In Chairs, Rockers, Tables,^Settees, etc., for Xmti trade. JEFFERSON FURNITURE CO. i i i ISTEVE^fs] t- 11. W-.J- I ff??n jr?uiv?11 wuo ^ B00^ Bun an ideal Xmas present for the man or boy who enjoy* hunting. C. Surprise him with a STEVENS P 0 ll\: No. 520 Repeating Shotgun?Nmtmrmi s*mUr~N"' BatkM'~ T&*iw* I <t See this gun at our store, IfbjL If H ARRjS^HARjaWARE f- i JL LIONJWOOD ?Members New York Cation &seba^~JANB;?% COLF V J. LEON WOOD & CO. \ J B ANKERS and BROKERS. v 1 N*citt, Bonds, OaMrw, Grain mmd* P?Mb>OM. Tt Fhnw St.. \ ft 1 Prtrats wirtt.to \ m York Stock Exchange, Now York tW ) Bp ft Try the Dally News And Get Reuslts ^ w. foi, Any ?.Im1 (.d on oonaUlt. ou.kt! 3tr.tchlti( th. imiln.Uor, will not uk. both end. m?l. On th. best at bud, that tba hognd tor better may come. Keep a keen lookoot tor the sharper, 0 you'll know him on Bight The farmhand la so cloae to nature s heart that he can hear It beet. When the harness !a stolen, not a trace of It Is left by the thief High thinking Is In no way respon Bible for the coat of high Wring. Many a man who thinks himself Strong-minded la only bull-beaded A notary public will aekaowledge a bad man's good deeds everytlme. - J A full market seldom has anything la common with a full pocketbook. Comfort Is better than a lawsuit orer the disposition of the property. That crop pays bedt which withdraws the least fertility from the soil. It Is better to be thinking than T drinking, even during carulr%l time. H The best way to conserro our foresta is to build homeB with the tlm- t( bee. Failure overtakes the man whj la ** going down hill?never the man who ] is climbing. Running expenses that try to keep pace with fast living are sure to keep a man behind. The boy who spends ten of his best ** years sowing wild oats usually reaps ?" screenings the rest of his life. ** Th? consumer oars a dollar for n' food; the farmer get* toss than 60 * cents for It? Who gate the rest? a It la a fine thing to have a grant A thought, but St la a much finer thing b to paaa a great thought on to other*. c n CO-OPERATION IN FARM WORK ? levers) Line* Indicated In' Which *' Principle W?M Help Farmer* Financially and Socially. ^ ' a . The American farmer is *low to j, appreciate co-operation a* applied to _ farm work, and ha cannot grasp it at ell unless ha 1s Imbued with an alt rule{lc spirit, a disposition to help his _i neighbors as well ah ftldisclf, and thus InDfill the Golden Rule. {( up Until comparatively revent years v tba farmer has bean obliged to depend d OHi htmaejr All through the last fl century he has made his living by 0 muscular labor and his wealth by tbe t( advance In the price of land where tt the - land was good. His Isolation n has compelled Mm to rely largely on e himself and has made Mm what the f, scientists call an individualist, a man who rellea oa Ms own unaided , strength and resources. The time has r pome, however, when cooperation la B quite as necessary aa Individual effort a bas been heretofore. u I am not advocating what (a usually i, called eooperation la buying and soil- ? lag, lu operating creameries, in die- ? posing of live atoek, but minor or i, leaser forma of neighborhood a sals- J: Unce In farm operations, writs* W. H. t tJndensood to the Michigan Farmer. We. as farmers, should leant to wcrtr \Jk jt I V'-rf I "My goodness, you don't ni "Makes about 100 cups? V "I^t's see, that's about half "And you say it's in powde of hot water makes Pos "Well, that surely would be "Oh yes, some members in with coffee, and it's fin? break down the nerves, "I'm glad jou brought ton \ye Jmyg them "D A/4 ti|n/?lr D|. ' ' Misses and T | see our line. ' Jkmm S. t ' ''' ) each other's hanA? as we have ' * ever done before;and I venture to ! dlcato several lines In which co-op- ,f at ion Will not only be mutually help>1 in a financial way, but vastly Imrov . social conditions as well. The purchase , of farm machinery. ? hlch the shortage of labor absolute requires. Is becoming a very heavy " urdrn on the 80-acre and quarter ** ctlon farm. Farming cannot be done nar as It was a Mir century aco with At plow or twj, on- harrow, a wagon, horse-rake, a cradle and a scythe. hay-losdei. a corn' harvester. a Under, two or'threo Jilterrnl kinds r plows, narrows ana rollers are ceded. ' V" C ' Jli The alio has dome Int6 general use! r. od a si lags cottar and come kind of j.? over to run It la required. A manure . p reader and mnin drill are needed JJJ bather the farm la a 40, en 80. a arter section. a half section or a see- * on. Now there la no necessity for ny one man owning aft these tools. *n y a little planning two farmers, or J? crhapa three, cam use one corn bar- 10 eater, one allege cutter and power, cd by combining labor can fill thelg Lloa at minimum expense. *h On the small fgnn there la do need J jr every man to own a grain drill. Pith a little management one grain ?g rill will do th?-?rdrk on several small 81 irma. It can usually be arranged for thl no man to buy the drill and thereat co >. pay a stated price per acre for the fln e of It. Tbo gome la tme of tha ? rouure apraadar. .Khough I. think ??rr formar raollr ought to kove on. P* Jr hltua.lf. "I There I, no nead of farmars along > T* traight rood to town having hod oadc. cicapt, parhopa. for a abort of ortod In th. aprlng. ff thai will ,k Imply agree to bring pressure to bear V1 pon the overseers to put that road a order, and thea jtgree among them Ives that they will drag It after .u* very rain and etpry thaw there wtfl ? e no difficulty, about getting to town wi a comfort ten or . eleven months ol nr be year. til tb W 'qBafi " prrt*- jffsfe ? * .*-<> A ! *. ___ A IV ean to tell mo that little can c Veil, that's different." a cent a cup." r, and a little over half a teas) itum instantly, and with a pe a comfort." most every family have store ; to havie a snappy beverage A4wr TS' Thin 19th day of November. 1911. GBO. L. aWINIMELL, Committtouer. IT V P -.I. P 1 I I I 'V I m I wmf'ft' r*- -wiXAQ'l " V:'l >' ': y WTv-' ' II -.H ^OH COTTOW PUNTERS They Should Succeed They Must Adopt Methods Used by Bi0 Corporations, $ays Carter. J - >+.*? ' I'U' . V While In Baltimore recenllj T. W rter ct Jachiou. Kin., prMldMl TOM- of the nirfU'n of ^rfVuoMhT tth* *fr- Carter Is elao pr.sf4.ot of U. monaj Warehouse company which an off.hont cf the onion tni which f. 'founded for the purpose of ss'tlhg ihn southern planters In U. irkettng of ifcclr chief crop. r c Tbe colton plan term," said Mr. rter, "can only succeed t>y adopting ? method, used by th. great busl ss concerns of this age I do not for to monopolistic combinations, I to tbe approved. up-lodate thods that successfal corporations Ploy. Individually the produces wn on par plaouutna la too feeble protect himself: be Is usually beri eased for cash and la forced to sell i bales for whatever the buy* coses to offer. It Is high time 1m ? down the curtain on such n has.' reus epoch of agriculture. Re* | Idling that the Individual In power 1 ?. the producers hare at last saaw it their only eolation Use in theti | llectlve strength end that safety and j auclal Independence can only ha, Ined through concerted actios, "The plan of our warehouse opm-, ny, which Is bat three years old. end j to this time In operation only la: anee.ee and Mississippi. Is baaod on > e ownership nadonafml by the ntslan; about 1.6*0 warehouses scattered | rougbout ell Use states of the aoeftt. ir aim la to remedy the present factive scheme of selling by Indues?Yb:rrw\::b:r. tSLsrs odlng the market as they do now Ith cotton Jaat aa aoon as It la **tbed and ginned. Naturally the glyt. XC of the market at the opening of ? aeaaoo caaaea g&cta to drop* and ost Fifty Centa?" f - : : ' mnnfnl cttrrM in a run rfect flavour?" ' inch or nervous trouble like Postum that don't . ivii uiiu^iu ouiiir Of Our I -j. Aluminum Ware? w >yjj icri) .? Twenty ?o twenty-five per cent reduction from regular retail price. Come and see the line of Roasters. ... . 7. v-vMtKEH-IieijUKNIj KMHMIE 711!' ' ;= U> ero?.c?r la kapt IB " k aiate bl 1 poierly Bat tha National Waraboaaa mucins M par cent of tha mine of I the amount stored. and Ikaa rename , tha producer while ft alio malaUlns . an equilibrium of prions hp heepfns " the Mies off the market at a time wbea there la UttU or no demand. ' Stability of ealaaa la more daalr- 1 i Inclade* a aUndardlMtlfen of ware- < hw?? receipt* wllck will be recor . nixed In erery pa; of tbo cotton belt . There to *o better collaUral on earth ' than thto feecy at?B. and tha nei 1 ; lately masters of the eHaoOoo?the | elect of the whole ajrartan Mother- i hopd-for they are almost tha aola makers of h era* that ttrHtaad hnmanliy meet hare regardless of coet I here been talkfu alimt eoltoo. , bat there are other Ulnae Id which , the baleful !ofinance of tha middleman , la jaet aa easily demonstrated What KSSB8S2: what makes there Inflated prleeaT I can ronch far It. belac a fanner my- < elf. that the rrower, of (rain and I trolls nnd ?eaet-,ble. ar. not reaplnt < any fat returns. Ail oyer the eouth , potato*-" are allowed to rot In the Beldr. and erce paachea am-fcft un- ' picked oa the trees when they ire In 1 keen demand In the cities of tho east ' sad north. The espMoatlea la that I them Is no profft to tho prodncer, hat I that all tha Unsocial nolo accrues to , the different middlemen who stand between the produeer nnd the Dhblle. Railroad rata# are not to bo blamed. Ibr they are not unreasonable. but when a htavy toll la takan by four or five different partlea handllna the atuir ere the last retailer's tax Is added, what bopo haa the purchasing pnbllc of a fair deal? 1 repeat, that the eslortlotiulo prices now being levied j on tho necessities of life are the direct reaolt of addons economic.system It can be ended only when those Who produce can sell directly, or as near as possible, to the army of consumers . The Idea that the tariff or the Increased gold production haa anything to do will, tha rldlcnloua raise >n the rt st Of living may sound well, but It baa no baala In truth ' | < ^UM0Vy DUCka' I and MO ba kept with rhkltenr. el tt.J .'on1', dirty the dr).nkln? v.War Tbar **"!t ?m pettbaa with chii-Vett* Altb'iuth of a nOlat di.poa Hon h?j era p?et fllern At layera. tbe> ur? inn nndabln Tha lao.il fine -art.' ?y aatlv. u wnrni < i : > don't i pre cnM Waal r Hit* other (It not tit raada ol dunha, n. loot ir. .?w tit t - Enc. m to contain, t- ii - iM I TMb :rt <UT of I ml,or. 1912. Columbia, p?^ I W/ISHINGTON. N. C Cltekeoe. TcM?*i ft c?ti ty ?* ^ Iran Hldra ?. ..lie.. tzt?Sfe:;:::::::::S 3wr kklkHat Ik. *>? cottom^s.s-rr t:i.? ?.?? ? ~ ? ?r 1mm ill Jltkiuk UJ I WK CW?r * *#?*?? **4 n'Ukw s.Mi,rsi*'I EXECUTOR'S? XOnCK. Harlas UK d*r <B*lWN4 u th? jxecutor to the last will aad ttstaneut ?f the late Feaner B. oilfor* *tate, this is to notify all persons laving data's against said estate topresent same on or before the Idth. lay of November. lt?, or this no- [z ice will be pldaded la bar 6f thJr 'ecevery. All persons indebted tohe said estate are hereby noUfted to stake immediate payment. This tha V 18th day of November. 1912.; M. E. GUILFORD, ' 11-19-6 wo Execntor. MOTION PICTURES "'VAUDEVILLE TONIGHT.

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