No. Ill Bui Water BtntU j|,; 2 kk ? Motored it icctnl'tliff matter II r Auauwt 5. 1?0?, at tho potaofBce at j; Wa?h>o?ton^N, C.. under the act of 1 Oat Month hi IwaI " M\ Iteur Months ..^.,^.<....'1.11 K BIX Months fcft | Oae Yf&r 1.00 r Subscribers desiring the papor dlaf .continued will please notify this ot? Boo on date of aspiration, otherwise K- It win ho continued at regular aub f. ' esrlpiion ratos until notlco to stop ft received. y -11 1 -. 9" - HU XI yon do not set tho Daily News Bp_ prompakr tolephna or writs tho manl spor. and the complaint will rscslre R immediate attention. It is our destro to please you. U W : All articles sent to the Daily News for ^publication must bo signed by V the Srriter. otherwise they will not . be published. TUESDAY. JA&. 21. 1913. HASKllAl?l. PAYS. Are you a lover of baseball? Can your town support a team In an EastEj\ era Carolina League? Come to Frlf" the town hall liM l?t i,m have ynnr view as to what limits within which ou: league should confine itself. In the way of salaries and other exlenses. If the association is ojl^tanItrd upon conservative lines, the sport may be had without great loss of Dcney, as has been the case iu this secCon in some instances heretofore. Kething udvertises a growing town ike a baseball berth tn a lively league. The standing of the various clubs is puMshed all over the state, and in .. mtc; papers in far-away States.- The v\ Kt'S1 ~al public? both that half of it f- \ wh.Tb is bast-ban mad and that which J t? aot unconsciously comes to" know J, yo..r town us t.tte of the leading six| or right ctios of your section. Washington has had so rue clubs in ?!? " past which did not pay financially ?that is to aay. the.Cbrouglu no direr: prnPt. Onr should think twice b?-*T?. stating that this money wus a! tot..; ic?>s. or thn' It did not ultit't.i** !> bring in good divd'*nds I'osr probably !iiv-rp w:l! lie an Kav-rr. ?'uroliiiii l.?-aguo next surohm . and if Washington is not in it) 111*.; :,- ,t di.-tanee w i i I get the. in -even though if be unr juir- - Wftsiiingj.-in is r.ot anions th? ]?titling cities of Eastern CuroUna.* cities where the spoil nowl pn>s direct and handsome returnsi have had trcuhle in supporting climbs in ifie past lint the niclt behind the teuras were 'ar-slghteil enough to recogriie" even a club losing money as a paying investment. . - i . 1.4*T III' H\/1|I.IIT /.<I\K. ? v The anti-trust bill offered' by former speaker K. J. Justice will leave no '.sop-hole. provided of r " course, it .rafely run* the gauntlet of the Supreme Court. Such a State law might be the means of reaching small?but none the less odious? trusts in respect to which the na{ * . tlonal law would prove an imweildly f . Instrument of attack. w J. Hryan used to talk a lot 1,-".' ?wtlielir ^one." 'lie complainVd that "hen an individual State jumped, cm an illegal combination its attorneys would.-ontend that it came under direcf*f'iurIscficTTort*"7>? the central government, while Whenever the nation took anion if was maintained that regulation was the province of the State; and the ootcptis rested serene and secure upon the tagile boundary line between State and jjation Between both ;t State and a na, ilonal law. it looks aj. .. lie tainoui"twilight ZOtie". ought to be pretty well jammed out of existence. WILSON Xl? KXTRKMKST. | President Taft is showing himself ?*"" k a good loser by his repeated courteous references to Mr. Wilson; indeed, rguch Is his admiration of Wilson and his policies that one' is almost incllne<V,to wonder why he didn't vote for Woodrow. In his recent Philadelphia speech he advts?is the incoming gr ??administration..to_"keep to tup midI' rile of the road*' ?exactly what Wllxon has been proclaiming all aong as his plan. ? ' , At varlons stages of civilization there have been two violent parties. r* t?arti expending every drop of energy jfc". in huring invective* at the other.and In nearly every c?m the truth is seen, L in the clearer perception of future generations, to lie about midway between the two extremes. The midrile of the road is the hardest to travel. since one gets the brick-bats from both edges, as Wilson Is now receiving tliem from the KcptHriicans and Moosers?-but It is the^^mly way leading to real same tanglbR^rtfeulta. i";' ~ "Tt Is far easier to be an extrem?*fc A - v^ohderfUl fddeinc ??f thp sfahlHy of l- Democratic government In this coun. ' try in the cool-Hea'rtedness of the American people In their overwhelmp ' lng decision to travel the middle-of J . th? road with the Democratic randlcT, date. 8& Wilson's phrnKP. : animated mod^rWStj,^ atlon," is one that will live as an integral contribution to the language. I N m>D,v oi trtir Sprii Think of it. Stw you'll never regret ed for eotatfort Ixxa wild u 11 junt an to e and disagreeable % knowingly selected such a grave mist a! hMo, health. pleasu follow. The know! going to lie rapidlj Then the dista; amount to naught. ' "worth while" nd<i X It est fill Seen CEMENT > -4 tli mrvniv: a * ir n MUL WALKS HI a< v- ^ . V jrift'iri'-MiM-. iiMtul wfiwrv. will ntnkc |?v. ji?y?oi? t??lks. l?uovr?l up hv tin* pu vivihi? .lu-r-j'rci- nir. where nature'.-4ai Iit?? will U* ??li!?-il aiel these i 11*11 rim r" loTtin rnim-i'.H iit-fil* e "high ?pu That'- whaT Washington Park stain' It that'* what*v??n think lhi? lif?- ?.\vi i-fi ji- to try < get ii from i|itnrtor* t lia*. i- iiuiv ami always will again*! liv wUe to your own Uvt inteio-l an ting a Select Wii^hiiipti'ii I'ark The Frenrh national election hae ant soc passed off with a number of rhal- and wh lenges and duels, even to the point of reasons the Premier challenging the former hare th Premier. Mark Twain once wrote an lasting amuBDg account of how he acted as visitors second in a French duel. After the two principals had been stationed They nearly out of sight pf each other, he parcel got directly behind his principal, as tests gc the only absolutely safe "place. The infant I two pistols went off promptly, and his principal, a very smut geillli luuu, collapsed with fright, and yelled. "I die thtat France might live." as he "toppled"over backwards, squashing Wasl poor Mark Twain beneath his cullura weight. wp ye8l Mark Twain writes that he war and Mf, then escorted proudly off the field of ^0n'0j honor by an army of surgeons in at-^ppPaia tendance, who cheered him as the, <;on? first man hurt in a French duel in KC^edu] forty years. duct ion *??= = Repr The case of Edward Myllus. who |.ouieia has been barred froVn the United mont> States for libelling King George, de- tton of spite the fact that he can return to j^uiaia England without being molested by'LoC|ie the Ilritish government, suggests aled the striking difference in the kind of free- J protect dom'enjoyed in the two countries. No <jrj anarchistic meeting ran be broken up Urea In England just because It is a? an- mittee schistic meeting Policemen are on compar hand to maintain order, but as long and BU as the crowd behave themselves the sneaker can cry "Down with thej -wh King." till he is hoarse, and advocateIjxjulsla the abolition of law. In an Amerl- fre<, of can city a squad of policemen could | and probably would, break ?p such a annlhil gathering and arrest any speakers in- nB8g t citing to sedition. conditii It by no means necessarily followT occurre from this, however, that England Is the wJt freer than the United States. Amer- , lea b#ing fundamentally a ft^e coun try, takes It as a matter of course that lawlessness and exhortation to lawlessness shall be put down wit^ a firm hand. f There are few- towns possessing l?k? such a favorable reputation over the JU gtsu- as Washington. Tell anybody arc Roitifrto Washington. for the first ?? odd tlnip and be your Interlocutor physi- wl1 clan, lawyer, minister. business mgn, or traveling salesman. you will us- WIW ually get the reply. "Well, you are '^wl going to one of the moat delightful llMrwt spots 1 know of. "You will hear that Washington is famed variously for ?ir??lrT pj^tty girls, beautiful streets, pleas' . . ; ' J i . . 0 This year there are to be many honied erected in Wjisluug11 Park. and located that the pure, refreshing, health-giving turner Southern breezes swooping across the duft-free iralico will make the home moat delightful. Nerei again 11 those people have that awful dread of the coming Spring <1 Summer as do those living in thickly built sections, where e little air they get is watched t\y, passing over hot streets id kitchen stove pipes and this hot air With the duet it gaths is anything hut refreshing. Comp*rc the difference and member where one cannot getthe \tnobatructed breeze,ml days are hot.* iuid" thfcu? ?~ ' ly. Ponder.?then if you choose the beat Lthough if you digregard the home selectiuso Its a little distance, don't be so unfair ; ~ ver again complain of stiffiug, ho V dusty . ' ceather, because it was your choice: you such a homusito. Now don't you lAnke kc. First seek ttouifort and being cdrnferb* re and good folks will learn the secret and lodge of. what Washington Park really is is learned and appreciated, ncc boog-a-bear will take its place 'and. as compared with the mauy excellent _ . intfpn. of W.utiiwptow Pflfk, - ' Btv fey? pry a Tootc for Ttred Nerrc*. Arrangements are Wing uiado to have Cement Sidewalks - . id in Washington Park. This work is to begin as soon a# t- r 10 freezing danger has passed. Those sidewalks will make alking easier and us the present sidewalks of Washington ic! those of Washington Park aVe brought together, it will Id to shorten the walking distance to and from this comrtable homesitc property. Then telephones and automobiles e great aids to shorten distance. Our cement sidewalks and many homes so delightfully lea-ant. affording a vivw from which one looks out upon ? colony of inily hn]?- _J i \il? nttim:. ln*;ilt 1;- t ..Jf vitality, pwr- , rc that tlc.-irrtl |H nr H a *? .vhrrc ?u*li cnnHiiioni -uch a quality lift'. ,1 lo-r ,,n time il. ThMt XUm it?-^.\>'t at ullcC. ? ; : A.. C. HATHAWAY ial life, oysters. old t?mUt?>a STOP THAT at not. But for one of these! BKFOWK IT STOICS YOll or another, the town stoma to le happy faculty of making ?| ^|U|f ^^ >|M||a|B|r favorable impression u?w|HlwilBT UArUUIHC Es'sEiErE^'^ia^^sFi are trying to mail babies by post. Now natch some proi up jjgalnsi government aid to ndustrles. Our IVfa i'AL UV TARIFF OX FOOD IS OPINWKD. | ^ J TT^ lington. Jan 21.?The agrt. "aT" JLm.vftj I schedule of the tariff came ^ erday before the Hause Ways J ans Committee. It is the por- ??????? the Payne-Aldrich lan which most to farmers Are now complete ? bf the provisions of the v i_ weelt? r?f heino hrrtken is from the Dinglej I.e. eRS Why nol exchang H t > T ,v..- P.rrm--nrn Of . . _ _ na. W. Tl. Dunlap, of Bean- | old Oak. Beds and ei rex.,, preeident ot ... a?ocl.- moal mo4ern (ind rice producers in Texas, ,na and Arkansas, and 8. , P>r?*aux, of Near Orleans, want- m m g present tariff maintained to lV|^||10yfifty rice growers against labor of J ent, nx .nd members o( the com- Buy genuine mtthOI got into argument orer the atlve. need of duties on rlea I ting old or out of dati gar. Finally Representative good assortment of Old yrth asked: , at would be the effect on , CTS, Tables, Settees, etc na of making rice and sugar [ 7*" - ' ~ ?? duty-" ' Lhe effect is no serious as to ata the and sugar huaV> - r, ., . , . hen Uul.lM. will be In ? JEFFERSON FT 3D ot dl.tree, such a. h?a not *"? * d atnee the ClTll War," said ] ? nesa. ! rnggaim ' 1 " e -- ' ' i^x -?, . ? 1 j ! A?w *erietjat?toCk i ,i.un,. Tr.."'/^^^ ! I AND LOAN ASSOC1A o think must not let hentUohe on- . 11 SSSSSfflS:: ?K3?S msH su ^ KCHpPKAK PUX %t?60 Per Dmy ud lp | xTZio' ^ .? i. - '?^ rJ^-JL^rtxr.t MMI. ((cowmM tafld rWdac New Yort CHy-Upr. L'poa if<iur?? ky truer or Telephone )W|UbNUNr(.taNM|e?BMeT? v-> V..-7-^* ' -' r ~ pu ^ ... has HARK. \. C-\DWPLL \ ' -." ' ^ L; DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notlce is hereby giTea to all pej one that the partnership heretofore L. Satryer ~|md W. A. SPS this day been dlakolred. N. L. Bawrar kartac bold t)? ' Intdreit^la tke aaid ~Etmln?aa ta W., A. ?cott. Tki businese will hereafter be Ooattucted by the-eald W. A.SeotA ^Hh when all pereoo. Indebted to tbe'aald partneraklp ahoulS aettie, and the aald W. A. Scott aaaamea all iadehtedneas of the aald partnership. This tad day or January, IMS. ' / N. L. BA^llpcV' 1C a orw 1-2-tfc -n: NOTIC E OF BALE. ' Under a power of sat3 contained in a certain d#s<L qf trust esecuted tc me by Efflingham Tuthlll and wif^ dated July 2th, 1899, and* recorded in fhe Register's office of Hyde County. In Rook B. page 16&. I win hell on Monday. February 17, 1918, at noon nt the Court House door In Hyde County to the highest cash bidder <1 tract of land on Ockraeoke Island and In the County of Hyde ^nd more particularly described as follows: It being on Ockracoke Island and being all the lands allotted to Malse? Williams in the division of the lands of Thomas Wahab. Sept. 30. 1837. See a ded to the said Malsey recorde# In Book 4. page 397, and being the same lands described in a deed o1 trust from the parties of the fifet "part to the party of the second parf, dated March 4^ 1899, and recorded in Book 6. page 24. of Hyde County Records, which Is referred to for f description of said lands. TMs January 17. 1913. W. B. RODMAN. ' l-17-4wc / Trustee. STOCKHOLDERS MEETING^ The *nnup?me*Ung of the stock holders^Ftne Home Building 4b Loai AsspdCation will be held at the bank , ^n^-keuee of the Savings & Truai Company oa Thursday, January 33d 1913, at 4:8# p. m7 JNO. B. SPARROW. Secy 1 ?>-?>C-*fr \ i hogany m Suits 1 again after several up by the many buye or sell some of your, ssers and' fill the place common sensed made I - Pieces. {any and avold^lts gets. We also have In ^j ; pieces In Chairs. Rcichfor Xmas trade. : JRNITURECO.|| .r.n ? !?rr r -y mv liMftUIHi* POME : ?s* : V* \ nXOmprf* '0 n Tlff/^IOME # ~ V# '* >/ 1 ; ^iviriyiifiiVafeh-M 5 I Chilly Mornings I . _- - _ _ I I m TWT* la 1 - the house at the proper I ? temperature, gan't tight I * the furnace yet as ft lir 1 ^ 1 ' tCP ^-arm during the * * fmlddle 3f the aay. but soma heat Is needed tn 7T the morning and after . jtoidown.- - ti * Wt Use a Vulcan : Odorless Gas : * pr. Heater : ? A ^ * C" ^ -r " ^Wmjn * JBppW.. _ Makes a roam cam- ~ f ortable in five ! Positive^ Odorlew - V 1 Washington UgHvS^Wshtr Co. ' NOTIOK. y Notice Is hereby Riven to the cltl sens or the City of Washington, that the Board of Alderman thereof, will * * ! present to the General Aaaembly of ~ ~ ' North Carolina, a bill asking to be jQj auiBOriiM' to icbmlt to the voters [ of said city the question of Issuing * 8 bonds for Water Works, Sewerage * } i System. Fire Alarm System. and to # . build an extension to the Electric Light Plant. a . i This 16th day of January. 1913. COLLIN H. HARDINQ, Mayor. l-16-30tc ? Dr I WE WILL MAIL TOC Si 1 ' ^ ; r~; MONXT MKT BY umxiuiL t Phils. SmM? It 1 gin Cii?T A m Wf will bur j-o? ReU PWatt. Oold Scnp. ??rVrtt???. HlaW* ipicm P?U. 1 ""* ? NOTICE OK niKSOU'TlON. - To Whom U May Cunt'ern. Krt? Notice is hereby given that the co partnership heretofore existing under * * the name and style of "C. G. Morris ? . Sc. Company." doing business in the city of Washington. S C.. la thin day * Oi mutually dissolved, the said co-part- * nershlp having* beep composed of ^ Coolldgo G. Morris and DeWivt C. g " floss The said DeWltt C. Ross retiring from the said business, and the same * * will be hereafter conducted in the * name of and by> Coolidge G. Morris, m and hll debts and obligations due and owing by the said firm of "C. Q. Mor ris St' Co." are assutoed and Will be * paid- by C. G. Morris, and all debts, * accounts and choscs in action due ? and owing to the aaid firm of "C. G. Morris St Co." are the property of, - anil Will ho rrJWfatt hy P (V Mnr ris. . This January 16th. IBIS. _ _ c. a. bttXis. " 01 UeWITT C. HOBS. * Tl 1-14-S0tc W ? t ,1 f,? ?' WASHINGTON PRODUCE MARKET _ . TUESDAY. JAN. 81, 1813.. ~ " <U> '7. .. 2?e Bi Chickens, young, ... 25c to 4?< Chickens, crown .. ?. >. .... 44c ; Shearing. CO le 18c _ ^48*^ .. . . .Ic It Ha . My Beet Wax ,?7c. 2 Sheep aklnt, each 119 to M> .. Tallow-.. . j.i.a. Dry tint hidee, per lb J&. jf* Dry kMea. d'ead, per lb .. ,.dc to ?c . flwea wtHnd kiln..-.i . la 1-1? rf?feen Hitfe* a . :... ... ..1?< Dear akin flint 3Sc Dew akin Bait ISc 'Seed Cotton.. .. .. 3 1-t to dclb B E. Peon , .?lJl*?a . . t - a as ?<)? ? DiMOumtMl a The law firm heretofore practicing " In the Superior Court of Bepufort V County, exclusively, which Ma been " styled Stewart A Thompson, has this - *nJ-Vwu 0eeui?ro trwitwrm, M Inward L. Stewart, will jmntinne j Remain In the practice at X^ora. N: P C., as heretofore. ' ^ | ?r Browm's Pw ytawL | I C. Rodman, " wpf" ' ' !\?i "L' llc r/- ! 'MM? ^?l*OB<!ri|1^<rtW | ? % ' a * : 9 0 m * I . ; I I ?w H. Bom ilWMI M !? I -J I WASHINGTON, *. O. -? . * l ??? I I aLrmunim, raiiHSaff^ ; 1 WAAHINOTOW, V. O. ?a?a. a ??*?m .' m k m EttkSTln all the Court*. Hlb H. Small A. D. Marians * TIarry M61WW ^ MtTw M MrMirttna Attontyt-ftVUw * Waabla*tOB. Noi.ii Coroltao 111 - _ m -r .. ytr . * *"" "5" ' jr 7- o HARRY McMUIiliAN, Attorney-at-I*aw. . Rodman Bid*.. B. Main St. * Vashjngton, Nort^ Carolina. * ? ? ? ? Iwarfl L. BtownrC o " ' 1' "'~ls?i2?5f: it/o " w " RTKWAirr * Liaomwmm Attonoya at Mr. roehiagtea aa? iirm. At, * 0.0 rirmi iiibiw 'mZ u? iu"mmSHSm " Boom tail. WMUoctao. It. e. ?2 ?????? ?tz NORWOOD U SIMMONS iUVWMULav Washington. N. C ? 1 . ' * * a TBOS. g. LONG, tlfnrn?r.itil?w ...... zns."?c.: nut Building. Frmcttoes In all * *t? Coasts. N . ... j - icycles! Bicycles! not niirim >i> OTy Ult. NtOT'Ml. MotMMIII. ; , . ' , ; .1 r^lr. OT. OTI i. ft CtrtLER 114 Market St WASHINGTON. N. C ' ar~j .1 1< i* I li if' > " r>r >? .' ' ' fr " " fa. . rn ;

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