Pjv about 1?. years of age. rinder regf < tuT*JBp tills office and be rewardyj ed. 1-21-Stc w FOR xtyi:?rr. bukhklh hk> 1 ?rs, jJNiWB froiH toobte ear seed k stecjg^alsed 111 bnahels on. ose XS ?r? WW rear. M.7B H> buikala. JB- *. R delletoua Park Chapa. ('kipped W? Beef and Bsaaleaa Braaktaat Bar ?? I 1 long etaple cotton ?Wd. AJTOP J. u. Mayo, south Creek. If. C. 1-18-lmp i'ttfiiM 4? CENTO gi AKT. I'HDXE 2711. Mrs. Parker. 1-16-tuesdfrI-tfc ,m ford farm 6f the late Fred Wolfanf dea, located one-half mile from ' G'hocowlalty, containing 200 acres | of cultivated laud, one large dwelllog house en same. In good conditio a, several outhouses and. barm. Vse of woodland given for j. 'flre-wood and other necessary farm purposes. Possess ion given at | ' occe. Rental for $900 cash or $1.T 000 en time with.approved security. 8ee Harry Cavthorne, Adair., Chocowlalty. N. C. or N. I,. Slm^ moas, attorney, Washington. C. 1-lC-lttc WHEN *0? PIRE MILK that is clean to drink, try it from the Star aDiry. Ring J. B. Feed's ^ phon\ 8-15-tfc FOR RENT?THAT LARGE. OOMmodious brick atore next to the < Market House on the corner of Market and Water streets, with he privilege of wharf. Address s5r. Ira M. Hardy. Klnoton. N. C. 12-2-tfc f*-7': * "Henry," sakl Mrt. H nbea* auxftonslj. "I ain't one of. ;hoae peoptr who worries very much, but I don't like the idea of our son . rtSor~becoin"| -^1^1 |-,p thooe M"1 i " j - "Who said he was g-ior to he on, . aviator?" asked Mr. Ho -beak. "Well, beros Couth Bill .wrlttygl that we'd better put a <"b on Arthur: " says lie's Hying awful $!:rh for a : I { Liked the Family. IF I "Dick proposal to me last night" [i 1 "Whit M pen tell him?" [J *' "I said he had better ask ( * .'And what do yon think the wretch \ aaidr I "Goodnesr knows." iu "He said be had asked her already sndshe woAfdfi't Ufa lull.1 l L BXMOTOB8 NOT1CB, P Having thli day quallflad an tha f~3 ascntor to tkt laat will and tesUmanl of tho lata Jeaat W. Maora, duawd, W alt parson, Indebted to Mo estate an r requeatod ta mtka Immediate sautsmaat with me. and tkoaa holdlnj claims agatnet Ma estate am noCMt). ' to dla tba same with me. dntv Itemtied add vartfled aa praacclbad by law, else this AoUe* will o? pleaded In bar of their recovery. This 2?th day of Deeemher. 1?11. IXO. V. MOORE. 1 Executor of J coo# W. Moore. Dec'A IMMwp IT"' \ - WOWCE. .^ " Besufort County?8 u per lor Court-^ Before the Clerk. dmnad A Edwards vs. E. D. Gaylord. and all other heirs-st^ Oaylord. if any. nam ea and residences Tot? are hereby notified that an ac. Hon has been Instituted by this plain^ V tl*. for'fhepnrpoee of telling for s v division, the interest of Boasns or Lursaa Oayiord. d.as.asd, tn lot. Wo 1 . ?? MeNatr Town, Washington. N. C, Beaufort County, N. C., on the 2Sth day of February, iVl^-wrf answer ' .i or damnr to the petlttoii in this cause, ^ "urrrettef ilfcfaiB prayed fee wfll ha *3 rr Wltnnns my hand this January 1L ,V-W Mwi *' '? >:.' t H', togas Mr Wilson Hum nod family hatt K, tioved to East Mttn atTa*. El /"< ' !J\!?'il m\ sMMi jvi- ! 11 to told thtt .tot TVmu J.t? i too Journayed from MontlceUo to I MMMta on hit woy to toko tho < ftod ? tot Irfeooo In hit M??K I Tho hour., olWad to ho ttoto m 0 mtmmuth. hod boon found In Oroatv. hilar oountr, VUttnla. tad oont to M^yjlm jh^ro^ tho^ wort o*t us boa to 01 thooo of "a ctnlToma eltwtd animal oatlrolir unknown to odtoco." "*'' T f-rtJHT 1 Jtmi.net antil oftoc JafTmgo roonhod Philadelphia thlt ho wot u? doeolTtd. for It t'altnoo tho lonhtod Doctor Iviattr taw that thor warn the ' hOoto of tho common iloth. tttrtrol iscfstetl ?w " /taptly chagrined, tapoolallf u to Virginian's* p^cUoe*'I?< specimens and Information, and with I the subtle flattery of a eooftler tha French naturalist wrote:.. ? v.... J 1. should hare consulted yon. air, j before publishing my natural hiafory, and than I should hare been aura at tba facta." nmnfnkfimnod scrap. Because Plaintiff Was Nat Injured Hie Honor Discharged the ' . Defendant. ta'l cano triad bofora a Mtlno )? ilea of tha peace, one Jones, a lumbar nan. T/.eaded guilty to assault upon one* Llbby, anothar woodsman. Tha Juatloa seemed a bit perplexed how H r roceed when no drldence had baeu to M - - " * - pi ?mn:eU, 1UU CIUCO Upon LjlDby to stand up. IJbby stretched up ^"Auy^bM* ^jrokenT"taked tha fudge. . "Nary on*." said JJbby, shaking luk "Any bruise j, contusions, sprains en dislocations?" "Nary one? * raid the plalntWE, re fretfully. "Make your now bleed?" "Not a mite." * "Black your eyes?" "Nefther one." 1 T/hyr you don't rroesr to be la. ; /Wed at all," said the judge In sun arise. 1, ywsujgy^k I r ^ ?^JlilTp^aBEapj ? Test It Free ' Hie NeHv F I Instant ! H "TUWr.. ,U?k*i k?d ? cup oi cofce iW u*sj P???.--JfcH.F.H.IW M -lit MImmPm, . J , toJ&BSEZ ?? rPfcu *? i? BfMUya "k ka> npiiMii Ur WmF ??>** ?SZn*?U?. ' W.WrfkBuT r""' t**^< I =?SS?i Birr .-S^S^SFc ^ < ?-'i ii? ' JUMm f '*? fS* '1 -?5S ?i t't.'J..'..; ; rr-r MM*** Iwa ' \ 111 '.'.! I1 . : T- -t * fm, , *; n : 5^^5TS5!I* ye. rs w* ?be coeto of thioooort. HlgfcfooU PuehcoM Men. At ? rellwey tattoo la Calcutta. eTiSiS la made up. oald the Mw of ?oputaa, fooortably Iseldeot -to * ! pop I chaae in the Orient. My fellow-pea eocera, pllprtata o? their way to the I Ifoij city, are baylup from render, paw Iweeta er tench dougb rake, indivaatlble to any but OB oriental I Mmach." The* reodera are Inrarla Ibtr 61 hlfh caata. aocordlac to the Rto- I in ayatem of eoclal poaltlon, for no I Tor. a^elaawhare. ia the railway. looey oeeaalooa, aheuld the paaaeogara ef one comportmaot all be of one I toMo. Iter pat their feet out of the I rtmdow?for want of apace?and alaap I IB peace and aeourtty. Should they I to of different castes, however, all tot the lowtot. the Budra. alt rigidly I trect, guarding against defilement of their caste by a touch of their more I fortunate fellow-travelers.- Chrlf 1 BmM I How do mil Ilka "wlrfilp.fla" aa a verb? Wa rather admiratlouleaa It. lt*a a dull 8uAday paper these Hj? that doean't exploit soma new dancer. In the time to come the reckleea avtBtor will be jarreaUd lor- plain disorderly conduct The man wltn Ihfr outrigger aneee. In the street care la a good rival of the end aeat hog. We may heve lhe ettoglece honey bee. but the political bee will keep it# atlhger forever. A western m^p eaya It la ppealble to U?l ?? ol ibc c ol. I twica m ?uck"?R E. L. g.V&SXV I to Boiling bM Cr~*. Mick, i B " "' * Ar W. Styron, Guardipn of Katberia* Clark And A. W. Btyroa. Ad ml aidtrator of Katharine Cl^fc, DuN . COAAOd. 97 virtue of an Ugecutto^ directed to the BnAersigaed fro* the Super lor 1 Court of Beeefort County lp the above entitled actio*. I wi j an Wedtteeday, the 19th day of T?bruary. It 13. At IS o'clock aooa (which said day la daring the In! three days of the regular February Teres of Beaufort County Superior Court? at the , Court House door of saidsell o the highest bidder for cash, to eat fsfT said eaaratldn. ell the right, title and Interest which the said Katberiat Clark had, or A. W. Styron m _ Guardian of Katharine Clark, or A. W. Styron aa Administrator of Kath- j lowing described real estate, to-wit: situate, lying and being In Beaufort County. North Carolina, in Pantego Township and deacrlbed ae follows: T>n Pungo Rirer, beginning at John Elabro's corner on Pungo River; running thence South Fifty-Two (**) East 81xty-8ix (66) poles; thence South Thirty-eight (38) Eas( , Sixty-Eight poles (68) to the point 1 of Msrch; thence 8outh /Thirty-Two (31) E?fr*Bishty-Elgbt (88) poles to the dRMUh^of Herring Creek W a. pine;?wuriu fwyHfhs ftt) that ? Eighty (80) poles; then Northerly with a line of marked trees which di- j Tides thejpresent sold land and Sam- ' uel Clark, which line was made as a division line between Henry and Samuel Clark, running with this line ? so far as a course'North Sixty (60) WestACSbM tO John Etabro's tine, will Include One Hundred (100) acres totthe beginning on the River, it belngl the same lot of land which was set, apart to the said Catherine Clark In the division of the lands of her father, Caleb Clark, which Is of record-in ihe-office-of-lho Register of Deeds of Beaufort County. This January 17th. 1913. 1 GEO. E. RICKS. Sheriff of Beaufort County. l-18-4wc Prsfsrrsd the Cash. "Did you attain the high Ideals you set for yourj^lf when you wero young?" . asked the friend of his boyhood. "No," ^replied the millionaire, "auil I'm glad I didn't I see now that there was no money ln.theiiK"?Lippingott's ? Magazine. mm Kspt on Not Lookina. an express delivery wagon yesterday 17-year-old Paul-. Maher. an office boy, living at No. 201 West Sixteenth street, was crushed against a lamp post. Three of his ribs were fractured ahd he sustained internal Injuries. 'J*_The horse was standing in front of the Union Square Transfer Company No. 138 West Eighteenth?street, when four elephants passed, on their I way from the Fourteenth Street Theatre to their stable. An elephant trumpeted loudly and" flapped its gj?j* *. The horse took fright and ran. Yoang Maher caught the bridle of the running horse and was dragged fljgafnat the post: Dr. Waters took the boy to^he" J>Jew York Hospital. The horse was quickly stopped. 'tii . ' TEDDY IAHESTIFY -jNew York, Jan. H. -yHearioga in the government tuft to dissolve the MiiitJIllfl ITtaal'ThWponllini undbr the Sherman anti-trust "law. which vera to bq resumed hare today, werw postponed until tomorrow. W. B. Cfirey, former president of the corporation. will be the first witness. Jt is expected that Theodore Rooseselr hrUl be called is the course cjf tftfe hearings He will be asked to test! r in connection with the abeorptlon'nf the Tennessee Coal and Iran Company by the United States Steel Geeg ntioa duriag the panic, of 19Q2. jpsi Vmg I h?ij II * I II -? 14 , B. Wilkinson, of Aurora, is be re? today on Mi way to Belhmyen. Mk J W. C. Kftpta. Of Aaron, ti Oero today on routa to Rololgh. i4. L. F. 8*?m?oa?r; ?f p.ntero fa la the Hit. i?yn Hwafcfii I* ? . Tk? daii^t trmwa vnrt? ' nK39PWp**a*qP* t.a* u* ol"?? ?" Of pmomAl ? III III .1. Wlu. <* *? ? of tkOM * > >. tor Ik* ""?e,^42jr? ; (mSmMUT * * * ? raaoMUk ?' * *' ?? ? ? ?* U? kL-JL Wllklnonn. of Aurora, pased through thqptiy today & route to Belhaven v ' f t f t' J- W, Cbapln. of Aurora, loft today for Raleigh and other points to elalt-relatives. , ;Mr. Thompson Vitclifleld, of Royal. kLia the city today on business, t t t t Mr. Henry Norman, of South Creek, la,In the city today. t t t t Maaee May and Steele Jones, of Aurora. are visitors In the city,today. ?Mr. r. e. Mtyo returned tiila nioruing from Aurora and other points on a business trip. ttt't Mr. J. W. Bell, of Belhaven, is in the city. Mr. W.R. Whlchard. of Norfolk; Is in the city. rrn Mr. J. L Mayo has returned from South Creek. tttt Attorney J. G. Tooley, of Belhaven, is in the city. tttt , Mr. W..S. Underwood, of Hertford, is in the city. tttt Mr. T. H. Harvey, of Bunyan. is In the city. t t t t Mr. H. Jones, of Norfolk. Is in the Wn ntt Mr. L. T. Davis, of Middleton, is in the city. ?;? Mr.. J. A. Stewart, of Portsmouth. I Va^ is in the city. t t t t Mr. L. W. Uateman. of Plymouth, is tn the city. t'SRD GAHOIilM: SAl'SAGKH. Chicago. Jan. 21.?"Gasoline sausages" were used to start incendiary fires by members of the. alleged ."avaon ring." according to testimony presented to State's Attorney Hoyne yesterday:?m one fire it wassatd ascore or- mors- sanaags^skios fl^cil, with gasoline were strung on wires. These "gasoline sausages" exploded when the fire reached th?m. and spread the flames. ';A~" new chemical preparationr known as "Are powder," also was used by the alleged "firebugs" in starting the incendiary blazes. This preparation enabled, the alleged "firebug" to he several miles away from Ahe building before the fire was discovered. . ' I, Jtt'XAWAY HURTS BRAVK HOV. New York. Jan. 21?When he tried to stop a runaway horse hitched tfo she wasn't looking I kfcseil taker." | "What did she do?" ; 1 , , "Refused to look at nie for the rest of I. the evening."?Wasp. Work. ~ 11^011 Intend tfr go to work, there 5* no place better than where you are. If you do not intend to go to work, you ? cannot get along -anywbaro?AbrahamLincoln. The wise man should be prepared f.it ev?*f.vtliiug that does not lie within his control.?Pythagoras. WHAT SAVED HER -LIFE = Mrs. Martin Tells About a Painful Experience that Might Have . Ended Seriouslj. C RlTesrllle, W. Va.?Mrs. Dora Martin, In a letter from Rlvearllle, write?: "For three years, I suffered with womanly troubles, and had pains In my back and side. I was nervous and eould not sleep at night. The doctor could not help me. Ha aid I would have to be operated on before I could get better. I thought Z would try using Cardul. / Now, I am entirely welL I am sure Cardul saved my life. I "1 will never be without Cardul In my hflnw. i rft?mm?na it w ay frienai.- ? For fifty years, Cardul has been re- ? ltevlng pain and distress caused by womanly trouble. It will surely help you. It goes to the spot?reaches the r-s trouble?relieves the symptoms, and J drives away the cause. If you suffer from any symptoms of womanly trouble, take Cardul Your druggist sells and reeommends it. Get a bottle from him today. N. B? WriJeto: LouCe*" ASv- >? *' : ll nr. .. " '.1 "T~" -- Bowkxab ambifc ut aufy life ska Tk^.-voorld succtsSjuX mailman. u#vo kelps To attck tkc i amjt>Ll>uc>ru in late ; ! portun.lties. . A^aytkj^aec ^iAtrcdZd neces* ' t?AiuUuA\TcSf I ijy^aKkuujJJ?! .Bank oil ' Jmtku H?w?,'.Pr?' GROCERY AD for economh JOS. F. Phones 123 & 124 , Carries the Most Family C ALWAYS FRESI F?olIte CI Quick Start 1913 With economy, the "best is the cheapest" ?THE? QUALITY GROCERY WALTER CREOLE & CO. Plton. M U 91. I . mmm m ? J M'HY NOT jive Us a Trial? We handle everything in Staple and Fancy Groceries with quick and efficient ser vice, and we feel sure a, trial order will convince you it will be profitable to give us a share of your patronage. :i.aud a. little, he Store Around the Corner' s Try the Da And C The Par< ibtl i vm ktr* nunbrr of hr*t mi] 'r*tr ot poefctcc. Wf >i?e inutti i Hp atlfad to Mail ord< T? Oar Cultam n Wfr Want i T?fr> sftull a* -tret! an A* frrtre ilr?*.'aai are in potktoa to ?mr >00 better Ik* Give to a trial ind(\i r CM MMire y?Hi Naarty ercryowe veil! have tomrikin; H tof lkicik you iviil nc?l 10 \rti(b lh< We will furnish YOU 1 rates of the new Parcels Pc 'At Yon Harris Ha I. Ill ill I I . n-r.'T*- " *V\ ' v'-'1 aiMteiiMii 1^2^ to tE. ^ :^ j!s U ;^!fcl it- ^<*<^' ~ ~? 'Sa biTjpu of ones \] /Uf*., one, shouJA I ountjisi now 'core: ~ mmutjan dr to eaa^ eer/Lrui jwetwouiiL JUfe^tfiv