OL* 1 I Tetter**? Congreeeman John H. Small of this , place delivered the lug egisrclees of Qatlord school Id Hhtii''^Township. .peaking upon the K-nernl topic ol the need for oo' i. - 1 _ . 1 ? ' ^.Wtfiutmity t? t ?PN|Jfiaiil " The clo.lng of the echool wee WW&S. : ' r_ maue tne occMion roi? a picnic by L the entire surrounding country-side and a large crowd turned out for an |i ! in i'4 i ? i ii. L- ...? ??:? T? ??r? 6ld-ia*ia?Wied coufftry spread, wfciclr ---- -was a feature of the day. ^ " p : ' The 'exercises proper. began at i??od. Mr. SmaU had been motored ; over to the School by Superintendent & W. L. Vanghan in the ear of the latter, and when the hour for the ad-| duced by Superintendent Vaughan f ' . in an appropriate little speech. ! ' Though Mr. Small spoke for fully V all his audience, not only of the fc-;;- grown people. but also of -the chll- ] dren. After he . had concluded. Superintendent Vaughau was U i'.'l heard to statd that In his opinion the address he bad Just listened to was the best he had yet heard Congressman Small deliver. * Congressman Small's Speech, re" ,^'The time has come In every community," said the- speaker." when { * the best results in community growth { can be accomplished only by co-operation." In North Carolina;' he ad|V ded. we have long emphasised the < importance of the individual, but -we .V: have failed 50 discuss suflclenUy the profit delation of an individual to & ' his community While It Is Imporfe tant fo> the Individual to make a success #f tv* his vocation, yet I : . tk. -?K- - facturer tjs not necessarily a good citiren. ^ , ; ? -U or4<w to be a good clttsen. deoperate with his nelv.Ubee. - JJe must which are so necessar^to the best *-{- ' progress of Ihe commanity. ? -?H Thia Us very evidently true of ch arches. It Is also true of schools ?it is absolutely impossible to have fr- - Wlh?>b unless the ciUxens coSPECIAL FEATURES OFFERED I BY cm CHURCHES At the First Methodist church to" T nuaste will be a featurt of the J | ' ? morning and evening services. For the past several Sundays the Sunday ~ ofrhgMggtlwn "have been?exception^ < ' ally large, and the attendance at Sunday schodl is increasing steadily. The reports rendered at the last church conference showed the work In the various departments to be of a moat eratifvtna- aorL V . . The morning subject of the pastor, Rev R. H. Broom, has been au' pounced as, "The \Angels Mission to - Maaktad," *M>e the evening snr t* | mon wih be delivered upon the topic. | "Something Better than a Bad ln,p vntneit." ;;? fyJl \\'{r' >1 Bible school will be held at the " -Piipt Christian church tomorrow moraine at 10 o'clock, and the usual} t "gratifying attendance is expected. 5 The classes are reported to be tak- ! .T ing a lively- interest in organised , work. There are now 18 organized classes, and as the result of efficient i teachers, good music, and various special features which enthusiasm suggests the work seems to be enjoyed. Tomorrow Is enlargement day, and ftm Christian church prides itself upon beta* oaljnd "thn church with s , r mwots." Tomorrow morning nt 11 0'olftek | Ro? R. V. Hopo, the pastor, will , F preach upon "Hearing and Doing." Hit nobjoet, as announced for the renins nerrtce In hLornltr." ( OONTOUBBBMAN HMAIX AT KINETOWk. , iOl IHI Wednesday ovaolag, Conirwmu Bmalt I poke at a posting j called by Superintendent Vauyhan in < ;i\ Pinetown for the purpose of discuss- 1 in* a special school tax for the die- t """ V sylct. A number of leading ciUsefts j declared themWlyes interested, apd f?-.ntadgart thamwlYM to worr for the ; S i. special tax. Miss Kstlo Vail of Ply- t in oath ta principal of thla school and 1 J Hire Baaale Warm of Bdward har t operate and voluntarily tax themselves to malqtdln thera. The reason are have never had tatter roada la beeausu every cltlaen Is content to blame somebody else for bsd roads Instead of co-operating with' other ciUseas 1b his community and county by levying taxes and | adopting a moderrr system for con- ( ftructing and maintaining good ones. I Mr. 8mall used an effective 111 us- ; tration In respect to good roads It A our grandfathers could be brought t Ue. their eyes would bo opened wide J with wonder at the telephone, eleo- s trie lights, sewing machines, cotton c glps. automobiles, public schools, and t| perhaps more especially at oar im- J proved farming methods. Out take nl them cut in the public roads and one- h of them might exclaim, "I'matlioine | at la*f--thle is Judt as it was whan 1 H way a boy!" . . 'jjlj We have as fertile lands In Bast- J ern Carolina as there are anywhere In the country, but most of them are \l swamp lands and will not produce d regularly unless drained. t Proj-er drainage can be brought J about only by An land owners co- b operating with pne. another and J forming drainage districts. "By this t means," stated Mr. Small, "our ] lands can be drained not nniv -ffl- M ciently but with greater economy." ? What la a Good Citizen? "The selfish man," the speaker ve hementJy declared." who merely I seeks to squeeze out of others in his community as many dollars as possible for his own advancement, is not the best type of dtisen." The Ideal dtisen Is the one who is j willing to give part of his time, his A money, and his talents In the service tl jof humanity.. ? j "ThhHe-not only good citizenship, a [but It is good religion?in fact, it is a abou.- tUo only religion wor^h liav- tl At the conclusion of, his talk, Con- o 4r*^?mLii ?ntbuBl?e- c t?.CL r-pnlaQDV '-???"*'"' V" B c I T&S Gay lord school la one of the |y I bey i?. the"' vicinity. It la in a spe- r Wal li3T dTsliTdt, ana l?~?&h?equent- n ly new, modern, and up-to-date in it every respect. 'Miss Gretchen Gqy- a lord is the principal and MIbs Pearl b I Mtdyatta - jaga*siHa ri r zz_ 1 o UFtOX DISACrUINTKI) BE- ' ( Al SK CHAILEXOB DBCUNBD. * London. March 15.?From the * # T p newspapers S'.r Thomas Liptpn leatn- b ed yesterday that'his challenge for n hy ftia New York Yacht Club. 'Not ^ having received any prior notification p c of the rejectlon^pf his challenge ?8ir g Thomas said he had not had time to p consider whether he would make any H amendments to the challenge. He 0 spent most of the day in close con- _ L Sulfation with Charles Nicholson, he v who designed the cup-t*klng Istria. and who wan to hare designed the t, Upton entry if the challenge had been accepted. p ?16 wuiwpuaBgmg?ail Tliutuas sgid that he m?tt perforce await the reception of the official notification p of the club before announcing defl- ^ nlte decision al to wrhat hlg next step would be. "But I must confess," he d admitted, "to a great disappointment. The 75-foot waterllne length, which I stipulated. Is more than that ^ of any cntter of that type on this side of the Atlantic and as great aa M that of any In America, excepting the Reliance. A race between two 75footers would'have been a good ene, but if 1 should pit my 7(f-footer feet, why that would' be like racing a tug boat* with the Ifauretania. "Moreover. afterburning up _thej ? shalien?r-here 1 woukLhave to, put her in ocean rig, ami than on reach- D Ing America. I would hate to change bach to racing rig, all of which is to the advantage of the defender. I can only add that it has Surprised me very much, this rejection of the challenge, all the more so because Araer- t,] leans have always given me every *d consideration. th "In regard to the rumor of ahoth- of sr challenger, cabled herd from New flr York .today, since the last race of ten th ream ago there has been a perennial m crop of rumors. I do not know to ln irhJch thta one refbrs. If it is found hat anyone hat challenged I will be 00 (lad to help all 1 can." It Is understood that Charles C. illorn, owper of the fleet yacht ItrU, which had bm dMlcned Vy wi Nicholson. Is the man from whom lat he New York YaoHt Clob aspects a th hallenae r< ly WASHINGTON, NOBT Nn* TEAR (El Owing to the inclement weather ? food crowd could not he mustered trr the baseball moettng Jagrmiht n the town hall. There were only ih^t 20 men and as many boye prwjmt to hear the proposition of thp. tetftlemeh^ltom New Bern. witioin luuatnR 5f= to mn? r onnal 00k, Mr. T. i. od Wllllkma. ec rotary of the New* Bern Chamber niperce. and Mr. Clyde^Eby of hat city explained how they thought , team could be run upon a very ecoomical scale, by cloae attention to Ittle expenses Only ihe very small luffi'df %lb? ft needed tp start upon?a considerhie reduction from the several thouMr. Prank tfugler. Hr.XWdsay V'arren, and several other gentlelen became interested, and constlated themselves a committee to see rhat could be done. If grounds can e obtained at a sufficiently reasonhie flfnre. it Is probable Washlng3u will yet play league ball. I By'one week from tonight, whethlr the pfoject is feasible or not It Is xpected to be determined. JST OF BOOKS NEEDED IV PIIBIIC LIBRARY The Washington Public Library asociatlon la very anxious to secure ie list of books appended below, nr funds for purchasing new hooks re very limited. Possibly home one ho la not contributing any cash to lie support of the institution may sal disposed to donate one or more f these volumes. Or, If. you are a oatrlbutor and do not feel able to Ifn^kp<Vnnre money^ peytjapi Sou uuia spare onv cn mese books irotu our private library.' If you have sad It, pass tt on to others that they lay snjoyir aiaoj ana dy^UlBS sharig your possessions you will receive . double blessing. Such ' giving leases both the giver and the re"tvr - ?7 The annual report of the Library .ssocistlon revealed the excellent rork being done by this institution or the people of our city, and showd the large extent to which tt is patonUed by our cltixens. But.more ookB are needed to supply the deland of eager and acquisitive readrs. By adding to the resources of be association you will increase its otentialities of usefulness to the ommuntty. and help to make It a reater agency for ministering td the lessure and profit of the people of IT ashing ton township Rap 11 fort aunty. Bring or send your donstion to the ibrary room at your earliest conenlence. Parker?Right of Way; Battle of le Strong. x Major?When Knighthood* Was in lower; Dorothy Vernon of Haddon EsU; Ton33oM;of Itarti^ie. , Wlggin?Penelope's Progress; eneiope's .Irish Experience; A Cared ral Courtship. -Allen?Aftermath; Kentucky CarInal. Kingsley?Hypatia. > E. Marlett?Gold Elsie; Second rife; Old Mam'selle's Secret. Hawthorne?Mosses from an Old ansa. Corelli?Thelma. Page?Red Rock. Oulda?Under . Two Flags. Daviess?Meltlngj>f Molly. Webster?Daddy Longlegs. Webster?Daddy. Longlegs: Untva Bob; ElixAbeth & Her German IfO. ? Ingrsham?Prince of the House of avid. MENTAL HYGIENE EXHIBIT. Philadelphia, March 15.?The nanal exhibit on mental hyfciene openI hare today for one Week, under e direction of Dr. Stewart Patton, Princeton University. It la the at extensive exhibit dealing with e causes and prevention of feebleIndedneea that has aver been given any country. The exhibit will be en in all of the large cities of the untrj during the year. FUNERAL THIS MORNING. The funeral of Mrs. Levy Randall, fo dl?l rerjr .uddMly B.for<t I 9??rtfht otDclaUd. <? H CAROLINA, SATURDAY AFTERNOC feather: Fair arte fBR iwii T"* ? - Washington. D, C.r- March 16 Senator Benjamin R. Tillman, of 9* South Carolina. -yesterdaf tost his m Iqng and hard fight for the chair- ds mjpshlp of the powerful Senate com- th dClttee on approprlatio&i. The .pom- Rt ocrata' committee lists, completed by JU the^-steering" committee haadetfhy oa Senator Kern, accorda the appropriations chairmanship to Senator Mar- <U tin. of Virginia, and plaoee Senator ce Tillman at the head of the commit- fy ten on naval affaire. fet t j nu r* prel - The Berficei?tomorrow it?Tha tt? | county home will be conducted at 3 hu o'clock by one layman from' each of the several churchee of the town. These services at the home are one lhl of the chief pleasures in life to tho inmates, and while the exercises are ha intended primarily for them, all who ?? ohnna* ? n A Jn? , 1. UK buying. 1 Follow the advertisements closely. They will lead you to B . the most dependable stores in Hq| town. They will tell yOu of tJij pure foods and where to buy them. They will tell, you of gg becoming styles and where to purchase wearing apparel to _JI beet advantage. ^ Thoy will enable you to become thoroughly posted on everything ydu buy. to become a Judge of values and to select all your needs at the lowest I prices for which th?Tbtst goods bjJ can be sold. Bear In mind that every a<kvertlsement In The Dally News tells the story of a reyable g store, honest merchandise and Atl right prions. You take no , i chances when dealing with The M Dally News' advertisers. u|) If you would travel the f "Royal Rood" to ssdeessfai I thftj . shopping read, the sdiertlse- \\th9 menu In The Dally NeWh close- || 1y aad constantly every night. I h mum .V "iituu ni?7 1.UIUIBHJ IU?lled and assured of spiritual benefit W| SHIPPING Km mill ft VI1VJ 11II TV U H The Tarboro of Tarboro, owned by the Tar ifiver Oil Co. of Tarboro. Capt. John Roberts, left-this morning. JHuLBeoneU, a_gft9JjoAL_aLBls.upts T? Creek, Capt. Gerard..brought a number of passengers to Washington this morning, most of whom were col- t4? orcd. ac* The following oyster bpata from pil j?aaxli$o county <ure in portr' Ed- al> tnund, Capt. Voliva; Louisa Watt, leg | Capt. Martin McKinney; Nellie Watt, wa jCa'pt. B. F.'Rice; Eula C., Capt. v.b Tolan; an un-named boat,. Capt/ Ca- sto rowan; tfie~ilaud, Capt. MonroeVWU- th? Uam6. Therd is one oyster boat from sat Beaufort, the Charlie Emery, Capt. as! Harris. , .? to -The-tlah boat Sterling, owned _by 8ai the flsh company of "that name, Is 9IE here today/ The Maud and Reginald of Wash- e? ington, Capt. J. W. Dudley, is In port ev' today. ' . 5 "j * The Theresa of Oermantown, Capt, wl R. C. Midgett, is still in port dls- he charging a cargo of -cotton seed and an The Pamlico Of Philadelphia, owned by the Southern . Transportation Co., Is still In port., w' The Annie F. Wahab of Ocracoke, ml Capt." Williams, is again "Tn port: tbl The gas boat Ethel, owned by Mr. S. R. Fowle of Washington. Capt. J. R. Howerin, is lying In port. tbl flri su ft ^ The Royal Road ? ' To Successful ^ | WB Shopping The advertisements which lw appear in The Dally News every day may be likened unto sign pc-ats which direct and guide ^ -you to reliable Btores, honest nQ merchandise and economical aaldered life wholly Ipd. He fle- ga ired, in all seriousness, that Tie aliys felt happier at a funeral than a wedding, because at a wedding ha i trouble was Just beginning, da lie at the funeral it was all over. Mark at one time said that for vU enty-four years he had known that a waa not worth living. This trait, hai . Phelps said, showed that, al- cln >ugh a great literary artist, he was t a great philosopher. vei Dr. Phelps, who waa personally tuainted with Twain, read several to tern froha him, including ono which frit s probably the last that he wrote. ! also described the striking figure Da it the writer made on the street, via ;h his sealskin coat, wWe hat and ter id- oT attracting attention. Mr ifdrk Twain's humor, he sal?, J s the typical American humor, in ring nothings of the cynicism and his Ckery of the French nor of the see eless good humof of Irish fun. J lerican humor he defined as an spe losivo reaction against American All! outness. It Is usually a sort df I ad and incongruous buffoonery. She - - hav K7KSRHHAMS LEAVE FRISCO, tha Ian Francisco, March 15.?Former ma; orney^Oeneral George W. Wick- A aam, with Mrs. Wickersham, Miss was rtha Bowers, lClss Frances Noyes A I Mrs. Frederick Moor?, sailed mat n here today for Honolulu, where 0 Ir first stop on their trip around as < -J. ?P- ; [j? Ir. If. F. Hobart of Richmond is Cro ?ng the day's visitors. . by 1 >A1LY N. MARCH li. IMS. ' I Colder 11niiifi ninn i II CASE I PHI FOR II JBiiF 4*Uis?uro, MWlF~t4.--^The unex?ctp<l turn auumed fti the develop- ta enu of the trial of the haters un- Al ir indictment to connection with c< e-death of frdshman Isaac William te ind yesterday, vouchsafed the cul- n? ya!iogLof celet>rale<A w- AJ On the convening of court yester- wI y morning the State in Quick sue- pr salon called six witnesses to test!- t'j without parleying wJth tho de- ba use. briefly cross-examined this infber, making a total of ten wit- th sees testifying of the twenty-five tlc ifr^inoaH fry thft| Htatp gyfl tha th ftnse. be Following the testimony of E. A. do lative to the wounds observed on oooy or Kind In preparing the olj Hal, the attorneys for the prosecu- ph A asked for the Indulgence of the wc urt and went into conference. rej Khin ten minutes they announced jnj sir willingness to rest. br, Counsel then got busy and without ving called a single' witness an- lr, unced its willingness to rest. This co, >v* came at 10:40, and ffve mln- WQ ?s later Arthur Herman Styron. of tb( ilmlnirton wan on^ mnpp a fro* ARK TWAIN LIVED LONG ? DESPITE HEALTH RULES fut Richmond, March 15.?Mark ?C< 4ln atttihiitad hU ton?uf -Bithjr IK? to his consistent vkrien of all the rules of right living, xrding to Dr. William Lyou elpa. who delivered * lecture- ^.(a ?utthe humorist at Richmond Col- of ;e. Mark Twain said that he al- g<* ,ys made it a point to go to bed pai ten he could not induce any one to ma iy up any longer with him. and gi\ it he rose when he got ready. He Wb Id that he never smoked when lar teep, and never resisted the desire do so when awake. He never As icked to excess, because he never Mr loked but one cigar at a time. an< Dr. Phelps spoke of Twain's life pu a wonderful romance, in which ery circumstance tended to push be< in forward in the great career for Ug lt.cli he was destined. In his youth. Bald, be had no literary ambition, at d he would never have left his po- an ion as a Misaisalppl pilot but for re< s outbreak of the Civil War. rei He then became a miner in the est and missed striking an im- ha mse fortune by five minutes, so m< at he remained poor and Jiad to eons a nowapaper man. Ha vu? gft it abroad as a correspondent, and ga a book. "Innocents Abroad." which st made bis reputation, was the re- an t. , no The great flaw in Twain's charac- an r. Dr. Phelps said, was his pessim- su n, for. with all of his humor, he J > I m / 1 s'?I?rS?3 ===c: *.i'y- 4 MfflfW] I mm I 'Richmond. MtTHrH.?Tht Idea 61" -1 king the ease of Floyd and Claude J len to the United Statee Supreme I >urt. which has been under conImplatlon twice by interested attorya. has been abandoned as useless. u I tnrnay It. C. f-VFlaharty carefully a lamlned the records in the trials. , iich are on Die in the State Su- J erne Court of Appeals, and ecided 1st there Is nothing upon which to Ing the appeal. I One year ago yesterday morning le Hlllsvllle ttc;edy startled the na- t I n. As soon aa the Aliens had left ^ Bsllttle mountain town, and it had len found that Judge-Ma3aTe".-sbbr Iwn at the bench, was dying; that l? prosecuting attorney and sheriff T I the county weer dead, and that * Iters were wounded, citizens teleloned the news *n me outside 13 I rid. The telegraph wires once c liqhed. tidings of the summary wip- ('t I \ mat of a court of law were soon * [taobast. 1 People arise early in country dis- S eta, and Judge MasBto ordered ihe irthouse bell rung at an hour thati Uld wake most city dwellers from sir slumber.s The Aliens came in; ej did the officers of the court: so did ? curious crowds composed of peo- c2 i who for months had predicted. nl it Floyd Allen would shoot before r? would go to Jail, rhe Jury reported at _nbout 9 lock, and a few momenta filter the ei lilade began. The victims were of- hi ?rs of the law. 01 tc UIVKR KOAI) STATION-. o' Wednesday afternoon.".March S, T 13. at the home of the bride at iteatoner-Mi^_W_Uaniel Cougloton Magnolia and Miss Mary A. Allied were married. Mr. L. M. Rhep- t) rd of Holly Glen performed the irrluge ceremony. A reception was fen at the home of the groom, ich was very much enjoyed by a ge number of friends. la The Methodist Sunday school at cc bury church is progressing with p K. 1-. Woo lard superintendent tl d a large number of teachers and ui pils. lc Mrs. Nellie Stubbs of Plnetown has si en visiting her sister, Mrs. Ab. Al- pi ood. ci The entertainment Friday night ^ Magnolia school house was quite |s enjoyable occasion, the children's :i titaiions yere appropriate, well idered and*very interesting. tl Our teacher, Miss Bertha Martin, p, s returned to her home in Ply- n >uth. ! a Mrs. L. M. Sheppard of Holly Glen p ve ua -much pleasure with- a call- y turday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Alligood J d daughter. Miss Lillie, of Mag- t! 11a were guests at dinner of Mr. |, d Mrs. M. L. Cherry on Bath road Ci nday of last week. c Mrs. A. J. Sheppard of Bunyan t ve us the pleasure of her presence a nday afternoon. "p Miss Hattie Woolard of Old Ford d a been visiting at Magnolia a few r?. c Mrs. W. D. Congleton of Magnolia 2 ilted in Washington Monday. n Mr. J. H. Woolard of Wilmington s been visiting relatives in this vl- n iity. "?' ci Mr. Carnie Aliigood, who has been d ry ill, ia convalescent. 31 Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Alligood went Pinetown Thursday to visit a u and who U *"?ry ill. fc Mrs. Augustus Alligood and Mrs. e> nlel Congleton of Magnolia were st itora on Bath road Thursday nf- aI noon. h< a mile daughter of Mr. and iv ?. J. L. "Alligood. Is very sick. f0 dr. F. N. Sheppard of Bunyan was w, our village one day recently and t|, friends here were very glad to u him. diss Estelle Alligood of Bath road W| nv. OUUU?jr UIKQI WIU jnrB. J. I., igdod. m, Jnder the supervision of Mr* L. M to ippard of Hoily Glen our roads ra e been made In splendid order, so Co t pedestrians can enjoy a pleas- \ walk, however dark the night pr r be. eff liss Lillie Alligood of Magnolia *> i here one day recently. dei liss Bessie Woo lard of Magnolia ftri !e us a pleasant call Thursday. mi f course, the farmers are busy, sm >ur progressive farmers are. he rrrrm w* rr. W. W. Edwards ol Blouatf k came into tymn this morning no mat. Wh i V *f{? J h idWr/i -it t. ?: %$ * -;yi'Vv f ; #&* - - W iw 'vgaM lis'i 1 m SOUTH I Washington. March 15.?WldeI pread storma of cyclonic intensity ' ' wsj Iwecpink over the Middle Weat and H>ur hours devastated the towns nd cities of Ave Stated, muff I reds homeless and destroyed propjrty valued high In the millions. Fifty-one persons are reported kllld and the death list 1b growing. - - - - yiaBB Other sections of the country from he Great Lakes to the Gulf and the astern coast to the Rockies were WftPt tn'dav hy ynlow win and ?naw. i'[?L The storm took its heaviest toil of To in Alabama. Tennessee and forth western Georgia. Frctn the storm-swept areas coiue _ leagre reports of devastation indiating that the property loss will exeed by far the earlier estimates, lany towns have been cut off from lie world and In. sections of four tales thousands of telephone and legraph wires are prostrated. " Dalton. Ga., March lg.?Severe ilth tremors were felt here late ist night after the passing ?: the rclonic storm. The shocks rocked any houses, but no casualties were ported. Washington. March 15.?Violent ? irthquake shocks, apparently crlgiatlng within fifteen hundred miles r Washington, were recorded early day on the seismograph at Georgeiwn University. t~ ?"? Tile vibrations begun at 4:04 ? ? ?* clock and continued until 5:22. ' he record was from north ro south. (iltAIT IX XKy VOKK. ne Startling Disclosure Kollutrs Close I'pon Another in Hegurtl to New York Police Graft. ^ jjJlH New York, March 15.?The tabu- Aq ..JM ted figures of the amount of graft : jllected by the police In New York - .'CsM try show that the total is more lan $30,000 a day. The actual fig? . rrrrrzSS^E re is $11,800,000 a year. The colction of tribute in New York frout. iloons, disorderly houses, gambling !acea. immunity for miscellaneous iminals. and such favors as porlitting the obstruction of sidewalks. *" ? an industry greater than most of le corporations of this country. ThtT*income i& much creator tham ?lit claimed by the Subway comar.y; it is more than the combined et incomes of the Edison Company * nd the Telephone Company. No ubl.c utility company about New . ork City produces such returns. Th 2 Sinking Fund Commission ha? eciticd to proceed immediately with he construction of the first of the roposej 1,200-foot piers which the it/ has decided to build for the acoinmodation of transatlantic liners. v 'J? he pier will be built at 46th street . - . ud the Hudson River as soon as lans can be prepared by the Dock. , ,'^S department. . j ' 'i.vjw The 46th street pier will be the heapest .of. the projected eiRht 1.- _ 00-foot pierss because practically o rock excavation will be necessary. > as not to encoarch on the pier line xed by the federal government. The 'fJSft -tlmated cost of the pier, includ...g le acquisition of property, is $?.DO.000. "There must have been quite a urtt in 1909," was the comment a !?v days ago of Health CommissionLederle. when he viewed a report lbmitted to him which showed the mount of whiskey consumed in the jspitals and senatorlnms of the apartment- of HeAllh lfr~gi~d"Ialt~~~~ur years. In 1909 676 gallons ere used. In the three years since' en the total amount has been only 10 gallons. .;jj "I am wondering how much of it ?nt to the patients," added t.V lalth official. "There are many ore patients now than there used1 be, which would. If anything, use some increase In the whiskey nsumption, but it haa decreased. 'j The Commissioner's report was spared in an effort to show thcr iciency of his department. It wae * -J3 efficient in 1910 that there was no* mand tojr whiskey. That was the* s ?t year of the present Lederle mfl al.HUnm. i iie commtasloner lied when it lU ancceeted that ' had glean an order to "got on the Ml aon" at the wt atart ot hie ad- f one cot down etjeo to pick the ?? XT* * I 51 -M

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