r NORFOLK ^1% Washington ^ham Organizations. Either. Pre "" J? . ' The following set of resolutions were adopted by the WaahWtcn Chamber of Commerce at a regular meeting held Tueediy, TMolmber ttr. Jngton and tho traveling public have long endured great inconvenience ; and hjjdahfe on account of the this erable accommodations affbrdefl by / ; the Norfolk Southern Railroad, due r/-" to the inaccessibility. Inadequate and filthy passenger station at Washing* ton, and g? WHEREAS, These conditions have | become unbearable and no immediate relief promised by the'said Norffw* fblk Southera Railroad, therefore, bo it RESOLVED. That the Corporation Commission be roqnested to investigate this complaint and to better judge the situation, they are requested to call a public meeting In the city of WashlngtofL at an early ; date. Be It also RESOLVED, That a copy of these resolution, bo emit to tbn Corporation CommlMlon with the roqueat .' ' ?- _ dint Unr lake Immediate action thereon. The a bore tet of reaolntiona were eont Ul the Cuinere'tlon tfrmmleilnn b - - ~ ? On December 19th. Mr. Hynn. secretary of the Ctajg^Mirof Commerce, received aS*jflj5municatlon trom tMm CommlM^|fcatin* that the resolutions had bStT received.-*t That was all. No mention was made as to tne tommmiDu? mu{: tude in the matter and nothing was said about improving the conditions /> h*r? /|f \ . Why have they not taken the trouble to Investigate the matter? Why were they, at least, not courteous enough to set some data when they f would meet with representatives of this city? We believe that the requests made in regard to the improvements of accommodations are tea direct line with the work, that Why them, do they not give Washington just n small share ot their valuable time? It is true that we are not as large as Raleigh. Chjuiotte and other cities in the State, but we feel that we I? "J* entitled to 80MB consideration. ^ The miserable shanty which bears' PREST. WILSON THANKS DIR. ANB MRSjJ. STUBDERT Appreciates Compliment They Paid Him In Naming Their Boy After Him. Sjj~ Hen(b Beat Wishes fut aJHappy aad Prosperous Life for Child. f" Hon. Geo. J. Studdort is in re-" cetpt of a letter from President Woodrow Wilson, which wb publfbb ; below. In explanation, we might -- - add that when Hon. JosephusDaniels was her on May :19th, he named the infant spn qt Mr. agd Mrs. Stud dert, "Woodrow Wilson Studdort." The White House, gEFV May 17, IMS. My dear Senator: - * ". 'v nrvr?rpr-lftfo the rnmnll ment wbiclr you and* Mi*. Studdert; t little boy. He has my very beet vlafcea for a happy and prosperous uf?. / Cordially mad tlncercly yonra. WOODROW WILSON. Hon. Goo.* J. Btuddert. }' \ Waahincton, If. C. \ ,i . pT HMI. BERNHARDT HAILS. Now York, May !?.?After making an attentive theatrical tour of the utiled State* accompanied by her eeapaay of twenty-five player. Mae. Sarah Bernhardt tailed for Vranee today. Divine Sarah renewed a salary of It,00 a week while Jbede TUB wttt probably bo bar taat appaggaace la Aaarlea. hur nil i" H gr a a .Jf* H i w / % I ^ I ?gg*A' - I ^ -I His n t s. r V arBVP mm m m mm m w m i m mm i ber of Cdmm?fCg"V No Satisfaction C sent Fifthy Conditi< hue at the Depot the namo of a railroad station Is a disgrace to the Norfolk Southern Railroad. It is not half large en-jl ougb, ts unsanitary and- I neon Yen-f tartly locate^. . ; ' Good enough for Washington!'") Is that-the Idea? ^Are theTe not i as many passengers who travel to j; unu irum wanningion as mere are t from other cltlea between Raleigh i and Norfolk? 1b there another town i of anywhere NEAR its site which 1 'has such miserable accommodations as this city? ( , nBorne few weeks . ago. a smooth i tongued representative) of the rail- ( road was proruse in hiB premise re- t warding tha-ax ten a Kit lmpfnvpmpn^ whlrb the Norfolk Soutlitrn intended ? to make;?intended to make IMMEDIATELY. We havo waited patiently but as \ yet, tfibtt* ia not the slightest sign of any improvements. Perhaps when the railroad or the Corporation Commission wake up and begin to take notice, thoy will start doing things. Probably we are npjnst in trying t^ hasten matters. The Corporation Commission only rccelfetl The resoTutlone vtr months ago. It is a matter which requires , deep contemplation. Perhaps in a fear yearn time thav will be reaJy~T5~ ~ TALK ABOUT THE MATTER. W. A. Witt, superintendent of the ^ Norfolk Southern, to whom a copy 4 of the resolutions was also sent, stated in his reply (dated Dec. 19, 1912) that "the .matter will hare my * Immediate attention and handled to , We can almost see Mr. Witt smile bsc he dictated the above clause to his stenographer. That "immediately" was six months ago. We begin to see now what the station agent imean.s when he says, "the train will ibe here immediately." I In the meantime, there Is only lone thing to do, and that is for pasIsengers to avoid using the present [depot. If the railroad refuses to cater to your wants, why should you iVako yourself uncomfortable I>y putting more money in their pockets? to this city. The. \ Corporation Commission is without doubt properly named and really would do much for the peopTe were its members named by the railroads. TOURNAMENT -AT-?UNXLLIfiL To Be Held on July 4^h. Special Prises to Be Offered for High Score*. A shooting tournament will be held by the Washington Gun Club ou the afternoon^ of July 4th. There will be five events and the shooting will start at one o'clock. * Thfi^ ari^ngement committee Is working hard to make this one ofTBe" best affairs of its kind that has ever h?a held in thin section of the State. .There will be several profesolnnsl anH xranlr aKorn ahnntAra nm?. ent and an interesting infest may be expected. Special prizes will also be given for high scores. The grounds will "He cp?n from 9 v ^ p^anh M a to permtt those, who desire to practice, to do so. - - LEARMlf^GOLR, A young woman entered a sporting-goods store one morning, and the polite clerk went forward to meet lieri ; , . ^ "I want," she said, "to see some golf clubs." "Certainly," replied the clerk. "Aboet how many do you want?" "Well, really/' she responded slowly, "I scarcely know. You tee, I am Jost learning to play golf, and 1 /to not know muck about it as yet. Why, I don't even know which end of the caddfe to use. '?June Lippin Ott'L " WAMHN nos. -.NORTH C. THE WSATH nrnnn inn: HIK. 1 KEEP MB Vtoie to Both the Obtained From 3ns Coq- . ;' ' ; AKD I'K Tl'KKS AT LVBIC THEATRE TONIC.HT. lirhnfd.son and Bernard. Clever Coui". edlaiw to Appear uu St?? Ttmight. r Richardson and Bernard, funny, asclnating and frivolous. Will Bu J icen at tho Lyric tonight In* a notv, | lovol, neat and natty talking, singng and dancing act. New sours. lew jokes and new costumes are a4 feature of their act. The pictures, which appear on tonight's hill are sure to please and tttract. In short,- it's going 4o b? a rood program. Meet your friends here. v ii girl in pink roioiw hit at aiit0ri1 HISS ADA RHODKH TO PLAY THK I.KADf\(; ROLE IX MCB1CAL C30M11DV WIIOIMIOW XIOIIT, HImh Rhodes Will Play the Part of 1 Dolly" in the Play Which Is to Be jJiven at the Aaditorium for Benefit >f Public Library.* 'Where are you going piy pretty nqtld?" ' 'I fear I can't tell you Just yet," she said; 'I'm out in my automobile which is Kran.l nan. Ind I'm- not quite certain what it may do"; - ? 'But if you're otwearth until Friday night. [ hope you'll come witness a wonderful night." She was gone, with a toss of her her head and a wink. Twaa no. one else but "The Qlrl In Pink." Miss Ada Rhodes. who^is the "Girl" in the "Girl In Pink" show, la one of Washington's prettiest and most popular young ladies and as he was born and raised in the city, she has hosts of friends who will turn out en masse to see her in the difficult role she will play In this production. Everyone can remember the success she made with tho part of "Elsie" in Slumberland, but that *e 99 esmpasinnp fn the part nf. "Dolly" in this new play. Mies Rhodes has a great many llnois and a lot of_ the singing to do and wel know that, if possible, she will add' many more to her long list of adihirers when she appears as the leading lady of the "Girl In Pink" show. j Tickets for the performance have been selling fast the past two dsys and there will be a good sized audience-who will, witness the play Friday night. The Greenville, S. C.'. Dally News of September 9th, states in a writeup of' the Girl In Pink show, that it vraa'k "Militant^ Mcceaa," "performance at Grand last night greeted by a large and thoroughly delighted audience, matinee this afternoon and nnnOicr nprformanr.e toniaht " "The pectatlon*." : We can recall how lir. Foote preMUd his Slumberland ahow here some f$w weeks ago and with what success he made with the great oast of some three hundred people upon the stage. It was known then that the first nights performance exceeded anything ever given here before both In an artistic and financial way apd we have confidence In* the gentleman to the ' extent that we are willing to believe he will give as a good show and one that will 1m worth >the price of admission charged. As we mentioned before, this will be the last in the theatrical line this season and as the play Is given for wtol'l.N'A. THUlttBAY Arimm/M. - . ' f ? ! I T. A. Wright, attorneyjind bus one of the men direfting af Exposition Planned for Who ?f The country le facing grave prob- | lems, the colution of which must, come from a clear understanding of . conditions, and immediate1 action, j The..work 6f man in dealing with the forests and soils, which were - given for uoo, and not for^abuaSr , . may aptly be compared to the work | of smaller forme of life, suoh as the j boll-weevil and army worm. The great creator probably views it in I this light. Devastati^ laT^parent ' on every hand, In deduced Nil* and --tailed and .CullMMPu- \ For thie reaeon and Tor many ! others the National Conservation j exposition to be held at Knoxville KEY. H. B. SEW nrTlinilan rnnii an a SIT a nciunncu mum ailama . Re". H. B. Searlght returned last night -rain the Presbyterian-convention at Atlanta. Mr. Searlght, after the convention, stopped for a few days at Acworth, Ca.. where he has a sister living. He states that he has had a most j enjoyable and interesting trip. He was unable to attend the commenceIntent exercises at Davidson College, | at Charlotte. a worthy cause, we advise every one to secure seats for "The Girl In Pink" and make the last play of seay nmym ww warn (r . . h Keeping On Being Successful. Would So and So keep on advertising -his bats or Such and Such hia shoes if what they have t? sell wasn't backed by the right kind of quality? Merchants and mMnitrfni-. I ers who come out and-tell you all about their product wouldn't keep- on being successful unleRB they supported their adThis is why you are nearly always safe in patrdnlrlng a business that advertises. Now. and then some voracious individual or firm tries to "put one over" on the public, but the sueeesa of Such a house usually in short-lived. If you see a manufacturer or a retailer advertising stead ily and consistently la the best papers you may. be sure his business ie successful. If hie II business la successful his prod| net moat ha good. Therefore || watch the advertisements and || buy accordingly. pfc ' - , / m B B HAT 1-13. "cQKSERVATtOH EXPttStTrON ?-iJi-jqwrtM """ J / |HS|^Rh mt B) g ?|?g? ' jtf wffy?iir^ i k i I i m iness man of Knoxville, wbo is ' fairs of South's great show. 1 i le People and for Posterity v C 3 next fall will mark, a most impor- i tant stept in the world's work. The Exposition is of nation-wide Importance, and tlmlTy. It *111 not I 'be a celebration, like other large I exposltlona. It looks forward? I pointing th? w?r tg twtttr vanced thought of t^s day. It will stand eecond to no enterprlie of recent years ae an agancy for thepromotion of the general welfare. The great plana and purpoeee of / thie exposition are being carried out for the benefit of the whole people -otwlr-ja* WBES SAY ROOSEVELT IS. mm Claim That His Has Never I teen Under the Influence of Intoxicating Liquors. The principal event in Col. Roosevelt's suit for libel against Editor George A. Xewett, was the examining of witnesses who had known the Colonel for many years. One and ail. they testified that1 the ex-president not only was a drunkard but was notably and extremely temperate In the use ofTntoxlcants. lt would have" been Impossible, the witnesses said, for Colonel Roosevelt over to have been under the influence of liquor without the fact becoming known to his associates. 10 HOLD REUNION AT JACKSONVILLE, Jacksonville, Florida, was yester- c day awarded tho honor of enter- i taining the 24th annual Confederate I Veteratfs' Reunion,' which will be 1 held next year! Comraander-in- i Chief General Bennet H. Young, of f partmental commanders were re- s elected to office. 1 -Yesterday marked the last lmpor- i tant business session of the conven- ? tion at Chattanooga. Today ia the ' last day of the reunion. OVER TWO MILLION8 FOR GOOD ROAD8. < Washington, D. C.. May 29.?Dr. < Joseph Hyde Pratt, of North Caro- 1 lina, who was here last week to see i the President about drainage mat- ) ters, stated that North Carolina counties had passed favorably upon , the issue bonds aggregating $2,100.-1 000 lor good roads la North Caro- | r ' BAfTLESH^S MON^NT UNVEILING KITIO.VAL MAIM-: MOXIMKNT WIL*. UK INVKII.K1> IX XEW V? >H k Cm TOMORROW, MKMOKm. 1?.\V, CUBAN WARSHIP ARRIVES Into ' < iaiuuy Parade. I New York. May 25'.?The* North I ^thymic fievt orrivud today at the l^mbrot-e I.i^litwltji> n. G o'clock th> no ruin j??ro participate in the cerenonies ir.ruiont' to the unveiling of ho National Main" Monument on Memorial Day. . Admiral Badger in in lOniniand and extension preparations liave been made for the entertain^ cent of his staff while-here. Police escorts will be provided for all officers of tfc-? fleet who i-otne shore. All dans in connection with'the line of narch have been perfected by Com* nlse'.oner Waldo. *uba l>an?Ls Armed P'orcc in New York. The Cuban warship -Cuba--Inmfctlu New York harbor early today with on armed force of sailors. No alarm, however, is felt by local authorities on account" or the anding of this battleship as the crew rill march in the Memorial parade onnected with the dedication of the lAine .Monument on Decoration lay. rnrnm IB BEHELD fll . IREJJRIC IA.NAGER H. (j. HP ARROW HAS ANNOUNCED THAT NEW FEATURE WILE BE ADDED TO THE LYRIC THEATRE. t 1? Expected Tliat the First A ma eur Nisht Will He Hetil Within the (est Week or Two. Prize* to Re Ofered for liwt Act* Each Week. . .JH%_Q,_SjWUTOwt manager of the .yric Theatre, has announced that eginning in the next week or so. it a hl^"* intention to run ' Amateur Cight" once a week. Mr. Sparrow is certain that the. teopleTK-Washington will appreciate hi3 novelty. The talent on these light, will ,^e purely amateur and omposcd of well known people in .Va&hington' or the neighboring owns. Here's a chance that the amateur lomecs and Juliets have been waitng for. It will he the best of trainit g-for-ail -^ato-hava .the ambition to, ro on the stage. Many a present lay star has made his or her beginliog-at Amateur Night. Others have >een raked from behind the foot ights with that appendage, termed the hook." Manager Sparrow will give a first, econd and third priae for the best icts each evening. "TOOT! TOOT! TOOT! T!" _ That heading sounds like a Xornll fn. a Tossing, but that Isn't what it's neant to be. It's the way that peo>le get in communication with the 3ath droc?77 Company. 2222 is heir telephone number as can be teen by glancing into the directory. Rather startling for Central whan, someone garbs the receiver, shakes the hook up and down a few times ind then, in reply to her inquiry, ex:itedly shouts "Toot! Toot! Toot! roo!" . Tb? management should have givsn this number to some ship yard or marine establishment. Una. and that the Legislature has authorised a vote on good roads bonds, between 19.000.000 and 910,000.000 to be voted upon during the year. He said that authorised bonds had been sold easily and he had a demand from the counties for more expert engineer* In road building than be could supply. - - ~ '. lh.-.i . :-4. >.v- 1 *1.' '' S ' Ha. I?r ' jj AStOR HOUSE 1 TO RE RAZED; J WORKSTARTS JUNE 15TH I I fOXTKACTS l-XIK IMJIXt; YVO|?K j UKCAMK EKHM'ThT T<^V. \\ \i fiW: W?Um. howkvkk: "iJl I WI1.L SIIT HTAItT VJCVlli s AHOVK DATK. HOTEL FAMOUS WORLD OVER N 1 Bin-. H' HM'il ?, >1 >;a'c?i's, I [Duke*. I^iriis antl Respectfully, W. ?. STANCILL, * ^51 Uat Taker for Washington Town* hip. S-tt-3tc