-THE WORK Waiting Rooms Upstairs. Cc The Norfolk Southern have at last announced their intention* of repair, x lag fhslr rlapnt .in, this rlty Imprnrfimen Lit are to be made- which wl!! greatly better the preeent condition* The partition. fceCweeo the whltJ and colored waiting rooms Is to be torn away and ono large room made of the two prevent smajl ones. TUlJ ; is to be used as the While waiting roomr tvwtli hare the entrances; Kj on? from the west, tide and anothei j'facing the tracks. Ample seating accommodations will be afforded. L " the large room la the rear of th? - waiting rooms, which is now being used as aUBcds. is to be transformed into the Colored waiting room. Bej?l tween the two waiting eooms, a small office will be built, with one BAN ON TVBSROI LOMIK r." ; _ "fnrRB" iw vrew yobk Hoard of Health Adopts Keaoletlon Forbidding Use of Living Bacteria Organisms in Inoculation of HaNew York, June S.?The board ol ^ >>?iU? adopted, thia aftsraoon a reap. lotion forbidding the nhe of living bacterial organisms in the inocnla\ ?UdS'flTllOBULli beings fur the uW& meat or disease unless permission Is first obtained from the board. Evidence Is already at bgnd to . show that the so-called remedy not ftr - only dow ?ot rnKIll the prasUu ol " efficiency and safety under which Its use was at first permitted, la this city, but en.the contrary, during its v administration, 'many patients have suffered serious and nnduly rapid progress of their disease. TOOK 11 FOLICKMKN WITH PI8*OL8, 8 HOURS TO KILL DOG. Bertie, June 3.?A tragic-comic "siege" le which it took 11 policemen armed with swords and automatic pistols, three hours to kill a day. aMnrrarl' here nn street. A woman owned a gigantic Newfoundland dog of which she wai very fond despite the "tact that he 4 was so fierce that he had to be muxsled even in the house. Returning - ? from shopping, she warn attacked bj the anisnal which had succeeded it getting the mussle off. An alarn brought a police detail of six mei and a lieutenant. It .was reportec that the dog was mad. Shots througt the window missed the lively target Next a poisoned bolonga was throw! leto the room. The dog sniffed at ij were seat for. Pour more police anc several dog catchers from the Socle ty for Prevention for Cruelty to Anl mala, responded. After two ' hour further maneuvering, the dog w? shot. , MARYLAND GUN SHOOT. The third annual gun shoot of th< Maryland SUte Bportmen's Associa tlon began a three-day seeelon to diy. The first two tournaments wen the greatest of their kind ever beli /"?<*\ la the State and the preeent tourne; / shows of every indication of surpass Its predecessors. \Th. rovnlnr ?vRnt? thft tPA.il r*c4 mod the State championship hard. attracted_ _ shooters from al oyer Ike SUM and the Interest show: has niade the association the leadln one' oi lte hied In Maryland That association now baa a mem ' berahl b of It (un clubs, repreaentin ? '^*#0 eptirtamen. I1IO HBITMH WAHHHIPH -t'K lsH Portsmouth, Ins.. June 3 ?Th British hettlaehtps Irresistible hn Prince o( Wales, of the home See collided yesterday while tnaneurrl lac on lte Isle of Wlsht. Both are returning to bosk, jiijl The Irreslatlbls's bows are dan atted hat the aaral authorlUea lnalt that she hat not severed serlouely. ? TV V V e - *' ' rvv\ i TO BE START] ' ^J^fRSSEr ' * * ^ to be Enlarged; O ntracts for Work I window facing the white room and another the colored. ?Ttf OICfM Qf lJlP COMMBT BlU la moved upstairs. In addition to the abovo^h^orovements, the building will Mo painted and made aa attractive looking ap possible. Toilet rooms will be installed in each waiting room and the sanitary condition will be looked af The contracts for the work have already teen let. Ira Qongleton has been awarded the contract for doing i the wood work, while the Harris : Hardware Company will do the Iron V Work. The local officials have' been noti-* L fled to have work started as soon as i possible. ' HIUTINHKlts TO WELCOME - AMERICA* OOLFERS. London, June 3.?A number of eni tertainments have been played by . British golfers in honor of the American players who are expected to arrive here this week to partld! pate in the British open champlon. ship at Hblyoke on June 19. The : Atliet leans will not accept too many invitations, being-anxious to test and get ciimatized. The American play? Ml'WW dlHAIMo France after . the British gamee. There are: John J. McDermott. of Atalntic City, winner of the American open | championship in 1911 and 1912, the , first and' only American-born protes| sion to wiri the title. is'.named "as the ( first man. f The second member of the team is ( Tom McNamara, of Boston. McXa( mara^s chief claim to fame was his winning of fbe Metropolitan open championship at Apawamia last summer. I Michael J. Brady, of Wollaaton, the third member, is another home ? ?uw wm uiuis 1ui naiu wiiuin . the hist few jeers. At Wheaton in . 1911 Brady tied for the national l open championship with McDermott, L aad O. 0. Simpson* of Wheaton, fin. iBhedsecdad T6~theplay-bff. . H*. destroyed. K 1849?Italian rising In Rome. 1184?Battle of Chtokahominy be tween the Federal and Con federates. 1818?Lieut. Hichard Hobsen ui e oomredes sunk d la Sentlego harbor. ' not?Senate pissed the Philippine clrtl coreniment hill. 1808-?Dtsastroui storms ea coast o f <*??. . \ i- HIS?President srelcomed a Qer it man navu squadron at For trees Monroe. #> ";* ; . ':'k. ' . " 2 L, WASHINGTON, ? nme ?fr-AT^>MC& ffices to be Moved lave Been Let. ' 1 ' 11 JAPAN HAS ACCEPTED BRYAN'S PEACE PLAN. r - Wwhtoiton. Jua? 3.?iVIacouat Chlnda, the amhasEador from Japan, late yeeter i ^ v ;v . 5 . j . nmnflfi othiwt nam sib rap ( . W. HI SS AND HIS IIHOTHKR, J. . . R. RUSH, HIT BY AUTO. tbrownWm buggy MACHINE WAi DRIVEN BY MR. KWANNHR WHEN ACCIDENT HASTENED An automobile accident occurred yesterday afternoon on Pierce street at about four o'clock. I .?C? ML.RBW ftbri h'ff^n^r^n,. Ruse, were driving towards Main street in their horse and buggy, when they were hit by a car. which was being'driven by Wm. Swanner. W. P. Hobbs was also in the machine. ' Scanner was learning how to drive, it being his first time out in |M way,- hw lost control of the wheel. Luckily the machine was going slowly at the time. It hit the horse, knocking it down and Waa slowly . dragging it along the street, when Hobbs leaned over and ahut Off 'the power. J. R. Rush wgs throWn out ot,the buggk and, hurled on the air. The shafts o. tbejrig. were broken, the harness ' torn and the pony badfytut in two 1 places. C. W. RussEscaped without Injury, although his brother -las 1 bruised and- eeeetched?In several 1 places. M'REVNOLD'8 ATTITUDE UN'- ' KNOWN. Washington, -D. C., June 3.?At- 1 torney-Qeneral * McReynolds yeater-i 1 day declined td commit hiniself oh 1 the plana for t|*e dissolution of the Union Pacific rawrger. His attitude is unknown. The silence of the AttdPHey-Gener- 1 al led to reports that the Union Parian'. pynnftaltl^s probably did not J meet his unqualified approval. In . hla negoilaCop# with the railroads, he has "been insistent that no substantial proportion of the Union Pacific's 1126,000,000 holdings of Sonthern Pacific stock should go to shareholders of the Union Pacific. It now seems practically certain that the Attorney-Generad will institute a suit against the Southern Pacific under the Sherman anti-trust law to compel that road to divorce itself from th? Central Pacific. The Attorney-uenerai, it is said, couia not force the Southern Pacific to give up the Central Pacific because the Supreme Court did not order that diTorcumeiiL? ? ? "MOV1B" MEN IN BALTIMORE. Baltimore, Md., June 3.?The first meeting of the Moving Picture Men of this State ever held convened today. The exhibitor shave been troubled greatly by the censorship laws, therefore they will be discussed at length and recommendations made for theif improvement. [f The "Present" fj Question Before Us "What in the world shall I give her?" How many times have you said that as you read an invitation to a wedding? Your dilemmas are no dif - ferent from a thousand other ?i people's. We are all in the same boat when it comes t# deciding on a wedding present, It b a human filing for the imagination to balk at that point. Next time you get an invitation don't cudgel your brains ' and confuse your mind with and takM away all the pleasure of giving:. JuBt pick up Daily News or any other ?ood newspaper and rtnf carefully through the advertisements. The first thing you know you will exclaim, "That's the very thing!" lhMaata.tiniiT n?ful and beautiful artlclea, and there la no* quicker way of chooilnf ? MOl ffy>q ?1I*S jvqi euo 1 eoowi9 O) uwui osJnd JUOX puw over the countless suggestions offered daUy in our advertising columns. ?.NOON, JON* >, l?n. ' 1 ^_>__ _ _ NHS MIS pnnFua is im VOVXG MKN MKKI) lXBTKITCTIOXH IX MANN1NU SHIP*. Before Ofllcer-Htuileat* He Oatlines P^ans to Make livery Xav y Ship * School; livery Officer a Schooljna*ffir. " Newport, R. I., June J.?Every ship of the American navy will be a school and every officer a schoolmaster If Secretary Joseph us Daniels carries out the plan he outlined add**** Wira the Naval War College. "The chief lack in the navy today." the Secretary told the offlcer-studenu, "is a systematic and proper instruction of the young men who respond to our calls to enlist and who uian our aklna Hl'JffL ????? Referring to tho alluring advertisements of the recruiting stations, promising young men opportunities ' for learning all kinds of trades and vocations, Mr. Daniels said: "As a ' matter of*fact we have neglected training them, and outside of the practical duties aboard ship they do 1 K>r~Obtaln tho drilling and educa- ' tion to keep the promise--made as ' well aa. benefit the navy." He added 1 that when men enlist they should 1 he assigned to .a regular course, be- * Ing allowed to elect whether they ? study engineering or. electricity, ina- 1 chlnery. carpentry or other trades, and classes should be organized vto ' teach them all. In addition, he said, there should be courses in primary Instruction, conducted by the young- < er office?H? : ?1_ _ ] f Miss Anna Fleming. Mrs. Fleming, i Miss Thigpen. Mrs. Davenport and awlllflilnr fwI. I Mi mm* Zjl.iM Pattlo J Davenport of Pactolus were in the city yesterday on a shopping trip, i G. C. Wfi AT BO ENGINEER Important Business Mee ? VALUABLE STAKKH AT MONTREAL. Montreal, Que., June 3.?The Montreal Jockey Club's Spring meeting which begins at its track, Blue Bonnets today, has a large number of valuable stakes. The most important are the Kindergarten Stakes. Windsor Hotel Cup, the Jacques Cartier. Stakes. the Connanght jCup.and. the Prince of Wales Steeplechase. The first of these, for 2-year-olds, selling, is a five furlong sprint. It was won last year by Cock o' the er third. Plate Glass, Olambala and Brosseau finished in the order named for the Windsor Hotel Cup in 1912. Hia race was first run in 1909 and is valued at $1,245 to the The Jacques Cartier Slakes, one" of the notable events of the meeting, was first run in 1907, when it was captured by Golf Club, or rather Mblick. It is one mile for 3-yearolds and upward, selling and is worth $1,400 to the winner, Blackford, Altamaha and Busy were the entries, last year to win the money. LAUNCH CHILIAN SUBMARINE. Seattle, frash., June 3.?The Chilian submarine Iquique, with Its sister >oet, the Antofagasta, is under construction at- a local shipyard here, was launched today, Mrs. Mary von Schroaders, of .Valparaiso, acting as sponsor. She is the wife of thw I IsOseant of the Chilian , navy who will command the iquique. The Unique and the* Antofagasta are of the ana general type of submarine an types T and H class la the American navy, two of which are on l[Antof??m?u will IX launched August PW . . ' ^ - Li k. v Ui- ;'4)1^*w3L _ B- V W 1 ' ' K*'^* ' - 1 n _ i_n PRAISK *#? EICH^ND A ^ A. AND M. COLLBOE. > Frank lla ILAwferdt Bar* Our Cay> Hot in Hosacfhlng to Be PrtNrf of. Pine i-i.-r- e of ArckitectMe. ' Washington, D. C., June 3.? Franklin D. Roosevelt returned from III Raleigh this.week enthusiastic about the toVn and the people he met there. Before leaving for New York he told several people that he had had a splendid time and that he cS hoped-ha would have an opportunity ye to go back again to th'e home of^his chief, the Secretary of tho Navy. 1C "The school was much larger and vc everything better than 1 expected to af find," he said when, he came back. 7?n "And the town is dandy. And the is capitol is something the State certainly has a reason to be proud of. 1 ho wish New York State had a building |W las handsome In its simplicity as that I in one. I ihluk It is one of the finest No piecei^of -architecture. I- ever saw. clj much more bo than the majority or at costlier buildingB." jni NORFOLK AFTER CONVENTION to OF RAILWAY TRAINMEN. San Francisco, Cal., June 3.?i mi Politics began to simmer yesterday at in the convention of the Brotherhood to af Railroad, Trainmen, now in the lnal week of its session here. Grand -N't President Lee's policies were attackid and defended in the debate over alaries and appeals yere constituted n the day's program. sia Election of officers and the choice *01 of the next convention city probably pei will be taken up tomorrow. w( Thus far the only announced can- ln( lidate in opposition to President an Lee who has.held office since 1909 till md seeks re-election is A. F. Whit- toi ?ey, Eagle Grove, Iowa. ou Cleveland, Columbus. St. Louis, th< triiwiikyg. at. Paul. Houston. Nor- rei folk and b? 6 ?ranimn u~ bU doeiroJie next convention. An riTE ELE ARD ME ACCEPTS THE ; Brought up for I ting Held Last Nig i " An important meeting df the Board . of Alderman was held last night. The cii principal business of the evening It was the election of a consulting en- fit glneer for the construction of the pe proposed water and sewerage system, an There were three applicants for this la position. After a short discussion, dr and upon the recommendation of the wj light and water committee, it was decidtuLu. elect GUbfertX\ AVhilC_to_ the positron. i ? th MrTWhite"haK-been-actlvoly?tn~ tb gaged as engineer for the pastflfteen an years and has put in elcetriCugbt, th water and sewerage systems In sixty an toyns In North and South Carolina, po Other business of importance was transacted. The City Attorney was ap requested to look np the law and pee sp whether the c?ty had the right to cut *t< off the electric current from the of house of a delinquent subscriber. He pc waa ask*?d to report at the next meet- an lug. ?? ' The motion was made and second- *n ed that the salaries of the engineer and fireman of the Fire Department co remain the same as last year. The b* motion was carried. j 00 It was decided to allow Mr. Hodges to pet ep a brick wall as per. J? specifications instead of the sheet dc Iron wall, which he first Intended to cl erect. The request of installing aim freight elevator in the^fimtflng was di referred to the fire committee with pi power to act. * ct The matter of electing % new chief of the Fire Department was deferred rc until tha next mswtlsf. M A letter.was read from the new finance committee, in which the members of the "committee stated that they were willing to serve pn the hi committee for the consideration of twenty dollars each upon the provls- D ion that the City Clerk make oat the ' annual report ^'t..... ^ . -f ' j m. j A V >, p / nl " j. in B W VKKTKHf AT WIL- * ' Z& IMIHGTON FROM THIS tlTY. 3NVEKTI0M0PEMS THURS. I'Hl.VKSK HKKSION TO IIF. HKIJ> THl IUDAT. IU<; HAKADE TO IIK FRATCKK FRIDAY. [About fifteen delegate's frotn tUla Jii ty will attend the B. P. 0. E. Conation atWilmlugtou. The convention opens Thursday at 1 o'clock. The morning will be deled to a business session. In the icrnoon .an outing will be held in e of the neighboring park;. Friday the day of the big parade. Some of the delegates will leave re tomorrow afternoon and reach lliuington at midnight. The rest tend departing on the midnight irfolk Southern train, take the spelt train fromNcw Bern ard arrive Wilmington early.Thursday morn5 \ Thpfie who so desire, can return 3 Washington Friday night. Special arrangements have been ide for the entertainment of ladies the convention. All are invited attend. IDT WELCOME > " ,S AWAITS WESTON*. Albany, N. Y., June 3.?Ar. er.thu- ^ stlc welcome awaits Edward Payl Weston, the seveuty-flve-year-old jestrian. who Is performing the '* twning feat of his career by walk; from New York to Minneapolis, d who is expected here sometime b evening. Walking clubs and aunobtlists wilt meet him on the tskirts of the city and Escort him surgh Albany. Weston piaca to ich- the grounds of the new MlnIfu.t 2. ;cted i ETING j POSITION *' discussion at the ht. ? ' ? ?? - Afi^r a short discussion, it was de~ led that this would hardly be (air. was moved and seconded that tho lance committee be paid ten dollar* x man. for check ins up the report j id that the remaining twenty dolrs be paid to the city clerk for awing up the report. The motion ts carried. Chief of Police Howard requested e hoard to purchase him a desk so at he could have a safe place tor *"""j e keeping of various documents _ id private papers. The board ought the suggestion a good one id turned the matter over to the dice committee with power to act. It was moved that a committee be ? .Jj pointed to investigate the cost and ecSfleations of erecting a two ary building, or annex, to the rear the City Hall. Mayor Kugler apilBTST ATderniPTi Braeaw. ArcKbell -a&dfl id JoneB'cn the cShimfttee with lnructions to report at the next meetThe matter of investigating the ndltion of old and dilapidated hidings was referred to the Are iinmittee. The motion was made and carried! \|> rarroll be paid twenty-flve j >llars for his assistance to the city; erk during the month of May. The _ atter of selecting a Ication for umping garbage and refuse wan laced into the bands 0? the street v | immittee. . ^ 9 The board will nfeet again tomof* f ^ iw night to consult with Mr. White id-Alioi-to. take up the matter of tax I 7. T. J. Reynolds New Barn Is a laineea visitor in the city today. ON *T FORGET TO LOOK AT tHR jj Special Children's Br?? at J. HL. . Hoyt's for Hooaf*. V