biSH^n** t1 ii 111 u i un' 11ETWKSN TWO^III* r "'- , ! I ?~mm FIRST UAMK WHICH HAS HEKX PI-AYEO FOR HOHK T1MB. ? HAILV I'lUCTK'K HHW1 I |v HEL1). , 6 Arranffmenta have been mad* for 8 A bueball jame between Waahlng- ? Vs?? *?* UWCTwni* at Flemtna Held *^.T! on Friday afternoon. ! Dolly practice la being held and the local boy* are faat rounding Into * * will be Uie rlrat game ot ball 1 Which laa been played In Waahlng- i ByjjL -ton for aome time and It la hoped that a large number of popple will c turn out to view the game. 1 . Waahlngton la about the only town t L* A? ??- -- j H W '? 9imry m iirn oini?- iiiui u?e ikj ? / representative ball team. The ^ty t P" way that we can have one Is for c everyone who can, to turn out and " help support the team. " JPhe line-up of the locals will bo \ announced at a later date. In the meantime, all those who can play ball or who have ever played are re- i' quested to come out to the Held and limner up. FOWLS MKMffclAL 1 HOSPITAL NKW8. Mrs. Ida Midgette of Bath, who * waa operated on recently, Is doing n nicely. t Mr. Orlbbell, a traveling man of Philadelphia, who was taken alck 7 while in the city and who *as 1 brought to the Fowle Memorial Hoe- <i pital, U rapidly regaining Him d health. Henry Kayton. who was operated will soon beableTo leaveTorWslj home. 1 Mrs. Taylor of Cbocowlnity was * operated oa for appendicitis. Her p condition Is excellent. ? Mrs. Cratch returned to her home Sftnrday after an operation at the hospital. * Mr. Rlderr of ?hls city, whtf is a c patient In tha hoapltal, is improving B rapidly. B Miss Evelyn Barnhill. one' of the a Staff of nurses of the hospital, has cone to F&rmviUe on a case. Miss Euginla Rqsh, also of the hospital statf, is out on a case., Miss Bertha Bobbins, who has been In training at the hospital for , the past three years, has completed her course and Is now at Hertford. STATK MEDICAL SOCIETY MEETING. The Medical Society of the State of North Carolina will hold its annual neasion at Morehead City beginning Tuesday June 17th. A very Interesting program has .been arranged for the meeting and it promises to be c one of the moat largely attended and 0 most valuable in the history of the Society. The State Health Officers* - Association meets at Morehead City on Monday, June"lSflT " Kvory pby- ~ slcian and every County and City ^ Health Officer is expected to be presT. J. Mann,' N. L. Mann. J. M. Kale and B. F. Mooney of Hyde County i p. tied through the city yesterday en i ryute for Ralegh. c . , JUNE 9 IN HISTORY. 1811?8econ4 unsuccessful attack on Fort "San Cristobal by the ^ British. 1839?Turkey declared war against \ Egyptian ruler Mehemet All. 1 1883?Battle of Port Republic between Federals and Confeder- 1 a tee. , ' 1864?Boston entertained officers . and men ot Russia's yI siting T fleet. It74?first reunion of Anti-slavery league at Chicago. ' 1884?Foundation stone of new ? Parliament building at Berlin laid. ' . 1886?Gladstone ministry resigns. "1888?War revenue bill passed by Congress. 1901?House passed anti-anarchy kill. Twelte killed by burning of Chicago sanitarium. 1803?$4,760,000 *re at Palm BeeeW, Pla. _ lUlt?Mexican uprising at Chlhau. ? .V/ " v;-.-" &f.y *' fl".'i 1: - ^ S23 Jstjz l?cret Service oa the charge of seadPomaro was taken taWarren and ;iven a hearing before United States ommlaaloner Ollmer. He will be Cleveland. It is said the nan admits his guilt, giving as a eason that he 'Just wanted the The letter demanding the money raa mailed on May 2b and was Immediately turned over U? the Secret tervice LlM|li||pL . Capt. Washer irrlved In the city two days ago and dded by the police located Pomaro g'No. 105 Wall street. It Is said that Pomaro is one of a Hack Hand band operating in this "tcMcn and having connections in lew York as the Eastern end, and etching through this district from >ltt??burg. Newcastle. East Youngeown and Cleveland. The police are said to have a record of a number of houses in East touhgstowh where the gang has let. The demand made recently for 1,000 from Anthony Parllla, a well o df6loc*t Italian, is thought to have ome from the same band. The envelope was addressed: ?r. n nwn, ricaiuoui vi iuc u. sr., Pashlngton, E>. Q." It raad a* follows: "Mr. President: Send $6,000 or L will be the worst for yon. j,.-;: - -Giuseppe ro. "28 North Watt st." O INVESTIGATE VATRlt CONDITIONS. ' Buffalo. N. Y., June 9.?The interational Joint commission of' the 'nlted States aud Canada for the in stlgation of water conditions along he Niagara frontier began a hearng here today. The questions to bq ecided^by the commission are: "To what extent and by what aqses and in what localities have be boundary waters between the Jul ted States and Canadh been pointed so atf'to be Injurious to the labile health and unlit for domestic r other uses? "In what way or manner, whether y the construction and operation of uliable drainage canals or plants at onvenient points or otherwise, is .it ossible and'advisable to remedy or revent the pollution of these waters, nd by what means or arrangement an the proper construction or operaIon of remedial or preventive works, r a'system or method of rendering heee waters sanitary and suitable or domestic and other uses, he best ecured and maintained in order to asure the adequate protection and levelopment of all interests Involv d on notn^ sidea Qi Lne__Po:u?oary, ,nd to fulfill the obligations underaken in Article IV. of the Waterrays treat? <\f January 11.' 1909, beween the United States and Qreat Iritain. in which it Ts agreed that he watery therein defined as boundary waters and waters flowing across he bouudary shall not be pollutted >n either side of the injury of health tr property on the other?" I CHOW BRANCH 1TKMS. Mr and-Miw q pgwns and ohlfd luted Mr. and'Mrs. R. L. Barr Sunlay afternoon. Mrs. W. H. Downs. Little Powell faw Branch Sunday. Buck and Messrs. W. ^ Nelson, C.'aud Dlion, C 8. .Waren and David Evans were the guestrf >f Miss Lissie ^Powell Sunday afteriood. W. H. Downs visited R. L. Barr iunday. J. O. Buck of Qllead spent Svmday vith his brother. E. W^B^ck. I. A. Warren of Washington and V. W. Moore of Moore road visited 1 If Tir.nuin Oiln^BU Mesdamea I. T. Noblos and R, M. iVarren visited Mrs. Nettle Carrow rueaday morning. R. M. Warren left Sunday afterloon for Wagmgem nsBBM lie has tccepted a position with M. M. Jones >a the R. E. Hodges building on dain Street Mrs. Minnie Warren and Llsale Powell spent Tuesday, night with Mr ind Mrs. B. L. Barr. E. W. Buck' of Bragaw spent Saturday night and 8unday with hi Family. Mrs. Effie Bell of Bragaw spent Sunday night with her sister, Mrs. F. D. Taylor. Mrs. W. H. Downs risked Mrs. E. W. Back 8undny. ,| Messrs. A. 9. .Warren and David | Bvamr made a flylng^rlp to Washing *- TUB WEATU f?~- * ^ v *;'il illHnUHfci (i fi 11 || Liar V| 11 v || v IJ HIH ATTORNEY AKKS FOR JI/HV. CA8K POSTPONED ON THAT ACCOUNT. j LARGE NUMBER PRESENT y-- ^?* ?f- _' . >-;-' I'M Sl ALIiY LAKUK NUMBER ATTEND ftHBKION OF RECORDER'S < DI RT THIS MOKMMi. | An. unusually large number of Specta^pr* wmia present at the session of the Recorder's Court this moraIDA At ten o'clock, -when the court opened, there was not a vacant seat in the court room and many were' standing in the aisle. The first case brought up was that against Ben Edwards, who was charged with having morn liquor In his pesseesion than the law allows. C'SorgQ J Rturtricrt wlm ?niaAV - Edward's attorney, asked foY a jury. Judge Windle? granted' his reWtf the cfd tm adlcurnbd until Friday morning at 11 o'clock. Charles Venters wbb brought into c^urt, charged with disorderly conduct. lie was fined five dollars and eoatf-of ot^rt.: lsanh Brown, colored, was charged with having stolen corn from D. T. Toyloe's warehouse. The case was postponed until Wednesday In order that the defendant might secure his witnesses. DR. RODMAN IB ATTEND MEETINGJtf EXAMINERS HAK LEFT FOR MOREHHAD CI*Y **^AHIMKTO BEHBLD.' Dr. J. C. Rodman has left for Morehead City to attend the annual meeting of the .North Carolina Board of Medical Examiners, of which he Is a member and examiner In surgery. The members of the examining board, with their subjects are .as follows: Dr."H. H. Dodson. of Greensboro, Practice of Medicine. < Dr. L. B. McBrayer, of- Aeheville, examiner in gynaecology and oh stetriCB. Dr. W. W. McKenzie, of Salisbury, anatomy, histology, pathology and bacteriology. * Dr. John Bynuiu, of Winston-Salem, materia medlca and therapeutfpa ' Dr. J. L. Nicholson, of KIcrflands. chemistry and disease of children. Dr. Benj. K. Hays, of Oxford, physiology and hygiene. Dr. J. C. Rodman, of Washington, surgery. The above members 'of the board were chosen at the meeting of. the board which was held in WinstonSalem in 1908. Dr. Rodman stijl has two year^ to serve on the Examining Board. Chicago, June 9.?The burial Qf Charles P. Moore, one-legged manftger ofTLniirttllctal limb manufacturing cbncern, was attended today by ten men who had 6ut eight legs between them. The fouY pallbearers had a leg each-. Two men attended who bad no.legs except of the artificial kind. Four others bad four legs. Seven were employed in the factory. Pour men had but one arm each and one woman had an artificial leg. PLANNING ALL NIGHT COLLEGE. New York, June 9.?President John Hasten Finley of the College of the City of New York expects within a very short time to announce plans by which it will be possible td hear lectures at that ipstitution ahy time of day or night. In fact the eollege will be open from dawn to dawn. He ?ays he ha* discussed the ttoject with the faculty and ?rle<ldi . * the college ?nd tfl promised such* hearty support that he has no doubt dt the succesa of Ms' plan. C. u. Campbell fa expected to arrlve In the dty tonight and will be here for several days. ~>v r?^ ton Sunday to call on Miss Laura v. Noble, who is visiting her aunt. Mrs. R. F. Entity. _ j ' 1 ?*: 4lWn Tonight nd To LtWK' TWCAJKK WKI>NHM>A V. ~ The M?m 4*UQM of the Lyric Theatre will mo doubt welcome the feature attrnetyon that will bo afweek. and tbijjgact that Sarah Bernhardt wliLawSar in. this *oature gtvea a >t?fc reputation of excellent photography. \ Seldom does ,ai> audience have the rTporrnnity oft witnessing any performance with i tbifc noted actress, even When the^do they pay an enormous price teats, but on Wed eaday oners a sovoti reiT program beyonflt doubt of being the greatest feature of the season. This featurgjJfcna the lust motion pictures that Sftfuh Bernhardt over appear' was paid a salary of 111-. ill bo her last appears!! American stage. "The acTiug b&lhla picture is perfect and^wus tBMe to meet the many demands of this actress and to fill tho'places of five dollar seats which yonforotridhavo to pay. This great frfat^te; will be here for one <tey only pjlylng both nmtlnoe and night and As admission prices will be 16 and 2llcentB. TRIBI NAL ON I X IARY CLAIMS. Ottawa. June 9.^-The Intcrnation al Tribunal for. Arbitration of-Pecuniary claims hetw4*m the Untied States and Great C|rltaln. convened here today to up cases of Canadian origin. Its, sessions in the future will bo held at Washington for cases rsquhttf- consultation ofAmerlcan government records and here for caaea requiring Canadian records. The general sessions at Washington will not be resumed until next fall. NATIONAL T. P. A. AT RICHMOND. Richmond,"Va., June 9.?The National Convention of the'Travellers' Protective Association which convened here today la (he largest and best ever held in"the United States. It la a congress of nmerclal men, commercial thlnfce. t actors and ao4rs, A'Uose i^blel pr ^iple IS UI1(! or freedom and justice, -crdlng to the announceatents gi.v^ -':v by Its leaders. This association <* ns more effective work in thiVji "rest of the traveling man thanlflny other agency ln_the cojintn-. * SUPREME COURT RECONVENES. Washington, June 9.?The United States Supreme Court reconvenes today. only however, to take a recess until next Saturday which will be the final meeting day this term unless in view of the docket, it may then be deemed best to hold another decision day. > FLORIDA MARKSMEN TO SHOW SKILL. Black Point, Fla., June 9.?The annual state rifle competition, held under the auspices of the Florida State Rifle Association began here today and will continue for three days. Florida boasts some of the best marksmen in the country on its State team. (? ^ Taxing Your Income. . =?: \ What would you think of an income tax equal to the amount of money you waste each year by careless buying? The sum would startle many of us who are not considered extravagant in the common acceptance of the word. And yet we go along the even tenor of our way, happy-that we have enough to live on and a little to spare, perhaps. But, aside from extravagances aa such, are you taxing your income more than you - luuuiu iu jour every-aay purChasing of the necessaries of nriT That ta tur-nnportnsr- question. It la so easy foY us Americans to indulge in careless buying that It behooves all of ns to. pay attention to what we 1 buy arid where we buy it. We must make our dollars work for us 100 J>er cent' or we are taxing our incomes constantly: Ttu^ Daily News and other good newspapers will help you in your buying if yuu will but study the interesting and instruct! ye advertising presented dally. kWl V"siWf* ' _,. . I, JUMB ?? fit. . ? 1 : * '.: *.? OUnlffll DliIiuuU FBI METHODIST SUNDAY SCHOOL TO ENJOY ANNUAL PICNIC AND OiTIXd. ?t wnsiwtm putt WILL LEAVE FROM KOWI.E'S WHARF'AT 9:84) A. M. VIA FLAT FOR PARK. The annual picnic of tHe Methodist Sunday school will be held Wed9?day. ' The plchlc^wni T?e lield" at W a shin r ton Park. The children, with other guests will leave Fowle's wharf at 8:30 a. m. and make the trip to the park via a large flat, which trttt be towed down by a tug. "It Ft expected t^Bat tlie gttenUanc c will break all records, as the Sunday school has been steadily Increasing In membership. - A Jolly good time Is assured. Dinner will be enJoyed at the park. ' LOWKIt TEMPERATURES M i\r<i>ii inn >1 in n r.r<n. Washington, June 9.?Generally fair weather with moderately low temperature in the eastern states, the great central valleys and the lake "region and local rains along -the' south Atlantic and gulf coasts are predicted for the early days of the coming week by the weather bureau. For the section west of the Mississip" ?i valley generally fair weather and temperatures above the seasonal average are pro'mised for the entire week. "No important storm will cross the country the coming week," the bureau's bulletin said, "but a disturbance that Is now forming over the~western plateau region will advance slowly eastward.''preceded by a general rise la temperature and at. tended l>J local thunder shojvers. and cross the middle west about Thursday and the eastern states near the end of the week. A general reaction to normal temperatures will set in-over^tbe great central valleys and the eastern states after- Tuesday." CAPJ, 3TUDDERI WANTS InnlKRIAIlUN ABUUI CHIEFJOLICE SALARY To the Honorable Mayor and Doard of Aldermen. City of Washington. N. C. Gentlemen: In looking over the private laws of 1903. relative to the charter of the City of Washington. N. C., 1 find the following language with reference to salaries: "To the chief of police, a salary shall be paid not to exceed fifty dollars a month and all fees due him shall go to the city." This act went into effect on the 27th day of February.' 1903, but did not become- operative until the first week of May. 1903. When the new board, elected for tlie ft rat Hnw, uod^r* tin* u**w charter, took charge, 1 have been informed that .Mr. George Howard.has drawn three hundred dollars more per year than the charter allows, and that he has been drawing this excess for ten years, with the exception of the short time that Mr. M. J. Fowler served as chief of police under Mr, C. H. Sterling's administration as mayor. , This means that Mr. Howard* has drawn about twenty-five hundred dollars in ten years, more than the charter of 1903 allows, and Mr, M. more than said charter allows to be paid as a chiof of police. ~ I wish It to be distinctly understood that I am not finding fault with the amount paid the chief of police per month. 1 believe a capable man is worth all he gets and more too. I suggest to your honorable body that you send a bill when the legislature meets in extra session this summer and change the law so (hat a chief of police in Washington may draw his salary according to law. GEO. J. 8TUDDBRT. . Senator Second Ettstrict. KACTJjp AT LATONIA. Latonia, Ky., June 9.?The racing season began here today, with a pro!| gram fall of stirring ersnts. ' The ^ ' / E&-' ..... ' I ~y> ; i "+?$/ Jfr 'VAferiVji t __ * _ Jh. ^ JL??# O^Riimley^ iiiarriaR^ HcensO fpr Ceo. A. Paw;-fee? for April Ooo. E. Ricks, taxes , q Rumlay. few iar Hiy O. Ruraley, marriage license for May. . . . Qeo. A. Paul, fees for May To i-P Receipts DISBKTKSm Claims audited and allowed June 3rd It Poor list allowed- June 3rd (see list I . Balance cash in bands of Tecrsurer Ju I HUMS .TVUlTED AM) AM, ^o. To Whom. 381 W. E. Swindell. Chair County Con 382 W. H. Whitley. County Commissi 383 W. S. 1). Eborn. County Commissi 384 H.C. Rr?Kuw. County Commission 385 H. C. Hragaw. extra services in cJ 386 L: CvAVarrenr drawing two bridge 387 C C. Cratch, making monthly stul 388 J. Bryan Grimes, certified copies oi 389 Geo. A. Paul. C. S. C.. salary for 300 Geo. A, Paul. C. S. C.. office ex pen 391 G. Rumley. register of deeds, sal 392 G. Humle>'. Register ol' Deeds, olii 393 G. Rutpley, ("wrk to Board'for us394 Harris Hardware Co., toilet paper 395 Washington Dally News, notices at 396 Everett-NVaddey Co., stationery fo. 397 Edwards & Broufchton. reco-J b< 398 McKeel-Rlchdrdaon Hdw. Co.. tun* 399 Wn. B. Harding, Ink an# > sr 402 Jo.' Caiut > *> ...ilu gang, i 403 flaymtHId Rsir'iftr. gnaru chain ga 404 Jothtik Alllp 'od. guard chain gani 405 Tom Waters, guard chain -gang, si 406 J. G. Mixon, mdse for chain gang 407 Spencer Bros., mdse for chain gai 408 Eureka Lumber Co., lumber for Iaj 409 E. R. Mlxon, Interest on note for % 410 E. K. Mixon, interest on note for $2 411 W. A. & J. G. Blount, drugs for ( 412 E. G. Bright, supt. County Home 413 E. G. Bright, making six coffins . . 414 Carolina Tel. & Tel. Co.. telephone 415 Washington Municipal Elec. Plant. 416 Washington Municipal Elcc. Plant. 417 J. K. Hoyt, pair shoes for Mx.s Ta; 418 J. R. Bonner, repairing bridge da k4t1* A. C. Hathaway, attention and re 42(1* M. L. Cherry, material for and wor 4 21 J. H. Keech. keeping Belliaven brit 4 23 V. W. Davis, keeping Pungo Creek i24 J. W. Brantley, keeping Auroia bi 425 H. G. D. Hlll?keeping Washington 426 S. R. Fowle &. Son, Washington br 427 O. Rum ley, freighting lumber to 1 4 28 C. E. Tankard, repairing bridge ot 429 L. A, Taylor, repairing bridge Che 4 30 C. R. Elluj^-repairiifg bridge Chocc 4 31 J. R. Hprdlson. work oh Little Ml 432 J. W. Crawley, keeping Bath&Back 4 33 Chasey Whitley, hauling Ibr to Hai 434 N. "JV.Harding, work on Cbocowini 435 J. K~TBonner, freighting lumber t? 436 T. A. Brooks, material for Bath bi 4 37 W. A. Winfield. lumber-and vtork 4 38 W. A. Blount, balance due on Litt 4 39 Eureka Lumber Co.. lumber for B 440 L. H. Redditt. labor and material 441 Washington Progress, stationery f 442 Washington Daily News. pub. state 44 3 Geo. N. Howard, conveying prison 4 44 W. S. Burbage. court cost and ^on 44 5 Geo. E. Ricks, sheriff, salary for M 446 Geo. E. Ricks, sherifT, jail account 4 4^" Geo. E. Ricks, sheriff, court cost 44 8 Geo. E. Rlcka. sheriff, for use of < 449 Geo. E. Ricks, sheriff, general cour 450 Geo. E. Ricks, sheriff, conveying p 4 51 Jesse Parhatn. shoeing county's n 452 J. A. Leigh, Belhaven Recorder, s 4 53 W. H. Hooker, Aurora Recorder, i 4 54 W. B. Windley. Wash. Recorder, a 4 55 Edwards & Hroughton. search nn 4 56 W. B. Windley, buying and placing 467 E. O. Mallison. Wash. C. 11. C.. sa 458 V/. A. Tankard. Bath Recorder, s 459" E. G. Mallison. C. 11. C.. one-half 460 E. R. Mlxon, Jury tickets 461 E. R. Mixon, cash paid to Maunin 462 E, R. Mixon, ensh paid Dr. Pridgt 463 E R. Mixon. cash paid W. A. Bloi 464 E. It. Mixon. treasurer's salary for ' ft: Mixorv.-tttTr'otr mrfe-for* fvO1 Outside Poor Account Mar., 1913. H To Whom. Am't. {T Alllgood. Penny $ 2.00 " Adams, Mrs. Eveline 2.00 Barow, Fred 1.50 Blount. Stephen .. .. .. .. 3.00 Jd Ball. J. H 3.60 I Ball. MeG ' 3.00 J? Broer, Mrs. Martha 1.50 |J? Brown, Mrs. Sallie 1.501 J? Bonner, Oliver 1.50 IK: Crawford,^Ch?*. 1.50 Li Calley, Geo 1.50 Candy,. Mary E .. 2.50 M Congleton, J. A 2.00 m Carter, Jaa 1.50 \f, Clark, Hesier 1.50 m Cherry, Marcella 1.50 m Curtis, .Mrs ,, 1.50 \[, Car, Moses 2.00 m, Clark, Carter 2 00 m ? ii| Davie, Rena 2.00 Dixon, Julia A .. 2.00 p. Dixon, Mary 2.00 p( Dixon, Bill 4.00 p( Daniels, Samuel ' 2.00 0, Daniels, Mariah 1.50 w Eborn, Lavlnia. .. .. .1.00 ^ Eborn, Jan'?'.. 1.00 ?, Everett, Mrs. J. J. . , . . . . 3.00 r, Everett, Mrs. J. W 5.00 R. Foster, Susan 2.00 R Fulford, E. P 3.00 Fulford, Orptila ^ .. .. .. 2.00 q BdWar*- Geo. H. 2.00 gl Gregory. Rlmon ........ 5.00 81 Qibbo. Aloato J.00 s. jwoiib. Imp .. ?.. .. .i 1.00 ? V ; X . *. & k c jfetbii $ ''itfckiSvi Na "* _ I [ III i lifipp . . vwi ll11II I II y: iMMMippinurnp IB. I* $ 7.079.31 .9 ??i.i? -^ V 322.90 29.00 807.90 ^ ' .800.00 \ 16.00 198.31? 6.381.91 $12,632.22 * 3 !K\TS. oe list) ... ..$'fi;53 2.25? 3.217.7* 1*\ ' ' l... i 9 UA 9 >WKI> IIM jr; . 101.1. For Wh*ij|M Amt. J mlssionem, >i* '*ml June.? 32.33 oner. June. . .'&Kr oner. June. . 1-.60 icr. Jt:?f . . . OaB-y.35 mnectfon with jMBtee . .. $.0(1 ?ontra<ts and . . r?.50 tumour. utr. fffi- . ls.Su" r 3 Aft* . . . . 1.50 Mn> ...... 175.00 ?e for May . . . !WT 6.00 lary for May. .. 7. 210.00 ce expense for Mg\ o.ll for Court House l.OO id stationery for C. a. C... 12.25 I Jj r Court Hon 5.0t> voKm -t- 54.35 . lJ -noufft* Or. bridge 6.85 ^ - JUH ^lj#'?ter. . . . 1.10 t*JL v m.oo xV J -c ?r Mey.#., . . . JO.OO H. J u4 r> ?or May 25.00 lift, salary for .May . . . r? ?v.0d ?. salary 23 days.* 15.40 alary 8 days C.4 0 2 P 4.30. ?K 12.50 ng Acre township bridges. 2S.4 4 3,U00 of Saving & T.'Co.. . 45.00 1.000 of First NaCI Bank. . 20.00 'ounty institutions 26.00 148.80 rent for County <.otue .. 2.00 lighting draw for 14 mos. $4.00 labor and material 15.10 ylor j poor person I 1.75 uiagu to boat .00 pairs to bridges 5.70 k on bridge. Long Acre. . . .$.25 Ige for May 25.00 bridge for May .. . .7777 2*.on " J ridge for'May 2)??o bridge for May 57.00 Idge repairs C.40 Mounts Creek 16.50 i Bath road 1.50 >coVinlty township 6.07 fj| iwlnlty township ........ 6.05 |I1 bridge . . . 2.00 1 Cr. bridges, work on same CH.40 1 vey & Broad Cr. bridges. . 2.00 ty bridge .60 < . idge , . . . 2.50 on Pudco bridge. . . . 4.0<l" le Mill bridge ; f6.00 ath bridge . . . C3.6G for Edward bridge 2 9.4 5 or Register of Deeds .... 11.5(1 uient for Alar., Apl & May. 28.50 er from Roper to Wash... 6.6") veying prisoner to roads. . 4.IO ay for May 54.60 52.00 'ounty 3.30 ??fl Hy expense 24.05 rlsoners to road* 15.00 iniles 2.85 alary for May 25.00 '3 talarv for May 25.00 alary from .May 12 to 31st. 47.50 d seizure blanks 2.00 ; lock on Recorder's desk. . .9.5 lary front .May 12 15.50 alary for May 20.00 court costs 15.05 161.30 * g. work on Wash, bridge.. 6.55 n, hook worm treatment.. 209.50 int on Blounts Cr. bridge.. . 50.ot) May 70.84 00 - to 6svinit?-<i- Ti *j ? N argett. Ed 1.50 odgoe, Wilson 2.00 ardy, Caroling X.50 arris. Prutia 1.50 arris, Henrietta 2.0 0 fferson. Eunice. . 1.50 /d .ckson. Sophia J 2.50 rvis, Martha 1.50 . fferson. Mary 3.00-* .ckson. Mary J - 9 aa ing, I.ucp>*. .. *. 2.00 icaa, Gilbert 200 ? ^3 Idgett, Daniel .. .. * .. 2.50" ijn idgette. Samuel 2.00 aekey, Harry 2.00 Idgette. Bannister 2.50 oore, Peggy Ann . . . .. 1.50 ason. A. S 2.00 ason. Rose 1.25 organ. W. D. and wife .. 7.50 ciwj* Mia. Mary A rice, Malinda 2.00 ite, Mrs 2.00 jwers. Mrs. Julia 3.00 ?el. Hoflia . . 1.50 xldley, Mrs. Ida ..... .... 2.50 J , J tddick. Patience l.OO ' . ^ ass, John and wife . . .. .. 6.00odman, Mary . . . . .. .. 1.50 0 hereon, Wealthy 1.5* il oberson. Peter l.OO hodes, Rhoda 1.50 illivan. Winnie ..v.. .... 1.50 ; >ruill, Burton . . .. .. .. 2.00Ben l.OO. itterthwalte, P. B 3.00 .?fl allivan. Mehala 2.00- 4 j ' 0<*

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