5* p ju i. NrW ||rrn|l (1 ]S WILL SEAT ABO ? Gallery and Stairway A structed. Stage to and 30 Fe T. J. Blow and 8 P. EU?rld*e of I c tbls city were In Kalellb JwrterdaT. U alw?tn? ?o tbo lanttbhw of tho IM new opt ra bouse, which will be erected lb the new butldleje betni- con- p etructed on Main atreet. They re- 01 jerned title moniluj. alter hovine u . ' satisfactorily- transacted their buel- b ' nee.. The work on the now play house a: la progressing W7 rapidly. The p men are at worlf now, putting in the U supports of the gallery and are also tl ivj '== LBI UICI SAILS FOR i ~ MEHU = ?' " XKW HTRANlSHIf OK HAMRIRO- * AJIMIK'A.N I.1XE IB LARGEST 11 WHIP IX COMMISSION. ' ' 1 Hstnhur*. June IT.?Tbe steam- ' ship I as perator. tbe newest tranaat- t 11 lantic liner of the Hamhiirc-Amcr. . lean line, started on her maiden, trip aons prominent In eodetyon idea of the Atlantic. The Ham burg-American line officials say that so many safeguards have been taken as the result of the Hl^fated Titanic'a trip that all danger has been eliminated in connection with the lmperator. * The new transatlantic leviatlon la ft feet wide, her displacement 66.OM tone and/her required contract epeed ls f 1 1 2 knots. The new ship1 is realty n Teasel. The hull was built ^ ^ with a double bottom extending her eatirq length, and equipped with coal bunkers at the sidee. which give her almost a double shell, after the plan adopted by Brunei in tho conatruc-^ fclon of the Great Eastern fifty years ago. Transverse bulkheads equipped with d<H?rs operated by hydraulic power and controlled on the bridge of the Vessel, subdivide the hull and different decks. The double bottom of the Ship is extraordinarily large In'measurement, being ' some 768 feet long. 85 fee^ wide and more than six feet In height. The turbines, naturally attract attention because of their' mammoth slse. One of the niOtora contains 50,9PQ blades, weighs 136 tons, and la expected to^ develop "more than 23,000 horsepower. The casing which inclosed t&e "rotors is 25 feet lopg and 18 feet wide.. The shafts are a foot and a half in thfeknesa and the bronze propellers are more than 16 feet in diameter. The anchors with ti f which the ImpCVator is provided |< weigh in the neighborhood of S.000 " pounds apiece an dthe vessel carries o five of these so-called mudbooks. * Oaa of the new features of this o new leviathan is the elimination of built-in berths in the flrat cabin ' staterooms. Metal beds replace the d bunks of former year* and there isa ; large number of Individual Btkte- a rooms. The, fldlng wash stand glvea way to a marble wash basin, with b running hot and ?old water. A gym- 1 <:S naslum, equipped with every appa- ii ratus fniui a petr ef dumbells to a c mechanical horse. affordB a means of t exercise other .than promenading e around the ship, a distance of almost p 4 a mile. A bath, built in accordance 1< with ideas and methods of the Ro- o h mans, measures 65 fest iny-letufth, 1; and is 41 feet wide; medlcid and gy- t ? ' gienic baths are a fbaturo-Ot this sec- h ?' ' lion of tbn Imporntor. t 9 . To eliminate, the rolling1 of the tl vessel, even daring rough weather, ? ^ tfc? Tij.rn.or U enulpp* AT 4, p Frnkm lyMem of "comp?n,?tln* ti fl fnnk..^Th?M tank, In honrj w.nth- t UT 700 PEOPLE re Nflw Being Conbe 40 Feet Wide et Deep. v " ~'"7 ?nttructipg the new stair**/, hirh will run up to-the theatre from u- left side of the building. The theatre will hare a seating ea clty of ever seven hundred. The rcbestra will aeat 460. In addition > this, there will be two private >xe?. each seating people. The stuge will "bo forty feet wide nd thirty feet'deep. It is contemned that the theatre will he ready jr the first performance on or aboutse first Of October. mprPr H.1WKINS SCftyOL HOIHK. Friday last Waa apd Idoal day for tie picnic at this place. After a rog;by the Sunday school Rev. C. !. Lee arose and introduced the peaker of the day. Rev. Alfred Nixn. of 1. C. College. Klnaton. N. CT. ho delivered an Interesting; lecture n Sunday School work, after which Inner^waa served on the grounds. Mrs, R. N. Doyd and child of Pine)wn. spent several days last week 1th her parents, 'Mr. Iftbd Mrs. laiali Pinkham. Miss Viola Boyd of Slateatone. as the guest ol MIsS Mattie Wooird Friday night. Mrs. Lucy Swindell and children ave returned to their home near ere, after * pondijo^Romc days with elatlves here. MIB. PgTltfc^nttq; f Washington spent several days Taylor Pinkham of Slmnis. N. C.; as tbe.goept of his parents Saturay and Sunday. Mrs. J. B. Tetterton and children* f Bunyan, were vlsltfor^at Mrs O. r Sparrow's several da?s> last week. Mrs. Edgar Waters and little anghter of Acre, ate spending the reek with relatives and friends ere. Misses Hattle and Bertha Single 3ir of Zlon were the guestrof Miner Jice and Mattie Woolard Friday af rnoon. Owing to the Inclemency of the -eather Sunday night. Children's by wag not observed by our Sunday stool. Boieierr ^ nothing?preenta, the exercises win be preeent?f next Sunday night. Jane 18. bein ning at 8 o'clock. W. F. Woolard of Sims spent Sonny with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. f. A. Woolard. Mr. and Mrs. George Pink bam of if alia Walto were visitors here last Mk. . Rev. Mr. Nixon of Kinston. N. C. pent Friday night with Janjes B. Toolard. Mlas Chlssy- Hawkins add Mrs. m J BeliMeH weiw sislio'ie at A. ifoolard'e Saturday afternoon.' " IflMllKK OF CXJMMERCK MHET1NG. Aj-egular meeting of the Waahlngsa Chamber of Commerce was held utt night. A fairly large number of lembers were In attendance. The aly business of importance which as brought up was the discussion f the Inland Water Route. S. B. Etheridgo is in Raleigh boay on business. , tjjfeigra Itoiiifr' The crew 6f the new vessel nam era tome 1,100. The dining-rooms of the Imperator 3 size compare easily with the acommadgtloaa offered by the' best hosts The main dining-room Is local d amidships on two deck*, the riper portion forming a large open gal% ary. Above this gallery, which is al in shailet rfhas>^ cupola of rlchr decorated glass, which lends mnch o the lofty appearance of the great aU. What will probably prove to e the moat popular cabin aboard he-vessel will be the rathaskeller or afe verandam. floored with a atone ayemcnt and famished With a half Imbered celling. One of the fsalt re of the ahlp will be the main aonge. It Is so constructed that it say be tamed Into a good-sized ball V" g . ,J; Mw ' *?&*' >.. "v-' * I 1 ~TB~* ===== THKVU9 OK 1'YTHIAH. IN HKSMIOH j/ ? fill Salem College Campos in Why*)* Monday XlftfiU '* Winston-Salem. XnaaTll?Poilow lag the opening ceremonies and 01 sanitation and conferring of gran lodge rank iu Memorlcl hall. 21 visiting Pythians and several hue ijy>d local members of the orda gathered *oh tfee Beautiful 3alem Co lege campus where the grand lotlg Knights of PythJas domain of Norti CireDnn yw three splendid addressee of welcome Major O. B. Eaton spoke on "T*h United City," Col. J. U. Ludlow* pre* ident of the board of trad? . on "Th City Industrially." while Rev. C<! ward S. Crosland discussed the prti ciples of the order, "Friendship Charity and Benevolence." Colon* Walker Tkylor. of Wilmington, gran chancellor, happily responded to a AUMMt-iUnl n welcome. " Hearty greeting# jreH also extend e<l by President H. E. Roudthaler^o college._A band ^tificort %pd'>ub Uc reception during'which refresh munta were nerved by the ladies oon eludes-the "very enjoyable and appro prlato evening's program. Etery Ptthinn who.has. takentb "nide degree" la looking forwar< with the fondest anticipation to tb< initiatory ceremonies 'tonight whei 25 or more- candidate.are schedulei to jtake the 1>. O. K K. degree, tb feature and particulars of which ar only known toThosw who have march ed through the hot sand*, eapeciall: preparW" ror tbe-Rfclute ccTora'ontei RIVER ROAD STATION* Rudolph, the little son of Mr. am Mrs, O'Neal, has been very sick fo the pftat few days. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. 8tubbs of Pine town have been spending seyera days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs 1. B. Aliigood. They returned honv Saturday. * Mode Aliigood and family of Pine town have been visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Aliigood cn Bat! rnad The* ^nn^pd home last week Miss LlUie Alligood oT MUgBOlt gave as the pleasure of her preseno Saturday afternoon. . J Carnie Alllgocd having his atten tion attracted by a commotion mad by some birds on a tree where ther was a nest went to investigate an* Slaughtered two large serpents whic! were robbing the nest. One meaBur ed five feeUn length and the othe five feet seven inches. The Asbury Methodist -Spnda; school is largely attended every San day and the children are very mucl tr.tercatod ?with- pracflrln g jor Efr Children's Day celebration. F. N. Sheppr.rd of Bunyon was at tending to bnsinrss In bur village on day last vroek., Mrs. W. Ti. Cc.igleton of Magnolh "'" f h.->m ^trr IB is-eon vales cent. Albert and Harlie Sheppard o Holly Glen made us a very pleasan rail Sunday morning. ' * A fine little girl has arrived at th home of. Mi1, and Mrs. C. C. Conglc tonr at Magnolia. , Misses Josephine Alligood o Broad Creek and Sadie Alligood o River Road were guests of Miss Lllli Alligood at Magnolia Sunday. J. A. Alligood has been very ill fo several days. W J Cnnglfiton of Magnolia lef Monday en route to Selma to atten< to b^sines*. ^ Mlsa Mabel Ricks returned jester day from Belhaven and Pantego where she has been visiting friends - Mrs. L. T. Martin and daughter Dorothy, of New Bern are visitini friends h/the city today. ^ JIVE II IK HISTORY. 1798?Bonaparte seized MaHft. th* 1849?French want to Impeach tfcoi President because of his aii to the Pope. 1859?An con a capitulated to thi Austrlans. 1S0 4?Union forces defeated by Con federates near Corinth. Miss 18S8?Very destructive Bra at M^r guette. Mich. " . 188 <?Samnat J. TtMen declined U be nominated President. 1300?Battle of Diamond Hill (sec ond Boer war); heavy losaa on both side*. , (- . to 1980?Chinese Emperor appealer to Powsra to flepoee Empress 1?08?Assassination ot . King AJsa aadra and Draga of Scrvls. 1919?Followers of Vlee-Prasldeo Sherman declare they will 1n s1stsupon hie renomtnatlon a coming procidentia] coaven ?a.. . , # . COYBRNQR 0 GIVtti OCT HTATKMKNT.KAYUKJ 1 THAT Sl'KCIAL *KSSK>\ WILL - g ifK L'ALHOL ' . j NO DATE HAS BEEN SET 1 SKS.SK>N WILL. BE CALLED TO J rOXSlDEH FRKICHT Qt'EH| TFUX A? tW^kWKiri* j BXATK. Asbevlllo, June 11.?In response to a question from a Citizen ;r$0rre&*n t ^ I--. .. /.- - 1- - j lauri IIHI U>BU% WUU I uvr vraig, ? III) arrived here yesterday afternoon for ? a-TOonth's rest, declared that a spo_ ciaTsession of tha legislature wiil be K Called to consider the freight Question as it affects this State, EJe i^d: B "There will be & special session of a" the legislature. "That lias been ronB templated ever since tho last cession |k of the general assejnbly. and J will j certainly take any proper action ttiaF e may be necessary to secnr? for North e Carolina fair treatment by the railroads. The people arc determined y that they will no longer differ the Injustice whli^h they ^nva h??n subjected for years In the ninlTe?'bF fright rates, and 1 will do all In my pa^er to aid them in th|s contest, j Wi\ji fair treatment the cities and r towns of Nortn Carolina would grow and prosper, and we are going to . have that treatment before long." 1 u PVRCHAHB 100.000 B PAIRS OK KttOBR. Washington, June 11.?The Navy i, Department, after an exh&ustlve ln1 vestigatlon of the best shoes for men - fp?i?Vio? today SMthnritPtl the ar - i ? *?-= . _ .i g purchase of an extra 100,000 pairs of s^oes for the men of Uncle Sam's - ships, ' The sly It Alii (/idned -tee day were selected only ifter they.had e been thoroughly tried out and great 1 satisfaction had been expressed by !i officers and men. me pattern nas proved so. popur lar that Navy Department officiate have experienced difficulty in supply7 ing the demaa?d that has risen - throughout the rank and file of the h navy. The value of the flrst award. B It was announcod today, was approximately ?300,000 and it affords a - striking example of the gigantic scale e upon which the Navy. Department does Its sho^T buying, a 7 - Mr, and Mrs. G. Edwards of Chocowinity were in the city yesterday" f ' (? ? "The Old Order i _ . ? Chanfteth." This is an oft-quoted phrase, but no woere la it more truly r applicable' than in regard to advertising. We need not be . . ?? very old to remember the ^ day when we eyed all adver- ~ tisements and advertisers with suspicion. The advertisements we regarded as traps to catch '? the unwary and the advertis ers as "quacks" or "fakers." ^ Not so many years ago a j^o man picked up a newspaper 5 and exclaimed: "Just listen to this: 'Blank & I}lank desire to call the attention of their patrons to I their fall importations of suits a and wraps.' I never bsw Blank & Blank advertise before. I r wonder If they are going to get i cheap!" A few weeks ago the same a woman stxld to a friend:."! had ben hunting all over for that Oriental embroidery and had "gwwrngr BBdinf it when l init happened upon the very thing I wanted at Blank * Blank's. ? I told tho man it wgs&pity they had not advertised It and saved me tramping all over the I Islty." This Is a fue story. The same woman, the same shop, nothing changed but the time and the point of view. v i Woman today fee! aggrieved if the dealers do aot keep them ' Informed of their stock through the medium of the good newspapers. ' ? M I I . rx 1 iA JUNE 11, nil. H 1 ?< CHAM. Jf. GALLOWAY NAMKD. Another Kortli Carolinian Appointed he >| gglim Ynsnily Mm at Wilmington. ^WaJhtatton.O/TCr, June ti:? President Wilson yesterday appointed another North Carolinian to a high and foaponaiblo position In the Federal government when he aent to the 8anate the nomination of Obas. I M. Galloway to be oltrli eerrfce comI misaioner. Though charged to South I ^^haa. Oalloway was born and I lived the earlier part o? hla liff Tn I Bladen county. I When a boy of 13 years Oalloway I studied telegraphy. Mia first job was I at Ellsabetbtown whehe he was operI ator and lineman. Ho went from I there tc Wilmington where ho workI for the Atlantic Coast Line HallI road in the general offices, and from I there he went to Columbia, S. C.. for I the Associated Press. Later he ac cepted a place in the Columbia State as reporter, and when Ellison. D. Smith was elected to the United States Senate, Galloway was appointed his private secretary, u position which he now holds. Other nominations for postofflre?Bent to the Senate today were: W. L, Ormand, BessemerHAvont, East Durham; w" P. Flowers. FTeraont; A. H. Hubs. Cherryvllle; H. D. faambeth; Bleri College; W. G. Fueaeil Hose Hill; O. W. Hill. Vineland i P. J. Caudal 1. Saint Paul's; E. Y. MeKcUhan. Aberdeen; A. N. Bula, RaiuHenmn; J. W. Noel), Koxboro: 1). J. Kerr, Canton; Robert 8. McRM, H. Lane, Lcnksville; J. H. Carter. Mount Airy; C. D. Osborn, Oxford; L. M. Sheffield, Spray; S. S. Lock hurt, Wadesboro; I J. H. Bo wen. West Durham. FROM R. F. I?. No. I. On account of the_ rain Su today j there were not many at St. Stephen's church Sunday morning. There were, no services at night. Misses Stella and Annie Congleton | were guests of Mrs. Laura Jackson one morning last w*eek. Mack Alligood and sister. Miss MaTnSTana ansa AMBIIO WllUII ipaut j Sunday with Misses Dora, Stella and1 Aonla Congleton. Qito a number of young people : met at Asbury Methodist church Saturday afternoon for the purpose of practicing for Children's Day. Jack Tayloe and family o(. South Creek, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Bright at Runyon. have returned to their home. Misses Dora and Annie Congleton were guests of Mrs. Queenle Bright Thursday afternoon. They report a pleasant time. Mrs. Mamie Mlxon visited Mise Helen Harvey Friday afternoon. The Woman's Guild held ItR regular meeting at St. Ctephen's Friday j afternoon. M>a >t1xon was rt pnesr^fMrs. Maggie plotter for awhile Friday afternoon. Mias Stella Congletou was a guest of her cousin, Mrs. Marcelia Eborn, one evening last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Mixon and children and Mlsp Cuznic Mae Alllgood and Master Garland Alllgood were guests of? Mr. and Mrs. John M. Cotten Sunday. Rev. Chaa. I). Malone spent Sunday with Cabe Cutler. Herbert Congleton of Georgetown, a. fL. tillf01.j-lqnda_v night with \V 11ljam A. Con^feton and family at Oak" drove Center.*" H" ? Rev.-Robert Lee held divtao.,service at Piny Grove school houfffe Saturday night. Miss EUa.nae Eborn visited her aujit'^ Mrs. Elenor Woolard. one evening last week. HAW BRANCH ITKMS. Owing Of the heavy rains which fell Sunday there was no Sunday school. A few of our people attended services at Union chapel Sunday and had to return In the rain. J. G. Nelson had a severe case of colic last Monday. Dr. Joshua Taylor* was the attending physician. Lee Beavers and Fenner Bright were visitors at H. O. Warren's Sun day evuini. H. O. Warren, Sara Barr ancl Plum Hill were the guests of Tump Nelson Sunday evening. . , ..Mrs. Lenora Beavers\was the guest of Mrs. Henrietta Bdwards Sunday. Mrs. Genetta Downs was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Ada Lewie, Sundiy. , B. W. Buck was a visitor at J. D. Nobles Saturday evening. Mrs. NelMe Nobles and little grand daughter, Alia Lee, was the guest of Mrs.'H. 0. Warren Monday. If yoci hate a room for rent, adver-. ties it la the Daily News. '"'TV, . 1 I* ? KSrl iramiH MAXIMUM SENT J. S. Manning and 1. J for Saunders, Messi and Rodman The ca?e~o7 E. F. Avdk-tt vb. \V. O. -Blunders, editor of the Elizabeth City Independent, which \/as to have been brought tin before RflCttlilet Windloy today, has been postponed until Saturday. Judge J. S. Muuning of Raleigh ond I. N. Meckins of Elizabeth City wjll act as attorneys for Saunders, t while JH. 8. WartJ^ A. 1). Maclean ' and W. C. Rodman will represent Aydlett. : The State is not prosecuting in dtf-j-i ferent counties for tlie same pubii-j; iiir! ~ IS SUED! r The work on CoL W. C. Hodman's building, which is being erected on s East Main street, is now well under r why. The work is In charge of con- 1 tractor T. J. Harding. The Peebles ' residence hau been moved to the rear 6 of the lot and the bricklayers are now at work with the roneicuction of 1 the walls of the new build inc . t FLY FACTS. 1 How about those flies you noticed ^ Just now? 1 mean those nice files * who ate dinner with you today? in- t deed they seemed awful hungry, but ? were liberal and hospitable enough S to let >%ji eat from the same plate. A Ipity that one poor fly was drowne&4R lln your coffee. Of course all the f^ others felt very sorry while you U were dragging him out. but felt much !p [better after taking a big drink from a your glass of milk. When you had p eaten enougtr you Tert the table arRT ~ those hungry flies were not through either. Each of theni can eat *%ialf his weight of food every 15 minutes j during the day, and if supper is eaten ? by lamp-light they're every one at your elbow at the hxat tfnglo of your i fork. They like everything you like. 1 They do not take time to shake the I dirt from their feet at the dcoi\ or i scrub them on the doormat as you do. They hod much rather use the salad dish or soup bowl to wash t their feet in. and will, unhesitatingly wipe theln on your napkin. Y.o'u no | tired how they disregarded your t table linen. It was pretty urn! clean t this mdrning, but?K) well 1*. makes f tio difference how nice a woman tries t to be, she* can't keep everything anirk apri man .Jinr -wall fl.jaiai.? ute.: Yon always keep the furniture < brushed and poflfchetf; you keep the j floors scrubbed: the carpets swept: j the rugs dusted and sunned. You i twist the webs front the nonks and corners, and wash the windows and i mirrors several times a week. You 1 give tlftf tin and enamel ware a good g rubbing to make them bright: you n don't fall to polish the cook stove: j you put away the cooking things all c nice and clean. Yes. you even have j the yard-trash raked in piles and f ourneu. you are oi course desirous j of a sanitary home and surroui^fngs. Yes, and the above ideas are sanitary j ones, but?what are, you going to do if about those flies? They keep you so { busy all the time. l>on't you ever get tire-t? Would'you like to know more v of those annoying tilings, and how to exterminate fhestT Tf so watch Fly ~~ Facts next week. VICTOR G. WILLIAMS. b (To Be Continued.) - n b MRS. J. II. MOORF, KNTKRTAINH. (| r I Mrs. J. B. Moore entertained at auction bridge at her residence yes- n terday evening. Those present woro \ Meedhmos D. T. Tayloe, Goo. T. , Leach,. X. M. Dnmay, Jas. Hodges, Col. Williams, Cecil Fisher, Misses , Ann'* Cox and Adeline Mayto. High h score waB made by Mrs. A. XI. Damay. Refreshments were served and en- 4 joyad. w f V- .jf--x- f i ' r'r^ . 1 j^r . * ENCEIS 2 YRS I 1 Meekins Attorneys j s. Small, McLean for Aydlett i-dtlon. but it appears that tb*ro are 'Jm i nougii publication* to uiake a proafr> t'ution for different one* in ey?y county or tnia district. The one complained. of before Reorder W'Utdley j&BH Imputes perjury, to Mr. Aydlett ..s\u | wittiest? In a former proaecut el and also duplicity, trickery and fr. ud'to*wajNlji^wlioiit. pXrhc jj^iSinuln'scnteuec that S^urf:W?.ran oNain at auy Ol_lli; trials Is t\\ i years on the roads. He has :lr?uUy been sentenced to six n ?nths v'vSH ix/ the court-.of PnsquoLank c-t.auLy -t tJ> trial held there. l^jB I'KATl'HK ATTRACTION AT LVIU j It* THKATItK TDXM.HT. Today's program u% the I.vr'i Thefc itrc offers one of the greatest' tenures of the season and smutting tut of the usual In high class photogSarah Bernhardt. Hie w rid'? ; real est actress,* appears In a four | eel feature tonight In Queen F.'.ixa- yjrfl | etli. To say the acting o- S;'.rah . j lernhurdt is good is milking only a I mall conception of thiu feature, she jyHfl | r well supported by a caste of excel- . ent well trained performer*. The ccne Is laid nmogiitsonre of th-. most icautiful stage Bettings thai could ie secured. This feature will be here at th? * ?9 thttyr^frt^r- -hhhw 9 . ho have never witnessed thU per- *ij9 orniance should take advantage of he offering. They will agree with S II other critics tliat there Is but ontr larali Bernhardt. Another feature on today'* prorani is three Fegular reels with' ome of the beet pictures of the sea- 2? on. The whole program consists of even reels, taking two hours to com- ym lete the performance. Come early nd avoid the rush. The admission rices will be 15 and 25 cents NEWS FROM OHOFOWIXITV. ' Miss Laura Snobbs of Ph.'.udel-* ^ thia wan a welccme visitor at EimaV 9 .loore's Saturday niglit. Snodle Arnold of Grlmeslanu. who i'im jnvt mine ilnwn from _.\Vhiraett : VjB nstituie College, was a visitor at J, } Brigbt's of Chocowinity Saturday _<9 light and Sunday. Wfe are very sorry to net's that .jjjH ifrs. Ann Moore is on the sick list. wlsli her u speedy recovery. * ~^3jB Sunday school every Sunday evenng at the Providences church at '& /clock. We are glad to know that: lie older people are taking an inter- /^| ist in the Sunday school as well as he children. f The picnic on White Chapel Hill i.t..fillqco.winLu 1 ant?J arried our va/y nicely and we at$j . r i^Ejl ;lad to note that everyone who w*? " jrese'nt seemed to enjoy i- very There was- an?ice ereafit party at. "'til )an Winfield's Saturday night last. "hose present were Miss. Laura inobles of Philadelphia, Snodle Ar-^ '~39B lold of Grimesland. Miss Lula > Joorc. MisK l.izzle Wills, David Dlx- " s ?n. Allen Bright Bobble Moore. Miss rene Thomas, Miss LHla Moore.* vjfl lenry Hill, Joshua Moore. Mtss ,fS lyrtle Wtnfield, Miss Annie Bright, -^$8? Irs. Mamie Thomas. Mrs. Rielo Joore and J. P. Moore. Mr. WtlTtfint" " 'ampbell. Nrrs. Leatha Boyd. Jessie ??yd. Mrs. P. A. Moore spent Sunday ' 'fjj: mRM rlth Mrs. S. W. Bright. llRAttAW. This little village will no longer -VfS^^B e called Bragaw. It has another ftiu'e now, lately bestowed upon it ^3| y Uncle Sam. He says wo must call Wilmar, which is more desirable. >o you agree with him? , V-sSI We are glad to note some Improve- ylw tent in the condition of Mrs. Siddie ' Williams who has been seriously iU .$1 though she Is very sick as yet. - 1 Mr. D. U. Martin of 8outh Creek, 'M as here on business Friday and . Miss Dora Chandler spent Satur- JS ay night and Sunday with Mlsa Do- , ?y Beavers.

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