? ? VMM 8 _ \in o VJiT" 1M[ i | ' * V? l"x Hfc TV 11 \ rt* T?Xf HW 1 II |i ^ I I I a I j^~- ........ ' i . , wnu qiu) this Motutiim ' j f tr* * KROM THR PRBRRYTKRIAN IttKCH. DR. 3VMMB- 6 RKI.I, OFPIOIATINU. " ] L Mrs W. C. Malllaon died suddenly I at hfr realdence on E??t Second ?7 * s|pweV yesterday morning. The exact hour of her death la not known, but a . it is supposed that she pasead away between seven and.nine o'elock. She wm found by-her daughter and the indications are that her death was quiet and painless. The funeral serv- , ices were held this morning from the Presbyterian church, Rev. Dr. Sainkmcrell of'New Bern officiated, assist- i ed by Rev. H. B.' Searight. The interment was .tn^OakdaleMmotery^ ~ MrB MalUeon was 8.6 years of age. She was Mary Ann Bishop before her , marriage and had been a resident of ] this city during practically, all of her , L life. She is auyttved by eight chll- i dren. Captain George Mallison of ] Newport Newa; Lieut W. C. Malil- ? , son, now stationed at Washington , Oily; P. C. Mallison. E. 0. Mallison , and Sriai Mallison of thlB city, and j three daughters,. Elisabeth. Ella and < ' flEILTH OFFICERS EM II IIIM ?? ? ? iiytf iTjln mm . f ' ' ANNUAL ORftSION OF IfSALTH OP- , . PKkBM' AS800LATK>2t_~ - " fmiioMT. a BLOUNT IS SPEMER ' I ______ . WANHfNUTON PHYSICIAN DELIVERS ADDRE88 AT MKKT1NC. dN "Ql'AltA\ l l\F." ^ Iforehead City. Jane 16.?The North. Carolina Health Officers' Abeociatlon met here today in annual 3 session. A foil program of Interesting addresses and discussions wap . carried out. ? Dr. John Blount of Washington ; ' r.was one ox the speakers of the meeting. His address was on "qnaran| tine, eemple}e and partial placarding; to what diseases shall these measures be applied." AXOTHHR TRIAL IN N>IUO SCANDAL. Columbus, Ohio, June 16.?Henry W. Backus, secretary-treasurer of the Columbus Savings and Trust Company is to go on trial today for .?? . hiA alias ad part.in connection with the financial troubles of that Instl\ tntion. He was indlcte<tjvith former State Treasurer Isa&c B. Cameron, but the trials are being held separately. ? JUNK lO IN HISTORY. 1839?Earthquake near Poonab, in the East Indies swallowed dp a.edo persons. L^' 18Z9?Sight villages destroyed by eruption of' Mt. Etna. I 1$52?Saltan of Turkey granted new right* and privileges' to Chris- } iwma Buujeciv. I 1857?Mot In New York city, trowing out of dlepute oyer public |' < ' 1878?Gar. Rutherford B. Hayee of I i ' ..?Jib. ntmlMinfl f?r rrtnin |l hy the Republican*. I 1898?Sampeone fleet again ehelled i lerta at Santiago harbor. i 1900?gnu received of the klUlag I f the German mlnleter. Bar- i an Von Ketteler, by the l Chlaeee. M???Ruaalan Vladlroetook equadron returned to that harbor W- - r-? after harlng eank throe Japaaaae tranaporte la the Japan I 1818?London dock ttrlko ended. I < The MULT NEWS not only glree I yoa (fee nova of Waahlngtsa. but all1^ U IISON -Vf <1 "Vl^IOV/lV ^ ji |v| Y ^iil\ij)V it 1 MKim'AL MEN IN IHXNEAPOi.is. Minneapolis. Minn., Juiie 16.?Between 6.000 and 8,000 physicians from all parts of their country. many accompanied by their wires, are here attending the annual meeting of the American Medical Association at the University at Mlunesof -which began today and the capacity of Minneapolis and St. Paul hotels has been taxed to uocommbdatc the visitors. The tnoetings will bo held in'sectlons and In addition to *he sessions devoted to the practice of medicine and surgary, scientific exhibits have been arin fjfmp of the university buildings, which serve to mark the >rogresa of the profession along lines )f scientific research and ex per inents. Particular attention has been given to taberculosla In the exhibits. Clinics will also be conductd at the various hospitals before and ifter the regular sessions. pARNHGlM ATTENDS |. * .. . KAIBKR'B JiniLKE. Berlin, June 16.?Andrew Carisgie, upon the Bpcclal Invitation of Kaiser Wflrelm attended the Iatter'8 diver Jubilee festival today, the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Emperor's mounting the throne. Mr. Carnegie presented a message of congratulation to hie Majesty, from many American societies and dtltens. Mr. Carnegie occupies a suite >f Ave rooms In the Hotel Ad Ion. rhe whole Berlin garrison lined the streets and paraded before the 3chIoss in honor of the Kaiser. SOW THK HOUSEWIFE CAN PRE8KKVE EG?9 PEKI'KT'TI.V. The following is taken from the urrent Issue of. Farm and Fireside: "There are jual two methods or itoring eggs for foture use that are worth considering. The first of those je|r1>rs t|rH t|' * plant untlPneedwd:?Theotheris -coop them by the use of water glass. )r silicate of aoda . n^i?t Is more | -on\enleiH. and for the family costs 5^ v W "Eggs kept In a solution of water glass for eight months are practically as good for every kitchen purpose is fresh eggs, except for the purpose >f boiling. To be boiled successfully i small hole should be made with a* leedle In the large end of each egg, to permit the exit of air from the ?gg, which .otherwise will Durst toe thell. , > "Water glass id not a preservative, rhe eggs keep In it by reason of being hermetically sealed In their ihells. Thec^ggs to be kept should be perfectly fresh, and clean. It la better that the?eggs be?infertile. though this la not necessary. Another requisite is that the receptacle In which the eggs are placed be of stone, earthen ware or wood tnd not of metal, which might rust tnd discolor the eggs, and that it be perfectly clean. The eggs may be itored all at one time, or as gathered From day to day. "Water glass may be bought at iny drug-stora at from fifty cents to two dollars per gallon. We bny it in Llns containing aoout a quart and costing fifteen cents each. These ins will preserve fifteen or sixteen lozen eggs of ordinary size. Bach luart of the flni<| should bp diluted glth eleven quarts of water, .boiled birty minutes and allowed to cool before mixing. After mixing pour Into the receptacle which yon have prepared. The eggs are now- placqd in be water glass. We generally plaee mem in with the little end down. The 3uid should come three inches over ihe eggs when all age in the recepacle." i . iECRETARY DANIELS IN. BOSTON. / Boston. Mass.. June 1$.?Secreary of the Navy Daniels, who came J ere to attend the celebration' .of fcday to an inspection of a Boston navy yard. Tonight he will be the gueet of honor at a. banquet given >y Congressman Murray, and tomorrow Mr. Daniels returns to Waabtng?n. . fe'jg PLAY FOR MORRIS MEMORIAL. Chicago, June 10.?AH the clubs 3f the Western Golf Association began playing today for the Tom ifcoflis Memorial Opp. Laat year the tophy waa won by the Los Angeles Country Club. Fifty-two clubs turnMi in scores. Each club selects a team ?f eight men to compete In the Morris ovent. ... ? , . - - VIHCOCXT CHteDA AhVWKS ilRY. AX OF Hiti XAT|OX'8 ATT1TI I>K. -v. Washington. June 1?.?Viscount has advised Secretary Bryan that Japan la witting to rbnew for another pcrijod of five years her arbitration treaty with the United States which expires by Jlmitftion August 24th. v 3$ Secretary Bryan, mnktng the an-" nbuncemonU Aid he expected the * would ratify tlie new arbl tration treaties already signed with Great Britain ur.d other countries despite the opposition against them. |Ko date Tor signing the Japanese reI newal has been determined. The. senatorial opposition originalI ly was voiced by Senator ChnmberI lain, who insisted that in renewing a irwj who ureal uruain specific oppressions should be made to remove the Pauau.H. canal tolls con poverty from the field of arbitration. The question of arbitrating with Japan the Issue of the California alien land law also has been a subject of discussion among senators opposed to -renewing that arbitration treaty. President Wilson has had freqnent conferences over the a'rbftration treaties with senators. IXTERNATIOXAI. FORESTRY CONGRESS. Paris, June 16.?The international congress of forestry began Its conference here today with' delegates representing all European and American countries in attendance. The congress is held under the auspices of the Touring Club of France and Its?purpose Is to interest ^TT" those interested in forestry to study the economical and technical questinog connected therewith, and to aeek improved methods to be employed by private owners in the management and utilisation of rfbe ylftld of iSrii TIME HI j. z. (irerk, organizer-leetl'kkr to,make address ix washington. PUBLIC INVITED TO ATTEND is a lecturer op considerable note and has made addresses ix all sections of the state. J. Z. Green, organizer-lecturer of the North Carolina Farmers* Union, will make a public address at Washington Thursday, June 26tji at II o'clock a. m. All who are interested In Farmers' Co-OperationB are urgently requested to attend. Mr. Green is a lecturer of considerable note and his addresses hare been listened to with the'greatest of Interest In all sections of the State. He will talk on several matters which are sure to Interest and benefit those who are agriculturally inclined. -?A president wifcSON gtakts west virginia celebration. Washington, June 16.?President Wilson today pressed the electric button which formally opened West Virginia's Golden Jubilee celebration, which will continue all the week. The pressing of the button released 1,060 carrier pigeons arawn irum ui bwuous oi me country, and 1,000 balloons, which of amusement arranged and will signal to every eapitol In the States of Pennsylvania, Maryland, Ohio and West Virginia t^e fact that the celebration la open. NEW YORK CENTRAL MERGER. New York, Ju nelt.?Stockholdsra or tM New York Centml and Hudeon-Rirer Rallwer Company met today to endorse plans for the unification of some of the Important lines of the system today. These pleas will simplify the corpdrate organisation and furnish a broader basis for the permanent financing of lm'S; ;V K0L1NA, MONDAY AFTrRNOON, J . ' . I WKATHKK: FAIR ?.*? ?Ali.j : .== WAKHI.VOTOJi WWA REPRESENT j Kl> AT OPKNiNQ BALL, WHICH WAS HELD AT MORKHSAD cmr SAT1RDW NIGHT. PLEASANT EXWashington was .well represented I at the opening bart gt the Atlantic I Hotel In Morehead City Saturday evening. The partial young people, who .took the trip?left herein the I 3:30 train Satura|y afternoon and the majority rettrfbcd to WashingI ton on the train which arrived here nt 9:30. According, to accounts, a I most pleasant time was enjoyod. SunI day morning, several of the party iaI joyed a dip in toKv aurf. . Among I those who took the'trip were Misses I E!lcaheth Carrow; iRobena Carter. I Hodgie Williams, Etyaaboth Simmons. I Mildred Davis. Little Hill, and ||Meaat8. Joe Mayo.'' James Weston, Albert Willis, Fred: Moore, Henry Moore. T. W. ROdifcr. Reg. Fulford and Carl Qoorch. f Miss Helen O'Hetligun also attended tho ball and returned to her homo yesterday. ? POLITICK AM> PITIJTICIAXS. Formor President- Taft is in demand as a summer convention speaker. Tl ore Is joy in the Indian literary belt over the prospective appointment of Meredlth;Nicholson, the author. to a European diplomatic post. It is said that Tammany Hall will do some of the strongest wire-pulling In Its history to bring about tl;e defeat of Governor Sulzer's primary bill In tbe special session of the legislature beginning today.? Large cities all over the country are making preparations to celebrate a "safe and sane fourth of July." Women'fl clubs are Halting the ai.aspnppiti nf thp rnnntrr' tn emphasize the paUJotic s^iri^<h^ntnrast to the tendenrrronmahe rra day of sports. " Fr'ends of President Wilson are uiging him to extend the lobby investigation to tbe fullest possible extent. The senate committee which "nas been looking Into the tariff lobbyalso has on its list representatives of the Indian lobby, the railroad lobby and the lobby organized to fight for the law forbidding the Panama Chnal to railroad ownerships. Maes meetings of an organization known as the "Anti-American ivuiw nasuciaiiuu ute ucmg tiwscIy watched by the Tokio police. Belicose speeches, attempted by orators of doubtful prominence are also supapeeches are directed against the ministry as well as against the United States, with whom the Japanese statesmen are regarded as being too leniiiit. Washington is manifesting, great interest in the Gettysburg celebration to begin the first of July. Secretary Garrison will be a frequent spectator at the manoeuvres and Major General Leonard Wood, chief of staff U. S. A., will also spend much time these. The President plans to take automobile trips to the famous old battle ground on Saturdays. (( 1 ft I Quite Comfortable These Days is the man or woman-who knows something about the art of warm weather dressing. So many things are planned for our comfort that it is our own fault if we don't know about them. On the one band we see people? fretting and belling in great physical discomfort; while on the other we note with envy cheerful folk who IRT cool, com for fable, and con" tented. The reason is that some persons are smarter than ^others in selecting their apparel for summer wear. A cageful reading of the advertisements appearing dally in The Daily News will teach any one willing to learn all the up-to-dhte tricks in summer dressing that brains have devised for the benefit and comfort of mankind, . >* &. jp M \ The "ad-reading habit" will net you gratifying returns if * yon will follow it. i?s. IVb ' . . , ; V ' 'v--. X- ' ' -N ' -" ffi-S )AIP VNE 1?. ltl?. Saunderi 1 of LH FIGHT FOR- llKCTvKK'S SEW TKIAI Albany, N. Y.. June 1?.?Argu merit cn the appeal of ex-polic |ioni?nani?Charles?Becker of Xwi York from the Sentence of death fo the murder of Hermun Koeentba the gambler, begins before the Coui of Appeals today by Becker's lawyei Joseph A. Shay. Shaw has four reasons for re-oper lug the case: First, tho discover -of new-evidence^- second, that'th verdict was contrary to the law an to the weight of the testimony; thirl the alleged misconduct of a Juroi Samuel H. Haas; and fourth, tha the xiew trial should bo grouted "i the interests of Justice." 3 KNOW! DEI IN SUBWAY P-ll A cave-in In the roof of the Lex ing Avenue Subway in New Yorl City buried thirteen workmen a G:15. Saturday evening. Three o the bodies have been recovered, bu the other ten nre still missing. According to the statement of the doc tors, these cannot possibly bo alive Frantic efforts are being made in tin endeavor to locate the missing mm before it is too late to save theii live?, AVTO ( Ul'fiS AND SPI RTS. Ilia Gakaiton?race?ttlcai plac* July 28.20. X 2flQ.mila event wil fig. featured-^_w.. Russians make their shows a com petitlve test of beauty as well a merit. A Studebaker 25 won tin Warsaw exhibit's medal. One of the features of the Indus trial exhibition to be held at Whine peg, Manitoba, next cion^, .s a te6 lur uiuiur piows. New York automobllists arc urg ing a. law preventing: children fron playing in,the streets, as it is claim ed that Increased automobile traffi< in the metropolis has rendered tb< streets unsafe for the youngsters. The touring department of the Au tomobUe Club of?Amei ica?report that construction work on the Por Jefferson road, has been completed This road* runs from Patchogui through MedfOrd to Port Jefferson connecting with the ferry for Bridge port, - -? The attention of the auiomobil world Is,already being cttraded t< the road race from Los Angeles (< San Francisco to be run on July 4. This is a contest that ha? beei held frequently under varying con ditions of route and the like, and i la.cn.tr regarded as a standard tea for automobile contending honor fa the West. "The co-operative idea in mctjeri merchandising, which is simply th< poiifl^jf giving a service as well a selllngV^pommodity, :s being adopt ed by mere and more of the big sue cessful business organizations of to day," says W. D. Shilts, manager o the talesmen's department of th< Goodyear Company, of Akron, Ohio "My study of business methods con vinces me that this service idea ft the most important develoDment ii business organization in the last ter years, and is the most vital questioi which every concern has before I1 now. "At this season of the year som< attention should be paid to the wa ter In the cooling system of a car," says Harrison Buyce, secretary o the Motormeter Company and an au thority on motors and motor heat "The water should be drained from the radiator and it should be rinsed out with fresh water with smal amount of common washing soda and again rihsed out with fresh watei only. "More or Ten rust from watei jackets and some ef the metal parti Of the ooollng system collects and get lies like mud at the bottom -of th? radiator, and If this is not attended to it would reeult in dogging thi radiator. The amount of rust whict accumulate* in the cooling syaten can be noted to some extent by thi red <^olor of the water whop draine$ I y. V^' J>" "'-' ''" * ' \l 1 ' *?,". Ground C beling E. f - Fined $150 and Cc ? and Case Will 1 Next Session of < t Snturdujr afternoon the case of i State vs. W. O. SnuRdore charged I v with clmrinal libel, was called for __J w Trial By* TTTri Honor Thus S. Long. | ^ Are it. tain Kecurder. I' Tho case has attracted consider-1 ^ able nttehtion and the court house! n was filled *o Its capacity. iuc attorneys (or the (irtciKiaiu; were ex-Judge Manning < ' Raleigh | and Daniel & Warren of thin city.! who fought iho ease - from every I viewpoint and took advantage of ; every technicality. The attorneys for ' the State wore on thcvalrrr and prc-tf^-T ed every point which couhl he used j In their favor. They were Messrs. j Ward & Crimes, Small. MacLenn <?_ j (Bryan and Rodman & Bonner. 'liie defendant entered a pica oft not guilty- and through his counsel > moved that E.^ F. Aydlett he marked I __ jas prosecutor. To this the attorneys for the State consented and Mr. Aydkit ?ua marked a* prosec utor. | (this meant that if Saunders was ae-l f quitted 3!r. Aydlett would pay thej t cost and the County of Beanfortj would lose nothing thereby!. Evidence was introduced to show that Saunders was publisher or editor of the Independent, published at Elizabeth City, at the time of the al1 leged libel. Hugh Pan', postmaster a; Washington was t!ien~put' oh'the stand and testified (hat the Independent circulates through this office and that he L SERVICE AF : METHODIST CHURCH 1 The Suilday school had its finest Bunicivr attendance, and the lesson - was zealously taught. j The congregations at both preach. ing services were quite large and see riously attentive. In the morning e the pastor earnestly presented David's Restoration, using Pso. 51:12 . ar: a text. In the evening the theme B- was-rifrati'- l.ov-e to Man. Th- ?.m t mon was the third and last of a aeries of evangelistic discourses ,pree paialorv to the revival meeting to begin Wednesday evening. John i.]13:34 the text: A new comI ii-.andnu-nt 1 give unto yon. That ye e love one another: as 1 have loved 0 you. that ye also love one another." 3 This was treated as the eleventh commandment, the fulfillment of the Q whole moral law. "New'," because . this was U.t first express teaching in t the school of the disciples, and bc1 cause the &&me degree, "as I have s loved you," had never before beeti required. It was shown that the weaki est and most destitute brother has 5 the strongest claim in love, s The sermon gathered forcefulness - from the frequency and appropriate-jness of scripture quotation, such as. . "And this commandment have we f from b'm. That he who foveth God i love his brother also."?1 John 4:21. . "If any man say. I love God, and hat-1 . eth his brother, he is liar: for he , that loveth not his brother whom he ' hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?"?I John ( 4:20. The regret was expressed , that there are 6omc In the church who do ndt love one another. NEW YORK LEGISLATURE IN SPECIAL SESSION. Aibanv, X. * Y.^Jnne~l'6^^*over^ < nor Sulzer has called an extraordinary Htnsrlon of.the legislature to as- ] aembly at 8:30 o'clock tonight. Governor Sulzer has been campaigning in the interest of a direct prl- ] mary bill, with the assistance of Col. \ Rootovolt and other distinguished i speakers. He says be has the prom- : Use of sufficient votes to make his i measure a law. He is also anxious i for quick action upon the bond *e- 3 peal bills, which were killed in the rush just before the adjournment of ] the legislature last month. 1 . * 1 1 1 1 1 Miss R. Stock has left for a few J days' tifflt wfth Mrs. T. Brooks of ^ Bath 1 1 ? * ? - - vs I No. 122 ' Afcl ^ 1 ruilty 7. Aydlett m | .. * >sts. Takes Appeal i be Brought Up at M Criminal Court. and other parjleB"reeeived It through the mail. K. F. Aydlett then went on tho ^u?u4 i?r.d t-e^iiiied as -ttn he matter published !n the Independent which ;fl was charged as being libellous. He denied the statements a.* published and cfitted ducuiueutu:evidence to bear out his contention. 'HH Mr. Aydlbtt testified tliar the feeling between Sauadcrr. and himself v r. an ht? oilier an<i mm lor #wpral yeem Saunders had been constantly . $* nagging at him and publishing article* ic bis discredit . - He Tint liar n?SIIBed tnV; 111'" ha<r~~" hcurd Saunders in the Federal Court ? at Elizabeth City plead guilty of a charge of publishing iu iLe Independent and circulating through the mails obscene or vulgar literature. tFor this offense Saunders vaa fined . > Slftb aud costs by Judge Connor >. A certified copy of the record In the Federal Court was introduced to corroborate Aydlett's testimony. At ilie conclusion of his evidence the Stale rested and the attorneys * for the defense'mo rod to the motion. This was overruled aud the defendant offered no testimony. $ The Judge declared the defendant guiltv and ordered thut be pay a fine of I ISO and the cost ft. From this judgment the defendant appealed to J the Superior Court. Appeal bond was iixed ut $250 for his appearance at tin- next term of Criminal Court in Beaufort County.-4 _ j TarpP I H. K. WHITE COXTIXYES TO LTAh THE LOCAL MAKKMMKX. HIS AVERACaE FRIDAY WAS 8K l?ER CENT. L A. SQVIKEK is second. 3 At I hp shoot of the Washington Guu Club, which was held last week, ^ the leaders dropped off a little in ' ^ their average.*. H. E. White, who wag "high man" at the shoot, lead with the average of S8 per The others were as follows: - \ E. A, Squires, 7S. C". D. Sterling. 72. D, T. Fowle, 75. J. T. Illaud. 7C. P. P. Maxwell, 74. R. D. Rear. 72. S. P. Elbcridge. 54. R. T. Gallagher. 62. J. Williams, 50. Charles Cowell. 6S. 4^. James Hodges, 76. Wm. Knight. 02. EVERY HOI) Y WANTS SHI'IIKRT MONEY. New York. Ju^ie " "lfl.?-Mr. Lee Sbubert, the theatrical manager, stepped almost front the incoming steamer front Europe- Into the witness chnid today In an attempt to frustrate the plans of some folks looking for his money. He is defending suits filed against his theatrical firm amounting to nearly $14,000. The claimants are the Auditorium Company. lessors of the Auditorium Theatre in Los Angeles, and Misa Katherin? Stewart, an actress. The 4uditnrium Stpwnrt to anlntr tho Sam 8. Shuberi Booking Agency for ?10,544.60, alleging that the company agreed to lease the theatre and- ' lid not do so. IIRS. PANKHURHT AGAIN ARRE8TKT). London, June 16.?Mr?- Emme!lne Pankhurst was arrested again :oday and taken to the jail from which she was released on license of Hay 30 owing to 111 hoalth brought ibout by a hunger strike while she vaa serving her sentence of threerearB penal servitude. Mrs. Pankhurst was leaving the v louse where she had been staying -j dace her release when two poBeeaent arrested- her. She was dreaded n dees mourning and was bsi the say to attend the faaeral of Mte* ?- ? * ii i? i >W_?M?I

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