"' . ? ? ? Bicycle Collided Threw Her Heavi Was Unconsci Than ar - . Mrs. Charles Venters was knocked t down by s bicycle on Main street yea- 1 y. % terday afternoon and badly Injured. * She Is now in the Washington Hos- 1 pltal. The accldebt Occurred near the f corner of. JJain and Respass street. I The styeets were crowded with bl- 1 cycles returning from the ball game. 1 py.-. < James Hill was riding towards the i Atlantic-Cbair Und Tiepot. At the < corner of Main and Respass streets t he turned out to avoid hitting a col- t ored woman, who had jost stepped off i the curb in front of J. K. Hoyt'a t store. In doing so. he collided with < Mrs. Venters, who was coming across i CHOW BHAtfCH ITEM*. Mrs. *R. U. Warren and child spent Monday night with Mrs. James < Jbomas. I Tbe many friends of little 'Hugh j ' Joshua Downs will be glad to know 1 that he is rapidly improving: "j A. a Warrsa an d M taws V. 1 Bchnabel sad Lillian Buck made a , Sunday with Mrs. R. L. Bsrr.- I Messrs. V. O. Williams, Ahmsa Buck. W. H. Metros. Jo* Edward,. | Y v Madison Dixon awl lUawe Uxslo Nobles and -Urn* Lewis visited I Ml?>ni 1 smis fTilmilml aml JjUllan, j Back Sunday. f 1. A. Warren and child and Robert WalWr alaltad R. IT. Warren Sun- ' dUT. 1 ^\Mrs. Lacy Nobles was a visitor at thelxmie of Mrs. E. W. Bock's Sun- 1 day. X J Mr. Mrs. Lewis Hardieon ~ Wl ilMluit at the kerns at Mr. and ' V) lira. R. M. Warren Sunday. A. 8. Warren, David Evans, Claud Dixon and Heber Taylor visited ( Misses Laura V. Schnabel and Lillian Buck Sunday nigtat. Mr. and Mrs. 8amuel Warren were ' the guest* of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. ( Warren Sunday afternoon. Mrs! F. D. Taylor and Lissle Powell spent Saturday afternoon at the bono of Mrs. R. M. Warren's. ?. ' Little Miss >Iildred Butler, who \ has been visiting her cousitf "Oertrude Moore, returned to her nome in Washington Monday morning. Mrs. Sarah Snoble, accompanied by her sister-in-law, Mrs. E. W. Buck, returned to her home ii? Wash- { ington Monday. Ml? Laura V. Schnabel visited ( friends on Moore road Tuesday. "PAKINO" THE NEWSPAPERS. ' v London. June 19.?London news- J papers (odor hare awakened to the 1 fact that they have been victimised J to the extent of many dollars by an | entirely new came?that of "bomb ! finding.'" The suffragette bomb out- i ragee started it all. The' method l adopted was to plant a "bomb", oov- I ?red with suffragette literature, in ' some public place, and then "find" It, 1 and after turning it over to the police, run to a newspaper office and j sell the "story" as an exclusive. Many newspapers throughout Bag- I land have fgllan^for the stunt and ( today the police are on the lookout for doxeas of "bomb Anders." ( if.- '' r*w?Bv in Diarotp f OVER BRIDGE. , Loolerine, Kt-.^Juo. 18?Lieut. Col. H. Jtrrer of tho United Bute, t engineering eorpe held pablle meetins here todas on the batldlag at v! new Pnanejlrnnla bridge orer the V*' . Ohio rlrer between JeffereonTttle and LoWerWe. The Penney sari th.t Ite plane go ant call for a new etrnctnre, hat e remodelling of thn old sfl&ffVirsrs, Loalerlile Will be throogh New U ivSHI i mm\ M I T n tJU* St 7*" - r With Her and ly fo Pavement ous for More Hour 1 . v?. he street In an opposite direction. iaw> iauer. w^S TODCKea to tne [round, her bead striking the pave- A oent. She was rendered uncon- 1 icioua by the fall and taken ixrto iOyt'w store, where Dr. Joshua Tayoe togk chareo. An ambulance was I [ummonod 4rom the Washington rloBpitl and she was carried there. >r. ThyloeJinked over her, but It a was fnliy an hour after her arrival i it the hospital that Mrs. Venters re- {t urned to consciousness. She had hree convulsions. This morning she a vas resting quietly apd.it is believed n hat her accident will cause no se'ri- li Mb Injury. She is suffering from h i bad bruise over her' left epre. N t'AliUE OK BUCKINGHAM P%LXT? a J< London, June 19.?The new and p comprehensive valuation of Bucking- c lam Palace and Its contents wis pub- ii Ished today. The value of the his-" $ torlc building and all it contains is fliced ?t Ht.nnl.Btu. Tim ?alu?^ T Lion was made in order to reinsure n ho place because of suffragette out- r MVS*. r ^ %Irt .1 ,|- A-*-?- AH 3CHALLKK BROTHERS AT THE LYRIC TONIGHT. # Nothing, better could be offered at ^ [he Lyric than the act beginning with tl mnijtit fpn^oir Initial performance, tl han that of Scballer Brothers, in a tl novelty acrobatic hand-balancing ?ct. c These artist* offer an act with a *' pleasing degree and sAnething that n will be found, neat and very enter- n laining, together with their hand d balancing, the string of comedy pan- 11 limine acrobatic bumps,?furnishes ^ lust a. supply of laughs that carries * >ff the act with a pleasing tastq. q The motion picture program today a xmslsta of three reels what could be called good ones, and something out ? >f the ordinary in dramatic produc- e ions. As a whole the program that will 1 )e seen at the Lyric Theatre today a iaa every assurance of beiDg a good e >ne. The admission prices will be 10 and 20 cents. ...vv t WlliMAR NOTES. Miss Dora Chandler was the guest ^ ?f her sister. Mrs. W. Q. Stephens, 1 Saturday night and 8unday. ? Don Caton ot this place made an txourslon trip to Morehead Sunday. a H. B.-Lawrence has moved his 11 'amity back again herefrom Asking. P We are glad to report Improve- Cl nents in the condition of Mtfa. Siddie c Williams, who has been very sick. v J. F. Latham made a flying trip to Greenville Tuesday. d George Lewis of Rosemary, N. C., a nade a short calUMonday. He had ^ BWJP1 IP.JIIMI. fllll |)| 11III *> Thanks to Pinetown's compliment- c iry remark. We all enjoy reading Q our items. a : e 4 WAY THRY HAV^. ' ? 1 # a Mrs. Flint oatne for a visit to her n lister's home, and her little niece, y Charlotte, was delighted to see her.. t| "What became of the black kitten ? hat you had when I was here be- a ^ore, dear*" asked Mm. Flint. "Wily, don't you know?" asked c Charlotte, much surprised. * ) "I haven't heard a word.'' replied 8 he aunt "Was he poisoned?" ' ? "No, ma'am." said Charlotte. f "Drowned?" t "Oh, ao." "Btoleo?" o No, Indeed." . f "Hurt in say wayT'VW. . vy"'}, 2L I "No, ma'am." jj ' ^ ^ " ' NGT S? WASHINGTON, NORTH . ! 10 ?ll F AS ADVA V ED IDEAS EofrtlAISBIO THE HANK AND KILE OK THE NAVY DEPARTMENT. NAVY IS SHORT OF MEN T THE PRESENT TIME, FICJURKS 1IF DEPARTMENT SHOW THAT THE NAVY IS ABOUT 4,hOO MEN SHORT OF AUTHORIZE1> NUMBER. Washington, June 19.?If you are man, ami arp betwcen'ytbe ages of years and are from five' >et two inches to si* fapt one Inch. ad weigh In proportion, with a chest leasurement, of from 33 to 36 3-4 iches. dependent upon your age. eight and weight. Secretary of the avy Daniels has a Job for you. Morever he has declared that if you pass II these qualifications end want the ib, he will give you as fine an oportunlty to see the world as you ould get anywhere, on board a floatig home that watf unlit for from 5.000,000 to $20,000,000. Secretary Daniels has some adavy of the'United States ought to he un, and he Is especially "strong" for efortns that will attract and hold * JUs* slw^Ls" ?uA ApiaJf"? ountry can provide for the navy le believes the navy should be made ttractive to the young man,_ the ollege graduate, the school boy and a every man and boy who come up ? the physical qualifications menionedt. Perhaps the mot\ radical of tie reforms Secretary Daniels would ike to see effected Is his pet plan to bange the rules of enlistment so nai it would be possible for college 1 len to accept the hospitality of the avy and cruise as man-o'-wars-man uring the vacations. He would have t bo that college men^ who have a Iblwy fqr tynfl during their vacaions, could take such cruises and acuaint themselves with the duties of sailor. Secretary Daniels, explaining his roject today, declared he believes very young man should have a working knowledge" of the navy. If his were the case, he ^d, the rank nd file of the navy wmiul be raised ven higher than it is now. The secretary's plan is virtually he creation of a volunteer citizen resrve. lie would have conditions *ueh hat in case oL necessity there would ? thousands of young men as useul as they were willing to go behind he hig guns and uphoJd the prestige f the United vStates navy. Although Secretary Daniels is an vowed 'man of peace", he believes i maintaining a high degree of prearedness, and it is his aim to oduate the young men so that the navy an be placed Ton a war footing at ery short notice. At present time, figures at the navy epartment ?bow today, the navy is ^ stttutj nren snort or |nder"the Daniels regime every etprt will be made to fill these vacanes with enlisted men, as well as to nalify as many more as possible who re now in civilian life, for possible nergenoy work. This is one of the reasons for the tapped out for the Atlantic fleet this ear. .The comlng crulse will be in le Mediterranean where every port f moment will be touched and the Ulers given a^ple opportunity \o pend many hoars on shore. Similar uises are today being mapped out >r each succeeding year, and while eeretary Daniels la at the head of re navy department there will be no tar, he declares, of Jack Tar having >6 ranch work and no play. Following the Mediterranean raise. It (s planned for the fleet to o through the Panama canal to static porta. This' trip rs o0y In emryo at the present Itme. \t was said t the department today that ?5aonncement of the lltnarary for this rip may be made wtthla the n*t tw months. * ... . ^ ' ftUJff r-oauins Kortj ii|w. Ik of llanil. iodw Dotlgu and Contain* Numerous Illustrations of Waahlu^ton au<l Beaufort County. Tht booklet* telling of the advantages of Washington and Beaufort County, and which were printed by the Chamber of .Commerce, arrlv- f ed here last irtghc They are being prepared for distribution today. The booklet presents a most attractive appearance. It la printed on cream colored paper, the cover desigh ibelag carried out In cream and STuff There are anumber of Illustrations and views of Washington j( and the county. The reading matter is to the point pnd tells of the prosnecta of this section of tho State in n 1 clear and concise ma'nner. There arc forty pages. -j The Chamb^v of Commerce deserves groat credit for the work. It v is a most excellent iprm of advertise- 3 ment. ^ MR. M'KKNSIE AT PINKTQWN. Rev. J. M. McKenzie. of East Sev- v enth street, left yesterday afternoon c for Pinetown,'fohere he will conduct t a meeting. Mr. McKenzie is a native of Scotland, lAit has been in North 1 Carolina since his boyhood, married - 1 one of our gopd women, and Is now * ilk the ministry of the Missionary J Baptist churchy his field beiug several 3 churches adjacent to Washington. ^ During his shirt stay be has ceftainly made a v4ry fftvorable impres- (sion. DEATH OF CHIME C'apt. ait^| Mn. A. W. Dixon^reaidr, j ing at 318 ,?/yi**?Ater street, are be- < reft by their youngest child's death. 1 Madalene Dixon, six months old, af- ^ I ter a protracted illness, died yester- | day morning between 7 and 8 1 o'clock .r?ther unexpectedly, as she J was apparently much better. Fol- ' lowing a brief burial service coitduct- ^ |ed by Rev. R. H. Broom in the home. t Ithe remains were taken to South ^ | Creek, a former home, for interment , | this morning. I Capt. and Mra?^)ixon greatly appreciate the kindnesses shown them uy sympathizing neighbors. 4 'GEOKGIA'8 "PRETTIEST PEACH*' A BRIDE. I Athens, Ga., June 19.?Miss Ruth Tribble. daughter of Representative and Mrs. Samuel Tribbler famous as Georgia's "prettiest peach" was mar[ried here today to Samuel $. Dick, of Atlanta, at the home of her parents. i . Summer Comfort for the Stay-at-Homes. The first warm days bring disappointments to many of us who cannot join the general summer exodus from town, but who, for one reason or another, 'must stay in our houses or apartments during the warm months. We can't all go to the mountains or seashore, but, by a Careful and judicious expenditure, every woman can make a . summer atmosphere In her own , home if she chooses. ~ Ross, heavy curtains, and draperies can be put carefully f avay, and In their place ean , be aubstltuted a whole new set Of thing* at a auprlaiagly low t coat. There is an infinite number of fibre rugs ia the market to fit any aire apace; there are dainty fresh, cotton curtain materials in charming designs; and as. for cretonnes for furniture coverings, their beauty and variety are bewildering. ; Just read carefully through the houeefuraishlag advertleemente la The Daily Kewt aad calculate for yourself how little summer comforts would actually ooat. mmm >AILY I, JUNK. It, IplS. ===? ?nsB? AND MISS JONES WERE MARRIED FTESIERDAY BE URPRISK WGDDIN(} TOOK PLACE AT TBI ittNBEXCH OFTHE lilt I HE'S PARENTS. M l U\f nmnunn nhnnnur IHWU rtfitnL^ rKt^tm a KHKMONY WH.K.MMZKI) BV REV. b H. H. IIKUOM. COITLE LEFT v LAST XKillT FOR THKTR HltlDAL TRI1*. n At the home of Mrs. W. E. Jones t? ast evening n beautiful surprise ^ redding was solemnized, when Miss lary Simmons Jones became the t< ride of Mr. Jesse M. Harrington. Sj A tow days ago Invitations to au- x; 'at homo" tor Wedntsday evening tl rere sent to the Immediate friends if the bride and groom. At ninebtrty the guests arrived and were c] net at the door by Lester Savage, jj cho ushered them into the parlor. T vhere they were greeted by Mrs. ones, Miss Mary Simmons Jones, 11 T diss Mae Ayers. Jesse Harrington in.i g a. Harrington of Weldon. N. ? 7. ^ The borne was beautifully decoratid In nalms. ferns and cut flowers, Phe color sclieme being pink and vhite. In the midst of much raerri- 1 aent the strains of Lohengrin's wed- 1 ting march sounded sweetly, being "? Ly- Lf iuiet reigned supreme as Rev. R. H. Broom, pastor of the First Method- f at church of this city, entered the J oom and took his stand before the * m pro vised altar. All eyes were ;urned upon the door when little Miss Harel?liudgea. cousin of the >ride, entered bearing a wedding "ln& upon a white satin cushion. The 1 jroom, Jesse Harrington, with his 1 jest man, Sam Harrington of Wei- 1 Jon. X. C.. entered the side door ami _ vas met at the altar by the young aride, Miss Mary Simmons Jor.es, * tnd her maid of honor. Miss Mae j id In chiffon cloth over satin, carrying a beautiful bouquet of bride's roses. The maid of honor wore q lace roba and carried pink sweet peas. The solemn vows which made ^ them man and wife were spoken. (The happy couple were showered ^ with congratulations, after which dainty refreshments were served by Misses Latham, Norma, and Grace rones, Lybilla Grtftln. Elenor Derry, ii Myra HodgeB. Ella Lee Chauncey. eileh Lewis nr.rl Anmr Thornas Arch- c Dell. t The bride is the attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jones/ n uid numbers her friends by the i: icore. The groom is a rising young busi- v jess man of this city and interested a n the firm or Harris Hardware Company. a y Mr. and Mrs. Harrington left on r be midnight Norfolk Southern train 'or a tour of northern cities, after ? vbich they will make their home in p his city. ' h -oad was a guest of Mrs. J. L. Allijood one day laBt week. r Willie Asby of Hall Swamp was a r ruest of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Alligood f< Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Sbeppard of i] lolly Glen were guesta of Mr. and u drs. Augutsus Alligood Sunday ? af- b ernoon. f ~ Tuesday afternoon we had a ter ific electrical storm with much rain md wind. 1 c H'MMER HOME A WAITS PRE8I- a DENT. Ci b Corn lab, N. H? June' 19?Har Intend en Hall, the summer home of E rresiaent wuson, is in complete n -esdlness for President Wilson and p lis family. lira. Wilson and th? li Misses Wilson will arrive here nest p seek end remain unUl the President a loins them. It is not expected that e Mr. Wilson will copie to stay until ate in the season, however. The a housekeeper has arrived to take ? shares of {kings. .? ? '' 1 ' *"f :? Jr -- , Greenvilli Local Bo Int. Washington is Be 11-3 in Yesterday Crowd of Spi ness C That tho people of Washington re ardent baseball fan* wag shown y the attendance at the Grccnvllle 'ashlngton game, which was played t Fleming field yesterday uftexoon. It was an enthusiastic crowd 10. although its 'Joy was slight ly aiupcned by-Qic fact tbat tlie locals Ik* hv thu < <? ?*.? 11 o During the early stages of the cunsst, It was nip and tuck for hotlt ides. In the fifth inning, however, reenvillo scored two runs, three in le seventh, one in the eighth and vo in the ninth. This, with the three una that they scored in the first four tilings, gu?c them a grand total of loven. Washington did their scartg in the* third, tying the visitors, he feature of tlffc game was the eavy hitting of Bonner. Ho nabbed lircc hit:: out of four times up. Dave ajloe 6ure was on the job In the eld. That "shoe string" catch he tade in the Jtrst inning certainly 08 a bird. Uo\ Score. Washington: - A.B. H. It. E. " -1' 1 rf mi An ill il 1 'hompson. CI) 4 I 0.0 ayloe. If 4 o u 0 Urtmor, tut. .......... 4 3 13 owell, .cf -.4 o 1 0 fiJMrer,'"Itr : 3 0- T 'owlo, c". 3 0 0 2 foore, fb 3 1 0 1 Hand, p 4 0 0 1 Total 33 S 5 8 i *' Gieetivllie. A.B. H K. E. .itchfield, as S 2 1 0 anier, cf 4 1 1 0 "hompson, c. ....... 5 1 0 1 .utterloh. 3b. 4 2 3 1 t# ' ' ' " Hand. lb. 4 1 1 1 Irown, 2b 3 1 1 o irinkley. rf R l l o tagsdal**. p 5?o?2?ttTotal 37 10 11 3 Score by innings: H. Vashington .. ..000 300 000? 3 ireenville 020 120 312?11 WASHINGTON HI IS I -ITAl"x K\\*S~ There am at present sixteen patents < on fined in the hospital. Mrs. I-upton of Aurora, who was n?arawUoii last Saturday, will reurn to ucr home tomorrow. Mrs. Hollowell o$ Aurora was ?ported on for appendicitis recently. She 5 doing nicely. MSss Helen Harvey, who has been ery ill. and has recently undergone n operation, is convalescent. Mr. Saddler of this city was operted on Sunday. He is improving apldly. Mrs. John Rcberson of Vanceboro, ho has teen an inmate in the hosital for some time, will leave for her onto tomorrow. Mrs. Bishop of Beihaven is rapidly egalning her health and expects to eturn to her home within the next ew days. Miss Helen O'Helligaa Is seriously II in the hospital. It is feared that ' she doecn't show signs of recovery efore long, she'll kick the bucket. HOTEL CLERKS MEET. Baltimore. June 19.?The annual onvention of the Eastern greetere. n organization made up of hotel egan here today. The organisations making up the astern Greeters are those of the ew Bndiand States, New York, hiladelphla, Baltimore and Washlgton. The Eastern Greeters are a art of the National Greeters of merlca, which is divided into an Eastern and Western division. One feature which haa been adoptd In connection with the coming toother of the Eastern Greeters is the stabliahment of an employment bnean for the benefit of hotel clerks. ' no. us JE9 . ey ? Takes i t)) Tearn 1 o Camp i ? ? aten by Score of \ f s Game. Large ectalors Witontest Summary. Slntok out. bv Ragsdu.-. 1?. by Blnnd Two-base lilt*. llywllii.c. Bonner." Three-bare him, l.t; trlota. Base on ball*, off Ragsdu".- 1. off Wand 1*. Stolen bases. l.as.Ur. Lutterloh i2*. l)rn\rn 4 2). Thompson. 'I? pointer. Moore and IJlainl. I'npirps. Warren and Maxwell. Attendance. 200. Time of game, or.e s.citr and forty-uve hjnutes. >OtPO of tlw (iuine. This guy Kagsdale pi;rh:-U a ho hit.game against Farmville other Dave To.vloe got five put outs in left field, and some of the::; were - ;3 some dandy running catche*. Maybe Chief Howard ain't some roach! You should have heard him back of third. The attendance wa^bHt*? than J was expected. Hope that as many.get out for the "Bloomer Girls" game. This is our first game. Walt until the fellows-get tised to ploying together and get limbered tip a bit. *8S Then we'll try Greenville again. REdAKIIlMi I.IQI'OR oltlUNAM'K, 5j Atlanta, Ga.. June 19.?The State ' Supreme Court yesterday held invalid Atlanta's citjr ordinances known as JjB the McCIellan ordinance, which required railroads, express companies and other common carriers to furnish .fl the police with lists of liquor shipments delivered by the carriers. The $0 court held the ordinance void on the _ yrminri thnt it was in contravention g of the section of the interstate commerce law. Capt. Geo. J. Studdert. in the Re- ' corder's Court yesterday, argued that 'ql the same should be done In North Carolina. u TO FIGHt'ijOAN shark evh? Nqw York. June 19.?Th- fifllr annual convention of the National : Federation of Remedial Loan Associations began here today. The organization was formed in Buffalo In j 1909 at the time the National Conference of Charities met there. It I is comprised of thirty-two organizations spread all over the country and :s devoted entirely to the removal of the "loan-shark" evil. Theso companies compete with the- "loan- *3 shark" in his own ft eld auU are 1 j?| nanced by men of the greatest re- ;38 pute, whose sole ambition is to remedy the prevailing conditions by providing a place where people of small means may borrow money without '8 fear of persecution and extortion. The society does not advocate the constant borrowing of money, but desires the working man. when hard pushed at times, to cotne to these associations where he will recejye a sum under simple conditions and without fear of being handicapped by large rates of interest. WELCOME OUR ENGINEERS'. J Berlin. June 19.?The German As- U sociation of Engineers has made nrp re= ception of the American Society of I Mechanical?Engineers wtUh?will I hold its annual meeting thin #?ar in Leipsic. The Americans arrive at Ham- burg today. Saturday the members will go to Leipflc. FolKrwing tber annual meeting the visitors will make a fortnight's tour of Germany, including especially an inspection of the Rhenish and Westphallan industrial district and visits to* Dresden, Dussoldorf. Cologne. Frank: fort-on-the-Main and Mnnich. The German engineers in the cities visited will attend to the arrange- 'J menta tor the guests' stay and act aa guides and hosts. <. v Mrs. Ed. IfalUaon has retarm*ff from Ay den, where she want to at- M tend the wedding of her sistet. i

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