\u) c ffirisi ifr iiM-i ONK OK THE OIJ1KST AND MOST 11 i HTEK.HKD RESIDENTS OF I FUNERAL THIS AFTERNOON WTLL BE HELD FROM KPIHCOI'AL f CHURCH. REV. N. HARDING 3 OFFICIATING. g Ono of the oldest and most es- J ?:~->r- of. our clty^paased V .3 - away oarly this ijpoming. She was j3j Mrs. Henrietta Rumley, known by t almost .eTery person In Washington ^ and Beaufort County. H Mrs. Rumley had been sufl. r > - ; mouth, strt'lrta W* thi. thar-hcrj | death Is attributed. ^8he was eighty - years of age. ? ; ;* Mrs. Rumley was born in Wood- jj stock (Now Ransom vllle) Beaufort County. Sho was \he 'daughter of 0 William and Mary Blount, both of * whom were also residents of this sec- ? tlon of the State. When she was 1 about nine years of age. Mrs. Rumley moved to this city and has been residing here ever since. ^ She married WUlUxn: Rumlej in 1851. Four children were born to them, all of whom are living In , Washington at the present time. They are Gilbert Rumley. who Is registrar of Beaufort County; Otway. Henry B. and Miss Rachel Rumley. Fy*. y ' The funeral services will be held this afternopn at 6.:80.(rqm the Episcopal church, Rev. K. Harding officiating. The Interment will be at y Oakdalc Cemetery. The pall-bearers wifl be Meaars. W. B. M?rton, H. E. Harding. John B. 8ptrrow. E. II. y Mixon. H. T. Latham and F. H. Moss. . Jiwti* . jrpan; TO SPEAK AT ASHEVILl.K JULY aWD. WILL PRESIDE OVER ? PALL TERM OP COURT IN t] ' THIS DISTRICT. Ii ? a ' ' b i - 7 Judge Stephen C. Bragaw. who has b recently been holding court In Lee a County, U in the city and will take a few week's rest here before the fall b term.of court. On the 14th of July, the Judge will go to Camden and.spend a week "there. He will return to Washington surfd-be -here until August. 11th. a ITnon that dats he will Imva for h Aaheville and preside over a three o: week*' tei^n of court, which will be m held there d The State Bar Aeeoclatlon will b meet kn Aaheville on July 2, 3 and 4. r< and Judge Bragaw will be one of the principal speakers at lte meet- P in*. J After the Asbefllle term of court, 7 ^ Mr. Brggaw will . return here and m preside over the court in this dis- o: trict during the fall term. ai WDiiON TO BE BACHELOR. si Washington, June 24.?President tl _ _ Wlliuu today is?preparing for hLi oi first extensive "bachelorhood" since at lie was married. He will be a "sum- b; mer bachelor" after June 38, when bi Mrs. Wilson and the first daughters al of the land leave for the President's bi summer home st Cornish. N. H. * tl The President may not see ljis pi summer residence until September or ol possibly October. He says he will not le . leave here until the special session of M Congress adjourns, and he is IlllJst- le ing' that it stay on the job long en- ci ongh to pass both the tariff and cpr-' cr rency bills. tx Several White Honse bachelor bar- ot Jfes are planned by the President J en while he la "batching it." He haa in- lei vlted eonie Princeton professors and E * old college chums to vleit him at the aej "White Hoase daring the summer. I - Automobile riding,, golf and vWw- .1 lag baseball games will he the principal summer diversions of the President. He does not plan many trips tta away from. Washington, except to the ru - Gettysburg celebration on Jftly 4. - Dj ?1 111 BIG WOOL SALE. th . pi TalpU, TbiM. June 14?Trip* fo _ wool grovm will sell on tomorrow be mr 104.000 pound, ot wool >tor?d " In tb, wmmbonMs' horn. TbU m one of tb, bent Inland wool oenter, on H tbo Snntn Fe. ? ^ ,< . e : ; -v . i J 1% T Tm it IT#- ' " v lY RUiuLIj I , . R12K DRAWING AND AM ATE I* Its AT THE LYRIC TWIBMT. The regular weekly pria? drawing akes place at the Lyric Theatre toight promptly at 9 *$elock. has *?-' *^T?o work of tearing down the ridge at the East end of Main street as been commenced. The contract as awarded to M. M. Jones some ime ago, but owing to hiB being unble to "procure the material, the 'ork has been deferred until now. The tearing down of the old bridge 111 inconvenience, for a few days, aose who desire to drive to the park, a order to reach there it will now e necessary to drive around by the rfck fcn?, whlch meik?p the distance- i bout two miles longer. The work on the new bridge will e rushed through as fast as possible. RELAY RACE TO CHICAGO. I. * Washington, June 24.?Promptly I t noon today, " President Wilson 1 anded to a*boy clad in the uniform-1 t a Boy Scout a message of encour- ' gement for clean athletics. The boy i arted out of the Whitd House and \ roke Sato a trot, and the 773-mne 1 lay to Chicago was on. i Exactly 7*6, boys, will, handle the 1 resident's message. At noon on i une 28, unless plans miscarry, the 1 75th boy will carry the Presidential t lessage into Chicago, deliver it to < Delate of the great pre-Oiymplc t tbletic festival and the games of 1 to InterjutlpxtaLAth letlc C]iamplpn: iipss Association will start. ^ Boy messengers will be earring < te miaslte continuously from toafcy ? i.?Thay_will ran by day-llgbt and s :ar-Ught, the night runs to be made ^ t the older members of the courier c md. Parents of tome of the boys t t first objected to the night relays i at officers of the athletic associa- i ons along toe route volunteered to ice the lads In automobiles and all tfectioni' were removed. The rout* ada from Washington to Frederick, d.; thence.|o Pittsburgh. Clevend. Toledo, South Bond and Chiigo. Each boy will run a mile, hut Lrdwlll be exercised to see that no >y overtaxes himself. The majority ' the runners are Boy Bconts. Othn are school boys picked by athtlc associations along the route, tch runner will receive an emblem i a souvenir of the run. IFTBR NEW YORK CENTRAL New York, June 24.?The plana of a New York Central railroad for inning 1U UnM along jilyerntde rive, come before Jhe Board of Esmate and Apportionment today. Alough the railroad claims that the ana will Improve the city, it is a regone conclusions that they will f killed at yie meeting. ? Mrs. E. B. Thomas and children of smllton, N. 0., is vtaiting her alar. Mr. w. T. Swindell. "Sh /. LEON WIJAIAMS, MANAGER OP PRCH.1MM AT PAIR- (JROUNDS, WAS IN THE" CITY YESTERDAY'. CHEAT INTEREST IH RAGES MOTORCYCLE AXO HORSE RACES SIRE TO BE CLOSE AND K\nipftf. MANY FIRM COMPAXILS TO BE PRESENT. J. Leon Williams of New Bern was in the city yesterday. Mr. Williams lias charge of the events which will be run off at ttoe fair grounds in Now Bern nn Tiilr 4th that nearly all the entriea for tbo dlf- 1 for ant events have been received and that a .good afternoon's program wilt < be furnished. The, Interest, aroused 1 over the motorcycle and horfe~race? ! is ?reat. A large number of Ore com- i panlea from this section of the State . have announced their Intentions of ! being present and participating in the firemen's tournament. Mr. Williams Was here yesterday i for tta^ purpose of attending to the < final arrangements regarding adver- 1 tising, etc. i It is estimated that thousands will i throng into Ne,w Bern on the day of < the faces to view the different events 1 at the fair grounds. < ciiicT mis URGENT PRESIDENT TFILSOX ? FAVORS BILL AS XT STANDS. TO BE PRESENTEOiTODAY rani nut. renptBiiv ?r |>'- j TRODL'CED TODAY. GREAT INTEREST OVER OUTtX)ME. Washington, June 24.?Stripped of ail verbiage and technicalities there are posisble only two alternatives In reforming the currency, in | rncy are wnetner tne people tnemselves shall control or whether the bankers shall usurp the power. And became of this fact the wholh. strength of the administration has been thrown behind the Wilson-Glass neasure to be introduced today or :omorrow. The President intends hat every possible weapon at his lisposal shall be utilized to make he bill, practically as it stands, a aw. r At his regular weekly conference vlth the correspondents the Presilent today explained that he considers the currency bill Just as much of in administration measure as la the EVllson-Underwood tariff bill. The :ountry needs currency reform Just ts urgently ss it docs the reductions n the cost of living. The proposed neasure may not -be perfect?the ^resident admits that he does not so consider it?but he insists that it is i long step in the right- direction. "It la absolutely imperative," says 'resident Wilson, "that we Should jive the business men of the country i banking and currency system by neans of which they can make use ?f the freedom of enterprise and of ndividual initative, which we are j ibout to bestow upon them. We are ibout to set them free We must not | eave them without the tools of acion when they are free." :X-PKKMIPKNT TAFT IN CINCINNATI. . Cincinnati, Ohio, June 24.?Ex*resldent William -Howard Taft, who ecelved the decree of doctor of clril aw from Hamilton College yesterlay, arrived here today for a threelay visit. Mr. Taft comes to take ip with the trustees of the Southern It allroad the legal question which as been' referred to him for an 11 pinion. . Next Thursday he will be I he principal orator an the occasion II f the dedication of the new Cham- || er of Commerce Building. h IQUNA. TUMUAY AFTERWOOM^ WKATHKH: FAIR AND WAIUt shim up iACHIXB BKUMRHNO TO JOHN IIOROKV TURN# Tl'RTLK IV FRQXT OF CRV HAUL. T ByTTHTlcffTreBa, ~ Ooldsboro, N. C.. June 24.?Nfne persona were thrown out and Jje ;eriousIy Injured, when the automobile, belonging to John Border tVKiad "turtle near the City Hall late yesterday afternoon. Mr?. R. P. ?yer as a result of the accident, is sugaring from a broken rib, annie andjfajjarbone. Mrs. D. R. KernegtyflW her fihonldrr hif>tron nn.* ? ??w = HBfiBIF IB. TO ATTKM) WILMINGTON tOtJIU NAMKXT IN AUGUST. WILL HOT GOTO mjS^r_ VOLUNTEER REEL TEAM UNABLE v ^WVFfl&NB TOURNAMENT AT f NEW Wlfr. REGULAR MEET ING HELD LAST NIGHT. A regular meeting of the Volun- 8 teer Reel Team wai held last night. r were viecieu 10 represent w tha company at" the tournament. ?* whlch will b held-at Wilmington on & August 11. 12. 13. 14 and 15. J. P. 8 Taylce and C. M* Brown, Jr. were ** elected delegates and J. W. Smith G and R. h. Stewart, alternates. ai The July nnd August "meetings of ** the company wfere cancelled. The next meeting to be held will be the September meeting. hi It was decided that the company e3 Would bo unable to attend the tour- OI namcnt which will^ be held at New ra Bern on the Fourth. . u' ill ? SERVICES i; pa REVIVAL SERV|?ss AT METHOD. Ih 1ST CHURCH ARE BUCCfiSBFVL. fC br PREACHING WAS EXCELLENT i; th REV. Ji* A. DAI LEY PREACHES m STRONG AND INTERESTING la RERMONS. SINGING A FEA- w: TIKK OF MEETINGS. in .In.the afternoon service yesterday ai Rev. J. A. Dailey. evangelist-pastor, ar preached a strong sermon out of te cl Matt. 7: 22 and 23, showing conclu- QT slvely that saving faith is more es- CI sentiul than wonderful works and _ propherifp, ~ In the evening the earnest speak- |i er solemnly impressed the lesson of I consecrated service, using 1 Chron. |] 29: 5 and 6, "And who then is willing to consecrate his service this day unto the Lord?" A consecration service was held in whicll muuv freelv tnok nnri Th? right. The singing was an enjoyable feature. Honrs of services today: 4 to 5 and 8 p. m. R All welcome. Tomorrow afternoon the meeting will be In the special interest of the old people, though all ore invited. U G1LEAD NEWS. b< of Rev.' Kirk filled his appointment CT at the F. W. B: church- Saturday tj, night and Sunday. Sunday night uj tervlces were conducted by Rev. jn Mack PreBCott. pr Mrs.^George Nobles of CbocowinIty spent from Friday until Sunday 24 with her mother. Mrs. J. A. Buck. 8everal from Chocowlnlty were in >ur midst Sunday. pj Mr. and Mrs. James Shepherd of lessama were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Hill Saturday night anc? sunaay. H< Miss Stella Cutler of Jessama da (pent Saturday night and Sunday Q], vith Miss Dora Daniels. gr Mesdames Josephine Roberta and ?ara Jones of Chocowlnity were the ^ piests of Mrs. T. H. Daniels Saturday M; light, Sunday and Sunday night. gu Tom Tuten and children of Ed- UB vard were visitors of his aunt, Mrs. yjU N. G. Yeates, last week. Miss Marcia Cutler of Jessatna is pending the weejc with Miss Dora Janlels. Mrs. Sara Woolard and daughter, Hiss Rora, were guests of Mrs. W. an }. Yeates Sunday. Sti Mrs. B. D. Daniels spent a few n lays in Washington last week, the thi fuest of relatives. 1st Mrs. Flcyence Qallaway visited g0 if re. L. B. Hill Sunday afternoon. wl Master Edward Hill, and -sister, Gf lattie, after spending a few days! en lere with relatives, returned to their tome at Chooowinlty Monday morn??. , an "V ?; - :? ; r#pt at Gi Celebration of Ann Will Commt Oettyfbur^. ,^JL, June 24.?With I - * Thursday of the an- t tl -.upmeht of the Pennsylvon- t t Q. A. It. will begin the influx of < oterans of the civil war for the i rdnd reunion celebrating the 50th < nnlvcrsary of one of the greatest 1 nflicts vf modern times?the decls- I re.battle of Gettysburg. The Penn- < rlvania veterans will And all ar- 1 ingements for the great gathering i anipieted cud every detail perfect- i i both' as'to the care of the union t ad confederate veterans. cnd'thfT cncra! public. .The celebration of t le annlvorsary of the battle of ettysburg will begin, oil July flr6t c ad end on Independence Day with ? ic address of President Wilson. - a For the comfort and entertainment e ! the 40,000 veterana of both the d lue and the gray uuiform who are u cpected to be hero, the federal gov- 1 anient, individual' mates, the comonwealth of Pennsylvania in partic- d ar; the G. A. R. and the United t< 5n federate Veterans have worked p iceaslngly for nearly a year and c e presence of the old soldiers them- g Ives only remains to make the celc- g atlon one of the most unique ti history. tl Mauy of the veterans will use the w nts thrown up by the government!h r the use of the reunion participle* ints. For some distance around ? border of the town the fields are ri ivered with numberless large J own canvas tenta. Each Is pro- w tied with cots for Ave men, ample tl td furnishings and contain eating A ?netis which, after being used at V e camp, become the property of the D an who uses them. The camps are c< id out in regulation army fashion A ith avenues of large electric lights e dicating the streets and state sec- tl ons. Water mains, sewerage pipes p id electric lighting.- system^ todayjL e In operation- throughout-^the i3 nted villages and transportation fa- t< Iitios from the nearby towns thor- n ighly mapped out and ready. A v, eat tent, seating between 10,000 d IIUNITIONI #F QRR LODGE Tip ' EGl'LAR MEETING TO UK HELD TONIGHT. INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS. p b /i ui urr i u )dge. No. 1-04. A. F. & A. >1"., will jr ! b*ld at their hall, at the corner Third and Bonner streets, this d enin^ at S o'clock. The installs- ^ ?n of officers for the ea&ui&g year it ill be the chief business of the even- El g. Ail brothers are urged to be t) esent and all visiting brothers will 0, i' c6rt!a!'y~weIcoTned. Today, June ^ tb, is St. John ? day. By order of the Master?. jt ei .VMOUTH REMEMBERS ra BEECHER. bl It Brooklyn, N. Y., June 24.?Had c3 ;nry Ward Beecher lived to see to- jj y he would be one hundred years 1 onH piuniftnth nhii?^h ??rHtr.h ew into nation-wide fane under } pastorate has planned a week's lebration in honor of Beecher's ^ atennary. John Arbuckle, the gj gar King has given (100,000 to be 0j ed toward building a memorial j,, tiding for the great preacher. \ W1 w, >MINIHTRATION MEN 0, MEET BANKERS. ? tb Baltimore, Md., June 24.?At the nual meeting of the Maryland ite Bankers in session here, sev- L il men prominently connected with 9 financial side of the new admlnratlon will deliver addresses. The ^ vernment experts will also hear iat Maryland men of finance think ?p, Secretary McAdoo's new emerg- TC ey currency plan. m, ? jl Mrs. Geo. A. Paul and daughter pj s t&IUdk frlMdi la Edeotoa g, ' - , *. ry 5SSBX3^^SBS33S*S55S5S8I " '''^Bi y No. ? 2* motions ?| zttyshurg iversary of Battle l:nce July 1. nd 15.000 persons has been erected ,->3 djoining the main camp In which i'.l exercise* and reunions of the-vet- : - jM ranH will be held. The Pennsylvania Gettysburg Commission, l? harge of the arrangenients for the ounTon has urged that all veterafia, sortli and South, wear army corps or llvlsioa badges as a means of identlieatSon. The CmtntaFlou hps made10 recommendation In the matter of rearing uniform hn- -.1 -?i- 3 - ? ? lier, whether "rebel", and "yank" clli be a elcomcd.heartily In their oW? ;Jy|j vartlme costumes. 73 In order to avoid as far as possible ongestion of the railroad??at the tations hrre in bringing and taking iway crowds, tile camp, will be open- ^ d, in complete readiness, on Sun- . ay. the 29th and will continue opei* . ' yi .ntil the following Sunday. July 6th. . - i 'his applies to the veterans only. The entire state constabulary tony Is establishing headquarters here j police the crowds, which are exacted to run up into the hundreds f thousands. The encampment rounds, inside and out. will be / uarded constantly by regular army Mjj 'oops. The camp Is located near t'?j He famous battlegrouud-at the south est edge of the town and adjoining Istorlc Seminary Ridge and the :ene of Pickett's charge. According to the latest plan* of the ^ mnion commission, the first day. uly 1. will l?e "Veterans' Day." ilth exercises under the direction of J le Pennsylvania Commission, the G. . R. and the United Confederate eterans. July 2 will be "Military iay." when there will be exerciser onducted by the United States rmy. On July 3. "Civic Day." Gov. rn or Tener will be iu charge and le governors of other states will ^ articipate. On July 4. "National % _*$ lay." there will bo an oratlcn by ending the laying of the Peace Melorial cornerstone. The celebration ill be terminated with a gorgeous isplay of fireworks in the evening. m in mm Ill I11CI I111/ ! .Tr.TKTT'HAXDft??HID EACH : OTHER FAUKWKLL AS RUNAWAY IIOAT HEADS FOR NIAGARA WHIRLPOOL. Niagara Falls, June 24.?Donald Loscoe. ten. and Hubert Moore, nine, oth of Buffalo. went to their death In > small beat lat? yesterday afternoon v \ the Whirpool Rapids whi.e hunreds of men watched, helpless, from -jj le shore. The boys had been playig In a flat bottom scow, half a mile bove the rapids. The rope folding io boat broke and they were carried at into the stream and down the. ver. r .. . . i Until the beat reached midstream made little progress. After it pasn! the bridges the current carried it midlv IntirnrH .V?o roniJj i**.,. - yiaij tunuiu TTTT= rnjj.us. i uc idgemen did not see the boat until > was close at nand. When they ught sight of It they called Firs eadouarters, and Associate Chief iller sent out two companies of fireen. Hundreds swarmed to the river inks in a vain effort to save th? >ya. The boys, realizing their fate, ood up as the boat neared the edge the roaring whirlpool and shook mds goodby. A second later tbey ere engulfed by the crest of a great ave in the rapids. The boat shot it of sight. One of the boya wasr en a moment later struggling in e rushing waters. Neither body has en found. tRC.K CROWDS AT OCEAN HEW. M J. A. Tucker returned yesterday f ' om Ocean View, Vs., where he has ten spending the past few days. Mr. icker says that he has never seen Many people at this popular turner resort so early in the steson. It ' ?1 estimated that abont 10,000 peo- /-( e enjoyed the bathing In the surf |