[ j' sDhdc liirirr ni itii lihni ? if?r^ iHUllU. niuill V . -1 > ; t? 7,; - I TAKE8 PLACK AT THE CHRISTIAN 1 CHURCH AT S:SO CCIyOCK 'i'] AS INTKRKSTISU Ql'KRY TO I RK Dl? I 88KD. The second annual debate under the auspice* of "The Loyel 30ns," B?T~ ^ ooe or the 8unday school classes of 1 the Christian church, this city, 1b 1 ached tiled to take place Thursday 1 evening at the Christian church on 1 Bast Second street. The Arst debate by the eUse umbers w?g held lasl month and proved of su?h Interest not only to those engaging In the contest hot the spectator* that !t has been decided to give another. .The contest is to begin promptly at 8:30 o'clock and it is to be hoped that a a timber :ijrfa_fra'ffij| ml1 md rn . Joy the eccasion. The query for the evening will be: "Resolved, that Capital punishment in North Carolina Bhould he aboltsh?d." The affirmative side wTTl be ably represented by Menre. Reld Mitchell nnrt Hnh?W Ellia Tha Want Main street. The members F ?f tie party are: Miss Sarah Llllie Dockery. Rockingham, N. C.; Miss t 84 phi a Hollistor, Nan Bora, N. C.i -g Miss Matilda Hancock, Sew Bern, N. { Miss Susie Field^nrlertfotd, N- ft,; Miss BUsahetb TAloe, Washing- ten. N. C. "# I 4 Since Thursday last ...n^errlment I< ind pleasure has reigned at the home p at Miss Fowle. She la proving a % model hostess and her house party ?j has already proven to be one of the 1 attractive social functions of The t this section of the State. * Excursion8 w ill be running tn Ne* ern from every section or Eastern forth Carolina and indications now oint to the largest crowd that has eento New Bern, since the "big aj" of last fair. The boats will egln running to Glenburnle park at t o'clock In the morning. The fare , ach way on the boats will be only 5c. This la a delightful trip to the air grounds consuming only twenty nimites.. Hundreds of families will denic at OlenburnVe on, the 4th of 'uly and after eating their dinners indor the beautiful shade trees of rlonbum'e park, which is adjacent o the fair grounds, they will enter he fair grounds and witness the flntst program o~f~ racing everadvertlsid for North Carolina. The program will begin promptly it 2 o'clock. The first number on he program 'will be a five mile notorcycle race for machines having >nly one cylinder. This will be folowed by a motorcycle race for mashines with more than one cylinder, fudging from the way the local 'speed kings" have been circling the rack during the last ten days the >nbllc can safely count on two motorcycle races that will be "thrillers" in svery sense of the word. Next will come the horse races, mere will be two claaees. . p, three ninute and a (r^.e for all. The pubic never tfres of good horse racing ind they will not be disappointed at ?Jew Bern on July 4th. The next number on the program will be a bicycle race by boys sixteen 1 rears old and under. The youngiters will not get around the track luite as fast as the boys with the notorcyclea. but It will be great sport levertheless to see the struggle for he first and second money. AXd last comes an event that :auses everybody to alt up and take ) lotlce. This is the firemen's tournament. tf^Mucomppnies have entered ' lui liio^M^^^A-raceaThpy hav?.|, 5een pounds ?f pressure and tb^^Joys say that jome fast time may be expected. ? Everybody will be made comfortable. Refreshments will be served >t thft grand stand hv the ladies of J the City Beautiful Club and plenty of ice cream and cold drinks can be , bad all during the progress of the races. Admission tothe fair grounds will be only 50c., children under twelve years of age 25c., and admission to the grand stand will he free. ON THK RAILW AYS. The schooner Otis TerroHrCaptain il. W. Mason, of Swgn Quarter, is on the Chauncey railways undergoing repairs. FRENCH MIKE U. S. TOBACCO. Paris, July 2?The taste of French smokers for tobacco grou/n in the United States has increased remarkably during the last twelve months. Seven times as mdch tobacco entered France from the United 8tates in January and February, 1913. as was brought In during the corresponding months of the previous year. The importations of January and February, 1913, amounted to $800,000 in value. French buyers of tobacco are now kept in America the whole year round. Last year the French government, received a net revenue of more than exerclaee over the aale of tobicflo In the republic. : /,;tj. .rj TEXAS HAS MEW MOVIE WEEKLY San Antonio, July ?.?A moving picture weekly with 1,000 feet of film, to he devoted to the hlittAy, eoeaery, current cventi and Indeatrlad of the State, made ita appearance today, under the snme of. the fl A ttflT ni A ur i_- r\M I VI 1. . U . |h?r.. LAROURi, WEDNESDAY AFTEI MERCf TO C JUI 3ay Will be Ob Holiday in 1 HH HHKMS ^ IIM WaebiQfrton oo tbo fourth ol July /ill hare a few attractions to amuse ho Htv and i-nnntv fo!ka ol eady announced in the Daily News esterday there will be a Mg ball ;ame at tbf Fleming Park in the afernoon, the rival teams being mem>ers employes of two of the most rominent hardware concerns in .astern Carolina, viz: Harris Hardrate Co. and McKeel-Richardson hardware Co. The game will be hoty contested from start to finish. The ivai pitchers, Shelton and Whitley, ire no back numbers and that they rill be there with the goods is not ionbted. Both teams are now geting intrlm. Free lemonade and Ice vater and free admission to witness he game of the season ought to inluce every citizen to attend. Also the Washington Gun Club rill give their annual shooting tourlament at their grounds on Bonner itreet. The shoot starts at 10 o'clock tnd will last well into the afternoon. Prominent business men and merchants have generously donated landsotne prizes for the successful sontestants. On Friday night the ??antxy'*?lub wttK-give a dance at Withinitoz Park.. The. fourth_in Washington this year will kinder ap BASE BALL GA1 TO 9.30 FR Tbe hoar for the much lookedfor baseball game between the Harris Hardware Co. and the McKeel-Kichurdson Hardware Co. scheduled for July fourth has heen changed from 3:3? p. m. to 0:80 a. m.. The change tvaa decided upon due to the Christian church Sunday school picnic at Washington Park and also the Washhgton Can. s;hrw>? iMBBMBfltf. A great and exciting contest is to l>? waged and unlieard of sport is anticiP1T0WN1 v Mil As the Daily News goes to prest Washington and Pinetown are trylnc for the mastery on the ball field ai Fleming Park on West Third street The Pinetown team is rated amo&i tjie strongest in Eastern Carolina and of course everybody knows that Washington can play a little bit. Tht line-up for tbe locals are: Bland, p; Fowle, c; Wallace, lb; Cowell 3b; Gardner, ss; Westen, J.f 3b; Tayloe If; Carrow, cf; Weston, rf. P. P Maxwell is doing the umpiring. womvc mn*v The fhmlly of MM. Rufus 8heltoi and Mr. and Mrs. Holbrook are toda: moving from West Second street tc the Step-ling residence on Bonne street, between Second and Mali streets. I PRAVKR MKETINO. ; There will be prayer meeting serv ices in all the dlefferat churches o the city this evening at the usua hour with the exception of the Firs Methodist, where the series of meet lags are still in progress. ? WO RECORDER'S COURT. There was no Reoorum's Com again today. This speaks' well to Washington's deportment. ? /% I I M - - a :.VOON. JOt-T ?, ltll. ?*j| ?*V. * ^.-;,- '. ' LOSE jY 4 served as General Washington. I The Fourth'of July will be a holiday In Washington, especially so for tlie employes of business houses, stores, postofflees, etc. All the iperchante of the city today agreed to close their peaces of business on the fourth and glT* Uielr WPBfl f= ployen a rest day. The wholesale merchants took the initiative several days and decided to Irive their men a -Test and trvlnv the ri?(nl)oro nth. era kindly followed suit. This means a big crowd to the ball game Friday morning and tu fhe gun sJioot iu Llie afternoon. Such a step as this well-for there are i^o class of folk who deserve at least one day off now a'nd then as do the clerks and employes who have to toll from early morning,till late at night. All the banks of the city will also close their doors and the postofllce will only be open immediately after the receipt and distribution of the regular mails. p V < POOTOFFICE RECEIPTS SHOWS DECIDED GAIN. The Washington post office ?liow* a decided, increase in re- . ceipts for the lust quarter over the corresponding one of last * year. The receipts for the qnar ter ending June 30, 1012, being * for the month* of April, May ' *_aml .Tune, were W.OS8.7#. * Fur the quarter ending June * > dO. 1013, for the months* of * April. May and June, were 34. 442.30. This show*, an increase * of 406.ni for the last quarter over that of law year. ME CHANGED JDAY MORNING anted. Postmaster Hugh PttoL one of the city's enthusiastic baseball fans, in determined that there shall be more - sporL within the aext days. He Is today engaj^d in securing a team com* i posed of the wholesale dealers and their employes to challenge the win* i ning team of the Hardware Companies. Postmaster Paul will captain _ his s " <""? - ?I I ...1^^ in wuh tuadc. Paul was pictured as for- in getting certain past thing*?leaving w' them behind?and planting a milestone. never to go back of it again.' cT K searching appeal was made to the 2-1; church to do likewise. al No man lms visited Washington ar st any time who ^as offered the peo- bn pie a purer, more simple gospel, and in that most earnestly and honestly. % , A few more messages, and his ef- yo torts here will have closed. lo It is sincerely hoped that the last jan several congregations will bo the up argest and most responsive. To be sure the heat is great, but lot so great as It is 4n that country op to which they who neglect the gos- '?rii pel are tending. co Worship today at 4 to S and 8 'foi ? m. . jTfc ?.Ir. Bailey's manner of presenting pr, :ruth is most gracious and persuasive jtt, and his desire to.do good, to help 'Ua men. Is most Intense. th All are kindly Invited to hear the ar gospel as he preaches it. without J^j, compromise and claptrap, a full and at free salvation. |th Kiffiln i 1E9BW IH.: Sweet little Miss Doris Koss. the . 9-year-old ^Idigbter of Mr. and Mrs. L Joseph Ross, was at home yesterday I n afternoon in honor of her birthday p to her many playmates and friends. The occasion was much enjoyed and m all left voting the winsome little hoa- m tens many happy and joyous returns.' p Delightful refreshments were served. N rTtiuhH present were: Lena Dudley. |_i Mary Dudley, Mary B. Mclllhenny. I l-undal Ross, Tatem H. Moore, Jr., e (John R. Moore, Ruby Swindell, i I Glenn Ross, Page Moore. Julian Ross, jg Jack Ross. Rosa Lee Morgan. Ruth Mayo. Haloa Dailey.-Frances Dailry. _g Viola Freeman. Elsie Morgan. Emma i Warner. Evelyn Jones, Louise Jones, \ Wil!4am A. Daniel, Walter Randolph, Bessie Potts. Fred Potts, Znph Fatts. Thelc.a Baker, Mary Robbing Hilda Bobbins, Hilda Al'lgood. Mary F. Alligocd, Edna Alligood. Merrill B. ^ Daniels, Bonner Swindell, Adelia t O'Brien. Lou Cox. Liilie M. Wilkin- ti son, Lifclc: Harris, Mary Waters. Dor- t othy Campbell, Maggie Wilkinson. Blanch A. Ross. Rowina Woolard. Lottie Dail Ross, Lucille Dail Mamie Ross, Bonner Jefferson. Rena Jefferson. Gladys Ross, Sallie Ross. Mary ^ Ross. Jimmie Robs, Amanda Ross. v Maltie Wilkinson, Zelma Ross, Ben- -j jamln Rosa, Melba Ruse, Mabel Pip- ^ pin. _ Lillian B. Ellison. Minnie T. ^ Robs, Miss Agnes Wilson, Miss Min- j. nie Potter, Mrs. Swindell, Mrs. Traylor. Those who served were: Mltypes Maud Swindell, Neta O'Brien, Eve- g lyn Robs and Margaret Traylor. t REPAIRING BELFRKY. Work started this morning repairing tfa*? belfrey the City Hall, which was damaged last week by < lightning, causing it to be set afire. JUDGER CARTER TO PRESIDE. The next term of Beaufort County Superior Court will begin on Monday, August 4, with His Honor Judge , Frank Carter, of Asheville, presiding. The term will be for only' one week and both criminal and civil cases will be tried. PLACING NEW POLB. The City Electrio Company are having placed a new pole at the corner of Market and Water streets. ... . _ y W 1 ^9 1 f k. W nsiui' 1 mm CLOSE DODDS * ??? "* ITKONAOK ON THK WANE DUB j TO INABILITY OF GUESTS TO SWTKK BEKR. MTOCKHOLDERA MF.KT. Wilmington. July 2?The three ho1k at Wrightsville Bench tony clop* '? clr doors on account of poro and ~ "J minishing patronage, due. the man- rfjM era of the hotels assert, to the pro- ' j9 bitory laws relative to selling beer. /1B le managers of the hotels say thejr M-iuhlun-muutty-aHUu rate of some ??| lug like $100 a day. Stockholder? -B ?re conferred with yesterday and 3 is mniu'F pm mtuarejy up to (htm-. w ith the result that a full Joint meet- 'V? g was called for today 10 decide hut to do. The hotels thai are threatening to * o?e are the Oceanic, Seashore, and '.-.j anover Inn. People have been leav1 the hotels daily, it is reported, '"in id the tide of travel beachwards is been reduced to where the hotels, stead of being crowded as they ^ ere this time last year and In other / ars, have been running at a serious ss, lnsyite of all efforts of eebnomy, d the managers are ready to throw $ 1 their hands. No Relief in Sight. There appears no relief from thd J eratlon cf the prohibition* la*. " le Oceanic and Seaehore hotels as q rporatlons were indicted last year r violating the prohibition law. ;S iese. cases were continued ahd the 'T esiding judge gave instructions at bills be drawn against indivld1 members of the'corporations, buJ: is was never done. The old cases c still on tho docket. If the auorlties had any disposition to wink violations of the law on the island oy would find it difficult, because ? ose who formerly engaged in the 11 e illegal sale of the stuff in W1Iington and are now under bonds tve declared that "what Is sauce for ic goose is sauce ror me gander, id that they would see that the law obeyed on the beach. BULLETINS. New York, July 2.?George Berup \ cpedition to Crocker Land under uspices American Museum Natural . (iatory left today in two years' exloratlon in Arctic regions. Newport, R. I.. July 2?Bull loose leaders here attending naon-wlde Progressive meeting, ooaevclt's speech on "American lavy" be non-political and non-parLondon. July 2.?Royalty attendd Royal'English Henley Regetta on , | 'hames. Many athletes after title 3 iydney eight won last year. Pittsburgh, Pa.. July 2.?Nearly ,0.000 attending Welsh International ~ts Tedilford beginning today. Arch . )ruld of Wales presiding. MISCALCULATED. That longed looked for cooler | veaiher seems to still be in the disance. The weather man has unloubtedly made a miscalculation it oday is a sample. NRAttM OOMPIiETlON. - . ? The building erected by Colonel j Viley C. Rodman on East Main street rill be completed at an oarly day. 'he law firm of Rodman & Bonner ^ rill occupy the second story. ThQ im story will be for rent. T. J. larding has the contract Mrs. Suffolk Miles left today for leven Springs, wtoere she will spend" wo weeks. NOTICE TO COUNTY TEACHEH8. The regular public examination or County Certificate will be held on Thursday and Friday, July 10th and 52 11th. Examinations for High 8chool Certificates and for Five Year State vJj Certificate will be held at the same time. Examinations for renewal of High School Certificates will be held an July 10th only. All white Ceacb- ' srs desiring any of the above exam{nations must report at the Graded School Building in Washington at 9 . > o'clock Thursday morning, July 10th. Colored teachers report at the same place Friday morning, July 11th, at 9 o'clock. By order of the 8t*t?? Superintendent. ^. >/1 W. U VAUGHAN, r^ County Supt. Beaufort County. ' 1 J