Ueiiu-inlng uncalled for in this ofr?cf for the week ending December ; _ , Ar-j?rr.? 8~D ^.lke^' A* Tom' noDd, O. M.. Bryant, James. Crsm. Oeo'.ie; Pare bee, Perey B ; Oaw, Wll lis.-.; H llama,, J. T..3: Klneey. lease; Moore, J. B -. Peaee, Preston; Joe: Blade. Wallaee; VonNap-t". r. onard; Wharton, Ramond: oo'"c# r"'rt.'?r """ 'day n'rht, December 30th. is.ooo fc.t 1?Wrth&ndii from " ?me K>urr<- IB order to acquire the ( property to be and tor the purposes Ml public dock and wharf. For ( Rome week* the problem of how to cure, the additional mm provided the hood laeue wa? looked upon with favor hu been wreeUed with. ( The problem baa been aolvsd, and ( too la a wapi that should commend ltaeir to every tight thtnk'ng public , spirited citizen of Washington It ? la but aaother evddenoe of the fact j that whenever the call comae for duty. especially In ? matter of civic , pride, our people alweym respond , willingly end generously When It became quown that thle IS.000 moat y come and raallalng the fact that ( now wah the opportunity and pooal- ( bly the last opportunity for securing , a suitable location, for a public ock and wharf several dtlsene vol , anteered to snhaortbe the additional amount, that la, giving thalr note for ( a term of two yaaae to tho ownora t The city obligate# to leaae thl. onestkth lit tercet of tha property., fir , two years. Work of securing this l additional IS,000 by a committee of the Chamber of Commons in bow , la pjwcreea and the outlook is pro- , Washington needs this Ideal property and If the city lose* the chance , to purchase the Dujiy News knOWs , of ho Other site oa the water front | a variable The time for Washington to act Is BOW?not tomorrow. This | public dock and wharf la ImperaUva. , t Jwr home ou B?? Second street rom three to I o'clock. iumber ot IUAI wore present to rUh the chermlng llttk hoeteee ??FW ?UU IB.".-.., y Mayo, Raphael and Blanch Rtcka, ueata were R-erveijL was attractively! ' . FROM BROAD CRKF I W ' * TJf-a?^Keaeeh-Ann- ! Ices at Asnerry ?K m, -? Mr- and Mr?. Sam Everett of Innters Bridge, spent a few days set week with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Alr Igood. Mr. and Mrs. Bonner Waters and Ittle daughter. AHamae of SUtetoaei spent last Tae^ay night- with heir parents Mr. and Mrs, C. C.' 'utler Mrs. Tom Boyd gnd children of Hon. and Miss Leila Cutler pH laturday afternoon at Mrs. W. T. Latham's. ,Jdr. and Mrs. C. C. Cutler spent j rrlday afternoon with Mps. Cutler's brother at Rlrer Road 8taUon. Mr. John B. Wallace of Hawkins 111*, and Mr. Mods Shepard or R|tir Road, and Arthur Sullivan vlfliA the Mlaaee Latham Sunday afterRutnor lays the wedding bells will tag down hire January >1, 1914. Jdlsees Naltle Latham and Leila "utler Ttilted at Mr J. B. Tettaren'a Friday last. - , ''x I The aoclal at Mr. C. C. Cntlar'i Wednesday night was enjoyed by a arge crowd. I , - Mr. and Kn Thomas Blngloton ind children ipeot laat Saturday rith Mr and lira. Robert Pirttt .ear Old Ford. Miaaea Nellie and Essie Latham ire expecting to rlalt friends and wlntlves In and around Plnetown bi? weak. Mn,Cheater Whitley and Mies, Lala putler ytalted Mends around leasama Monday ntght. Mr. and Mrs Henry King Brown eturned home Sunday from Waahpgton county, where they hare >ean r|MUng their parenta._. > Mr, Jasae B. Latham and eleterr md Mr. Sam Reapeaa of Wa.hlng?n. attended the Xmaa tree 'at * >r.ry M. X. Church Tucoday night Mr. and Mra. Xd. Ererett of Hun ra Bridge, .pent .Sunday with Hr. tnd Mta. Joe -tlllgood. MEETS THIS AFTER NOOJt ar^.rr;;';?rs: neet With Mra. Mr. MiUtle Cordon at her homo on but Water .treat at four o'clock A'.l the member* are urged to be prehear aeefcu.tr,... >f Importune I. to he trAag.rted ' .. 4 -V"' " Bai I. ,m ,n p.LI.'IIIUWUII ^TiPin tlc< 'H at$ The'Pur|pnaj;e I-a^lLI N&it. -JVillPreach Sun-r day. ' '* lot Re^ K. M. 8nlpeelad wife, arriv-i ed in.: the city yeeteffay afternoon | lij la the Norfolk Sotfjfaoa from their | rJ late home In Rox*l**N. C. Laatlm evening they -were jkreeted at tht[|fi M, JR. by the la! w| dies of the church a? ae vera I male members, invading Jmajor portion CJ of the" official body %)t the church. I pr A eumptaona ooppoi'jlWM eenred the n,| k?w ?4e*^Be ?jja ??> ?<l? young ladteg. In tj^dltion to glv- r, dftr morning and g^lng tor the Gr drat time. He in MMlftUy greeted ati his yeafro work may kp all sunshine ^ lllwll an t&iwi Much of tlio Clouil-hke jgno Aa wo look back for a brief per- ^ lod of time and view tho- public ^ school system of Beaufort county. 67 as It was once operated and see vei tho slight similarity that exists in vii our present educational co-operative w system in- force today, are can point wi With pride to the achievements and w success of W. L. Vaughsn as snper- da intendent. Mr. Vaughsn came to Beaufort Nc county a Haw graduate of "Wakfc qq Foheat, and seeing the possibility tQ of an educational reformation, ask- fu ed .for the office of Superintendent wl and thanks to the Board of EduciF wf tlon that It gave him the position. te, Mr. Vaughsn at once assumed the an full responsibility of the office an<\ ^ acquainted himself with the new 'M] work by first gaming hts teachers m< and bis committeemen. It Is gen orally conceded by his teachers as well as by others who dealt with him. that three4 thoughts were el- or ways dominant in' hls^lnd. and they ^ were: Briefness. thoroughness and co-operatlqn, and in carrying forth these principles success waa hla. pr Under the leadership of Buperln ^ Undent Vaughsn. much of the cloud . _ like ignoraaca in the rural dlstrlcU l# was expelled and a spirit for better ^ schools had its birth, and bf his ^ united efforts helped to get a longer ^ school term;, therefore It Is fitting that every rural district In Beaufort d# county "should give praise to whom praise is due," and wish for him ^ unbounded success t? his new pro- ^ ; - ^ WILKIN SOU lOCWfi ou ' ?? The aur frlende of Mr. 1. L. Ratcllfle regret to learn that he la very lit with, typhoid fewer. Ralph Wllklnsen, a etudent of A. Hl C. C. Wtleon. N. O. arrlrtd home ^ l*at Saturday to spend the holldaya, A large number ef peop'e of thte place were Washington visitors laat ,n Saturday. ^ ' <u Mr. J. B. Hudsoa left Wednetdaj for Swan Quarter to apeod efflha ju days with hla fattier M Mlaa Viola Oradlaee of Belhaven, la rtaltlnR her couMB Mlaa Kathleen c) Blahop X Mr. N'eleokl Nixon, who haa been 111 with typhoid ~f?rer. at the home yt of her parent*. Mr. and Mrs Geo. co W. Grumpier, la improwtne In health. Mre. Pat Campbell la ending the M w H - "Hi' no nUUIuOU imai# * ni nn nlHIK I I I n r HM rill (lINM I I -II I 11II I U 111 l|l| uiuui iniuuv let atthe Hospitable Home Of Mrs. John C. Rodman Yesterday Afternoon on West Slain Street. ? ^ ; v'' The Addlseo Bookclub hold do[htful meeting with-Mrs. John C. Hlmu OD Thursday, the nret. The setlog was culled to* order by the esldent, Mrs. B. Q. MOM, who shed (or tho club s happy new or. The responses to the roll iV were bright snd lnstructlre. The ogrsm followed this residing of the Inutes, which sro aljrays enjoyed. the secretary, Mrs. Juntos F. mdolph. Is pnrtienlsrly Interesting her writing. The study for the afternoon wee roman In Art." by Mrs. J. D. laws. A paper of thought and noty. In the Abeence of the wrtr It sua reed by Mrs. Juntos wntlon. MIm Ium Myers read tt? line* \o the New Yeer, ''Woman d the Addtsco CtaV written Mrs. W. B. Morton. ?g J A most welcome addition to the w Year's meeting was the pre* ce o( Mrs. John Manning, Ita* ; m, Mrs. D. B. Packard of Florida, d Miss Camilla Rodman of NorAh oyster course beautifully serv;:was greatly enjoyed. Quaint itch, calendars'with wishes for the w Year were presented the guest* MfLSter John C. Redman, Jr., adig a charming touch to the cor4 hospitality of the hoetese. ? MRS. MCWIJiLUMB PKAD Tb. Norfolk Lodker Di.p.tch oI ittnu; ^rrlo, Ue ^ unty's former dtlsens. That par saya: ' . V-/ .'/f I ^Mrs. Sidney Arabella McWllmB died last night at'toe reslnce ?13 Reservoir avenue. In her j th year, Ming yell known and ry highly esteemed. She is but- j red by her hatband, Peter Meilliams, two eone, John L. Mcllllams, of Norfolk. And W. j. Mcilllams of" Aurora', N. C., and two I lighter*. Mlsa Llda McWllllnm* A Mrs Del In McCubbin. both of rfolk. She was a native of Hyde unty, N. C.I and came to Norfolk . liye about 1898. Her .life v/as II of gentleness and sweetness, lich greatly endeared her to all 10 knew her.. She waa the (laughr of the late John W. litchfleld d Mrs. Sophia Litchfield, of Hyde unty, N. C. The remains will be at. t^ Aurora, N. C.. tosnorrow 3ruing for funeral and Interment." Stockholders Meeting The annual meeting of stockholdb of the Palace &arber Bhop will held at Chamber of Commerce oma Monday evening 4.50 o'clock. 11 members, are requested to' be eaent as important business la .to i transacted. G. A. SPENCER, Sec. , t-tto. illdaya with relatives at Wilkin n. Mr. Clarenoe Qaw speWt^leat Sany with friends at Long Acre. The many frlenda of Mr.' Jt T. idgett of this .place, deeply aymthlre with him in lift misfortune Ulch befell him laat week. He pidentally dropped a keg of nalla i hia ankle, thereby breaking the ikle bone. Mr. J. A. Woo lard waq on our raeta Wednesday laat. Mr. Zeno Ratcllffe, of Chapel 41, N. C.. la spending the holidays 1th hia parent*, Mr, and Mrs J. Mlu *Tm Oaylord, who ! tnaohC at Junlpar Bar, la at tumm new r a (aw darn. , Klaaaa Mtenia. Lone and Roan ahop of Belhaven. art guaata of VEAR GE BY THE HA GIV1 One of The Most Enjoyable SeaSon. Couples Dance I Many Were Present The Halcyon Clnb gave He annuel Near Tear gagman at the Bike Home Jast evening and an uiual on each occasion every moment of the evening was thoroughly enjoyed. Merriment and good cheer reigned supreme and all present are greatly Indebted to the dub for an evening long to be remembered. The dance as nenal was gracefully led by Mr. Bdmnad H. Harding, the club's lead sr. 'attained by Mine Tcatle Bragaw. The manic of the evening wes furnished by Forbes Orchestra. Those dancing were: v Mies Katie Bragaw with Edmund H. Harding; Miss Mary Clyde Hassail with David Carter; Miss Elisabeth Taylor with James Bonnpr; mi no iBUHDnn vyarren wiui tvanp Wharton; Mtea Mary Be"e Small with W. B. Rodman. Jr.; Iflaa Katherlna Small with CUff Blahely ; Miss Winnie Nicholson with Charles Cowell; Miss Carlo tin Nicholson with E. 8. Simmons; Miss Isabel Carter' newweater New Vaodovtlte Act* Today. The program at the New Tbaat.r today . la *featnred by the excellent attraction booked by the management "Beatrice C Clinton." n no.elty iharp ehootlng elater team. The abore mentioned artleta unquestionably hare one of the boot acta that baa ever team Booth, end una that la different tram the majority ot acta Bow being eeeo at any ^ss5lie*SM?*y 'i ' ment of the New Theater will offer VWU TIUQQTIUt tCU IB* toad of one. The management of thin, theater la. making every effort to please bis patrons from every view and giving them full value for their money. It would be impose!ble to secure such bookings at the ehormous expense, however, owing to other houses adopting this plan It gives them the same advantage. "The Last Days of Pompeii,a six rpel feature attraction for two days January 9th and 10th. Today's program offers a program beyond par and one that Is well worth your patronage. Admission prices lOo and 15c. NEW FAD IN CITY In addition to the blowing of whistles each morning about-- five o'clock for about twenty minutes without Intermission, a later fad now is for automobiles to loiter on the corners between midnight and day and scream and groan to such pa extent they can be heard at least a halt mile. While of course, It makes no difference to (he chauffer and the riders but It counts mightily to the fellow who has to toll for ills daily bread next day and wishes to -catch a little sleep: . Work Progressing. The work" of laying a larger gas main on Second street from Van Norden to Washington streets by the gss company Is still in progress. When ^nlsbed It will afford the cempan^ktter facilities for render tnc better terrier. Detroit, Mich., Jeh .IcMettm to the eoctel ctrelee of Detroit a lle<l (H. John'r Clin rob at noot today for the weddtoc of Mieo *?? ? Cool, dasfhter of I'm William B. Croal, ud Doa M. Dicktoeoo, Jr-^eoa of the former Poetmaeter Oeaeral aad Dob M. Dloqlneoa. The Rer. Dr. William t\ raber, re?or of the which waa (allowed by a roooptlon at the home of the bride* mother. fonaar motes The foreet eenrlce oolleoted <(.??* ponade of tree heed leet year for oae la reforeetattoo work. The total area reforeeted waa abort (0.. M0 aerea. ' v ' - - ? v \ ' ' :rman i lcyon club IN elk's home : Social Functions of The ',1 to The Wee'Sm?"-Houfil with Henry Moon; Mine Janet Wat. . I more with Brace Whitley. WUIiameton; Hlee Loulae N. Myere with Joa Bow era; Kite Beetle Ceooley with John Bonaar; Mae Ancnata Charlee with B. raarlnt. Elizabeth ? City; Hlee Mary Hill wHh W. t A. Blount; Mlaa Utile Hill with 8. R' Qurbank. Jr.; Hlee Robene Carter _ with Joha Small; Utea Ellin Breach 3 Wtth W E P.I.lei Ml- ?-k? _ I Simmons with Charles Lamb, WUllamston; Miss Elisabeth Blmm.^as with William Blount; MIm Pan Lamb Haughton with P. 8. Worthy; 3 :J9 Miss Mary 1<ouIm Manning. Durham. with Allen Moore; Mlw Minnie Leary with J. P. Tayloe; Miaa Mildred Anderson with R. H. Hodge* MIm Audrey with Charles Moons; MIm Mcintosh with L. C. Warren. Chape rones?Meedames John K. Hon, E. 8. Simmons, Stephen C. Bragaw and 8. T. Nicholson. 1 There were qnlte a number of stags and visitor*. Wishing ton Boy to Be Assist cat Manager ... | of Mecklenburg Hold Charlotte 1. to have another mil nlfilcaot hotel?the Mecktenbera, which opeOO^ yeeterday. .It will be pieeilne to n^tOtoten of thle toper to oou that thaSoei.iant neuter of thle ?S<0,IM hotel *10 ho Mr. Attn pre Brabble, a Waahlacton \ boy. who hao "made *004" aa a ^ hoteliat is tha attoa. T*r lha to* aeraral zaara ha hto baoa raaaapar Ot the Rick. Hatal at *eaky Mount. He leerea that poitttoo to atoaM hi. dotle. ia tha Qaaao City, perrylno with him th. tot wWmo of" his borne town. * PKIUONALI ? Ifiss Mary Louise Ayem of Ply mouth, N. C.. who bee bees the gueet of Mrs. J. . Tucker at Hotel poulse, end Mr. end Mrs. Harry B. Mayo, et the corner of 'Second end Pierce streetsT~left this morning for her home. Rer. E. M. Snipes end wife arrived in the city lest njght from Roxboro. George M. Watson of Lake Lending, N. C., was on our streets this morning. ' 8. B. 8wlnd.ll of Engelhard. N. G, was a welcome visitor to Washington this morning. John Roberts of Swan Quarter ' , ls in the city on' business. A. Moore of GreSbvlUe,,-register' ed at Hotel Louise left evening. ^ E. E. Briggs of Raleigh. N. C.. Is In the city. v H. D. "Gaboon of Rocky Mount, I was a passenger on the Atlantic Coast Line last evening. J. B. rearing of Elisabeth City,' is a business visitor today. H. A. Houston of Stantobsburg, . N. C., is here shaking hand* with his friends. ^'Bl| Mlaa Katie Moore expects te leave tomorrow for Ooldeboro, N. C., to resume her duties tn the PubUe schools of that town after spending the holidays with her pareuts Mr. aad Mrs. B. B. More. Miss Llda Rodman has returned from Norfolk, Vs., where she has bees the gnest of her brother Col. W. R Rodman. Miss Cammfte Rodman, dnaghter of Col. and Mrs. W. B. Rodman, of Norfolk, who has been the guest of her aunt Mlaa Lids T. Rodman. m left for her home this moraine ** the Norfolk Southern. Mrs.- A. E. Arment who has been rlsltlnf Mrs. R. & Bhelton. West Sec ond street for several days, returned te her home la Ooldeboro today. II It ta? taw awwtnM that or- .,*s T arawa work iuih on th. n?

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