DAILY NEWS ' -*? - ' ? ? 4 ?*? ?*? < . " f*V ' - ,r*V *; THE - ?"^Washinc THE WEATHER: Unsettled lonigbt; probable rbower*. ASHINGTON N. C. SATURDAY AFTERNOON WAY 19 1915 WASHINGTON MEN SEND PETITION Atk Governor of Georgia to Give frank Life Sentence. ? PETITION SIGNED . , B* 75 NAMES ^ ? . i. . 'Signers Include Practically All of Prominent Men^f the City. A petition to the Governor of Georgia, Pricing that the* sentence of death to Loo Frank for th< killing of Mary Pheaga!n be com mtti^d to life sentence, was sent fromx Washington last night. It was signed by 75 prominent men including Judge George Brown Judge S. C. - Braguw, SheriiF Windley, Mayor Kugler, Clerk of the Court Paul, Roister of'Deeds Rnmley, practically every lawyer % and phy?fl#n in tlio city and the 'looAl pastors. The petition was started by B. 'L. Sussman. No trouble was en countered in* securing signature to it Everyone appeared to l>c of the belief that a death sentence 'should notimposed upon die accuaed ?lajer. Local Churches First Methodist Church. Wt?t Second street, Rev. E. M. Snipes, pastor. Regular scrviops at 11 a. in., and 8:00 p. m*, with aermon by the pastor. . . Sunday school, E, JL Mison. superintendent, will moot at 9:45 a. m., Bareca class, W. M. Kear. teacher, meets at the same hour. V ? First Presbyterian Church. right,^pflUtor. -RegulnY ' gervfct* at tt-00 a. m., and 8:00 p. m. with sermons by ?be pastoY to which tHe perioral fmblltf has ? cot , dial invitation. Sunday School,-. C- M. Brown. Jr., superintendent, jyi 11 meet ir. the morning at 9:45 o'clock. St. Peter's Episcopal Church. Bonner street, "Rev. N. Hard ing, rector. .Morning and even ing prayer with sertnons, at 11:O0 a. m., and 6:00 p. nj.. Sunday School, E. 1C. Willis Jr., superintendent, and Bible class, H. S. Ward teacher, meet? at 10 a. m. All most eordiallv invited. First Baptist Church. Market- street, Rev. R. L. Oav pastor. Regular aorvices at. 11 a. m., and 8:00 p. m., with ser monA bv the pastor. Sunday School, W. G. P rivet t superintendent, 9:45 a. m. Morning snhject, "Qualifica tions and duties of a deaeon." Evening subject, "What shall 1 do to bo saved." ? Visitors and tivangcrs cprdiid ij invited. Christian Church. East 9w>Tid street. Rev. R. V Hope, pastor. Rtegular service* at 11:00 a. m., and 8:00 j>. m.. with sermons bv the pastor. The Bible School meets at 10 o'cloeV, W. O. JJllis, sn^icrintcji dent. The public is cordially invited Are Holding District Meeting Christian C'anvention w Being Ueld at Masadtmia Church. t " A'he Roanoke district wmvMi' tjfiu of the Ohriatian Church Is ^uoing hold todly at:the Maaodian / Ohriatimi church. About fifty . I churche?,'?it,i*'und?nftood, "?K> represented at flin convention. The meeting will .?ontimic through tonfcnww. ' Mi? Carrie Bright of Eaat Main-Street, return?) home thl? morning {torn Raleigh, where ?he h? been Utching ?t Wiley's MAY BRIDGE THE PtJNGO RIVER Surry Parker Suggests That Mai ter be Taken Up at Once, ***??t? WOULD SAVE . TWELVE MILES Enough, Money From Bridge Bonds to Enable Beaufort to Pay for its Part. That steps should be taken for the construction of a bridge aerose the river near Belhaven, is the suggestion made by Surry Parker one of Pinetown's leading citizens and well known throughout this section of the state. Mr. Parker believe* that this bridge would be of inestimable value and of jrrea' benefit'to Beaufort and adjoin in: counties. A. bridge acmes tlie river ueav Belhaven to a point in Hyde county on Greely Brinn's farm would promote the interest of everyone in this section to such an extent that it is hard' to undo* stand why it ha? not l?een built. l>e f? fe this/' stated Mr. Parker. "Them is money enough left from the nale of the bridge bond; of Heaifort county to enable thi t'ountv' to pay its part for thi I improvement 'without having t wrrnnrre for funds and there is n ffawbt of Hyde county raising it [ part of tiic money." j "This bridge." said Mr. Pnr t*?r. "would reduce the distance ' Swan Ouarter twelve miles ppd way. Twenty-four miles in round trip would 1*? almost I much benefit a* a railroad. It *'*on)d unite Hyde conn t v husineasl ?r? oonntv hnainc*4 more | ckisely and add value to each, un rhr?>?r?hr*of bv either." ^'Tt would be of incfttimrthlr j vflne to tb? present oeoplc of both (^rmntiea and to the genera II ion? to romn." "It ^vonld l^e of ?o much use.'' I ewis, Bruce Tank grd. 1 Henry O. Handy, Cha?. Hard** Eugene Taitkard, Frank Bland and George Leach. ' The invited trriest* were, M i sac; Fdna Bryan, Thelnia Mayo, Per I othy Brown, Frances Leach, Sal lie Bright, Mar} .Rhodes, Athali' Taylor, Doria Jones, Annie T. Archbell, Miss TIodgeA, Ellen Lewis, Addell O'Brien, Grac Jones, Trelma Loggett, Bertha Sttsman, Reda Warren, and Sim Taylor. Tlie party wanjMper oned by tyis* Mat,tie Wiswal ana Mm; "J. L. Warren. Polightfully and tempting re freshments were served hv Httf. Mjspos Sonora Jennett, Mafy an?1 | MartHa MacLean. DEATH OF CBMJV The lft-mAnths-oM child of Williefn Lee, who reside, in tt>e vicinity of Beaver Dam, burfed yesterday afternoon, Rev: It. V. Hope, pastor of the lor a1] C hristian ehurob, officiating nt I iC STEEL PONTOONS FOR THE YSER REGION .... .Mcn ?f 1,hc ',rlt,Bh en*lneer ?rp; loading on r?Hw?y cars the specially constructed steel pontoona designed for u. e in crossing thp Yser and the cana'H of that region. FIND 2 STILLS; ? OPERATORS MISSING Officers Made Haul in Chocowin eily Township Yesterday. ARE OLTT AGAIN THIS MORNING Expect to Malce Arrests. Havel Word of .Location of Another stat. Revenue Officer Ed .Tames, as rested by two deputies, vesterdav discovered two "stills" in Choco winity township, about five mile# from Washington. They also dip l ? ovpred a quantity of liquor and n number of jugs ami bottle?. N< J eing made. Chief of Police Roberts and Officer Traylor went in tho store yesterday morning and fount! t ight pints of liquor stored, awav yi the wife of the store. In the afternoon they suddenly pppcared at the store again, went straigh' tho safe and discovered iiini pints more. The case will he brought up i the recorder's oouft Monday. WORKING ON .ROBBERY. The police are still working on the Hoy t and Pegram-Watson robbery cftse. No new develop ments have takerl place since th arrest of RanrUH Thursdp.y. EVANGELIST PREACHES TOMORROW NIGHT ftev.' C. E. Lee, the. evangelist pf the Roanoke district, wij preach at the Christian church to morrow night. Iitjanlot*, Y4vn0?t?r. * A lltite boy cam? noar ? fwxJ ?ponklnR tcf answering hla fatb? mtf'fart way. bat aacaptd t>r aaw* "Whan yoo war* a amall boy, 4aA *lo moriti.. * Hove to Preach Through Week Will Hold Nightly Meetings ai Christian Church. Next- Week. Ticgimiing with Monday night and continuing throughout the week. Rev. R. V. J lope, pastor of the Christian church, mill conduct a series of meeting?1, Ijcginninp promptly at eight o'clock. Mr Hope has select?! a nfimber of in t crest ing topic? and it is expected that a good attendance will be present at each iiieetimr. Charged With Blackmail Wilmington Young Man Said (o Haw Threatened Late, John J. Fowler. Wilmington, N. ('.. May 20.? [ Probable cause hnving been found Justice George Harris? held trial before the Rerorder on '?harge of blackmail Leonard Sterne, a young white man. win is alleged to have attempted t '?xtort money from tho late .lohn -T. Fowler under throat that if the money was not forthcoming h' would exposn Mr. Fowler's alloc ?d immoral conduct. Mr. Fowler did not "come across" with thr tnonev and was indicted by Stem? as it is alleged he threatened t< do. if he did net receive the "IiurI money. Two days after the in dictment Mr. Fowler committal suicide. Sterne bus been in "?ai1 since MondaV. nimble to give lxmd The trial Kofore tho Recorder will be held today. Tho ease is said to he without para IM in North Oamlina. It is stnhhornlv con tested on both sides. Ren Morris, also a voung whrto man. who was indicted with Stem*, wsa releas ed hv Maaristrato TTarria*. who stated that the evidence adduced at t)? preliminarv hearing was HOt inflect lo bold hi*. HOLD "SHOOT" HERE ON FOURTH Local Gun, Club it Planning fr,i Big Event on Holiday. (iOOI) SHOOT WAS HELD YESTERDAY Dumaxj and Davenport Tied fop First 'Honors With Percent age of 88. The Washington gun cluh is planning for a l?i^r "ahool." on the Fourth of July. Detail* of tin event have not. yc? been umiotinc ed. hut it is understood that i will 1k? one of the bipprcst an? most. fTnhornto affairs of its kind that has ever hren liehl lion*. ninnber of "crack-*" will he here from other cities in this section At the shoot. held yesterday af t? moon. Dnmay and Davenport fieri for first place, with Maxwd' thir r?v court the eontn ,'n the eases gainst them.. This ha* ln-en decided on n the liest way to^ni*pose ?-?f the 50' or inoro cases in which Durltain people are held under criminal charge* of fnilurt) to *li??t their taxes. Mo*t of them will lie elad of fife opportunity to tret- out of their tmuhles in this wav. Tf thc*c taxes are not paid by the next term of court, the actions a (rain*! them will prorced and thev will have to answer to r inderc and, a jury for failure t. list their faxea. Enjoying Llf* Hm &)on? *pj*>am to row to llr* and to ?n)of Iff? who. bHng engagm) l| ?"n? botlneKs, s^kn reputation bf ?ono Illustrious action for somo u fttl arc?Sa.u>-st. terioua Thought. Ton ?r*r thought seriously of narrow ?trr "Tndnftd, I hftTo; *t?t *?? tfc# ttmmauf.- Batom Trav WILLIAM STO N IS FEARING SMALLPOX Vaccination ?V Proinruj Very Pop ular in that City. SEVERAL CASES * A HE REPORTED Arc &aid to be Light, However. Eruptions Are Few. Williamston. N. f\. May 29.?| For the finit tinio since the aov" ?r.tiea. smallpox is reported to b< m town. Health officer W. E Warren hung out the warning Sap ami place?! placards at thre< mines this* week. The rush fol* liml the Iron Me. which was ? do. Tim rent came dm and she telopraphod: "Pt-ad hroko. Landlord insist ? ?in. Wire mo monoy."* Mr. ITardinp* answervd: "Am short. myself. Will aent* ?hook in 11 few day?. A thousam kisses.'' Exaaporatod. his wife r<*j?li?^i: "Xcvor mind monov. I pav landlord one of the kis?w. II was moro ?luni sat iatiod." Try to Get Convention " "n/ Ti. P. O. E. Convention IJrr*. Bin Meeting of Elks Friday. At tho Stato convention of I?. P. O. E. af Chariot to noxt month :i determined effort will ho mad? hy tho delopatos from Waahinjr 'on to aeon re tho next ronventi > r( r this eit.y. T t i?; believed tha' Washinpfrm haa an fxMlent ??hnnre of securing tho convention sufficient "pnah" is put hr?h?i:< the matter. .Tho looal lodcro will initiate 12 members nt tho mooting TYidav i:split. Thic is or?o of tho largo?' mi m nor that ha* ovor horn put through nt otio t i mo. Tho lod?* now bontN of a momVrebip of And is grow inp rapidly ol' tho timo. CLASS MEETS TOMOTTROW Tho "one-occupation" cla?*a of tho Christian ohnroh Sunday acb| band. GERMANOV ANSWER TODAY Diepatck SoAfB Note i* of Tem porizing A'afena. ROME FEARS % AEROPLANE ATTACK Three Mure Vtitles Suede by Sutr marines. No Action m Nebraskan Case, ;< < J German A newer Today. ixmdon, iUy 29.?A newt dis patch fn-iu tbe Hague states that i Germany'? reply to the American i note will be presented today. The dispatch also states that the note will bo of a temporizing character and will ask the Fmted States to either attinn or dc *v Uuiiken Lusitania c. lions for tho allien. >' ub ma ri nee C oni vnue liOndon, May 2D.?Wo. Iwn received here of the h. of two more British mere men and a ?Swedish bark by niun subamrinw. , Sink Austrian Submarine. Rome. May 29.?It was tally announced hejse May that an Austrian submarine was sunk by an Italian torpedo boat yester Hav. Official* S ti mL Washington. D. C., M*v 29.? NTo news wa* received from offii^ ial rirele* today retarding whit irfion the government will take *tf the Ncbraskan ca.0o. It i# not ? ??; definitely known here whether ho vessel was torpedoed or hit t driftine mino. "Pntil definite in A-?-n>n*ii?n is at hand, action will U* deferred. Rams Fears Aeroplane*. Rome, May 20.?Fear that Austrian aeroplane* ma v attack' T?ome has caused that city to take ?neeial measure* of protection. A' ?|??e watch is heing kept over the Adriatic. Observation points '?''VP boon established at various nlacc* along tho Appenines. P. O. Closed On Monday Windows Will Only be Opened For a Short Tirne. Observe Lego) Holiday. { Tomorrow, May 30th, being s Irgal holiday, the postoffico will observe the day on Monday. Tho locai office will bo closed during the day with tho following oxcefv t ions' General delivery window will 1k? open from 12 to 12:30 p. m. and from 8 to 8:30 p. m. The carriers will alpo serve at their windows from 8 to 8:30 p. m. Regular collections and dispatch es of mail will be made. Tliere will be no Rtreet. or rural delivery ? >f mail during tho day. .?? Building Bridge A cross T ar River Utrurlure is Being Erested in Pitt County, 30 Miles From Washington. M. M. Jones returned today from Falkland in Pitt ootinty, where he is in charge of putting r bridge across the Har River, ?bout thirty mil&s from Washing ton. The structure is a substan tial affair and will be completed and open for traffic in about three weeks. T. W. Phillips,