W'-'B m& Pfl NEWS ?M WEATHIB?Oomllr falz to ?1*kU UU.nl* tuUrir wt? t " jj \ ? - * H - WASHINGTON N. C SATURDV* MT*RNt>ON OCTOBER 2. IM Na.7t MKCTIN0 TO BE HHU) TON1QHT AT WHICH PROJECT WIIjI. BB DUCHWH). A BIGEVENT YcWa Fair will Krer Held tm (Special to the Daily New?) Aurora, Oct. I.?The Aurora Fair Association, in conjunction with tha Farmer?' Union, will ma?t in this elty tonight for the purpose of ar ranging details In retard to the big fair that will be held here this fall. The date of the event, the eecurlng of exhibit?, the granting of concre tion?, and other detail? wlU be de cided apon. The oomlng fair promisee to b* the UrfMt and bo t orer held h .re. Farmer* from all orer thia section? within a radiu? of twenty mile? and more?hare announced their inten tion of haying exhibits of all hind? on display. All agricultural and live-stock products will be put oa exhibition. There will also be floral difplaya, and other exhibits that go] to make *p a first-class agricultural fair. Thooaanda of vlaitors ara ex pected to attend. Special rataa will be in effect oyer the Washington 41 Vandemere Railroad and the road will eo arrange Ite schedule that visitors may leave Washington, view {he attractions of the fair, and re-, turn home the same day. Many feature attraction?, includ ing balloon awenstons. aeroplane?, and many amusement? win be-at the; fair for "?otartainment of the visitors. Special arrangements will be made foa thefr accommodation daring their stsy here. Immediately after tonight's meet tog, the various committees will at onee begin work on securing exhib its and booking attraction?. ULITIH OBE IS Training Ship Elfrlda I? Out of at New Bera. Max. W99Bm Contrary to tba announcement made several days ago, the members of the North Carolina Naval Militia will not act eat! on hoard of the training ahip Rlfrlda, located at New Bern, and the torpedo boat Foot?,, located at this port .on October 4th, for a ten dajra crnine. The annullment of this cruise was made whan It was discovered a day or two ago that the Elfrida, lying near the foot of Craven street, at New Bern, had, sprung a leak, was taking on wfttar rapidly and that she wan in an unssaworthy condl ?SB??ity i Adjutant General Laurence Young was notified of this and he at once had Governor Craig made applica tion to Secretary Daniels to allow the naval militia to go Into camp at Camp Glenn on October 10th. Up to the present time nothing has been heard frem the Secretary of the Navy but local militia men are of the opinion that the encamp ment there will ho ordered and that tbey will spend Ave day? there be ing drilled in t*r(*t practice and In the nss ot their small arms. BELLMO DWTOHT?Sc UK) 10c?TOVIOHT '? will thaw m K.ynton, Comrtjr "H?R miKND TB? BANDIT" Broncho Prw?nta W? 8. lUrt 1? "CASH PAMRISHS PAL" ThanhOttMr ??lailipiisBi Th. Work ot WMb OMtrored . 8. Hmrt mti no mwMon Ton know b!m br ?? will k??ln * "TH* BLACK Rt* It. f Baotmd daughter of tha Secretary of Labor, W. B. Wilson. HAVE RECEIVED LARGE SHIPMENT OF SUITS Several Hundred New Udlm' Salta Received at Bower?' Bros. Today. Ob? of the largest shipment of ladles' salts ever sent to Washing ton, wa* received by Bowers Bros. A Co. today, and will be ready for showing Monday. The shipment consists of several hundred garments of the lateet style. The store car ries an Announcement of this ship ment In their advertisement on page four of this Issue today. BLUBS" ARK I&PBOT1NG TO TAKE THE LEAD1 lili Mute Effort to Overcome Lead of MRedB" Tomorrow In Bamra Mw>>uht|i Campaign. According to advance Information, the "Bluee" tomorrow will make a determined effort to overcome the lead of the "Bede" In the Baracs membership campaign. It }? re ported that they have secured tev J new members who will Join the clas* tomorrow. The score at pres ent stands: Blues. 11; Reds, 14. An lntereetlng lesson will be taught tomorrow h y W. If. Hear, the elate leader. A cordial invitation Is etxonded to everyone to be preeent. WILL SPEAK HERE Tb? above 1? a photograph of R?r. 8ldn?7 Lot?, With ona of the tort he raacned from prleon Hva 7??n ago Mr. Ijova w|H ?peak at the court hone? tomorrow afternoon at three o'clock on Th? DaaghUr Thoi\ Oareet Me." . 4R BAYB BAKF.lt. Did you aver thick when It ??? Ju?t th* right time for you to hare rour picture ukan. Wall. It t on never thought of an epeclal tine, let m? anggeit tkat It b? next Mon 1? *0U will And m? at mr ?tndio gad pur?: 7 m tbo Job WILL BE OBSERVED I* ALL 1 '--Z* CITBE8 THROUGHOUT? THE STATE. V'-!. v RULES GIVEN Iaaurmnre CommiMkMMr GIvm Few j Pointer? on How Maqj Fire* M*y DwtroywJ Annually. Sat ur dar. October 9 th la Fire Pre vention Day, and Insurance Commis sioner James R. Young 1b taking the lead in arousing interest In the day by rarglng local offldlals, teachers and the public generally to co-oper ate in an effort to leeson the paat Are rate In North Carolina. Three million dollars worth of property la destroyed annually In this State and It Is aald at least two thlrda of this ?ante can be prevented If the cltl sens of the State will exercise cau tion by heeping an open eye dally on the .condition of their private premiere and public bnlldlnga. Special emphaate la laid on the| necessity of the co-operation of ev ery oltlaen by a good clean up of hla premises on Fire Prevention Day and of the fact that to prevent so much loea of life and property by Ore and to aecure better rates In this State each must realise that the main reftponalblllty and effort reats with the individual. Every day In the year may be made a fire preven tion day by observing the following suggestions of the Insurance Com missioner: "Ashes should be kept In metal I receptacles and never In paper or | weade? barrels or "Only rags or waste "shobld kept In eiandard metal waste canal and eontenta removed and burned | each night. "Rubbish should never be allow-; ed to accumulate in buildings. "Gasoline, naptha and other vola-1 tile oils should not be kept In build-] lngs. ? / "Gas brackets should have rigid fixtures; -where necessary to use ?winging brackets all exposed wood work should be protected with sheet metal, leaving an air apace. Metal bells should be p'.aced over gas Jets on low ceilings. "Steam pipe? should be kept clear from all wood and other combusti ble material. "Open flue holea should be pro tected with sheet iron or, better, be bricked up. "Electricity, when Improperly in stalled, la baaardous. lamp cords should not be hung on nalla or wrap ped around any piping; paper shades should never be used. Confer with your city electrician when changes are contenf^lated. Do not allow employees to tamper with electrical Installations. "Stove pipe* should be run direct to brick chimneys and never through Hoore or partitions; protect boors tindor and about stoves with brick, cement, or rfheet metal." MEW HUDSON CAB? ARK BEING SHOWN CtMdft L. C?mm Ha* Ilwdwd New C ar* of tMa M*kr. Are to ?kj 8wn ?1 Hla Qar?f?. The new Hudeon c*ra, for which Claude L Carrow 1? agent In this and Pitt tountlefl, are attracting considerable attention on the ?treet a of the city They are of extremely handsome deeiffi and Mr. Cerrow al ready baa eet+^tf aalea In rifwV Th.ro (a no doubt-but that he will dlapoae of a number of them IB Waafclafton dar In* the next few weoka. y- ?'??? ,?:-Jit*';rv* ?3&\ > ' - Servlree at 11:0? a. m. and 7:SO p. m Preecbing by the paetor. Rer. H. B. Seartght At the morning service tha aaerament of tba Lord* t Supper will be obeerrod. Subject of evening aermon. "1? Ood Either Deaf or DehdT" Sunday SeHool at 4:00 p. m. C. M. nrowa, Jr.. flupt Particular at tention la celled to Ihe change, la the hour* of the Bonder Sobool, ?od or th* etcniof tornee. The Scottish Rite'temfle at Washington, which baa been in oourae of construction tor three year* la now completed and ready Cor the dedication cereaoclaa which will be Mid early la October. The building, wblcb coat 91.t00.000 and la one of the Ineet of Ita kind tn the world, will bo the head quarters of the aonthern ]urud!rtton of Boottlah Rite Maaona. embracing the territory aovth of the MaaaapMhon line and all weat of tha MlaetaalppL Tha tanplo Is located on SlxtS^th street, the capitaTa flnaet boulevard. PAIR OF SIXES! WELL RECEIVED Farce Caned/ Avdtrnoe at Htm theatr* Um Night. Wm Well Acted. That the performance of "A Pair of Sbtee" at the New Theatre last night met with the Approval of the audience, 'we* eh own by the almost continuous laughter and hearty ap plause with which the play was re reclved. It more than came^ up to the adraace notices that were sent out regarding It. The actore fttted into their parta admirably anfe there was not a weak point In the play. The various situations were ea tremely funny. It wm as good clean oomedy as Jhaa ever been eeea la this city. is Confederate Veteran? to Elect Sue ceeeor to General Julian 8. Carr on October Mth. Members of the Washington Camp of ' Confederate Veterana have re ceived from General Julian 8. Carr, commander of the veterans of North Carolina, notice of an official call for a meeting of the delegate? from the different cimpi, to be held In Raleigh on October 20 for the pur pose of electing bis succssor as head of the organisation. The official order for the meeting hi as follows: 'Confederate Reunion, Headquarters North Carolina Dlvl*!on Confed crate Veterans. 1 "Genersl Order No. 84. "Paragraph 1. A meeting of the duly accredited delegates from the camps composing the North Caro lina Division of the United Confed erate Veterans is hereby called to be held In the hall of the House of Representatives at Raleigh at 8 o' clock p. m . on Wednesday, the 80th of October. 1816/ for the purpose of holding the annual election of Com mander of the division and of each of the four brigades, and for the transaction of such other business aa may then be determined upon. "Paragraph 8. According to tb? constitution of the United Confed-j erate Veteran?, only those delegates! will be allowed to vote, or have voice In this meeting, who repreeent camps that are reported by Adjutant General lflckle as having paid* their 4?ee it Is hoped (bat there will be Vf*ll attendance. "By order of "JUL!Alf S. CARR. "LlentAiaut Qeneral. "H. A. LONDON, "ArtJt. Gen. and Chief of 8taf." TICKLRH rmrcjfl BEAR; i/wm RIOHT THUMB Ruddle*. Cal.. Oct. 1. -B. T. Wal M? hot t?h thumb of ki* right hind Man? h? Uek)*4 a bwt la th? ?Ir cu? on th? no?#, J; "NIm HUM b?*r," aald Waloy. u b? patt?d Ik? rtIM b**r on tha M. Th* next momtat Ik? kaar'a WMh Itrlpofd lh* th.mb Walaar. raallalai that hla ?ho!? hand ara? la 4aag?r. t>r??d hI? (?*t ?faln. t tka MC? ?od l.t th* t>??J t ?ar of kla ARMY OF GNATS AT GREENVILLE Million? of haccU Visited That City Lut Night, Com in k Froan No Ono Knows Wbcn. (By Eaetern Press) Greenville, Oct. t.?An army In vaded Greenville last night; not an army of Russians, French or Qer macs, but of millions and millions of tiny gnat?, that seemed to com pletely All the air sod practically suspended traffic of all kinds on the streets during the evening hours. No one knows where the army came from. Shortly after dsrk they were noticed in Immense swarms a bout every light In town. In a short time. It appeared a? if they were everywhere. Pedestrians, who were forced to be out on the streets, had off and plough through ** This morning the sidewalk? were covered with the dead gnats. In some places there was a cruet three inches deep, where the insects had beat jthemeelve? to death against windows and the sides of buildings. They were of a peculiar type, re sembling the ordinary flying ants, although they were pot quite as 'arge. Th^y had white bodies and wings of a bluish hue. ENTERS CHURCH. HEARS PRAYER? FOR HIS SOL'L 'Dead" Man Cmim? Consternation AinonK Congregation; Thought Him Suicide. Poughkoepnie, N. Y.. Oct. 2,? Andrew O'Brien, 60 years old, re tcrned after an absence of a week to And that be watr being mourned as a suicide, and that prayers were being offered in 8t. Poter's chcreh (or th? repose of his soul. When O'Brien resched the church there was consternation, and It was with difficulty that O'Brien con vinced hI? friends that he wan really alive. Ho was indignant when he learned that the body of a man sup posed to be himself had been flshed out of the Hudson river and burled beside that of Mrs. O'Brien, and that the hradstone was being carved. O'Brien, who wss working at Sylvan Lake, heard of the matter hnd he returned "to square himself wi()i his friends." On the way to church he greeted 100 friends, but none recognised him. FOOD SITUATION IN MEXICO CITY IS IMPROVING Washington, Oct. 2.?Conflicting reports reached the State Depart ment on conditions in Mexico City. The food situation, however, was reported growing better. There were reports of unrest among merchants because of monetary situation, cause it was said Carransa officials were preparing to repudiate a large part of the cerrency In circulation on the ground that It was counterfeit. . MR FLETCHER TO PRBAC1H. Will Mr ' Pfletcbrr. superintendent of the Washington Collegiate Institute, will preach at the Christian church tomorrow, ewlng t? the sbeeaee of Ray. R. V. Hope. Mr. Fletcher will preside ?I both morning and evsa 1ST-? ~ mfl'! ? MANY ROBBERIES AT WILLIAMS! ON Fowdm I>rug Score la , to Buffer. Wllllamston, Oct. t.?During (be early moraine hour?, policeman Patrick noticed that Saunders ? Fowden had a new night clerk, who (or (ear that tome one would eoe him working so early Sunday, had a rery dim spark (rom the po? house to guide him In the selection of the beat flavored Havana?, etc The policeman finally decided that the man waa not In the employ of the firm, and went around to a tide window and found It open ^ ac tion had to be quick ? - -hat1 the Intruder r- . ough ione o' *' . vne of which had ?the inside, and so calU .o awaken some one to come 'out and help him guard the build ing and trap the burglar. The man Inside hearing the call, opened one I of the doors and sprinted up the street with bullets whlxzing behind him. In his flight he loat the cigars taken from the atore. There Is no clue to his Identity as Officer Patrick oould not rccoguize him In the dim light. Several times recently the drug store ha? been entered. Last week the Hoyt Hardware Company was entered and two pis tola taken. Some one also entered the cafe of H. Qurganus A Co., and carried away several articles. Ha? Notified Board of Aldermen that He Cannot Accept Their Prop ortion for Him to Act ms Chief of Police?. Although announcement ?u made yesterday to the effect that George Howard would be the new chief >f polic? in Washington, It developed t hi? morning that Mr. Howard has I refused the offer and that Mr. Rob erts will continue In the capacity of chief guardian of the peace in this city. At the meeting of the board of city a'.dermen last month, Mr. How ard was elected as head of the local polico force, and he acrepted the | offer made by the city. Later de-l velopmente. however, caused Mr. Howard to change hlB mind in re gard to the mater, and he accord ingly wrote a letter to the city of ficials, notifying them that 1? coi <. not accept their pro;:->sitiGIf will continue to *vork for th?? Noi folk Southern t- .he sprrlal rjent of this road Gir.L g;:ts co ykvks *VR MAKING OI'IUM Sp*'ngll Id, 111., Oct. 2.?Peggy Meadows was fined $10.000 and costs In the United States District Court on a charge of manufacturing smoking opium. She wan sentenced to Jail at Bloomlngton until the flu" Is paid at the rateo f 60 cents for Is paid at the rate of 60 cents for the next slxt) years of her life in jail. FREE For Today Only We Will due T Checks For 25c Two Cigars or Two Glasses of Soda Free. IRE PALIS ENGLAND HAS MILLION AT THE FRONT KOIXD MILLION BRITISHERS IX FRANCE. FIGHTING AGAINST TEUTON?. 500,000 MORE Will Moke IncrtHwe In the Nov Future. French Continue Attack Against (k-niiwu With Huoceaa. Teutonic Gain lu Ra?t in Mow. London. Oct. 2.?The Brltlih forces now in France are estimated at a round million men, which will be Increased by 600,000. Dally lengthening of the obituary columns of the London newspapers 1? begin ning to measure the price paid by the British for their recent offen sive. French Continue Winning. Pressing of the general offensive movem nt by the allies on the western front has resulted in fur ther progress for them In the Artoia region in Northern France. Suc cesses In this sector, where the flght ?^r ihe Important towns of Lens, wjih its radiating railways. Is being waged, were won by means of hand Grenade attacks, 'according to to day's statement by the Paris war off CP. in the Champagne district, where the French have made notable ad vances sine-"? Saturday, German counter-attacks were checked near Malsor.8 de Champagne, the French statement announces. Violent bombardment of French tr- nches north of the Alane, near Souplr, is reported, the Germans, however, making no Infantry attack. Teutonic lYogre?? Alow. On the eastern front the Teutonic progress Is slower In most sectors and has been checked altogether In others. according to the latest re port from Petrograd. Von Hlndenburg's force? have made little headway against Dvlnsk. In Volhynia the Russians are fight ing hard, but so far unsuccessfully, to regain possession of the fortress es of Lutsk. Bulgarian Entrenching. Keports have bpen received In Italy thai the Bulgarians are en trenching ail along the Serbian frontier, protecting the entrench ments with barbed wire entangle ??lentB, and that clashes between Bulgarians and Serbians on the bor Jrr already have occurred. HITS LOCAL EDITOH HARD (Jmtivlllc Rrflrrlor 4'omctt Out with Stroitc Statement AK'Innt tJi? Washington rrop*??. In today's issue of the Greenville Reflector, there appears a rather strong statement against thr Wash ington Progress, which reads as follows: "The editor of the Washington Progress ways that he would not al !ow us to tutor his hound-pup. much less himself. If the hound-pup In question Jb not endowed with more brains than his owner, poisoning I? tli* thing -not tutoring." A strike of nil skll'ed Kngllvh workmen employed at the Govern ment docks, shipyards and munition? factories Is threatened unless wage?

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