WASHINGTON daily news pgbusbkd Tract ajt*rhoos. ? ? EXCEPT StTKDATS. ! >, 1909, it tka Ml of Kink t, 1870. SUBSCKIPnOH RATES On Month I .95 Foot Months 1.09^ Si* Month. ...14* On? Tat 8.00 BiMytioM nut bo p?M ft? fa ftlruM. B paper but it iM promptly, triiphant or t"*< thU rffa Snfaorifan Uriai tho papar diaeontinoad, aiB plena* notify thi* offioa, otherwise it ?ffl fa iwrtlnail at nphr i JAMBS L. MAYO . . - .... Proprietor. OARL QOEBOH ! ? - - - 1M? .. . WASHINGTON, NOBTfe CAROLINA, OCT. 4, 1915. One of the pet sports of the paragraphers these days is to take some prominent man's name and make all kinds of puns out of it. However, we believe they'd have a hard time with that fellow whose name appeared in a recewt issue of the Berliner Anzeigor. It was Herr Toztoslafenladenspiegel. All things don't come to him who waits. For example, the poet never has found a rhyme for "window," t^rolf" or "silver'1 in th English language. "It U very difficult at times," comments the Greenville Reflector '?for a fellow to make himself believe that Sunday is a rest day.** If you should come over to Washington some Monday and see the number of colored gentlemen up before the recorder you'd very much' believe that Sundav was arrwt day. LACK OF PUBLIC SPIRIT. Just to tdiow that they are not going to be held back by Wash" ington's lack of progreasiveneas and enterprise, Aurora and Belhaven both aro going to have a big agricultural fair this fall. Prepara tions aro under way and both events will, in all probability, prove a credit to the cities in which they ure to bo held. Why efforts wore not made to have a general county fair in thi? eitv is more than we can understand. There appears to be juc.t ono logical excuse?and that is that our citizens haven't tho gum]/ tion or the aggressiveness to tackle something that requires some work and some of their time. Aside from the educational and agricultural benefits of a county fair, the commercial value of the event alone should be inducement enough for our citizens to show some interest in it. A fair in Washington would bring thousands of visitors hero during fair week; it would give the city advertisement all ovor this section of the State, and it would increase the business of our local merchants. All this is lost to us because there is no one to take enough interest in the project, Aurora and Belhaven are to be cougratidated upon their public spirited citizens, who have tho welfare of their communities at heart. It is too bad that some of them can't como to Washington to live and spread some of their enthusiasm here. They are badly neodod. Not only in the matter of a county fair, but in other work as well, are Belhaven and Aurora leading Washington. They are building bridge? and roads, improving their streets and interesting themselves in the work of developing the sections surrounding them. Washington became greatly agitated over the "good roads" move ment,about two months ago, but since then not one shovel of dirt has been turned in improving the roads in the vicinity of this city. We're asleep; that's what we are?asleep! Considerable comment has been heard lately over the neat and attractive appearam-e of the property south of the court house. The gras* is kept cut, and cannons have been planted along the side of the court house and along tho rear fence. The improvement is evi dent to eve none who happens t?? go along Market street. More could be done, however, and it is hoj>ed that the county will not rest ttntisficd with what they have accomplished. A few loads of dirt, to level it off, some good gras*-sood, to make a lawn, a number of flower-bed s and a few benches, and they could form as pretty a little park a* mil Id be desired. A Chicago physician advises the wives of snoring husbands to report them to the l>oard of health, but we are not told what the boards of health is expected to do with them.?Virginian-Pilot. READING EDITORIALS. Various editorials have recently appeared in a number of papers on "the editorial," and discussions have ensued as to whether tho editorial columns are read by the majority of readers. The general opinion appears lo be that if an editor selects good, live topics for his editorials his writings will be read, but if he delves into sub ject* that have no interest for his readers, or if he is merely trving trying to write "an essay," he might a? well save himself work and fill his column up with patent medicine advertisements. 1 he choice of subjects, however, does not make the editorial page interesting. A great deal depends upon their treatmeut. Two of the big State papers recently carried editorials on the same sub ject. One was a quarter of a column in length, and the other wa* two columns. It would be a ssfc bet to say that ten men read tho first, where one man read the second. Brevity, according to the best editorial writers in the country today, is the most important thing to be taken into consideration, after the theme of the editorial bas be?*i selected. When it comes to considering subjects for the editorial, there is not question but that local matters are of tho greatest interest. Especially is this true of the smaller papers. When foreign mat tars are dealt with, moat readers prefer that they be just as brief as it is possible to make them. Wo believe that the editorial pages of the papers in this section of the State are as bright and interesting as it is possible to make thm. The reason for this is probably that the editors realize the value of a good live editorial and are willing to take the tt&ible and the paina to think up a good oije. There in no doubt but that their writinga are read wffh interest and appreciation. ? ft f ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE DAILY NEWS GJVfc RESULTS Noting thai at one d red student? bare been enrolled ia the Speniah gomery Adrerti?rr iavmor*d to rmarfc: "Thia ia a timal development; it ia American (Winy to be more tcreattd in the Spaniah ia well toe educated American? to know the tongue ol ben." Even to, tut more than that, the consular agenta and repreaed tati na of the Wellington Government in the South Central American republic?, men ?ho apeak from personal and hand knowledge M the subject, hare for years been telling ns knowledge of Spanish i. one of the eaemtials to sncoesa in expanding our trade in the Latin-AmesteaU. territories- In thia riew of the case, the importance kecainM AakUnt ?t not confining the teaching of the language to our higher institutions of learning^ felt of incor | pora ting it in the curricula of our jmbiic schools. This Norfolk did some three or four year? ago, and other citiee, particularly in the South, have taken or are arranging to take similar action.?Vir ginian-Pilot. COUNTY PAIRS.| Within the past year there has been a notable increase in the number of county fair? in Kfrrth -Carolina. Noarly all the towna are now so equipped and som* that bare not yet been able to raise sufficient morey for the pilwhso of grounds and equipping thetn with buildings, arc baring reaort't*the scattered exhibit on streets land in store?. The most raui?iHU'Wli the kind w?s started in IWinston-Salem some yean ago.' The oounty fair of tho present is a far more useful institution than tbfc faira of past periods, when they were looked on merely as gathering pUeea for various forms of uonB nient, including some forms of questionable character. - The county jfsir is now regarded as an educational institution snd one thst in spire? emulation and rivalty among the fanner*. Theoretically inj tended for their benefit, it is Aow made beneficient in practice. Ha v ing undergone such an evolution, the county fair is now regarde jl las a thing worth while, ? worthy aspiration for every town and dMllM C?lt|. phoaA? B?ll?y rt. Arthur Bailor ?( >1. Androw Bailor, on? ot lh? (??dints la tb? Abon oatltltd u lln. will ttka noil m that Aa Action lb? Sop?t lor Court ot BaAUfort CoslT b#forr tk* OMPk far tka parpoao of Wirt ft .M of ChH?a?h?r MW ^rt.lo lwdr la tho Conntr at Baaafort ot wbloti I h? nI? OhriAloph.r Bill?; died Mini Ml tAhO BO HA* tkat ?Ald action !? r.tornibl. t>?for? lb? otnk of tb? fluMrtor Court, *< bl* oCm. 1a th? Court bo???. M ?14 omtr ot Boanfort. m WAAfclastear oa CX(ob.r in, 1>1I, AAd tkat anon th? dAfoadAnt ? 1*4. OPO. A. PAW.. ?>-- Ptwk Ufit CAf,. BIG CIRCUS COMING. Cart Hmcrnberk-Wallace Hhova Are To App?* Hmt Boon. Peanuts ami pink lemonade will soon be ripe and the odor of saw dust tanbark will permeate the air. The Carl H agf^o beck-Wallace cir cus, gayest, grandest, gladdest gal axy In all the wide world, !? coming to Washington, on Prldajr, Oct. 16. for two performance?. This year the big show?in reality there are two aliowa-^?will oome aboard three special trains, the longest ever used to transport a olrcas aggregation. Performances wlU he given at t and I p. m. Doors to the soological paradise wlU be opened an hour ear lier. A three-mile-long street pa rado wlU leave the show grounds at 10 o'clock the day of the exhibition and will pass through the princi pal down-town streets. North Carolina, Beaufort County. In tho Superior Court, Octobcr Tirna, lt)S. Ida Campbell *e. , | Mae Campbell. The defendant above named le hereby notified that the above en titled suit was lnetltated against him by hie wife, Ida Campbell, for an absolute divorce upon statutory grounds, alleged In the complaint; that summona therein vaa return able to the October term, ltll. of. the Superior Court of Beaufort Conn ty; that eald summone wai not per sonally served and aald defendant ta nov notified to be and appear at the following term of the Superior Court of Beaufort County on Mon day, November 21nd. 1915, at the court house in Washington. N. C., then and there to answer the com plaint filed against him In amid auit, else the relief demanded trill be granted according to the course ef the court In sueh ceses. WIT-NUBS my hand and offleial I era!, this September If, 1911. QUO. A. PAUL, (BIAL) Clerk Superior Cenrt. ?-IO-4we. 93-95 EXCURSION TO RAJJHOH On Kotali of th? N. C. AORIOVLTTRAl, FAD* The AtUnllc Coast Lin* WBl Mil ?xcuralon tlckata from WaaMncton to Ralalth. N. C.. at |f tl, IxiaO li>C ta? ateMoa txmptm to HM ???Ir. Tlekata wtll bf aotd for all train? on OTTOBBR Ml to 2*. IKCMISIVE I.lmltad ratnrnlnc Op to and Inalnd Iat midnight of Octobar ?6th, ltll. Proportlonattlr low faraa, on *ama dataa and with aama limit, will b* mad? from ait at aft on a In Ifcrth Carolina and Vlrtfnla For Mbadntaa and furthar In (or MUM* Mil on ?. R, CLART, Tlckat Afant, Waablnfton. H. C. ATLANTIC OOAST LIKE Tk? gt*nd?rd Railroad o t tU? ?o?lh LAST POPULAR EXCURSION Of the Season To NORFOLK. VA? SEPT. 28th NORFOLK 80UTHBRN RAILROAD Now Short Rout? Extremely Low Faro? Liberal Return Limit. Ticket? on uli Sept It. Oood returning Soft. 30th. An excellent opportunity to Tialt Virginia Bench and Capo Henry.'de lightful seaside resorts of rare beauty. Frequent Electric Train service from Norfolk. Apply to Ticket Agenta for com plete information or write H. 8. LEARD, O. P. A.. NORFOLK. VA. NOTICE ?F 8ALB, North Carolina?Beaufort County. Superior Court?Before the Clerk Jennie flparrow, Harry McMullan, and John O. Tooley, ^ | Elisabeth Moore aad Oeorce Moore. ? Under aad bj virtue of a decree j of the Superior Court of Beaufort County. North Carolina, la the abore entitled proceeding, the underalgn H;W- Commissioner, will, on the j ItOh day of September, 101?, at IS Noon, tell, at pnblle auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, before the Court House door of Btaufortj County.? North Carolina, the follow-! lng described rani estate, ris: Situated la the State of North Carolina, County of Beaufort, and in Bath Towaehlp, which to bound-1 ed and described aa follows: Be ginning at a marked corner, known as the Bborn corner, and running N. 17 degree? 41 mln. W. 645 feet to a stump; thence N. 16 degree?I SO mfn. B. 1010 feet to an Iron axle on tho public rofcd, known aa the Dardoa'? Creek road; thenco with the aald road Weaterdarly to the line of Cabin Branch; thenco with the run of the aald branob 8. ?0 E. 86 polca. It being tho line of tho John L. Roper Lumber Co.'s Satchwell hand; tone? with the aald John L. Roper Lumber Co.*? fine, tho aame being a marked line, 8. t6 W. 174? foot, to the aald John L. Roper Lumber Co.'a Southeaat corner of the aald flat oh well land; thenco N. 70 dogrooo to mla. W. ?46 feet to the beginning; containing 60 aero?, more br less; u surveyed by M. M. WorthIngton on or about Jua? 6th. 1916. the course? heroin giro? be ing magnetic aa of thatdate. Dated and p<*led August 10th. & . 1-11-4 wo. *. a, OiMff n-m, 191ft. ? VI* - ? V-' NORTOLK BOUTHTON RAILROAD Mellon* Train SorTloo >,1 Vorf Low R.too. Coanit nitmi Tlckot Agent. or tilM, Wi ? ? And Grata Feed | n. c. ? ???????? B. I WaM. JobIm D. Ortam ? WARI) A GRlMtti J? ? AtlorMyM _ m. a . ? We practice la the Co art ef ? U? First Judicial District ud ? the Federal court* ? ? ? ? w. a aoDtejji ? ? Attorney-at*Uw. ? Wajhln*ton. M. C.'i?; ? ? ? ?'???? ' e ? ? HARRY MeMULLAS ? ATTORNWT-AT-T.AW. ?% ? After !???? ? ?etR ? Coroer Second and Market 8U. ? >????? ? '?"* B. A. Did lei, Jr. J. ft. NiMHf ? C. Wm W. W. IHeMi ? DANIKI. * WARRKN. MAN. ? KlIfG A KtTCRIW. ? AttMVTMt-Uw ? Practice in the Superior, Feder- ? al and Supreme Court* of tkto ? ? ? e ? ? ? A. D. Miru?, ? ? ? _ *.0. ? - ;? Aam. a. a, ? - MtUUW A THOMPSON A Horwjut-Uw, ? Aaron ud Waahlngton, It. 0. * STEWART & BRYAN INonqrHM-lnr, Wa.htaatoa. M. 0. ?Room? 11-14-11. Ul|U)|to vf; Bnlldtaf. Wa.blnfton. 1*. C. n. ami. a. d. AT.Ii, Narl.RAK WUniW e * * RODMAN ? * AUnerM-h*. a : ST?" : Wartlnatoa. '.V* * * < "Trrr? ?? *,?ww ? ?mo. HWH noniHAWo? WAdBTWOTOW, ?. o. ?OHM H. A Morasi Waaktn*toa. H. 0. Subscribe to Dally News North Carolina?Beaufort County. In tk? fluperlor Coart. T. H. Blount ' n. ?? i;1 Wm. Knight. Tba defendant abort named will tak? kotlet that an action entitled a? a bor a haa bees oommenred In the Superior Court or Baaafort Coaaty wherein the plaintiff ?ae>e to racsrar the nm ot Tarn Hundred Three and ?1.1?? (flOI.M) Dol lar?, .ad that ? warrant pf attaeb ment hae l?.u?d acalnvt tka pro? erty of t ha defendant. Defendant will farther tak? no tie?: That Hid anlt I? returnable It) tk? Superior Co?rt. befor? tk? /ad??, on Monday October 4th, l?ll. At tke Court houee tn Waak Inrton. la ..id County ot Beaafoit aad defendant will rurtlnr tak? ao tla* that upon hi. fallnra to f in? an.w?r ?lalnt