!?? " - -r. ?$ ? AKT GTON DAILY NEWS TM WEATHER?G?ii*raltr Mir ?Mrnt? ???tMlr ** J WASHINGTON N C. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON OCTOBER 6 IMS No. 79 mm j NIH 01 Ml WEI I'BE UNDERHAND METHODS IK ' OBI IIHO FARMERS TO TAKE ARE THROWN OUT According to on* of the tobacco men on the local market, there la considerable underhanded work go la? on la the effort to laduca the farm ere of thle county to take their tobacco to other market?. One ot the warehousemen haa in the last ?week expelled three men from his floor because of their "stool pigeon" ?01*. ? ? j The*? men, who are evidently !n the employ of other markets, follow np the sales on the loeal floors. When a certain heap of tobacco has j been eold, they make eome remark] la the hearing of the owner of the, pile, to the effect that the same to-| bacco would hare brought consid erably more money on some other market, la this way. dissatisfac tion is spread about and in a num ber of caoee the farm ere have been Induced to take their tobacco else where. A number of men were at one of the warehouses this morning, dls cusslng the market, and one of them made the remark that one of the prominent oounty officials, who also has a large farm In the oounty, had not brought, a single pound of to bacco to Washington, but had taken It all to tke Greenville market. Considerable unfavorable sentiment w?s expreseed against the buelnisr methods that this official employed. White Han in KinMoo, Shot by K?. gro, DM la Hospital Monday Sight. 8urvlved by Wife mm! Childrrm. Negro to Held. . k - v (By Eastern Press) J**' Do?'?' ^ Thoma? Lane, w*niui/auv..Pete Davis, at Jenny Llnd Saturday i y?ning, died Mon day evening at 7:10 a'^loek in Pe. rott Memorial Hospital. Death ?ai caused by a revolved tell wound In the abdomen, the miss He having penetrated a vital portion of the body. The body was sent to tb? undertaking establishment of D. K. Wood ft Co.. on North Queen street, to be prepared for burlairS*ter to be carried to the Huckleberry home of Lane, where the widow and sev eral children awaited It. The ne gro slayer ^is in the oounty Jail. Because of what Lane told Sher iff Taylor Monday a few minutes after Davis had confeeeed, the negro la not expected to be arraigned for flrtrt degree murder. Lying In b*d at the hospital, the victim, conscious, told tho officer In the presence ofj others that he had been drinking, had words with a negro, drew h's knife and was shot. The ooroner's Jury summoned this morning to Investigate the kilt ing postponed the Inquftst until Sat urday morning at 10 o'clock, prob ably for the accommodation of Cor oner W6od. 'who left this morning for Jacksonville to he gone for sev eral days. BELLMO TOWIOBT?Bt aad 10??TOXIGHT A DPRCIAI, PBATtRB POR TONKJHT. "THE MAN WHO WBNT OCT" A two-r.el Domino (Mtttri at in klH llMmt. TOMORROW Win bwln th. NWHT W? #111 tmtln tb* writ! ?bown on tb* tepwin tod?r "TUB BLACK BOX" tj ?. Phillip? Oyv.oh.lm, MADE ADDREHS BEFORE CUR. ?KIT TOPICS CLUB AT ROCBVMOUXT. MANY PRESENT Oongrf?urn Setm Utile R<*soa to Fear Cluh With Foreign Po?, era. Conimmdi liberation anJ Oool-Headedncoe of Wilson. (By Eastern Prwi) Rocky Mount, Oct. ?.?Flaying the war ?car? and the Jingoist, fjv ing many convincing reasons why this nation might now feel equally as sccure agalst "an attack as during the past, and depicting the utter folly of tome of the lnspured arti cle? against this nation's prepared ness, Hon. Claude Kitchln. the ma jority leader of Congress, delivered a forceful address to the members of the Current Topic* club and many visitors last night, and opened the fall season with the local liter ary organisation. Tho Representative from the Sec ond Congressional district, who aambers many friends here, spoke at some length from the subject of "Our Foreign Halations." h* pre sented many phases of the question of our relation with the other great powers of the -world, and he plafnlv pointed out that all of the threat ened horrors of invasion and of at tack were periodic In their appear ance, and occurred Just about tho time there was a chance for an en largement of the navy or its con templation. The speaker came out clear and convincing la defense of his poji ti on In the ma(t?r of..what Id.termed ? the small nary fellows.'' Mr. Kl> chin clearly outlined that what wax: needed now to complete the comple-.. ment of our "top heavy" navy was a greater number of torpedo boats, destroyers and submarines. That the thirty-nine battleships already in our navy or building for early completion, could not now be given the protection from torpedo boats and destroyers that, according (o naval expert?, would make them safe to engage an enemy on the high seas, was clearly-pointe d out, and if the experts in these matters were to be believed, the United 8tates was sadly lacking in the four tor pedo hosts for1 each dreadnaught, and that without them the great craft was powerless. In closing, Mr. Kitchln made It I plain that submarines had in a great measure stopped the old method of warfare, and bombardment, and laying before his hearers the point of what keeps the Oerman fleet In th? Kiel eanal, and what keep? the most powerful navie?, almost by ten times out of there, the folly of the idea of a great bombardment by dreedaaaghts of New York city, while submarine? might be employed In a repelling of the attack.' was made quite clear from this point In comparison. The reference to the cool-headed ness and deliberation of th? cbi<f executive of the nation was received with general approval and liberal applause. CRESCITE CLU5 TO MEET TOMORROW ?H He Klnt mmIu at Uw Hnwon of tke Um*| Book Hub. Mean 1KB, lUqaiM to be FMnit The flrat meeting of the Creaclto Club wlfl be hal? M tha bon? nt Mr>. Walter 8. Wolfe on MarXet atraet tomorrow afternoon, w Bllaabeth Warren aa hoateaa. Tha meetlns ?111 befln prompt!/ at four o'clock. An nrtent requeiit baa ean le aned by tha president, aaklng all membara to be In attendance two imrriBH uteamkhx Ht'VK, OMK CRKW HAVEII London. Oat. 6.?Announcement la bad* that the Brltleh ateameri Haydn and Sailor Prince have been annfc. U la re porta* that tke crew of the Haydn waa eared and that aoae ?urrirora of tha Sailor Prion have paes landed ms m STATE Fill FARMER* MUST HAVE EXHIB ITS HEnE NOT LATBR THAN OCTOBER 12th. ALSO SEND SOIL Plan to Not Only Show People of the State What Crops Can Be RilMd la Beaufort County, But Also the 8oU. Farmers in Beaufort county who are planning to have exhibits at the 8tate fair, are urged to have their exhibit? In Washington not lator than next Tuesday. Farm Demon strator J. F. Latham will aort them out at the court house and will ship them to Raleigh from here. Mr. Latham stated this morning that he had been practically all over the county In the last two weeks, seeing the farmers In regard to their exhibits. A large number have promised to send some of their pro ducts and It is believed that Beau fort will make a good showing U the 8tate fair next month. Not only will agricultural pro ducts be sent, but a sample of the soil, on which the various crops were raised, will accompany the ex hiblta. In this way visitors at the fair will be able to see what can be raised here and the soil on whlcb it was grown. II) Pil PROJECI K PEOPLE I'Adquotuk C'-ummiaeionm R^fui-o to Vote on (lannlnjr Club A|> proprlAtion At PMMOt Time. (By Eastern Press) Elisabeth Clt*. Oct. 6.?With Mrs. C. W. Melick us spokesman, the canning clubs of Pasquotank appeared before the Board of Com missioners at thrlr regular meeting yesterday and asked for an appro priation of five hundred dollars to carry on the canning club work throughout the county. Mrs. Melick in her request for the appropriation stressed the value of the work in making attractive coun try life and In making a record for Pasquotank county which will be worthy of pride. The Commission ers expressed themselves as favor ing the extension of the work throughout the county and arrange ment was made for meetings to be held in all parts of the county dur ing the coming month, at which meetings Mrs. Melick and Miss Al bertson will speak on the value of the canning club work to the peo ple generally, thus preparing the way ror securing the appropriation when the matter Is voted upon at the November meeting of the Com missioners PRISONERS BREAK WHY ?mm CHAMJN VEXTBRS A*D TOM MKRCKR ESCAPED FROM JAIL LAW NIGHT. NOT BEEN CAUtJHT Cut Their Way Through dM Brick Wall of Che Jail Barty This M ora lu?. Tools Were Provl4ed By Friend* from On takle. Two prisoners, Charles Vectera and Tom Mercer, cat their way out of the county Jail last night and ?scaped. They hare not been eeeq nor heard of aince. Both men were awaiting trial by the 8uperlor cour'. Ventera waa being held on the charge of bigamy and Mercer wis charged with assaulting and aban doning hla wife. Venters i? of Bel-, haven and Mercer comes from South Creek. The escape was made at * bout two 'clock thla morning. The men gained their freedom by cutting a hole through the brick wall, large enough to admit their bodies. A blanket was found this morning, close ap agaluKt the wall, which the prlaonera had placed there in order to deaden thq sound of their work. 80 careful were they in their work that the Jailer, who slept above them, was never dis turbed In his aleep. A knife, a small piece of iron aud two or three other lmplementa were also found on the floor of the Jail thla morning. It Is believed that these were smuggled In to the men by Bome friends on the outside. There la a small aperture in one of the shutters and the tools were evi dently shoved In to the men through tma opening. The ?beriBP has notified thr-p> lice of the surrounding country to be on the watch for the men. fs itn IncrrMe of Otpt 8,000 P?r booM In Five Ynan. Thought TtiAt Number Would Reach 13,000. (By Eastern Press) Ktastoo, Oct. 6.?Ten thousand people within the corporate limits. Thkt I? the extlmate of Cenaua Taker Bagby. Mr. Bagby aald on Monday night that he eipecta to conclude his work by the middle of this weok. He has been over il moit every street In the city, and but one or two small dlatrlcta re main to be visited for the counting OS head?. Whether he gets them all or not la uncertain. Negroes are notably averse to being Slated for any purpose whatsoever and It la altogether Hkely that a few score have alipped through the alert can eutf-takerv flngera. One thing la certain, though?Mr. Bagby han SUBMARINE WASP BETTING NEW ST1N6S Engllab submarine alougaldt.' tbj parent ablp receiving a freab supply ol torpedoes, whlcb buve to be lowerod vertically through the small opening In tbo deck. WERE MARRIED THIS MORNING AT AURORA Ml* Hooker Boconw? liririr of IyouU M. (Wen, of PctcrvburK. Putied Through Here Today. Misa Virginia Bonner Hooker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hooker, of Aurora, and Louis M. Oden, of Petersburg, were married at the home of the bride's parents at Aurora thla morning at 7:30 o' clock. The ceremony was a most beautiful and Impressive one. and wa? witnessed by the Immediate friend? and relatives of the oouplo. They left for Washington on this morning's Washington & Vandemeru train, and left here on the Norfolk Southern for Petersburg, Va.. where they will make their home in the fu ture. Miss Hooker is one of Aurora's most popular young ladles and well known In the county. The groom la a prosperous young busi ness man of Petersburg. AFTER-THEATRE PARTY. An enjoyable after-theatre sup per was enjoyed last night at which Misses May Belle and Katherine Small were hoBtesaea. The supper took placo at their home on Went Main street. Tho?o present were Miss May Belle Small, Henry Jack ?on; Miss Isabelle Carter. John D. 'cala'.a; Miss Katherine Small, Wal ter Wlndley. counted as big a per cent, of the population In the torrltory he has been over as federal listers would have. Ten thounand la an increase of little over three thousand In flvo years?a great big gain, despite the fact that many people estimated the population at 13,000 or 14.000. Sev eral city officials confidently expect ed Bagby to 1'st 12,000 people. FOOTBALL GAME HERE FRIDAY Wellington H. H. to Play Winter v 111* at Hnning Park. (iamc CaD?l for 3:1*0. The flrst local football Ramo of the Beason will take place at Flcm ing Park Friday afternoon, when Washington Higli school will meet Wintervllle. The game will bp called at 3:30 o'clock. The local team la In good condi tion for the game, and they expect to take Wintervllle into camp Dally practice has been Indulged In. Wintervllle alio has a good team, according to report, and a good game is expected. The public la urged to be on hand promptly at 3:30. I.urgo Number of \ i tor* Prfaoi: Yesterday. Ivxrlblr .'re ll-tier Than & r. W. i|* AU.actio. i. (!ly rastern Prcri) New Hern, Oct. 6.?With an at tendance i.!:at was unusually grati fying, the fourth Eastern Carolina fair waa yesterday morning thrown open to the public and all through the day hundred* of visitors have been going out to the grounds and viewing the many exhibit* and vents that aro to be senn there. The exhibits In all departments this year are larger and more varied than has ever before been the ca??, The season Just past haa been one conducive to the growth of magnifi cent specimens of agricultural pro ducts and the best of these havr> been assembled out at the fa'r grounds. The live stock exhibits are mIho of much Interest. In the building set aside for this purpose are found some of the finest cattle and hogs | that have ever been seen in Craven i county and to one Interested In |such, It is a never ending source of Interest. There are also seen the best vari eties of fowl that could be secured In the county and theae are attract ing much interest from the fanciers of such. However, the exhibits In the main hall are the cecter of at traction and the?* are alone worth a visit to the grounds. The midway, which Is this year in charg? of the famous Johnny J. Jonea, Is larger and better this year than ever before. This was thrown open last evening and ? large num ber of visitors to the city aa well as local oltlseas, paid a visit at that time. This morning and afternoon hundreds of persons have visited the various attractions, looked over tb< stow?, bought Ted J monad? land pop corn and have announced th? fact tbtt they were perfeotly satis fled. AGREEMENT AltKIYKD AT IN SESSION OF SUPERIOR OOl'HT VKSTKKDAY. DEED IS GIVEN Pri>p*Tt>- in W?J.hin?u?a Park Will II? Sakl I'mJer Practically Uie Saiiu* Restrictions I mlcr Which Otiirr ProjKTt)- Wm Sol<L A mutually satisfactory settle ment was made In court yesterday afternoon of the Hathaway-8ma!l suit, which Involved t It <? granting of a deed for a certain tract of land In Washington Park that Mr. Hath away desired to purchase. The suit grew out of a contro versy regarding certain conditions In the deed for the property. Mr. Hathaway d sired a free deed, whlld Mr. Sma!l refused to grant a deed that did not contain the same re strictions and conditions under which other property jn the park had been sold. Suit was brought by Mr. Hathaway tn January, 1914. In May the *ame year Mr. Small endured his Judgment and a form of deed that he was willing to give bin* Dur'.ng the progress of the suit In court. Mr. Hathaway's attorneys indicated their i^illlugnefls to ac cept s deed in substantially the same form a* til one Mr. Small r?? liitesred, A HKtlemer.t was thea made which appeared to be perfect ly *at'.?factory to Mr Hathaway's attorneys and presumably to Mr. Hathaway blmae'.f. The total price for the land in volved amounts to $21,169, includ ing about 150 acres, from which .s to be deducted that which has here tofore been sold. I Tra?edy Occurml TIiIh Morning at the I'nlon Station at New Bern. Victim Wan VounK Mad From Piunllco County. (By Eastern PresR) New Bern. Sept 6.?James Bright i~ed 19. son of George Bright, of V rick, Pamlico county, was killed a' t';? Union passenger station this v. ruing, wh n he became caught b? [?( n I wo trains. Death followed n alout three hours. Mr. Bright and his son had come here to attend the fair. They wore at the station waiting until the train from Goldsboro passed by. A fr< Iglit car backed up while the young man waft .standing on the tracks and crushed his body [n be tween the two trains. He was fright' fully mangiod \K\V TKhKPIIONK MYNTKM 1NSTAM.ED IN fillKKWILI.K !s Klr?| of Itn Kind In the World. Conisinh Many Now Device?. (By Eastern Press) Oreenvllie, Oct. 6 The work of Installing the local exchange of the Home Telephone and Telegraph Co. Is prarfirally rompleted. The ex change Is the drsi of its kind to be inntntled anywhere In rlie world and for I he last week or two a nnmb?r of prominent telephone men from other States have been on hand to ?iew the Improvement! over the old system WESTERN UNION NIGHT LETTER RECEIVED AT ? ? 7RD B ?0 Collect NL. SP New York .Oct. 4, 15 LEWIS & CALAIS, ? Washington, N. C ..... Succeeded in purchasing three lines of sample Suits, featuring the modes on which Paris has set the seel of approval. Will be able to have our open ing sale Saturday, Monday and Tuesday. This will mean a saving of 15 to 25 per cent to the trade! through our one-piece system. J. T. LEWIS. TO-NIGHT ENTIRE CHANGE OP PROORAM TON ICW T ?? Reels Plctgr?#?- 6 Prlc? 8*10

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