ncw* rnu. ? MQiut lo (?* HEW8 THAN AKT OTHEK NHS IN T^B $TAt? -ifs^-j? ^ _'_^C1 _lt - .1" --v1? '?? ?>-? tUw?A -. /.OlU/.lt-MA // r T *': #". , ______ NEWS *M* WEATHER?o*a?r*ltf Mr toa<(kl. Module MMKlr via . Vol? - ' . WASHINGTON N. C. SATURDAY AFTERNOON OCTOBER 9. WIS * ) No. 82 US POT r.*s EXCEPTIONAL VALUES IN WEAR IN? APPAREL DURING G ? -'fsoC SKIT WEEK. IS DWESS-UP WEEK at Umi Otty Will 1A i*? CBothing Next Dresu up! Why should you dresa up? Should there be any reason to uk? Should It be necessary to Inquire why you should not go about with any old clothes slapped on your ba-:k In any old Indifferent way. merely because convention, the police and the wintry winds demand aoxne kind of covering tor the body? Bhould you have to ssk why It la encum bent upon every worthy cltlsen to think more of his personal appear ance and so suit his acUons to his thoughts that he will endeavor to look his best at all tlmea? Certainly not! Clothes do not make the man, but they go a long way toward help ing a man's standing among his fellowmen. And neither can you tell a man by the coat he wears, but an untidy, slovenly appearance will surely never load one to inquire who and what you are. Tou are left at the post when the race atarta and It will consume a large amount of energy to place you on even terms with the fellows whose Jlrst appear ance needs no second glance. A man who Is careless about his ha bila of dress is likely to be care le?s In his habits of Ilrlag, and h's methods of doing business. This Is not always true, but is It wise to give this Impression to your neigh bor and to go through life with a handicap? And have you not noticed that a pleasing attire usually accompanies a pleasant countenance? The man who is well dressed looks as If he Is enjoying the clothes upon his back, and he Is. It It a> pleasure to feel thpt you are put-' ting up a good appearance. But old clothea, shoddy attire, Is not condu cive to sunshine In anyone's counte nance. It is too close to the drud gery of life. Dress up. Oet the pleasure out of life. Dress dp and feel good. Make the start right and don't hide your sunshine and exuberance be hind the depressing blanket of slip shod garments. You don't have to be wealthy to be well groomed. You can readily do It now and do It easily. It doesn't require great riches. The merchants of Washington can show you how and they are going to do It. They will begin Monday. For Monday marks the opening of MERCHANT'8 DRESS-UP WEEK. It's a campaign organised throughout this great country of ours to mako yo?i feel the pleasure, the advantage; the necessity of DRESSING UP. For a woek, beginning Monday and ending Saturday, October 16, the furnisher and clothiers of Washington wltl spread tho dress-up spirit on the wave of our country's prosperity. Let them show you. INTERESTING PAPERS AT THE O.HENRt CLUB Initial Mertfa* of fee OrgMilaaUon Proved to M A Homt FnJ#y*|>le Ono. Maajr N??bm hfieal. The O. Henry Book club hold Itn Initial meeting at tho homo of Mm An*ui Maelxan on Thuraday after noon The meeting wa? called to order by tho Preotdent, Ml*e Lida Redman, after which tho roll w te called and aerera) htulnena Itim? wore dlapenaed with. ^Mra. C. M. Rrown. Jr., gave a moot charming and internet!n* out line of tho play. !tl#f ???? ura." lira. H. W. Curler alao do ltgbted the club with a papar on the "History of Vitus* with Condition? Prevailing it Date of Mar" After (ha club raadlaf a dellcloue |e* ??? *M lanri. WOMAN FOUND * DEAD IN BED Mit. Mahal* HlgtumlUi Puwd Aw?> Suddenly at RotcraoaTllto While WlUtematon. Oct. Tuesday morning at the homo or her con <n Roberaonvlllc, Mrs. Mahala Hlgn ?mlth we? found dead/la "bed. 8b<> had attended the. Association at Bear Oran, and apparently her health was excellent. U 1b learned, however, that the had occasional at tacks of indigestion and It is thought that she may have died from auch an attack. Mra. Hlghsmlth was the aunt of Mrs. J. H. Page and Herbert Ward, of WUUamston, and they with their mother attended the faneral near Robcrsonvllle Wednesday. The In terment wa? at the home of J. M. Hlghsmlth with1--whom the deceased lived after the death of her husband DESECRATE CEMETERY AT WILLIAMSTC N Part of It Is Being I'sod m a Slaugh ter Pen by Batchers In That city. Willlamston, Oct. 9.?Any who cares to walk through the public cemetery, will find signs of desecra tion which should shock every one posse sel dr an lota of respect for sacred things. Near the plot of C. W. Keith may be fouod a butcher ing pen. where men have killed and cleaned cattle, leaving the offal on the ground for the flies, vermin, etc.] to accumulate and spread disease among those living in the vicinity The rope and tackle for the work are left up a tree, so It will be con venient to retarn to work. It is hard to think that any man or men in Williamston could be guilty of such an act, as that of de filing the "city of the dead." In the cemetery rest the bodle? of loved ones out of almost every home In U)e town, and the deeecratioa of this 'sacred p!ac'e Is anTnsnlt. not fo th<# d<*ad. for they are safe from harm, but to the living, whose duty It Is to resent It. A.DDISCOS HOLD AN ENJOYABLE MEETING Will Arrange for a Dintrict Meeting to Be Held in Hiis City in I NoTpmbrr. The first of the autumn meetings of the Addlsco was held with Mlae Wlawall at her home on West Mate street at 4 o'clock yesterday after noon. The gracious hostess gave to each member a most cordial wel* come; the presence of her mother giving an added pleasure to her guests. The meeting was called to order by the President. Miss Jane Mycre, who with dlgolty and charm ad dressed the club, asking for coopera tion In the work for the coming year. The retiring Secretary read the minutes which were approve.). It was voted that the President, with Mrs. flam Fowle, should meet M'.s* Rodman, the sub-chairman of tho District Declproclty Committee of the State Federation of Women's Clubs, to arrange for a district meet Ing to be held in this city In Novem ber. The club expressed d?ep ap preciation for the proffered assist ance of Mrs. Betts, a charter mem ber of the Addlsco, In obtaining mat ter pertaining to the subjects for the papers. After the distribution Of books Miss Whitney reed a most delightful paper on "Music of Nature ?Ouf Bird?," paying Just homage to theee mUkatrels of the air.. A deli clo ft? salad couree was serv ed by the hostess, assisted by heri sister, Mlae Martha Wlawall. , LAD1RH AID WW IfcTV OV ii. k. owiinH MKKT The I,sdi*e Aid 8ooiet*> of the M. E. Church held a Very Interesting and enjoyable meeting ?t the resi denoe oY Mr*. R. B. Moore on Wot Second etre* t Monday afternoon. After the usual devotional exer c!mi, report* from the officers and committees, ssversl subjects feM brought up for discussion. ' Mrs. E. M. Snipes very forcibly presented the work of the Bpworth League and the ned o( arousing our young people la the work of the church The Home Department her don rery good work M ctrtog for the ?fek and seedy. After tke bueteeta teeeloa most dellciout refreshment? were gemd POLISH JEWS FLEEING TO THE AUSTRIAN LINES ? scene on one of the roads leading out of Lublin In Russian j^dland. showing poor Jewish children and tbelr mothers and old Jewish men floelng from their homes, which the Russians in retreating had destroyed to prevent the Oermans from finding quarters in them. They are carrying aU tfcey have been able to save, and 'nidging along, tired and worn out, towards th6 Austrian lines, where they sought safety and protection. Two Austrian soldiers aro passing cheering remarks to the refugees. AMERICAN DOCTOR IN RUSSIA That women should bo doctors on tho battlefield Is something unusual, but that an Amerlcsn woman phyal clan should volunteer her aorvlcca to the Russian medical division and ac tually serve at the front aa a medical assistant to a Siberian regiment, is * something extraordinary. This Ameri can woman doctor (name deleted by oensor), probably attached to the American hospital at Petrograd. has been with a Siberian reglmont that has battled Its way to the gates of Cracow, and has accompanied the re treating regiment Into the Interior of Russia. Now that the czar of Russia has taken supreme command of the Rutialan armies she expects that her regiment will soon resume the offen sive. She Is seen here on horseback. CIVIL WAR DISK RETURNED sent to Widow of 8oldler Killed In One of Battle* Before Peters burg. Harrlsburg. Pa.?An identification dink worn by Eli Johnson Ague, a Pennsylvania soldier, killed in one of the battles before Petersburg. Va. in th?r Civil war, has been sent to the widow of the soldier, Mrs. Matilda Ague of Oil City, by Adit. Oen. Thom as J. Stewart, after she had been searched for for months. Officials of the war department at Washington and of the adjutant gen eral's dopartment here, members of regimental associations, officers of Grand Army posts. Individuals and newspapors participated in the effort to find the widow. The disk was dug up on the battle field of cedar Mountain, Va.. by J. R. Leman, who took It to .Raleigh T. Green, editor of The Culpeper Expo nent. It bore a device frequently seen on such articles in the Civil war, and the name, of Ague, stating that he waa a member of Company B, Tenth Pennsylvania rMert*t Where the Damage Wee. "Yon ear the automobile etruck| yon?" asked the Judge. "Yae Judge, it ehure did atiike me. I all right," replied the colored man ln| court "Wh?re did It etri*? yonf 'In de hald, Judge." "Rut your head'aeeme to be all right. Ram." Oh, yae. mah' hald am all light, tat nt l?r otttbt? h 4?t W>" . - ? - **HMr V. [ Special School Election to be Held. To Enforce Com pulsory Attendance Law. Other Matters Were Acted Upon. A Dumber Of Important^matters were acted upon at the meeting of the County Board of Education at the court house this week. Upon examination of the county Hnaoce committee's report-, it was found that the sheriff had overpaid the general school fund $1,977.83. TITls amount was ordered refunded and the board gave Its note for the i same. , / ? V Bids were received for^ihe school house and site In dlstrfct N?. B. Washington tow*ahlp, ? HZx: Jv A. Brltton's bid of $56.00 being the! highest. The county superintendent was requested to make a public sale of same and In the event Mr. Brlt ton's &id was no: raised, to make the deed for the land to Mr. Brittou. It appearing that circumstances were such in to make it necessary for certain persons, living in the neighborhood of Mr. Jessie Warren to support a private school for their children, the board appropriated $12.50 per month for Ave months to help defray the expense of maln-l talnlng said school. A committer of ladles from Waah-I ington and vicinity, asked the board for an appropriation of $250, "which, with the $250 appropriated by th* county board of commissioners, would enable the county to eecuro $500 from the U. 8. Department of j Agriculture, for the Canning Club I work In tho county. The spproprla^ tlon was made. C. L- Oodley. of District No. 12. Chocowlnlty ?township, asked lha board for an appropriation to paint their school building. The board i not being In a position to grant tho request, Mrs Baugham. Mrs. Small, Mrs. Carter, Mr?. Dalley and Mri, Fowl? mnde voluntary contributions to the amount of $18.00, which, with the amount already on hand, was suffice nt to do the work. On petition signed by the requir ed number of free holders, an elec* tlon was allowed In district No.- 4,1 Long Acre township for a special) tax. The i?ame arrangements for the transfer of certain children In district No. 4. Washington township as last year, was ordered continual. A petition froia O. 8tllley thit special tax be derive^ from his property In the Kdwand, No. 11 dis trict, be paid to the Aurora Graded School was considered!.. It was the opinion of the board (that such ar rangements could only be made by agreement with the tfommltteaa of tho two districts, and no action was white public schools of the cobnty was aet for October . 25. Schools VIM,A AKKIVBR ON RIO UKAffiDK BORDBH El Pmo, Tm? Oct. fr.?Qen. Fran ciaco Villa arrlvrd at ^uarex, aero?? tha border from here today. Ha said only "the future would t?U" of hi* I plan. George O CartMW?, npecUl rapraMotatlvo of theilftate Depart ment, called at Vlllajjp private oar bttt did tot enter after conferring with Dr. Lala Garden#, Milliter Qf OOMrjificton, taken. ^ The superintendent wan asked to investigate, with a view of having children of Richard M. Boyd and Jarvis Boyd transferred 10 the Pine town graded school. District No. 6. Washington color ed. was allowed to use a balance of $78.26, left to the credit of said dis trict from 1913-14 for building pur poses. The compulsory attendance ago wm changed from 8 to 12 to S to IS ycare, um provided Jar In section 1 of the Compulsory Attendance .aw. | The date for the opening of tb? i opening later than this must make I special arrangements with the coun ty superintendent. The colored schools win oper. No v inter 22nd. The time for beginning of the | compulsory attendance period was 'set for November 22nd. provided 1 tbat If the school shall open later than this time. Ita compulsory at tendance p riod shall begin at the opening and continue for four : months. Teachers will be required to at tend all teachers* meeting, without compensation. No teachers* vouch er shall be approved by the county | superintendent until all absences I from such meetings are satisfactor ily explained and excuse rendered for such absence. SUSMAN GETS $864 DAMAGES Dcci*l?o Hud?d Down In 8up?1or Court YMrtfftdjr. Other ('mm Trlwl. Several decisions have been band ed down in the Superior courf. prominent among them being th case of th" Washington Horse change vs. the Louisville an*4 w ?III? Railroad. Mr. Buitmt' ^ .J In a claim for $1,600. ' yes terday he was award A Four cases ago* / Belhaven Drug Company wert j brought up yesterday. Upon agreement of the council for both sides, the Jud^e this morning ordered a mistrial. The court is now trying the easel of Kllllngsworth vs. the Norfolk' Southern. I! Quantity Ginned This Year 1? Al most IH>uble Tlmt of Loot Vw for Same Period of Time. Almost twice jib much cotton h.-? been ginned la Beaufort county up to September 25th thT* year ai? com pared with the same period of tlrr I la?t year According to flgurev tn^il I public today. 676 balos have becu I ginned The figures for lant y?-ir| show that on'y 377 bales were g.ii ned. | THE BAR AC A. CLASS IN NEW QUARTERS' Old II oni 1? No Longer Lnrw Enough to Hold All of (lie Mem- I Im*tk of This PopaJar Class. . Owing to the large Increase In I membership, the Baraca Class of tha J Methcrdl?t church 'will meut In their new quarters for the first time to morrow morning The rear part of the church Auditorium will be cur tained off for their special use. Tli? old Baraca room can no longer hold all of the m? mbers. The "Reds" are still five members ahead of ihe "Blues" in the cam paign for new members Everyone is Invited to bo on hand tomorrow | morning and take part in the Ba raca work. The da?? meets at 9 45 HAD UIHTIIDAY PA RTV. James Bryan Little, the three year old son of Mr. ar.d Mr*. A. Little, gave a birthday pa.:y ye *.er day afternoon at r. ? hoi. e of parent? on North Kir'.;et str >t. *i": ? occasion narkci tht: t'-.lrd j ;nlve:--j Bary or Uh sata lay. Quite a largo1 number of 3 s pis. mau*3 and frlenisj attended at J had x most enjoyable time. SAY! WE MEAN YOU Keep Right H?w would like to bo assured On Reading? of quality goods and yet be able to save a few cents on every purchase for your table? You'd jump at the chance, wouldn't you. There isn't a quality article in the foodstuff line that yotFcan mention hut what we go others just n little better in price We keep the price down and the quality up. You get the advantage and it's a big saving in the run of a year. Rig ?took to se lect from. We Guarantee Satisfaction. J. E. Adams & Co. E OF GREECE F GOVERNMENT HAS DECIDED TO M AlNTA1N "BE NE VOLENT NEITHAI,ITV" TC> ALL. HALT INVASION \ UMn>-<ieniuui Drive Ovt-r Save is Said to be 1(4<i?uIn<k1. ConceMlons by IU-P In an J Vinini to Kotla M? trrln?. I >:<Iu' t Believe tntco>e Nations. Allien*. Oct. S>.?The Greek gov ernment has decided to declare the Greek altitude one of "benevolent neutrality" toward all. At:rur1mi leaders Arrmird. Zuri' k. .Switzerland. Oct. ?For* opposing Bulgar.a's entrance ln'o the war. leader* of the Agrarian par ty are being arrested by the whole sale. accor.iitg to a Sulla dispatch to Bud;:p?-*! Save Invasion Hi-puNed. Parlb. Oct. i?.?I) operate resist ance of the Ausiro-German drlvsa .nto Serbia across the Danube. Save und Dntia rivtri? it. reported from NIj.1 a:.d llou.e Ni.?h today claim ed :.ia: t!v ?"ave Invasion had been r- pulled. Promts?-?] Mi: garin Territory. Mirllr, Oct :? Bulgaria joined *he Teuton* :i ird-r to unite all the ?'ulgarlan p? <j !e. according to the mmtfest ic? the Servian government, pr.j:( d today In th" 3*:ankfurter Ze.tung. l' -"a. d Geriaarv ar d Aus tria p:. :.:>cd Bu'.g.irl:* parts of Serb.a It -aid Soflc d:tbe!t?*ved the Allies" pledge? and dt-uounr-.-d th?> ambitions of itu?>-ia. France and England. It upheld Germany and Austria a?- d fender of property and peaceful pri^resK. .l?iililru llulprla'? I>?."duration. Nish Oct. 9,?The Bulgarian minifier has received hi.' pas&porta. The declaration of war is only a mailer of hours. Invasion Progressing, Berlin. Oct 9.?The three Au.? tro-G rman Invasions of Serbia aro progressing satisfactorily. !i Is of ficially plated. Answering o social ist petition protesting the ' ?r' food prices, the chancellor * y prom ised to name a comml .jji reprn entlng all parties to seek relief. " l,e Germans have progressed south .?t Marie, where the French n s ly threat ncd the Germany sup [ ' railroad, it 1m ofTicIa'ly announc ri. PITTMA N-<? ASK ll,I? M?s* Sidney Ga*kill, daughter of th? lat Capt. David Gaskll] of Mauls Point, X. C.. and Mr. W. J. Pitt man. of the same place, were hap pl'y united in marrlngp at the brides home on October *ih. a' x-3b p. m. Rev. W. K Trotman officiating. Mrs. Plrtman ih an exceptionally fine young lady and her friend? are legion Mr i? n promising young man who also has many friends and n I aro Klad they will made their home among us in their old com munity. hivs it.\Krn. Don't forget nexf Friday, the big show day here in Washington. Brln* Jhe family. Tome right to our stu dio; make it li??nrt'i?ttrters pien'y of ro'ini. I?'*a V" your baggage or bund!e?r; wo tak? or them for you. We will always t?e yours- to please and aerv? whenever It Is our pict ure. BAKER'S STUDIO.

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