in Washington. Read the advertisements of Merchants Offering Special Bargains HINGTON DAILY NEWS = Tki WEATHER?0*urmll7 fair lon!#M. ModaraU autvlr JOX V. c SATURDAY AFTERNOON OCTOBER )( mJ v No. 88 H mE ms an MfeVOMi NCKS YE8TEKDA V AFTERNOON AND NIGHT PLEASED AUDIENCES. MANY FINE ACTS Profnun Was Far Abort That Been at the Average Circus. Prrforro ?i Wfw Tainted Actor*. Many "Side" Attraction Furnished Over 8,000 persona saw the Ha gsnbeck-Wallace circus here yester day. Three thousand were preeeut at the performance during the af ternoon and over 2.000 attended th? night performance. This 1? the largest attendance that has ever been accorded any one exhibition In Washington. It Is estimated that close to 2000 persons came In from various parts of Beaufort. Martin and Pitt ooun tie? during the day- Belhaven and Aurora were represented by large delegations, as were also Greenville and Wllllamston. Every kind of vehicle, from the mule csrt to the 1916 touring car, was used in bring ing the crowds fto town. At one time It was practically impossible to walk along Main street, which was 'literally packed with people. The crowds conducted themselves in a generally orderly manner and there was little disturbance from any source, although there appear ed to be ? considerable quantity of .liquor la town. ' T^ie circus came up to the expet-J tatlons of everyone. The doors ofi the show opened an hour before the| performance began and allowed spectators ample ' opportunity to visit the various side-shows sod menagerie. The exhibit of animals was large and varied and the larg est ever seen here. The small shows were fairly good and with one ex ception were of the class that could be seen by men, women and children alike. The circus Itself was excellent. Every act was ^bnrarljr carried out and was roundly applauded. There was not a single disappointing num ber on the bill. The ring work, tumblers and aorobats, clowns and animal acts were of an exceedingly high order. The aerial trapere ar tists were generally proclaimed to be the best part of the performance. The chariot races, which ended the performance, were exciting snd thrilling. One of the fnnnlest parts of the circus wbi a little performance that was not on the bills. The chief ac tors were the fellows who sold cush ions through the audience. ' Their method of operation netted them considerable revenue and also fur ? nlshed unlimited amusement for the audience. One of these fellows would watch a gentlemen come In with his girl, snd would immediately bustle a round and, in a very courteous man ner, put the cushions behind the couple's back? as they sat down. The audience, which, after the first one or two Incidents, bad seen th' ?Joke In the affslr, wonld watch closely and Invariably, there would spread ah expression of pleased surprise over the gentleman's fsce due to the uwher's courtesy. After the couple had become comfortably settled, the usher would lean over and whisper In the gentleman's/ear. The pleased expression wonld grad ually change to a pesvlsh frown, as the gentleman reached down la his poclets to fork ooi the price of the cushions. His act would be greeted with roars of laughter on the part of all those who had Witnessed the performance. Taken all together, It was a cir cus that was fa t above the average Lin its attractions and manner of operation. _It Will show tonight In Pew Bern. U. D. 0. MBETOTG. ^Th?re will b* a maatlar of Pam Chapter. V. D. C., Monday ?f on at 4: JO o'clock al tha pub AI! mambara ara arfed nt, am tbara ara amral ft mattara to all brought ap i INHABITED ONLY BY CHILDREN Both the German and Ruaaian armies have marched through and fought around this rlllaca of Rozen. Newspaper correspondents found tb?-re only rains and children when they pasaed through in the rear o( iho advancing i temna. TO I Mw<lnjt Vm Held Laat Night and PUaa DiactJaed. Prominent llut< ineu Men Out of Town Men to bo Invited to 8moker. The committee, appointed at Tuesday night's meeting of the Chamber of Commerce to \ook into the Inatter of having some kind of a "get-together" meeting for the Chamber, announced this morning that they had held a meeting last night and were ready to make s report to the -Chamber. Th* com-* mlttee consists of B. F. Bowers, Win. Ellison and F. J. Berry. The committee decided to favor a "smoker" for the club, at which the prominent business men of the elty would be invited and two or three out of town men also asked to be presont. At this meeting a general discussion of the Chamber work will take place and p'.ans will be discussed relative to making the work of the organisation more rf fectlve. It is expected that a large number will attend the meeting. | The Chamber will probably hold i a spcclai meeting next week to re ceive the report of the committer.) The smoker will probably be held some time during the early part of ncxt month. NATIONAL GRAND OPERA CO. COMING Manager Capehart of the New. Theatre announces an engagement' of unusual Interest to the music lov ers of Washington In coming of the National Orand Opera Company, which Is making its first tour of this oouotry. This organisation of grand opera song birds, although new to this country, has a well established reputation for its merit In the larg? olties of Europe where It has ap peared annually, and it Is owing to the European strife that a tour of the United States and Canada ha? been decided upon. The company Is a large oen with a well balanced cast of artists jf repute, cb#rua and an rchestra of grand opera musicians, under the direction of the famous 'scoreless' conductor, Chevalier Giuseppe An gelini, who conducts all t?* opera< from meory. Special scenery and effects . to mount the operas In an elaborat - manner li carried for all produc tions. The opera to bo given for this engagement will be "Rlgoletto." WANTED! 80t fef*a t? J?4a Oar Uttkn PmAl ( loh Wt wast men who want their Clothe* I'reMfd RI? h t ?od who want i? dooe at ft price ih?y o? afford to pay. Are You One of the Men? WRIGHTS STPAM PRESSING WORKS PHONIMl MOL IIS K i ti* t<> ti Defeat ?*d Washington Foot ball Team Ye?teeday by Score of KM). The Washington Highs wore de feated In their first game of the season yesterday with Kinston by the score of 10 to 0. The points were made through tfae field goal, by drop , kick from the twenty yard line and one toughdown. Although aeveral of the players bad never played in a game before, both teams played good ball. Wash ington had vervral chances of scor ing but a bad pass once was the cause of a fumble and Kinston re covered the ball on their five-yard line. Heavy gains were made through the line by both sides. The features of the game were for Washington Ricks and Carter Id line plunges and also the defen sive playing of Hudnell at left half. For Kinston their back old Interfer ence and lue playing of Brewer. Although the locals lost our first game they are going to play much harder to win the others. Kinston womes over on the 29th of this month. NKW CHRISTIAN PASTOR VISITS ROCKY MOUNT Rev. It. V. Hoj>^ Spends Day In Con nect km With Karl j Annulling Work Untitling Par-nonage. (The following Is taken from I yesterday's Issue of the Rocky Mount I Telegram). Rev. R. V. Hope, of Washington, who several weeks ago acceptcd the ca'.l to the ChrlstlaSi church of this city, spent the day here today and looked Into the affairs In connection with hla work in this city. Rev. Hope will take over the pas torate of the Christian church In thte city on November 1st, and will Oil the pulpit for this congregation on November 7, this being the first Sunday In that month. Rev. Hope, while here went over the plans of the preliminary work in connection with the parsonage that is now bring built on Nash 8t. between Franklin and Pearl. Thlff building Is an attractive seven-room home, being built at an outlay of about $5,000. \ v While one of the younger men In connection with the Christian church Rev. Hope Is. nevertheless, one of | the most active divines In the church work and his acceptinc? or the pas torate here Is expected to revive much internet In the Christian faith, not tor this church only, but through out this section. | Mrs. Hope will probably mova from Washington to this city about December 1. While no time is specified for the completion of the parsonage. It is [believed that Messrs. Daughtridge A Son wl'.l have this work completed In time for occupaney by the first of the coming year. Militia The Washington divleioif of t1|f K C naval mitltla returned today Iron More???4 City, m HI ME imp 11. MEETING OF KjU&OAD OFK1C IA I? VAi UKUTH1S WEEK AT SWAN QUARTER. PRICE^OOOOO Option to Go lata Effect Id Hlxty l>?ya. Will 9* I* Month?. I*urch??lng Prte? Fixed at $30, OOO. Parti?? Ar^. Unknown. At a meeting of the officer? of the Mattamuskeet Railroad Company which was bold ,it Swan Quarter this week. It was decided to give an option on tho Spencer & Spencer, attorneys.,'^ 8wan Quar ter." The option fnea *?? Axed at S3.000, and the psnbaslng price at $50,0C0. At the Meeting, a verbil agreement was entered Into to put the option In tlMtf ?0 days after date of the maotlM. The option will be deliver?! for a period of six months. _ Uj??. ; The Mattamftfkoit railroad 'i surveyed from VWIrfleld to Wash ington, with right* Of way. grading, etc. It ia estimated that the road has cost in the neighborhood of $140.000. There 1* no rolling stock on the road aa yet- jit la not known whom Spencer 4fc Mgncer represent and what their cllMktn intend doing with the road. Ojfttons have been delivered on the ffmd at previous times, but nothing Aaa ever result ed. The general jAprescrlon In tbe past has been thatuare would not be sufficient tonnaifeover the road to make It a payWg proposition With tbe draining fk the lake and other Improvement in that section, it ia felt that an lpcreaae of ton nage will et? Uuurad- "to mak? the road a revenue producer. MURE BUSINESS DON K IN WASHINGTON THIS WEEK THAN ANY TIME I1KFOKE One of the most prominent * business men in the city this ? morning stated that he had done more business during the pres ent wock than during any week In the last ten years. This in cludes "Christmas week," and tho other seasons when trading Is usually heavy. Other mer chants have also stated that their business has been excep tionally good thig week. THE DAILY NBW8 CAR RIED MORE ADVERTISING THIS WEEK THAN IT EVER ? HA8 CARRIED DURING THI8 SEASON IN PAST YEARS. SPECIAL MEETING CHAMBER COMMERCE Is to Be Held Monday Night 'or the Purpose of Receiving Report of Com mi t toe. A special meeting of the Cham ber of Commerce will be held Mon day evening at eight o'clock. There are several matters of importance to be brought up before the meeting, 7?romlnrnt among them being the receipt of the report of the com mittee. which- was appointed to look Into 'the matter of holding a "get together" meeting for tho club. All members are urgently re quested to attend this moetlng. H will start promptly at eight o'clock. COUPLE HAD TOO MUCH LIQUOR IN THEIR CAR Stereo Davis and Raymond Jones Arrcmted In RalelgH?They H?d ?78 Pint*. Raleigh, Oct. 16.?-Tha city police are holding Steve Davis and Ray mond Jones, alleged name? of two rather enterprising oltisens who were caught near midnight with an Apperson "Jack Rabbit" oar with 27* pint? of liquor o? St. This thirst parlor mounted knd built for speed bore a Virginia li cense and It supposed to hate been coming this way for fair weak. It C'rumly was foxing "Jot \t COLONEL BULLARD AT BROWNSVILLE Colonel Dullard, commanding t lie United Status troops at Hrovrnsrllle. Tex., la here seen (left) In front of bis headqt*arters consulting with Captain Johnson, one of hla aids. MUMMY Important llattie? to be Staged on Gridiron Will Give s line on Material of V*rlou College?. New York, Oct. 16.?Three gamu? of more than ordinary Importance feature the eastern football card to-| day. In the meeting of Virginia and Harvard. Pennsylvania and Navy and Colgate and the Army there are usual possibilities for upsets and surprises. Should all six teams play strictly to season form, the result in each contest Is likely to remain 'ni doubt until the closing period of! the game. The leading contests of the day In the east follow: Virginia at Harvard. Pennsylvania at Navy. Lafayette at Princeton. Colgate at Army. Bucknell at Cornell. 8pringf)eld at Yale. Vermont at Dartmouth. North Carolina at Georgetown. Amherst at Georgetown. Amherst at Trinity. Carlisle at Pittsburgh. William? at Drown. Gettysburg at Penn State. Swarthmore at Urslnus. Bowdoln at Wes!eyan. Albright at Lehigh. NOVKIi ADVKHTIREMEXT8 ATTRACT ATTENTIOV The Central Warehouse did some novel advertising yesterday when they plaMtert'd the sides of an ele phant with an announcement of their place of business. The entire herd wan placed at the dlaponal of tho tobacco people. There Is no doubt but that tho advertising was h4gh(y effective Jand will produce ? r<vults. Considerable comment was heard on the starts regarding It. C. L. ('arrow alao took advantage of the circus to advertise his Hud son and Maxwell cars. The machines showed up well In the . long parade. The ring master made an effec tive talk on the First National Bank, whleh proved another unique meth od of placing the name of that In stitution before the people. was taken near the West Raleigh limit? and the two men placed un der bonds of 1100 each. They will be tried Saturday morning In tne eity police eourt. The mr n declared when taken that they were riding over the na tional highway and that was emi nently tree. The capture was the biggest la which local officers have ever taken a hand. KdmoiitlHon to ?>e Tried on CImu-k*' of Violating While Hlave I<aw. Only Two Cmt, on the Criminal Dock?. Federal court will convene la Washington next week, beginning Monday. What in probably the most Important case on the docket la that of P. A. Edmondson. the former Greenville banker, who la charged with violating the white friave law. The plaintiff In the ca?e is Miss Eulalle Dudley, of New Bern. This case was taken up In Greenville a bout two months .Ago, but no decis ion was rendered. Another case of interest is that of a young man from Pantego, who U charged with ?'and?rlng a B haven young girl throui 'i t; malls. These are th*- 1y l* ?> ease on the criminal d-ickt BANANA PEEL CAUSED MISHAP John flame?; I'erl on Hlik-wnlk; Two Unttlcs In Hip I'ookrtN; Feet Struck Pwi*?Ring! Seldom, If ever, has a fall-? caus ed by slipping on a banana peel bc<n more disastrous than II was In Hie case of John Dames yesterday afternoon. Mr. Dames Ik a fnriner who resides near tho Pitt county line. lie came to town to s"e Ihp rlrciM. and he cam? Ruppllod with enough refreshments (In liquid form) roj 'ast liiru through tho day. Th*- ox act amount was two pint bottlu*: one of which he carried In each hip pocket. . John spent the morning on Main street. Joyously greeting acqualn lances. At about two o'clock h??| decided it was time to go to th?? show. Some I,o-Drow, who had bpen eating a banana In front *>f Mr. Leggett's store on Third street, carelessly threw some of the peel on the sld?walk. When John came a long, head In the air and blithely whistling to himself, one of his feet Same In contact with the slippery I peel. John hoversd precariously for a vrcond. with one toe on the sidewalk, and the other pointing to i wards the heavens. Then he came in contact with the sidewalk. 80 did the two bottles. There was a tinkling of glass, and then several highly oderous stream? began to spread around where John was sit ting. It wss ?'fcood-bye whiskey/' only John expressed himself la stronger term? than that. He eoa tinned on his way to the clrcas, bat he was less cheerful in manner and expression. 1 MAKI GUIS VIENNA CLAIMS THAT AI'HTRO? HUNGARIAN FORCES ARE Ml'CCBfWFl'L. OTHER VICTORIES HritixJi lloMlnL- fn|>ture<I Ground in the Wwil, Von Miukmn?! I? at UcIktmIc. Very Little CliMKt) in liatl.'o in Kuwila. Vienna, Oct. 16.?The Austrian* have held off against the Russians Tli? y have gained a little against the Italians. Those co-operating with the Germana have marie rapid pro gress in Serbia, the war office an nounced today Three Russian as saults In Galicla, west of Tarnopol. lave been repulsed. In the Jacorcek regions, on the Italian front, tho Auatrlans have occupied many trenches. They have gained In Ser bia In the vlrlnl'y of Belgrade, tn-rhlu IWare* War. London, Oct 16 ?Serbia has de clared war on Bulgaria. Answering the Bulgarian demand fur a declara tion of the Creek attitude. Premier Za'.mls today again announced Greece as neutral. according to an Athene disputrh to the Time?. British Holding < 'aptured (irouud. London. Oct. 16 ?Retention a gains! all German counter-attacks of ail 'he ground gained by the British In Wednesdays lighting In the Loos region, 1? claimed in dispatcher from the front. Von M#ck<nwn at llehcrudc. Rame, Get. 16.?Field Marshal Von Mackensen and Generals Gall wic and Echorn have arrived at Bel grade and taken command of the 350.000 Germana and Austriana xn the Serbian drive, said a Buchareat dispatch to the Corylere Del laser a today. The Situation In the West. Paris, Oct. 16.?A bombardment In the regions of Loos and Souchez occurred Thursday night. It la of ficially announced. There were hot grenade exchangegs In the trenches routh of Bol?*n and Sache. and ar tillery du'-la In the Champagne re gion. BAR AC AS WILL MEET TOMORROW A !..rge attendance Is expected at !:e meeting of the H a raca elasa at the Methodist church tomorrow morning. It Is believed that the attendance mark will exceed fifty, which wil) surpap* all record? for any Sunday school tlms ever hell In Washington. Tlio members of th?? class aro en thusiastic over the work the class 1?< doinif and everyone in taking on Inter *? in securing more member* ord muk'ng th?? clas* even larger than It Is now ( IlKAT BRITAIN" IS NOW AT WAR WITH BULGARIA London, Oct. 16.??Great Britain ban declared war on Bulgaria. The Ttr$t?j"h for*?1f?n office an nounced she Is at war wJlh Serbia .ind Is an ally of the central pcrera, iihj majpjily's government h*?" In form-d tlif Unitarian government through the Swedish mil. at Txindon. who Is In chnrire of Bul garian interest*. that a state of war exista between Great Britain and Bulgaria as from 10 p. m TO-NIGHT "Hutchison Musical Comedy Company" In Singing, Dancing. Comedy PHOTOPI?AVH 'Worn? end W?r** 3-reel Feature

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