NEWS WASHINGTON N. C TUESD\Y \FTERNOON OCTOBER 1? WIS . No.? Fill ADMINISTRATION LOOKS TO TUB nOFLIt TO FAVOR THK PROPOSED PROGRAM. ?lNO?POLITlCi>a Defense Plu from Becoming ? Politicni iMue. Expected There Will Be Some Oppo^Uon. '?rk#r R- Anderson) Washington, Oct. 1?.?Adminis tration officials confidently expect the country will support the nation al defense program, which will be1 submitted to Coogrese in December by President Wilson. With the publication of an out line of the reports prepared by Sec retary of War Garrison and Secre tary of the Na?y Daniel? and the announcement that the President !s in accord with the views of bbth, an intense interest has been evi denced in ali paru of the nation. While It la appfreciated that there ^wlll be ? opposing element in Cou Kgress, particularly in the houae, the belief is that the ultra pacificists will be decidedly In the minority. No one here doubts that the ques tion of preparedness will occupy tho , limelight when ?ongreas meets. ' "There Is a red-blooded appeal in the big program that is sure to bring out the loudest whooping the old halls hare heard for a decade or more." said an official today. "Talk about revision of the tariff and Sxteasion of the war tax and other aubjects is- weak compared to the warm interest being shown In the Garrison plan for a cltlxen army and the navy's first real navy plan that has been given administration ? support since war times." Tke hope of the administration is that the defense program may bo kept "ouj of politics and It will be unless Republicans seek to put par tisanship above patriotism. It is. realised that In order to aak the ar my and navy bills defense advocates in both parties will have to unite a~ gainst the small a?my and navy men in the senate and house. Outside organisations Interested klr. preparedness ?re striving to keep the question out of politics.. The American Defense society, for in stance, announced today that it would be prepared to flood senators and representatives with petitions ^bearing 10,000,000 'signatures if "it Is found necessary to convince-them that the people want the matter of defense considered on Its merits. BUSINESS MEN MEET TONIGHT An important meeting of the Business Men's Association will he hold In ths rooms of the Chamb r -*of Commerce tonight. This will tyj the regular monthly mooting of the association and there'are a number of important matters to bo brought up for consideration. All mombors aro requested to be In attsndaooo. TODAY S COTTON L- QUOTATIONS r ?- ? ' ? BMd cotton?$4.76. Lint ootton?11 6-8 to I t , *'?otton >Ma??410? IDEAL Pressing Club Wo do dry cleaning. French dry cleaning. WO also clssn Hats. We call for and doltrtr promptly. Our press ing Is dope entirely with eloc trlelty, cleaning dpno by sloc *-* vacuum cleaner. Ladles Suits ah# Skirts s T'1? tu?s wooden statu* of Fteia' Marshal von Hlndenburg was un- | veiled recently In Berlin In the prcs ence of many notables. Its making required 51.000 pounds of alderwood. Oold. stiver and Iron nails are being driven Into It by the donors to war hospital funds. The picture, taken during tho unveiling ceremonies, shows a Zeppelin hovering overhead. FOUND LOST ARTICLE ? ( ON SAME AFTHRXOON ?] IT WAS ADVERTISED * i ? In yesterday's lasne or the * Dally News there was Inserted. * , In the "classified" column, s * small advertisement, announc- ? Ing the loss of a gold crow and * ohaln. Fifteen minutes sfter * the papers were delivered on * the streets, the lady who had * the advertleement inserted wsi * called 4m the phone by a trav- ? elllng man, who Informed her * that he had found her chain. ? PASSED AWAY 'Mf WAB ONE OF THE MOOT PROMI NENT RESIDENTS OF HVDE COUNTY. iSICK TWO DAYS Wae Taken Suddenly 01 With Pnru motiia Suuday Morala#. Punera! Service* Will Re Hold ThU After. (Special to tli? Dali/ News) .Swan Quarter. Oct. 1?.?Qreely Brinn, aged 49. died thla morning ar 6:80 at his home here. Death *a* due to pneumonia. Funeril aervicee will be held this afternoon. News of the death of Mr. Brinn came as a sudden shock to hi* friends In Hyde county, and will be j received with deep and genuine sor row on the part of hletnany friends in thla tectiln of the State. He was one of the most prominent' men in this community and devoted much time to its upbuilding and progreee. He was a director of the Bank of Hjde and the Bank of Belhaven and atoo held the office of treasurer of Hyde county for the last six year? Mr. Brinn was sick only two days. He was taken auddenly ill 8unday morning. Physicians did all In their, power to aave him. Dr. J. O. Blount, of Washington, was notified and! called here for consultation. In spite I of the efforts of the doctors, how-1 ever, he grew weaker hourly and finally succumbtd to the sickness which had seised him. It is expected that the funeral this afternoon, will be the largest ever held In Hyde county. Frlende from all over the State are expected to be in attendance. THE OLD MARSH HOME IS SOLD TO J D. EBORN Historic Landmark at Bath Changed Hands Yesterday. Was Built in 1774. One of the Oldest x Houses in the State. THK MARKU HOMK. J. li. Rborn, of Bayalde, yeatar day purohaaf d /the old Marsh home 1?. Math, the conald'fatlon bela? 92.900. Jiurt what Mr. Eborr In tends doing with the property Is not yet knoVn. hat It I? reported that he la thinking of tearing down tho old'building and putting up a mod ern home o it the land The old JkfartBh hofts? I? 000 ot tl* o'dent lo North Carolina. It wgi built In *744 by a Frenchman. Mon tlnr Cootanch, for Mr. and Mr* Whiten ore. wbo sold It to Jonatban Mareh, a wealthy ehlp-owner about 177?. It haa been in the Mare'i family every alnco. It waa sold to Mr. fcfcorn by Mre. B. j. Draper, who Inhetited It from ber flrtt bviband. f 9. Mirih. The old mansion has been an in- I tercstlng landmark In Dath and has been visited by thousand* of par won*, who I mi pert' d the many old rooms that the houaa contained One of the most unique features of tho old home Is the great chimney in the rear. It has a breadth of saren tOfn feet and a depth- of 4 feet. It Is atated that the brick tieed In Its construction wss brought to Bath from England. TherO are two win dows In the cblmncy, which were turn In to he ased at loop ho'.ee for fighting Indians. The greater paft of the bulldlnx Is ntlll In exoallont eondttlon. al though soma of the flooring la fa bad ibape. The floor In tho front room of thrt house recently gam way when g aaattr of parsoc? war* bold 'i#.?*. - "?fc-vf?, \.? A. J ? II Fume nmi EXHIBITS WILL BE MORE >T>I EItUL'8 AXD UETTER THAN EVER THIS YEAR. ? CLEARING GROUND Prmctkmlljr Et**jo?? in City U Join >B| la the Work of <***!?? Rc4cl} for Che Fair, Which Will Qflrn Tucmlmy, Not. 0. i special i o me Daily News) Aurora, Oct 19.?The oomlng fair 1? lb? principal topic of discus sion and Interest hare. Practleelly ereryone la assisting it preparing (or the event and it can now be pos itively staled that thla year's-even? will surpass any of past yean in sise and quality. V The agricultural and lite steck exhibits are coming In fast. From the present outlook It la safe to estimate that these exhibits will be twice as numerlus as those of last year. Farmers are taking treat interest In this part of the fair and It Is bound to be a big success: Work is proceeding now in pre paring the grounds where the (air is to be held. Buildings are feeing repaired wherever 'necessary, Weeds sre being cut down and similar Work is being done daily. The fair will open on Tneedav, November 9, and continue for three kt i'% PRESIDENT WRITES LETTER OF THANKS TO NAVAL jfelTIA Is la Reply to Congratolary Tele* S*mm Soot Him by Local Qiv lak* of State The Washington diviaion of the State Naval Militia are in receipt of a letter (.om Prealdent Wilson, In which he thanks them (or the con gratulatory telegram they sent him & few days ago. when the announce ment of his engagement to Mr*, "alt was made public. The letter reads as follows: The White House. Washington. October 14. 1915. Vfy dear Commander Morton: May 1 not express to you and convey through you to the members of the North Carolina Naval Militia my alncere appreciation of your gen erous and graolous message of con gratulation? It gave me sincere! pleasure. Cordially and sincerely yours, (8igned) WOODROW WILSON. Commander Charles L. Morion, North Carolina Naval Militia. Washington. North Carolina. KmokfHl While limn g Hung. Murphysboro, 111., Oct. 19.?Joe Deberry, aged 23, the negro slayer of Mrs. James F. Martin, wife of a local attorney, calmly smoked a cigar when hanged this morningg In a stockad? In the public square In the presence of 8000 spectators. ATTORN K Y SAYfl THA* NO AC TION WllJi HE UAKEW AOAINHT WHATEVER BILL ?RAND JURY FINDS. Although hi? eaae has not yet come up, It 1? understood that F. A. Edraundson will a. nolo con tandare, In other words, submit to whatever bill tba grand Jury find? against him. It la probable tkat tha matur will be disposed of thUi afternoon. \ ; Kdmundson la cbargad with *lo 'stln* tha white alava lew. Mia? Kotali* Dudley, of New Bara. la the defendant la tba SIM. lag a debating meeting there, Mo one waa aeflooalr Injury 1? In cident CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TO CilVK "8MUXEK" ON NIGHT OP OCTOBER 80. GOOD SPEAKERS Program Will Coaalat of a Light Supper, Followed bj AMnw on th? Pari uT Local CitUea? and Others. At tli? Chamber of Commerce meeting last night, at' which a largo number of members were present. It was deddcd to held a "smoker" and "get-together" meeting on Thursday of next week. It is plan ned to have about two hundred men present and an entertaining and In teresting program It being arranged for. Wm. Ellison, B. F. BowerB and F. J. Berry, the committee appointed at the last meeting of the Chamber to look into the above^project, made their report last night, which was accepted and endorsed. This com mittee will also have In charge the arranging of a suitable program. According to the discussion which took place last night and the sug gestions of the committee, a light supper will be served?probably at the Elks' hall?which will be fol lowed by addresses from a few of the local citizens and two or three prominent men from other cities In this Bectlon of the State. Morn detailed Information, re garding the program and other mat-v ters, will be announced during ths early part of next week. STRICT NAVAL POLICY. Washington, Oct. 19.?Orders an-J nounced for the court-martial of Hear Admiral William N. Little, re tired, at Boston for alleged care lessness in accepting the submarine K-2 with defective storage batter ies, caused a sensation In naval clr cles. The orders are regarded as the beginning of a stricter policy In all dealings with private yards. Federal Court Opened Today. Federal court opened hers this morning. Tho early hours of the session were devoted to picking om the jurors, swearing them in and making the charge to the grand Jury. Cases will be brought upfor trial this afternoon. YOUNG MEN'S CLUB IS FAST GAINING IN POPULARITY Meeting Was HHd 1/ut Night. Close to WOO In Treasury. Board of Directors to be Elected. The Young Men's Club met last1 night in their rooms In the Laugh-1 Inghouse building. In the absencc of the President, tfenry Webster, the chair was fl'.lrd by Vice-Presi dent, Hubert Ellis. Walter Morgan actcd as Secretary, and CbarleB Al len was elected as Press Reporter. The moat Important business of the evening was the donation of $150 by Mr. Fuller through Miss Sadie WIbw^U, represented by David i Smith. Mr. Smith made a very good talk concerning the uses of tho money, why donated, etc.. Increas ing the Interest of the members to a great extent. Miss Wlswa'.l has tho money ready to turn over to the club. Mr. 8raith also presented a Ust of subscriptions amounting to about $100 from the dlerent busi ness men or the city for the bene fit of this club. Committees were organised to collect this money, whloh will be used to furnish rooms and for various other purposes. It waa also decided that the club was to have a Board of Directors com posed of a number of the business men of the city. The young men are taking a great interest in this dob, and from all prospects now this will be one of the leading so cieties or the cltr. and seemingly touch good will come from Its or ganisation No other business being brought up, the club adjourned, to meet a gala Friday night, when g saltabl? nam? will be seleeted for the clan. AU member? are reqiested t* H present, SETS NEW WALKING RECORD Anxious to see his relatives In Day Ridge, Brooklyn, Robert Burns of reka, Cal., has Just completed a S mile walk from the Pacific to the lantlc In 80 days. Incidentally lopping off 32 days from the record for this feat, which was set up by Edward Payaon Weston, the famous septuage narlan walker. RECORDER HAS HEAVY DOCKETl M?njr Case* Brought Up for Din-1 poaal During the LasC Few Day?. Clrcua Caused a Number of "Joyfnla" to be Arretted. The heaviest dockot that the re corder's court lias handled In some time was taken up Saturday and yesterday afternoon. A number of the cases were arrests that had been made on circus day, and were due to an overdose of spirituous li quors. Among the whites who were| brought to court were the following: Allen Bright; intoxicated; $2 and| costs. (2 cases). Tom Rue. intoxicated; costs. Garfield Edwards; Intoxicated; costs. A. 3. Wallace; speeding ?u'd inj 'ront of fire truck, golnp *o fire; $5 | And costs. Appeal v;ag ta'sen. Walter Oibh?; It ioxlcc.ed; co.*'? C. Brna it; latoxl rated; rosts. Oko. Wn ren; Into:.' ated; costs. Matthew Lew. : into.:'cat c-d. costs Among th" m .nbers of the col wed race who were brought before he recorder were the following: Amos Hardy; larceny; $10 and] ?oats. Frank Burmage; intoxicated;) costs. Wiley Perkins; carrying conceal ed weapon; $10 and costs. Josephine Staton; running a d is-1 wderly house; costs and sent out sfj lown. Hyman Grimes; disorderly con-1 Juct; not guilty. Tom Collins, retailing; $60 and | :osts. John Crandall; fast driving; $3| and cost*. Tho police also recenlly made s| raid at R. H. Dawson's house and I secured four gallons of monkey rurt and three gallons of wine. They also raided the house of Tom Perry jnd found eight pints of liquor. Bo?h of these cases will he tried by Jury on the 29th of this month. EPWORTH LEAGUE MEETING TONIGHT A regular devotional and business meeting of the Epworth seague will be held this evening at eight o'clock In the Baraca room of the Methodist church. A competent committee has arranged a very Interesting, as well as educational program, for the de votional session, which will con sume th? lrst ha|f of the houY, after whleh the meeting will be turned ov^f ty the regular officers of the league who have been earnestly working out a plan for a vary ana cetafai campaign tor this fall and winter. flDMB 'i BIG Bi If LE ? 1? UEKMAN8 AND ALUtH IN L \IUjK NUMBERS WILL MEET IN 8EH1IIA. CITIES TAKEN Al lie* Have CApCurvd Htrumnitxa. Bulgarian* .Capture Htrat?tfc Point on Railroad. Ocrmann Also Claim Ualns. j London. Oct. 19.?The Bulgarians have cut the Nlsh-Salonika Railroad at Vranla. according to Salonika dispatches. The Allies are pressing northward to Bulgaria and Austria. Th? Germans arc smashing their way southward through Serbia, with the AUIe? advancing faster to meet them. The Allies have not yet been strongly opposed. The Serbians are atlll fighting desperately. The fall of Strumnltza to Serbia gave her allies control of the Salon Ika-Nlsh Railroad. "* miles north of Salonika * v^O^^'hlrd if the dl?" ?,.???* ufucrnl Statement, wiitu, Oct. 19.?Progress, or at least the enemy's repulse. Is claimed by the war office for the Austro Germans on the western and Rus sian fronts. It Is asserted that a ?ieady advance has been made in Serbia by the Ausiro-GermanB and Bulgars. German aviators ha v dropped 60 bombs on Belfort. The Germans have capiurerl two miles of Ruasla:i positions w at or llluxt. Bu'gars in Murfduniu. Parle, Oct. 19.?The Bulgarians have penetrated Serbian Macedonia and cut the Salomka-Nlsh railroad, the Austrian prees today asterted, according to Geneva dispatches. MEETING OF orr lodc.E. Orr Lodge No. 104 A. F. & A. M. will hold a regular communication this evening at 7:30. Buslne*? of importance: al?o work in First De - gree. All Master Ma-ons in good standing cordially Invited. W B. SINGLETON. Master. O. M. WINFIELD. Secretary. YOUNG GIRL SHOOTS SELF SHOT SELF THROFfiH BODV WITH TIHTOL AT GASTON HOTEL IN NEW BERN. CHAXCEH FOR RECOV ERY ARE .SMALL. (By East'rn Press) New Bern, Oct. 19. ? MIsb Dollio Price, of this city, attempted to commit suicide this morning at 11 o'clock In the Gaston hotel by shoot ing herself with a .38 calibre re volver. The bullet entered her body directly over the hpart. Her chancos for recovery are extremely small. It Is understood that thr> attempt 9 dsulclde was due to a love affair. Miss Price was engaged to marry a nan by the name of Swain, from Elisabeth City. Swain was coming here this afternoon on the five o' clock train. It Is alno stated tint she was In love with W. P. f.nlth, *f Goldsboro. whom she wanted to tnarry. When she found that she could not do this, she locked her self In her room and fired the bul let Into her body TO-NIGHT CI IA NO K OF PROGRAM TO-NIGHT 6?REELS Prlc? 5A10