iSHINGTON DAILY NEWS I WEATHER?Gaaarallj fair toaifbt. Modarat? aaaiarly wt?j WASHINGTON N. C. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON OCTOBER 20 W* No. 91 MISS PRICE STILL LIVES! II ?II IS ?11 K-X PHR8HED REGRET THIS W'BNINO OVER HER RASH _ ACT YESTERDAY. SWAIN ARRIVES Mm Who Wm to Marry ' Her Ar-, rived In New Bern Yeaterday. Dwnbfoanded Upc Sewn. DpUIU Of Shooting Oir (By Eastern Press) New Bern. Oct. JO.?Dol He Price.) the girl who yesterday morning shot herself in the Gaston hotel In this elty, preferring death to marrying a man she did not love, la still a llve. although there -to little hop* expressed for her recovery. She ex pressed regret today over her act. hot had little else to say. Mr. 8waln, who was to have mar ried Miss Price, arrived in the city yesterday evening. He was dumb founded when he heard the news, bat would give out nothing for pub lication. Miss Price, It was learned today, had been in New Bern alnce Satur day. staying at the Oaston hotel. On Sunday morning she received a long (ltstance telephone message from W. P. Smith, of Ooldsboro, whom she js said to have loved. She told one ?f the waitresses at the Oaston that she had intended going home on Mondsy, but Smith told her he would be in the city on that day and that she must be on hand to see him at that time. . Monday morning she went to Er-( nul to visit her mother, but return ed to the city late in the afternoon. Smith arrived in the city Monday -and spent the night here. He had a long conversation with the young woman. Tuesday morning Smith returned to Ooldsboro and slnco that time1 M las Price had been more despon dent than ever before. Monday af ternoon she wrote a letter to one of her friends In this city, stating that sho wss dissatisfied with life; that Swain was coming to marry her in the afternoon and that she preferred to die rather than become his bride, and Intended killing herself. Earlier In the day and while a reporter was talking to one of the clerks In the hotal, Miss Price came downstairs and gave the latter a purse containing seventy dollars, which she requested be held for her. after which she returned to her room. Manager Cherry, who happened to hear part of a conver sation that the young woman was carrying on over the telephone with someone In Ooldsboro, ran up to her roofn. The door was locked. Ho tried to rater the room and request ed the girl to open the door. She1 replied Jhat If he attempted to force the door, she would shoot herself: Later her brother, Who hsd arrived on the scene, managed to get to her window. >ie talked to her and en deavored to persuade her to put down the gun, which she.held In her, hand. While be was looking through the window, she pulled the trigger, and Ml to the fldor. IDEAL Pressing Club We do dry cleaning, and French dry cleaning We aleo clean Hats. We cell for end deliver promptly. Our preea Ing In done entirely with elec tricity, cleaning done by elec tric racuum cleaner. Ladlee Saltu end Skirt? epeclelty. Phone my E. G. Wealon m m s! I. B. BIB LAND HAH J l/ST COM PLBTED TRIP ALL OVER COUNT* IN AUTO. ALL ROADS POOR Travelling M an State? Tint Komi* In Beaufort County Arc in mm l*oor Condition mM Any to be Found in North Carolina. ' That Beaufort county resources are as great As those of any county In the 8tate, hut that we also have as poor roads as there are to be found in North Carolina, was the statement made this morning by J. B. Bl?land. of Norfolk, a prominent travelling man, who has just been all over the county In hls?automo blle and who arrived In Washington last night. * ^ . ? "I visited every little store In the county during the last two days," stated Mr. Blsland, "and I was both favorably and otherwise Impressed. I could not help but marvel at th3 fertility of the soil and the excel lent quality of crops that you raise here, but what was brought even more to my attention was the poor condition of the roads. "1 don't know as I ought to make the statement, for I may get mobbed before leave your city, but I can truthfully say that your roads are as poor as any 1 have found any where in the 8tate. In some parts they are practically Impassable. They are filled with ruts and mud holes. I cannot understand why. with fucIi excellent farming land, you do not still further enliance its value by keeping your roads in good shape. "During the last two or three years, I have travelled all over the Southern Atlantic State?. I neces sarily havo noticed the roads over which I have travelled and the farm ing land which abutted them. 1 can truhful'y eay that the best kept, tho moBt prosperous looking and the finest farms were always found a long the tKst roads. In fact, the condition of the farms was In direct keeping with the condition of the roads: the poorer the roads, the poorer the farm. "Ton all have some fine farming land hING CAMPAIGN IN WASH INGTON CONTINUE8. TWO NEW STORE* TO BE BUILT ON MAIN RTREKT. Washington's bul!dlng campaign ww augmented this week by the announcement that Mist Lids Rod man would Kar down the old build ing occupied heretofore as the office of the fas company, ^nd erect a modern brick building, having room for two etorca on the ground floor. Work ha? already been started at tearing down the old building front ing on the street, and the one in Uie rear. The Ught and Water Co. will occupy one of tho stores as th?ir olfioee. - w Wjth five rew rftores In the course Miss Rodman, Washington is taking j-tb" biggest step tu building that ii baa erer taken in m> ?bon a period cf Mrot, JOHN D JR IN OVERALL 0 time that he was the most powerful young man In in dustrr In America, John D. Rockefel ler. Jr? son of the great Standard Oil magnate, dressed In a suit of overalls and went down Into the coal mines of Trinidad to eee for himself under what conditions his men labored, and to in vestigate the causes of the great ft OVER THS H1ZI OK CH01*8 GROWN IN THIS COUNTY. r A BIG BOOSTER K*HhU at Pair Ha* Bern Hcrfl lently Arranged by Mr. I-*thrvm. 1? a Fin* Advcrtliment of the Resources of Thl* faction. (By Special Correspondent) Raleigh, Oct. 20.?The Beaufort county exhibit at the Bute fair U attracting considerable attention and favorable comment. County Farm Demonstrator, J. F. Latham. ha* shown great skill in arranging the several exhibits, sent by the differ ent Beaufort county farmer?, and ? the display is a moot pleasing and attractive one. Many questions have been asked Mr. Latham regarding the various crops and soil of Beanfort. Several men have expressed the desire of visiting that section and seeing for themselves Just what kind of land it takes to grow such large crops. One man from Haywood county, named F. C. Noland, appeared es pecially Interested and when he saw the Beaufort exhibit yesterday, lie asked Mr. Latham a number of ques Hons regarding it. Mr. Nowland also has a very nice exhibit at the fair and is one of the best farmers in his county. He was looking over the Beaufort crops on display and ??vas led up to the point of ques tioning aboqt our large corn, cot loo, peas, potatoes, peanuts, beets and soy beans. "How do you all grow such large com down in Beaufort county?'T he asked. ^ "Well, III tell you," replied Mr. Latham. "You see that bunch of com over there (pointing to some that was grown in the woods). That corn was grown without a particle of fertilizer or work other than Just sticking a hole in the ground and dropping a few grains in it and cov ering It up." "How much do -you grow like that?" asked Mr. Nowland, inter estedly. "Thousands of acres." "I want to buy a hundred acres of that land if I can get it.' That beat? anything we have in our coun ty/' Many other persons have express ed astonishment at the size of the Beaufort county crops and there Is no question but that some excellent advertising has beer, given the coun ty and has made a drep Impression on the farmers and residents of oth er sections of the S'ate. HAD WEAKNESS [FOR WIVES Alex of (ireonville In Arrested on tiio C'liars;o <*1 Hlgnmy. Salcl to Have Two Wlvee, Who Were Perfectly ttatlsflcd. (By Eastern Press) GreenvllW\ Oct. 20.?Because he lmd a weakening Tor wives, Alex Jones, a negro, who lives In Caro lina township, n-r.s arrested today by Constable Whlchard, and will be arraigned on a charge of bigamy. The information that Itad to a warrant being sworn out for Jone? was secured by a white man living near Jones, who had noticed that on some occasions. Jones would be with &ne woman nnd than ext time he saw him he would be with an othsr one. Upon Investigation at was learned that Jones was keeping one woman in one plaoe and the other In another. He visited cach of them in tarn. It Is said thst both of the wives wers squally satisfied with ths af fair, and the constable seemed re luctant to break up such a nice family union. RAKER BATS. 1 see lote of strangers upon the streets of Washington this (homing If thsy Just knew how line a post card ws are putting out for one dol lar per dosen ws would hardTy have standing room ln# oar studio for ?VCb | niM. BAKER'S STUDIO, COMMTTTKE MKT LAST XKiHT. AKHANUK tU? DETAIL8 OF TOOPOrtB 1'ROUUAM. AT ELKS' HOME MeeOmg Will Ui-kIii At Sfvon O*. Clock- 8ap|M-r to be Served Flr*t wid Will Be Followed by Ad* drrwwe? froai Prominent Mt-n. At a special meeting last night of the C ham bat of Commerce commit*, tee, appointed for the purpose Of making arrangement* for a smoker, to be held ander the auspices of the j chamber. It was decided to change the data of the event from Thursday, October 2Stb. to Wednesday, Octo ber 27th. This was done because of another attraction at the Rika hall on the first mentioned date. The committee last night also planned a tentative program for the occaalon. The meeting will be held In the Elka' hall and will begin at seven o'clock. The guests will be tendered ft light supper, which will be followed by cigars. After that, a number of addreme*. by prominent local and out-of-town men. will be tnade on various subjects of Inter est. including topics In connection with the general upbuilding and bettermeot of both city and county. Invitations are being ami out, which read as follows: "Your pres ence Is earnestly desired at a smoKer to be given by Washington Chamber of Commerce at the Elka' Home on Wednesday evening, October 2?tb. at seven o'clock. We trust you will make a special effort to attend. Chamber of Commerce." Arrangements were also made last night for providing supper for the guests. While the meal will not be a pretentious affair, It will never theless eouslat of an attractive menu and be of sufficient weight to satisfy the appetite of those who have not had sny supper at bom". The committee will meet agalr tonight, when they will definitely decide upon the speaker? that are to be asked to make addresses. INCOMPLETE ItETITlNS SHOWS THAT VOTE FOR AMEND MENT LOSES BY IHO MAJORITY. Jersey City, N. J . Oct. 20.?-'De l feat of woman suffrage in New Jer sey wan conceded last night by Mrs. E E. Feickert, president of the New Jersey Woman Suffrage association Suffrage Lom?*. Jersey City, Oct. 20.?Complete unofficial returns from 285 election districts out of 1,891 In the state a* 10 o'clock last night gave 20,010 votes for woman suffrage and 27,591 against It. Town? Agalnnt the Ciuw. Jersey City, Oct. 20.?Unofficial returns from 18 district* In Jersey City, Elisabeth, and Plalnfield, give 1.020 votes for and 1,719 against adoption of the woman suffrage a m'ndment. Complete unofficial returns from threr districts In Trenton and par t!al returns from seven others at 9 o'clock last night give 633 votes for and 1,128 agftlnst the amendment EPWORTH LEAGUE MET LAST NIGHT Inter*?*Ing Devotional nntl Bnidnro? Meeting Held. Social Meeting ArrnngM for November ft. The Epworth h"ld ltd regular Monthly devotional and bua Inena meeting laat night In the Ba nc* room of the Methodtut church. Although not all the member* were present, there wan a gtnnraT enth'j ?laam existing among thona who were, and the meeting wae a moat Interesting one. Mtaa Beaaie Harding had charge of the devotional settlon. which tr ated of (he prophecy and oomlng FAVORS LARGE NAVY Senator Lee 8. Overman, chairman of the senate rules committee and one of the administration s leaders In the atsnate. bas announced himself as a I supporter of a program for military | preparedness. The senator called at the White House a few days ago and after his call announced his position on the m&tter. "I am for a large navy for the United States and I am heartl-, ly In favor of legislation that will i make our roast defenses stroug enough | to ward off all kinds of attacks from the aea." said he. This picturo shows Senator Overman leaving the White House eieeutivu offices. T t.HAM) JI KY FIX 1)8 NO BILL A<;.\IX8T YOUNCi MAX ( HAIUi FI> WITH SFXDIXO OI1SCFXF MATTKR THHOI (.11 MAILS. FHswor'h Thompson, of He'.haven, young man who wan charged with having sent obscene letters to a Mis?| Respess of Panteeo. and whase case j was brought up in th - Federal con-'i In session In this? city, has b? r. n ?Ifnsert. The g ran i jvrv 4li<.() STli!, AT LARGE, hlmi and llndly Wounded ConMatik nt Tarlx?ro. I'osws Are limit ing for HI in. Itnlirvr C?|? ture I* t'ertaln. (lly Fas', rn I'renM Hocky Mount. Oct 20- The ne gro who Monday shot ar.d badly wounded Oonlflable It. It Lniigl?*y. of Tarboro. 1s still at large. I'osse*. aided by bloodhound?, are still searching for the man. and It Is be lieved that li* wilt be tinatal? lo elude his pursuers. Lai.gley wa* shot when be at tempted to arr?^?t the negro, who op?*n'd fire on hi in with a burkshot gun. The ghoi look effert in hi* arm and body It 1* believed he will recover. of Chrlat. It wan thoroughly ex plained with the unp of the black board. After thla. the preeident took charge and explained aome Im portant polnta In League work, which met with undivided attention on the part of thoae preaent. The 11 m?, of meeting wan changed from the first and third Tueadaya to the flmt and third Friday* of each month, which change will he of groat benefit toward? aemurlng better at tendance at the meetlnga. The next meeting will be of a ao clal and literary nature and will be held at the home of Miss Mary Cow e!| on November 6th. A large num ber of member* are expected to be preemt 8perlal committee? ba*e been appointed to arrange matter?. Their plan? will ba made known In detail a little later. TEUTONS ARE V1KNNA DKMKS IlKhUlT THAT A 1> VANCE IN HKKIIIA HAS IlKKX H \ I TI.D. BLOODY BATTLE Serb* Making Flerco H Ung Advances of Enemy. Home. Oct 20 ?Italy today de i*i a red war on Bulgaria Explaining the action of tlK government, It was said Hulgaria had no: only attacked Serbia, but Joined Italy'* enemies. In HUnhI) (Vmillrt. Athens. Oct. 2o?The bloody bat tle between the Serbians and Bui gar*. Is still rasing along a ten-mil'* front between the Serbian towns of Vranla and Klstovatz Tlie struggle If for po?s<>ssiou o: the Nt*h-Saion Ikh railroad. AuNtro*(icrituui? h ti o Herman* along the Danube wore today ?iHic!ai)y denied. It was an ? ounce?! that lb?* Teutons are mak ing steady prnKrcSft in the Balkan campaign Th Serbians are report ed to be retreajtr.g in the Madva and A vala region.-* NfuhlMun l(r?iMaiu'i' ??> Seri?. London, Oci. 2? --Serbs ure put ting out their iast ounce of *irengtl? to delay the Austro-G rman driva from the north io Constanimopl? and repulse the Bulgarian Invasion from the east. Dispatches stated to day that aged men and many wom en and children are lighting in tho Serbian lints- The Serbs are yield ing slowly over hrokt-n country, in fllctinc heavy losses on the Teutons ar.d ihoniselve? muttering heavily. IDS DEFEAT WEIGHT AM) SI* K K D OK THK ?r:r;H schooi. hovs I'Movfis oo Mini run corxKii* IATHS. SC CHII-: 37-0. Wii ?*c!ri"? liieli School defeated .. Washington Collegiate Institute lootball learn yen!?-rday affrnn'jn by i h? score of Th?* buy? p aved a fast game, but were tinab!? to rop? .ifra'QM the vp??wl and *u P'rlor skill ?itd we ght of the Highs Cartel and Mirk? wore especially good "ii the Hieh School toam and Trade repeated run* around ends. Moat of (riuns of Hi*- High* were mad" n i-n.l run^ The (natituln boy* worn able to carry the ball fnr twfdve to Iwonry yard?1 at times. but were unable to push it over the lino T Coliofflal' Ir.a'Uute la nrrang Ing T'jr a 2" in p 10 he played here Saturday with WiniPrvir.e. TODAY'S COTTON QUOTATIONS S?ed cotton- $4.7. eotton - ii ft.ft to 3 4 Cotton seed- -143.00. TO-NIGHT CIIAXOK OK I'ltOCftAM TO-XNIII I ?i KKKI.S?6