No. 9* Vol.7 OCTOBFH 25. 1*15 HOLD SPECIAL REH11 CjpiE WM/L Make pre ai, arrange ments for wed vkhda 1 K10HT8 "SMOKER." DISCUSS PLANS AttondaoM of Krery Member of the Chamber is Earnestly Requeued Meeting W* Start Promptly at Eight O'clock. Every member of the Chamber of Commerce la urgently requested to bo prevent at a special meeting that la to be held In the rooms of the Chamber tonight, beginning at eight o'clock. The principal object for calling the meeting ts. to make Anal ar rangement! for the "smoker" that la fo be held Wednesday night. There are a number of things still to be attended to In connection with this meeting, and for this reason, the attendance of every member is desired. It is believed that Wednesday night's meeting will result in the moat important work that the Cham ber of Commerce has ever taken up. It will, however, taek the coopera tion and earnest work of every member to make it a success. 58 PRESENT AT BARAGA CLASS Yesterday's Merting Was One of the Most Saocessful That the Class j Has Ever Held. Fifty-eight members of the Ba raea class at the Methodist church were present at the masting of the class yesterday morn tag. Bight new members were added to the roll. Great interest was displayed in the lesson, which was conducted by the class teacher. W. M. Kear. The meeting was one of the most suc cessful and beet attended that hat ever been held. A buslnees meeting of the clsss will be held In the Barsca rooms on Friday night. It is hoped that ss many membere as can poMlbly do .so will be present. There are sev eral important matters to be brought up. HAVE BOOKED ] ATIRICTIORS FIR JIG FAIR MAW FEATURES OF AHL'HK MJtKT AT AURORA FAIR, NOV. 9, 10 AND 11. ABIG~EVENT Fair Association Announces Home of the Attractions Which They Have Secured. Will Book Man/ Other Atmuement Feature*. For those who desire pleasure and amusement at a fair, the Aurora Fair Association announces that they have made provisions for a num'ber of attractions that will please all those who attend the big fair In that city next month. J. W. ?ha*>ln, secretary-treasurer of the association, describes some of these attractions in the following letter. Others are being booked. Aurora, N. C-. Oct. 25, 1915. Editor News: I wish you to say to your many readera that the Aurora Fair Asso ciation has succeeded in booking some strong attractions for our com Ing fair, two of which deserve spec ial mention, to-wit: First, Prof. Crew, the most daring balloonist on earth, who goes to dizzy heights, courting death In the clouds. On Wednesday of the fair he proposes to make two parachute drops and on Thursday he will make thrre drops from the same balloon. Thia is the first time this act has ever been done In this county, and per haps It will be many years before our good people will ever have the opportunity fit witnessing such *a free attraction again, and this fea ture of the fair alone is worth go ing miles to see. Our second great attraction con sists of an aggregation of dark-faced comedians who corns to us strongly recommended. Their Juggling, sleight of hand tricks, coupled with their songs and jokes will please all who may be so fortunate as to set> and hear them. I only mention th^se two but there will be others and we propose to have only the best, and we assure all that there will 6e nothing on the grounds but what will be clean and first clastf. Very truly yours, J. W. CHAPIN, Secretary-Traasurer, I COMING ELECTIONS TO INDICATE SENTIMENT Politicians Eagerly Watching Developments in Va rious Campaigns. Suffrage Is. ue to Come up In Four States. (United Press Staff Correspondence) Washington. Oct. 16. ? Three 8tate and Ave Congressional elec tions to be held November 2 are looked to by national committer mon here to furnish an Indication the preeent political sentiment of the country. Perhaps the most closely watched contest la that for the governorship of Massaohuaetta. The present Gov ernor, David L. Walsh, Democrat, is a candidate for re-election, and op posing him la former Congressman Samuel W. McCall. Both parties have been using na tional Issue* to a large extent In their campaigns, and the result Is expected to be an intimation of the IDEAL Pressing Cluh Our work ii fast proving to bo popular with our patrone, and a? a result our bualneaa la Increasing dally. Every vult or dreee that come* to us for oleanlng Mr given OUr personal inspection and oar*. Dry Cleaning, French Dry Clean ing, Cleaning by Electric Vacuum Cleaner, Preaaing by electricity. No odor. Tailoring by Edward B. Btrauaa Co. of Chloago. L*dlM work * apMtotlr. CLt'B RATER ? #1.00 PUR MONTH Phone IHJ. E"t G. Weston disposition of New England toward the two national parties. O. W. Woller, Republican, la run ning against E. C. Harrington, Dem ocrat, for the governorship of Mary: land. Internal political strife has put this state in the Republican rank. The Republicans say they will hold It this year. In Kentucky, normally a Demo cratic state, Gov. A. O. Stanley is running -f!5r re-election against E. P Morrow, Democrat. In the Thirty-sixth New York| congressional district, left vacant by the death of Sereno Payne. Norman J Gould, Smoca Falls, Republican, la running against d. L. Licht, Ge neva, Democrat, Congressman Payne oferried the district by 11,653 in 1914. In the Twenty-third district, New, York City, W. S. Bennett, Repub-j Mean, U opposing W. L. Allen, Ma-; lone, Democrat. In 1914, tho Re-I publicans carried this district by 9,870. There will be elections to fill va cancies in the Twenty-fourth Penn sylvania and Fourth 8outh Carolina dlst riots. The suffrage issue will comp be fore the elector# of four States ? New York, New Jersey, Massachu setts and Pennsylvania. Recent statements by President Wilson and members of his cabinet have given the suffragists strong hope for vic tory. la sevsrsl states tkore will be ?]eotto*s 10 county *od othsr minor ofllc I. RESIDENTS OF WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT MEETING On Wednesday night of this 1 week there will be an important I meeting at the Elks' home. It { -will be given under the auspices j of the Chamber of Commerce, j A supper will be served, and this will be followed by ad dresses by prominent local and out "ot town men. The principal topic to be dis cussed will be GOOD ROADS FOR WASHINGTON TOWN SHIP. A committee, appointed by th<? Chamber of Commerce, has I been preparing for this meeting | for the last week tad a large I number of Invitation* have been sent out to both the residents ! of the city of Washington and those residing In the country districts of the township. Owing | to the lack of tlm4 in which to secure a complete list of the rcsid nts of city tad country, the committee wish to Btate that It is not thair intention to overlook a single person in the township, who is interested in tho good roads movement. For fear that some names might have been omitted from the list of those to whom invitations were sent, the committer, through the columns of the | Daily NewB, cordially invite ev- i ery resident of Washington township to be present at Wed- i needay night's meeting. This meeting will be an im portant one and it will effect every resident of the township. For this reason, the committee urgently requests all those who are Interested to attend, and to consider this a personal invita tion to thom. Will llo Principal S|>caker in Cant pi?Um in Ohiu This Week. Peo ple to Vole on Nov. 2nd. j Columbus. 0., Oct. 25.? -With William J. Bryan as the principal! speaker, "radon* in the light for! state-wld^ prohibition In Ohio havo! prepared for a whirlwind campaign to bo led by Mr. Bryan during the next four days and to be kept up by others until the close of the cam paign on the night before the elec tion of November 2. Mr. Bryan will tour the state in a special train. .the opening speech i being ant for tomorrow at Steuben- 1 | vlllo. A large number of men. prom1 ii.ent In the fight to oust Raloons fiom the state will accompany thej former secretary of state on his speaking trip. RECEIVES SCHEDULE OF SPECIAL TRAIN Local Delegate* to Atteod Water way Convention at Havannah Next Month. A number of local residents are planning to attend the Atlantic Deeper Wat- rway.s Association con vention, which meets in Savannah next month. A special train will carry the delegates to that city"* C. H. Sterling today received tho fol lowing letter, notifying the Wash ington delegates of the schedule of the traiif : Philadelphia. Oct. 23, 1916. ' Mr. C. H. Sterling, I Washington, Jf C. D ar Sir: - Answering your Inquiry of Octo ber Slat, I advise you that our Sa vannah Special Is achedoled to ar rive at Raleigh 6:18 a. m^on Mon day. November 8th. and to leave that city at 10:46 a. m Wa will be glad to have our Waahlngton frlrnde Join us at tBat point . and auggeat that you let ua know a little In advance *s wa Mil have some entertainment at Colum bia, 8. C., and want to notify our friends there Just how many will be In the party. 1 Tours very truly, DURELL SHU8TER, "BRINGING UP FATHER." ?I At Stm Theatr*s Tueoday Evening, October 26. Not even excepting the famous) Florudora Sextette, has there evor been gathered together In one mimi cal comedy company, such a galaxy of beautiful women, as is to bo seen In Gus fill's stage presentation of George McManua's newspaper car toon piece, "Bringing Up Father," | which is scheduled for appearance at tho New Theatre next Tuesday night. Their matchless beauty Is augmented by costumes from the emporiums of Worth, of Paris, Hay i den and Mme. Rhue. of New York, I who were given carte blanche to | dreBs (hose women in the latest cos tume creations. This special fea ture of the production is calculated to attract fhe women, and place bc | fore their eyes the very latest sa ,tor!al wrinkles. WASHINGTON BABIES ON HONOR ROLL Local Youngsf-re M?l? High Aver a?e in "letter liable*" Contest at tlio Slate Fair. Not only are the men and women of Washington endeavoring to put thia city on the map. but even tho babi<~s ? lens than a year old ? are contributing their share and are giving thia community some excel lent advertising. At the State fair last week, two of the Washington youngsters were placd on the honor roll In the "Bet ter Babies" contest. The babies made an unusually high showing. Owon Dulon Rodman, age 9 months, son of lir. and Mrs. J. C. Rodman, scored 9R points. Lee Fleming Davenport, age 18 months, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Davfnport. scored 97 points. Fin. in. s IH MI Governor Ha? l?6Ut<d Proclnnui! ion for Day Which Will Hc Observ ed Throughout the State. Raleigh, Oct- 25. ? By official proclamation of Governor Locke Craig Friday. November 5, is to be obcerved this year throughout th<> state a? Arbor day. The school chll-l dren of North Carolina are ask- d to observe the day In an appropriate manner, and with thla in view Sup erintendent of Public Instruction J. Y. Joyner has had prepared leafletH which conta'n a tentative program of excrcl9es. These have been dis tributed to county superintendents, and Thomas R. Houat. superinten dent of Guilford schooia, la distrib uting them to thn various teachers of the county so that they may pre pare for the celebration of the day VERSATILE EDITOR VISITS WASHINGTON Charles McDevett, city editor of the Free Press at Kinston, spent Sundny with relatives In the city. Mr. McDevett was a former resident of Washington and Is w?ll known in the city. Since becoming connected with tho Free Prniis, Mr. McDevott ha" e&labllnhed a reputation that Is al most national In Its scope, as an ex tr mely skilled and versatile news paper man. Ho contributes to all fhe large dallies from the Atlantic to the Pacific, has also had article* in the leading magazines of the 'country, and Is the author of one or two books that are well known. His work on the Free Press has given that paper a high standing a mong the newspapers of the land, i "GOOD TASTE" Crystal ice cream It ivill be made all through the win ter. All the popular flavors and MANY SPECIALS Crystal Ice Company PHONE 83 WASHINGTON. N. C. WHERE THE ALLIES LANDED TROOPS IN GREECE ?!d of'serw.""5 P?n ?f S"?"lk1, Wb,r* lar*? ,on:M 01 BrltU1' ?D<1 t.v. b?n lu,d<Kl to ,o l0 tie (mm ok eiks HE CM MS DM' in una to on* ns Urges Residents of Beaufort C ounty to Build More Improved Highways CANNOT PROGRESS V 'OUT THEM Establish Better r ^ause Belter Churchcs to be Built and C.^ate a Community Life. Mora] and Educational Advantages Inestimable A hearty endorsement of the good roads movement In Beaufort county was this morning received from Qov srnor Locke Craig. It was written 'n reply to & recent letter 'from the Dally News and reads as follows: Editor Dally News. Dear sir: Answering your communication of recent date. I desire to say that I sincerely trust the good roads move ment lo Beaufort county will moot with success and that many miles of Improved highways will be built. This matter is one of great impor ance to every community and no oetter investment could bo made hat would produce greater or more! beneficial results. Nothing la contributing more to ward the ^prosperity and the happi ness and the social advancement of our country than Improved roads. If we would utilize the Instrumpn a'.ltlcs of modern civilization we must have good roads. No commun ity can afford to be without them. If any county or any community by \ short-Elgbted parsimonious policy fail to improve its roads, that com munity denies to Itself the oppor tunities of modern life. When the good road comes to a community, better schools are established, better SOLD SIX PAKiES AT THE KTATE FAIR J. W. Dalley, local agent for Paige automobiles, look, three of the cars to Raleigh with him this week, and had them on exhibition >n the fair grounds. During his !:rsl day there, he not only so'.d the oara he had with him, but look or ders for three more. In order to avoid long waits for shipments, ho decided no: to take any further or ders. and suspended business at the fair after hln first day's 6ale9. FORBIDS HUNTING ON HIS FAR Ml I'ast Evperl"jirea ;*orce:? Dr. Dave Tay'oe u? l. -iw PcruiisHion to Those DcMlrin^c to Hunt on His I. and. Some of the hunters In Washing ton probably know the difference be-| tween a cow and a deer, or a dog: aid a rabbit, or a turkey and a part ridge, but Dr. Dave Tayloe, Judging from oast experience, is somewhat doubtful of the fact. In past *ea sons, he haB lost a number of his stock, du* to the bullets of amateur hunters In order to avoid this in the future, Dr. Tayloo has been com pelled to forbid all hunting on hit> land, and has Issued the following notice: | "1 take (his method of notifying the public that my land, including the Grist and Grim' a farms, has been duly posted according to law. and I do positively forbid anyone hunting thereon with gun or dog "I am compelled to do this on account of damage done my stock in the fields. Hence, anyone hunt ing on these premise*; will positive ly be proeecuted "D. T. TAYLOE." Will make plans tonight for Wed nesday's big *mok?r Attend the special meeting of the Chamber of Commerce tonight. A|H?o4n<nv??itJi Mjwle. Rocky Mownt Mr J. H. Ramsey, chairman of the highway committer of the chamber of commerce hat made appointment* in connection with Atlantic Coast Line highway, which It to ba h?ld In tht* elty on Wednesday next. churches built. A community 15f ?? in created. The land b* comes mora fertile; homes are Improved and beautified. They are not only worth many times their cost Id money, bat their moral and educational advan tages are inestimable. Within a few years every road In North Carolina will bo a good road. Tho o'.d coun try road of rocks and mud and stenp hills Is a thing of the past. Thoy have taxed and Impoverished our people too long already. Durlug the past throe years North Carolina has spent In road develop ment in the neighborhood of fifteen mii ion dollars. This 1p not an ex pe-.hf it Ik an investment that payB a titvideud ox one hundred per cm every year It was unavoidable that all of this money was not spent to the boer advantage. We did the host that w. could The legislature of IMG created a Highway Commla 8lo::. and tliis will Insure hereafter a more intellisjeni and a more elTl cipn! expenditure of the p ople a money in ri>ad survey and construc tion. Again wishing you all succors In your most progressive movement. I beg to remain. Yours truly. i Signed) LOCKE CRAIG. (?nrnvtllo Man at AWirk in I> W hen it f?v?l In. i'oinpar.: r Hiwued Him. < Fly Fa*:eru Press t Gr : ? l!f, Oct. 2R. ? When a 12 -.1 (< . ? cawd ;n Saturday nf-er i?. x. he was working at the :o n?. .M. n Itrewrr, a plumber of "his city, hud a narrow escape from lufTocatlon and death. He was res cued by the ijulck work of hl? f-1 '.ow workers. Brewer was hard a? work In the ditch, when the Rides gave way and the dirt and rocks piled In on him. The ditch was alruo?t pnilrely filled by rh'- cav?-ln and tho man's plight was desperate. His companions wit nessed the accident and they at ouce rushed to his assistance with spade* aid shovels A few minutes hard work, and h? was brought to th'* surface. Ho *uf.talned several min or Injuries. TODAY'S COTTON QUOTATIONS Lint cotton-- .11 1-2. 8*ed cotton $4.7f? Cotton seed? 188 TONIGHT 9th episode of the "Romance of Elaine" 2 t< el "Colonel Heefnllar" 1 reel "H?r Oth*r 8elf" 2 "Education" ? 1 r*?el j COMING Ji 'Neal of the Navy* Price 6*10

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