No MO POLICE PUZZLED (By Baste rn Press) ? New Bern. Oct M. ? The myitw ioua disappearance of T. Eugene, Cannon, tho Aydon man whose auto mobile wm found hanging OTer'&Bf the Trent river county bridge earh^iwt Monday morning, still re mains a rayatery despite the fact that 1t ha a been reported that he has been located at Norfolk. The telegram which Chief of Po lice C. Lupton received Wednesday night from" J. E.. Cannon, a brother of the missing man, did not state definitely that ha had been found but that he was believed to have been located at Norfolk. Norfolk There Is a. possibility that the man sesn in Norfolk agd supposed to have been Cannon was is .'reality aomo one else. It may be possibls that the report that Cannon had teen found arose from the fact that 04 Wednesday morning a man was (ound at Plnetown, N. C., wander lag around la a dased condition and rssldsnts there believed he was the man fpr whom the cltUens of Bast am Carolina hava been searching all during the week. ? description of this man was yosterday seat to rel atives at Ayde* but it failed to tally with that of Bugene Cannon. Chief of Police C. Lupon this morning received a letter from a man at Ayd?n who Is a friend of the Cannons and in this commulca tlon tho writer declared that his (Cannon's) relatives firmly bellsve that he is sllv* and will return home within & few daye. From another eection of tho eouu* try comee * story that may throw some light on the affair. Yesterday morning fust before the westbound train pulled out from Rtverdale, a colored woman ruahrd up and hand-' ed Certain William Hlnnant a let tar addressed to Mrs. Jsnnle Can non, Ayden, N. C-, stating that, a white man. had given It to her to mall. The addressee is ths wife of the missing man and It Is possible that the letter waa written by her husband. However, but little cred enco is bslng placed In thla theory. to far as ths local police are con cernsd at ths present time, the et falr is $nded. They have been In structed to cease searohing for Can non. that he has been located and tthat his fsmily desire to wait for him to return. However publlo Interest In the ef fslr Will .not end until the misting one haa been found and gives eotte explanation of the affair 11 he i? found hilts. .... Ilph IDEAL . ' Pressing Cluh TOUR CLOTHM ?r. OUR CLOTHES when jrou ?Jr? th?m to u ? to elMD ?nd pr*n. W? (It* tham M muoh attention u If ??, ourMlTM, wm going to nir th?m t b? sat d?r, W? ?1*0 do all minor rapalra frM ot cbarg? )jfi# .. Hxa rou given 0? * trial T Tailoring br Hiru* ?? ?tr?o? Co. of Cbioago. LtriU* work a ?p?i?ltr. CI/l'B RAT1M? 4I.0O PUR MONTH H i,: ? ; Rw ?II'LGAJIIANB OPV J1Y AnVAHCE OP FRANCO. HK11D1AN TROOPS. TIDE CHANGES Tud?j'. Reports from the Southern T??t?> Of ?'*r Appear to Show Tlutt tlie Teutonic HcwtU in at t*te?d-atii:. Loudon. Oct. SO. ? Advices through Par la are to the effect that the French and Serbians are now on the offensive along the railroad to Nlah and are marching on Lstlp. Austrian* Advance Retarded. In the north, although the Auatro German advance is declared to have h^cn retarded by bad roada, pro "freae all along the front la reported (n the. current statement from; Vienna^ . 'T - Situation Improved. Although Auatro-German forces from the north and Bulgarian 1 armies from the eaat are ateadlly pressing in upon the Serblana, the situation in South Serbia i? ported improved from the vj point of the alllee. m T^s French operation In the eon thorn sector of the Serbian front have been carried on ao ?ucce aw fully that the fail of Strnmltsa in | Bulgaria, to Imminent. Athena hears. Heights dominating the town have been occupied by tho French. On the front in- France, Paris re ports a continuation or the vigorous artillery combat In the Champagne, notably nepr Tahnre, and violent! fighting with bombs, and grrnadeaj to the north of the Aiane. The total British casualties dur ing the war has reaobed nearly the half million mark. the flgurea up to October 9, snnonnced today being 4tS,3?4. Italians Tho latest atatement made by the| Austro-Hungsrian war office ports continuation of furloua at tack# on Austrian posltlonr-by the Italians. Several of these attacka already have failed. It la declared. St. Peter's Church to Hold Services | Tomorrow la Honor of tlie Late Bishop of this Diocese. There will be held tomorrow at| St. Prter's'Church a Memorial Ser vice commemorative of the Iftte Blahop Strange. At this aervlc* the Rev. Thomea Noe, Aroh Deacon of the Diocese, will be the preACher. The Offering at beth morning and evening cervtoee oUtalde the envel opea will be for mission work In tho diocese of Bae\ Carolina. The last council designated October 31st for this memorial service and passed ? resolution offering the opportunity and privilege of each member of the church of contributing to ft memorial fund, the Income from which will! be devoted cxeluelvelf to mlailouary work to the dlooese. It Is earnestly hoped thftt ?rct7 member of St. Peter'a Parleh will be pressnt at tfela service tomorrow and remsm ber the offering outside the enve lope* and contribute liberally tp.tfela j TODAY'S COTTON QUOTATIONS Lilt eottoft? 11c BRIDGE AT LILLE IS TftBBET FOR ALLIES J*1- phot?sr*pfa eh?w* the railroad bridge at Ullo which the dormant from rush In* ra-enforeements to the batUa Unea Iwmharded this bridge and held up all railroad trafflc. Nctli tb? ngliting between th? French and the Ocrmans In thla i > UM In communication with Lane. To prevent I ?ee. allied aviator* have several times severely j lined bouses* which ftlll stand a monument to | MANY FARMERS FAVOR L ROAD BOND ELECTION _v Over Thirty A&ached Their Signatures to Pettfaon this ^Morning. Over One Hundred Have Already Signed. ??? That there ti practically a unan imity of senttment in the township Id favor of better roads, was proven this morning by the large number of farmers who signed the petition, calling tor an election to issue $50, 000- bonds for rpAd work. *E. L. Stewart interviewed a num ber of the farmers thla morning in order to learn thdlr views on the matter. A number of them stated that they had fallowed d?*tlopmcnt? through the columns of the Bally | News and that the proposed project, met with* their hearty endorsement. Qver thirty signatures were obtained lo$ the. petition. Thoae were cxclu ' ? _ - _ CHAUTAUQUA CLUB MET THURSDAY Interesting Sew Ion Held. Coarse of Study for Ye?r> Work is Decided. I I The Pamptlcough C. L. C. S. of Washington BT&ld a called meeting at the Public Library Thursday even ing. Three new members were en io*.led for the coming ygar. Two now officers were elected to All placcg toado vacant by unavoidable resignation. She new year's work will be a study. If America, which promises to be a very highly instructive, and enjoyable course. The first regular meeting will be held Monday evening at the Public Library. XHW AMENDMENTS FOR FKDERAJ, BANK 8Y8TBM j Washington, Oct. 80. ? Members | of the Federal Reserve board are I considering several amendment* to the federal reserve act which prob^ ably will be laid before the next Congress. Most of the proposed amendments are of a technical nacure, designed to strengthen the system and to cor rect *urh mistakes in the original law in the light of a year's exper ience. One Important amendment would chanfo the law so that accep tances based upon domestic and cojOmerelai transactions may be handled by Federal Roserv* banks. Only acceptances on imports or ex ports can be taken now. Another amendment would require member bank* of the reserve system immediately to pay in their contri bution to the capital atock if their reserve bask and deposit the total amount of reeervea, instead of speeding tbe*> operations over a period of !* months as the extetlng law provides. JORDAN PUXKBAL TO BE HELD TOMORROW On account of the late arrival of the body, and the fact that the or ders to which he belonged were un-' ??)? t? b? K?fW< ?< >?? Mrrt?*a! lively those of man who resided in the rural districts of th? d>unty. There arc now over 100 names signed to the petltlofta and over 100 of these are tha signature* of men living in the county. ' "1 encountered coma opposltiiu," said Mr. Stewart this afternoon, "but I believe that thi? 1? due to the fact that a number ot the farmers have not yet been thoroagthlyAeQsaiiited with the details. I also betfd tome talk about belnj 4?th.' but the majority of the farmers real ize that the benefits to be derived from g-ood roads are eo great that the personal expense fades Into in-, significant." ? PREACH LAST SERMON HERE TOMORROW Rev. Mr. Hope to Conduct Fliul Service# at U?e Christian Church. Will Lqave for Rocky Mount. Rev. R. V. Hope will preach hla last sermon as pastor of the local church tomorrow night. Mr. Hope recently accepted a call from the Christian church In Rocky Mount and will assume his duties there a week from Sunday. The subject for tomorrow morn ing's sermon has not yet boon an nounced. Tomorrow evening Mr. Hope will take as his tex'. "Dlviuo Anatomy." LIKED CITY; BUT NOT NOW S??ro Who Aaked for Trtal Hera Ce*? ? Heavy Hrxrtamcr on tho Itonrtj. L. T. Gregory, detective for the Norfolk Southern, caught Nathan Brown, colored, near Edenton Thurs day. The negro was beatln his way to this city on a freight train. He had In hi* possession a carton whloh contained forty half-pint and two one-pint bottlea of liquor. When asked where he would rather be tried I he replied. "Washington." tHo was accordingly brought to this olty and tried by jury yesterday afternoon. He was sentenced to three months on the road for having a eraper-abnndanco of liquor and thirty days tAr boating his way on n freight train. Brown la now wondering whether It would not have boon hotter after all If ho had taken his chancee at Edenton. todaj. tt was decided to trold the borfar^afafa Of CI' Jordan tomor row attarnooa at 1 o'clsak, laataad of loMr, 10 had drat baoa aaaoanc ?d. Tha Mrvleos will k* bald from tba home of Mr. ard Vra. 4. P. Calrre 01 W??t ???! atrcat at I O'pleek, Ray, ft. V. Hapa, oBolatlif. BARACAS MET LAST NIGHT Murh Business Transacted at Special Hooting. of New Com mitter# Were Appointed. At an oxtremely Interesting awd enthusiastic meeting, at which twenty-#!* members were present, the Baraca class of the Methodist church last night transacted consid erable business of Importance, In cluding tho appointment of many new committees. It was suggested that a new com mittee for the new membership con test, to begin on the expiration of the present' contest, be appointed. W. R. Perclval, Mr. Bell. R. Q. Skinner, Carl Goerch and C. F. Mar shall were seKcted. S. C. Pegrara was elected assistant secretary. P. hA. (Wright \^aa elected treasurer. ?Carl Goerch was alccted reporter. B. 8. Saddler was elected collector and Z. N. Leggott assistant collector. Mr. Bell was elected librarian, to attend to the distribution of tho quarterlies. % J. P. Sllfer and R. "71. VerrelL were elected as a member ship committee and B. N. Roebuck and 8. C. Carty were elected uBhere and "Glad Hand" committee. W. R. Perclval and R. G. Skinner wore ( locted a publishing committee to lacne a leaflet and report, bi-month ly1. On motion, the cla&s prerldent, teacher and pastor were appointed "Neutralfe* In the future contcets and R. G. 8klnner and S. C. Peg ram were transferred from the Reds to the Blues to oompensate the latter !for the loss of the above officers. C. M. Campbell was placed on the hon orary and neutral ro'.l on account of being an active teachcr In the reg alar Sunday School. R. G. Skinner was appointed captain of the Blu?:e. Upon motion, the two captains wit*.; H. B. Clark and Dr. Wells were In structed, to arrange a program for the next business meeting. It was suggested that the Reds atld the Blues each furnish a quar tette in good condition by the next, meeting. A collection was taken to pay for the lumber for the platform. in tile clase room. $1.60 was col lected, leaving a balance of 60 cents in the treasury. On motion, it wag decided to hsvrj an oyster roawt. J. T. Bland was selected to provide the place. A. F. Emery and J. L. Goodwin to ffelect the oystera and W. R. Perclval and R. O. Skinner to arrange for th* balance of the program. The meet ing adjourned at 9:46. HALLOWE'EN PA MTV AT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE A most enjoyable Hallowe'en par ty was held laet night In the base ment of the Collegiate Institute at Washington Park. The large room wss Appropriately and handsomely decorated with antumn leaves and flowers. Various Hallowe'en games were played. A large numbfcr of visitor* were pr?rnt and helped I make the occasion a most enJoygbl? and merry one. WILL START NIGHT SCHOOL. Mrs. If. tf. OUee has announced that she will start a night school Monday night, at the corner of Fifth and Market stroete, for the boneflt or those boys and girl* who ire unable to attend school It the daytime. It Is expecte4 that a large number win Uke advantage of thle opportunity to m*ke up what tfcey hire lost In the way si tduogtion. be on nvnsHirs in NUN Mini's LEU II MNB HEIEIE Resident of Richland Township Fav ors the Bond Issue Plan for Building Better Roads. ALSO OTHER SECTIONS Oi< COUNTY i '?***" Writes Letter in \ 'JJlKtcs 1 hai Rem 'iniii* Tow n ships in the County Will Probably A so m.ike Arrangements for Better Highways. i Ldltor Dally News, ' Dear eir: I have been greatly interested, during the last few days, In reading In the Dally News accounts of the work that 1b being contemplated In Washington township towards Im proving the roade. I Intended being present at the meeting WedardTday night, but was unable to do so. The action taken at that meeting will mean a lot for Beaufort county. I am sure. I am a resident of Richland township and we have been doing considerable work on th* ! roads here, although we have not accomplished as much ae we might desire. Since we first heard of what Washington township was planning, there has been quite a good deal of talk in this section over road work and practically everyone has agreed that your people are going about* things in the right way. I have had occasion to visit various parte of the county during the last three days and have heard the same sentiment expressed In other sections. All this leads me to believe that everyone in Beaufort county le In ran TEAl DEFEJTED:31-0 Locals Mopped l"p in Yesterday's Football Game at. Fleming Park. Showed Considerably Bettrr Form. Washington IT'|rh F hod ! scores with Kim ju i. ?rn? y : I. afternoon by deft !lng he f - lum of that e'ty z\ F: -iiinj? Pa:k I to the tune 01 31-0. Th?* v la1." ore wer r completely outclassed by the locals and seldom threatened tho Washington goal. Carter made three touchdowns; Ricks, 1; Wboolton, 1, and Ricks kicked oce goal. Carter and Wh' el ton starred for the locals. Gain* were made with regularity through the line and around ends. McKe?l played a good gam" at renter and Wilkinson and Cole proved their right to hold down tbe Johs of tack lea. Klnaton wan frequently thrown for heavy losaen. Ktcka was put out of the game in the third quarter for a'.ugglng and Carter took full-back; Johnston, right-half and Hudn 11 left-half. Everett and Willis, at guard, also held their part of the line well. John ston, Ricks and Forbes playod an all-around good game, Forbes break ing up a forward pass wbich would very likely have rceultod in a touch down. The team showed up exceptionally well, oompared with their form dur ing the early part of the season. Thry expect to be in the running when the championship series ar rives. No game has M yet been de cided upon for Friday. RpecUl Commtmlcfctloti. A special communication of Orr Lodge No. 104. A. F ft A M , is hereby called for tomorrow (Sun day) afternoon at 1:30 to attend the funeral of #rb. C. * Jordan, who died In Washington, D. C., Thurt day. Visiting hrethre* Invited, | By order of W. ? '* p. M. WWTMU5, pmr. terested In good roads at the present time and that it wll* rot be long b foro the other townships follow the lead that Washington has taken. 1 hope that Richland township will be the drat. We farmers realize that something must be done about the roads and We f'el that no\v is the time to do It. The bond issue plan, according to my view, la the only practicable way in which we can secure better rouda. In this way. everyone Is made to b' ar his shore of the ex pense and the toll on each individ ual person amounts to practlc&My nothing. In the other townships o? the county, I do not believe that it will be necessary to voti as much bonds as you are voting in Washing on and this will make the cost to each Individual even less than in Wash ington township. Hoping that the election will re sult successfully In your township. I am. Yours truly, BETTER ROAD8. Aurora. Oct. 29. NEGRO GETS FIVE MONTHS Wa? Tried by Jury Yester<l/i> ' Having Too Much Liquor in His PoMnnwlon. R. I? Dawson, colored, was yes l rdty *?nMired to five Months on 'i ? ror: .!? 'f.r I'.ivinr in h!? ponr-'s : ??? . )i r : *h" Ian- al ? ? ' ] '"o ????- vM' nce ri -.t wh h Mir.ivd lie ?> ;. i - fre of r V. vis by jury, RAKKR SAYS. Our postcard p'crurpK *?<? are turn ing out for tbo l?*t few days, with our new s.-enery 'quipmpnt* and ao forth, nro c^r'aitily fl?ie picture* for the monoy. BAKER'S STUDIO. CLUB RATES AUK EXTENDED TO YOU npHjS is i plan onnMinc you to *? have your rloihrs pr< sse 1 it a cost so low >hat yo 11 ca>i well af fonl li> join our army of satisfied customers. Phone Ua- ? We'll K* plain WRIGHTS STFAM PRESSING WORKS TO-NIGHT "STRAWS IN THE WIND" A 8-Re*l FMtur* "TH? WRONO WOMAN" A 8-R??l Feature COMINO! ?N?^l of the N?vy' . Pr\f 5*10

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