JTERNOON, DECEMBER *3, 1915. DAILY nfS THAN ANT OTHKR frAPER IN TUB STATE. immm wm GOOD ROADS PROJECT & -? * James R. Puikhani Makes Affidavit. Answers Charges That Have Been Made Against Capt^Leach. It la a mu Pity mat * uumbaei of our cltl tan* la Waablngton tow*.' ship will permit tkemaelvrs to be duped, and blind ad to thalr on In terests, bjr the alraa mi ol. Irra sponslble politician!, wbo taaTa toot favor with tbo nubile, and IS * num ber of instances are unabls to make a llviog for tbamaalTea and thalr famlltee. and, therefore, hate noth lus to do tare to aland on the street corner* and preach their elclous economic doctrines to an Innocent and unsuspecting public. Below, wa *tv# an affldavlt of Jamea R Plnkbam. who la not event a realdent of Waablngton township, but, patriotic citizen that he 1*. de ?Iroua of aeelng Juatlce and fair play, In all questlona Involving the progrea* and development of the community In which he livaa, feeta called upon to give the actual facts In repudiation of the charges made by Irraaponalble peraons, purporting to be oppoaed to the Good Hoade j Issue, agalnet Innocent partlag, for j the purpose of making political cap- j ltal for themaelves. Thta affidavit was made out with? . out the .knowledge of Captain Ijeach s and la reproduced here for the pur-j pose of- answering ?ome of the ri- i dlculouc, Insinuating and degrade- 1 tlve assertions that have recently been bandied about by m?s who have deserted true facta and figures and seek to gain their end by sslty^ the- character and reputation of l? dividual" bo have done more l? one, - ? veer toe Ike wellasa ??. Ilia ana. , munlty tha? they themselves have done in all their existence. Affidavit of Jsaies R. PinUiam. Jamea B. Pinkham. being first duly sworn, deposes and says: Tbat! be Is not a resident and lu payer j of Washington Township, and baa no Interest whatever in th- outcome I of the election for Oood Roads lu ?aid 1-owushlp. except in ao far aa I ha la In. crested In the cause of good | toads, and being a citUrn of B ??> tort county, naturally dealres to aw *ood roads in at least some part of his native county: That he waa Secretary and Treaa. urer of the Road C.ommlsslonera of Washington, Long Acre and Choco wtnlty townahlps undri" the law pawed by Col. W. C. Rodman, in 1911, for the years 1?11. l?M. 1?18 and 19i?.' -dllflng which time Cap lain Geo. T. Leach was Road Com mlealoner for Waahlngton towoahlp. That It was Impoaalble dorlng tbla time for Captain tjeeoh or any one else draw any funds from the ( road tkxoa or any other moneys ap- j rropriat' d for the wording the roads of salt) townships under said law, yithout the signature of this alflant to a vouoher drawn for this purpose That this affiant Is reliably and authoritatively Informed tbat certain of those who oppoae, or pretend .o oppose the preeent bond laau- for . good feeds in Washington township, among which are numbered soon wbo made speeches sgslnst the measure at the court house on laat Saturday, ar? making the alatemaut that Captain l.earh drew during the lime he was Road Bupervlaor aa aformld. and tor th. time afore said, the sum of sis hundred dollars, or some other large amount, pef year for his e'rvlces as said Road Commissioner. ~ And knowing and rHlWnl tl**1 Raid .?l*tfli?ent? *re mad? without proper Information, and. wholly and absolutely contrary to the real facta la the cam. and apparently for the purpose o! crest la g prejudice against Captain Leach and the good roads la^ue tor Wubtngtfo township: And believing in the spirit of truth, Justice and fair pfey In all things. and parti culjLrly all ques tlona of government. and all meas ure* that make for tiu #rogress of a ooatnunUj. this affiant Joels it in cu?*64nt upon blip Jto make thla af fldairft. to-ibe* and tjCint. thla falsehood may W Corrected, and what may be a serious stumbling block. In tha way of a s.occewfttl iisue of tfi? coming good roads election, because of falsu hood and Irresponsible statements, removed. Captain Leach actually received In money and vouchers as follows, and this Is all he did receive during all the time he served aa Road Commis sioner ir Supervisor for Washington township: Dec. 18. 1911 ? $12.00. May 2. 1912 ? 110.00. Aug. 29. 1912 ? 9 4.00. Juna ?. 1912 ? *20.00. Aug. 80. 1912 ? $ 4.00 Sept. 24. 1914 ? 824.00. 974.00. It Is further a fact that Captain Leach at the time, theeo vouchers were tendered him, declined to ac ctpt a number of them, and after receiving tbrm. donated fifty dollars t? the working of the roads In Long ^cre township. It is further a fact 4 hat Captain Leach built at his ow? ' expebse, four lorf road drags, and donated these to the roads of Wash- 1 ington township. Captain I.each, therefor', actually returned to the toad fund or the three townsbipB. rnorf in money and implements than be received, to say nothing of the time he devoted to the cause. It Is the honest. Lrauk and impartial op. inlon of this affiant that Captain I.each actually lost money in t'me n :fd : availiH wHic li ? w?*> Road Su-j petvlsor. J. R. PINKHAM. -Sworn to and subscribed before me this 21st day of Doc. 1915. GEO. A. PAUL, C. S. C COLDEST DAY OF THE YEAR! Tt?ern*oju?t?r Krgtstercd 2d Karly | ? pTliit, Morqis/t. Ice is Plentiful op Hmall Ponds. Old Winter 1b here for keeps. This! morning provrd to be the coldest day | of the year and at 8:89 o'clock th mercury . was. silvering around lh.? 21-degree mark. * Ice covered all of Mta shallow pools of- Water in the vjtlnlty of the city and. a small fringe ofr it bord: red the . Pamlico. Weather reports indicate that thei cold spell will continue over Christ- 1 man. TI RKH CLAIM VICTORY IN * UALLIPOLl KVACl'ATIO.^ RerJIn. Dfc. 22 ? Constantinople claims s great Ttirklsh victory In tha withdrawal of the British troops from the Suvla Bay snd Ansae re> glons of Oalllpoll. The Turks are on the ogensive In the violent fight ing around Anafarta pnd Aribunl and the enemy is fleeing. Counter' at tasks on Seddul Hahr have been reposed \ ft re ,You Interested In a HOME? A,.p4i* ot the Home aid ing! and Loan Association will open on ?> January 8th, 1016. ' ; ISEE W. EL SWINDELL, Pres., or J. B. SPARROW, Secy. GATHERING UP THE VICTIMS OF WAR" . ?*' "J ? * U ?UeTrt tartSl" GOrm" dCld u? 00 ,h" "?Xjj' ?o6 placed OU . .a, on to b. carried u, it. TRIED TO ROB EXPRESS OFFICE Bold Attempt Occurred in (ireen ville Last Night. Pro vented from Carrying Out Intentions. (By Eastern Press) Greenville. Dec. 22. ? A bold a; tempt at robbing the Southern ex press company, located on Dleklnson avenue, occurred some time last night. The would-be robber cut the g'ass panel in the rear door with tho ? Intent. It la supposed, of unlocking the door from the inside. Fortu-j nateiy there wa? a pad lock aod a hasp on the door which prevented j him from carrying out his intentions. There were in Die office several hundred quarts of whiskey, and had the man succeeded in getting In. lie would have probably been able to punch his thirst. A larger number of packages are [ being stored up in the express office ' than .ever before at Christmas time.) which 1b probably due to the fact j that drink' rs of the corn juice can only secure a limited amount at the : time, consequently, a '.arger rturo- ? ber are lu the business of ordering, j HENRY FORD IS SICK ABED I'wre Part) Will Slay In Xorivii> ? I'litil He 11)11 Recovered. Si lit I. ment Ha* Changed. Clirls'.lama. L> c. 22 ? Henry Ford, it sick nbed. His illness is scrlou*. I and it is possible that the peace party will remain here till he re covers. Public opinion veered sharp y to- J day In favor of Ford. The n' wsj?a pers are praising, but still ridiculing his idea. Spies are thought, to have been sent here by the belligerent*. A Norwegian p ace delegation is certain to Join Ford's party. NEW THKATHK WILL OPEN AGAIN TONIGHT After being closed for two nights the New Theatre will open tonight with an exclusive picture progrnm They will ofTer a very high class 3 reel feature tonight. For tomorrow Mirht *nd tho balance of this week the "Harry Stewart Musical Comedy Co." will All the boards at this houa" giving a very hilgh class musical comedy each night. The perform laneee will run about two and one |**a1f hour?t. so that there will be but one performance each night, the curtain will rise at 8:30 sharp ach night, so every one should try j*nd be on hand promptly. BIG REDUCTION IN JEWELRY Owing to death In the family, which necessitated his store being closed, and also due to the fact that only two days are left in which to do Christmas shopping, J. 8. Campbell announcea today that he will offer his entire stock of Jewelry at a big discount. Those who have not yet purchased their Christmas gifts will And a big rarlsty from which to mske their selections st Mr. Csmpbell's store. Remember, everything bfct been reduced In prlee. A large stock of Christmas goods Is in the store and all of this must bs sold. (adv) ?Frank Johnson, of Wilson. Is In the city today attending to bu?!nssl matters. WHISKEY MAKING IS BROKEN UP Relieved rhat There Are Few If Any | % St ill ii Now Operating in Pitt County. (by Eastern Press) Greenville. Dec. $2. ? Stills ? in j other words ? manufacturing plants for whiskey, better Jtnown as booze. ' are b coming a scarce article In this county according to the local county officers who say that about a'.l tho ' t-'iils which were recently being op erated in this county have either been broken up or the owners have grown faint hearted 'and deserted their work. Early In the fall ao?less than Ave stills were taken by the Pin county officers, and at an av^xage of about one per we?k. Deputy sheriff Hymaa this morning stated taat so far as ( he knew at this tlra? that all the ?tir.it had been taken tftat were one1 in operation. "There may be a few Hcmterlng ones," he said, "but they are far apart and none o i thu county officers have gotten ,wlnd if their | whereabouts."?- *?' * It was expected last spring when | the quart law went into effect thai J Ulic.it distill* rles would spring up all j over he different countlra in the State and this was true, hut owing, to the never-ceasing effoits of the, re?pectiv- county ofTcers, these 11- " licit distilleries are a thing of the i pan. except in very isolated lorall ;<>* where It is almost impossible 1 lor the officers to r ach. Klnytun >!an Ha* Disappeared. ! Kin.-tor, Dt-r. 22. ? Th re is great j grief in the little house at 408 North : Heritage street, from which J. T. | Barnes, 40, the husband and fa'herl of a family of seven, disappeared ' Sunday morning. Barnes is a * c tlon l>n?s of the Norfolk Southern railrnsd. lie was last seen, so fnr as the fuuiily knows, about 2:30 o". clock Sunday afternoon. He was , then at a bridge over Neuse river a mile or two from the city. in com pany with two strange men. Mrs. Barnes dec aroB that her husband had $75 with him, and she fears 1 Ihere haw been foul play. FORM ANOTHER BUILDING-LOAN "Progrewaivo" Lb Name of Lntct>t Organization. Will Have Office* at First National ltauk. Another Bui'dlng and Loan Asso ciation Is to lie formed In Waahinc lon, making throe of theso organi zations jn the city. The Progressive j ?luihl jig and Lean As'orlatlcm w.:j be the name of tfc-"1 newest poc'^ty, which will have Its offices at the , First National Hank. The names of the charter mem-, bcrs are now being secured anil * j me ting will be held in a week or i t'?n days at which time the orcanl- . iat'.on will be definitely formed. WILL GIVE MONEY ? TO CHARITIES Amount Riiisod Ik Not Hiillleit-ut t ?? Curry on Work of "V'jni'lj' Fui'l." a?'nce yuhll.-li'ng inc 1! - 1 ">f tho-a who aui>sCi :.l; ?d to the **Emp y S.ocklLg Fund." on addirlo'.al co ? 1 ; out Ion el two do'.'.a:fl w s :n ? ' ? > : '..ngrcssman Sins 1. Tii? fund a? it s*.and* w present however, is not sulhcient wi-h which to undertake th- wor'; t'.a' .. m planned, li will bo tur ed o* - the .\esco!a:eit riia-i:; a tu i* tl;ey s:-e lit. TUuse v.-hj do;. a: u a:.d object ,o ;hi& mc:3 id. mi.y h;?v ?heir money refunded them TOBACCO K.ILKS AT WILSON I HAVE BROKEN ALL KECORDH WiUon. Dec. 22. ? Wilson is break ( fng al" records with leaf tobacco ; taJ s this soanon ? to date the tots'. ' sal^s are 31. 249.664 pounds ? an adviinre of 204.74 4 The Increase over th" sales to this date last s'-a >-on 1* 4,828.637. The tobacco mpti are happy. 'help is given I THOSE IN NEED All Four Cue* Hrpuc led in the J D?Jy ?w? Have B eo Taken ! Cure Of. j All oftae four cujvo of families | in nerd. which were reported Id Mooday'a and yesterday's issues of the Dally News, have been taken care of. Several telephone calls w?re received yesterday afternoon, shortly after the papers were deliv ered. asking for the name* of the p raor.h whose cases were reported. Other calls were received thia morn ing This goes to show that while there may be a number of families In tho city who are In need of h? lp. there sre a^a many persons who are wlll iug to give them aaslatance. We urge our readers, if they know of sny cases that are worthy and J ne d help, to let us know of them so . that they can be published and aid | ?? vrn. The following cane wnj reported ri i? morning: Com No. 5. An aged widow, with on* child. j who tlnds It exceedingly hard to make a living. Ca?e No. Parents In poor circumstances, t nrj.r fntnlly of children. Are sup pl'od with the necessities of life, i Toys and gifts suggested C ase No. 7. Man has been out of work for ? ?om time, but hu? recently aecurod |i.-l'lon. Ia In debt. Several small c'ltdi.n * '.to will be without * at.y ('.iriicioas joys. CHECK RECEIVED FOR INSURANCE | fjtick Work lu Setllhig Claim of Old Ford School Houac. New i Building Vrlll Coat A uhcck f'.r one thousand dollar^' v ab roc. lv?d by WiT.lam Bracaw A t ?>. t'.le mornlJE to :t>ver the lit of the GJ.I ford School l.oiti. . v fetch v.-as dob.roycd by fire ll li.i] o.Tr h w ?>#?]{ ag:-. Ii ; rx{er:ed that ihe n? w arho.)!' ?:1" I g v.. I roit In th* r.e'g- t?cr I .ol f fi I Apjm ilr a--jly ,2 'C it u rr.re. Work on :hc ni w building will begin aa soon u; p fible. rK.NY.TUR MVMONR HOME FOIl HOLIDAYS '. rriv?'?J from \Vu*hinm?n I??*t Night, (.lad to l?* Hark in New Item. J t Dy Eastern Preaa) New Bern. Dec. 22. ? Looking mure iiale and hearty than his friends have seen him Id many montha. S> n- ' ntor F. M. Simmons, chairman of | the F nance Committee of the United i .states Senate, arrived in New Bern | last night to spend the Christina* holiday* and is at pr sent the gueit of hi* daughter. Mra. Wade Meadow*. Allied today for an interview. H??'iator Simmon* declared that h iif.u WMjhlug.ou hs r In the week I HAYH DAK EH. l>on't for?r I your coupon tickets I you hold against our studio. Only ?two moro days and they will be no * pood. BAKER'S STUDIO I CANDY PRICES SMASHED 40c CUOCOLATE8 Mr 30c CHOCOLATES .v 20v ?Oo LATE ALMONDS BOc MAR8HMELLOWR . . . v 20c ll?; 2 for JUSe EYab1e that savin? becomes an easy matter. J You pay only a few cents a week for 50 we^ks und iLen n c^ive our check two < weeks before Christians fnr all \o.n sm jnirs, | iih 4 ,?ei cent ir*ene?t. Come to the'Baiifc any daj Wtw- e>i hoa* n ci l>* :t n;>o;.ll t, and votir s?vi^*s 1 #ac jo unt in our Holiday Fund. It istht one ?ur* wty i-> #\U' tbo j o k a^s ' with the1 things >ou want? the on? sure way to have the kind f Cmistn is ilia' mhkcs us \tviTv . ' tfe s* viyj^ & rn rsr coJ RUSSIANS Tfl MAKE ATM . - mm Til OOPS ARRIVE OX BULGARIAN COAST. VEMKL8 BOMBARD CITY OF VARNA. i BRITISH WITHDRAW Oallipoll FtodU Kfaru?l?d Wltli Casaaltlea. Bellrroa Th*t Aiwlro-Gfrnuuw WflJ Crm? thm Ltrr<*k. Kromlrr. London. Dec. 22. ? Russia has brought troop* by sea to the Bul garian s< a comi, according to a clr | cumstantial report from Athens to a ! London newg agency. Sixteen trans port* filled with soldiers arrived off I Varna under escort of a cruiser and | two destroyers, which he can a bom bardment of the city, tho despatch states. Unofficial accounts from Con stantinople of the British with drawal from the two Ca'.Ilpoll pen insula fron(? evacuated derlere the British had been driven to the sea by a Turkish general - offensive movement in whl^h heavy loscci were inflicted. British accounts of the Q all! pel I withdrawal reiterate thet it ?si vffHried with frw casualties. Serbian officials arriving In Re?'1, aays a despatch from tbst city, agree that the disaster to Serbia wan largely due to the failure to attack Bulgaria before the latter wns ready, owing to ioFlstTice by the allies that such a step be avoto ed. Everything Indicates that the Orcok frontier will be crossed by the Ausiro-German. Bulgarian and Turkish forces as soon an th?y are ready despite the protests of Greoce, a correspondent at Salonlkl d 'claret. The Tur*"i ar repined *o fcvv*? ei>*c, atraiou two d'.rMoai to tf'e border fu: y ov.3/7 THE F OS ' ) ICE . .. t ?- 5 J Til.*. ? a.j-1. <\i Jin The po^tofl'.ce ? sip],.>t4 ar? grail fkd at the eomuions^ns* ih*? lora. public is shoving In "mailing early.' The past three or four da>B have bfen busy ones at the office, which dt than not, o'h- r 1 ij*-> ? - : ;ve That return ad I'drusn must be there, aud It Is uap lesa to try to get a package through the window without It. IH lifiAKH INTRK.VCIIINO NEAR Mtl'KK BOHDI'lt Amsifrdam, Dec. 21. ? B?ilgnr'?n tr?>r>p* ,irp retrenching on the 8*?r n Gi*-ek front ier, anj lO.oOO or roof* Auatro German troop# are appromh. ?n* thr border.