10 Its , Advertisers and Friends the Daily News extends Sincere Wishes For a. = Happy and Joyful Christmas - ?~31 fTJ> T fj WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS V , THE DAILY NKW8 PRINTS MORE LOCAL NEWS THAN ANY OTHf.k kaPER IN THE STATE. VOLUME 1. WASHINGTON; N. C., FRIDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 24, 1015. NUMBER 146. HEWTM BOUT TOD WKTEBSlf isacnra TO CARRY FREIGHT CRAFT PART1CTL.1RLV ADAPT W> W? NAVIGATING 8RAL IX)W 8TKEAMH AND OANAL8. . Are 84f Propelled BaifM, Cm <mbl? of CarrjiBf M?jr Hundred Ton* of Fredgbt Md Not Drawing Over slx F*** (By W. O. Ha undent) Eastern North Carolinians should begin to take interest In a new type of freight boat that has grown up with the development of the larger inland waterways of this country. If Eastern North Carolina ever has ?cheap and highly efficient water transportation this new wrinkle in ?boat building will in all probability ?supply the want. I quite accidentally ran upon this new kind of boat In New York City and, quite accidentally too, I ihtnk 1 discovered that men in New York navigation circles already have their eyes on the inland waters of North Carolina and only need a little en courag< ment to^come down here and try oat our possibiltles. Our failure to make the most o( our present vast and natural Inland waterways has been due solely to our inability to get a type of boat a. dapted to these watera. Such "H boat ha? at last been built and is being used on the Miftsiaslppl river and the Great Lakes, and will be conspicuous on the Erie Canal when that big enterprise is completed early la i#i?. . " . . I The n> w boat is simply a light draught self-propelled barge, run by oil burning engines, using fuel piat costs .only 80 cents a harrel op the Pacific coast, carrying a minimum crew, making six knots an hour. One of these boats having 4 Ave foot draught will . rarry 15.00 tons of freight; the same boat on a smaller ?ca:e, taking only tjiree feef of wa ter, will carry 400 to 500 tons of freight. . - Th? new b*r;e may be said to be to the water transportation business' what the Ford la to the automobile . business. It will go where rothing' aise dares go. ita propeller* are | worked In funnela and do not stop j (or shoals or submarine vegetation. The boat is built to load and unload freight quickly and cheaply., and la! so constructed that lack of wharves! or terminal facilities Is of no partic ular concern. With a crane reaching out (0 feet from its decks, one of tliwe boats can pick up freight from the shores of the sound and rivers^ almost anywhere in Eastern North Carolina, where there are no piers or terminals. Chambers of Commerce and Boards of Trade all over Eastern North Carolina ahould Interest them selves in this new idea In water transportation. Eastern North Caro lina with all of Its wonderful water ways Is still the victim of high rail road tariffs and' will continue to be at the morcy of the railroads until some form of reliable and efficient water transportation Is employed. Again, it Is true, we besiege Con gress annually, through our repre sentatives, for appropriations for improving our waterways and har bors. And when the U. S. Army En gineers look Into our claims they find (hat we haven't enough business on our water* to entitle ua to serious conald i ration. To bring our river and harbor needs to the serious at tention of government, we must have something to justify the further Improvement of these rivers and hsrbors. ^Elizabeth City learned, or should have learned, this (esson a few yearf ago when the government pur chased the Albemarle nnd Chesa> peake Canal and left the Dlamal Swamp Canal out of Ita system of Introcoastal waterways; leaving Elizabeth City far off the line of the great Inland water route. Cdngreas .might yet be prevailed upon to ptfr. &aae and keep open the Dismal Swamp Canal, but Congress would >ave to see. jn&je business for ih?t oanal than now exlfets. And so I am throwing out this suggestion to the business men, not only of Elizabeth City, but of every other section in Eastern North Car olina, to find out more about thla new water freight carrier. Henry McPuffle, of Huntington. W. Va., la in the Qity on a viait to friends. "Mac" la a former resident of Waih'ngtbn and has many friends l\>r n who are g'ad to se him. ON XMAS MORN WHEN YOU AWAKE Take a Drink For the Stomach Sake Of Shivar. FarnvilJe Lithia or ARTESIAN WATER T You'll not be bothered with headache but If you im bibe with something stronger your head will ache that much longer. W. J. Rhodes, Jp. Are You Interested Iii a HOME? A new Seriea^of the Home Build ing and Loan Association will open on < January 8th, 1916. SEE W. E. SWINDELL, Pres., or J. B. SPARROW, Sec'y. ENOUGH FUND FOR EMPTY STOCKING BNOUGIl * CommlUM Went Oat Yesterday and CoUectod Kmmgh for Ch? Fund. I Enough funds have been secured ftfA vuv -Ehipiy Stocking Fund." The g*ntlem*n who had the collec .iens in chaige yesterday, raised over ?>u? hundred dollars. The amount .?a iced prior to this wag $45.75. .-'olIowijiR is a ilst of the donations bat were made yesterday: 8. H. William* $2, J. U Warren *1. H. D. Cowell $1, C F. Cowell $1. W. W. Mcllhennoy $1, Joe Mayo $1, i. R. Clary $1, C. E. Jordan. Jr. $1. 25. O. Harding 11, A. D. McLean SI. J. H. Calloway $1, Dr. J. G. Blount M. W. -B. Harding SI. Jefferson (furniture Co. $1. A. M. Dumav $1. John Mayo 91, L. H. Squires $1. Jam&B K. Clark Co. (1, C. M. Wil liams $1. Postal Tel. Co. SI, Wor hy A Etheridge $1. Hotel Louiao ;i, CharleB Wright $1. Walter Cre Jle $1. J. S. Campbell SI. Cherry furniture Co. SI. W. C. Rodman $1. H. Bryan SI. E. L. Stewart SI. J. H, Sterling I i. Dr. H. W, Carter >1^ George Hacknoy $1, John B. iparrow SI. E. L. Brooks SI, E. W. Ayera SI. H. A. Watson SI. Br. P. A. Nicholson SI. LhwIs ft Calais SI. lowers Bros. SI. W. C. MalliHon ft ion #1, Western Union Tel. Co. SI. F. J. Berry SI. Albert Willis .50. Clerks at Jackson-Robinson SI. 75. Canh .35, Hugh Paul .25, Ed. Hoyt 50. W. II. Call 50, R. 8. Neal .50, F. T. Phillips .50. F. H Rollins SI. Swindell & Fulford SI. James El lison .50. W. -C. Dud'ey .60, O Rtimloy .50. K. K. Willis. Jr.. .50. George Wright .25, W. M. Chauncey .26, Ci M. Brown, Jr. SI. F. A. Moss .50. B. G. Moss .50. C. A. Campbell .50. Ed. Matthews SI. J P. Cam-? .60, Isaac Buck SI. 8. P. Willis .50, George Baker .25, W. B. Singleton 25. T. H. Myera .60. Charles Harris 60. W. C. Miller .26, W. 0. Water* .26. Mtb. Lucie Myers .2S< J. G. Bragaw, Sr. .60, M. G. Waters THE CHRISTMAS CLUB PLAN * AT TrfE BANK OF WASHINGTON ?M e are foiir ctancs? A, B, C and X, and the corresponding weekly deports are 10c. ?JMc and SI. 00, making the depos ta in fifty weeks of $5.00, $12,50, $16.00 and $50 00. START your account no w If costs nothing to join and the Bant makes the first deposit to yotir credit -in Other words, it gives you one Week's deposit free in which- ( ever classyou xykh to join :i - ; ' Remcmber--f-'l rst Deposit Free Start saving now and you will have READY MONEY FOR YOUR N?X I CHRISTMAS. BANK OF WASHINGTON j 25, J. D. Ca'.als .BO, B. L. Susman j 50, Q. Rutniey .60, j H. A Phelps I 25. P. B. Lewis .25,; E. A. Daniels. 25. D. W. Bell, .25, J. H. Simmons 25. J. H. Hod? ? 25? John Oorham 15. H. B. Searlght .25, J. W. Dalle y *1. W. .T Hudnell .jjp, C. P. Bland 50. C. M. Little .SB.lA. J. Cox .50. D. W. ' Burton .25. w " H. Per'pf^a! *2, Lee Davenport II. Will Clark 50. R. A. G. Barnes SI. J. T. Bland 25, M. P. Keel, Jr. .25. Prank Mo (eel .25. M. P. McKeel .50. J. H. Crawford H. J. C. Bobbins $1. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Baker and ^hildrrn have ron% to Edonton to >pcnd Christmas with lier parents. TWO STILLS FOUND: 450 GALLONS SEIZED ^ Offcors j-' sterday located two! .-stirs in a tobacco barn, located In { tu open field on land .belonging to I the w;d:>\v of Shade Keys. The negro' operators ran before the olllcero got t!o>te enonch to 1 arn th*ir identity. Four hundred r.nd fifty gailons of jeer was found tu the barn. The police also nelzed lhr>-e su ! t i^es, all fi'.lert with liquor, at t'ie Norfolk Southern .station ? ilay. Th? owners were not four ' A MERRY XMAS Is n or ; complete with our delicious Crys tal lcc Cream served in brick form. One half gallon will serve twelve people. THY IX. Crystal Ice Company Phone 89. Washington, N. C. THE LITTLE STORE WITH THE BIG LINE OF EVERYTHING FOR SAKTA CLAVS Be sure andsee our fresh line of Can dies, Nuts, Grapes and Confectione rlea of all kind before placing your Christmas order. W. u. RHODES, ?JR. From The Savings Account to The Christmas Stocking How many stockings are you going to fill on Christmas morning ? In how many of them would you like to put bigger, better, prettier things ? Don't we alt wish every Christmas that we could give father a nicer house coat, or mother a finer dress, or tho dozen and one other members of the family, something a lot richer than our poclctt book allow ? To help all who have such worthy desires we have opened Our Holiday Savings Fund Which Starts December 27th This plan is soadmiiabln that saving becomes an easy matter. You pay only a few cents a week for 50 weeks and then rccei\e our check two weeks before Christmas, for all your savings, plus 4 per cent interest. Come to the Bank any day between now and December Slw, and start your savings ac:ount tn our Holiday Fund. It icthe one sure way to "till the stockings" with the things you want?the one sure way to have the kind of Cb'istmas that mikes us Merry. THE SAVINGS & TRUST' CO, SUPERIOR COURT WILL CONVENE JANUARY 3RD Number^ testing Cases on the Docket. Judge Clark to Preside Superior court will convene la Utaufort county on January 3rd. There are a number of Interesting ??=.*? on tlv docket. Judge Clarke, ii is siaied. will preside. Tbe com plete calendar is follows: MwmUy. January S. Hoard of Commissioners vs. G. K. Kicks. S. K. Fowl* vs. D. C. Warren. L. L). Everett vs. Manly M. Bespese it al. rhaa. Morton vs. Wa*ta. Lt. & Water Co. ?A*. B. Morion vs. Wash. I-t. ft Water Co. TuiMlny. January 4. Middle Canal Co. vs. 9. M Sparrow, illitdlc Canal Co. vs. W. H. Whitley Win Di.lchc(? ii Co va Belbaven I >r uk Co I jas Bailey & Son vs. Belbaven Drug Co. I lawyer Gtd. Co. vs. Belbaven Drug, Co. Wins. Martin & Gray vs. Belhaven Drug Co. ja?*. McCoy Kaech vs. X. D. Wallace ct al. j. h. Clark vs. H*nry Whlt*hur?t et al Wedne?day? January B. S. H. Whltford et als *?. Dixie Lbr. Co. Mmsb Lbr. Co. vs. E'.iu City Lbr Co. Sylvester Swindell vs. Bus* ft S*ars. J. B. Woolard vs. Buss ft Sears. Morris Hall v?. Hubs ft Sears, s H. Gay VS. J B. Tettarton. Win Swanuer vs. Geo. Howard Wm. Swanuer et ux vs Q^o. Howard D.xle Lbr. Co. vs. Gray Harris. C.hvicttct WUklMQB VB. Gray Harrl*. Tl? -radii}. January O W. T. Potter vs. H- D. Stllley. c.eKecl-Rlchardson Hdw. Co. vs. .athf.m & Williams. \lcK?el Richardson Hdw Co vs. (.rim ? * Credle ,ra S aiesbury vs. N. S. D. I 11 vs. J B. Sbepberd. 1 lda>. January 7. ?.ucy S iirvlB vs. swftlu. <outli-r:: ur. Co. vs. Jas. Black, i luternatic ?al Har .-eater Co. vs. SkU tletharpa. It. It. Fleming vs. Beading Lcgg Monday, January !<>? j Chauneey vs. Bawls. (Clyde Smith vs. N. S. A. Miller v?. N. S. P. H. Johnson vs. N. S. F. P. Latham vs. N. S. Tumday, January It. Whitley vs. S R. Fowl? ft Bon Leo Guthrie vs. Lee Danleln. V B Cherry v.. M. G. Singleton Addle S.' Swanner vs. S. B Fo* e. Wednemlay. January !*? Bath Grocery Co. vs. W- W. Duke. 1 Farrln Holland vs. E Oullford I Columbus Gaylord et al tb. Small et al. ,,r?nlo U.W ?. 8 W Win.ln.on ft Annie D.TI. v.. M.Jor Oothrl-. A C. Ormond. Adinr.. vb. J. C. Pippin ft Woolard ??? Oeo B N??" Bomp ft Co. F H tinl '.??? H C Sr-rrow e. ;.l Thursday. Januory IS. Joa?. T. Bennett " Banha Sarah R Jackaon v. Hardiann RnglPH Ja?. Rick. va. N. I. ????"? laiah Blahop va. C ox ft Bl'h?' ? Can " Barnet, va. Chaa Anhbell Sarah Meti Thompaon Sarah Bp- 11 v?. J. J. Hodge? et a!. Willie Jenkins v?. J. J. Hodges et al McCay Stubbs vs. W. M. 8. Water*. L. H. Padgett vs. N. S. Motion Docket. Helton vs. Latham. Hobt. Orer-ne va. S. T. Hooker. John R. Perry va W. A. Barry, uampbell vs. Wash. Lt. & Water Co. Campbell. Adinr., va. Wash. Lt. & Water Co. Car. Plat. Co. va. W. J. Moore. Sr. et ala. HodJ. "Leary et al vs. Dixie Lbr. Co. W. R Cratt vi. W. 11. Lllley. M O. Cratt vs. W D. Lllley. N. 11 Belby v?. W J. Harris. Jenningan va. Allen. Southern Dry Gooda & Notion vs. D. L sofsky. Jeptha Brir.n va. Leonard Pilley. E. L. Dawson vs. 3tarr Piano Co. All cases considered on Motion , Docket. MUSICAL COMEDY WELL RECEIVED Here for Throe Night* Engagement lb Otvui an<l Fnv from Bug ge*tJveue?a and Sniat. Harry Stewart's musical comedy company opened at the New Theatre ifl.i night for a thre^ night's engage ment. A fair-steed audience was present to witness the performance. Stewart is the principal feature of the show and his comedy and mak<*_ up wert excellent. Blliie Kay, "the little girl with the big voice," show ed that she al&o had a mighty sweet \oice. 11 r singing was well ap plauded. M 1KB Bernlce also made & bit with the audience, both in ac'. ir.g and apeparance. As a whole, the play Is well worth pa*.onage. It is clean and surpris es v free from the usual line of I ni; .?* stive remarks and smut. A I ne Jill will be put on for tonight. . il lOMOHILEB Ar.E LOADED WiTH GIFTS Severn! (arbwMl* of ("lirintmaa Pres ent*, Taken to Poor Children of the City. The directors' room In the First National Dank was us d this morn ing by the committee in charge of the distribution of gifts among the poor children of the city. Each child's presents were In a huge hag and these wpre placd in automobiles and delivered before dinner today FANCY FRI'IT. Why upend your money for Inferior fruit when you ran get fancy quality tor almost the same price. We carry nothing bu: fancy stock and the price is right. MITCHELL JOWDY, Next to Western Union. '2 2.1 2tr EVERY WEEK At a ropular tim* w? will rail for your clothe*, clean, pre ??? and repair theno and get thern back to you when promised The coat to you will be alight service the kind you will ?*" . ?i W RIGHT'S STFAM PRESSING WORKS phone aal

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