WHAT CHILDREN NEED NOW. In eplte of tbe~heai care mother? ean give them this weather brlrr slckness to mm?7 children. r Sal reliable family medicines at- la da. every on? aa we know from ear experience that ft Is a wonderful remedy for eou?ha, eokts, cronp and whooplop congb." It stopa the oougbe tha hang 60 and weaken after tha la grippe. Davenport -Pharmacy. . NOTICE OF SALE. Under sad by virtue of ? D*ed oi Assignment made by the JefTersor Furniture Company, a eorporatlai. to tha undersigned Trustee, dated January 4th, 1916, and of record m Beaufort County Records, the un derslgned Trustee, will oa Monday February 14 th, 19 19. at the' hftuY ol It M, at the stdrs ol the Jcffsrsoi Furniture Company, a corporation oa Ma'u Street In the City of Wash lagtou, N. C , offer at public sale, f r tha highest bidder for easb, the fol lowing property: All af that stoek of furniture. etov*ar march and lea, . torture*. sup plies. and all stock of said corpora tion located in said store building, and also all stock of said corpora tloa located In the warehouse ou*th< North side of Third street. Ip th< City of .Washington, N. C., togethei with all team, accessories, and Ox turea. together with all book se counts, notea. chose s In actlona tld title retaining contracts of the said corporation. The right Is reserved to fla a Brr bid, and to reject anf and all bid" mad', and to sell the stock in part snd Is hulk, snd to aocept thst W aggregating the most, whether It b In parcel or In bulk. will be repaired to deposit 10 per eent of bid pt Urn of sal*. In cash, or hid will he re Jected, and next highest bid accept, ad. Balance win be payable upon delivery of bill of sals Time of sale Monday. February 14th. at Twelve M. *t the alar* of the Jeffer4on Furniture Company, or Main Street. Washington. N. 0 . terma af sale cash. . Jl A This laausry Hat, 1919. NORWOOD t SIMMONS, IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE From Um Successful Piajr ? .'?? J* ky '?$ ROI COOPER MEGRUE Walter hack err tin. "lf? for me. Hello. Rodney roo*ve Men Bronaont" ? "Brouaon 7" repeated Mr. Martin. "He dJ dr uld Mary In the tale phone; "why. that'a a splendid offer. I hardly dared think Brown * Jamea would be so generooa.^ I icml can vtat ttoana Hat ta,T Rodoar, ??? tb?t u auto food. TvtMj p*r not - flft Mar In growi?*?mls*d her 10 par coat of what yoo earned. All the time that tho'a bees pretending a be would marry yoo she's hssn making one of yoo." I ? "Yoo owe bo $60000. Can I hate the chock, pteaae r* aald Mary quietly. "Yea," said the soap king, -If >no'U quit now? gat out of bar* foa good. I'm disappointed." "What's the difference T" asked Jdaty. "If I'd really lored him you'd bate objected to his marrying only a type writer." # "Objected! If you'd been on the lev el I'd hare been proud to hare yoti for my daughter," said the father, handing his check to Bod nay. "Hurrah, Mary I Ife all right aowf cried Rodney. "What la thls-a joker aald Martin "Certainty It la. -Yfttt put up a joke on Mafy and me. and I thought we'd put up one for you. Mary baa 'told me about that contract already.** -Too mean you're going to many -bar*" asked his father. "Certainly not." said Rodney. "Why aren't you going to marry herr demanded Martin. "Because we are married already -married yesterday." said Rodnsy proudly. "And we thought before wc told yoo of oar marriage we'd get bui percentage for a wedding present." Mr. Martin whistled. "By George, you boys were right! I am an old fool. Anyhow I'll win that bet from old John Clark." "Now for Mr. Branson." said Mary. "Yoo boys know Branson?" asked Mr. Martin. "Oh. year* eakl Mary. "We had s long talk with' him right In this room shout s proposition from Brown A Jamee." Mr. Brooson. who bad come in. turn ed to Bedney. "But* I thought I was dealing, with yoo"? "No, sir; with me. Now, what's your propoeltlou V" demanded the soap king "A quarter of a million cash Just fo< the trademark." said Broqeon. "A quarter of a million r* aald Mar ttn acornfully to the quailing Iironsoi. "Why. you ought to be ashamed 01 yourself to try to trim these poor boy> like thst" The excitement of potting through ar Important dent, tho winning of the be' from John Clark, the reclamation of Ma boy Rodney nnd finally Rodney' marriage with Mary Grayson. eom< thing he bad a'^ays wanted, e* hllarated him. us squared a way Ilk Ambrose I'eate. for all the world, an 1st Bronaon have a full blasts "You know that 13 Soap l? wort! half a million In Chicago alone T he shouted. "And you try to tak? advantage of these kids' Ignorance ^Why. It's ontrageous, but you can'i trim me. No. sli^-we wouldn't take u million. Do yon know that the Bingo cracker trademark la valued at six million, the Honey Bee *oap st te million and our trademark Is bettei than theirs? We're going to advertise all over the world? That's what ad ?ertlslng means ? the power of auggea tion? the psychology of print. All you have to do Is to ssy n thing often 1 enough end hard enough and 97 psr cent of the pnbllc'U fall.'' "Well, father." laughed Mary, hear ing thla ton cut of advertising talk from these erstwhile conservatiTs lips "Youfve got r^Uglon." Mr. Martin took out s large allk handkerchief and blew bis nose quite loudly. "Ill settle $100,000 on the first grand child." be eatd. "Just for luck." "Well, well." said Ambrose Poale. with a suspicious twinkle In his ey* "Believe me. K pay a to advertise." tiis aim. v* - v ? ?? RrflMtoT IMlllBKhMhl Woald Rt?p In ? Utntote Rhtptnent off I4qn?r Into Or/ T?rHtoi7 - ? /f- $>U. Washington. D. 0., Feb 8 flea ?tor 0heppard'a reaolntton (or a na ilonat prohibition amradm^nt war ? onslcWad for eeVOrat houre today ia executive aoaaloa of tbo Senate Judiciary Committee but no eonclu *!on was reached An amendment w M Introduced by 8enator Dllllng ham to prorld* that whlekey ahonld not ba ahlpped beyond tbe ronflnea o| any 8Uu which permit# Ita man ufacture. ftuch a propoeal would oily need rt . majority roto In <*nfr?aai an1 would not require approral of Uree Kourtba of tbe Suttee aa la the oaae Ith a conatimtiona; amendment IHORT ITEMS FROM Neighboring Cities. Court M Xflw Bml Xow Bct%-A tw? fMk'i urn ot Crirn co oat 7 Superior court tor th# trial of eivlt oun only eoavened In this car Monday morula* with Judge Harry W". Whedbee. of Qreen tiller' presiding. There are % largo number of cams on {he dockot U .Uls term of court and the entire term will doubtless bo consumed In their disposal. Much lntareet la being manlf- ated in Jadge Whedbee's visit to New Born on thifc ooeaalon pa account of the recent rumors that ho tfc to bo in the raeo for Congressman John H. Small'a seat in Congreaa and some dednite statement from him In re gard\o this matter is eagerly await ed. Sentenced to Four Months. WUoqo ? 8am Smith, a negro, was convicted of transporting whiskey lu the Mayor's court this morning and sentenced to four montha on the county roads. The defendant took an appeal to the Superior court and was bound over under a bond of 1150 in default of which he was admitted to the county Jail. Burned, PUyftng With Matches. , Green rllle ? Leonora Overton, 11-, j-oar-old daughter of R. E. and Mrs. Overton at Oreenviile, was severely burned on Friday vkiia playing with ??fh? Mra. Orvtoi wm baraM oa the hands while extinguishing the child's bluing clothing. The little oss will rworer. Mtmttrm ? Psrmsrs along IhetUsss fitsr sbove hsro*sfe watching thslr llTS slosh to hsep ths ml? 1i ost of US low grounds. with ths rlvsr rising fgst. The l*?foot etsgs Is expec'ed to be- rssshed In Johnston county. It Is posslhfto that ths strssm msj go over ths bsnh oa ths oppo site skis of ths river trots this city. Two 8tiHs Oeptired Greenville ? Two moonshine stills were csptured near Wlntervllle yee terdsy. One hondred gallons of mo lasses besr and two hnndrsd gallon ? of meal beer were destroyed with 1 | ths -Ty ' . J Too Mnch Liquor. Rocky Mount ? Meeers. T. J. and John Woodrng. two yon ng white men, were charged with having too1 much loquor in their possssslon. It being ihowu that ons owned four gsltona snd ths othsr two snd s hslf. There was little svldsncs thst they had It for othsr thsn to hsvs s "good tlms" snd the ruling of the court wss thst they should issve $10 ssch with the clerk. ^ time imrcs nun n hie ?ram New York, Feb. 8. ? Should Presl. dent Wilson today accept Mollle Fan Cher's Invitation to him to attend at her Brooklyn residence the celebra tion or her flftlatb year In bed, a hopeless cripple, the Chief Executive will tee a little olS woman In an old fashioned four-poster, a parrot on alther side, a canary at the window and an unobtrusive dog and cat somewhere about. The President has not Indicated whether he will Accept the Invitation. Fifty years ago today a little 10 year-old girl, was put to bed In a odm at ICO Gates avenue. Brook* yn. She still Is In the bed. 8h never has been out of it, not once In Jfty years, except on one occasion; and that occasion Mollle Pancher Laughs at, when she* takes the trou ble to oonsldor It at all. Mollle has three children; three One "boys." Loretta, the eldest, is 20 and s'.owly dying In the glum sl l' nee of a crabbed old afce. His plumage, once brilliantly green; and his eyee, onoe sparkling and sly, are as dull ap his conversation. Loretts s a sage soul. lie has ruled count less families of short-lived cats and logs to MOllle Fancher's entire sat .9 faction. Altogether Loretta has terved Mollje well as a erm for wenty years; and he loves her and she loves him; poor misnamed old nan that he Is. Joe, a mere stripling of 12 years, * cock o' the walk these days; and le ru'.es In high f<-?tber, with a gut ural chuckle and raucous clack that vine a smile frotn Mollle and a bale ul glare from his brother. Dickie loy.ls a mere infant; sort of adopted ?n probation, you know; but though imall and somewhat frowned upon i it first, be bas sung his wsjr Into the iearts of ICollle, Loretta and Joe In he eight years he has been at It And they don't have a bad time >f It at all, that quartet Tboy talk \bout everything, Mollle taking the e*d and choosing the subject, Joe cackling along empty.headedly, Lor etta grumbling and blinking, while rnodeat little Dickie Boy Juat pipe* up once In a while. The late St. Clair McElwar, lounder and editor of The Brooklyn Eagle was one of Mollle Fancher'* beat friend*. Moat of her ehlldhood friend*, like McElway, have died in the laat few years and Mollle say* sometimes now she "almost feela' like a forgotten old woman." "At first, right after the accident." bald Mollle Fancher today, "I want ed to die; bat I soon got over that. Many qneer things have been said and written about me, but nothing la true except that I am a crippled ?old woman who haa been In bed fifty years. One man here In Brooklyn ycara and years ago wrote a book about me telling that I was a clair voyant and a lot of other atuff. If I'm a clairvoyant or any of the queer things he said about me, I don't know It. About the moat wonderful thing about me (and It Isn't wonderju^j* all because anybody can prove it)"!* that my life haa proved that the human soul Is greater than the body." ^ Mollle Fancher Is an ardent suf fragist, reada a great deal, haa some very decided opinion* about the war "Hi* i are far from anything even re motely resembling neutrality; and is much alive and extraordinarily ac tive woman, considering that sh? hasn't been out of bed for half a hundred year*. Examiner Who Enoouraged Faking. Bank clerks tn England nowadays bav? to pit: atlffer teata than their predeoeaaora of a centnry ago.' A can didate for a clarkahlp at the Bank of England In 1818 recorda that the only teat aet him waa to flort op ?100 of all rer into ?1 stacka, and the kindly ex aminer whispered, "Never mind, my lad. ao long aa yon get 20 ahllllnga In the laat pound."? London Standard. Bnbeerlbe u> the Dally Newa. Hea)thy Old Age Brings Happiness Advancing rears Impair the action >f th ? vital organs. Old age should *ejhe period of greatest happiness, bat good health Is nsnssyy. Con uipatlon should aoC- be tolerated? t li oftea the direct cau#e or til health. r. r\ ' V \ ?' Headache, heleblng. blllousoesa. bloat, drowsiness after eetlag and other sytnptome of constipation can be readily reifired by (he use of a staple laxative compound. soM In' drug stores under the nsme or Dr Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin Mr. I. H Bristol. 1411 Oeddee A>o . Ann Ar bor. Mich., who le 81 years Md. says ?Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepefe is tho DANGER LURKS EVERYWHERE Accidents are sot respecters at penoo* ot pro fessions. A false step- carelessness of other* -smash-upt? in the house, at work,' on the street. Accident Insurance costs little. You should^ be protected. Wm. Bragaw & Company, ? " First Insurance Agents In Washington, N. C "Why Swear, Dear? Use 'Gets-It' for Corns!" th+ New Flu. Simple. Sure mm Fnte. Applied in a Few Seconds. "Why, John, I never kntw-pon to Me such language! I've told 70a several time? It'# no uu to try thoer bandages, salves, tapes, plasters. 7* W?eM**tI*seT?tirT?mp?r,.Iok?1 U Tm VMd * allll lio so. J. K. HOYT, - - President WM. B. HARDING, Sec. t. MO* WOOD JAM*, W. OOLB , MMbm New York OoMoa " ? J. LEON WOOD & CO. BANKERS AND BROKERS MoBkt, Bob 4s, Cotton, Or*l? u? prorloloM. t* PIn>? atmt. Cftrp*nt?r BolMUac. Norfolk. V?. Prtntt wires to Maw York Stock Esekuc*. CkM?o Bo?M TiM* ud otksr flnsnet&l Mm COMtWPOtnXMOB MIWCTmtT SOt-ICITBD. , V